<% Dim objAgent Dim custErrHtmlPage custErrHtmlPage = "" On Error Resume Next If IsEmpty(Session("Agent")) Then Set objAgent = Server.CreateObject("WSASP.WSAgent") If Err Then strLog = "WSAgent CreateObject: ERROR " & Err.Number Else Set Session("Agent") = objAgent strLog = "WSAgent CreateObject: Successful
" strLog = strLog & "Version: " & objAgent.Version End If Session("Create") = strLog Else Set objAgent = Session("Agent") End If Select Case Request("Level") Case "1" strLog = objAgent.VerifyConfig("1") Session("Level1") = strLog Case "2" If Request("Service") = "(Default)" Then objAgent.ServiceName = "" Else objAgent.ServiceName = Request("Service") End If strLog = objAgent.VerifyConfig("2") Session("Level2") = strLog Case "3" If Request("Service") = "(Default)" Then objAgent.ServiceName = "" Else objAgent.ServiceName = Request("Service") End If objAgent.RunScript "/Ping" Session("Level3") = objAgent.Output End Select If Request.QueryString = "ProcessErrMsgs" Then objAgent.ProcessErrorMessages custErrHtmlPage = objAgent.Output End If %> WebSpeed Active Server Messenger Configuration Page

WebSpeed Configuration and Verification Page

<% 'See if we have security on this page If Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") = "" Then %> <% End If %>

Security Alert!

You currently have no security set on this Active Server Page. This will allow any user to come in and view your server configuration and modify any custom error pages you may have generated. It is strongly reccomended that set up access security to this page. You can do that by following these steps:
  1. Create a new directory under the server’s Document Root.
  2. Using INETMGR, create a new virtual directory for this directory. Be sure to give this directory Execute and Read permission.
  3. Using NT Explorer, modify the permissions for this directory to only include the users and groups who you want to access this application. Be sure to remove the Everyone and anonymous user account (IUSR_*) IIS created.
  4. Move the contents of <% wsaspPath= server.mappath(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")) aspPage = InstrRev(wsaspPath, "\") Response.Write Left(wsaspPath, aspPage) %> , including subdirectories, to your new directorty.
  5. Using INETMGR, make sure that Basic and/or NT Challenger/Response password authentication is enabled. WARNING! If you do not use Interenet Explore as your browser, you must allow Basic authentication to be enabled. This will cause NT user accounts and passwords to be transmitted across the network as clear text.

WebSpeed Client Information

  <% Set bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType") %> User Account: <%= Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")%>
Authorization Type: <%=Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE")%>
Remote Hostname: <%= Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")%>
Remote Address: <%= Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>
Browser Type: <%= bc.Browser %>
Browser Version: <%= bc.Version %>
<% a = CBool(bc.VBScript) If Err Then %>
You are using an outdated version of Browser.ini. You can obtain an updated version on the cyScape Web Site <% Else %> Frames: <%= CStr(CBool(bc.Frames)) %>
Tables: <%= CStr(CBool(bc.Tables)) %>
Cookies: <%= CStr(CBool(bc.cookies)) %>
Background Sounds: <%= CStr(CBool(bc.BackgroundSounds)) %>
VBScript: <%= CStr(CBool(bc.VBScript)) %>
JavaScript: <%= CStr(CBool(bc.Javascript)) %>
<% End If %>

WebSpeed Verification Tests

WSAgent Active Server Component <%Response.Write Session("Create") %>

Round trip test from the Browser to the WSASP Messenger. This test will retrieve configuration information from the Messenger regarding what WebSpeed Broker it would use for a full connection.

Round trip test from the Browser to a WebSpeed Broker using the WSASP Messenger. This test instructs the Messenger to make a connection to the Broker and report the results.

Round trip test from the Browser to a WebSpeed Agent using the WSASP Messenger. This test instructs the Messenger to make a connection to the Broker and an available Agent. The Agent reports back Agent information.

WebSpeed Custom Error Messages

<%If custErrHtmlPage <> "" Then%> <%=custErrHtmlPage%> <%Else%> <%=objAgent.CustomizeErrorMessages%> <%End If%>