How to Use Web Tools

Select an item from the list below for instructions on using a Web Tool for a specific task. For information about building applications, see the on-line help available from the AppBuilder main menu or from AppBuilder dialog boxes.

WebSpeed Glossary
Web Tools Help

Viewing the ProPath Setting

The ProPath Web Tool lists all the directories and procedure libraries in your ProPath. The ProPath is an environment variable that contains a list of directories andprocedure libaries WebSpeed searches to find procedures.

Follow these steps to view your ProPath:

  1. Click the ProPath link in the left panel.
  2. The ProPath frame lists each directory andprocedure library in your ProPath. You can use this frame to search for and access a file or procedure.

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Viewing Agent Variables

Use the Agent Variables Web Tool to list your CGI environment variables, WebSpeed environment variables, WEB-CONTEXT attributes, and SESSION attributes.

Follow these steps to list agent variables:

  1. Click the Agent Variables link in the left panel.

    WebSpeed displays the Agent Variables frame.

  2. Select one or more buttons from the List Variables for a list. For example, to list CGI and WebSpeed environment variables, select CGI and WebSpeed.
  3. Select the List button.

    The list displays the information for the categories you selected.

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Viewing Database Schema

Use the Database Web Tool to view database tables, fields, and field attributes.

Follow these steps to view the schema of connected databases:

  1. Click the Databases link in the left panel.

    WebSpeed displays the Databases frame, which lists the connected databases at the top of the frame.

  2. Select a database name from the selection list.

    The list of tables for the database appears in the left column of the frame.

  3. Click a table.

    The fields and indexes for the table appear in the list below the table name.

  4. Click a field or an index listing.

    A list of field attributes and values appears in the middle of the frame.

    Note: If you have a non-PROGRESS database connected, both the database and the schema holder are displayed. Tables appear only for the non-PROGRESS database.The schema holder appears empty.

  5. You can select a table or field name and press CTRL+C to copy the name to the clipboard so you can then paste it - CTRL+V - into a script or procedure that you are writing in the Scripting Lab. This technique is useful when you are mapping database field names to HTML field names.

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Querying the Error Message Database

Use the Messages Web Tool to display more information about error messages you might encounter when running WebSpeed.

Note: Any compile error from the Scripting Lab Tool provides a link to the Error Message query tool.

Follow these steps to query the message database:

  1. Click the Messages link in the left panel.

    WebSpeed displays the Messages frame.

  2. Enter the message number in the text box, then click View Message.

    The frame displays any available information about the message and displays the Query Knowledge Database button.

  3. Select the Query Knowledge Database button to access error-specific information in the Progress/WebSpeed database.

    The Knowledge Database appears in the frame and shows any entry relevant to this message.

    Note: You must have a valid contract with Progress Software Corporation's Technical Support to access the Knowledge Database.
  4. Click the KnowledgeBase Solutions link.

  5. Select the Query-By-Error search method.

  6. Enter the error number and the error context.

  7. Choose the Get Entries button. A list of possible solutions appears.

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Running the WebSpeed Sample Applications

The WebSpeed sample applications demonstrate an intranet application, an internet application, and an extranet application. These applications run against the PROGRESS Sports2000 database.

Follow these steps to run the WebSpeed sample applications:

  1. Copy the Progress-install-path/dlc/sports2000/sports2000trgs directory to Progress-install-path/dlc/.
  2. Click the Sample Applications link at the top of the Web Tools Help home page.

For step-by-step instructions on how to build the intranet sample application, see the Getting Started with WebSpeed tutorial.

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