WebSpeed Editor

The WebSpeed Editor allows you to edit the contents of a file. The WebSpeed Editor window contains the following interface elements:

Note: Some options are specific to the file type you are editing.

Menu Bar

This is the main menu of the WebSpeed Editor:

File Saves, or compiles the file, and closes the Editor window.
Edit Allows you to edit blocks of code.
Search Searches for and replaces code strings in the current buffer.
Section Submits, resets, deletes, renames or creates a new code section.
Compile Checks SpeedScript code for the current section.
Help Accesses this on-line help information.

File Menu

The File menu offers the following options:

Save Saves changes to the current file. If the file is untitled, displays the Save As frame so you can specify a file name.
Save As... Displays the Save As Frame and lets you save changes to a file you specify.
Compile Compiles the file. Prior to compiling, saves any changes to the file.
Close Window Closes the WebSpeed Editor window. Edits are not lost. (Select Bring Editor to Front in the File Menu to restore).

Edit Menu

The Edit menu offers the following options:

Undoes the most recent changes made to the current section since the beginning of the editing session or the last since the last Submit Section.
Cut Deletes selected code from the current buffer and copies it to the clipboard. (See note on system clipboard.)
Copy Copies the code selected to the WebSpeed clipboard.(See note on system clipboard.)
Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the editor at the insertion point. If code is already selected, replaces it with the contents of the clipboard. (See note on system clipboard.)
Format Selection Indents and un-indents the code selected in the editor. Adds and removes comment markers to the code selected in the editor.
Insert Utility Call... SpeedScript files only. Inserts a call to a method, function, or event in the WebSpeed control program (web-utilities -hdl)

Note on system clipboard:Cut, Copy, and Paste, when selected from the menu do not use the system clipboard. However the system clipboard is used if you use the system shortcut keystrokes (^X, ^C, and ^V). Using the system clipboard allows you to cut/copy and paste from the WebSpeed editor to other applications.

Search Menu

Use Search menu commands to search for and replace code strings in the current buffer. The Search Menu offers the following options:

Find Searches for a code string inside the current buffer.
Find Next Finds the next instance of the search string entered in the Find dialog box or the currently selected code string.
Finds the previous instance of the search string entered in the Find dialog box or the currently selected code string.
Replace Searches and replaces a code string.
Go To Line... Goes to a specified line number in the current section or file. Note: For single section files this is the line number in the file. For multi-section files, use the File Menu to View the file with line numbers.

Section Menu

The Section Menu offers the following options:

Submit Section Forces changes made in the Editor to be down loaded to the WebSpeed Transaction Agent. In most cases, the WebSpeed Editor automatically forces submit actions when appropriate. Some user actions that force a submit include, compiling, closing the window, and navigating to another section.
Reset Section Undoes all unsubmitted edits to the current code section.
New Section Creates a new code section
Delete Section Deletes the current code section.
Rename Section Renames the current code section.

Format Selection Submenu

The Format Selection submenu commands allow you to make formatting changes to code selected in the Code Section Editor.

Note: These options are duplicated as Tool Bar buttons.

Indent Indents the code selected in the editor. Note: The first line is not indented unless selected to the start of the line.
Un-indent Un-indents the code selected in the editor.
Comment Adds comment markers around the code selected in the editor.
Uncomment Removes the outer-most comment markers from the code selected in the editor.Note: Be sure to select through the comment characters /* and */.

Toolbar buttons

The Section Editor has the following Tool Bar buttons:

Section Selector For multi-section files, displays the current code section, and allows you to move to another section (using the drop down menu). For all other files, displays the file name.
New For WebSpeed-generated files (.w procedures) adds a new code section.
Find Finds a text string within the current section.
Adds comment markers around the code selected in the editor.Note: The first line is not indented unless selected to the start of the line.
Removes comment markers from the code selected in the editor.Note: Be sure to select through the comment characters /* and */.
Indents the code selected in the editor.
Un-indents the code selected in the editor.

Edit Area

Allows you to edit the file. For multi-section files, allows you to edit the current section.

How to Use Workshop
WebSpeed Glossary
WebSpeed Library