Map Fields

The Map Fields frame allows you to map HTML fields to database fields. For more information, see Mapping HTML Fields to a Database in How to Use Workshop.

This frame contains the following elements:

Submits the changes you made to the WebSpeed Field name or Field Source.
Resets all fields to the values when the frame was displayed, or since the last Submit.
Maps HTML fields (not already mapped or made user-defined) to corresponding fields in the connected databases, and updates the display accordingly. Starting with the HTML field name, Automap searches the databases in the order displayed in the Database View, and maps the first match it finds. If you specified a table for the field, WebSpeed searches the database for the table, then for the field within the table.

For more information, see
Mapping HTML Fields to a Database in How to Use Workshop
Database View
Opens the Database tool in a separate browser to view the list of tables and fields in the connected database. You can copy (CTRL+C) table and field names from the Database tool and paste (CTRL-V) the names into the Automap frame fill-in fields.
HTML Fields
Displays the HTML field name from the associated HTML file.
Displays the HTML field tag and type from the associated HTML file.
WebSpeed Field
Displays the SpeedScript field or variable name that corresponds to the HTML field.
Field Source
Choose one of the following options as the source for the field:
Specifies that WorkShop defines the field variables.
Specifies that the field is defined in a connected database.
Specifies that you define the location of the field variables.Use to associate fields to temp-table fields or database buffers.

How to Use Workshop
WebSpeed Glossary
WebSpeed Library