
The Editor tool is a basic text editor. Only one file can be open at a time. You must save or discard any changes before you can open a new file.

The Editor consists of three frames: a header frame that displays the filename, a menu frame, and a text-entry area.

The Editor tool contains the following interface elements:

File Menu
Opens a blank text-entry area . If there are unsaved changes in the existing text-entry area, you are prompted to save, discard changes, or cancel the open.
Displays a dialog box where you can select an existing file for editing. If there are unsaved changes in the existing text-entry area, you are prompted to save, discard changes, or cancel the open.
Saves the changes made in the text-entry area. Prompts you to name the file if it is new.
Save As
Saves an open file with a different name.
Displays the browser's standard Print dialog box.
Stops the Editor and returns to the main WebTools page. If there are unsaved changes in the existing text-entry area, you are prompted to save, discard changes, or cancel the close. 

Search Menu
Goto Line
(Available on Internet Explorer only.) Positions cursor on the specified line in the text-entry area. Use the browser's search function to find text strings.
Line Numbers
(Available on Netscape Navigator only.) Displays separate browser window showing line numbers.

Compile Menu
Runs the file in a Web browser window. Prompts you to save changes before running the file. 
Check Syntax
Checks syntax and displays errors.
Create Rcode
Compiles the file and saves to a .r file. Prompts you to save changes before compiling the file.

Help Menu
Help Topics
Displays the WebTools Help window.
About Editor
Displays version and copyright information, plus operating system and memory information for the WebSpeed agent.

Pop-up Menu
When you right click in the text-entry area, a pop-up edit menu appears. The menu contains the following features: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All.

Keyboard Shortcuts


Select all text in the text-entry frame. (Internet Explorer only.)


Copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard.


Jump to the end of the file. (Internet Explorer only.)


Evoke the browser’s Find dialog box to find a string. (Netscape Navigator searches in the Web page but not in the text-entry frame.)


Jump to the beginning of the file. (Internet Explorer only.)


Print the Edit tool frames, which include the menu and title frames as well as the text-entry frame.

Page Down

Jump to the next text-area window.

Page Up

Jump to the previous text-area window.


Paste the contents of the Windows clipboard at the current cursor position.


Delete selected text and copy it to Windows clipboard.


Redo last typing operation. (Internet Explorer only.)


Undo last typing operation.

WebSpeed Glossary