New File

The New File frame appears when you choose to create a new file. To create a new file choose a wizard, a WebSpeed template, or a program template.

Note: You can modify the list of templates and wizards shown in this frame by editing the file: src/web/template/template.dat.

The following provides an overview of the wizards and templates provided with your installation of WebSpeed.


WebSpeed wizards let you create Web objects without having to write any HTML or SpeedScript code. The wizards prompt you for the necessary information and automatically generate the required code.
Report Wizard
Detail Wizard

WebSpeed Templates:


Program Templates:

CGI Wrapper

Report Wizard

Creates a tabular view of the database field you specify. Optionally, you can add navigation buttons for displaying the first, previous, next, and last set of records. You can also include a text entry field that allows the user to enter search criteria.

Detail Wizard

Creates an updateable form to display a single database record, based on the selection criteria you specify. Optionally, you can add transaction control buttons to allow users to add, submit, reset, and cancel their updates.

Blank Template

Creates an HTML file that includes Embedded SpeedScript. The template provides HTML header information and the syntax for allowing you to embed WebSpeed application code.

Insert the Embedded SpeedScript code between the script tags. You can use the fields in the commented section (File, Description, Created) to document your file.

Report Template

Generates a formatted report on database tables. You can customize the reporting options in this template by changing Preprocessor definitions to match the data you you want to include in your report.

Main Template

Creates a Welcome page for your WebSpeed application that is similar to the Workshop's Welcome page. It provides links with which users can download a Netscape or Microsoft browser. It also provides server and date information.

Frameset Template

Displays HTML files in three frames (a banner and 2 columns). This template detects when a user's browser does not support frames and displays a message to that effect.

You replace the frame source URLs with the URLs of the HTML files that you want to display in the frames.

Table Template

Formats database results as an HTML table. This is not a self-standing HTML file. You must call it from a SpeedScript procedure that generates HTML.

Note: This template has no HTML header information. For example, do not open this file in an HTML authoring tool that automatically adds HTML header and body tags.

Procedure Template

Writes a SpeedScript procedure (.p). This template includes the basic syntax you need for creating a procedure. The template has areas for descriptive comments, variable definitions, and code blocks.

Note: This template should be used for SpeedScript files that update databases or perform utility functions that do not use SpeedScript extensions for reading from or writing to the Web.

Include Template

Writes a SpeedScript include file (.i). An include file is a reusable collection of SpeedScript that usually contains variable definitions and commonly used procedures and functions. This template includes the basic syntax you need for creating a Web object, that is, the Preprocessor names indicated by the ampersand. The template has areas for descriptive comments, variable definitions, and your code block.

CGI Wrapper Template

Modifies a SpeedScript procedure (.p) so that it can run as a Web object generating all the HTML for your Web page. This template includes the basic syntax you need for creating a state-aware Web application (the output-header procedure and the process-web-request procedure). The template has areas for descriptive comments, variable definitions, and code blocks.

How to Use Workshop
WebSpeed Glossary
WebSpeed Library