>0062undefined20151016ame0018388 %gSYSTEM ERROR: bfblst -- Too many block levels. (1)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfblnd -- no ar active. (2)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfrej -- no task. (3)%g** Error %E: Unable to allocate more memory for records or variables. (4)%gbfxpnd -- Unable to allocate more memory for records or variables. (5)%r or enter ! if you do not want to check any more indexes. (6)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Illegal choice found in semantic stage. (7)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Database extent limit %d has been exceeded. (8)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfcrtmp -- unable to create template. (9)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfdel: rmdel failed. (10)** Constant FIND requires a primary index with at least one index-field (11)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfundo -- found rec. (12)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmget: bad record or unknown value. (13)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfundo -- DELKEY. (14)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfundo -- code. (15)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bffld: nxtfld: scan past last field. (16)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfundo: rmrep failed. (17)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid recid in index %d on file %d. Entry ignored. (18)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfundo: rmdel failed. (19)Unable to bind TLI address to stream. (20)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmput: bad record or unknown value. (21)** Character number %i of format %s is invalid. (22)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfdiscon: rmrep failed. (23)Messages from %s may not be displayed properly. (24)%LRemoved recid %j . (25)** Array subscript %d is out of range. (26)%L Block access statistics:%LAccessed blocks:%LReformatted dbkey %j (29)%LDisk reads:%LLoaded block dbkey %j from an ascii dump file (31)%s %d (32)%B** The FORCE option was given, database recovery will be skipped. (33)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized ix undo code %d. (35)%B** Database recovery complete. Rerun all active transactions. (36)%B** Your database was damaged. Dump its data and reload it. (37)%LDisk writes:%LBlock type: Master Index Record Free Idx-tbl%gSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to define too many indexes. (40)%L%s%Bbfx: Field too large for a data item. Try to increase -s. (42)%B** Cannot find or open file %s, errno = %i. (43)** Database has the wrong version number. (db: %d, pro: %i). (44)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmtoday: system date conversion error. (45)** Use INTEGER or INT64 function to compare integer index-field and decimal (46)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Illegal instruction. (47)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Bus error. (48)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Memory violation. (49)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Floating point exception. (50)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sizditm -- invalid type. (51)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmx -- bad data type. (52)%LForward Scan (53)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmu -- bad data type. (54)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmconv - maxdlen. (55)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmconv - illegal integer conversion. (56)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmconv - illegal decimal conversion. (57)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmconv - bad source type. (58)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Maximum key length exceeded. (59)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmsrt - invalid data type. (60)%LBackward scan (61)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmprnt - invalid data type. (62)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Input data too large, try to increase -s or/and -stsh. (63)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fminpt - invalid data type. (64)018389%gSYSTEM ERROR: copditm -- maxdlen, data item too large, try to increase -s%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmeval: bad data type for function %d. (66)%LBlock alignment max # %d shifts of %d size (67)%gSYSTEM ERROR: fmprnt -- maxdlen. (68)018390%gSYSTEM ERROR: Error in decimal expansion. Destination not large enough t** On DOS, the DOS statement must be used. (70)** The value input for %s is not valid. (71)** %s is ambiguous with %s.%s and %s.%s (72)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfcr called with no template. (73)** Value %s cannot be displayed using %s. (74)** Decimal point appeared more than once in numeric input. (75)** Invalid character in numeric input %c. (76)** Sign appeared more than once in numeric value. (77)** Value too large for integer. (78)** Year is out of range or 0. (79)** The month of a date must be from 1 to 12. (80)** Day in month is invalid. (81)** Starting position for SUBSTRING, OVERLAY, etc. must be 1 or greater. (82)** The length argument value must be greater or equal to -1. (83)** Decimal precision cannot be negative. (84)** Invalid date input. (85)** Insufficient space for float to decimal conversion. (86)** Input value: %s should be %s. (87)** No corresponding input field found for %s.%F. (88)** The second argument to MOD must be positive. %l is invalid. (89)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to reopen db file. (90)** No %s record is available. (91)** Array subscript is unknown value. (92)** Missing FOR, FIND or CREATE for table %s. (93)%LRebuilding free chain (94)** Invalid column number -- %d (95)018391WARNING: The PROMSGS file %s has version number %l but should have %i. Mess%gAttempt to read from a dump-format frame. (97)** Unable to open file: %s. Errno=%E. (98)** %s already has a conflicting use. (99)%LRebuilding RM chain (100)%LReformat bad blocks (101)%LDelete bad records (102)** Could not open file %s. (103)** Invalid characters were replaced with blanks. (104)%LReformatted %l bad blocks (105)%LDeleted %d bad records (106)%LRebuilt RM chain with %j blocks (107)** Frame %s uses rows %t to %t but max is %t. (108)** Frame %s uses columns %t to %t, but max is %t. (109)** %s.%F is mandatory, but has unknown (?) value. (110)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to extend the database. (111)%KEnter data or press %k to end.InsertProcedure complete. Press space bar to continue.Press space bar to continue.** Unexpected EOF or COLON in label for %s key. (116)** The protermcap file must contain :%s. (117)** Protermcap file contains :%s, but must also have :%s. (118)** The protermcap file must contain :al= and :dl= OR :sf= :sr= and :cs=. (119)** There is no terminal. (120)%s in use by %s on %s. Wait or press %k to stop. (121)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixgen called with recid of zero. (122)%L.bi file truncated. (123)%GSYSTEM ERROR: kyinit: numcomps+2 > pkditem->dpad. (124)%LRebuilt free chain with %l blocks (125)%LDelete bad index entries (126)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fillkey: error formatting existing key. (127)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sfxt: invalid schema trap code. (128)%BThe total length of the fields in an index exceeds max key size. (129)%GSYSTEM ERROR: kmdiscon - key changes pending. (130)%GSYSTEM ERROR: kmkinit -- idx not found. (131)** %s already exists with %s. (132)** Unmatched quote found in procedure. (133)** An open comment string (/*) was found, but no closing string. (134)** More than %i characters in a single statement--use -inp parm. (135)** More than %i items in a single statement. Use the -tok parameter. (136)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Record continuation not found, fragment recid %j. area %l (137)** %s record not on file. (138)** Index value matches more than one %s. (139)** Pipe to subprocess has been broken. (140)** Index value is too long. (141)** Unable to update %s Field. (142)** %s: Unable to evaluate field for assignment. (143)%gYour database version doesn't match the PROGRESS version. (144)%gYou have exceeded the maximum allowed demo database runs. (145)** Could not find terminal type %s in file %s. (146)%s** Numeric format %s provides for no digits. (148)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sctrapd - file of fld not found. (149)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sctrapd - can't find kcomp's key. (150)** File %C - Cannot apply dictionary changes to existing records. (151)** File %C--unable to create default index. (152)** File %C--unable to find _Index record. (153)** Date format %s is incomplete. (154)** File %C--unable to initialize Field %F. (155)%gRedirection or piping of stdin or stdout is allowed only with -b. (156)%LDeleted %l bad index entries (157)** Filename %s must not be longer than 32 characters. (158)** Prime-Index cannot be unknown. (159)Failed to open file system for raw I/O. (160)** File %C--must change Prime-Index before deleting primary Index. (161)** File %C--File primary Index's File-recid does not match File. (162)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Seek error %i, file %i, addr %j. (163)** Character format %s is incomplete. (164)%B** Attempt to write with no current output destination. (165)** BY phrase can only appear in a FOR statement or with PRESELECT. (166)The file (%s) for %s on the %s was not found. (167)** Cannot RETRY higher than the corresponding UNDO level (168)** Cannot UNDO or RETRY a DO block without an ON phrase. (169)** Label for NEXT must be on an iterating block. (170)** You cannot change a field's data type. (171)** FIND PREV is not allowed with BREAK blocks. (172)** EACH or FIRST keyword missing in non-unique FOR EACH or PRESELECT. (173)Streams bind gives wrong address -- port may be in use. (174)** LIKE and AS are mutually exclusive. (175)** DEFINE VARIABLE requires LIKE or AS phrase. (176)** Attempt to update system field of %s File. (177)** You cannot change a field's extent. (178)** Decimals must be a positive integer constant <= 10. (179)** Illegal update to existing %s. (180)** You cannot delete the %C file. (181)** File %C still has fields. (182)** File %C still has indexes. (183)** Attempt to delete a permanent field %F. (184)** Field %F is a component of an Index. (185)** Attempt to delete system index. (186)** Index still has index components. (187)018392Data type must be a valid type such as character, integer, decimal, logical** You cannot change a field's file. (189)** A field's format cannot be unknown. (190)%gIn processing %s file, found illegal digit %c in octal number. (191)%gUnable to open the PROTERMCAP file: %s. (192)** %s Could not understand line %d. (193)** %s Line %d --Invalid FOR, DO, REPEAT, or EDITING statement. (194)** %s Line %d -- THEN is missing from IF statement. (195)** %s Could not understand line %d. (196)** %s Line %d -- One or more extra END statements. (197)** %s Could not understand line %d. (198)** %s Line %d. Colon followed by white space terminates a statement. (199)** Unknown table name %s. (200)** Unknown Field or Variable name - %s. (201)The path (%s) for %s on the %s was not found. (202)** INSERT requires a valid tablename. (203)** No corresponding input field was found for %N. (204)** AT COLON or TO option must be followed by an INTEGER constant. (205)The file (%s) for %s on the %s is invalid on the current system. (206)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Too many transactions. (207) ** PROMPT field %N should be used with INPUT prefix or ASSIGNed. (208)** Cannot find NEXT LEAVE RETRY or UNDO label on appropriate block. (209)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to read block %J which does not exist. (210)** INPUT prefixed field cannot be used in this context. (211)Unique finds for workfiles are illegal. Use FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREV. (212)** FIND cannot be processed for a FOR EACH mode record. (213)%W** WARNING--TRANSACTION keyword given within actual transaction level. (214)** CREATE cannot be processed for an EACH mode record--%s. (215)** Only constant increments or decrements allowed in N to M by K. (216)** Duplicate name in DEFINE BUFFER, TEMP-TABLE or WORKFILE-%s. (217)** Duplicate variable, property, or event name--%s. (218)Could not locate find descriptor for %s (219)** FRAME must be followed by a frame name. Do not use keywords. (220)** No corresponding input variable was found for variable %s. (221)** Invalid datatype -- sample types are: char, integer, date, logical (222)** Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)** Unable to convert constant data. (224)The file (%s) for %s on the %s is too large for the widget. (225)A failure occurred while listening for a client connection request. (226)** Function requires %d arguments. (227)** Invalid MESSAGE-UPDATE option. (228)** Could not find Index %s in table %C. (229)** "%s of %s". Index fields of table 1 must be fields in table 2. (230)** Invalid reference to a frame outside its scope. (231)** Missing FOR, FIND or CREATE for a table with %s in current block. (232)** Insufficient access privilege for Field %N. (233)** Insufficient access privilege for table %s. (234)** Missing file specification after FOR keyword. (235)Illegal nested FOR EACH statements for %s (236)** Cannot understand WHILE phrase. (237)** Cannot understand field assignment. (238)%W** Warning: This title is too wide for the frame: %s. (239)** Missing table name in FIND statement. (240)** CREATE must be followed by a table name. (241)** DELETE must be followed by a table name. (242)** Illegal nested block statement reference to table %s. (243)** Reference to table %s conflicts with block statement reference. (244)Unable to accept client connection request. (245)** %s One or more END statements is missing. (246)** Unable to understand after -- "%s". (247)** Cannot understand expression involving OR operator. (248)** Cannot understand expression involving AND operator. (249)** Cannot process comparison in expression. (250)** Cannot understand expression with addition or subtraction operator. (251)** Cannot understand expression with multiply, divide, or mod operator. (252)** Right parenthesis missing after expression. (253)** Invalid statement. (254)ON must be followed by one of ERROR, ENDKEY, STOP, or QUIT, then UNDO. (255)** ON ERROR or ON ENDKEY require undo-phrase. (256)** The first character of %s must be alphabetic. (257)** An integer constant enclosed in parentheses must follow SPACE. (258)** Unable to understand WITH phrase. (259)** TO, FROM, or THROUGH keyword missing. (260)** On UNIX, the UNIX statement must be used. (261)** Invalid INPUT/OUTPUT option. (262)** The database %s is in use in single-user mode. (263)** RUN or COMPILE must be followed by filename or VALUE (expression). (264)** Keyword OFF or ON missing. (265)%BYour database version doesn't match the PROGRESS version. (266)** Unable to understand DEFINE statement. (267)** Syntax is: DEFINE BUFFER name FOR table. (268)018393** FORMAT must be followed by a quoted string. For example: "x(3)" or "->>9** LABEL must be followed by a quoted string. (270)You have exceeded the maximum allowed demo database runs. (271)** AS datatype or LIKE fieldname must follow DEFINE VARIABLE name. (272)** Syntax is: INSERT table | WITH options | . (273)** The character %c is not permitted in name %s. (274)** %F is mandatory, but has a value of ?. (275)** The database %s is in use in multi-user mode. (276)** Phrase or option conflicts with previous phrase or option. (277)** HEADER item must be an expression, SKIP phrase, or SPACE phrase. (278)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stkpush: stack overflow. Increase the -s parameter. (279)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stkditm: stack overflow. Increase -s parameter. (280)Cannot use -a parameter when database has ai extents (281)After-imaging and Two-phase commit must be disabled before AI truncation. (282)%g** stget: out of storage. (283)** ROW frame option must be followed by an integer expression. (284)** You cannot delete an index with components. (285)** Could not find Field of Index-Field. (286)The AI file is being truncated. (287)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tmend called, but no transaction active. (288)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tmrej called, but no transaction active. (289)%GSYSTEM ERROR: I/O error %i in %s, ret %i, file %n, addr %j. (290)%gInsufficient disk space or Write access denied. (291)Truncation complete. (292)** "%s" was not found. (293)** You do not have permission to access %s. (294)** Unable to access %s. (295)** Attempt to generate a file name which is too long. (296)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Illegal system call. (297)%BKILL signal received. (298)** The DATE argument must be one of: mdy, myd, dmy, dym, ymd, or ydm. (299)** You must supply a database name. Use "prodb" to create a new db. (300)** Could not recognize argument: %s. (301)** %s is not a directory. (302)%g** UNIX maximum file size exceeded. %s. (303)Could not extract logical dbname for db disconnect. (304)Database %s not connected in rnexms (TY_SQLCRV). (305)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to obtain PID. (306)%GSYSTEM ERROR: svdoctl(lkschma): too many unlock requests. (307)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid msg code %i sent to server. (308)%BThis message is obsolete and may be deleted. (309)%BThis message is obsolete and may be deleted. (310)Oracle sequence generators are not supported in this version DataServer (311)Only one CONVERT/NO-CONVERT phrase is allowed. (312)CONVERT must be followed by SOURCE codepage and/or TARGET codepage. (313)018394The %s option is only allowed in the WITH phrase for the BROWSE. It is not ** Cannot enable after-image, it is already enabled. (315)%g** Unable to open %s, error code %i. (316) ----------- Scatter ---------Table Records Count Average IndexYou cannot precompile SQL requests with this module. (319)** There is no server active for the database %s. (320)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Character Set name must follow -LANGUAGE options. (321)Database %s not connected in rnexms (TY_SQLDRP). (322)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized Character Set specified for -LANGUAGE (323)Windows error setting up to start Open Interface Driver %i. (324)Unable to execute CONNECT statement. (325)** Aggregates may only be generated within a block. (326)Cannot set browse's font in this version, It is a read-only attribute. (327)Error starting Open Interface Driver %i. (328)** The keyword %s may not be used as a name. (329)PRORPC startup failed. (330)%gSYSTEM ERROR: The %s.lk file is invalid. (331)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to make a too long file-name. (332)%LMulti-user session begin. (333)%L%s session end. (334)** The %s record has NO-LOCK status. DELETE not allowed. (335)%gToo few directory entries. Increase -D from %d. (336)%BSYSTEM ERROR: ** Unrecognized signal %i received. (337)Enter PROGRESS procedure. Press %k to run.Press %k to save file or %k to escape.Press %k to retrieve file or %k to escape.** There is no current %s record. Delete failed. (341)** Unable to use initial value "%s" for variable %s. (342)** Program variable decimals cannot be greater than 10. (343) ** WHERE phrase comes before BY ON ERROR/ENDKEY WHILE WITH NO-ERROR. (344)%LIndex rebuild utility started. (345)** Unable to open %s for raw I/O. Database damage may occur. (346)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkraddr: Cannot translate blocknum to raw disk address. (347)Could not recognize: -C %s. (348)** Invalid keyword found. Enclose it in quotes: %s. (349)** Unable to find the raw device containing %s. (350)** Normal I/O used instead. (351)%gSYSTEM ERROR: uttimr: Too many timer requests. (352)** Could not evaluate number of seconds in PAUSE. (353)%gUnable to open or create %s, error %d. (354)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Database block %j has incorrect recid: %j, area %l. (355)** Unable to execute %s. (356)%gSYSTEM ERROR: MAXSUBP: too many subprocesses. (357)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Too many subprocesses, cannot fork. Errno=%E. (358)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Too many files open. Cannot make a pipe. (359)%gStandard input and output are on different terminals. (360)018395** An array was specified in an expression, on the right-hand side of an as** Abbreviate only allowed on last Index-Field which must be character. (362)** COLUMN keyword must be followed by an integer expression. (363)018396 ** Unable to find ACCUM expr in an earlier DISPLAY or ACCUM statement--try** (TOTAL) and (AVERAGE) may follow integer or decimal fields only. (365)** Subscripts can be used only with arrays. (366)** Array subscript is less than 1 or greater than extent. (367)** Array subscripts must be integer. (368)** Left-hand side of assignment statement cannot be an array. (369)** Array fields cannot be Index-Fields. (370)Could not extract logical dbname for alias. (371)%gUnable to create a system semaphore %s, error %d. (372)Browse widget must be realized before this method is used. (373)** Unmatched curly braces ({}) found in procedure. (374)** You cannot add an Index-Field to an existing Index. (375)** Unsigned integer required in FOR-phrase in subscript. (376)Pausing %i second(s). Press space bar to continue.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to locate RUNDOS.EXE. (378)** OS escape command too long. (379)** For the RANDOM function, first argument must be less than second. (380)Open Interface Driver did not respond. (381)Invalid use of browse method %s. There are no selected rows. (382)** %s of %s conflicts with earlier assignment. (383)Internal error executing statement for browse method %s (384)Invalid row index specified for browse method %s (385)** You cannot delete an Index-Field unless you delete the Index. (386)** VALIDATE phrase syntax is "VALIDATE ( LOGICAL-EXPR , CHAR-EXPR )". (387)%sDatabase in use by %s on %s. Wait or press %k to stop. (388)Alias %s conflicts with a database name. (389)%s Conflict in extent, datatype or undo status for global %s. (390)%s Conflict in extent, datatype, or undo status for shared %s. (391)%s Shared variable %s has not yet been created. (392)** Unable to evaluate subscript for array element. (393)%g** PROTERMCAP entry for this terminal is larger than %d bytes. (394)warning - pcondb for db %s has lkctr %d (395)** %s record has NO-LOCK status, update to field not allowed. (396)** Unmatched square bracket, or missing expression in subscript. (397)** Parenthesized argument(s) missing after function (398)Missing table name after function. (399)** Unable to fit frame on output device. (400)No more records for select-next-row() (401)** PROMPT variable %s should be used with INPUT prefix or ASSIGNed. (402)No more records for select-prev-row() (403)** One or more missing keywords in DEFINE statement. (404)018397Item for SET, UPDATE, ENABLE or PROMPT cannot be an expression, widget-attr** Item must be expression, SPACE phrase, or SKIP phrase. (406)** Item must be field, constant, SPACE phrase, or SKIP phrase. (407)** Function requires one or two arguments. (408)** WIDTH keyword must be followed by an integer constant. (409)** OF phrase requires a filename (for example, OF ITEM). (410)** Cannot identify a field or expression after BY keyword. (411)** USING must be followed by one or more fieldnames separated by ANDs. (412)** UNDO can be followed only by NEXT, LEAVE, or RETRY. (413)** VALIDATE must be followed by a table name. (414)** Missing numerical constant or right parenthesis in SKIP phrase. (415)%sDictionary being changed by %s on %s. Wait or press %k (416)%s not recognized following -C %s. (417)** EXTENT must be followed by an integer constant. (418)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkfradd: block is already on chain %t. (419)%BToo few index cursors. Increase -c parameter. (420)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixgen called with no transaction. (421)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixdel with no transaction. (422)BROWSE specified in DISPLAY statement not found (423)%gSYSTEM ERROR: scmanb: Invalid FLDPOS %d encountered. (424)Table %s is in database %s and %s (425)Shutdown request received. (426)018398DISPLAY ... WITH BROWSE %s statement failed because there is no selected ro%gSYSTEM ERROR: Insufficient storage to allocate lock table. (428)Wrong number of arguments for function. (429)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkpurge: record not locked. (430)%BSYSTEM ERROR: lkrend: forgotten record lock, recid %j. (431)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkcncl: invalid call. (432)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkcncl: invalid downgrade. (433)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tmstrt: transaction already active. (434)%BSYSTEM ERROR: lkrels record %j not locked. (435)No -C option was supplied. (436)Disconnected from server because database name was incorrect. (437)%BClient attempting to access recid %j which is not part of file %d. (438)%B** Save file named core for analysis by Progress Software Corporation. (439)** Table reference %s used out of place. (440)** Field name %s matches over 100 field names. (441)** Field %s does not exist in table %C. (442)%gUnable to use your terminal. Check your PROTERMCAP file. (443)%g** Attempt to expand record beyond the maximum allowed size. (444)** %s record is locked. (445)** More than one index found for %s OF %s -- use WHERE,not OF. (446)Did not find op %d in transop. (447)** Your database name is longer than 11 characters. (448)** Only %d streams allowed in one program. (449)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot read field %d from record, not enough fields. (450)%L%s session begin for %s on %s. (451)%LLogin by %s on %s. (452)%LLogout by %s on %s. (453)** The maximum number of index components is %d. (454)Unable to read record buffer because it is empty. (455)Error in umBrowseGetNextRow (456)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find the superblock. (457)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkrgeti: Unable to find inode for %s. (458)%B** Any incomplete transactions are being backed out. (459)** The TERMCAP entry co# is less than 80. 80 is assumed. (460)** The TERMCAP entry li# is less than 6. 6 is assumed. (461)** A frame cannot have a width greater than 320. (462)"%s" is a directory (463)"%s" is a special file (464)Specified name too long: "%s". (465)Final component of specified name too long: "%s". (466)No PROGRESS program specified for RUN or COMPILE (467)Compile aborted. SAVE not specified and r-code file exists: %s. (468)Primary index required for this type of FIND. (469)Error: There's no room for row in umBrowseGetPrevRow (470)This version of PROGRESS does not allow compiles. (471)Incompatible number of columns in browse widget (472)R-code file not located for "%s". (473)The RUN, COMPILE and NEW statements cannot specify a directory name. (474)The RUN, COMPILE and NEW statements cannot specify a special file. (475)Extraneous arguments provided. Compilation discarded. (476)Unable to create r-code file "%s". (477)Unable to unlink object file "%s". (478)Invalid object file format for "%s"; r-code file expected. (479)umBrowseGetCellValue was not successful (480)Invalid version %d in r-code file "%s". (481)** Database is not consistent with %s--try recompiling. (482) Cannot set browse's width in this version. It is a read-only attribute. (483)** Attempt to modify schema during run-time or query session. (484)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sctrapf got positive sctend in run time or query. (485)** Attempt to update part of the frozen schema. (486)** EDITing blocks allowed only on SET, UPDATE and PROMPT statements. (487)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad file recid in field or key record. (488)** CONTROL keyword conflicts with FORMAT, TO, AT, SKIP or SPACE. (489)You may not compile programs that update the database in this version (490)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfsort.c: fatal error %d (491)** Unable to run startup procedure %s. (492)018399%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfposto: position timestamp - %l - doesn't match the list t** Compiler is not available in this version of PROGRESS. (494)** This version of PROGRESS requires a start up procedure. (495)** Include name too long. (496)** Illegal use of editing frame within EDITing block: SET PROMPT UP. (497)** In phrases like "I = N to M by K", the increment K must be a constant. (498)** Invalid access to change security for %C File. (499)** Invalid access to change security for %F Field. (500)** STREAM keyword must be followed by a stream name. (501)** SKIP must be followed by an integer expression in parentheses. (502)** SPACE must be followed by an integer expression in parentheses. (503)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid block size in AI file found %d, expected %l (504)018400%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid block size in AI extent header found %d, expected %%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to fstat file %s, errno = %i. (506)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkrgeti: unable to find CG block for %s (507)%BAI file cannot be used with this database. (508)** The last session was run with the no integrity (-i) parameter. (509)%g** Your database cannot be repaired. You must restore a backup copy. (510)Workfiles cannot be used in the CAN-FIND function. (511)%B** This session is being run with the no-integrity (-i) option. (512)%g** Attempt to read with no current source of input. (513)%L** An earlier -r session crashed, the database may be damaged. (514)%B** This session is running with the non-raw (-r) parameter. (515)%g** Attempt to write with no current output destination. (516)** The last session was run with the non-raw (-r) parameter. (517)** Your database may have been damaged. (518)%BSYSTEM ERROR: bkioWrite: I/O table not initialized, index %d. (519)%BSYSTEM ERROR: bkioWrite: Unknown I/O mode specified %d, file %s. (520)** You may not execute INPUT/OUTPUT THROUGH under MS DOS. (521)Unable to access current directory. (522)** Unable to execute RUNDOS.EXE. DOS error %i. (523)Press %k to search or %k to escape.%KCut/Paste mode: use %k to escape.%BSYSTEM ERROR: bkioRead: I/O table not initialized index %d. (526)%BSYSTEM ERROR: bkioRead: Unknown I/O mode specified %d, file %s. (527)The file %s exists. This indicates one of: (528) - The database is in use by another user. (529) - The last session terminated abnormally. (530)If you are CERTAIN the database is not in use by any user or server, (531)simply erase %s and try again. (532)%BSYSTEM ERROR: I/O table not initialized. (533)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid I/O mode specified requested %d. (534)Invalid CASE-SENSITIVE keyword for non-CHAR variable ignored. (535)** Decimal number is too large. (536)** There is not enough memory to execute DOS. (537)** There is not enough memory to allocate a sort buffer. (538)%BUnable to write extent header, ret = %d file = %s. (539)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Field descriptor length too large in HLC routine. (540)%BInvalid shutdown request from %s on %s. (541)%LServer shutdown started by %s on %s. (542)** No database connected. (543)%BSYSTEM ERROR: loadFileType: invalid file type %i (544)Unknown or ambiguous table %s. (545)Inappropriate character used in SQL statement (546)Shutdown request denied; you do not have the correct user ID. (547)%BSYSTEM ERROR: loadFileType: stget allocation failure (548)%GSYSTEM ERROR: utmqsnd: msgsnd error, errno = %d. (549)%GSYSTEM ERROR: utmqrcv: msgrcv error, return code = %d, errno %d. (550)%BSYSTEM ERROR: unable to %s semaphore set %s:%c, errno %d. (551)RECID function not supported for this table. (552)%GSYSTEM ERROR: utsemalt: %s:%c(%d) + %d, errno %d. (553)%BSYSTEM ERROR: keyget: unable to make ipc key for %s:%c. (554)SETUSERID requires two or three arguments. (555)** Unable to reclaim memory after DOS escape. (556)** File input too long: %s. (557)%BSYSTEM ERROR: setblock failed - nblocks is %d, errno is %i. (558)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixdel failed: index %d, recid %j. (559)Entry %l is outside the range of list %s. (560)%BSYSTEM ERROR: bkLoadFileTable: utmalloc allocation failure (561)%LHANGUP signal received. (562)** Nested PRESELECT or sort on same buffer illegal. (563)** Unable to evaluate expression for PUT statement. (564)** FIND FIRST/LAST failed for table %s. (565)%s Unable to find shared buffer for %s. (566)%s Shared stream %s not defined yet. (567)** There are no preselected records for buffer %s. (568)** Stream name exceeds %i characters. (569)** No fields found to use in input for table %s. (570)** LOCK may not be given in a CAN-FIND phrase. (571)%BCannot use -a parameter when database has ai extents (572)Wrong number of parameters for function. %d supplied, %d expected. (573)** BREAK keyword or BY phrase missing for aggregate expression. (574)** Unable to analyze dictionary validate expression for field %s. (575)BEGIN conflicts with END. (576)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkOpenFilesBuffered: Invalid file table (577)** @ phrase only allowed in a DISPLAY statement. (578)** Only WHEN and FORMAT allowed before @ phrase. (579)** WHEN phrase not allowed in FORM statement. (580)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkVerifyExtentHeader: Invalid file table (581)** Unique FIND not allowed within a PRESELECT on the same table. (582)** FIND not allowed on higher levels of multi-level PRESELECT. (583)** USE-INDEX cannot be used on a FIND within a PRESELECT on same table. (584)** LOCK keyword illegal on FIND within a PRESELECT for the same table. (585)** WHEN, @ and TOTAL are not allowed after @ phrase. (586)** Inappropriate use of ALL keyword. (587)BUFFERED conflicts with UNBUFFERED. (588)** NO-BOX and TITLE cannot be used together on the same frame. (589)** PAGE-TOP and PAGE-BOTTOM cannot be used for the same frame. (590)** AS or LIKE phrase not allowed with expressions. (591)** Only individual array elements allowed in @ phrase. (592)** Named stream %s must be defined before using. (593)With ROLL FORWARD, you must supply the -a parameter. (594)** STATUS DEFAULT cannot be OFF. (595)** %s is not a legal key. (596)%LAfter-imaging disabled by the roll-forward utility (597)%s is a copy of %s. Database cannot be opened. (598)** Could not find input field with appropriate subscript. (599)%K%KCheck the printer or press %k to STOP. (600)** %s is not a legal key action. (601)** %s Line %d. Labels only allowed on header statements. (602)%s is a copy of %s, which is active. (603)%BExtent %s has the wrong creation date. (604)%BProbable backup/restore error. (605)%BExtent %s has a different last opened date. (606)** PAGE-BOTTOM and PAGE-TOP require a one down frame. (607)%s is part of the multi-volume database %s. (608)%B** Unable to create %s, errno = %i (609)%LWarning: size of file %s not multiple of 16K. (610)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkread: missing bkflsx call (611)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Possible file truncation, %J too big for database. (612)%r%s is a void multi-volume database. (613)%BA previous prorest %s failed. (614)Insufficient storage for monitor table. (615)** You must use the -p option when running in batch mode. (616)** WHEN and @ field modifiers not allowed in NEXT-PROMPT. (617)Compiling...** Unable to fit ON-KEY %s into kblabel table (619)** The data field is too wide in a MESSAGE...UPDATE/SET statement. (620)** Unable to evaluate array index expression. (621)** Array index %d is not formatted in the frame. (622)** Attempt to read from output stream %s . (623)** Assignments not allowed in PROMPT-FOR statements. (624)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to read extent header errno = %d file = %s. (625)** Unrecognized key label %s. (626)** You cannot use %s for both %s and %s. (627)** Unexpected EOF in PROTERMCAP entry. (628)** Data string %s does not match format (629)** Character %c at position %d must be digit. (630)** Character %c at position %d must be a letter. (631)** Character %c at position %d must be a letter or a digit. (632)** Character %c at position %d must be %c. (633)** Cannot edit frame again from within editing block. (634)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ** Invalid function %d given to dosxmit. (635)** USING index field must be in the table being found. (636)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to write extent header errno = %d file = %s. (637)%GSYSTEM ERROR: findDbKey: called to search a leaf block (638)** COLOR DISPLAY must be followed by a character expression. (639)Unable to open listing %s. (640)%GSYSTEM ERROR: findDbKey: didn't find dbkey (641)Disconnected because of PROGRESS client/server version mismatch. (642)SYSTEM ERROR: rlaisingle() called without ai file name. (643)%BAfter-image block size set to %l kb (%l bytes). (644)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkwrite: bktbl dbk %j not equal to bkbuf dbk %j. (645)%BAfter-image file or extents not provided for truncation. (646)%gbkset: Extent %s is below size %J. (647)After this is complete, you should re-enable it. (648)%LLocks specified in -L parameter too big; adjust it from %l to %i. (649)%g** bkgetb: out of storage. (650)%gIndex reconstruction utility was aborted. Rerun it to completion. (651)%BBlocking factor must be greater than bi block size (652)%gInvalid use of the PROGRESS demo database. (653)Paged terminal streams cannot be mixed with non-paged. (654)** Attempt to write to input stream %s. (655)** Start or length of SUBSTRING/OVERLAY may not be larger than 32000. (656)** SUBSTRING/OVERLAY assignment too long -- increase -s parameter. (657)%gYour TERM variable is not set. Set it and try again. (658)If you desire continued after-image protection (659)%LBeginning roll forward of after-image file %s. (660)%LDatabase marked backed up (661)%LRoll forward completed. (662)WARNING: ROLL FORWARD disables after-imaging. (663)With -C AIMAGE BEGIN, you must supply -a ai-file-name. (664)With -C AIMAGE NEW, you must supply -a ai-file-name. (665)%LScanning after-image file %s. (666)SCAN cannot be used with BEGIN/END/BUFFERED/UNBUFFERED. (667)With -C AIMAGE BEGIN, you must specify BUFFERED or UNBUFFERED. (668)With -C AIMAGE CHANGE, you must specify BUFFERED or UNBUFFERED. (669)Missing option following -C AIMAGE. (670)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid parameters %d and %d for begwrap routine (671)%BBi block size is %d (672)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid AI note %l sized %d bytes, overflowed note buffer. (673)** Frame-value assignment attempted with no frame active. (674)** A frame-value assignment was attempted with no active frame value. (675)** Incompatible data types for frame-value assignment. (676)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected call to bfcrt() for workfile %s. (677)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfcrtmp called for workfile %s. (678)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bffnd called for workfile %s. (679)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfval called for workfile %s. (680)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfvar called for workfile %s. (681)%s Shared frame %s not created yet. (682)%s Shared frame layouts do not match for frame %s. (683)%gOut of memory in smoshf. (684)** Too many initial values for program variable %s. (685)** Workfiles require a LIKE clause and/or at least one field phrase. (686)018401** Shared buffers cannot be declared for nonshared worktables or temp-table** The NO-UNDO option cannot be used in the FIELD phrase of workfiles. (688)** Duplicate frame definition for %s. (689)%BBlocking factor must be greater than %i. (690)** SETUSERID/USERID functions require one connected db or db argument. (691)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error, database schema is wrong. (692)%g** Recursive level exceeds the available memory for system stack. (693)Status: None** %s is not a valid %s filename. (695)Logical database name is too long. Must be less than %d -- %s. (696)** Duplicate field name %s. (697)** The server you specified is not serving database %s %E. (698)** Not enough storage for login. (699)** Server rejected login. (700)** Not enough storage to build setuserid message. (701)%g** Not enough storage to send network messages. (702)** DISCONNECT requires a logical dbname (no path or .db suffix). (703)** There is no server active for database %s on -H %s -S %s. (704)** The -S parameter was ignored because -H was not supplied. (705)** Disconnected by the server, code %i. (706)%gSYSTEM ERROR: ** Field should be an array field but is not--bfvu. (707)%LUserid is now %s. (708)** -P and -U startup parameters require _User file records. (709)** Your Password and Userid %s do not match. (710)** You can only change your own password. (711)** You cannot change the Userid field in an existing User record. (712)** Unable to analyze Data Dictionary expression for table %s. (713)** COUNT-OF must reference the lowest BY expression. (714)** Word-wrap (TEXT) fields must be CHARACTER type. (715)** Word wrap (TEXT) field contains a non 'x' in its format %s (716)** You can choose only one field in CHOOSE ROW. (717)** Only program variables without subscripts allowed in KEYS phrase. (718)** Not enough storage to analyze dictionary expression. (719)** Unable to open keyword-forget file %s. (720)** Warning: Keyword-forget file %s has illegal word %s. (721)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected case in drutil switch %i (722)** The server has disconnected. (723)** You cannot run programs that access data in this PROGRESS version. (724)Unknown or ambiguous table %s. (725)This is the last time you can use this database. (726)Use the dictionary to dump any data you want to save. (727)%BYou may use PROGRESS on this database %d more time(s). (728)** Server has resynchronized %d. (729)** NETBIOS must be loaded and working before running PROGRESS. (730)** Client with name %s already using NETBIOS. (731)** Client name %s could not be added to NETBIOS. (732)** Server %s unavailable. (733)** Unable to contact server. (734)** Incomplete write when writing to the server. (735)** Error %s pipe, ret=%i, errno=%E. (736)Status: Unknown%BBlocking factor exceeds %i (738)%LLogout usernum %d, userid %s, on %s. (739)** User number %d not logged on. (740) Disconnecting user %d. (741)%LLogin usernum %d, userid %s, on %s. (742)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to kill parent process, errno= %E. (743)Forcing shutdown, reason %d. (744)Server with name %s already using NETBIOS. (745)Server name %s could not be added to NETBIOS. (746)Permanent error during listen. (747)018402The server or the system has no more resources. Please contact Progress TecPermanent error during send/receive %d. (749)%BCould not end after-imaging (750)%BUnable to allocate memory to read db master block (751)018403%BInvalid after image version number found in ai file header. Please verify%BThis is a version 0 Progress ai file. (753)%BThe ai file must be truncated. (754)%BSee documentation for aimage truncate (755)%BThis is not a Progress ai file (756)Message received with bad client pid. (757)Login refused; Invalid request. (758)%GSYSTEM ERROR: No blocks on free chain number %i. (759)%gSYSTEM ERROR: The master block contains an invalid bistate: %t. (760)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkwrite for .bi block with negative addr: %j (761)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkaddr called with negative blkaddr: %j (762)PRONCS startup failed. (763)%BInvalid ai block header length in block %j (764)%BSYSTEM ERROR: rlInit: Could not get memory for rl control (765)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected extent switch note (766)%BSYSTEM ERROR: rmbgnl: rmundotab already allocated (767)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmsetl: rmundotab not allocated (768)Clipboard Buffer area is full, output ignored. (769)%LSunlink API error: primary %i, secondary %i. (770)Sunlink Gateway Error on establish: check -H parameter. (771)Sunlink API error on establish: Maximum Gateways are connected. (772)Sunlink API error on establish: Maximum conversations allocated. (773)No space could be found to start node %s. (774)Out of user message buffer space -- shutting down. (775)Unable to find protocol "tcp" in /etc/protocols. (776)Unable to find server %s with protocol "tcp" in /etc/services. (777)Error %s socket, ret=%i, errno=%E. (778)If you supply the -H parameter, you must also supply -S. (779)Unable to find host %s in /etc/hosts. (780)Unable to create socket. errno=%E. (781)Socket number %i is too large; it cannot be greater than %i. (782)scdbget could not index _db-name. (783)SYSTEM ERROR: Bad return from select, errno=%d. (784)The port %d is already in use. (785)Unable to bind socket to port %d errno %E. (786)Unable to bind to AF_UNIX socket, errno %E. (787)Unable to create socket, errno=%E. (788)Created socket, number is %i. Cannot accept socket 0 or greater than %i. (789)Unable to listen on socket %i, errno %E. (790)Conversion failed. (791)Message received with bad usernum. (792)Select returned -1 , errno=%E. (793)Usernum %t terminated abnormally. (794)Error reading socket=%i ret=%i errno=%E. (795)Error writing msg, socket=%i errno=%E usernum=%t disconnected. (796)Partial write, socket=%i msglen=%i ret=%i user %t disconnected. (797)%s Unable to find shared workfile %s. (798)CALL is reserved for the High-Level Call Interface (799)** The server terminated with exit code %i. (800)** The server terminated due to signal %i. (801)** The server was unable to fork, ret=%i errno=%E (802)Did you intend to say RUN %s? (803)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Missing master block in ixunkill. (804)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected IDXBLK received. (805)%GSYSTEM ERROR: IX_KILL or IX_UNKILL received during ixkill or ixunkill. (806)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected note code: %t received. (807)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixdel failed in ixundo of RL_IXGEN, ret=%d. (808)REPOSITION TO ROW invalid after INDEXED-REPOSITION, query %s. (809)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixgen failed in ixundo of RL_IXDEL, ret=%d. (810)Syntax error trying to read conversion table data from %s. (811)018404Read %d lines from the conversion table for code page %r%s to code page %s.Invalid entry type %s read from %s. (813)Syntax error trying to read entry type from %s. (814)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error in undo of record delete (815)Invalid fetch orientation %d supplied to ESQL/C Interface. (816)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmdoins 2: pbk->free went negative dbkey %j, area %l (817)Fetch Orientation requires record number argument. (818)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error in undo of record delete (819)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error in undo of record delete (820)Reading schema cache for database %s from file %s. (821)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmdoins 1: pbk->free went negative dbkey %j, area %l (822)The file %s is not a valid local cache file. (823)%s Shared workfile %s has conflicting field declarations. (824)CRC error in -cache %s. The file has been corrupted. (825)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmmak: lklock returned RQSTREJ. (826)%g** rlaixtn: Insufficient disk space to extend the after-image file. (827)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlaidel: read past BOF of the after-image file. (828)** The file %s is not the correct after-image file. (829)%g** Cannot enable after-image, it is already enabled. (830)%B** The database was last changed %s. (831)%B** The after-image file expected %s. (832)%B** Those dates don't match, so you have the wrong copy of one of them. (833)%B** Cannot do AIMAGE/2PHASE BEGIN. You must backup the database first. (834)%g** Cannot disable after-imaging, it isn't enabled. (835)%g** Cannot do AIMAGE NEW, after-imaging is not enabled. (836)%B** Cannot do AIMAGE/2PHASE NEW, you must backup the database first. (837)%g** Cannot do AIMAGE CHANGE, after-imaging is not enabled. (838)"Error %i returned from fdgetstamp processing -cache file: %s. (839)018405The time stamp in the database does not match the time stamp in the -cache Unable to get sufficient memory for -cache %s. (841)SYSTEM ERROR: Error %i encountered processing -cache %s. (842)SYSTEM ERROR: SEGLEN error processing -cache file. (843)Error while reading -cache file. ret=%i errno=%i. (844)%LAfter-image enabled %s. (845)%BAfter-image disabled. (846)%LAfter-image file %s number %l started. (847)%LAfter-image changed to %s. (848)%BThe last session was terminated abnormally. (849)%B** The database backup you just made may not be valid. (850)%B** You should run TRUNCATE BI utility before backing up your database (851)%B** The last session was abnormally terminated. (852)%g** The clock has gone backwards. (853)%g** Insufficient disk space to extend the before-image file. (854)Unknown database name %s. (855)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlclins has invalid arg clstaddr==nextaddr = %j. (856)scbuild: bad dbdes causes discon of pcondb %s (857)Attempting to connect database with NULL or illegal name (858)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmemchk rlpbkout: note=%l rlctl=%l. (859)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmemchk mb_lasttask: note=%l mstrblk=%l. (860)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmemchk mb_aictr: note=%l mstrblk=%l. (861)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmemchk aiwrtloc: note=%J rlctl=%J. (862)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmemchk live tx count: note=%d ptran=%d. (863)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmemchk: transaction table mismatch. (864)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlrdprv: There are no more notes to be read. (865)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbird called with invalid address=%j. (866)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlrdprv missing part of a note. (867)%GSYSTEM ERROR: prevbiblk (rlrw.c) bad prev rlcounter. (868)%s Database %s has type %s (869)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rdbifwd: bad rlcounter when reading forward. (870)Error %i returned from fdLoadCache while processing -cache file. (871)Cursor was not declared with the SCROLL option. (872)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Physical redo, BKUPDCTR=%l, note updctr=%l. (873)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Two clusters in the .bi file have the same rlcounter. (874)You must supply the -a ai-file-name parameter. (875)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Infinite loop in the .bi file. (876)%BInvalid BI file, before-image file is zero length. (877)** You provided the -a parameter, but after-image is not enabled. (878)Parameter %d is for output. Must be a field or program variable. (879)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad counter in the .bi file. (880)%GSYSTEM ERROR: The before-image file has the wrong cluster size. (881)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find all orphan clusters. (882)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to read memory note in roll forward (883)%s none written. (884)%d transactions processed. (885)%B** The database was last used %s. (886)%B** The before-image file expected %s. (887)%B** Those dates don't match, so you have the wrong copy of one of them. (888)%s: Attempt to update database with no active transaction. (889)** Shared frame %s field %s must first appear in a FORM statement. (890)Syntax error trying to read case table data from %s. (891)On VMS, only the VMS command may be used. (892)%GSYSTEM ERROR: strent request for more than 32K. (893)Syntax error trying to read collation table data from %s. (894)Read %d lines from %s table for code page %s from file %s. (895)Read %d lines from %s table for code page %s and language %s from file %s. (896)Syntax error trying to read end of entry marker from %s. (897)Invalid end of entry marker %s read from %s. Expected %s. (898)018406%s is a multi-byte code page. The lead byte and trail byte tables must be dSyntax error trying to read %s table data from %s. (900)Character %d in the %s table for code page %s is not a 1 or a 0. (901)Generating zero lead byte and trail byte tables for code page %s. (902)Syntax error trying to read %s for code page %s from %s (903)Record validation error in file %s while closing cursor. (904)%L%sValidate statements are illegal with workfiles. (906)Use of the OF phrase is illegal with workfiles. (907)It is illegal to change the size of a shared frame field. (908)On BTOS, only the BTOS command may be used. (909)PROGRESS decimal value too large for RMS integer field. (910)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Out of storage. (911)Code page attribute table for %s was not found in %s. (912)Unable to read code page attribute table for %s from %s. (913)Sybase SQL Server/dblib Error: Severity=%d, %s (914)%BLock table overflow, increase -L on server (915)But connection to type %s was requested. (916)Multi-user session begin with server %s. (917)Context Manager is required to execute BTOS/CTOS statement. Error %d. (918)Error %d trying to run Executive or Run file. (919)Cannot delete file: %s. Error number %d. (920)BTOS OS-RENAME requires an old filename and a new filename. (921)Cannot rename %s to %s. Error number %d. (922)%gParameter on line %d of the form is invalid or missing. (923)%gMore than one database name was entered. %s and %s (924)SQL Server error: severity=%d, %s, procedure=%s, line=%d (925)Sybase dblib error: severity=%d, %s os error=%d, %s (926)Cannot allocate exchange, error %d. (927)Multiple servers cannot use the same request codes. (928)Cannot serve request %d, error %d. (929)Error %d starting server. (930)%LInvalid PROGRESS user number %d, BTOS/CTOS user number %d. (931)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Both a message and a response waiting. (932)%gSYSTEM ERROR: ** Error %d waiting for messages. (933)%gSYSTEM ERROR: ** Error %d sending response to a request (934)%BSYSTEM ERROR: BTOS: Failed sending 0 length message to a client. (935)%LBTOS user %d connected to server. PROGRESS user number %d. (936)%LInvalid request received, request code %d. (937)%LCannot %s message, reason %s. (938)SYSTEM ERROR: Error %d while %s a message. (939)You must supply a database name. (940)Function %s called at an illegal time (941)** Unable to connect to server. BTOS error code %d. (942)%gRMS block I/O failure. File %d status(decimal) %l (943)You cannot execute INPUT/OUTPUT THROUGH on VMS. (944)** %s Line %d. Invalid SQL statement. (945)** %s is not the owner of %s. (946)** Cannot specify NOT NULL for an added column. (947)** Column %s is referenced in view %s and cannot be dropped. (948)** Cannot define a join on a grouped view. (949)** View column count does not match base column count. (950)** No expressions permitted without view column list. (951)** Cannot have an ORDER BY clause in a view definition. (952)** Cannot have a WHERE clause or a GROUP BY clause on a grouped view. (953)Database %s was changed since %s was compiled. (954)** Invalid SQL identifier %s. (955)Sybase dblib initialization error (956)** Blank userid is invalid. (957)** Invalid WHERE clause specification. (958)** Cannot DROP system indexes. (959)** Table %s is referenced in view %s, and cannot be DROPped. (960)Sybase error: %s (961)** Table %s does not exist or cannot be accessed. (962)** Count of columns to be inserted does not match SELECT list. (963)** Ambiguous reference to %s in %s and %s. (964)** Column %s not found in table %s. (965)** Table %s missing in FROM clause. (966)** Column %s not found. (967)** Invalid syntax. Keyword BY must be preceded by ORDER or GROUP. (968)** %d is invalid in this ORDER BY expression. (969)** %s is not a SQL-managed table or view. (970)** Cannot have more than one column in a subquery SELECT list. (971)** Cannot have aggregated and non aggregated columns without GROUP BY. (972)** No update access to schema tables through SQL DML. (973)** Invalid query against grouped view. (974)** View %s is not updatable. (975)018407The server for this database does not support SAVE CACHE or the -cache paraInvalid argument to function %s (977)** Insufficient access privilege for table %s. (978)** Insufficient access privilege for column %s. (979)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ** Insufficient memory to do terminal = %s. (980)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not set TERM environment variable to %s. (981)Invalid string or buffer length in function %s (982)Conflicting alias %s must be deleted before connecting database. (983)Error attempting to push run time parameters onto the stack. (984)Connection in use (985)Type mismatch in parameter list. (986)Connection not open (987)Procedure could not build input runtime parameters from the stack. (988)Invalid transaction state in function % (989)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to clear semaphore in utsemadd(), error %d. (990)%gSYSTEM ERROR: ** %s: out of storage. (991)Too many characters in %s PROTERMCAP entry. (992)Too many characters on right hand-side of %s. (993)CHOOSE cannot be used without a prior DISPLAY. (994)Index %s is inactive and cannot be referenced. (995)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Schema cache key, xref, or key field count incorrect. (996)Primary index %s must be active to make the requested changes. (997)System schema index %s in %s cannot be inactive. (998)Use Index Rebuild to reactivate indexes. (999)%BInvalid AI note sized %l bytes, overflowed note buffer. (1000)Schema change complete, restarting session. (1001)Incorrect or unsupported option %d in function %s (1002)018408Cycle in procedure calls detected in '%s' while executing ASSIGN trigger foProcedure %s passed no parameters to %s, which expected some. (1004)Procedure %s passed parameters to %s, which didn't expect any. (1005)%s Database %s not connected. (1006)%GSYSTEM ERROR: unexpected wakeup from wait code %i, user %i (1007)%s non-PROGRESS database %s unknown. (1008)DISCONNECT: Database %s is unopen or unknown. (1009)** Cardinality violation: query returned more than one row. (1010)** SQL table %s can be modified only through SQL DDL statements. (1011)** Warning -- database %s is already connected. (1012)** Insufficient privileges to create view. (1013)** SELECT INTO cannot supply GROUP BY/HAVING clauses. (1014)Database %s was disconnected. (1015)Unknown name, possibly physical name when should be logical %s. (1016)Only 100 fields can have the same name. (1017)Database physical names %s and %s do not match. No connect. (1018)A server for %s is already active. (1019)Could not extract _Db-type. (1020)** Database %s not connected. (1021)** Ignoring invalid CASE-SENSITIVE keyword for non-character column. (1022)%GSYSTEM ERROR: invalid wait code %i (1023)You must have your database backed up before running the conversion. (1024)** Table or view name %s is in databases %s and %s (1025)Have you done this (y/n) ?** Column %s not in any table in current scope. (1027)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Rollforward Apply AI note, BKUPDCTR=%l, note updctr=%l. (1028)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Note leading and trailing counts don't match %l %l (1029)Invalid transaction operation code (1030)** Invalid language table %d requested. ENGLISH will be used. (1031)** You cannot execute an SQL CREATE statement on a non-PROGRESS database. (1032)018409** This version of Progress cannot make schema changes to a Version 5 or Ve%LLooping for debugging, user # %d. (1034)Invalid cursor state (1035)Operation cancelled (1036)%GSYSTEM ERROR: proundo called picb=%p plbi=%p pnote=%p len=%i (1037)Case table for code page %s and case name %s was not found in %s. (1038)018410Unable to read up and down case tables for code page %s and case name %s fr%gSYSTEM ERROR: Not enough database buffers (-B). (1040)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bklok: inconsistent pointers, ptbl %p oldbktbl %p (1041)Conversion canceled. (1042)018411Collation table for code page %s and collation name %s was not found in %s.018412Unable to read collation tables for code page %s and collation name %s fromUnrecognised Sybase datatype %d (1045)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Roll forward of file %s did not complete normally (1046)RMS character value too large. (1047)%BSYSTEM ERROR: End of last note read is at file offset %l (1048)%BSYSTEM ERROR: write to %s failed, errno = %i (1049)RMS bit position not between 0 and 7. (1050)018413%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkrlsbuf: cannot release buffer lock, use count %l is inval%BSYSTEM ERROR: Read of %s failed, errno = %i (1052)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lklocky: LKNOWAIT for non-record lock (1053)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %i crc errors within recovery group - recovery impossible (1054)Server's received count %l does not equal client(%l)'s send count %l. (1055)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error writing backup header (1056)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error reading backup header (1057)SYSTEM ERROR: CRC failure on backup header block (1058)%s is not a Progress backup volume (1059)Can't restore previous version backups with v7 restore (1060)018414%BSYSTEM ERROR: Memory allocation failure getting memory for the aux buffer%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixfil called during resyncing (1062)%GSYSTEM ERROR: failed to lock index (1063)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixgen: record is not already locked (1064)Server's name %s already exists on the network. (1065)%GSYSTEM ERROR: unexpected RQSTQUED in ixundo (1066)%GSYSTEM ERROR: wrong dbkey (1067)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmmak called during resyncing (1068)%s record was deleted since you have read it (1069)018415%BSYSTEM ERROR: Could not allocate enough memory for backup device buffer o%s record was changed since you have read it (1071)SETUSERID of database %s requires that database to be connected. (1072)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stgetbk: requested length greater than the shm segment (1073)%BWrote a total of %J backup blocks using %J bytes of media.%BSemaphore id %d was removed (1075)** %s Line %d. ELSE with no matching THEN found in the same block. (1076)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to free buffer type %d. (1077)TCP must be loaded and working before running multi-user PROGRESS. (1078)You must provide the -S and the -H startup parameters to run multi-user. (1079)Unable to open file %s to read server process name and port. (1080)%LToo many users requested semaphore undo, increase SEMMNU. (1081)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unspecified semaphore error (1082)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Number of private slots in segment table exhausted (1083)018416%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid blocksize requested for %s, attempting to use defau%BSYSTEM ERROR: Can't allocate enough memory for %i byte redundancy block (1085)This version of PROGRESS compiles only encrypted programs. (1086)Unable to open cross-reference (XREF) file %s. (1087)%LWarning: Batch job started with TERM undefined. (1088)** Privileges can't be revoked from the owner. (1089)** You are not authorized to perform this privilege change. (1090)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad pointer passed to free() (1091)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Memory allocation of less than 32K failed. (1092)%LWarning: only %i wait semaphores are available. (1093)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Segment Control not initialized (1094)Could not increase file descriptor table by %i. %i added. (1095)Attempt to update an integer of size %d. (1096)%BRecovered backup block %l (1097)Running program %s with unknown file reference, %s. (1098)** You cannot change existing _Db-type, _Db-slave, _Db-local fields. (1099)Conversion beginning, please await success confirmation... (1100)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: invalid parameter, size=%d. (1101)Already logged into the Embedded SQL Interface. Attempt ignored. (1102)%BNext block in sequence should be %J but got %l instead. (1103)Unable to recover previous block in error (1104)** EXPORT cannot be used with output to the screen. (1105)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmmak failed, retcode=%D (1106)Conversion cancelled. You have a version 8 %d database. (1107)The value given with -Mr must be between %i and %i. (1108)The value given with -Mm must be between %i and %i. (1109)sqlfetch() handles only FETCH cursor requests. (1110)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkfilc during resyncing (1111)%BConversion completed, database is now in version 7 format. (1112)Unable to determine file system block size for %s. (1113)setrmode: Couldn't open %s for synchronous I/O. (1114)%BOpen failed. Database unusable due to partial conversion. (1115)%gSYSTEM ERROR: bksetsf: Can't open %s for synchronous i/o (1116)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bksavfd: More than 30 file descriptors needed for DB. (1117)%gSYSTEM ERROR: bksetmv: Can't open %s for synchronous i/o %E (1118)%GSYSTEM ERROR: wrong BI blk, read %j from %j in area %l (1119)%GSYSTEM ERROR: wrong BI blk, write %j into %j in area %l (1120)bktrunc: Could not open %s for synchronous I/O. Error %d. (1121)RMS bit string occupies more than 5 bytes. (1122)Cannot bind new columns after executing sqlnxtrow(). (1123)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Wrong dbkey in block. Found %j, should be %j in area %l. (1124)Overflow: characteristic of length %d too large for COBOL %d. (1125)Update of long-raw (field # %d) is not supported. (1126)%BFix RECID %j, %s already exists with %s. (1127)Indicator variables must be either decimal or integer. (1128)018417%B** stget: out of storage; the current -hs value is %d. Try a larger numbeLess than minimum number of semaphores available (1130)Semaphore limit exceeded (1131)%BInvalid semaphore id (1132)%BSemaphore operation permission denied. (1133)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Shared memory segment key %i does not exist (1134)Invalid size of shared memory segment (1135)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Shared memory access permission denied (1136)Maximum number of shared-memory identifiers exceeded. (1137)No more available shared-memory. (1138)** Compile and run time user IDs do not match. (1139)** Duplicate table name. (1140)%BThe maximum number of index cursors allowed is %l. (1141)** COUNT-OF requires a preselect sort. Try COUNT instead. (1142)** The NULL option can only be used in the PUT CONTROL statement. (1143)** Batch-mode PROGRESS requires a startup procedure. (1144)Cannot execute INPUT/OUTPUT THROUGH on BTOS. (1145)You must supply the -S startup parameter to run PROGRESS multi-user. (1146)%BCRC check error reading backup block %J (1147)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ncadb.c: recresp: insufficient storage for msg buffer (1148)018418%GSYSTEM ERROR: ncsbuf/nssbuf rmallocdll out of memory for message buffers Server has -Mm parm %d and client has %d. They must match. (1150)RMS field length smaller than number of decimals in RMS field. (1151)018419%LSYSTEM ERROR: read wrong dbkey at offset %l in file %s %r found %j, expeBROKER detects death of server %i. (1153)No servers are available. Try again later. (1154)BROKER could not execute %s. (1155)BROKER could not fork a server process. (1156)Broker could not spawn a server. (1157)You must pass a code page name to this utility. (1158)Server cannot find a free port for a TCP socket. (1159)Accept failed from listen socket %d errno=%E. (1160)Message received with invalid session user number %d. (1161)Error writing message, errno=%E usernum=%t disconnected. (1162)Partial write, usrnum=%t disconnected. (1163)%GSYSTEM ERROR: No available nssusrs. (1164)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsaloop: received illegal message code %d. (1165)Server disconnecting user %d. (1166)** The length argument type must be integer. (1167)The database must contain a code page name. (1168)You must pass a code page name to this utility. (1169)The database code page is "undefined". (1170)Modifying the database code page name only. (1171)Shared-memory segment already exist for %s. (1172)Invalid address to attach the shared memory segment (1173)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid shared memory segment identifier (1174)Maximum number of shared-memory segments per process exceeded. (1175)%BThe data space of the process is not enough for the shm segment (1176)The file %s does not exist (1177)%BThe shared memory is version %i; expected %i (1178)%BThe shared memory does not have the correct MAGIC number (1179)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unspecified shared memory error errno=%E (1180)%Binvalid wait semaphore number (1181)018420** The data type argument value must be "raw" or "character" or "fixed" or Cannot pass arrays as run-time parameters. (1183)Unable to extract field at offset %d in RMS file %s. (1184)%gOut of free shared memory. Use -Mxs to increase. (1185)** The data type argument value must be "raw", "character" or "column". (1186)The -hs %d value is too large. Parameter ignored. (1187)Reduce -n, shared memory segment is too small. (1188)%GSYSTEM ERROR: svwaitt, user already waiting (1189)** You cannot change _Db-recid unless the file is new. (1190)** _Db-recid must be the recid of an existing database record. (1191)%GSYSTEM ERROR: BROKKILL STUB CALLED. (1192)%GSYSTEM ERROR: NOSHMALLOC CALLED. (1193)018421Unable to check whether broker is alive. Check whether _progres is rwsrwxr-%BNo available wait semaphore. (1195)No data conversion will take place. (1196)You cannot define parameters in the top-level procedure. (1197)Error storing code page name in the database. (1198)LISTING and XCODE cannot be used together in the COMPILE statement. (1199)Invalid column number (1200)PROGRESS requires the SYSLCK privilege to execute. (1201)PROGRESS requires the SYSGBL privilege to execute. (1202)PROGRESS requires the DETACH privilege to execute. (1203)PROGRESS requires the SYSNAM privilege to execute. (1204)** Redeclaration of cursor name %s not allowed. (1205)** Count of INTO variables does not match SELECT list. (1206)** Cursor %s is not updatable. (1207)** Table %s does not match table %s in the cursor declaration. (1208)** Cursor %s is not declared. (1209)** Cursor %s is not open. (1210)** CHECK OPTION is the only valid WITH clause for CREATE VIEW. (1211)** CHECK OPTION not permitted on non-updatable view. (1212)%GSYSTEM ERROR: transaction still active during fddlg. (1213)Unsupported or incorrect destination data type %d (1214)Data truncated (1215)** CHECK OPTION is valid only in CREATE VIEW statements. (1216)** Duplicate name: %s. (1217)Unsupported or incorrect datatype %d for input parameter %d (1218)Unsupported or incorrect SQL type %d for input parameter %d (1219)Invalid parameter number (1220)** You cannot link _File records to a non-local PROGRESS database. (1221)Invalid scale value %d on parameter %d (1222)** You cannot change the index number in an existing record. (1223)** _Db-slave can be true only for non-PROGRESS database records. (1224)server = %d (1225)crflush: crdir is busy %p. (1226)Cannot compile request. Compiler not linked to this version. (1227)%L** With BSD sockets, the maximum number of servers (-Mn) is 50. (1228)** You cannot delete a database with existing _File records. (1229)%L** Missing input file for key-capture mode. (1230)Incorrect parameter length (1231)Cannot increase file descriptor table, errno = %d (1232)%gSYSTEM ERROR: %s can't send message, msg system limit exceeded (1233)Unable to write extent header, errno = %d file = %s. (1234)** You must disconnect a database before deleting its _Db record. (1235)BTOS OS-COPY requires a filename. (1236)Cannot open %s error %d. (1237)Cannot copy or append to screen. (1238)Remote DataServer start. (1239)Cannot write PATH to screen. (1240)%GSYSTEM ERROR: TERMCAP allocation routine called with invalid size. (1241)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Insufficient memory during TERMCAP buffer allocation. (1242)ESQL: invalid or unrecognized format in SQL request: %c. (1243)Invalid or unsupported embedded SQL request: %s. (1244)Remote DataServer end. (1245)Cannot access %s with the current License (1246)** Unable to open parameter file %s, errno %i. (1247)%L** Too many tokens were passed to strparse. (1248)%L** Unbalanced " or ' characters or incomplete \ in parm list. (1249)Open/Close cursor-name must use sqlrequest()/sqlclose(). (1250)Driver not capable (1251)ORACLE error %d see "ORACLE Error Messages and Codes Manual". (1252)Stale request handle. Request was not opened or has been closed. (1253)Shared memory version is %i; expected %i (1254)This dataserver does not support FIND PREV or FIND LAST. (1255)DECLARE CURSOR request cannot specify output parameters. (1256)Unable to write master block, errno = %d file = %s. (1257)Conversion has failed. (1258)018422You can NOT connect to more than one local ORACLE database for updates at a%BShared memory in use by another process. (1260)Inappropriate SQL request given to function sqlrequest(). (1261)SYSTEM ERROR: Syntax error in SQL select statement. (1262)Failed to open file %s errno %E (1263)Attempt to update the current row in an unopened cursor. (1264)Function sqlupdrow() handles only cursor update requests. (1265)mmap error EINVAL (1266)Attempt to delete the current row of an unopened cursor. (1267)Attempt to fetch the current row from an unopened cursor. (1268)Not enough swap area, mmap EINOMEM error (1269)Cursor %s already open. (1270)file limit exceeded (mmap ENFILE error) (1271)BROKER: DTSRV variable does not contain a DataServer module. (1272)Not enough space in file system for shm file (1273)Descriptor type out of range (1274)Sequent mmap(2) error number %E (1275)018423Unable to convert collation tables for collation %s from code page %s to an%gYour password file has an incorrect format (1277)Wrong number of parameters (1278)Assignment error in parameter %d (1279)Connection timed out on socket=%i for usernum %t, attempt disconnect. (1280)Data type %d not yet supported for embedded SQL. (1281)Host language variable needs an indicator variable to receive a NULL. (1282)PROGRESS decimal value overflow. (1283)Unable to open %s for master conversion %d. (1284)Conversion cancelled. %d is not a valid version number. (1285)Use proutil to truncate bi file before conversion. (1286)Invalid or unsupported data type assigned to a host variable %d. (1287)A row you have read was deleted by another user. (1288)Integer overflow in host language variable. (1289)018424Collation data and/or collation version in the database are not the same as018425There are multiple code page attribute entries with the same code page (%s)After-imaging must be disabled before database conversion. (1292)Unable to read master block, errno = %d. (1293)Unexpected error in file list block, errno = %d. (1294)Unable to open %s, errno = %d. (1295)Unexpected error in master block, errno = %d. (1296)VMS sys$wake error, pid %i, error %i (1297)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Fatal error initializing video. Error code %d. (1298)018426There are multiple code page conversion entries with the same source (%s) awinsize: Can't open /dev/tty to get window size. (1300)winsize: Using default window size. (1301)winsize: Unable to open the stream to get the size of the window. (1302)018427There are multiple case table entries with the same code page name (%s) andwinsize: Window size response has bad %s. (1304)%L%s (1305)winsize: Can't read terminal size from window manager. (1306)** fmeval: function %i is not implemented for Embedded SQL. (1307)Keycapture file, %s, may not end in '.db' or start with '-'. (1308)** On OS/2, only the OS2 command can be used. (1309)Error doing stat() on key capture file %s. Errno:%d. (1310)Invalid key capture file: %s. (1311)Keycapture output file, %s already exists. (1312)018428There are multiple collation table entries with the same code page name (%sRequesting logical link to %s. (1314)Connection timed out or failed. (1315)The target machine is not connected or is down. (1316)The channel is busy. (1317)Insufficient privileges. (1318)There is no server with that name. (1319)No available links are left. (1320)Node %s is unknown. (1321)Service %s is unknown. (1322)Node %s is currently unreachable. (1323)Attempt to link returns error %d. (1324)Unable to read structure block, errno = %d. (1325)Table type out of range (1326)Unable to connect to data source; username or database name is missing (1327)Service name must be less than or equal to 10 characters. (1328)Unable to create mailbox, status %d. (1329)Unable to assign NET device, status %d. (1330)You or the server must have SYSNAM privilege to run under DECNET. (1331)Unable to declare name %s, status %d. (1332)Server started using name %s. (1333)%BRejecting login -- too many users for this server. (1334)Could not assign a user, status %d. (1335)Could not confirm a new user. (1336)nssread--read error condition %d. (1337)Network write error, status %d. (1338)Mailbox message type %d received with condition %d. (1339)Error %d trying to remove server's partition. (1340)018429SYSTEM ERROR: You must specify the hostname (-H) option when using the -SV You must supply a service name using the -S parameter. (1342)Only %d servers/brokers are allowed for this database. (1343)There is already 1 login broker for this protocol. (1344)Login refused; client has version %d and server has version %d. (1345)Decnet DNA accept failed, errno %d. (1346)Unable to listen on DECNET. (1347)Error linking to DECNET. (1348)Ioctl Name Server failed, Unable to listen on DECNET. (1349)Login refused because the database server is shutting down. (1350)Login refused -- Incorrect database name. (1351)%L** Server has disconnected multi-user session from the database. (1352)SYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to build mandatory field array. (1353)COLUMN-LABEL may not be used in HEADER phrases. (1354)IPX must be loaded and working before running PROGRESS. (1355)No more sockets available. (1356)** Incompatible datatypes in SQL subquery. (1357)** Cursor %s already open. (1358)** Invalid data type in list value. (1359)** HAVING without GROUP BY requires a set function in SELECT list. (1360)Incremental backup started. (1361)%LFull backup started. (1362)%LIncremental backup successfully completed. (1363)%LFull backup successfully completed. (1364)%BDatabase copied from %s. (1365)%LIncremental restore of sequence %d started. (1366)%LIncremental restore of sequence %d completed. (1367)%LFull restore started. (1368)%LFull restore completed. (1369)Too few arguments. (1370)%BUsage is: _dbutil [probkup|prorest|prostrct|procopy ] ... (1371)%BCould not recognize argument %s (1372)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid or missing command case. (1373)Accept failed from socket %d. Too many open files. (1374)Accept failed from socket %d. Too many open files. (1375)** Use ORDER BY 'n' to sort on an expression. (1376)Unable to locate PROGRESS.INI file. (1377)Incomplete Connection String; Unable to connect to Data Source. (1378)You are not allowed to connect to a database in $DLC. (1379)Owner name or table name is missing (1380)Cannot execute a BTOS/CTOS statement from a terminal. (1381)Uniqueness option out of range (1382)Unable to read the (probably truncated) .lk file. (1383)The database is being shutdown. (1384)** Quoted string or VALUE( expression ) required. (1385)** Attempt to read from closed stream %s. (1386)** Attempt to write to closed stream %s. (1387)** IMPORT requires a data source other than the screen. (1388)** Input Stream for IMPORT is not open. (1389)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Recid change file read error. (1390)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bffnddbk: illegal %s entry found. (1391)%GSYSTEM ERROR: flbirw: called with ICBNCREATE picb=%p. (1392)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bflbim called with code=%i. (1393)Accuracy option out of range (1394)%BAfter-imaging is enabled, this is not allowed with on-line backup. (1395)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfundo: CIDISCON with ICBNCREATE picb=%p plbi=%p. (1396)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fdudel failed in bfundo dbkey=%j. (1397)018430%GSYSTEM ERROR: Record buffer manager internal inconsistency. Buffer's fdhaNo space for record, size=%i, Increase "-l" parameter. (1399)%s is not a legitimate procedure name. (1400)Startup parameters cannot be longer than 128 characters. (1401)Warning: %s is not a database parameter and was ignored. (1402)You have not supplied a parameter for argument %s. (1403)The %s parameter requires an argument greater than 0. (1404)%s requires a non-negative argument. (1405)The maximum number of users is %i. (1406)%s not recognized following -xc. (1407)The id of this process is %i. (1408)Automatic CTRL-C was performed to resolve a deadlock. (1409)Error code %i returned from fdfnd. (1410)Error code %i returned from fdget. (1411)%GSYSTEM ERROR: pushdb(fd.c): db stack overflow (1412)%GSYSTEM ERROR: popdb(fd.c): db stack underflow. (1413)%GSYSTEM ERROR: gettbl(fd.c) called with bad fdhandle=%i. (1414)The open database table is full, increase the -h parameter. (1415)This module does not support database type %s. (1416)Unable to commit the transaction in one database. (1417)FDXND: The transaction was not committed in one of the databases. (1418)You cannot run the conversion utility on a non-Version 6 database. (1419)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unimplemented dbim function called.. (1420)SETUSERID is not supported by the dataserver. (1421)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %s in %s for recid %j could not be deleted. (1422)There is no server for database %s. (1423)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unimplemented function %s called. (1424)A database server has disconnected. (1425)May not RUN...PERSISTENT from a Persistent trigger. (1426)RUN...PERSISTENT SET %s must be of type HANDLE. (1427)018431Invalid or inappropriate handle supplied to the DELETE PROCEDURE statement.018432Unable to locate shared temp-table or work-table definition for table %s inProcedure %s may not be RUN...PERSISTENT. It contains shared menu %s. (1430)PROTOCOL %s is not supported in this version of PROGRESS. (1431)** Could not connect to server for database %s, errno %d. (1432)Client's recvcnt %l is not equal to server's sendcnt %l. (1433)Keyword DATABASE missing from CREATE ALIAS statement. (1434)No more enqueue entries. (1435)Table or view %s does not exist or cannot be accessed. (1436)Insufficient privilege on %s operation. (1437)Value larger than specified precision allows for a column. (1438)View of more than one table is not supported. (1439)%s operation not legal on this view. (1440)Cannot create extent; no more space in partition. (1441)Cannot create extent; no more space in system partition. (1442)Duplicate unique key in database table. (1443)A mandatory field did not get value. (1444)Open cursor error, please increase -c. (1445)Open cursor error. Increase open_cursors in init.ora. (1446)%BSYSTEM ERROR: File is already open. (1447)%GSYSTEM ERROR: XXXundo called picb=%p plbi=%p pnote=%p len=%i (1448)Unable to allocate enough shared memory (1449)%B** stget: out of storage. (1450)Failed to connect to ORACLE database %s. (1451)Too many substitutions in a WHERE clause for a gataway query. (1452)Insufficient room in dbuf for insertop, op=%i. (1453)% and _ may not be used with MATCHES or BEGINS. (1454)WHERE clause buffer overflow. (1455)Field %F has unknown value in _Fld-misc2[1]. (1456)Illegal operator for unknown value or zero-length character string. (1457)WHERE buffer overflow. (1458)PROGRESS character value too large for RMS field. (1459)Insufficient room in dbuf for ORDER BY. (1460)018433Schema holder does not match database schema -- file %s field %s.Aborting e%GSYSTEM ERROR: scmanb: Invalid FLDPOS %d encountered (1462)%BSYSTEM ERROR: FIX - must add RAW type to the table! (1463)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Field too large for ditem. Try increasing -s (1464)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Oracle number has unexpected format (1465)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to convert foreign database date. Error=%d (1466)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unsupported PROGRESS type for date conversion. (1467)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid internal length for logical. (1468)%GSYSTEM ERROR: oradbopnf, unexpected rollback err %d (1469)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ochkcurs, cursor exists at request end (1470)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Foreign database cursor %i not found. (1471)%GSYSTEM ERROR: oradblck, not an upgrade to EXCL (1472)%GSYSTEM ERROR: XXXtmstrt: transaction already started. (1473)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid parameter %i passed to tmend for a dataserver. (1474)%LCTRL- during commit. (1475)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ORACLE Commit err %d (1476)%LCTRL-C during rollback. (1477)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ORACLE Rollback err %d (1478)018434Procedure %s may not be RUN...PERSISTENT. It contains at least one shared f018435Server request became a deadlock victim. Undo and retry your transaction iPROGRESS decimal value too large for RMS numeric string. (1481)Invalid userid or password given for ORACLE connection. (1482)Failed to login to ORACLE database. (1483)%s DataServer initialization error. (1484)%LORACLE logoff error %d. (1485)%BDatabase is damaged, see documentation. (1486)%LORACLE close error %d. (1487)Procedure %s may not be RUN...PERSISTENT. It contains shared query %s. (1488)Must declare a cursor for a set SELECT in Embedded SQL. (1489)Can't extract an host language integer of length %d. (1490)Don't know how to extract from a Cobol S9(%d) COMP. (1491)Don't know how to update Cobol S9(%d) COMP. (1492)Value %d too large to store in Cobol S9(%d) COMP. (1493)%s --Could not find file %s in database %s. (1494)** Only 50 fields can appear in an EXCEPT phrase. (1495)** EXCEPT phrase can be used only in VERB FILE form statements. (1496)The century parameter -yy value %d is out of range. (1497)Directory %s and name %s must be less than %d. (1498)SAVE INTO directory %s is too long. (1499)Read only databases cannot be modified. (1500)File descriptor error during I/O redirection in OS/2. (1501)** %sError: cannot open bulk load description file "%s". (1503)Error near line %d: no fields specified for file "%s". (1504)Data input file "%s" could not be opened. (1505)Error: output file "%s" could not be opened for writing. (1506)Bulk load aborted near "%s" because of errors. (1507)Line %d: unknown file "%s" (1508)Line %d: unknown field "%s". (1509)Line %d: invalid or non-PROGRESS file name "%s" (1510)Line %d: ambiguous file name "%s". (1511)Line %d: unknown error %d for file name "%s". (1512)Bulk load to non-PROGRESS file "%s" is not supported. (1513)Warning: Index "%s" could not be deactivated (err %d). (1514)Index "%s" was deactivated. (1515)Line %d: "%s" field is not an array. (1516)Line %d: field "%s" was not found. (1517)Line %d: field name "%s" is ambiguous. (1518)Line %d: unknown error %d while looking up field "%s". (1519)Loading data contents for file "%s". (1520)** %s.%s is mandatory, but has a value of ?. (1521)%l lines read, %l records created, %l errors (1522)Only one file descriptor .fd filename is allowed. (1523)File descriptor .fd name is missing. (1524)You cannot perform this operation with after-imaging or 2phase enabled (1525)%BThe BI file is being automatically truncated. (1526)>> ERROR READING LINE #%l (OFFSET=%l) (1527)Bulk load terminated near "%s" because of errors. (1528)Mandatory field(s) with initial unknown value not assigned in input. (1529)Line %d: array "%s" only has %d elements. (1530)018436Warning: another user is using this database in update mode. %rAccessing tMore than %d errors encountered. Bulk load terminated. (1532)%gupicbfu: negative record length %d (1533)Your database needs recovery under Version 6 before conversion. (1534)You are using -cpinternal %s and -cpstream %s. (1535)Failed to connect to RMS database %s. (1536)Exceeded process enqueue limit. (1537)%BSYSTEM ERROR: RMS file is already open. (1538)Open error. RMS file %s not found or not available. (1539)Open RMS file %s failed with completion status code %X. (1540)FIND PREVIOUS/LAST is not supported by RMS dataserver. (1541)RMS %s error; completion status code %X (1542)Duplicate unique key in RMS file. (1543)Key change not allowed in RMS file. (1544)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error in RMS undo %s picb=%p plbi=%p pnote=%p len=%i (1545)The table to convert -cpinternal to -cpstream was not found in %s. (1546)The table to convert -cpstream to -cpinternal was not found in %s. (1547)You are using -cpinternal %s and -cpterm %s. (1548)Incremental backup not possible, no previous dump exists. (1549)An on-line backup is already active. (1550)%BBackup cancelled. (1551)WARNING: Before-image file of database %s is not truncated. (1552)The last backup was not completed successfully. (1553)The server did not start successfully. (1554)Check %s for error messages. (1555)The tables used to convert standard IO were not found in %s. (1556)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Record update without exclusive lock (1557)Unknown key type in an index. (1558)018437The conversion table for %s to %s is needed to set up the collation tables %GSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get a RAB for an RMS file (1560)The database code page is %s and -cpinternal is %s. (1561)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cursor %i not found (RMS) (1562)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid parameter %i passed to tmend (RMS) (1563)The tables needed to do conversion for the database were not found in %s. (1564)Preprocessing %s:Syntax error near line %d. (1566)Errors in file %s: %d.Total errors: %d.You did not supply an Embedded SQL file to be preprocessed. (1569)Usage: %s {source-file [target-file] | -flist list-file}[-esqlnopad] [-QF] [-debug] [[-a application-name] -P progress-arguments]Select %s option only once. (1572)Filename must follow -flist option. (1573)Embedded SQL application name must follow the -a option. (1574)%s: Unknown command line option for SQL preprocessor. (1575)Output changed to go to %s. (1576)Illegal type declaration in SQL DECLARE SECTION. (1577)Identifier too long. (1578)Host language variable %s not declared. (1579)Regular host variable must immediately precede an indicator variable. (1580)CODEPAGE-CONVERT could not find the appropriate conversion table in %s. (1581)Attempt to redeclare cursor '%s'. Use a new cursor name. (1582)Cursor %s must be declared before it can be opened. (1583)Cursor %s must be declared before it can be used. (1584)Cursor %s must be declared before it can be closed. (1585)CHR could not find the appropriate conversion table in %s. (1586)ASC could not find the appropriate conversion table in %s. (1587)Unterminated comment! (1588)Quoted string too long. (1589)Unmatched quotation starting here or above. (1590)Unmatched right brace (}). (1591)Missing one or more matching closing brace (}). (1592)Missing semicolon at end of EXEC SQL statement. (1593)Could not understand after EXEC SQL. (1594)Missing keyword WORK after EXEC SQL COMMIT/ROLLBACK. (1595)Unmatched END DECLARE or error in DECLARE SECTION. (1596)Could not understand after EXEC SQL END. (1597)Could not understand after EXEC SQL END DECLARE. (1598)DECLARE must follow BEGIN. (1599)SECTION must follow BEGIN DECLARE. (1600)DECLARE must follow END. (1601)SECTION must follow END DECLARE. (1602)WHENEVER must be followed by NOT FOUND or SQLERROR. (1603)WHENEVER must specify GOTO or CONTINUE. (1604)Error in variable declaration section. (1605)Arrays can only be declared for variables of type char. (1606)Error in array size specification. Must be a numeric. (1607)Numeric string too long. (1608)%B** The database has the wrong version for database conversion. (1609)%s is not supported by this executable. (1610)%LThe -RO (read-only) parameter cannot be used with PROUTIL. (1611)%BIndex %i has at least %i levels, increase -cs parameter. (1612)Shutdown is executing. (1613)Shutdown complete. (1614)The shutdown was not done. (1615)Bad exit, server died, unconditional shutdown. (1616)%BBackup terminated due to errors. (1617)%BRestore failed. (1618)018438INPUT FROM, OUTPUT TO or INPUT-OUTPUT THROUGH could not find the appropriat%BBefore-image cluster size set to %l kb. (1620)%BThis database has not been fully restored and may be damaged. (1621)Cannot compile DDL statements from the SQL preprocessor. (1622)** File name already exists as a view name. (1623)** Can't have more than %d components in a BREAK BY/DISTINCT. (1624)** Array fields must be expanded explicitly for SQL INSERT statements. (1625)** CAN-DO function requires one connected database or USERID argument. (1626)** EXPORT keyword allowed in frame phrase only for SQL. (1627)** Stream ID allowed in frame phrase only for SQL. (1628)** %s Missing END statement or CLOSE CURSOR statement. (1629)The old database code page is %s. The requested database code page is %s. (1630)Variable declared as type sqldate or sqlbool has invalid size. (1631)%BAfter-image dates for this database: (1632)%BAfter-image dates for this after-image file: (1633)%B%l notes were processed. (1634)%B%l transactions were started. (1635)%BAt the end of the .ai file, %l transactions were still active. (1636)code = %s (1637)transaction index = %d (1638)dbkey = %j update counter = %i (1639)%B Last AIMAGE BEGIN %s (1640)%B Last AIMAGE NEW %s (1641)%B This is aimage file number %l since the last AIMAGE BEGIN. (1642)%B This file was last opened for output on %s. (1643)%BIndex rebuild complete. %l error(s) encountered. (1644)%BSYSTEM ERROR: RECID %j in %s could not be found. (1645)%BSYSTEM ERROR: ** No more storage in sqlsmsns. (1646)018439** You must be logged into all referenced databasess under the same user ID** The DICTDB database is not connected. (1648)** You cannot make schema changes from SQL except on the DICTDB database. (1649)The conversion table for these code pages is not found in %s. (1650)** Referenced table %s not found. (1651)018440The conversion tables for the 7.2 compatible code pages, ISO8859-1 and IBM8** View owner %s no longer has required privileges on %s. (1653)018441Element %d of the UPPERCASE-MAP for code page %s %rand case name %s does noSuccessful Fast-Track schema conversion completed. (1655)This already is a FAST TRACK database. (1656)Unable to find _Db record in the database. (1657)The CDD/Plus record definition name is missing. See /CDDDEF. (1658)The PROGRESS data definition file name is missing. See /DFFILE. (1659)Logical dbname %s must be connected in order to add alias %s. (1660)%GSYSTEM ERROR: error in counting committed databases (1661)Invalid data type in RMS key. (1662)018442Warning: ASCII value %d of the %s for code page %s and case name %s does no%GSYSTEM ERROR: Illegal semaphore address (1664)The server's code page is %s and the client's code page is %s. (1665)018443The conversion tables for IBM850 to ISO8859-1 and ISO8859-1 to IBM850 are r018444The connection has been established, but no data conversion will take placeThe schema cache code page is %s and -cpinternal is %s. (1668)The requested option can only be set at the connection level (1669)018446Error: Value %d of the case insensitive table for code page %s and collatio018447Could not verify the contents of the collation table for code page %s and c** Concurrent PRESELECT or sort on same buffer %s invalid. (1672)Invalid date, time, or timestamp value (1673)018449Warning: Value %d of the case insensitive table for code page %s and collat018450Warning, the parameter -cpdb %s was used with a V7 database. It has been ig%BI/O error %i in %s, ret %i, file %n, addr %j. (1676)DataServer client version %d cannot connect to server version %d. (1677)Server version error. (1678)Server version %d cannot serve DataServer client version %d. (1679)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to kill parent process, errno= %E. (1680)%BSYSTEM ERROR: WDCreateWindow: Cannot open window. (1681)%s is not a valid bitmap file. (1682)%s is too large for available memory. (1683)Cannot open bitmap file %s. (1684)** The server was unable to fork, ret=%i errno=%E (1685)** The server terminated due to signal %i. (1686)** The server terminated with exit code %i. (1687)%W** WARNING -- subscript on array field in CONTAINS phrase ignored. (1688)Read-only is not supported in this mode (1689)SELECT not valid in dynamic SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. (1690)Unable to understand SQL request. (1691)Request handle passed is active and in use. (1692)Inappropriate SQL request given to function %s. (1693)SQLDA structure not allocated. Call sqlald(). (1694)-tok value must be less than %d. (1695)Must OPEN cursor before fetching rows. (1696)Not enough memory allocated in SQLDA structure. (1697)Pointer to DATA for column %d is null! (1698)Undefined data type %d associated with column %d. (1699)Identifier was left blank or is more than %d characters. (1700)-inp value must be less than 32000. (1701)Syntax error: Expected identifier or quoted string. (1702)Syntax error in PREPARE statement. (1703)Syntax error in DESCRIBE statement. (1704)Must PREPARE statement before you can DECLARE a cursor for it. (1705)Error occurred on line number %l of the file. (1706)The SQL preprocessor cannot compile dynamic SQL statements. (1707)Must PREPARE statement before you can DESCRIBE it. (1708)Semaphore %s already exists. Reopen it. (1709)Unable to create a system semaphore %s; too many. (1710)Unable to create/set semaphore %s, error %d. (1711)Unable to find semaphore %s. (1712)Unable to open semaphore %s, error %d. (1713)Unable to request semaphore, error %d. (1714)Unable to clear semaphore. (1715)Unable to delete semaphore %i. (1716)Unable to delete semaphore %i, error %d. (1717)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to set/wait semaphore in utsemadd(), error %d. (1718)Unable to create shared memory %s, error %d. (1719)Unable to attach shared memory %s, error %d. (1720)Unable to open shared memory - too many open files. (1721)** Unable to process {%s}. (1722)** {%s} is too large for -! %s file. (1723)%BSYSTEM ERROR: {%s}: %l > %l in -! %s file. (1724)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error reading -! %s file. errno = %E. (1725)%BBackup cancelled, disconnected by server. (1726)Merge anchor list too large for malloc; needs %j bytes. (1727)%BAfter-image files should not be character special devices. (1728)%gUnable to open tty devices errno = %E (1729)-VO param: Only ORACLE Versions 5 or 6 are supported. (1730)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot map video ram. Error=%s (1731)Unable to read progress.cfg, reason=%i. (1732)This version of PROGRESS does not support a database server. (1733)Unable to find/open Progress Debugger file '%s', Errno = %d (1734)Unable to update field at offset %d in table %s. (1735)Conversion canceled. Database not ready for conversion.You had four ORACLE login failures. You have to start (1737)a new session in order to connect to an ORACLE db. (1738)ORACLE_HOME variable does not contain a valid directory name. (1739)oreadfrst: Try to compile an already compiled SELECT statement. (1740)%GSYSTEM ERROR: This program should be implemented for server side. (1741)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ochkcurs: No sql statement. (1742)UNKNOWN is not supported by RMS dataserver. (1743)RMS file %s: Insufficient privilege or file protection violation. (1744)RMS: file %s currently locked by another user. (1745)RMS: WRITE/DELETE/UPDATE operation not allowed on %s. (1746)%BSYSTEM ERROR: RMS: undodelhalf - a_dbimage = 0 (1747)This module cannot run persistent procedures. RUN %s PERSISTENT aborted. (1748)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not clean up persistent procedures. (1749)Could not read database record for undoing. (1750)** This module supports network access to a database only. (1751)scaddft - inconsistent value for keystat ixnum. (1752)%gThe IPC Block Size must be between %i and %i/ (1753)%gThe maximum record size must be between %i and %i. (1754)%gLBI file error %i. (1755)%GSYSTEM ERROR: utdup2dll: handles differ and cannot be duped. (1756)** Cursor locking option must be READ ONLY or UPDATE. (1757)** Cursor %s is read-only. (1758)** Invalid use of set function in a WHERE clause. (1759)** No columns to display. (1760)** Database %s not connected. (1761)** %s is ambiguous with %s.%s.%s and %s.%s.%s. (1762)Buffer %s for %s in %s does not match shared buffer defined NEW in %s. (1763)** Invalid keyword combination on INPUT/OUTPUT statement. (1764)018451You may not access SYBASE stored procedures from a persistent procedure (%s** Array fields cannot be referenced in SQL views. (1766)Syntax Error: OS-REQUEST Cd Erc nC nRq nRs C1..Cn Rq1..Rqn Rs1..Rsn (1767)Character types must include the length. (1768)Invalid data type specified: %c. (1769)Format string missing %c. (1770)Cannot assign error, %d, to return variable. (1771)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Parameter files are not supported by %s. (1772)Unable to allocate memory for table of contents. (1773)018452The conversion table for %s to %s is needed to do the bulk load of the fileZero-length bit string encountered. (1775)Unable to update field at offset %d in RMS file %s. (1776)The PROGRESS file is missing. See /PROFILE. (1777)%GSYSTEM ERROR: non index file must have a cursor (1778)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmsdbfnd is illegal for non index file (1779)Invalid record size for RMS fixed length records. (1780)Invalid index key or invalid relative record number. (1781)RMS record in a sequential file cannot be deleted. (1782)%smetadata buffer overflow (try increasing /STACK). (1784)%s returned %s. (1785)Record name %s is too long. (1786)Missing arguments. Check /CDDDEF, /DFFILE, or /PROFILE. (1787)The output file name must end in .df. (1788)Unable to connect to your CDD/Plus dictionary. (1789)Unable to begin a CDD/Plus session. (1790)Could not open data definition file %s (errno=%d). (1791)Unable to get attributes for %s. (1792)Processing fields for record %s. (1793)Unable to close %s fetch stream. (1794)Unable to end CDD/Plus session. (1795)Unable to disconnect from CDD/Plus dictionary. (1796)%s creation completed with %l error(s) and %l warning(s). (1797)%s creation completed with no errors. (1798)Unable to translate your record name. (1799)Unable to begin a fetch stream for %s. (1800)Could not find the next %s. (1801)Done processing field %s. (1802)Field arrays are not supported inside of record arrays. (1803)Unknown CDD/Plus entity encountered. (1804)Multi-level record arrays are not supported. (1805)Unable to parse CDD/Plus buffer (expected %s). (1806)The record processing name is required, but is missing. (1807)018453Procedure %s was RUN...PERSISTENT. You may not disable triggers for dump orUnable to extract ARRAY or OCCURS definition. (1809)Filler fields will be omitted from the data definition file. (1810)Unable to extract the description for field %s. (1811)The data type of %s is not supported. (1812)The field length of %s is missing, but is required. (1813)Bit strings longer than 32 bits or less than 1 are not supported. (1814)Unable to extract the %s for field %s. (1815)Unable to translate name for field %s. (1816)Could not write to output file: errno=%d. (1817)018454Warning: Unable to read the .d trailer. Using %s as the code page for conveUnsupported type encountered in expression buffer. (1819)Unable to extract %s bound of array declaration. (1820)This utility requires CDD/Plus to be installed on your system. (1821)Cannot undo records of views (VIEW %s). Transaction aborted. (1822)Warning: Unable to modify the DISPLAY environment variable. (1823)WARNING: The maximum value for -s is 63, -s 63 used for this session. (1824)** Joins not yet supported in EXISTS subqueries. (1825)** Cannot have CHECK OPTION or frame options in a UNION. (1826)Byte position for RAW must be 1 or greater. (1827)Length for RAW must be 0 or greater. (1828)** PUTBYTE/LENGTH assignment too long -- increase -s parameter. (1829)018455Byte position for PUT-BYTE, GET-BYTE and other raw functions must be 1 or gYou can access RAW ORACLE data only with the RAW function. (1831)** Workfile names cannot have database qualifiers. (1832)RMS RAW data is too large. (1833)PROGRESS RAW data overflow. (1834)Incorrect format of procedure call (1835)PUTBYTE requires two arguments. (1836)%GSYSTEM ERROR: smegen: Unexpected error - Argument of RAW is missing. (1837)Only database fields can be updated with RAW data. (1838)RAW data can be extracted only from database fields. (1839)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Field too large for ditem. Try increasing -s. (1840)RAW requires one, two, or three arguments. (1841)The LENGTH function requires one argument. (1842)018456Bad option(s) was used for a RAW, ROWID, MEMPTR or non-displayable variable018457INPUT/OUTPUT operations are not allowed with RAW, ROWID, or MEMPTR or BLOB ROWID fields cannot be defined in PROGRESS schema. (1845)** Unable to open language table file %s. Errno=%E. (1846)** Unable to read language table file %s. Errno=%E. (1847)%L%s%s (1848)** Illegal # directive syntax on line %l. (1849)** Symbol table overflow on line %l (try increasing -s). (1850)** No language table definition found for table %s. (1851)** Unexpected EOF at line %l. (1852)** Unknown symbol %s at line %l. (1853)** Illegal character %c (%l) on line %l. (1854)** Close quote missing for character specification on line %l. (1855)** Illegal syntax on line %l. (1856)** The PROGRESS language table file has the wrong version number. (1857)** Recompile %s using proutil -C collation-compiler. (1858)%s dataserver does not support RAW access to fields. (1859)Rdb database error code %d ( %X ). (1860)Specified Rdb database file not found. (1861)Rdb dataserver does not support FIND PREVIOUS or FIND LAST. (1862)Failed to connect to Rdb database %s. (1863)WHERE clause buffer overflow in Rdb dataserver. (1864)Too many substitutions in a WHERE clause for an Rdb query. (1865)Duplicate unique key in Rdb table. (1866)Mandatory Rdb field did not get value. (1867)Rdb open cursor error. Increase -c. (1868)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Rdb file is already open (1869)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Fatal internal Rdb error occurred. (1870)%GSYSTEM ERROR: A fatal Rdb dataserver error has occurred. (1871)Rdb obsolete metadata. (1872)Rdb attempt to write to read-only field. (1873)Rdb/VMS security violation. (1874)Rdb internal data integrity check. (1875)Rdb bad data value. (1876)Rdb bad segmented string ID. (1877)Rdb data conversion error. (1878)Rdb attempt to read a row deleted by another user. (1879)** %WNew X or COLUMN location for %s is too large to fit in frame. (1880)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Rdb cursor %i not found (1881)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Transaction still active during rdbdlg (1882)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rdbtmstrt: transaction already started (1883)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid parameter %i passed to tmend for Rdb (1884)Rdb view cannot be updated. (1885)PROGRESS %s broker of dataservers begins, pid %i, log is %s. (1886)Shutdown message received. (1887)BROKER: ORASRV variable does not contain ORACLE server module. (1888)BROKER: This broker cannot connect to this database type. (1889)BROKER: Could not spawn a server. (1890)BROKER: The server could not open the foreign database. (1891)%s server is spawned. (1892)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nssbrocong: Protocol %s - not implemented. (1893)This module can access ORACLE only through the PROGRESS network. (1894)** Attempt to delete the template record for file %s. (1895)** CRC for %s does not match CRC in %s. Try recompiling. (1896)Remote ORACLE server begin. (1897)Remote ORACLE server end. (1898)The language table source file name is missing. See /INPUT_FILE. (1899)Field %s is not retrievable. (1900)UNDO not available for the Rdb dataserver. (1901)Attempt to add a library to itself. Skipping add of %s (1902)Adding file '%s'. (1903)Replacing file '%s'. (1904)Can't find file %s. (1905)Couldn't stat file '%s', errno = %d. (1906)'%s' is a directory. Skipping add/replace of '%s'. (1907)File %s is already in the library. Use -replace instead of -add. (1908)File %s is not in the library. Use add instead of replace (1909)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Prolib run-time structure corrupted reclaiming space (1910)Compressing library %s using temporary %s (1911)Copying %s (1912)Rename of temp library %s to %s failed (1913)Creating library '%s'. (1914)Create of library %s failed. (1915)Library %s already exists. (1916)No files match %s. (1917)Deleting file %s. (1918)Extracting file %s. (1919)You cannot extract/yank library %s onto itself. (1920)File %s already exists. Do you want to replace it? (1921)Answer 'yes' or 'no' or 'rename' to assign new name: (1922)Enter new name to use for extracted file %s--> (1923)Unable to open/create new file %s. (1924)Warning: unable to update file times for %s. errno = %d. (1925)Not enough memory for list sort buffer. (1926)Missing or invalid -date argument. (1927)Not enough memory for library descriptor for %s. (1928)Library %s does not exist. (1929)Cannot open library %s. (1930)%s is not a valid PROGRESS library. (1931)Checksum error on directory header. (1932)Internal error in library directory scan from disk. (1933)Read error on directory for library %s, errno = %E. (1934)Corrupted directory structure in library %s. (1935)Internal error in PROGRESS library routine lbcpfil. (1936)Error reading file %s during library processing. errno = %E. (1937)Not enough memory for library name table entry for %s. (1938)Missing library name. (1939)Invalid prolib command %s. (1940)Unable to open Prolib parameter file %s, errno = %E. (1941)Not enough memory for storing %s parameter file arguments. (1942)Usage: %s library-name -command [files] [-command [files]]... (1943)Usage: %s/option library-name/options. (1944)%s has an incorrect version (found %d should be %d). (1945)Failed to load module %s errno %d. (1946)Failed to get procedure address of %s errno %d. (1947)Server timeout, sv usrnum is %d. (1948)Send error %x usr %d conid %d. (1949)Strange send error. (1950)Receive error %d usr %d state %d. (1951)Server could not restart receive. (1952)Remote server %s starts. (1953)Dynamic cursor %s not open. (1954)Cursor name too long. Maximum length is %d. (1955)Expected '.' terminator. (1956)Expected END statement. (1957)Only EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION valid here. (1958)Expecting EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION. (1959)Labels used in goto statements must be numeric. (1960)Error declaring WORKING-STORAGE section. Assuming it starts here. (1961)Error declaring PROCEDURE DIVISION. Assuming it starts here. (1962)Missing END-EXEC at end of EXEC SQL statement. (1963)COMP variables must be between S9(1) & S9(9). (1964)Invalid COBOL data length specified. Set to 1. (1965)Invalid identifier used in GO TO statement. (1966)Missing starting quote on continued line. Assumed there. (1967)Exceeded maximum quoted string length. Quote garbled. (1968)FIELD-GROUP background widget cannot be a parent of a %s. (1969)Usage for rcodekey is -C rcodekey oldkey newkey rcode-file-list. (1970)Database %s was not found in any files. No files updated. (1971)Usage for dbauthkey is -C dbauthkey oldkey newkey. (1972)Database authorization key changed to %s. (1973)Unable to calculate schema CRC. (1974)Library references can be used only with the RUN statement. (1975)Can't run procedure file %s from library. (1976)%gTo use -crc, run PROUTIL %s -C dbinitcrc. (1977)RMS CREATE error; record number already exists. (1978)Invalid object header for %s. (1979)WARNING: Invalid R-code version for %s...continuing. (1980)Old key value supplied does not match key in %s. (1981)%gSYSTEM ERROR: DBAUTHKEY unable to access anonymous _db record, error %d (1982)Incorrect old key value for database. (1983)** Cannot open client monitor file. (1984)** Cannot open procedure cross-reference monitor file. (1985)** Index %s does not exist or cannot be accessed. (1986)Operation number %d not supported in this release. (1987)** COUNT() without DISTINCT is not valid SQL. (1988)** PROUTIL must be used to change _Db-revision for Progress databases. (1989)%BWARNING: Database is damaged, missing extent file %s. (1990)%B** Creating missing Data extent %s. (1991)** Creating missing BI extent %s. (1992)** Creating missing AI extent %s. (1993)Server pid is %i (1994)-Nn must be between 0 and 999 (1995)Unknown database manager code %d (1996)PROGRESS %s dataserver broker begins with name %s (1997)NETBIOS call to server %s returns error %d. Retrying. (1998)SETNETPATH failed in TLI. Check NETPATH and /etc/netconfig. (1999)Could not t_open network %s, device %s. (2000)Failed to open device %s, try -Nd parameter. (2001)Couldn't find name %s %s on any network in /etc/netconfig or NETPATH. (2002)Poll returns network error %d (2003)CLOSE STORED-PROC %s was called before fetching all the results. (2004)You must supply the NETBIOS name with -S parameter. (2005)Trying again to connect to server %s. (2006)Result row in buffer %s doesn't match the schema holder. (2007)The wrong buffer %s was used to fetch results. (2008)Database authorization key cleared. (2009)WARNING: Unable to open %s to change key. errno = %E...continuing. (2010)%BCould not load Oracle library %s. DataServer not started. (2011)Commit option requires a transaction number. (2012)Two-phase is off. (2013)Nickname %s is too long, maximum length is %d. (2014)Nickname of %s is %s %s. (2015)Transaction-log file contains %l transactions. (2016)%BTwo-phase commit ended on %s. (2017)Two-phase commit is already on. (2018)%BTwo-Phase-Commit started on %s. nickname is %s %s. (2019)You must specify one Two-phase commit option. (2020)Truncating the before-image file... (2021)Part of the distributed transaction might have failed. (2022)Cannot resync in the middle of a 2phase commit protocol. (2023)Cannot connect to %s. Has the same nickname %s, as %s . (2024)Transaction %d on %s might have failed. (2025)A non-Two-phase database might have failed to commit. (2026)WARNING: User %d on tty %s does not run the 2phase commit protocol. (2027)Could not log out user %d name %s on %s. (2028)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsaloop: A message received from a LIMBO client. (2029)%gCannot roll back a limbo transaction. (2030)%BFile %s is not the correct transaction log file. (2031)018458%GSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot roll back a Ready-To-Commit task of user %d on tty %%LWARNING: Off-line transaction log %s is missing. (2033)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Stub Called. (2034)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tmstrt: Cannot start a transaction while rready-to-comm. (2035)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Tried to end a LIMBO transaction. (2036)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tmdlg: Negative # of rcomm notes in the table. (2037)%LTransaction %l, on coordinator %s #%l, is in a limbo state. (2038)Commit transaction %l, on coordinator %s #%l (y commit, n abort, q quit)? (2039)Are you sure you want to commit %l (y/n)? (2040)Are you sure you want to abort %l (y/n)? (2041)%BSee list on the *.lg file. Use proutil %s -C 2phase recover. (2042)%BThe database contains limbo transactions. (2043)Two-phase commit is on; must access the transaction log file. (2044)After-imaging is on; must access the after-image file. (2045)%BTransaction %l has not committed. (2046)%GSYSTEM ERROR: This Log not supported. (2047)%BTransaction %l has committed. (2048)File %s is not the correct file. (2049)Force proutil by starting with the -F option. (2050)Extract transactions information into the transaction-log file... (2051)Could not open %s transaction-log file to copy into. (2052)Precision %d for decimal value is too large (2053)%WWarning: Ignoring position info for %s (2054)%GSYSTEM ERROR: killu: Could not force slresync. (2055)%LMON: %s limbo transaction %d and disconnect user %d. (2056)Unable to execute C-ISAM schema information extractor. (2057)Unable to execute NetISAM schema information extractor. (2058)Insufficient arguments to C-ISAM schema information extractor. (2059)Insufficient arguments to NetISAM schema information extractor. (2060)Error %d writing to .df file in ISAM schema information extractor. (2061)Invalid data type %d in C-ISAM index definition. (2062)Invalid data type %d in NetISAM index definition. (2063)Invalid .df file name %s specified in ISAM schema information extractor. (2064)Unable to open .df file %s, errno: %d. (2065)C-ISAM file open error %d on file %s. (2066)NetISAM file open error %d on file %s. (2067)C-ISAM file information error %d on file %s. (2068)NetISAM file information error %d on file %s. (2069)C-ISAM key information read error %d for index %d. (2070)NetISAM key information read error %d for index %d. (2071)%BSaving local schema cache for C-ISAM databases is not supported. (2072)BROKER: CISSRV variable does not contain C-ISAM server module. (2073)BROKER: NISSRV variable does not contain NetISAM server module. (2074)018459In procedure %s, shared temp-table %s has a conflict in field, index or undNo server %s in interface file. (2076)Failed to login with user name %s. (2077)Failed to connect to database %s. (2078)Module can access SYBASE/SQL-Server only through a PROGRESS network. (2079)%BLoading local schema cache for C-ISAM databases is not supported. (2080)Failed to connect to a SYBASE/SQL-Server database. (2081)PROGRESS data is longer than SYBASE storage. (2082)Cannot fetch records of nonbrowsable tables by record ID. (2083)Cannot CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE from nonbrowsable tables. (2084)%BSaving local schema cache for Sybase databases is not supported. (2085)WHERE clause contains an unsupported data type. (2086)The record was updated while you were holding it. (2087)You can't scan a table that was modified in the current transaction. (2088)The transaction was aborted to resolve a deadlock. (2089)Record ID is larger than %d. (2090)Wrong record ID. (2091)Record was modified by another program or by a trigger. (2092)Time out expired. Server is probably waiting on a locked record. (2093)Tried to find a record without a valid record ID. (2094)Tried to compare a mandatory field to the UNKNOWN value. (2095)Could not fetch a record for the local before-image. (2096)SYBASE cannot allocate any more database processes. (2097)Stored procedure table overflow. (2098)Wrong procedure handle for %s, or %s is not active. (2099)No more stored procedure results can be fetched into buffer of %s. (2100)No active stored procedures. (2101)Cannot fetch results into buffer of %s. (2102)Cannot fetch output parameters for stored procedure %s. (2103)More than one active procedure. Do not use default handle for %s. (2104)%BLoading local schema cache for Sybase databases is not supported. (2105)Buffer of %s was used in the middle of a result's loop. (2106)sberrmsg: Unknown error # %d. (2107)Browse widget must contain at least one record before %s method is used. (2108)Field of file %s not in buffer. (2109)Binary fields can be accssed only with the RAW function. (2110)The environment is already initiated (2111)Unrecognized row type %d (2112)RUN STORED-PROC must be followed by a procedure name. (2113)Unknown datatype returned from SYBASE/SQL-Server. (2114)%d fields in the stored-proc row. %d fields are defined in buffer %s. (2115)Field type of buffer does not match the stored-proc result. (2116)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to convert SYBASE/SQL-Server base date error: %d. (2117)Date is out of SYBASE/SQL-Server range. (2118)PROGRESS number is out of the SQL tiny integers range. (2119)PROGRESS number is out of the SQL small integers range. (2120)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sybrmrep: No record id for the new row. (2121)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbrmget: Non browsable table. (2122)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not start transact for SYBASE/SQL-Server, error %d. (2123)** Preprocessor could not understand line %d in file '%s'. (2124)018460Could not evaluate procedure handle expression while trying to execute %s. ERROR HANDLER: %s. (2126)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ERROR HANDLER - Fatal SYBASE/SQL-Server error. (2127)018461Invalid or inappropriate handle value given to RUN...IN statement. ProcedurProcedure %s has no entry point for %s. (2129)You might have called CLOSE STORED-PROC before fetching all results. (2130)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbtoicb: Error in claculating record size. (2131)May not RUN...IN from a Persistent trigger. (2132)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sybtoascii: buffer overflow. (2133)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Can not update SQL type %d. (2134)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid buffer passed to NETBIOS. (2135)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbmakelst: Not enough names in field list. (2136)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbopninf: More than %d fields returned from SYBASE/SQL. (2137)Failed to disconnect from a SYBASE/SQL-Server database. (2138)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: %s. (2139)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbclsrpc: RPC handle is out of table range. (2140)%s is not a procedure. (2141)%s is not a table. (2142)Parameter passing must be either by name or positional. (2143)%s has %d parameters. you supplied %d. (2144)WHERE PROC-HANDLE = is the only record phrase allowed. (2145)A stored procedure parameter is mapped to more than one PROGRESS field. (2146)You must use the parameter = expression format. (2147)Not all stored procedure parameters are defined in PROGRESS schema. (2148)%GSYSTEM ERROR: smrpcgetp: Could not find parameter name. (2149)Only FOR EACH is allowed on buffer %s. (2150)BY and BREAK BY is allowed only for tables. (2151)%s or %s's prefix is not a legal parameter name. (2152)You can use PROC-HANDLE/CURSOR for stored procedures only. (2153)%s is not a table. You cannot update its fields. (2154)** Cannot understand parameter assignment. (2155)CLOSE STORED-PROC must be followed by a procedure name. (2156)Failed to connect to C-ISAM database %s. (2157)%LC-ISAM error %s. Completion status code %i. (2158)%GSYSTEM ERROR: C-ISAM cursor %i not found (2159)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cistmstrt: transaction already started (2160)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cistmend: invalid parameter %i in end transaction. (2161)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cistmend: no transaction in progress. (2162)%GSYSTEM ERROR: NetISAM cursor %i not found (2163)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nistmstrt: transaction already started (2164)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nistmend: invalid parameter %i in end transaction. (2165)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nistmend: no transaction in progress. (2166)Failed to connect to NetISAM database %s. (2167)%LNetISAM error %s. Completion status code %i. (2168)Automatic CTRL-C was performed to resolve the deadlock. (2169)%s record deleted by another user. (2170)Duplicate unique key in %s table. (2171)Fatal internal %s dataserver error. (2172)No value for mandatory %s field. (2173)%s open cursor error. Increase -c. (2174)%B%s file is already open. (2175)Attempt to write to read-only %s field. (2176)%s record locked. (2177)%s file locked. (2178)%s file not found. (2179)%s file lock table is full. (2180)%s transaction mode requires a log file. (2181)Cannot open %s log file. (2182)%s database error code %d. (2183)%s to PROGRESS RAW: data is too large. (2184)%s to PROGRESS DECIMAL: overflow. (2185)%s to PROGRESS CHARACTER: value too large. (2186)%s to PROGRESS DECIMAL: too many decimals. (2187)Unable to extract field at offset %d in %s file %s. (2188)PROGRESS RAW to %s: data overflow. (2189)PROGRESS DECIMAL to %s: decimal value overflow. (2190)PROGRESS CHARACTER to %s: value is too large. (2191)PROGRESS DECIMAL to %s: value is too large for integer field. (2192)PROGRESS DECIMAL to %s: value is too large for decimal field. (2193)Unable to update field at offset %d in %s file %s. (2194)UNKNOWN is not supported by this dataserver. (2195)Invalid data type in key. (2196)018462Trigger procedure statement is for FIND, DELETE, CREATE, WRITE, and ASSIGN.DO block for a trigger cannot be qualified. (2198)DEFINE is not valid as the single statement for a trigger block. (2199)ON statement is not valid as the single statement in a trigger block. (2200)IF statement is not valid as the single statement in a trigger block. (2201)Block start statement is not valid to start a trigger block. Use DO. (2202)Sample syntax for a component: frame x, menu y, or fldx in frame z. (2203)GO-ON list requires a widget name following OF. (2204)Syntax for APPLY...TO statement is "APPLY event TO widget". (2205)%BField at offset %d extends beyond end of record. (2206)Option must be set before connection in order to have any effect (2207)RUMBA is not loaded. (2208)You must supply a procedure name with the PROCEDURE statement. (2209)018463In a TRIGGERS definition block, you must use the ON statement or END REVERT is not allowed as a qualifier to a Definitional trigger. (2211)%BYou have exceeded the number of users specified in your license. (2212)SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. (2213)Tried to send an empty SQL statement to server. (2214)Db-lib error: Unidentified SYBASE library error. (2215)Wrong number of output parameters returned from %s. (2216)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Can not %s transaction. (2217)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not reconnect to SYBASE/SQL-Server. (2218)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbcnvntv: Bad data type. (2219)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbcnvicb: Bad data type. (2220)Remote SYBASE server begin. (2221)Cannot access SYBASE with currect CONFIG file. (2222)Remote SYBASE server end. (2223)%GSYSTEM ERROR: must be run on a machine that has C-ISAM (2224)%GSYSTEM ERROR: must be run on a Sun 4 (2225)%BFile %s is on a remote device. (2226)%BDatabase integrity CANNOT be guaranteed for this session. (2227)Missing -pf file parameter (2228)Cannot allocate enough memory to store command parameters. (2229)For more information, unpackHost language character variable not null terminated. (2231)018464Connect failed; possible character set error; driver requested %s, SQL Serv%BCannot use both -mt and -mb options (2233)%BCannot use both -mb and -ml options (2234)AS/400 DataServer code-page not set. (2235)018465Can not execute a SQL statement while a stored procedure, a SEND-SQL cursor018466You may use the -Dsrv PRGRS_PROC_TRAN,1 startup parameter for multiple dataSybase SQL Server/dblib Error: %s (2238)SQL Server error in procedure=%s, line=%d: %s (2239)Sybase dblib error: %s, os error=%d, %s (2240)018467%GSYSTEM ERROR: A non-index block was found while processing index numb %d 018468Invalid login timeout value %d, values must be greater than or equal to %d 018469Invalid response timeout value %d, values must be greater than or equal to WARNING: Using SQLColumns with quoted identifiers might fail. (2244)%LSignal logging activated. (2245)PROGRESS to %s integer data overflow. (2246)%LUser %i died during 2phase commit (2247)%LBegin normal shutdown (2248)%LBegin ABNORMAL shutdown code %i (2249)%LDatabase killed by %s on %s (2250)%LDestroyed user %i pid %s. (2251)%LBegin transaction backout. (2252)%LTransaction backout completed. (2253)%LSignal %d not being logged. (2254)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Incomplete microtransaction. (2255)%LSYSTEM ERROR: User %i died during microtransaction. (2256)Unable to open or create %s, error %d. (2257)%BUser %s cannot disconnect user %s. (2258)You cannot run the %s from a remote machine. (2259)018470%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid pointer encountered in block with DBKEY %j in AREA %LSending signal %d to %d connected user(s). (2261)%s %d processes still connected. (2262)%LResending shutdown request to %d user(s). (2263)Poll returned -1 , errno=%E. (2264)%BRoutine %s encountered unknown field type. (2265)%LExpected user %d received user %d. (2266)%LInvalid message was received for user %d. (2267)Invalid message was received for an attempted login. (2268)%BNon-unique element for index on DUMP-NAME. (2269)%BNon-unique element for index %d. (2270)%BReplacing %s with Unknown Value. (2271)018471%BUnequal number of user update and extract routines.%r%d user update routi%BInvalid user defined datatype %d at offset %d. (2273)Phase 1, processing block number %J of %J. (2274)%BUser type %d to PROGRESS CHARACTER: value too large. (2275)%BUser type %d to PROGRESS DECIMAL: overflow. (2276)%BUser type %d to PROGRESS INTEGER: overflow. (2277)%BUser type %d to PROGRESS DATE: overflow. (2278)%BUser type %d to PROGRESS LOGICAL: overflow. (2279)%BExtract routine for user type %d returned error %d. (2280)%BUpdate routine for user type %d returned error %d. (2281)%BPROGRESS CHARACTER to user type %d: value too large. (2282)%BPROGRESS DECIMAL to user type %d: overflow. (2283)%BPROGRESS INTEGER to user type %d: overflow. (2284)%BPROGRESS DATE to user type %d: overflow. (2285)%BPROGRESS LOGICAL to user type %d: overflow. (2286)%BInvalid PROGRESS datatype for user type field at offset %d (2287)Client did not connect - the server is terminating. (2288)Unable to find image file for %s. (2289)Encountered image resource failure when realizing %s. (2290)Database %s is in use. Cannot copy. (2291)** Insufficient disk space to extend the before-image file. (2292)%BUnexpected PROGRESS CHARACTER type passed to user routine %d. (2293)%BUnexpected PROGRESS DECIMAL type passed to user routine %d. (2294)%BUnexpected PROGRESS INTEGER type passed to user routine %d. (2295)%BUnexpected PROGRESS DATE type passed to user routine %d. (2296)%BUnexpected PROGRESS LOGICAL type passed to user routine %d. (2297)%BUnexpected user type %d passed to user routine %d. (2298)Invalid source data passed to user %s routine %d. (2299)Stored procedures are not supported by this version (2300)Feature not supported by remote server (2301)No default handle (2302)More than one active handle -- no default (2303)Bad handle in ORARNFND (2304)Attempt to switch from generic/non-generic (2305)Buffer's field types mismatch those selected (2306)ORACLE raise_application_error called with status %d (2307)Constraint violation (2308)Cannot return Long or Long Raw using generic-text buffer (2309)Connection from Sun to AS/400 requires -H parameter. (2310)018472WARNING: Propath change will cause library '%s' to be closed which contains%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad parameter passed to ismretry ismlcktry.op = %d (2312)%sIndex Fields Levels Blocks Size % Util Factor DATABASE SUMMARY Records Indexes CombinedNAME Size Tot % Size Tot % Size Tot %%BClient has %d user datatypes defined. (2317)018473ORACLE failed to convert a number to a 4 bytes integer.%rYou probably choseCannot move _file records between different type _db's (2319)%B%s %s file not found. (2320)%B%s %s file not open. (2321)Uncommitted transactions have been committed (2322)%BUncommited transactions have been committed. (2323)018474%BThe data dictionary version is %l which is only compatible starting with%BUnable to convert C-ISAM date to PROGRESS date. (2325)Table Records Bytes Min Max Mean Count Index IndexUnable to convert a void multi-volume structure file. (2327)You can connect to one local ORACLE database at a time. (2328)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid block %J for file %s, max is %J (2329)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Possible file truncation, %l too big for database. (2330)Name % Size Type Offset Modified Added To LibListing of library '%s'Total of %p bytes in %d files, %p bytes (%p%) unused018475Code page has not been set for %s; Use the dictionary to set the code page %s%BNegative data in COBOL Unsigned Packed field. (2337)Cannot DISPLAY %s. Buffer has no record. (2338) Could not parse PRGRS_CONNECT connection parameters (2339)The keyword %s in the Sybase connection string is unknown (2340)DosPeekNmPipe returned error %d. (2341)Unable to create pipe %s (errno: %d). (2342)Unable to open pipe %s errno %d. (2343)The -N parameter is ignored. (2344)You must give the -S startup parameter to run PROGRESS network. (2345)Mismatch in number of arguments and values in PRGRS_CONNECT string (2346)Error %d reading server input pipe (2347)error %d reading server input pipe errno %d (2348)DosSetNmPipeSem returned error %d. (2349)Pipe %s already exists. Remove it if you're sure it is not in use. (2350)DosPeek failed on usr %d, error = %d. (2351)Error in pipread: nssnum of msg = %d, usrnum of pusr = %d. (2352)-Mm parm is changed to 512 for this server. (2353)select error %d on server input pipe %d errno %d (2354)Error %s when starting command %s. (2355)%BOpen failed, Database %s requires rebuild of all indexes. (2356)%BMandatory index rebuild of all indexes required. (2357)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid record with recid %j. (2358)018476Sybase code page has not been set; use the dictionary to set the Sybase cod%BWarning: Crash in non-raw (-r) mode tainted state cleared. (2360)%BWarning: Forced entry (-F) tainted database state cleared. (2361)%BWarning: Database is in unknown state, proceed with caution. (2362)%B** The %s %s requires "CHARACTER" or "RAW" for double-byte languages. (2363)Cannot access ORACLE with current CONFIG file. (2364)%gThis module does not contain the required user sort exit routine. (2365)System signal %d received - shutting down. (2366)Error %d returned from %s. (2367)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Cursor %i not found. (2368)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ** btitmstrt: transaction already started. (2369)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ** Invalid parameter passed to btitmend. (2370)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ** btitmend: transaction already ended. (2371)SYSTEM ERROR: ** "UNKNOWN" is not supported by CTOS-ISAM DataServer. (2372)** Invalid data type in CTOS-ISAM key. (2373)** CTOS-ISAM character value too large. (2374)** Unable to extract field at offset %d in CTOS-ISAM file %s. (2375)%s is an ambiguous substring of field names in table %s. (2376)** PROGRESS character value too large for CTOS-ISAM field. (2377)Unable to update field at offset %d in CTOS-ISAM file %s. (2378)** Duplicate unique key in CTOS-ISAM file. (2379)** No value was entered for a mandatory field. (2380)** The CTOS-ISAM Server is not installed. (2381)** CTOS-ISAM Index File Error. (2382)** Fatal internal CTOS-ISAM error occurred. (2383)** CTOS-ISAM open cursor error. Increase -c parameter. (2384)** CTOS-ISAM file is already open. (2385)** Attempt to write to read-only CTOS-ISAM field. (2386)** CTOS-ISAM record locked. (2387)** CTOS-ISAM record not locked. (2388)** CTOS-ISAM file locked. (2389)** CTOS-ISAM file lock table full. (2390)** CTOS-ISAM not in a transaction. (2391)** Cannot open CTOS-ISAM log file. (2392)** CTOS-ISAM invalid key number. (2393)** CTOS-ISAM error code %d occurred. (2394)** Automatic CTRL-C was performed to resolve the deadlock. (2395)** CTOS-ISAM does not support FIND PREV or FIND LAST. (2396)** CTOS ISAM record deleted by another user. (2397)** Failed to connect to CTOS-ISAM database %s. (2398)** CTOS-ISAM %s Error, Completion Status Code %X (2399)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ** Unable to get pointer to System Date/Time Structure. (2400)** Invalid server specification in file %s. (2401)** Attempt to trim log failed, already under 3000 bytes (2402)** Error %d transmitting close request. (2403)** Error %i. Check to see whether ClusterShare is installed correctly. (2404)** Invalid memory handle passed to CTOS OS-REQUEST call (2405)** Unable to read contents of %s (2406)** Unable to write contents to %s (2407)** Environment variable name required (2408)** Syntax Error, OS-AllocMem requires a memory handle and size (2409)** Syntax Error, OS-FreeMem requires a valid memory handle (2410)%B %s Warning at line %d. (2411)BTOS/CTOS OS-... functions require a handle, offset, size and variable (2412)The PC Support Router is not active. (2413)%BSYSTEM ERROR: bkiotbl index %d is invalid. (2414)%LThe server connection has ended. (2415)%g-checkdbe must be 0 or nonnegative value. (2416)%Bcur lock: DBKEY %j lk_curf %d lk_prevf %d (2417)018477Code page has not been set for DataServer db %s; %s will be used; Use the 018478%gSYSTEM ERROR: Database is larger than expected. Database has %j blocks, eIndex %d: %s rebuild is complete.User cancelled index rebuild with CTL-C (2421)Only one connection at a time is permitted. (2422)Invalid -S value. (2423)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to open disksrvr.log (2424)%LAborting -- unable to get send state. Code = %s. (2425)%LUnable to open ICFFILE %s. (2426)%LConnection failure during _Racquire. (2427)%LConnection failure during _Rpgmdev. (2428)%LToo long a write to server. (2429)Connection to an AS/400 requires the -U parameter. (2430)The user name is not recognized as an SNA logical connection profile. (2431)SNA failure. Check that SNA is started. (2432)The username exceeds 20 characters. (2433)This device isn't recognized by the AS/400. Is it varied on? (2434)%Las400_sna_write error on REQUEST_TO_SEND: %i. (2435)%Las400_sna_write error. nbytes = %i, what_control received = %i. (2436)%Las400_sna_write error. ret = %i, wlen = %i, errno = %i. (2437)%LSNA read PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE failed. errno = %i. (2438)%LSNA read error. ret = %i, errno = %i. (2439)%LCan't follow path %s to a logical connection LU 6.2 profile. (2440)%LUnable to establish a connection. errno = %i. (2441)%LFlush error = %i. (2442)Connection to an AS/400 requires the -U and -P parameters. (2443)The APPC communications subsystem is not loaded. (2444)The LU ALIAS name is bad. (2445)Partner LU alias or mode name unknown. (2446)Unspecified error trying to allocate the session. (2447)Unspecified session allocation error (AS/400 side). (2448)User ID/Password combination was not accepted by AS/400. (2449)The name of the server program %s was not recognized. (2450)The server program abended on the AS/400. (2451)Could not establish initial conversation correctly. (2452)The -H parameter for AS/400 SNA should be [LU=.../PLU=.../MODE=...]. (2453)The -H parameter LU, PLU, and MODE values cannot exceed eight characters. (2454)%LUnspecified get_send_state error %i %i. (2455)%LFailure to get send state, got state %i. (2456)%BTP_start primary %x, secondary %X. (2457)%BUnspecified PARAMETER_CHECK %X. (2458)%BUnprocessed ALLOCATE error : primary %x secondary %X. (2459)%BUnspecified initial send error primary %x secondary %X. (2460)%BUnspecified allocation error %X. (2461)%BUnspecified initial receive error primary %x secondary %X. (2462)%BUnspecified send error primary %x secondary %X. (2463)%BUnspecified prepare to receive error primary %x secondary %X. (2464)%BUnspecified receive error primary %x secondary %X. (2465)Failed to connect to AS/400 database %s as %s. (2466)Failed to connect to AS/400 database %s. (2467)Unable to open the database file. (2468)%BIndex %d ( %s, %s ): activated%GSYSTEM ERROR: as4dblck: AS/400 error %i. (2470)%s already exists with this unique index value. (2471)Create of %s record failed due to code %i. (2472)Duplicate unique key. (2473)as4rmrep: AS/400 error %i. (2474)No active procedure for specified proc-handle. (2475)%GSYSTEM ERROR: as4reffld has an index too large for the extent. (2476)Overflow occurred. The character field was truncated. (2477)Overflow occurred. The field's value is lost. (2478)Some decimal positions were truncated. (2479)acfm: skipping possible fatal request for AS/400 type %i. (2480)PROGRESS doesn't support converting PROGRESS type %i to AS/400 type %i. (2481)%GSYSTEM ERROR: as4fldtype error, dscidx %i. (2482)%LInvalid reference field. (2483)Database name is longer than eight characters. (2484)%BIndex %d ( %s, %s ): de-activated[Warning] database in use - reported statistics are approximations. (2486)%GSYSTEM ERROR: asnrecv got out of sequence message (2487)You can't use AS/400 communications for the %s %s database. (2488)Unable to initialize the session. (2489)Unable to allocate the session. (2490)Error during initial send to AS/400. (2491)Error during initial receive from AS/400. (2492)Wrong count returned from AS/400's initial conversation. (2493)Wrong data received from AS/400's initial conversation. (2494)Unable to connect to the server. (2495)Unable to read from the server. Codes = %i, %i. (2496)%LClient and server are at AS/400 revision level %i.%i. (2497)%LClient and server are at AS/400 major revision level %i. (2498)%LClient is at minor level %i; server is at minor level %i. (2499)WARNING: The server and client are at different AS/400 major levels. (2500)018479%LWARNING: The client is at AS/400 level %i.%i;the server is at level %i.%iUnable to write to the server. Code = %i, %i. (2502)%LClient disconnected. No free buffers. (2503)%LIncrease the number of IPC Blocks -Mc (currently %d) (2504)%Lor IPC Block Size -Mm (currently %d) (2505)%LCannot read %d byte record. Maximum Record Size is %d. (2506)AS/400 connection failed. Invalid lock table. (2507)Couldn't allocate record buffer (2508)AS/400 connection failed. Unknown library %s. (2509)AS/400 connection failed. Invalid timestamp. (2510)AS/400 connection failed. Obsolete server version. (2511)AS/400 connection failed. Obsolete client version. (2512)Value for -Nv argument is invalid. (2513)After-imaging is not enabled. (2514)The after image writer is already executing (2515)The before image writer is already executing (2516)The watchdog is already executing. (2517)%LStarted. (2518)%LDisconnected. (2519)%LStopped. (2520)Both the -H and -S parameters are needed to shut down the dataserver. (2521)%LUser %i died holding %i shared memory locks. (2522)%LUser %i died with %i buffers locked. (2523)Database name is %s (2524)%LDisconnecting dead server %i. (2525)%LDisconnecting client %i of dead server %i. (2526)%LDisconnecting dead user %i. (2527)WINDOW must be followed by a widget-handle-expression. (2528)Invalid MENU-ITEM option. (2529)Illegal SUB-MENU option. (2530)Test Type - Sequential Writes only (2531)Illegal MENU option. (2532)Test Type - Sequential Reads only (2533)Test Type - Extend each file type (2534)Sample syntax is: FIELD x:ROW IN FRAME y. (2535)Sample alert-box types: question, message, warning, error. etc. (2536)Sample alert-box buttons: ok, ok-cancel, yes-no, yes-no-cancel, etc. (2537)SIZE syntax is: {SIZE | SIZE-CHARS | SIZE-PIXELS} n by m. (2538)VIEW-AS type must be RADIO-SET, TOGGLE-BOX, EDITOR, SLIDER, etc. (2539)Test Type - Sequential Reads and Writes (2540)Syntax is ALERT-BOX type BUTTONS buttontype [title char-expression]. (2541)Menus can contain MENU-ITEMs, SUB-MENUs, SKIP, and RULE. (2542)This module can only access C-ISAM remotely. (2543)This module can only access NetISAM remotely. (2544)This module can only access Rdb remotely. (2545)====================================================================== (2546)Extent %s (2547)Type = %d (2548)Open Mode = %d (2549)BUF FD = %d (2550)UNBUF FD = %d (2551)Length = %l (2552)Blksize = %l (2553)IO Operation Startup Attempted Actual (2554)Invalid database name %s. (2555)FILE BUFFERED UNBUFFERED LOGICAL (2556)018480 Writes Reads Writes Reads Reads Writes Extends Unable to open debugger log file %s. (2558)No debugger log file is open. (2559)This function is ONLY available for a VOID Database (2560)%BSYSTEM ERROR: cur lock: DBKEY %j lk_curf %d lk_prevf %d (2561)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmmak - Failed to create record after %i tries. (2562)You must supply the -SV and -S parameters to start the Server. (2563)You must supply a -m option. (2564)Unrecognized %s network protocol message %i. (2565)** PROGRESS integer value too large for CTOS-ISAM field. (2566)** PROGRESS decimal value too large for CTOS-ISAM field. (2567)** PROGRESS data value too large for CTOS-ISAM field. (2568)Unable to access key field at offset %d in CTOS-ISAM File. (2569)Routine %s sent called routine %s mismatched parameters. (2570)The USING phrase is obsolete. Do not use it. (2571)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmmak: unexpected return code from rmrecc %l. (2572)OS-DIR must be followed by a character expression in parentheses. (2573)Server parameters required for remote connection. (2574)Error establishing Open Interface Driver connection. (2575)SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid or unknown Open Interface Driver type. (2576)SYSTEM ERROR: Open Interface Driver protocol error during %s. (2577)018481%BSYSTEM ERROR: Note prefix length %i, note suffix length %i, don't match iSYSTEM ERROR: Memory overrun - %s. (2579)Can not modify cursor name for opened cursor. (2580)%LStart Open Interface Driver id: %i. (2581)%LShutdown Open Interface Driver id: %i. (2582)%LStart Open Interface Broker. (2583)%LShutdown Open Interface Broker. (2584)Must PREPARE statement before you can EXECUTE it. (2585)Syntax: DEFINE BROWSE name QUERY name [lock] DISPLAY fieldlist WITH... (2586)Help and validation expressions not recognized by temp-tables. (2587)Unrecognized index attribute. (2588)Unrecognized field attribute. (2589)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Couldn't find file table entry for %s. (2590)C datatype int is non-standard usage. (2591)Dynamic cursor name %s is invalid. (2592)Database damaged, invalid extent file count = %d. (2593)Database damaged, invalid extent type = %d file = %s. (2594)%BdbChkHolder: Unable to get dbtype, _db recid %j, area %l (2595)%BdbChkHolder: Error %i from rmget. _db record %j, area %l (2596)%BdbChkHolder: Error %i ix %i, find _db (2597)Trid: %l %s. (2598)User Id: %s. (2599)Could not set Sybase character set %s (2600)%BUnable to set ulimit to %l, errno=%d, ulimit remains at %l. (2601)There is no current %s record. Delete failed. (2602)There is no current %s record. Update failed. (2603)Datatype %c for indicator variables is unsupported. (2604)Already logged out of Embedded SQL Interface. Request ignored. (2605)The language clause has the form: LANGUAGE(languages) (2606)%Bstat() failed on both %s and %s, errno = %d. (2607)SYSTEM ERROR: Unsupported Open Interface Driver protocol version %d. (2608)018482%BCollation tables for database '%s' have been changed.%rYou must rebuild aSYSTEM ERROR: lbi fread error, errno = %E. (2610)018483You cannot update the collation tables for database '%s'%rwhich is connecte%LSYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized Embedded SQL network protocol message %d. (2612)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid Object Handle %d received in %s. (2613)Must PREPARE statement before you can retrieve parameter types. (2614)Must PREPARE statement before you can retrieve number of parameters. (2615)CREATE SCHEMA statements cannot be nested. (2616)Could not execute Open Interface Driver from client. (2617)Could not execute Open Interface Driver from client %d. (2618) (2619)%s is supported on UNIX platforms only. (2621)%BUNKNOWN not supported by user %s routine %d. (2622)%sDatabase in use by %s on %s. Wait or choose CANCEL to stop. (2623)%s in use by %s on %s. Wait or choose CANCEL to stop. (2624)%sDictionary being changed by %s on %s. Wait or choose CANCEL to stop. (2625)Error in conversion. String does not contain a decimal value. (2626)Error in conversion. String does not contain an integer value. (2627)Error in conversion. String does not contain a boolean value. (2628)Error in conversion. String does not contain a SQL date. (2629)Invalid column value %d. Expected value between %d and %d. (2630)Missing keyword DESCRIPTOR after EXEC SQL DEALLOCATE. (2631)Missing keyword DESCRIPTOR after EXEC SQL ALLOCATE. (2632)Missing keyword MAX after WITH. (2633)Missing keyword DESCRIPTOR after EXEC SQL SET. (2634)Missing keyword COUNT or VALUE. (2635)Missing keyword DESCRIPTOR after EXEC SQL GET. (2636)Invalid variable type. Expected variable of type long or short. (2637)Duplicate definition of variable %s within scope. (2638)Syntax error. Unable to recognize column number. (2639)Missing equal sign. (2640)Missing keyword COUNT. (2641)Invalid SQLDA field name. (2642)Quoted string can only be assigned to DATA field. (2643)Invalid cursor name '%s' associated with %s. Expected '%s'. (2644)Invalid right-hand side of assignment. (2645)Syntax error in GET DESCRIPTOR statement. (2646)Invalid identifier '%s'. (2647)%B%s routine for user type %d returned code out of range -32767 to 32767. (2648)%BAfter image integrity CANNOT be guaranteed. (2649)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s stub was called. (2650)Field num: %d, value: %s. (2651)FOCUS and PAUSE phrases go at the end of the WAIT-FOR statement. (2652)Could not load ODBC library. (2653)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to extract field from file %d with recid %j (2654)%sRPC CALL failed for %d, error = %d (2656)Disconnect from server; server has no more network buffer space. (2657)Disconnect from server; server SEND or RECEIVE error. (2658)Disconnect from server; database is being shutdown. (2659)BROKER: PROOIDRV variable does not contain Open Access Driver module. (2660)Disconnect from server, server received invalid message code (2661)Disconnected by PROSHUT or PROMON. (2662)The dataserver broker cannot handle PROGRESS database connections. (2663)018484A PROGRESS database server cannot handle a non-Progress database connectionAttempt to update a Read-Only buffer for table %s. (2665)Numeric format %s provides no digits to the right of the decimal point (2666)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s stub was called. (2667)%BSYSTEM ERROR: tmstrt: free slot %i has transnum %l (2668)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid size of an index key - %i (2669)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid size of an index entry - %i (2670)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid B-tree level (2671)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Wrong entry deleted from non-leaf index block (2672)%GSYSTEM ERROR: invalid rl note (2673)%GSYSTEM ERROR: invalid length of field for word index - %i (2674)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cxgen word index returned error %i (2675)User defined function '%s' already defined. (2676)%GSYSTEM ERROR: invalid component in an index key (2677)%GSYSTEM ERROR: killrecs: Couldn't delete recid %j (2678)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid component flag %i (2679)018485Mismatched number of parameters supplied to '%s'. Expecting %d but %d were The (-S) service name cannot be longer than seven characters. (2681)You must supply a -S service to start the broker. (2682)Unable to open dataserver log file. (2683)Failed to open the communication port. (2684)%GSYSTEM ERROR: suspended query not in a server (2685)%GSYSTEM ERROR: CAN-FIND selection may not be done in a server (2686)%GSYSTEM ERROR: got a bad lock: %d (2687)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bad database lock status (2688)%LLogin to dataserver db as user %s. (2689)%LLogoff from dataserver db as user %s. (2690)The record was modified by another user. (2691)%s decimal field contains illegal value. (2692)%s floating or double value of +infinity converts to ? (2693)%s floating or double value of -infinity converts to ? (2694)%BIncrease -stsh parameter. Large word indexed fields require more space. (2695)%BStash area exceeded maximum size. (2696)%BCharacter array is too large for word indexing. (2697)%GSYSTEM ERROR: proixgen failed for word indexing of array (2698)%GSYSTEM ERROR: proixdel failed for word indexing of array (2699)newColAttribute: unknown datatype %d (2700)%GSYSTEM ERROR: MSGPERM with NULLCURSID. (2701)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Permanent FIND msg differs from cursor msg. (2702)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Locked or open without a cursor: cursid = %d. (2703)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Queued GET msg differs from cursor msg. (2704)SYSTEM ERROR: User %d is queued in two queues. (2705)SYSTEM ERROR: User is waiting for a query with a null id. (2706)SYSTEM ERROR: Got an overflow buffer. (2707)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot queue a message which is already queued. (2708)%GSYSTEM ERROR: User %d already has a suspended message. (2709)018486%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsa_deq_pf: suspended message is synchronous%rpusr->uc_wait%GSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot de-queue a message with no links. (2711)Avoiding write on aborted socket. (2712)%GSYSTEM ERROR: progress_recid exceeded 2MB. Dump and reload the table. (2713)Mode mismatch for parameter %d for user defined function or method '%s'. (2714)Array subscript %d is out of range. (2715)Array subscript %d element is missing. (2716)Array subscript %d column name missing. (2717)018487Parameter %d of user defined function or method '%s' must be an attribute, Fail to compare ORACLE schema; file %s%rfield %s fldpos %d not unique. (2719)Fail to compare ORACLE schema; file %s%rcounted num flds: %d fildes: %d. (2720)Query compiled with -cgw must be run with -cgw. (2721)Query compiled without -cgw must be run without -cgw. (2722)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Add pcache parameter (2723)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cursor_start: User BY clause with cursor refill. (2724)018488%GSYSTEM ERROR: cursor_start: User BY clause on query, but cursor needs to %GSYSTEM ERROR: orextract_idx No index in the schema holder. (2726)%GSYSTEM ERROR: orextract_idx Index %d is not in cache (2727)%LCharacter field too long; table: %s%rcolumn: %s. (2728)%GSYSTEM ERROR: oxridget: Length of record-id is too long (2729)Out of stack space! Increase PROGRESS stack -s. (2730)%BSYSTEM ERROR: qrNext called with NULLQUERYID. (2731)%BqrNext called with a closed query. (2732)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad query request (2733)%GSYSTEM ERROR: not enough buffers for temporary lists (2734)Invalid word-break table number: %d. (2735)Unable to open word-break table file %d. (2736)Word-break table file no. %d has the wrong version number. (2737)Regenerate it using proutil -C wbreak-compiler. (2738)CRC error in word-break rules table %d. (2739)This module can only access RMS remotely. (2740)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Tried to use a DBPROC with pending results (2741)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to convert Sybase date. Error=%d (2742)Unable to set Sybase maxprocs. -SYBc ignored. (2743)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sbrpcstrt: More than %d parameters of stored procedure (2744)%BAfter-image is on, turn it off and restart utility. (2745)Database is not CLOSED. (2746)Index reconstruction resumes. (2747)%B%rPrevious index rebuild was interrupted. This is a new try.%r (2748)018489Parameter %d in routine '%s' is not type compatible with the definition of 018491%WWARNING: RETURN statement in user defined function or method '%s' is miss%rInvalid table name. (2751)%rAmbiguous table name. (2752)Table: %s%r** Invalid index name. (2754)%rIndex not found. (2755)Index: %s018492Giving up search for external user defined function '%s' after %d indirecti%r or enter ! if you do not want to rebuild any more indexes.%rTable name:%rInvalid or foreign table name. Try again. (2760)%rAmbiguous table name. Try again. (2761)%rInvalid table name. Try again. (2762)%rNon-PROGRESS databases are not allowed. (2763)%rIndex name:Large word-indexed text fields require a larger stack. (2765)%gOut of stack space! Increase PROGRESS stack -s. (2766)018493Could not evaluate the expression describing the context of external functiSorting indexes in %d groups.%cWarning: Index %s,%s could not be activated (%d). (2770)Index %s was activated. (2771)Phase 1, processing block number %l.Phase 1, blktype %d blkptr %p dbkey %j blk# %J (2773)Phase 1 complete.Disconnected index %d. (2775)%rIndex Rebuild Utility%r=====================%r018494Could not locate external function '%s'. The handle to the procedure contex018495Select one of the following:%rAll - Rebuild all the indexes%rSome - Rebuil018496External user defined function '%s' is not defined in the procedure context018498Encountered an input-blocking statement while executing a user-defined func018499Cannot update output/input-output parameter %d of user defined function '%s018500RETURN statement in user defined function or method '%s' is not type compat%rNo indexes being rebuilt. (2783)Can't open index list file. (2784)%rInvalid response. Try again. (2785)Can't find selected index list file .xb; assuming ALL. (2786)%rThe following indexes will be rebuilt:%rIs this correct? (y/n)Do you have enough disk space for index sorting? (y/n)Phase 2, processing block number %l out of %l.Phase 2, blktype %d blkptr %p dbkey %j blk# %JPhase 2 complete.Record# %l file# %d (2793)rebuild index# %d file# %d (2794)%rSorting and index building group %d.idxnum=%d filnum=%d numcomp=%d unique=%d (2796)Failed to find keyinfo for index number %d. (2797)ixnum %d pky.idxnum %d (2798)dbkey %j (2799)%BDatabase has not been properly closed. (2800)%BNo indexes specified. Index check terminated. (2801)%s RM block found that should be in the RM free chain. (2802)scdbget could not update _db-type. (2803)%BIndex check completed successfully.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index check found %l errors. (2805)%B%l warnings issued. (2806)%B%i indexes, %l blocks, %l keys checked.%BIndex check aborted. (2808)%BError limit exceeded. Index check aborted. (2809)%BIndex check utility: no more warnings will be displayed. (2810)018501%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d: block %j marked as root, but anchor is block %j. 018502%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j: bad data length - %d, MAXIXCHRS is %d. 018503%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j: block end mismatch: p = %p, pend = %p. 018504%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j: entry count mismatch: nment = %d, found018506A GET statement for a QUERY that has been OPENed with EXCLUSIVE-LOCK must b%B prev size = %i, cs = %i, ks = %i, is = %i, key count = %i. (2816)Phase 1 complete: %l keys read.%rIndex Check Utility%r===================%r018507A GET or BROWSE action for a QUERY that has been OPENED or DEFINED with EXC%GSYSTEM ERROR: failed to extract field from file %d with recid %j (2820)You are using -cpinternal %s and -cpprint %s. (2821)%rNo indexes being checked. (2822)%rThe following indexes will be checked:%s driver not available; check connection parameters (2824)You cannot set the -cpstream parameter to the 7-bit code page name %s. (2825)018508%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s, %s): %l index block pointers and %l blocks fIndex %d (%s, %s): %l keys.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d: index block %j has the wrong index number: %d. (2828)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d: anchor block %j is not a root. TOP %d, BOT %d. (2829)Resetting the -cpstream parameter to iso8859-1. (2830)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s, %s): find first returned %i. (2831)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s, %s): find next returned %i. (2832)JOIN may be used only in OPEN QUERY (2833)** OUTER JOIN must be qualified by LEFT or RIGHT. (2834)** View %s is referenced in an explicit JOIN. (2835)Explicit JOINs may not be nested (2836)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ...(328) (2837)** Duplicate table name %s found in SELECT involving an explicit JOIN. (2838)Illegal OUTER JOIN qualifier (2839)The table used to convert printer output was not found in %s. (2840)An explicit JOIN must be the only element in a FROM clause (2841)RIGHT OUTER JOIN must be between a single pair of base tables (2842)Division by zero is illegal. (2843)%BSYSTEM ERROR: bfrec: trying to GET with mode %i, but PREFETCH is %d. (2844)Number of big_buffers in the free chain is %d, should be %d. (2845)Number of small_buffers in the free chain is %d, should be %d. (2846)Number of message buffers freed: %d (2847)DdeInitialization failed. (2848)DdeNameService failed. (2849)Failed to allocate DDECONV storage. (2850)NETBIOS installation is not recognized but Progress is continuing... (2851)NETBIOS installation check failed. (2852)NETBIOS returned errcode %d on getting adapter status (2853)Time Out. Server hanging up. (2854)The server is ready for servicing TCP clients. (2855)Error reading socket: User: %d, Return code: %d (2856)The server is ready for servicing SPX clients. (2857)018509Warning: Mixed printing mode detected. Use -wpp option for proper printing.%LConnection from Sun to AS/400 requires the -H parameter. (2859)%LInitialized %s (type=%i) ver%i.%i. (2860)DdeInitialize failed. (2861)Failed to start advise. Error = %s. (2862)%BAPPC GetRcvState Error. (2863)%BCould not access mounted file system list, errno = %i. (2864)SYSTEM ERROR: Message %d bytes is too long, not enough memory (2865)SYSTEM ERROR: insufficient memory for msg buffer (2866)%BAPPC GetSendState Error. (2867)018510Cycle in procedure calls detected in %s while executing WRITE trigger for %Attempt to disconnect a %s record, which is running a trigger. (2869)Attempt to DELETE old trigger buffer during a WRITE trigger for %s. (2870)Attempt to DELETE a %s record for which a trigger is running. (2871)Attempt to FIND old trigger buffer during WRITE trigger for %s. (2872)Cannot change cursor of buffer %s when executing a trigger. (2873)QBW syntax error - unexpected end of query. (2874)QBW syntax error - unexpected right parenthesis. (2875)QBW syntax error - missing word before a '&' '|' or ')'. (2876)QBW syntax error - missing right parenthesis. (2877)QUERY error - more than 16 CONTAINS clauses in a query. (2878)Cannot PREV, LAST or FIRST on a complex query without SCROLLING. (2879)SYSTEM ERROR: Out of run-time segment descriptors. (2880)SYSTEM ERROR: Corrupted run-time segment chain. (2881)018511Cannot compile %s. This module requires precompiled database schema trigger%BAPPC Write Error. (2883)018512%WSAVE not specified, and r-code file %s exists.%rList/xref/preprocess list%BAPPC Read Overflow. (2885)Warning: object file %s found before source %s. (2886)Cannot save compilation with IGNORE r-code file option (-zr). (2887)Invalid version, %d (expected %d) in object file %s. (2888)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid Segment Descriptor %d. (2889)018513%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not find text segment for language %s for procedure %%BAPPC Read Error. (2891)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not locate a usable text segment for procedure %s. (2892)%BUnable to initialize memory. (2893)018514%GSYSTEM ERROR: Action segment of procedure %s is not in execution buffer. %BLFP Error (0x%x,0x%X) %s (2895)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Language name is not set for procedure %s. (2896)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid text segment descriptor for procedure %s. (2897)018515%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to locate text segment for language %s for procedure018516The current collation table is not compatible with the database code page. %GSYSTEM ERROR: Text segment for procedure %s is not in execution buffer. (2900)018517Server disconnecting user %d: client cannot handle the database word-break 018518%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not locate text segment for language %s for procedure018519Disconnected because the PROGRESS client cannot handle the database word-brUnable to open network session layer. (2904)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal inconsistency during ESQL setup. (2905)Cannot evaluate function (type: %d) in %s. (2906)Function %s cannot be evaluated in preprocessor expression. (2907)DEFINED() function is valid only in preprocessor expressions. (2908)018520%GSYSTEM ERROR: Field extract of a wrong buffer in selection by the server.FRAME used in WAIT-FOR statement is not VISIBLE. WAIT-FOR terminated. (2910)018521SYSTEM ERROR: Program variable that is defined in an internal procedure, me018522The WIPC client networking couldn't be initialized possibly due to lack of Unknown sequence expression %s. (2913)Put/Get functions not allowed on uninitialized memory. (2914)Cannot do SET-SIZE on a RAW field. (2915)Cannot do GET-SIZE on a RAW field. (2916)Cannot do GET-POINTER-VALUE on a RAW field. (2917)Second parameter of REPLACE must have non-zero length. (2918)Not enough room for REPLACE. Increase -s by %d. (2919)Invalid character '%c' following '&' in SUBSTITUTE. (2920)Invalid ampersand at end of SUBSTITUTE control string. (2921)Out of stack space for SUBSTITUTE processing. (2922)OS-GETENV is not supported on this operating system. (2923)Value out of range. (2924)Attempt to update a float of size %d. (2925)Can't extract a host language float of length %d. (2926)Invalid number of result columns supplied to sqldynftch(). (2927)Item number %d out of range. (2928)The WIPC client was unable to find vwingd.386 (2929)Statement identifier %s not found. (2930)CREATE SCHEMA never started. Cannot finish. (2931)Logical database view for %s not established. (2932)Could not set an alias dictdb to %s. (2933)SYSTEM ERROR: Close Request Internal Processing Error. (2934)018523Insufficient number of dynamic parameter values supplied in SQLDA.%r%d valuNested recursion limit of %d exceeded in preprocessor expansion. (2936)Incompatible string attributes supplied. (2937)Invalid string attribute. (2938)Preprocessor expansion buffer overflow. (2939)Maximum preprocessor nesting level of %d exceeded. (2940)Attempt to use reserved preprocessor name as include file parameter. (2941)Premature EOF during &IF preprocessor handling. (2942)Invalid preprocessor directive '%s' inside &IF or &ELSEIF expression. (2943)Must reference %s as {&%s}. (2944)&ANALYZE_SUSPENDs may not be nested. (2945)Invalid nesting of &IF or &ELSEIF without matching &THEN. (2946)&ELSEIF improperly nested; no preceding &IF or &ELSEIF. (2947)Preprocessor expression buffer overflow. (2948)&THEN without matching &IF or &ELSEIF. (2949)&ELSE with no matching &IF or &ELSEIF. (2950)&ENDIF without matching &IF, &ELSEIF or &ELSE. (2951)Missing &THEN for &IF or &ELSEIF. (2952)Invalid preprocessor name definition within &IF expression. (2953)Missing name in preprocessor name definition. (2954)Attempt to redefine built-in preprocessor name '%s'. (2955)Preprocessor directive buffer overflow. (2956)Invalid %s within &IF expression. (2957)Missing name in &UNDEFINE. (2958)Attempt to &UNDEFINE built-in preprocessor name '%s'. (2959)Attempt to &UNDEFINE %s which has no definition. (2960)Preprocessor message buffer overflow. (2961)&ANALYZE_RESUME with no matching &ANALYZE_SUSPEND. (2962)Built-in pre-processor variable '%s' only valid in {&var} form. (2963)Missing &ENDIF. (2964)Invalid use of nonconstant elements in preprocessor expression. (2965)Invalid type in preprocessor expression. (2966)Invalid global redefinition of preprocessor name '%s'. (2967)Warning: global redefinition of preprocessor name '%s' to '%s' from '%s. (2968)SYSTEM ERROR: SQLDA metadata extraction error. (2969)SYSTEM ERROR: SQLDA data extraction error. (2970)SYSTEM ERROR: SQLDA data encoding error. (2971)SYSTEM ERROR: SQLDA metadata encoding error. (2972)SYSTEM ERROR: SQLV data extraction error. (2973)SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid slot value in object handler. (2974)SYSTEM ERROR: Message is %d bytes, not enough memory. (2975)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to expand buffer to receive message. (2976)SYSTEM ERROR: Unknown datatype %d read (2977)SYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized query type %d (2978)SYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized source datatype %d in move routine (2979)SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid column reference %d in magic %s (2980)018524Client window is in a PAUSE. Press spacebar and the Debugger will get%rcontThe WIPC client was unable to register with wingate. (2982)018525Application is in a READKEY. Satisfy the READKEY and the Debugger will get Invalid message received. (2984)Interrupted at %d in %s. (2985)Invalid debugger command: %s (2986) ** Index into vector field %s must be a constant integer. (2987) ** No data item matches %s. (2988) ** Data reference %s is ambiguous. (2989) ** Internal error converting %s. (2990) ** Data reference %s is an array. Specify which element you want. (2991) ** Data reference %s is not an array. (2992) ** %s has an extent of %d. (2993)PROGRESS Debugger not supported in batch mode. (2994)%LUnknown message from wingate %d. (2995)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Not enough memory for %s dll info (2996)Could not start up Progress Debugger. (2997)Breakpoint set in %s. Use the RUN command to invoke it. (2998)Nothing to execute. (2999)No name specified for the macro. (3000)A numeric is not a valid macro name. (3001)Macro names cannot be quoted. (3002)Invalid macro name: %s. Cannot be a debugger command. (3003)Invalid macro name: %s. May not be a debugger directive. (3004)Invalid macro name. Must begin with a letter. (3005)Macro (%s) has no corresponding command. (3006)Self references not allowed inside macros: %s (3007)Incorrect parameters for macro. (3008)Invalid syntax for MACRO command. (3009)No button name given. (3010)No command given for button. (3011)No current source in which to place a breakpoint. (3012)Invalid syntax for BREAK command. (3013)Breakpoint already set in %s. (3014)Breakpoint already set at %s:%d. (3015)Breakpoint (#%d) set in %s. (3016)Breakpoint (#%d) set at %s:%l. (3017)Invalid syntax for FILE command. (3018)Invalid syntax for FILE command. (3019)No breakpoint #%l defined. (3020)Invalid syntax for CANCEL BREAK command: %s (3021)Invalid syntax for CANCEL BREAK command. (3022)No current source in which to cancel a breakpoint. (3023)Breakpoint (#%d) in %s canceled. (3024)Breakpoint (#%d) at %s:%l canceled. (3025)No breakpoint in %s to cancel. (3026)No breakpoint at %s:%d to cancel. (3027)No macro name given in CANCEL MACRO command. (3028)Invalid name or invalid syntax for the CANCEL MACRO command. (3029)No macro named: %s. (3030)Macro (%s) is being executed, so it cannot be canceled. (3031)Macro (%s) canceled. (3032)No button name given to CANCEL. (3033)Invalid syntax for CANCEL BUTTON command. (3034)Invalid button name. Quote irregular button names. (3035)No button (%s) to CANCEL. (3036)Incomplete CANCEL command. (3037)Invalid CANCEL command. (3038)Cancel all what? Specify BREAK, MACRO, or BUTTON. (3039)Invalid syntax for CANCEL ALL BREAKS command. (3040)All breakpoints canceled. (3041)Invalid syntax for CANCEL ALL MACROS command. (3042)All macros canceled. (3043)Invalid syntax for CANCEL ALL BUTTONS command. (3044)All buttons canceled. (3045)Invalid CANCEL ALL syntax. (3046)Invalid syntax for LOG command. (3047)Already logging commands to %s. (3048)Logging commands and output to %s. (3049)Invalid syntax for the CANCEL LOG command. (3050)Number of STEPs to take must be a positive integer. (3051)Invalid parameter at end of STEP command. (3052)Number of NEXTs to take must be a positive integer. (3053)Invalid parameter or invalid syntax for the NEXT command. (3054)No data item specified for DISPLAY command. (3055)Invalid DISPLAY command. (3056)Invalid syntax for the DISPLAY command. (3057) ** No context from which to DISPLAY. You must run the procedure. (3058) (%s:%d) %s = %sAt line %d in %s. (3060)Stopped at %l in %s. (3061)No SHOW type specified. (3062)Invalid SHOW type. (3063)Parameter for DOWN command must be a positive integer. (3064)Invalid syntax for the DOWN command. (3065)Procedure call stack is empty. (3066)Already at the bottom call level. (3067)Parameter for UP command must be a positive integer. (3068)Invalid syntax for the UP command. (3069)Already at the top call level. (3070)No Debugger listing file available for %s. (3071)RUN what? Please specify a procedure to RUN. (3072)Invalid syntax for the RUN command. (3073)%s does not compile. Debugger cannot RUN it. (3074)Running %s...018526Cannot RUN an internal procedure which is a DLL.%rSearching for an external018527%WWARNING: modifier other than AT, TO, BGCOLOR, DCOLOR, FGCOLOR, FONT, or VList what? Please specify PARAMETERS, BUFFERS, or VARIABLES. (3078)Invalid syntax for the LIST command. (3079)Please specify PARAMETERS, BUFFERS, or VARIABLES. (3080) ** No context from which to report. You must run a procedure. (3081)No variables defined for %s:%d. (3082) Variables for %s:%d.%T%sNo parameters defined for %s:%d. (3085) Parameters for %s:%d.No buffers defined for %s:%d. (3087) Buffers for %s:%d.%T%s (%sBUFFER)Invalid syntax for HELP command. (3090)Invalid syntax for HELP command. (3091)Invalid syntax for the HELP command. (3092)Invalid syntax for the SHOW BUTTON command. (3093)No buttons defined. (3094) Buttons:%sInvalid syntax for the SHOW MACRO command. (3097)No macros defined. (3098) Macros:Invalid syntax for the SHOW STACK command. (3100)-- Debugger: "RUN %s" command started at this point. --Invalid syntax for the SHOW BREAK command. (3102)No breakpoints defined. (3103) Breakpoints:Invalid syntax for the SHOW TRANSACTION command. (3105)No transaction is active. (3106)A transaction is active. (3107)Could not open debug listing file %s for writing. (3108)Could not read %s. (3109)"RUN %s" command completed with error. (3110)"RUN %s" command completed successfully. (3111)Numeric token cannot be delimited by a quote: %s (3112)Token may not be delimited by a quote: (%c). (3113)Could not understand starting at token: %s (3114)Unterminated quoted string starting at: %c%s (3115)Command may not begin with a number: %s (3116)Debugger directives (%s) only allowed inside MACRO or BUTTON definitions. (3117)Command cannot begin with debugger directive (%s). (3118)Command may not begin with a quoted string: (%s). (3119)Command may not begin with a '%c'. (3120)Cannot define a macro in terms of a button (%s). (3121)Cannot define a button in terms of a button (%s). (3122)Cannot define a macro in terms of a macro (%s). (3123)Cannot define a button in terms of a macro (%s). (3124)May not use the INPUT command as part of a macro (%s). (3125)May not use the INPUT command as part of a button (%s). (3126)Invalid debugger command or unknown macro (%s). (3127)Incorrect parameters for macro (%s). (3128)Could not extract value from %s (rpos %d) for an ASSIGN trigger. (3129)Unable to assign widget %s to CURRENT-WINDOW. (3130)Unable to set attribute %s in widget %s of type %s. (3131)Cannot set sequence %s beyond its max/min values. (3132)SYSTEM ERROR: Sequence %s not found. (3133)Could not find field-level widget. Frame id %d resolves to nil. (3134)Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object. (3135)Could not find menu item. Menu id %d resolves to nil. (3136)Attempt to dereference a stale widget handle. (3137)Could not find widget handle for window from expression. (3138)Wrong type of object handle (%s) %s -- must be a window handle. (3139)Cannot access the %s attribute because the widget does not exist. (3140)Database %s does not exist or is not open. (3141)You do not have sufficient permission to increment sequence values. (3142)You do not have sufficient permission to read sequence values. (3143)You do not have sufficient permission to set sequence values. (3144)Cannot BROWSE query %s, which is closed. (3145)Cannot browse query %s because frame is already being browsed. (3146)Cannot browse query %s because query is already being browsed. (3147)Ignoring BROWSE in non screen mode. (3148)Cannot use BROWSE Widget %s when it has not been put into a FRAME. (3149)Widget handle %s in DDE INITIATE must be frame type. (3150)Handle to unrealized frame passed to DDE-CONNECT. (3151)DDE channel number %i not connected. (3152)DDE %s failed. (3153)Could not extract argument for DDE statement. (3154)DDE not available on this platform. (3155)Attempt to close query %s during another query operation. (3156)018528GET FIRST/LAST not allowed on indexed-reposition query %s while it is beingAttempt to GET from query %s during another query operation. (3158)Cannot Get on query %s which is not opened. (3159)SCROLLING required for PREV or LAST for query %s. (3160)018529Encountered an input-Blocking statement within a trigger for GET of a queryAttempt to reposition query %s during another query operation. (3162)Cannot reposition on query %s, which is not opened. (3163)Cannot reposition on query %s which is not defined as SCROLLING. (3164)Could not evaluate reposition amount for query %s. (3165)More than one %s records found by a unique FIND. (3166)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to connect record to buffer. (3167)Attempt to CREATE a %s record in %s while a trigger is executing. (3168)Attempt to DELETE a %s record in %s while a trigger is executing. (3169)4GL action %d (%s:%d) may not be executed by this image. (3170)Unable to open PREPROCESS output file %s. (3171)Could not evaluate the COMPILE...SAVE = expression in %s:%d. (3172)Unable to open ANALYZE output file %s. (3173)Unable to evaluate the filename to be compiled. (3174)Attempt to delete widget %s of type %s; these widgets are not deletable. (3175)Attempt to DELETE a static widget %s of type %s. (3176)Unable to evaluate widget pool name. (3177)Trying to create a widget in widget-pool '%s', but pool doesn't exist. (3178)Unable to evaluate widget type. (3179)Invalid widget type %s. (3180)Cannot create widget of type %s. (3181)Unable to evaluate widget attribute. (3182)Unable to set attribute %s in a widget of type %s. (3183)Unrecognized widget-type in CREATE widget. (3184)Could not get Load/Unload/Use application name. (3185)Could not get LOAD directory name. (3186)Invalid color number, %d, given for common dialog. (3187)Invalid Font number, %d, given to common dialog. (3188)Unable to extract expression for system-dialog. (3189)Could not find target of APPLY statement (%s:%d) (3190)018530%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to extract field %d from %s record (table %d) with rCannot APPLY event to %s since it is not enabled. (3192)Row/column designated in PUT SCREEN statement must be greater than 1. (3193)Could not find window widget. (3194)Could not find frame widget. (3195)Could not find group-level widget. (3196)Could not find field-level widget. (3197)Could not attach trigger in %s:%d. (3198)Could not extract database name in CREATE DATABASE statement. (3199)Database name is not usable. (3200)Database name is too long. (3201)%s must start with an alphabetic character. (3202)Keywords (like %s) cannot be used for a database name. (3203)Database %s not found. (3204)Not enough memory. (3205)Database %s has the wrong version number. (3206)BI file not found. (3207)Procopy must be used to copy multi-volume databases. (3208)Database is either in use or crashed. (3209)Error reading one of the files for %s. (3210)Can't open %s. (3211)Database %s in use. Cannot replace. (3212)Error reading %s. (3213)Error creating %s. (3214)Insufficient disk space. (3215)The target database exists. (3216)CREATE DATABASE statement failed. (3217)Could not extract argument for SYSTEM-HELP statement. (3218)Could not extract argument for PUT/GET-KEYVAL. (3219)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Request for space (%d) on FSA stack exceeds max of %d. (3220)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal Inconsistency in Progress Runtime Engine. (3221)Attempt to OVERRIDE a schema create trigger for %s. (3222)Attempt to OVERRIDE a schema find trigger for %s. (3223)Attempt to OVERRIDE a schema delete trigger for %s. (3224)Attempt to OVERRIDE a schema write trigger for %s. (3225)Attempt to OVERRIDE a schema assign trigger. (3226)Insufficient permission to disable triggers for dump of %s. (3227)Insufficient permission to disable triggers for load of %s. (3228)DLL procedure %s cannot receive a BUFFER parameter. (3229)Mismatched parameter types passed to procedure %s. (3230)Mismatch in the parameter datatypes in DLL procedure %s. (3231)DLL procedure %s could not find caller's memptr variable. (3232)DLL procedure %s using an uninitialized MEMPTR. (3233)Mismatched number of parameters passed to routine %s. (3234)Mismatched buffers: %s expects %s but received %s (3235)018531Update of field at record position %d in table %s failed upon return from %018532Program %s, line %d warning: Cannot join this query by the database server.Parameter buffer %s in %s was passed a workfile buffer. (3238)Buffer %s in %s expects to be passed a workfile buffer. (3239)Trigger for table %s executing %s which is FOR %s table. (3240)Parameter buffer for %s in %s not matched by caller. (3241)CRC for database trigger procedure %s does not match schema. (3242)You cannot access local data in this version of PROGRESS. (3243)Unable to create schema information for temp-table %s. (3244)%s is a FIND, DELETE, or CREATE trigger procedure. (3245)%s is a WRITE trigger procedure. (3246)%s is an ASSIGN trigger procedure. (3247)Cannot run %s for a FIND, DELETE, or CREATE trigger. (3248)Cannot run %s for a WRITE trigger. (3249)Cannot run %s for an ASSIGN trigger. (3250)Cannot RUN %s directly. Must be fired from a trigger. (3251)Unable to locate index for %s. (3252)Failure to find borrowed query, datasource or dataset %s. (3253)Scrolling must be the same for shared queries. (3254)Failure to find shared query %s. (3255)Shared or inherited query %s -- buffers do not match. (3256)Unable to find a global MEMPTR entry for initialization. (3257)Could not load DLL procedure %s. (3258)Could not find the entrypoint %d. (3259)Could not find the entrypoint %s. (3260)Unable to run the PROGRESS Procedure Editor %s. (3261)Couldn't find ASSIGN trigger procedure for table %s record position %d. (3262)018533Error extracting field at record position %d from buffer %s for running an Program %s, line %d: PROGRESS will perform the join by the client. (3264)018534%GSYSTEM ERROR: Database trigger stack overflow. Too many nested database t018535Program %s, line %d warning: Performing the join by the%r database server mWAIT-FOR has an empty event/widget list. There is nothing to wait for. (3267)Cannot WAIT-FOR input from a stream. (3268)018536Run-time error in WAIT-FOR at line %d (relative to expanded source) of %s. Unable to evaluate logical expr for Xref Append. (3270)Unable to evaluate logical expr for Listing Append. (3271)%s has conflicting field declarations. (3272)Temp-table schema for %s not found. (3273)Unable to locate open control structure for temp-table %s. (3274)SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid database trigger type %s for _File %s. (3275)018537SYSTEM ERROR: Bad database trigger type %s for field at record position %d Unable to locate Broker definition in PROGRESS.INI. (3277)SYSTEM ERROR: Index delete of field ASSIGN trigger failed. (3278)SYSTEM ERROR: Indexing field ASSIGN trigger failed. (3279)Cannot add any more sequences to the database, limited to 100. (3280)No sequence slot is available. (3281)Invalid dump name %s. (3282)018538Cannot modify case sensitivity of field %N because it is a component of an Cannot update _Db-recid field of sequence %s. (3284)Unable to locate _Db record using _Db-recid %j of sequence %s. (3285)Non PROGRESS sequences are not supported. (3286)Invalid string attribute for field %N. (3287)%s fields cannot be defined in PROGRESS schema. (3288)You cannot update word index on an existing Index %s. (3289)You cannot update a trigger record. (3290)Field trigger rpos cannot be set directly. (3291)You must set recid before setting event. (3292)Bad recid %j in trigger record. (3293)No triggers allowed on metaschema files. (3294)Unknown trigger value %s. (3295)Field assign triggers not allowed on fields with extents. (3296)File %s still has triggers. (3297)Field %N still has triggers. (3298)Should not have found a Non PROGRESS Sequence. (3299)You cannot deactivate the sql-default index. (3300)_Seq-Max %j cannot be less than _Seq-Init %j. (3301)_Seq-Min %j cannot be greater than _Seq-Init %j. (3302)_Seq-Max %j cannot be less than _Seq-Min %j. (3303)Unable to locate _Db record using _Db-recid %D. (3304)Supplied offset %d is not in Compiler banks. (3305)Supplied pointer %p is not in Compiler banks. (3306)%s has exceeded its limit of %l bytes, in %s at line # %d. (3307)%s has exceeded its limit of %l bytes, at line # %d. (3308)%WWarning: Title for FRAME %s is larger than specified width. (3309)DISPLAY AGGREGATES not allowed for BROWSE frames. (3310)Unexpected widget type %d encountered in ANALYZE (3311)Analyze output buffer overflow (3312)018539RETURN ERROR not permitted in an user interface trigger. Use RETURN NO-APPL0185404GL RETURN NO-APPLY only permitted in an user interface trigger. Use RETURNArray subscript is less than 1 or greater than extent. (3315)USE-INDEX cannot be used with CONTAINS. (3316)CONTAINS may not be used with version 6 or non-PROGRESS dbs. (3317)CONTAINS may not be used with FIND or old style queries. (3318)Could not match CONTAINS with any keyword index. (3319)Invalid LANGUAGE phrase (3320)Invalid language list on COMPILE statement (3321)018541OPEN QUERY requires EACH after FOR, and EACH or FIRST or LAST in subsequentQUERY %s already exists. (3323)Buffer %s in QUERY %s must be a shared buffer since query is shared. (3324)Conflict in number of buffers for QUERY %s from previous use. (3325)Buffer %s is in conflict with previous use of QUERY %s. (3326)REPOSITION requires SCROLLING option on DEFINE QUERY. (3327)QUERY %s could not be found. (3328)SHARED BROWSE requires SHARED QUERY. (3329)BROWSE requires the QUERY to be DEFINEd SCROLLING. (3330)Shared buffers cannot be defined inside internal procedures. (3331)Shared buffers cannot be defined inside session triggers. (3332)You cannot define parameter buffers in a trigger block. (3333)You cannot define parameter buffers in a DLL procedure. (3334)You may not associate database triggers with workfiles or temp-tables. (3335)Database triggers must be associated with table names (not buffers). (3336)You cannot define parameters in a trigger block. (3337)RETURN parameter allowed only inside a DLL procedure. (3338)Only one RETURN parameter is allowed in a DLL procedure. (3339)Only parameters in a DLL procedure can have HANDLE phrase. (3340)Cannot define shared variables in a trigger. (3341)Cannot define shared variables in an internal procedure. (3342)LIKE objects should be of similar types. (3343)Trigger inherited from LIKE %s is ignored in DLL procedure. (3344)Object Handle Variable name %s conflicts with Frame name. (3345)Temp-tables do not support the ROWID data type. (3346)Temp-tables and workfiles do not support the MEMPTR data type. (3347)018542Parameters of MEMPTR data type do not require HANDLE phrase. HANDLE phrase 018543%WWARNING: Invalid INITIAL option ignored for HANDLE or OBJECT REFERENCE vArray extent may not be greater than %d (3350)Invalid DECIMALS option ignored for non-DECIMAL variable. (3351)SIZE or constant FILE name required for IMAGE phrase. (3352)Definitional triggers are not supported inside DLL procedures. (3353)%s defined LIKE %s, which already has triggers. Cannot add more. (3354)You cannot define a TEMP-TABLE inside an internal procedure. (3355)You cannot define a WORK-TABLE inside an internal procedure. (3356)You cannot define a TEMP-TABLE inside a session trigger. (3357)You cannot define a WORK-TABLE inside a session trigger. (3358)You cannot define streams inside an internal procedure. (3359)You cannot define streams inside a session trigger. (3360)You cannot define shared frames inside an internal procedure. (3361)You cannot define shared frames inside a session trigger. (3362)Bad option for MEMPTR variable definition. (3363)FROM phrase requires valid non-zero X,Y or ROW,COL coordinates. (3364)Rectangles require either LIKE or SIZE phrases. (3365)SIZE phrase is missing - required if LIKE not specified. (3366)View-as EDITOR requires character data type. (3367)View-as EDITOR requires nonzero SIZE/INNER in chars or LIKE phrase. (3368)View-as SLIDER requires integer data type. (3369)018544Slider MAX-VALUE/MIN-VALUE and FREQUENCY (when supported) must be between -View-as SLIDER requires MAX-VALUE > MIN-VALUE or LIKE phrase. (3371)View-as SELECTION-LIST requires char data type. (3372)View-as SELECTION-LIST requires SIZE/INNER or LIKE phrase. (3373)View-as RADIO-SET requires valid ITEMs or LIKE phrase. (3374)Unable to define VIEW-AS type %d. (3375)Data type for Toggle-box must be logical. (3376)Array extent may not be used with Editors or Radio-sets. (3377)LIKE object and source object must have compatible VIEW-AS types. (3378)Nonzero height and width required for SIZE. (3379)Inconsistent values in SELECTION-LIST. (3380)FGCOLOR, BGCOLOR, PFCOLOR, or DCOLOR require an integer expression. (3381)BROWSE name %s conflicts with variable or temp-field name. (3382)018545DLL datatype must be one of CHARACTER, BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED-SHORT, LONG, FDuplicate component %s in index %s, TEMP-TABLE %s. (3384)Unknown field %s as component of index %s, TEMP-TABLE %s . (3385)Unable to locate index %s in table %s for TEMP-TABLE %s. (3386)WORD index %s not supported for TEMP-TABLE %s. (3387)018547Inactive %s cannot be used for TEMP-TABLE %s. You must use USE-INDEX to spTEMP-TABLE %s must have only one primary key. (3389)Duplicate index name %s for temp-table %s. (3390)NO-ERROR cannot be used with the EDITING phrase. (3391)SETSIZE is allowed only for MEMPTR variables. (3392)GETSIZE is allowed only for MEMPTR variables. (3393)Unable to locate STARTUP entry for Data Source in ODBC.INI file. (3394)Invalid use of INPUT field on non-field widget. (3395)Expressions in frames cannot use local program variables. (3396)WHEN is invalid inside an expression. (3397)CONTAINS allowed only for word indexed field references. (3398)EXTENT() function used on non-array item. (3399)DATE takes 3 integer or 1 character arguments. (3400)INDEX, R-INDEX, ENTRY and LOOKUP take 2 or 3 arguments. (3401)Function takes 2 or 3 arguments. (3402)GET-MESSAGE and GET-NUMBER require an integer argument. (3403)Unknown attribute identifier %d. (3404)Invalid argument datatype for GUI attribute. (3405)Unknown attribute %s used in widget:attribute phrase. (3406)Invalid number of arguments for attribute %s. (3407)Attribute %s requires parentheses. (3408)Attribute %s must not have parentheses. (3409)Attribute Replace requires 2 or 3 arguments. (3410)Attribute Add-Last requires 1 or 2 arguments. (3411)SetGrid attribute requires 4 arguments. (3412)Attribute Image requires at least 1 argument. (3413)Attribute GET-MESSAGE requires an integer argument. (3414)Attribute GET-NUMBER requires an integer argument. (3415)Attribute GET-TEXT-WIDTH requires 1 or 2 arguments. (3416)Attribute GET-TEXT-HEIGHT requires 0 or 1 arguments. (3417)Incorrect number of arguments for attribute %s. (3418)Unknown event: %s. (3419)CREATE widget variable %s must be type WIDGET-HANDLE. (3420)Unknown or inappropriate attribute %s. (3421)IN WINDOW must be followed by a window WIDGET-HANDLE expression. (3422)Attributes for the COMPILER system handle are read-only. (3423)Attributes for the ERROR-STATUS system handle are read-only. (3424)%s already declared as a database schema trigger procedure. (3425)Trigger procedure statement must be the first statment in the file. (3426)Database schema triggers cannot be defined for a Version %d table. (3427)Buffer for %s already defined. Conflicts with trigger procedure. (3428)018548You cannot put a table label on the database table AND the new trigger buffMust specify the table.field for which this is an ASSIGN trigger. (3430)INPUT not allowed in 'ASSIGN of field'. (3431)Cannot specify a Frame in 'ASSIGN of field'. (3432)Fields with extents may not have ASSIGN triggers. (3433)Data type for %s must match ASSIGN field %s.%s. (3434)Data types for new and old values must match. (3435)Persistent triggers allowed only for user-interface triggers. (3436)Override qualifier not allowed on user interface triggers. (3437)Unknown event: %s. (3438)OVERRIDE qualifier not allowed on system triggers. (3439)CASE statement cannot be used as part of the ON statement. (3440)You cannot define internal procedures inside a session trigger block. (3441)Already defining %s. You cannot nest procedure definitions. (3442)Internal procedure %s already defined. (3443)Compile-time arguments cannot be used with RUN of a PERSISTENT trigger. (3444)Only INPUT parameters are allowed for PERSISTENT triggers. (3445)BROWSE widget label/title must be supplied in DEFINE statement. (3446)Invalid widget used in FORM header or BACKGROUND phrases. (3447)018549User input functions are not supported for WIDGET-HANDLE or user-defined obUse the INTEGER function to see HANDLE variables. (3449)Buttons, images, rectangles, etc., not allowed in EXPORT. (3450)Invalid widget used with word-wrap. (3451)Cannot do aggregation on a borrowed frame. (3452)Invalid aggregation on non-field widget. (3453)SKIP not allowed in non-VIEW-AS MESSAGEes. (3454)Alert-boxes can only update logical fields. (3455)Input is not supported for RAW or WIDGET-HANDLE or ROWID variables. (3456)018550Images, buttons, rectangles, etc., may not be referenced in MESSAGE statemeButtons, images, rectangles, etc.,are invalid in PUT statement. (3458)Only one window phrase allowed per statement. (3459)IN WINDOW phrase not allowed in this statement. (3460)Assignments not allowed in an ENABLE statement. (3461)Assignments not allowed in a DISABLE statement. (3462)Invalid assignment to image, button, widget handle, etc. (3463)Qualify the reference with the name of the frame. (3464)NEXT/PREV invalid in CAN-FIND. Use FIRST. (3465)Invalid use of non-field widget in @ phrase. (3466)Invalid use of @ with non-field widget. (3467)Unable to locate BROKER entry for Data Source in ODBC.INI file. (3468)VALIDATE phrase must be supplied in same procedure as frame definition. (3469)018551Unable to compile Data Dictionary validation in lower-level internal procedOut of stack space for ANALYZE. (3471)Use of nonconstant COLOR/FONT requires that frame %s be local. (3472)Conflicting VIEW-AS type. (3473)BROWSE widget %s elements must be supplied in DEFINE statement only. (3474)BROWSE widget %s cannot be used in more than 1 frame. (3475)UIC type %d not implemented yet. (3476)Only field/expression widgets allowed in BROWSE widgets. (3477)Incompatible toggle-box VIEW-AS type. (3478)Incompatible radio-set VIEW-AS type. (3479)Incompatible editor VIEW-AS type. (3480)Incompatible slider VIEW-AS type. (3481)Incompatible selection-list VIEW-AS type. (3482)VIEW-AS RADIO-SET requires valid ITEMs. (3483)RADIO-SET VIEW-AS item conflicts with earlier version. (3484)VIEW-AS EDITOR requires nonzero SIZE/INNER information. (3485)VIEW-AS SLIDER requires MAX-VALUE value > MIN-VALUE value. (3486)VIEW-AS SELECTION-LIST requires nonzero SIZE/INNER values. (3487)Invalid character unit coordinates--should be greater than or equal to 1. (3488)AT phrase requires both ROW/COL or both X/Y coordinates. (3489)INNER-LINES/INNER-CHARS are mutually exclusive with SIZE. (3490)Invalid use of variable subscript on non-fill-in widget. (3491)VIEW-AS illegal with variable subscripts. (3492)%s invalid. Non-negative constant required. (3493)Invalid character constant. Should be decimal or integer. (3494)Invalid pixel coordinate %l. Should be less than or equal to %d. (3495)Invalid character coordinate %l. Should be less than or equal to %d. (3496)INNER-LINES and INNER-CHARS must be supplied together and be nonzero. (3497)SIZE and INNER-LINES/CHARS are mutually exclusive. (3498)FONT requires an integer expression. (3499)Could not find relative position source field %s in frame %s (3500)Statement does not support MENUs. (3501)IN WINDOW invalid with UP, DOWN, and SCROLL statements. (3502)018552Strong scoping inside an internal procedure is valid only on explicitly defData Source definition does not contain Broker definition. (3504)018553Strong scoping inside a trigger is valid only on explicitly defined buffersCannot strong scope a borrowed buffer %s. (3506)Cannot reference strong scoped buffer %s inside an internal procedure. (3507)Cannot reference strong scoped buffer %s inside a trigger. (3508)%s matches multiple fields in %s. (3509)018554First field name reference for a table scoped outside an internal procedure%BInvalid FD on seek, ret = %d file = %s. (3511)Conflict in frame name and WITH frame name %s. (3512)IN WINDOW invalid with DO, FOR, and REPEAT statements. (3513)Could not find browse %s. (3514)Could not find frame %s. (3515)BROWSE/FRAME name conflict. (3516)Static frame name %s conflicts with widget-handle variable. (3517)FRAME ROW datatype must be DECIMAL. (3518)FRAME COLUMN must be DECIMAL datatype. (3519)BROWSE widget must have at least 2 DOWN. (3520)BROWSE widget must have constant DOWN or SIZE. (3521)Frame VIEW-AS MESSAGE-LINE not implemented yet. (3522)Conflict in COLOR options -- FGC, BGC, PFC, and COLOR. (3523)Invalid DEFAULT-BUTTON name. (3524)Invalid CANCEL-BUTTON name. (3525)FRAME options ROW/COL and AT are mutually exlusive. (3526)FRAME options WIDTH and SIZE are mutually exlusive. (3527)Invalid DEFINE BROWSE option supplied. (3528)Invalid or conflicting DOWN value supplied. (3529)Only 16 CONTAINS allowed in a single WHERE clause. (3530)Invalid unsubscripted reference to array element. (3531)Keyword WHEN, OTHERWISE, or END is missing in CASE statement. (3532)Keyword CASE (optional) and a '.' should follow END. (3533)OTHERWISE must be the last branch inside CASE. (3534)Keyword THEN must terminate a WHEN statement. (3535)Incompatible datatypes in CASE and a WHEN branch expression. (3536)The OS-DIR functionality is available only with INPUT FROM. (3537)Unknown attribute %s. (3538)Sequences cannot appear in a WHERE clause. (3539)Invalid use of INPUT on non-field widget. (3540)CAN-FIND is invalid within an OPEN QUERY. (3541)018555Translation of format '%s' in language '%s' to '%s' exceeds expanded length%BUnable to read file = %s, errno = %d. (3543)Duplicate menu name %s. (3544)SUB-MENU definitions cannot be SHARED--%s. (3545)MENUBAR option not valid for submenu %s. (3546)LIKE phrase is not allowed with menu items. (3547)TITLE option not valid for sub-menu %s. (3548)TITLE invalid with MENUBAR option. (3549)PINNABLE invalid with MENUBAR option. (3550)HELP only allowed for SUB-MENUs. (3551)Part of menu definition found out of context. (3552)SKIP and RULE not allowed with MENUBAR option. (3553)DEFINE sub-menu %s statement missing. (3554)TOP-LEVEL menu %s cannot be used as a SUB-MENU. (3555)Shared menus can only include shared submenus. (3556)Submenubars not allowed in nonmenubar parent. (3557)Duplicate menu-item name %s. (3558)CHECKBOX invalid with MENUBAR option. (3559)ACCELERATOR not allowed with MENUBAR option. (3560)READ-ONLY invalid with MENUBAR option. (3561)Menu %s not found. (3562)Handle variables cannot have static IN FRAME phrase. (3563)Field components can only be modified by IN FRAME name. (3564)Widget array-element requires constant subscript. (3565)018556Could not find %s in a frame. Try qualifying the reference with an IN FRAMECould not find %s in frame %s. (3567)Submenus must be modified by IN MENU name. (3568)Menu %s not found in subtree of %s. (3569)Menu-items must be modified by IN MENU name. (3570)Menu item %s not found. Try IN MENU phrase and check the name. (3571)Invalid use of IN phrase in component phrase. (3572)Sub-menu name %s is not unique within subtree of menu %s. (3573)Invalid use of nonfield widget in USING phrase. (3574)IN WINDOW invalid for next-prompt. (3575)%Bcreatebi: Invalid File Table (3576)DIR phrase not allowed with UNLOAD and USE. (3577)SYSTEM-DIALOG GET-FILE field must be CHARACTER. (3578)UPDATE phrase requires simple LOGICAL type program variable. (3579)Invalid datatype for GET-KEYVALUE output field. (3580)Invalid datatype for DDE output field. (3581)Only PARAMETER defines allowed inside a DLL procedure. (3582)Unable to understand statement %s. (3583)** %s: One or more END TRIGGERS statements is missing. (3584)** %s Missing END statement for a CASE statement. (3585)You cannot use NEXT-VALUE on the left side of an assignment. (3586)Sequence %s not found in database %s. (3587)Sequence %s not found. (3588)Sequence ambiquity for %s. Exists in databases %s and %s. (3589)Invalid VIEW-AS phrase defined for field %s in the schema. (3590)WITH FRAME and WITH BROWSE invalid in DEFINE BROWSE statement. (3591)Missing END statement for trigger block. (3592)Corresponding code block already ended or is missing. (3593)Word index %s cannot be used in USE-INDEX phrase. (3594)** Syntax error in OPEN statement. (3595)Syntax error in USING/INTO phrase. (3596)Syntax error in EXECUTE statement. (3597)SET DESCRIPTOR statement not supported. (3598)GET DESCRIPTOR statement not supported. (3599)Syntax error in dynamic DECLARE CURSOR statement. (3600)** Invalid dynamic parameter. (3601)** Invalid dynamic parameter combination. (3602)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unknown syntax encountered during subquery analysis. (3603)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find qualifiers. (3604)Cannot mix simple columns with distinct aggregations. (3605)** Nested aggregations not valid. (3606)** Cannot sort without column name. (3607)** UNION query specifications have different number of columns. (3608)** Too many selection items for UNION without ALL. (3609)Can't use views in a version 5 database without updating auth-id. (3610)%LWord break file is changed (%d => %d) with %d active word indexes. (3611)Duplicate definition: %s on line %l. (3612)You must specify a source file name. (3613)You must specify the output file number (1 - 255). (3614)%BThe file %s does not exist and it should. (3615)Can not make a child of a window also the parent of the window. (3616) (3617) (3618)018557%B** %s requires "CHARACTER","RAW" or "COLUMN" for double-byte or multi-byt (3620) (3621) (3622)018558%B** Function %s requires "CHARACTER", "RAW", "COLUMN" or "FIXED" for doubl018559DO NOT CONTINUE. Character set %s requires DBE PROGRESS. You may corrupt f%LUser %s was not running DBE PROGRESS. (3625)018560Column name - %s with subscript %i exceeds the maximum column name size %i %GSYSTEM ERROR: buffer stack underflow dbkey %j, area %l. (3627)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkpopbs: buffer for dbkey %j not found, area %l. (3628)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Block %j use count underflow %i. (3629)Memory allocation for Lookahead cache failed (3630)DataServer Cache Error - No data available (3631)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkburls: invalid block state %i. (3632)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkfndblk: dbkey %j not locked. area %l (3633)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkupgrade: dbkey %j not intent locked. area %l (3634)%GSYSTEM ERROR: block %j not in hash chain. (3635)018561%GSYSTEM ERROR: bksteal: Attempt to read block %j above high water mark %j.%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkloc: invalid state %d %d. (3637)FIELDS/EXCEPT belong on DEFINE QUERY, not on OPEN QUERY. (3638)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkmod: block %j without EXCLUSIVE lock. (3639)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkswaplk underflow %i. (3640)QUERY %s field-list definition conflicts with a previous definition. (3641)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkfrrem: cant pass LOCKCHN (3642)%GSYSTEM ERROR: invalid file type %i. (3643)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ai header corrupt, blk %J, reason %i, addr %p. (3644)%gbkwrite: write to disk failed errno %i. (3645)bkxtn: write error, file %s errno: %i. (3646)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkdwrite: invalid size %i. (3647)018562%GSYSTEM ERROR: DirectWrite failure: errno %i, ret %i p %X offset %i size %%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkdread: invalid size %i. (3649)018563%GSYSTEM ERROR: DirectRead failure: errno %i, ret %i p %X offset %i size %iError getting translation/collation tables from _Db record for server. (3651)Too many concurrent language/collation tables active. (3652)Collation table found in _DB record with no name. Using basic tables. (3653)Empty collation tables found in _DB record. Using basic tables. (3654)Translation tables found with no name. Using identity mapping. (3655)Invalid option for -QA or operation is not supported. (3656)Bad -QA argument 1. (3657)Bad -QA argument 2. (3658)%l is more than the maximum of %l buffers. (3659)018564%l is more than the maximum number temporary buffers allowed. %rResetting t%g-mmax must be greater than 0 and less then 65535. (3661)random number generator must be 1 or 2. (3662)The -Gw startup parameter can be used with proshut only. (3663)Incremental backup started. (3664)%J bi blocks will be dumped. (3665)%J out of %J blocks in %s will be dumped. (3666)This will require %J bytes of backup media. (3667)This backup will require a minimum of %J blocks to restore. (3668)Switch to new ai extent failed. (3669)%BOnline backup found exclusively locked block, dbkey: %j. (3670)Conversion of schema holder with no type bypassed. (3671)Conversion of schema holder with unknown type bypassed. (3672)Converting schema holder for %s database %s (3673)Conversion of schema holder failed, continuing. (3674)Conversion of schema holder table %s fields failed. (3675)Conversion of schema holder table %s indexes failed. (3676)Conversion of tables in this schema holder not supported. (3677)Conversion of fields in this schema holder not supported. (3678)Conversion of indexes in this schema holder not supported. (3679)Could not extract field in schema-holder field record. (3680)Could not split field in schema holder field record. (3681)Could not update new field in schema holder field record. (3682)Could not update old field in schema holder field record. (3683)Invalid function %s. Expecting analyze or convert. (3684)Invalid encoding %s. Expecting iso8859-1, ibm850, or undefined. (3685)Conversion from version 7 to version 6 is not supported (3686)%BThere are no Full extents (3687)%BExtent %d is not full (3688)Buffered writes are not allowed with after-image extents (3689)%BCan't change ai buffering option with after image extents (3690)Converting schema information (3691)Schema conversion complete, processed %d fields (3692)%B%s: signal %i: %s ret errno %i (3693)%LSIGTERM received. (3694)%BSignal %i received: not expected. (3695)%BCpu time limit exceeded. (3696)%BFile size limit exceeded. (3697)%BSignal %i received: fatal error. (3698)%LSignal %i received. (3699)drInitIgnore: signal %i: invalid (3700)drInitHandler: signal %i: invalid (3701)%LWarning: drsigs already initialized (3702)%GSYSTEM ERROR: drsigh: signal %i: invalid (3703)Database unusable. Cannot locate local database record. (3704)ERROR: Cannot repair extent field %s in file %s. (3705)WARNING: Repaired extent field %s in file %s. (3706)%LError writing file %s, errno = %d. (3707)%LmtCPR: setimr status %i. (3708)%LmtLatWake self. (3709)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bad latch wake usr %i latch %i waiting for %i. (3710)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtlatch: already holding %i. (3711)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtlatch %i, holding %X. (3712)%GSYSTEM ERROR: invalid latch type %i. (3713)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtunlatch %d: not owner. (3714)%GSYSTEM ERROR: latch %i depth %i. (3715)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtunlatch: invalid latch type (3716)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtrelatch: lost latch depth counter %i. (3717)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtlkmux %i, holding %X. (3718)%GSYSTEM ERROR: muxfree %i not owner. (3719)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mtLockWait: waitCode 0. (3720)%BmtLockWait: umLockWait returns %i. (3721)%Lmtusrwake: self. (3722)%Bmtusrwake: wrong queue, usr %i, queue %i, waiting for %i. (3723)%Bmtusrwake: user %i already waked, queue %i wake %i. (3724)%Bmtusrwake: user %i still in queue %i. (3725)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkwait holding shm locks %X. (3726)Can not resync transaction of user %d on tty %s. (3727)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lklocky: forgot to wait, recid %j (3728)bad lkrestore call: pusr->uc_qwait2 is NULL (3729)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkrestore: bad uc_qwait2 (3730)%Blkrestore: passed lock doesn't match the most recent lock (3731)%Bpassed lock: DBKEY %j lk_curf %d lk_prevf %d (3732)%GSYSTEM ERROR: most recent lock: DBKEY %j lk_curf %d lk_prevf %d (3733)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkrestore: couldn't find entry (3734)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkrestore: invalid call (3735)bad lkclrels call: pusr->uc_qwait2 is NULL (3736)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkclrels: bad uc_qwait2 (3737)%Blkclrels: passed lock doesn't match the most recent lock (3738)%BBackup estimate complete. (3739)Backup complete. (3740)%BBackup failed. (3741)Database %s in use, try again later. (3742)Unable to read master block for file %s. (3743)Expected %d, found %d. (3744)%s is not a multi-volume database. (3745)Can't find database %s errno = %i. (3746)WARNING: This incremental was done for full backup dated %s, (3747) and last full restored to this database is dated %s. (3748)WARNING: Unexpected database size: expected %J got %J. (3749)Resetting block count in database master block. (3750)Verify pass started. (3751)Full verify pass started. (3752)Number of before-image blocks in database does not match backup. (3753)Number of data blocks in database does not match backup. (3754)Before-image block number %J does not match backup. (3755)DB block with dbkey, %j, does not match backup. (3756)Full verify failed. (3757)Full verify successful. (3758)%BYou must disable after-imaging to remove after-image extents. (3759)Remove volume %l from %s. (3760)Remove volume %l from %s. (3761)Using device/file %s. (3762)%LStarted restoring volume %l. (3763)Can't access backup device %s. (3764)Message recvd while waiting: uc_wait=%i, msg=%i (3765)%GSYSTEM ERROR: (3766)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Wrong dbtype for a Progress database connect (3767)%BCannot execute this query with a non-Version 7 server. (3768)018565Column name - %s with subscript exceeds the maximum allowed column name siz%GSYSTEM ERROR: ai write out of sequence (3770)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlaiwt: can not find %l (3771)%GSYSTEM ERROR: buffer not dirty (3772)%BCan't switch to after-image extent %s it is full. (3773)%gBackup after-image extent and mark it as empty. (3774)%LCan't switch to after-image extent %s it is full. (3775)%LBackup ai extent and mark it as empty. (3776)%LSwitched to ai extent %s. (3777)%LThis is after-image file number %l since the last AIMAGE BEGIN (3778)%LCan't extend ai extent %s (3779)%BCan't roll forward an empty after-image extent file. (3780)%BBefore-image block size set to %l kb (%l bytes). (3781)Field %d from %s record (recid %j) was missing from FIELDS phrase. (3782)018566References to a SQL cursor declared in an internal procedure or trigger musFailed to switch to next after-image extent. (3784)%B%l in-flight transactions. (3785)%BRoll forward of the after-image busy extent is complete. (3786)%BAll roll forward for database %s is complete. (3787)%B dbkey %j, type %i (3788)%BMarked after-image extent %s EMPTY. (3789)%BDatabase does not contain after-image extents. (3790)Extent: %iStatus: BusyStatus: EmptyStatus: Full Type: Fixed Length Type: Variable Length Path: %s Size: %l Used: %l Start: N/A Start: %s Seqno: %l%BAfter imaging is not enabled for this database. (3803)Database has no full extents. (3804)Database does not contain after-image extents. (3805)%BNo such AI extent as %s. (3806)%BExtent number exceeds number of AI extents in database (3807)%BInvalid extent number %i. (3808)%g rlrctrd: tx_count = %d note = %d (3809)%grlrctrd: ready-to-commit tx table mismatch (3810)%GSYSTEM ERROR: txb lock count %i wrong (3811)018567%GSYSTEM ERROR: rllktxe: Attempting to acquire txe while holding buffer loc%GSYSTEM ERROR: txe lock count %i wrong (3813)%GSYSTEM ERROR: microtransaction nest error (3814)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmtxbegin: buffers locked (3815)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlmtxend: buffers locked (3816)%L dpend: %J sdpend: %J dbkey: %j (3817)%L dpend: %J sdpend %J dbkey: %j (3818)%L rlwritten: %J, rldepend: %J (3819)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbimv: note %i len %i too big (3820)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlputmod: wrong dpend %J (3821)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlputmod: dpend %J already written (3822)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlgetfree: no buffer to write (3823)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlgetfree loop (3824)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bi write queue disordered: dpend %J (3825)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbiflsh failed on %J last write %J (3826)%GSYSTEM ERROR: waiting for %l, current is %l (3827)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cant find %l (3828)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbinext: past end of cluster %J (3829)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbimv: movelen %i, bloff %i (3830)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlrdprv: note len %i too big (3831)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbiout: Invalid rl block pointer (3832)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlbiout: Invalid buffer state %d (3833)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmdochg: size %d, expected %d (3834)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmflchg: RECID %j rmgetf returns %i expected %i (3835)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmflchg: RECID %j rmDoDif returns %i, expected %i (3836)%BrmDoDif: overrun got %i had %i (3837)%Bseremove: %s not found (3838)%Berror %i reading record %j (3839)%BSequence cache overflow (3840)%GSYSTEM ERROR: error %i loading sequence cache (3841)%GSYSTEM ERROR: serefresh: seq %i not reserved (3842)%Bserefresh: %i is an invalid function code (3843)%GSYSTEM ERROR: seundo: unknown action code %d (3844)Error opening stleak.out stmemfd = %d errno = %d (3845)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected i/o error reading ai extent header (3846)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid after image extent header (3847)Converting index number %d now. (3848)Index conversion complete, processed %l blocks. (3849)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cxput return code = %d, ixnum = %d. (3850)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixfnd or ixnxt error %i (3851)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: rngchkprv was called. Program terminated (3852)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: stayhere was called. Program terminated (3853)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: ixback was called. Program terminated (3854)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: ixfowrd was called. Program terminated (3855)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixadv: error 1 (3856)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixadv: error 2. (3857)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixadv: error 3. (3858)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: ixretr was called. Program terminated (3859)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ixfnd6 should not be called for QBW (3860)%GSYSTEM ERROR: getcurs6: bad *pcursid (3861)%GSYSTEM ERROR: getcurs6: trying to use an unallocated cursor (3862)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: ixsbst6 was called. Program terminated (3863)dbkey=%j, low free space=%d, # of free directories=%d, hold=%d%r (3864)dbkey=%j, free space=%d, # of free directories=%d, hold=%d%r (3865)** Not enough memory for analysis. (3866)%rPROGRESS Database Analysis%rDatabase: %s Options: %s %sDate: %s%r%B%s database not properly closed, proceeding. (3871)** Not enough memory for size %J block map. (3872)%rFREE CHAIN ANALYSIS-------------------%r%s The free chain extends above high water mark (3875)dbkey in error = %j (previous dbkey = %j) (3876)block in error = %J (high water mark = %j) (3877)%s The free chain is a circular list. (3878)bitmap = %c (3879) LIST OF FREE CHAIN BLOCKS next dbkey free%T%j %T%j%s Free chain points above high water mark (3884)current dbkey = %j previous dbkey = %j next dbkey = %j (3885)current block = %J previous block = %J next block = %J (3886)highwater mark block = %J hiwater mark dbkey = %j (3887)%s Free chain count inconsistency. (3888)The master block indicates %J free blocks. (3889)The actual number of free blocks = %J (3890)%J block(s) found in the free chain.%r%rRM CHAIN ANALYSIS---------------------------%r%s The RM chain extends above high water mark (3894)%s The RM chain is a circular list. (3895)%s DBKEY %j w/free space less than %d found on RM chain. (3896) LIST OF RM CHAIN BLOCKS free # free dbkey space slots hold%T%j %T%d %T%d %T%d%s RM chain points above high water mark (3901)%s RM chain count inconsistancy. (3902)The master block indicates %J RM chain blocks. (3903)The actual number of RM blocks = %l (3904)%J block(s) found in the RM chain.%r%rBLOCK ANALYSIS-----------------------%r%s more than one Master block found in database. (3908)%s Master block found is on the %d free chain. (3909)dbkey = %j (3910)%s Index block found is on the %d free chain. (3911)%s RM block found is on the %d free chain. (3912)VIEW-AS CONTAINER requires handle data type. (3913)%s RM block found not on RM chain, but flagged RM chain. (3914)%s Free block found that was not on the free chain. (3915)%s Empty block type found below highwater mark. Area "%s" : %d. (3916)%s Unknown block type found in database. (3917)%s Unexpected high water mark value %l, expecting %l. (3918)%s Unexpected total block value %l, expecting %l. (3919)%J master block(s) found in the database.%r%J RM block(s) found in the database.%l.%l% of the RM block space is used.%J index block(s) found in the database.%l.%l% of the index block space is used.%r INDEX BLOCK SUMMARY % % of allIndex Name Index Blocks Bytes Utiliz. Indexes%s %d %T%l %T%l %l.%l %T %l.%l%s %d %T%l %T%l %T%l.%l %T %l.%l%J free block(s) found in the database.%r%J index table block(s) found in the database.%r%J sequence block(s) found in the database.%r%J empty block(s) found in the database.%r%j unknown type block(s) found in the database.%r (3934)%j total blocks found in the database.%r%s Analysis performed on database that was not properly closed. (3936)Database analysis complete %s%rUnable to load collation/translation tables into _Db record (3938)%BDatabase is encoded using %s for character data types. (3939)You must have your database backed up before running convchar. (3940)%rStarting scan to convert database. (3941)** Conversion failed, database is unusable. (3942)** Conversion failed, database is unchanged. (3943)%rResults of scan to convert database. (3944)Conversion complete, character encoding conversion successful. (3945)Database not scanned; no fields selected. (3946)%rStarting scan to analyze database. (3947)Database scan interrupted; analyzing incomplete scan. (3948)%rResults of scan to analyze database. (3949)%rOld Encoding: %sNew Encoding: %sScan Mode: CONVERT/ANALYZEScan Mode: ANALYZESYSTEM ERROR: unexpected scan mode detected. (3954)Scan Complete: YESScan Coverage: PARTIALScan Coverage: FULLScan Complete: NOScan Coverage: UNKNOWNSYSTEM ERROR: unexpected translation mode detected. (3960)Database State: CONVERTEDDatabase State: UNCHANGED%rThe following fields contain data requiring translation: (3963)Incomplete scan detected; table %s not scanned (3964)018568%s.%s - Warning: This field contains characters which can not be translated %s.%sOut of stack space for ROWID. (3967)SYSTEM ERROR: scanning template for table %s (3968)SYSTEM ERROR: scanning records for table %s (3969)SYSTEM ERROR: error (%d) fetching template record (3970)SYSTEM ERROR: error extracting field %s (3971)SYSTEM ERROR: error attempting to update field %s (3972)SYSTEM ERROR: error storing tables in database record. (3973)Database is already using requested encoding. (3974)** Database encoding unknown; conversion not supported. (3975)Database must be closed before conversion can be done (3976)Two-phase commit must be disabled before database conversion. (3977)Processing with IBM850 to ISO8859-1 translation table. (3978)Processing with ISO8859-1 to IBM850 translation table. (3979)** Cannot create output data file: %s (3980)Created analysis output data file: %s (3981)Processing all metadata tables and fields. (3982)** Cannot open metadata conversion data file: %s (3983)Metadata conversion data file found: %s (3984)Processing all user tables and fields. (3985)** Cannot open user conversion data file: %s (3986)User conversion data file found: %s (3987) Fields to be translated during conversion: (3988)** Error reading input, field name missing: %s (3989)** Error reading input, unbalanced quotes: %s (3990)** Error reading input, too many tokens: %s (3991)** Error reading input, error %d: %s (3992)** Invalid or ambiguous table name: %s (3993)** Invalid or ambiguous field name: %s (3994)SYSTEM ERROR: error marking field: %s (3995) %s.%s (duplicate field ignored) (3996) %s.%s (non-character field ignored) (3997) No fields to translate. (3998) Total of %d fields.** Please correct problem and retry operation (4000) %s.%s (raw schema field is ignored) (4001)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Missing field level help & validate (4002)setting menuid %d to ENDMLSTval (4003)ioallocmenu alocs %s id %d (4004)Failure to find borrowed menu %s! (4005)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Got message %i for disconnected user %i (4006)Wrong number of items for shared menu. (4007)Failure to find shared menu %s. (4008)Invalid UIC passed to ioGetAttribute. (4009)Invalid UIC passed to ioSetAttribute. (4010)Function td_rd is missing. Program is not linked with correct module. (4011)018569Cannot execute WAIT-FOR statement when a invalid widget handle is encounter018570Cannot execute WAIT-FOR statement when none of the widgets used in WAIT-FORUnable to read Up/Down case tables from the _db record. (4014)Cannot execute UPDATE statement while %s is active. (4015)%s cannot be an element of a TEXT group. (4016)VIEW-AS TEXT fields cannot be the only fields used in UPDATE statement (4017)Cannot execute ENABLE statement when input stream is not the screen. (4018)Cannot execute CHOOSE statement while %s is active. (4019)018571Cannot execute CHOOSE statement when input stream is the screen and output The table of contents of %s contains offsets of length 0. (4021)**FRAME %s that contains a browse widget must be a one-down frame. (4022)**The size phrase specified for BROWSE %s is not large enough. (4023)**The number of DOWN for a BROWSE in FRAME %s must be greater than one. (4024)**Unable to realize %s. (4025)**BROWSE %s is too wide. Reduce to less than %d characters. (4026)%W** Warning: Cannot fit %s with %s within FRAME %s. (4027)**%s will not fit in FRAME %s in PROGRAM %s. (4028)%LError opening file %s, errno = %d. (4029)Window systems are not supported by this executable. (4030)Character terminals are not supported by this executable. (4031)TERM env variable is not set. Assuming an ANSI terminal. (4032)%WFILE or SIZE must be specified for IMAGE buttons. (4033)%s cannot participate in CHOOSE statement. (4034)Unable to display %s which is not in a window. (4035)Unable to refresh %s which is not in a window. (4036)Unable to display %s which is not in a frame and window. (4037)Unable to refresh %s which is not in a frame and window (4038)Unable to disable %s which is not in a frame and window (4039)Unable to realize %s because it is not in a frame. (4040)%s does not fit in parent %s. (4041)018572Illegal clipboard usage: set clipboard:multiple=no before attempting read. DITEM is not large enough to hold string. (4043)UIM Error: Invalid UIC method called. (4044)Error: Window UIC treated as a static UIC. (4045)umSetUCMem failed. (4046)Invalid system handle passed to umGetSysHandle. (4047)Cannot set CURRENT-WINDOW to a UIC which is not a window (4048)Retrieving of MOUSE and TEXT CURSOR not implemented. (4049)Old errorcode %d for realizing %s. (4050)Old errorcode %d for attribute %s on %s. (4051)%W**%s is not a %s attribute for %s. (4052)%W**Unable to set %s because the %s has been realized. (4053)%W**Unable to set %s. %s does not fit in %s. (4054)%W**Unable to set attribute %s without a FORMAT on a %s. (4055)%W**Attribute %s for the %s has an invalid value of UNKNOWN. (4056)%W**Attribute %s for the %s has an invalid value of %i. (4057)%W**Attribute %s for the %s has an invalid value of %s. (4058)%W**Attribute %s for the %s has an invalid value of %s. (4059)%W**Attribute %s for the %s has an invalid value. (4060)%W**Attribute %s for the %s has an invalid value. (4061)%W**Attribute %s for the %s was passed an invalid %s. (4062)%W**Attribute %s for the %s was passed an invalid widget. (4063)%W**Missing argument when setting attribute %s for %s. (4064)%W**The %s attribute on the %s has invalid arguments. (4065)%W**The first argument for %s on the %s should not be of type %s. (4066)%W**The second argument for %s on the %s should not be of type %s. (4067)%W**The third argument for %s on the %s should not be of type %s. (4068)%W**Set SCROLLABLE to TRUE to change %s. (4069)018573%W**Unable to set the %s of the %s too small to contain all visible widgets%W**%s is an invalid attribute for a static %s. (4071)%W**Unable to set %s because no LABEL-HANDLE on the %s. (4072)%W**Unable to process %s attribute. %s is not in a frame. (4073)%W**OWNER/PARENT exists on the %s. Unable to set attribute %s. (4074)%W**%s cannot be a parent of a %s. (4075)%W**%s may not have READ-ONLY, RULE or SKIP MENU-ITEMS. (4076)%W**Unable to query attribute %s for %s. (4077)%W**Unable to set attribute %s for %s. (4078)%W**Unable to set attribute %s on %s in the current environment. (4079)%W**Error was returned while trying to realize %s for attribute %s. (4080)%W**Attribute %s must be greater than or equal to 1 on %s. (4081)%W**Attribute %s must be greater than or equal to 0 on %s. (4082)%W**Unable to assign UNKNOWN value to attribute %s on %s. (4083)%W**Attribute %s must be greater than zero on %s. (4084)%W**Attribute %s cannot be set to an empty string on %s. (4085)%W**Invalid Color Index: %d is greater than the current max value. (4086)%W**Color values can only be changed if the COLOR-TABLE is dynamic. (4087)018574%W**Progress does not support the %s attribute for the %s in this display %W**The length of the %s is to large for %s. Truncated to %d bytes. (4089)%W%s is not a %s attribute on %s. Subtype not compatible. (4090)%W**The %s attribute is valid only for TOGGLE-BOX MENU-ITEMS. (4091)%W**The widget type assigned to the %s must be a MENUBAR. (4092)%W**The widget type assigned to the %s must be a POPUP-MENU. (4093)%W**Attribute %s is not %s on %s. It has no buttons. (4094)%W**The radio button in the %s attribute is invalid for %s. (4095)%W**Unable to set %s on %s. No read after write. (4096)%W**Unable to set %s on %s. Menubars cannot have titles. (4097)%W**Unable to set %s on %s. It already has iteration. (4098)%W**Unable to set %s. Value exceeds the size of the %s buffer. (4099)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to allocate memory from the storage pool. (4100)**Unable to realize %s because it is not in a frame. (4101)**Unable to realize %s outside of its parent. (4102)SYSTEM ERROR: No memory available. (4103)Unknown error code %d for attribute %s on the %s. (4104)Invalid Color Index: %d is greater than max value %d (4105)Unable to startup PROGRESS Debugger. (4106)018575The following messages were the result of establishing the procedure call%r018576Warning: A buffer in query %s contains a different record than the current Cannot OUTPUT TO TERMINAL PAGED in batch mode (-b) (4109)Unable to create Printer Device Context: %s. (4110)Cannot enable field-group because it has no active CHOOSE fields. (4111)Cannot disable field-group because it has no active CHOOSE fields. (4112)Cannot hide %s while %s is currently active. (4113)No query record is available. (4114)Attempt to create a widget-pool with a zero-length name. (4115)Attempt to create widget-pool %s, but it already exists. (4116)Attempt to delete widget-pool %s, but it doesn't exist. (4117)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Ran out of memory allocating for the FSA stack! (4118)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal inconsistency in User Interface FSA Processer! (4119)REVERT is not implemented for PERSISTENT triggers. (4120)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to set up persistent trigger procedure. (4121)Invalid widget handle used in WAIT-FOR statement. WAIT-FOR terminated. (4122)018577None of the widgets used in the WAIT-FOR statement are in a state (such as 018578WAIT-FOR statement is not waiting for any events in the active dialog box. Transaction aborted (4125)GO cannot be processed at this time. (4126)Invalid event %s passed to LIST-WIDGETS. (4127)Invalid platform type, %s. (4128)%WSIZE or FILE must be specified for IMAGE. (4129)Warning: Invalid ACCELERATOR given in string: %s. (4130)Error %d starting command %s. (4131)** Invalid character unit value %d, Changed to 320. (4132)018579%GSYSTEM ERROR: Length requested for a backup note is too large, requested Cannot enable a widget of type %s because it is not in a frame. (4134)Trying to create dynamic widget of type %s without a widget pool. (4135)Text field '%s' doesn't fit in next text field. (4136)** Unable to print beyond column %d. (4137)IMPORT data field wider than %i characters. (4138)CREATE WINDOW in character-mode is not supported. (4139)Cannot DESTROY default window (4140)Internal Error: Allocation of conversion buffer failed in umxlate.c. (4141)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Illegal call to function %s in wistubw.c. (4142)WI METHOD ERROR: Illegal method being called. (4143)Error: No color number in COLOR statement. (4144)Error: Color number (%d) out of range: %d - %d. (4145)018580The size of the variable terminal window should have a minimum of %d columnYou might want to make your terminal larger. (4147)Invalid Color Name %s. (4148)** Title message is too long for the window (character(s) lost). (4149)** EDITOR widget is too small to be created. (4150)INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown type in wvCreateFillIn. (4151)INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot set cursor position in non-read/write fill-in. (4152)INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot insert character in non-read/write fill-in. (4153)** SELECTION-LIST widget is too small to be created. (4154)INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parent in %s. (4155)INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown parent in %s. (4156)INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown type in %s. (4157)INTERNAL ERROR: No widget has focus. Press CTRL-C. Report detailed bug. (4158)INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown widget type has focus in %s. (4159)INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown menu type has focus in %s. (4160)018581DBCODEPAGE/DBCOLLATION functions require one connected database or database%B** UNIX maximum file size exceeded. %s (4162)%BInsufficient disk space. (4163)%s: re-reading a field-list record. (4164)copyrec: got %i records, flid = %l (4165)stkpush: stack overflow. Increase the -s parameter. (4166)Not enough memory to optimize SQL query. (4167)Element %d of the conversion table for %s to %s%rhas the value %d. (4168)The expected value is %d. (4169)018582%GSYSTEM ERROR: An attempt was made to add an Index Entry to index %d with 018583%GSYSTEM ERROR: An attenpt was made to retrieve an Index Entry from index %%GSYSTEM ERROR: An attempt was made to access a non-existent index %d. (4172)An explicit JOIN must have an ON phrase. (4173)018584Only DataServer servers version 8 and higher support Query Tuning options. 018585Couldn't reposition %s cursor because fields were missing%rfrom the FIELDS Field %d of table %s not in buffer. (4176)** Search condition must be a LOGICAL expression. (4177)Code page has not been set; Use the dictionary to set the code page. (4178)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Too many tables in join %d (4179)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Missing field list %d %s (4180)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Field list too large %d %s (4181)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Interior where clause %d %s (4182)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad readloop value calling oreadnxt %d %s (4183)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad readloop value calling getorarec %d %s (4184)poraseltxt: text overrun len %d stlen %d%rtxt: %s (4185)Automatic CTRL-C was performed to resolve the deadlock. (4186)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad parameter passed to rmsretry rmslcktry.op = %d (4187)%BRoutine %s encountered unknown field type. (4188)Join by SQL Server requires version 8.0 or greater (4189)Invalid Query Tuning option (4190)%LError reading %s out of %s, errno = %d. (4191)%L%s: HOSTNAME is %s, expected %s. (4192)%L%s: PID is %l, expected %l. (4193)%LBroker disappeared, updating %s.lk file. (4194)%L%s is missing, shutting down... (4195)%L%s is not a valid .lk file for this server. (4196)Program %s, line %d: PROGRESS/SQL did not generate a passthrough plan. (4197)** Passthrough compiler: %s (4198)SYSTEM ERROR: Table context not found. (4199)%B** RVCPLAN not large enough for expansion of specified sql query. (4200)Join by SQL Server requires version 8.0 or greater (4201)Too many tables in join by SQL server request (4202)%L%s version: %s %s (4203)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Too many tables in join %d (4204)Attempt to get by non-existant rowid (4205)%GBad numcol (%d) for file %s (4206)Bad colnum (%d) for file %s (4207)%G colnum out of sequence col %d file %s (4208)%Gorafnd join sync error (4209)Attempt to lock by non-existant rowid (4210)Attempt to delete by non-existant rowid (4211)A column in this row being inserted or updated is too large (4212)Usually a PL/SQL compilation error. (4213)Cannot find or load WSYBDB.DLL (Sybase Client software). (4214)SYSTEM ERROR: Internal procedure number %d not found. (4215)** %s has FIND triggers, SQL by server disabled. (4216)Query tuning parse error (4217)Failed to retrieve Query Tuning Info (4218)018586%BSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot insert a key of size %i into a sort buffer of size %Unable to connect to specified database. (4220)The path is a directory, it should be a filename. (4221)%BIndex anchor table entry deleted. (4222)018587%BSYSTEM ERROR: A duplicate key in index %d for recid %j was found and skipSQL by server cannot find a plan component. (4224)SQL by server cannot find a schema with logical name %s. (4225)Attempt to reposition cursor using incomplete (field-list) key (4226)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index anchor table entry for index %d is invalid. (4227)Can't save cache; You are not connected to %s (4228)%BCorrupt block detected when reading from database. (4229)%BCorrupt block detected when attempting to write a block. (4230)%BCorrupt block detected when attempting to modify a block. (4231)%BCorrupt block detected when attempting to release a buffer. (4232)018588This function is unable to determine directory access for this operating sy%LProgress OpenEdge Release %s on %s. (4234)%LPhysical Database Name (-db): %s (4235)%LDatabase Type (-dt): %s (4236)%LForce Access (-F): %s (4237)%LDirect I/O (-directio): %s (4238)%LNumber of Database Buffers (-B): %l (4239)%LExcess Shared Memory Size (-Mxs): %j (4240)%LCurrent Size of Lock Table (-L): %l (4241)%LHash Table Entries (-hash): %i (4242)%LCurrent Spin Lock Tries (-spin): %l (4243)%LCrash Recovery (-i): %s (4244)%LDelay of Before-Image Flush (-Mf): %i (4245)%LBefore-Image File Name (-g): %s (4246)%LBefore-Image File I/O (-r -R): %s (4247)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bfCchRmEntry: cannot remove the current entry (4248)%LBefore-Image Truncate Interval (-G): %i (4249)%LBefore-Image Cluster Size: %l. (4250)%LBefore-Image Block Size: %l. (4251)%LNumber of Before-Image Buffers (-bibufs): %l (4252)%LAfter-Image File Name (-a): %s. (4253)%LAfter-Image Stall (-aistall): %s (4254)%LAfter-Image Block Size: %l. (4255)%LNumber of After-Image Buffers (-aibufs): %l (4256)%LMaximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): %i (4257)%LMaximum Number of Servers (-Mn): %i (4258)%LMinimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): %i (4259)%LMaximum Number of Users (-n): %i (4260)%LHost Name (-H): %s (4261)%LService Name (-S): %s (4262)%LNetwork Type (-N): %s (4263)%LCharacter Set (-cpinternal): %s (4264)%LStream (-cpstream): %s. (4265)Cannot locate binary data in file %s for %s. (4266)018590Cannot execute an SQL statement in the target database while a stored proce018591You may use the QUERY-TUNING parameter SEPARATE_CONNECTION for join-by-sqldInsertYesNoCancelRetryOKMessageQuestionInformationWarningErrorUnknown%LServer started by %s on %s. (4281)%LParameter File: %s. (4282)Invalid -Dsrv argument list (4283)Connection from SUN to AS/400 requires the -H parameter (4284)Connection rejected, Server has no codepage in the dictionary. (4285)-Dsrv TRANSCTL option is unknown. (4286)Connection rejected due to invalid user name: %s. (4287)Connection rejected due to invalid password. (4288)Connection rejected. Unable to start server. (4289)Connection rejected, attempt to use IBM supplied profile. (4290)Connection rejected, invalid or missing Translation Table. (4291)%BAPPC DLL Version Error = %d (%d, %d) (4292)Connection rejected, invalid or missing Dictionary files. (4293)ScrollPROGRESS/SQL function %s cannot be processed on this Data Server. (4295)Authorization error attempting to %s %s (4296)018592%GSYSTEM ERROR: The DBIM function acfldlst() is not supported for the AS/40018593%GSYSTEM ERROR: The DBIM function acbkflc() is not supported for the AS/400018594%GSYSTEM ERROR: The DBIM function acgetstamp() is not supported for the AS/** FETCH targets must be variables. (4300)SYSTEM ERROR: FETCH target cannot be analyzed. (4301)Binary storage file %s not found for %s. (4302)GET-CHAR-PROPERTY on %s of %s failed. (4303)An internal error occurred in widget %s. (4304)SET-PROPERTY on %s of %s failed. (4305)Invalid property %s for %s. (4306)You are using -cpinternal %s and the code page of the library %s is %s. (4307)The table to convert %s to %s was not found in %s. (4308)Library code page is %s. (4309)The library contents may not be displayed correctly. (4310)** Correlation name %s can only be assigned to one table. (4311)NAME attribute of %s cannot be changed in VBX or ActiveX run-mode. (4312)018595A record has been changed outside %s. The changes you made cannot be update018597The changes you made for the current row in %s cannot be updated in the dat018599The changes you made to the current row in %s cannot be updated in the data018600Warning: Progress cannot get the row you've just begun editing with a Share018602%WThe data in the current row in %s has been changed by another user since018603Encountered an input-blocking statement in a ROW-DISPLAY trigger from %s thAn event stack problem occured in umBrowseRunRowDisplayUIT for %s. (4319)%r Index Fix Utility%r1. Scan records for missing index entries.2. Scan indexes for invalid index entries.3. Both 1 and 2 above.4. Cross-reference check of multiple indexes for a table.7. Quit.%rEnter selection: Fix indexes on Scan. Validate recids for index entries.%r**** The following indexes will be processed:%ror enter ! if you don't want to fix more indexesSchema indexes can not be fixed using this procedure. (4331)%BIndex fix completed successfully. (4332)%B%i indexes, %l keys checked.%BIndex fix aborted.Scan the database records for missing keys.Invalid syntax for the STOP command. (4336)Invalid syntax for the QUIT command. (4337)Record scan complete: %l keys read.The address format is not valid on call to: %s. (4339)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Actual number of indexes is greater than expected. (4340)%B Deletion of key for recid %j failed. (4341)%BThere are duplicate word keys in index %d. (4342)%BLKWAIT return failure. Return code = %d. (4343)%BUnable to get a lock for recid %j. Return code = %d. (4344)%sIgnoring breakpoint at %s:%d. Processing a volatile event (4346)%BIndex %d (%s, %s): Deleted key %s recid %j. (4347)Lost connection to Progress Debugger. (4348)No procedure active from which to QUIT. (4349)No procedure active from which to STOP. (4350)018604Syntax for ASSIGN command is:%r%T ASSIGN [FIELD | PARAMETER | VARIABLE] tar%BIndex %d (%s, %s): Found invalid key %s recid %j. (4352)Cannot ASSIGN a number. Specify field, variable, or parameter. (4353)Invalid syntax for the ASSIGN command. (4354) ** No context in which to ASSIGN. You must run a procedure. (4355)Cannot ASSIGN value to %s. Buffer has no record. (4356)Cannot ASSIGN schema fields from the debugger. (4357)Cannot ASSIGN to RAW datatype variables. (4358)Invalid option %d supplied to ESQL/C interface. (4359)Application name exceeds maximum allowable length %d. (4360)Invalid Argument Value. (4361)Embedded SQL interface is not re-entrant. (4362)018605A DEFINE BROWSE statement must include at least one field in its DISPLAY ph%BIndex %d (%s, %s): Added key %s recid %j. (4364)A lock owned by %s on %s was encountered while fetching. (4365)Assign of %s failed. (4366)WARNING--Invalid schema string attribute ignored-- %s. (4367)Cannot ASSIGN to IMAGE datatype variables. (4368)Cannot ASSIGN to HANDLE data type variables. (4369)Cannot ASSIGN to MEMPTR datatype variables. (4370)Cannot ASSIGN to a foreign database field. (4371)QUIT statement occured in a trigger. CONTINUE and the QUIT takes effect. (4372)018606STOP statement occured in a trigger. CONTINUE and the STOP will take effect%r** Index %s not found. (4374)%LReceived signal %i; handling as SIGHUP. (4375)%LdrSigDump: Recieved signal: %i. (4376)%LSystem signal methodology is: %s. (4377)018607Select one of the following:%rAll - Check all the indexes%rSome - Check on%LSignal: %i NOT HANDLED! (4379)%gSYSTEM ERROR: No more procedure call-stack memory. (4380)%LSignal: %i OS Handler: %p Handler: %p (4381)SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid operation %d passed to recursive runtime engine. (4382)018608Encountered an input-blocking statement while updating a record from the BrExpression is too complex or statement is too long. (4384)%s is a RAW variable. Cannot DISPLAY it. (4385)%s is a MEMPTR variable. Cannot DISPLAY it. (4386)You do not have a license to use the Progress debugger. (4387)%T%s (%sBUFFER) for %sRemote connection has not been established or has been lost. (4389)Statement identifier %s not found. (4390)Unable to evaluate expression with UNKNOWN value in argument. (4391)** View INSERT or UPDATE violates the view definition. (4392)This server is licensed for local logins only. (4393)The -S parameter was ignored. (4394)This client is not licensed to use the startup parameter %s. (4395)%L drSigFatal: Signal handled as a fatal. (4396)%L utalsig: Utility Alarm signal handler. (4397)The license for the server has expired. (4398)The license for the client executable has expired. (4399)%L OS told specifically to ignore this signal. (4400)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: prefetched icb usecount is 0. (4401)%GSYSTEM ERROR: record usecount overflow (4402)018609%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unused place-holder: icbdbkey = %j usecount = %d RELUNDO = %L drSigDispatch: Centralized dispatch mechanism. (4404)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Record with icbdbkey %j left with a usecount of %d. (4405)This client is not licensed for remote connections. (4406)%B%WWARNING -- %s RECID %j was deleted by another user. (4407)018610** Unable to recognize %s after -cpstream.%r** It should be either "ibm850"%L drSigNothing: Assign handle but do nothing with it. (4409)SIZE phrase is required for %s if display phrase is not specified. (4410)Buttons must have non-null labels. (4411)Logging to %s canceled. (4412)%rEnter the name of table containing the index.Warning: Index %s could not be deactivated (%d). (4414)Index %s was deactivated. (4415)%L UNKNOWN: Signal handler address not identified. (4416)ENABLE phrase in BROWSE stmt for %s must have at least 1 field. (4417)%L drSigUnexpected: Signal not expected to occur. (4418)018611%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s, %s) contains %l entries, but %l records found%L drSigDump: Dump current signal handler status. (4420)%BWARNING: index %d (%s, %s): place holder left for key %s recid %j. (4421)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s, %s): couldn't find key %s recid %j. (4422)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: bad compression size. (4423)018612%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: zero key size in a non-018613%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: bad key size in a non-l018614%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: bad info size in a non-%L %s: Signal dispatch specific to %s. (4427)018615%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: bad dummy key in a leaf018616%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: bad key size in a leaf 018617%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, block %j, element no. %i: bad info size in a leaf018618%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to build key for recid = %j index number %d table nuError: umeFocusDestroyed called for a browse cell. (4432)%s cannot be used until the Browser is realized. (4433)%L drSigClHup: Signal handled as a SIGHUP. (4434)Client %d was inactive for more than %d minutes. (4435)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s, %s): key %s recid %j is out of sequence. (4436)Cannot execute a GET on a query that was not opened. (4437)018619Program %s was compiled under another incompatible display environment. Can%L Additional Handler: %p (4439)%L pending: sig came while blocked. (4440)%L inhandler: we are currently handling this signal. (4441)018620** You cannot specify a -cpstream parameter if you have also specified -cpi%L message: msgn message generated on receipt. (4443)018621** Unable to recognize %s after -cpinternal.%r** It should be either "undef%L exitsig: causes clean exit. (4445)018622The program variable %s can not be specified in the ENABLE phrase of the DEThe license for remote connections has expired. (4447)The license for server networking has expired. (4448)The LOAD of %s in path %s failed. (4449)The LOAD of %s failed. (4450)The UNLOAD of %s failed. (4451)The USE of %s failed. (4452)Value too long for GET- or PUT-KEY-VALUE (value truncated). (4453)The PUT-KEY-VALUE failed. (4454)Button names beginning with special characters ('%c') must be quoted. (4455)%L forksig: blocked during fork's. (4456)%L blocked: temporarily blocked. (4457)Line number (%l) exceeds maximum. (4458)Too large a STEP or NEXT interval. (4459)Too large an UP or DOWN count. (4460)018623Trigger for table %s is executing %s, which is compiled against a different%L hardctlc: sets HARD ctrl-c (via utsctlc()). (4462)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to type expression. (4463)** Cannot ORDER BY a column not in the selection list. (4464)%L softctlc: sets SOFT ctrl-c (via utssoftctlc ()). (4465)018624Warning: Ignoring dictionary validation for field %s in LOCAL/PARM buffer, %L escign: ignore while in unix escape. (4467)%L immediate: don't delay handling this signal. (4468)%L mask: %i flags: %i (4469)** Invalid Font Index: %l is greater than max value (4470)Browse Field in ENABLE phrase not found in DISPLAY phrase for %s (4471)018625** The length of the SCREEN-VALUE is too large for %s. Truncated to the siz%BForce shutdown process must run as root. euid: %i (4473)** %WNew height for %s is too large to fit in frame. (4474)** %WNew width for %s is too large to fit in frame. (4475)018626** %WMin-value is greater than or equal to max-value on %s. Default values %s cannot be set within a ROW-DISPLAY trigger for %s. (4477)** %W%s is NO-BOX. It cannot have a %s attribute. (4478)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad parameter passed to oraretry oralcktry.op = %d (4479)** %W%s has a TITLE. It cannot be NO-BOX. (4480)** Unable to open the clipboard. (4481)** Unable to close the clipboard. (4482)** The clipboard is empty. (4483)** Invalid data size requested from the clipboard. (4484)** Insufficent memory for clipboard operation. (4485)** %WCan't set %s on %s. Specified %s too small. (4486)** %WUnable to open file for %s. (4487)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsadoix: cannot handle a query while another is pending. (4488)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsadoix: cannot prefetch with locks. (4489)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsasvrec: waiting for a lock while prefetching. (4490)** %WUnable to save file for %s. (4491)** All windows must be hidden before switching V6DISPLAY mode. (4492)** %s does not have a FRAME. %s is not %s at this time. (4493)%GSYSTEM ERROR: nsasvrec: cannot add a record to a full prefetch buffer. (4494)018627You cannot change the READ-ONLY attribute if %s is not specified in ENABLE ** Too many characters in IN/OUT mapping (4496)** Font Set %s not loaded. (4497)018628Maximum number of ORACLE sequences reached -%rchange DC_SEQUENCES in init.o** Font %d not in Font Set. (4499)** Unable to create menu bar item (%s) . (4500)The column-handle specified when setting %s for%s is invalid. (4501)** Invalid keycode used in Menu Accelerator: %s %d. (4502)Current-value may be used only after next-value. (4503)Timeout waiting login user %d. (4504)Sequence %F has unknown value in _Seq-misc[%d]. (4505)Foreign sequence name too long, sequence: %s. (4506)RECIDFLG set; fldinfo count: %d. (4507)RECIDFLG NOT set; fldinfo count: %d. (4508)WARNING: Source file(s) (%s) has changed since %s was compiled. (4509)%Loradoseq: Unable to allocate buffer for reply. (4510)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Ditem too small for descalling (4511)%BSYSTEM ERROR: nsadoseq: Unable to allocate buffer for reply (4512)Error reading nssnum = %d, clstate = %d, err = %d. (4513)pnsur bad usernum %d, msg's nssnum %d, msgcode %t. (4514)Invalid %s '%s'. (4515)Translated stacked label '%s' does not have enough levels. (4516)018629You cannot change the READ-ONLY attribute for %s while that browser has foc018630%gSYSTEM ERROR: Before-image block size is not compatible with database %s %GSYSTEM ERROR: extend buffer %l smaller than blocksize %l. (4519)%LTrimmed file %s for blocksize %l bytes old:%l new:%l. (4520)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid blocksize %d in database %s. (4521)** file %s is not compatible with blocksize %d bytes. (4522)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Offset not supported on standard file %s. (4523)%gSYSTEM ERROR: File %s too small %l, blocksize %l extend failed." (4524)WARNING: -cpinternal setting is incompatible with the database. (4525)018631You cannot change the READ-ONLY attribute for %s if ENABLE phrase is not spCannot use %s in READ-ONLY browser. (4527)018632** Absolute database name too long, found %i characters, max is %d%rfor fil%BVolume size must be greater than blocking factor. (4529)018633%BIndex %d is in use, but is a reserved index in version 7.%rYou must dump 018634%s: The deletion of the current row from the result list failed for %s. The018635** OBSOLETE: use the dictionary to dump and load database collation tables.You cannot set %s to be greater than the total number of columns for %s. (4533)%Lfflushx: error %i on fd %i len %i (4534)** Unable to open language table file %s, errno=%E. (4535) TCP Server failed to start. Trying to start an SPX server. (4536)Scdbg connect failed, database may be corrupt! (4537)Database %s is not properly closed, command ignored. (4538)Invalid blocking factor parameter. (4539)Alternate bi file not given. (4540) The SPX server failed to start. (4541)%BUnable to receive client disconnect indication. (4542)Invalid overlap parameter. (4543)Invalid redundancy factor parameter. (4544)Invalid volume size parameter. (4545)Invalid argument %s. (4546)You must supply the database name to be backed up. (4547)You must supply the backup device name. (4548)018636WARNING - Restored master block indicates a truncated bi%r but bacpnusr bas usernum %d, msg nssnum %d, msgcode %t (4550)** not enough memory to allocate buffer. (4551)Before-image blocksize does not match backup. (4552)Client and server have different values of -cpinternal. (4553)%Grlaiextrd: Transaction table mismatch ptran: %i note %i. (4554)%Grllktxe: txe already locked. (4555)%Grlultxe: txe not locked. (4556)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Undo trans %l invalid transaction id. (4557)SYSTEM ERROR: Undo trans %l with invalid bi address %j. (4558)%Grlbiwrt: Invalid rl block pointer. (4559)Scan Coverage: NONE** database has undefined character set, cannot convert. (4561)Processing without translation, target encoding undefined. (4562)ERROR: The buffer length is invalid for a write, %d . (4563)ERROR: The number of retries must be greater or equal to zero, %d . (4564)Port may be in use. Try another service. (4565)Unknown Protocol %s (4566)Incorrect options were used on call to: %s. (4567)There are incorrect permissions on call to: %s. (4568)The File descriptor is not valid on call to %s. (4569)orafldx: file number mismatch icb: %d ci: %d (4570)Address does not exist or is in use on call to: %s. (4571)The TLI call %s was used out of state. (4572)The sequence number is bad on call to: %s. (4573)An illegal amount of data was used on call to: %s. (4574)Field %d is not updatable. (4575)The buffer is not large enough on the call to: %s. (4576)A flow Control problem exists on the call to: %s. (4577)There is no data at the endpoint on the call to: %s. (4578)%LAS/400 Message: %s. (4579)%BNot enough memory for lfpinfo_t. (4580)%LConnecting to Server Job: %s. (4581)%LMonitor Job = %s (4582)%LMonitor Queue: %s. (4583)%LServer Id %d. Maximum frame size %d. (4584)%BAS/400 Message: %s. (4585)%LHost supplied MAC Address: %s. (4586)%LError connecting to %s. (4587)%LPROGRESS server job: %s. (4588)%LReturn code:%l Reason code:%l. (4589)%LExceptionID: %s. (4590)A disconnection event was not found on the call to: %s. (4591)Bad flags were used during the call to: %s. (4592)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lfprecv got out of sequence msg (%d,%d) (4593)018637%LThere is no orderly release for call to: %s, file %s, routine %s,linenumbThe call to %s is not supported. (4595)The endpoint state during the call to %s is changing. (4596)%B-Mm value (%d) must be less than host frame size (%d). (4597)%B-Mm value (%d) must be less than max network frame size(%d). (4598)The Data Structure type used in call to %s is incorrect. (4599)Lock table overflow. Use the CRTPROLKT command for %s. (4600)AS/400 data mapping error (invalid field value). (4601)018638%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal error detected in routine as4del() in module acdb.The naming was incorrect on call to: %s. (4603)018639%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal error detected in routine as4irid() in module acdbThe value used for Qlen on call to %s is not valid. (4605)Missing file timestamp (FOREIGN-LEVEL), rebuild schema holder or use -is. (4606)line %d:Warning:The address is busy on call to: %s. (4609)Unknown error on call to: %s, %d. (4610)%GDefunct function %s was called. (4611)Attempt to connect to 2nd database with logical name %s (4612)018640TLI Error: routine %s, call %s, linenumber = %d, t_errno = %d, state = %d. Error: call %s, routine %s, linenumber = %d, errno = %d, state = %d. (4614)018641** There are incorrect permission on call to: %s,file %s, routine %s, linen018642** The File descriptor used during the call to %s is not valid: file %s, ro018643** Memory can not be allocated for the address used on call to: %s, file %s018644** The TLI call %s was used out of state:file %s, routine %s, linenumber %d018645 ** The sequence number is bad on call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linen018646** An illegal amount of data was used on call to: %s, file %s, routine %s,l018647** The buffer used is not large enough on the call to: %s, file %s, routine018648 ** There is a flow Control problem at the endpoint on the call to: %s, f018649 ** There is no data at the endpoint during the call to: %s, file %s, rou018650 ** A disconnection event was not found at the endpoint during the call to:018651 ** Bad flags were used during the call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenu018652** There is no orderly release for call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenu018653** The call to %s is not supported: file %s, routine %s, linenumber %d, e018654 ** The endpoint state during the call to %s is changing: file %s, rout018655 ** The Data Structure type used in call to %s is incorrect: file %s, rout018656 ** The naming was incorrect on call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenum018657** The value used for Qlen on call to %s is not valid: file %s, routine %s,018658** The address is busy on call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenumber %d, 018659 ** There is an unidentified error at the endpoint on the call to: %s, fThe specified database server does not support this function. (4634)A bad file descriptor was used in call to: %s. (4635)An invalid argument was used in call to: %s. (4636)The disk space has been exhausted during call to: %s. (4637)The Maximum file size was exceeded in call to: %s. (4638)There is insufficient disk space to complete call: %s. (4639)The Maximum number of open file descriptors has been reached on call: %s. (4640)The file system table is full on call to: %s. (4641)No Stream could be allocated on call: %s. (4642)The device or address does not exist: call %s. (4643)Device does not exist: call %s. (4644)Out of Processes, unable to complete call: %s. (4645)This call is currently blocked: call %s. (4646)Out of Memory: Unable to complete call %s. (4647)Not enough time to complete operation on call %s. (4648)The connection has been refused by the server: call %s. (4649)Time expired on stream on call %s. (4650)The device is not a stream device: call %s. (4651)Attempting to read a bad message: call %s. (4652)An unidentified error occured on call %s. (4653)%LBefore-Image File Size: %l. (4654)018660 ** A bad file descriptor was used in call to: %s,filename %s, routine %s, 018661** An invalid argument was used in call to: %s,filename %s, routine %s,lin018662** The disk quota was exceeded in call to: %s, filename %s, routine %s, lin018663** The Maximum file size was exceeded in call to: %s, filename %s, routine 018664** There is insufficient disk space to complete call: %s, filename %s, rou018665** The Maximum number of open file descriptors has been reached on call: %s018666** The file system table is full on call to: %s, filename %s, routine %s, l018667** No Stream could be allocated on call: %s, filename %s, routine %s, line018668** The device or address does not exist: call %s, filename %s, routine %s, 018669** Device does not exist: call %s, filename %s, routine %s, linenumber %d, 018670** Out of Processes, unable to complete call: %s, filename %s, routine %s, 018671** This call is non-blocking mode: call %s, filename %s, routine %s, linenu018672 ** Out of Memory: call %s, filename %s, routine %s, linenumber %d,018673** Not enough time to complete the operation on call %s, filename %s, rout018674** The connection has been refused by the server: call %s, filename %s, ro018675** Time expired on stream on call %s, filename %s, routine %s, linenumber 018676** The device is not a stream device: call %s, filename %s, routine %s, li018677** Attempting to read a bad message: call %s, filename %s, routine %s, lin018678** An unidentified error occured on call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenuYou cannot set %s for a single select %s. (4674)SQL or other complex statement found in invalid position. (4675)Failure on system call to stat for %s . (4676)The code page of database %s is %s and -cpinternal is %s. (4677)Unable to create WinGate transaction (4678)Unable to connect to Progress debugger (4679)Couldn't execute WinGate transaction (4680)Unable to register the DOS client as a WinGate server (4681)Unable to complete t_look. (4682)SQL Flagger Warning:Selection list column %s does not appear in GROUP BY clause. (4684)%gCannot create index number %d. This index already exists. (4685)QBW syntax error - an asterisk (*) is allowed only at the end of a word. (4686)018679The third argument to INDEX or R-INDEX must be in the range 1 to 32000 (for%rCurrent Encoding: %sRequested Encoding: %sERROR: The buffer length is invalid for a write, %d (4690)Use proutil to truncate bi file before analyze. (4691)You cannot define Definitional triggers for a Widget-handle variable. (4692)Number of directory entries cannot exceed 500. (4693)018680%L%l attempt(s) to exceed the licensed user count (%l) since server startup%LUser count exceeded. Failed attempt to connect by %s on %s. (4695)%BYou have exceeded the server's licensed user count (%d). (4696)ERROR: The number of retries must be greater than or equal to zero, %d (4697)%LUser count exceeded. Failed attempt to login by %s on %s . (4698)%BServer-name is set to %s for this server. (4699)Maximum length specified in string attribute cannot exceed %d. (4700)%LMaximum user count is %d (4701)%LThe user defined threshold is %l (4702)018681Syntax is: RADIO-BUTTONS name, constant, name, constant ... %r where constaAttempt to start server on remote or nonexistant host. (4704)018683Double-byte type must be a constant or expression evaluating to the string Could not find conversion table for r-code. (4706)%BThe value of -rptint must be greater then 0. Value passed in was %l (4707)%LUser defined threshold exceeded by %s on %s (4708)018684%L%l attempt(s) to exceed the user defined threshold (%l) since server starPROGRESS SQL JOIN ON phrases may not contain subqueries. (4710)%BThis module does not contain the required user sort exit routine. (4711)%BError %d from user sort exit routine initialization. (4712)018685Initialization clauses in the SQL DECLARE SECTION are not part of the SQL s%L%s (4714)Assignment: approximate numeric %s into exact numeric target %s. (4715)Assignment: %s into %s may loose significant digits. (4716)INSERT %s into column %s may be truncated. (4717)Column %s has extents. (4718)String concatenation operator + is not part of the SQL standard. (4719)018686%BUser threshold (%l) is greater then the license count. Setting threshold SQL by server does not support group by with an order by clause. (4721)Client did not connect - server terminates. (4722)018687Host language variables are not blank padded without -Q startup parameter. Temporary last field trigger restriction (4724)String comparisons are not case-sensitive without -Q startup parameter. (4725)Right-hand side of comparison is a subquery with GROUP BY. (4726)Cursor %s declared FOR %s. (4727)Cursor %s declared FOR READ. (4728)DROP is not part of the SQL standard. (4729)ALTER is not part of the SQL standard. (4730)018688CHARACTER columns are not created case-sensitive without the -Q startup par%LLogin by %s on %s. Pid %x. (4732)018689DECIMAL columns are created with implementation-defined precision without t%LLogout by %s on %s. Pid %x. (4734)DATE datatype is not part of the SQL standard. (4735)LOGICAL datatype is not part of the SQL standard. (4736)CREATE INDEX is not part of the SQL standard. (4737)PROGRESS functions are not part of the SQL standard. (4738)GROUP BY is not part of the SQL standard. (4739)Identifier %s is longer than %d characters. (4740)DISTINCT set function in dyadic operator. (4741)ORDER BY is not part of the SQL standard. (4742)BEGINS predicate is not part of the SQL standard. (4743)Table name %s repeated in FROM list. (4744)Table name %s appears in an inner query. (4745)SELECT INTO cannot specify GROUP BY. (4746)SELECT INTO cannot specify HAVING. (4747)%LForcing exit of pid %x. (4748)UNION columns are not identical. (4749)SYSTEM ERROR: %s (4750)SYSTEM ERROR: unknown operator %d (4751)SYSTEM ERROR: can't lookup host language variable %s . (4752)SYSTEM ERROR: unknown node %d. (4753)SYSTEM ERROR: unknown host var type %d. (4754)SYSTEM ERROR: unknown operator type %d. (4755)SYSTEM ERROR: unexpected view reference. (4756)%LStopping pid %x status %i. (4757)unable to identify table %s. (4758)** Cannot use an SQL set function in this context. (4759)%Lprobye1: %s (4760)018690You cannot convert directly from V6 to V7 iso8859-1. You must first convert%LExit while in dbservice. (4762)The filename argument is missing following -C convfile (4763)Char%TNumber of occurrences%i%T%lUnexpected end of file trying to read %s from %s (4766)Syntax error trying to read %s from %s (4767)Unexpected end of file trying to read data from %s (4768)Syntax error trying to read data from %s (4769)You must not use proutil -C convfile to convert a database (4770)Converting %s from %s to %s (4771)%l bytes converted. (4772)018691proutil convfile: error during read of %s, errno=%i. The conversion may hav%Lprobye2: %s (4774)018692proutil convfile: error during write of %s, errno=%i. The conversion may ha%LWatchdog caught SIGBUS. Returning with status=%d. (4776)%LThe license statistics log file will be updated once every %l minute(s) (4777) Used: Unknown (4778)You cannot use a handle in INPUT/OUTPUT/INPUT-OUTPUT statement. (4779)Maximum number of debugger buttons is %d. (4780)%BYou are not licensed to run %s. (4781)%BYour license for %s has expired. (4782)%LMaximum number of concurrent users since startup %l (4783)%LTotal number of users since startup %l (4784)%LTotal number of attempts to exceed the user count since startup %l (4785)018693%LTotal number of attempts to exceed the user defined threshold since start%BAPPC DLL Version Error = %d (%d,%d) (4787)018694%WWARNING: Translation of '%s' to '%s' %rin language '%s' exceeds allocatedCould not find %s.%s.%s referenced in RAW-TRANSFER statement. (4789)After-imaging disabled by the FORCE parameter. (4790)Can't PUT past the end of the MEMPTR. (4791)No SQLDA structure supplied for parameter markers. (4792)PCS error: %i, deallocation normal, from %s. (4793)PCS error: %i, program error; notruncation, from %s. (4794)PCS error: %i, program error; truncation, from %s. (4795)PCS error: %i, program error; purging, from %s. (4796)PCS error: %i, resource failure; retry, from %s. (4797)PCS error: %i, resource failure; no retry, from %s. (4798)PCS error: %i, unsuccessful, from %s. (4799)PCS error: %i, APPC busy, from %s. (4800)PCS error: %i, parameter check; invalid verb, from %s. (4801)PCS error: %i, parameter check; invalid conversation ID, from %s. (4802)PCS error: %i, parameter check; buffer crosses segment, from %s. (4803)PCS error: %i, parameter check; transaction program name length, from %s. (4804)PCS error: %i, parameter check; invalid conversation type, from %s. (4805)018695PCS error: %i, parameter check; bad synchronization level allocate, from %sPCS error: %i, parameter check; bad return control, from %s. (4807)RAW-TRANSFER source buffer '%s' may not have a partial field list. (4808)PCS error: %i, parameter check; bad partner name, from %s. (4809)PCS error: %i, parameter check; confirm not allowed, from %s. (4810)PCS error: %i, parameter check; bad deallocation type, from %s. (4811)PCS error: %i, parameter check; prepare to receive type, from %s. (4812)PCS error: %i, parameter check; bad fill type, from %s. (4813)PCS error: %i, parameter check; receive maximum length, from %s. (4814)PCS error: %i, state check; not in confirm state, from %s. (4815)PCS error: %i, state check; not in receive state, from %s. (4816)PCS error: %i, state check; request to send bad state, from %s. (4817)PCS error: %i, state check; send in bad state, from %s. (4818)PCS error: %i, state check; send error bad state, from %s. (4819)PCS error: %i, allocation error; no retry, from %s. (4820)PCS error: %i, allocation error; retry, from %s. (4821)PCS error: %i, allocation error; program not available no retry, from %s. (4822)018696PCS error: %i, allocation error; transaction program name not recognized, fField '%s' referenced in RAW-TRANSFER must be of type RAW. (4824)PCS error: %i, allocation error; program not available retry, from %s. (4825)PCS error: %i, allocation error; security not valid, from %s. (4826)PCS error: %i, allocation error; conversation type mismatch, from %s. (4827)PCS error: %i, allocation error; PIP data not allowed, from %s. (4828)PCS error: %i, allocation error; PIP data not correct, from %s. (4829)018697PCS error: %i, allocation error; synchronization level not supported, from PCS error: %i, deallocation abend program, from %s. (4831)PCS error: %i, router not installed, from %s. (4832)PCS error: %i, insufficient real-mode memory, from %s. (4833)PCS error: %i, undefined, from %s. (4834)PCS error: %i, too many conversations, from %s. (4835)PCS error: %i, from %s. (4836)018698At least one of the RAW-TRANSFER source or target must be a buffer or tableTarget element of RAW-TRANSFER has no record. (4838)LSP error: %i, invalid command code, in %s. (4839)LSP error: %i, duplicate command, in %s. (4840)LSP error: %i, adapter open - should be closed, in %s. (4841)LSP error: %i, adapter closed - should be open, in %s. (4842)LSP error: %i, required parameter(s) not provided, in %s. (4843)LSP error: %i, option(s) invalid or incompatible, in %s. (4844)LSP error: %i, command canceled - unrecoverable failure, in %s. (4845)LSP error: %i, unauthorized access priority, in %s. (4846)LSP error: %i, adapter not initialized, in %s. (4847)LSP error: %i, command canceled by user request, in %s. (4848)LSP error: %i, cmd canceled - adapter closed while in progress, in %s. (4849)LSP error: %i, command completed successfully - adapter not open, in %s. (4850)LSP error: %i, adapter open - NETBIOS interface not operational, in %s. (4851)LSP error: %i, DIR.TIMER.SET or DIR.TIMER.CANCEL error, in %s. (4852)LSP error: %i, available work area exceeded, in %s. (4853)LSP error: %i, invalid LOG.ID, in %s. (4854)LSP error: %i, invalid shared RAM segment or size, in %s. (4855)LSP error: %i, lost log data, inadequate buffer space - log reset, in %s. (4856)LSP error: %i, requested buffer size exceeds pool length, in %s. (4857)LSP error: %i, command invalid - NETBIOS interface operational, in %s. (4858)LSP error: %i, invalid buffer length, in %s. (4859)LSP error: %i, inadequate buffers available for request, in %s. (4860)LSP error: %i, user length too large for buffer length, in %s. (4861)LSP error: %i, the CCB_PARM_TAB pointer is invalid, in %s. (4862)LSP error: %i, a pointer in the CCB parm table is invalid, in %s. (4863)LSP error: %i, invalid CCB_ADAPTER value, in %s. (4864)LSP error: %i, invalid Functional Address, in %s. (4865)LSP error: %i, lost data on receive - no buffers available, in %s. (4866)LSP error: %i, lost data on receive - inadequate buffer space, in %s. (4867)LSP error: %i, error on frame transmission - check TRANSMIT.FS, in %s. (4868)LSP error: %i, error in frame transmit or strip process, in %s. (4869)LSP error: %i, unauthorized MAC frame, in %s. (4870)LSP error: %i, maximum commands exceeded, in %s. (4871)LSP error: %i, unrecognized command correlator, in %s. (4872)LSP error: %i, link not transmitting I frames, in %s. (4873)LSP error: %i, invalid transmit frame length, in %s. (4874)LSP error: %i, inadequate receive buffers for adapter to open, in %s. (4875)LSP error: %i, reserved, in %s. (4876)LSP error: %i, invalid NODE_ADDRESS, in %s. (4877)LSP error: %i, invalid adapter receive buffer length specified, in %s. (4878)LSP error: %i, invalid adapter transmit buffer length defined, in %s. (4879)LSP error: %i, invalid STATION.ID, in %s. (4880)LSP error: %i, protocol error - link in invalid state for command, in %s. (4881)LSP error: %i, parameter exceeded maximum allowed, in %s. (4882)LSP error: %i, invalid SAP_VALUE or value already in use, in %s. (4883)LSP error: %i, invalid routing information field length, in %s. (4884)LSP error: %i, requested grp membership in non-existent group SAP, in %s. (4885)LSP error: %i, resources not available, in %s. (4886)018699LSP error: %i, SAP cannot close unless all link stations are closed, in %s.018700LSP error: %i, group SAP cannot close - individual SAPs not closed, in %s. LSP error: %i, group SAP has reached maximum membership, in %s. (4889)LSP error: %i, sequence error: incompatible command in progress, in %s. (4890)LSP error: %i, station closed without remote acknowledgement, in %s. (4891)018701LSP error: %i, sequence error: can't close, DLC commands outstanding, in %sLSP error: %i, unsuccessful link station connection attempted, in %s. (4893)LSP error: %i, member SAP not found in group SAP list, in %s. (4894)LSP error: %i, invalid remote address - may not be a grp address, in %s. (4895)LSP error: %i, invalid CCB_POINTER parameter, in %s. (4896)LSP error: %i, invalid application ID, in %s. (4897)LSP error: %i, invalid application program key, in %s. (4898)LSP error: %i, invalid system key, in %s. (4899)LSP error: %i, invalid buffer size, in %s. (4900)LSP error: %i, adapter system process not installed, in %s. (4901)LSP error: %i, not enough link stations available, in %s. (4902)LSP error: %i, invalid CCB_PARAMETER_1 field, in %s. (4903)LSP error: %i, no queue elements avaliable, in %s. (4904)LSP error: %i, adapter initialization failure, in %s. (4905)LSP error: %i, error in chained READ command, in %s. (4906)LSP error: %i, direct stations not assigned, in %s. (4907)LSP error: %i, DD interface not installed, in %s. (4908)LSP error: %i, requested adapter not installed, in %s. (4909)LSP error: %i, all chained commands not for same adapter, in %s. (4910)LSP error: %i, adapter initializing; command not accepted, in %s. (4911)LSP error: %i, allowed number of applications exceeded, in %s. (4912)LSP error: %i, command cancelled; system action, in %s. (4913)LSP error: %i, direct stations not available, in %s. (4914)LSP error: %i, invalid DDNAME parameter, in %s. (4915)LSP error: %i, not enough GDT selectors available, in %s. (4916)LSP error: %i, command cancelled; CCB resources purged, in %s. (4917)LSP error: %i, application ID for wrong interface, in %s. (4918)LSP error: %i, cannot lock memory segment, in %s. (4919)Couldn't update target field in RAW-TRANSFER statement. (4920)RAW-TRANSFER target must be a PROGRESS database record. (4921)LFP error: %i, LfpWin not installed in memory, in %s. (4922)LFP error: %i, attempted to open too many LFP connections, in %s. (4923)LFP error: %i, insufficient memory LFP operation, in %s. (4924)LFP error: %i, receive message queue overflow, in %s. (4925)LFP error: %i, LAN Support Program not installed, in %s. (4926)LFP error: %i, timer expired, in %s. (4927)LFP error: %i, insufficient real-mode memory available, in %s. (4928)LFP error: %i, in %s. (4929)RAW-TRANSFER: CRC of source does not match target table type. (4930)BROWSE %s and its parent frame %s must be from the same procedure level. (4931)** Cannot use CAN-FIND function in ESQL, use EXISTS instead. (4932)ProPrint (4933)ProPrint (4934)Printing: (4935)% Complete (4936)Target record of the RAW-TRANSFER statement is READ-ONLY. (4937)018702MAX-ROWS, INDEXED-REPOSITION, etc. require query %s to be defined with SCROView-as Combo-Box requires the LIST-ITEMS phrase. (4939)** Cannot have more than %d ORDER BY or GROUP BY items. (4940)Version 7+ clients may not connect to servers earlier than Version 6. (4941)Could not extract key field from source in RAW-TRANSFER. (4942)Could not update key field in target of RAW-TRANSFER. (4943)** %s is not supported by the LARGE EDITOR. (4944)The record was modified by another user. (4945)CTOS ISAM record deleted by another user. (4946)** PROGRESS integer value too large for CTOS-ISAM field. (4947)** PROGRESS decimal value too large for CTOS ISAM field. (4948)** PROGRESS data value too large for CTOS ISAM field. (4949)*** Encrypted Source ***%rSource element of a RAW-TRANSFER statement has no record. (4951)Couldn't extract raw value from source field of RAW-TRANSFER. (4952)018703Source buffer in a RAW-TRANSFER statement cannot have a partial field list.Not enough room on the stack to carry out RAW-TRANSFER operation. (4954)Table signatures do not match in RAW-TRANSFER operation. (4955)Not enough memory for IMPORTing data. (4956)Invalid encoded representation of RAW data. (4957)018704%W** WARNING -- IMPORT UNFORMATTED statement references more than one fieldRAW-TRANSFER statement does not handle shared variables. (4959)Local Socket Number = %d. (4960)Accept() system call failed; errno = %d. (4961)018705ERROR: the buffer length is invalid for a write. Length left to write = %d.You must have a database row in %s in order to use %s. (4963)018706ERROR: num retry must be greater than or equal to zero. Number of retries =This version of PROGRESS does not support Spin Lock Retries (-spin). (4965)018707This version of PROGRESS does not support Asynchronous Page Writers (proapw018708This version of PROGRESS does not support the Before-Image Writer (probiw).This version of PROGRESS does not support an After-Image Writer (proaiw). (4968)A receive error occured during the client read. (4969)The Control ^C key was hit. (4970)The select statement failed. (4971)The server ran out of cursors. Try increasing cursors. (4972)For reconnection to server, disconnect from the broker first. (4973)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index fix found %l errors. (4974)%BIndex fix made %l index changes. (4975)V6 Server: client and server version don't match. (4976)Resync Acknowledgement. (4977)Resync because messages seem to be out of sync. (4978)Resync because not enough storage. (4979)User became limbo because of RCOMM resync. (4980)%LFailure to close TLI Server endpoint. (4981)%LUnable to complete receive Orderly Release indication. (4982)018709%W** WARNING: Multiple label specification is ignored for runtime parameter%LUnable to allocate memory for the %s structure. (4984)%LUnable to complete the polling of TLI endpoints, errno = %d. (4985)%LAn error was found while reading the TLI endpoint, ret = %d. (4986)%LFailure to unbind the TLI address from the Stream. (4987)018710%LUnable to acquire TLI connection information. Defaulting to connection- o%LThe Server is unable to send a disconnection indication to the client. (4989)018711%LThe Server is unable to send an Orderly Release indication to the client.Partial name %s cannot be used to specify explicit buffer %s. (4991)018712%LBad flags were used during the call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenumbOrderly release is not supported on call to: %s. (4993)%LUnknown connection service type %d returned from t_getinfo. (4994)018713%LThe endpoint state during the call to %s is changing: file %s, routine %s018714%LA connection request was received. This has been added to the request que018715%LThe naming was incorrect on call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenumber 018716%LTlierror: Routine: %s, Call %s, linenumber = %d, t_error = %d, state = %d018717%LThe address is busy on call to: %s, file %s, routine %s, linenumber %d, e018718%LThere is an unidentified error at the endpoint on the call to: %s, file %%LError: Call %s, routine %s, linenumber = %d, error = %d, state = %d. (5001)%LA TLI event has unexpectedly arrived at the endpoint. (5002)%LA system error has occurred. (5003)018719%LThe Maximum file size was exceeded in call to: %s,filename %s, routine %s018720%LThere is insufficient disk space to complete call: %s,filename %s, routin018721%LThe Maximum number of open file descriptors has been reached on call: %s,018722%LThe file system table is full on call to: %s,filename %s, routine %s,line018723%LNo Stream could be allocated on call: %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenumb018724%LThe device or address does not exist: call %s,filename %s, routine %s,lin018725%LDevice does not exist: call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenumber %d,erro018726%LOut of Processes, unable to complete call: %s,filename %s, routine %s,lin018727%LThis call is non-blocking mode: call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenumbe018728%LOut of Memory: call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenumber %d,error %d,sta018729%LNot enough time to complete operation on call %s,filename %s, routine %s,018730%LThe connection has been refused by the server: call %s,filename %s, rout018731%LTime expired on stream on call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenumber %d,e018732%LThe device is not a stream device: call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenu018733%LAttempting to read a bad message: call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenum018734%LAn unidentified error occured on call %s,filename %s, routine %s,linenumb%B Could not load Sybase library %s. DataServer not started. (5020)018735%BSYSTEM ERROR: Ixundo failed in ixgen due to finding a duplicate key in in018736%BSYSTEM ERROR: Ixundo failed in ixdel because it was unable to find the keImplicit buffer definition already exists for buffer %s. (5023)%BCould not upgrade lock on %s no uniqe identifer (5024)018737%BSYSTEM ERROR: Bad return from select, errno=%E. The server may be non-exi%GUser %i died holding %i shared memory locks. (5026)%GUser %i died with %i buffers locked. (5027)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Releasing regular latch. latchId: %d (5028)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Releasing multiplexed latch. latchId: %J (5029)SYSTEM ERROR: Wait Timeout on mtXlock. (5030)SYSTEM ERROR: Wait Abandoned for mtXlock. (5031)unique constraint violated (5032)%gSYSTEM ERROR: mtXlock returned an undefined state. (5033)018739Non-modal input blocking statement stacked over a .NET WAIT-FOR is invalid 018741Non-modal input blocking statement stacked over a .NET WAIT-FOR is invalid 018742Non-modal input blocking statement stacked over a .NET WAIT-FOR is invalid 018743%LUnable to translate data from CodePage '%s' to CodePage '%s' during a RAWInsufficient memory to allocate buffer for ORACLE (5038)SYSTEM ERROR: schema information not bound. (5039)SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected node type %d. (5040)Could not extract key field from target in RAW-TRANSFER. (5041)Could not extract character field from source in RAW-TRANSFER. (5042) (5043)AS/400 Trigger violation occurred attempting to %s %s. (5044)AS/400 Referential Integrity violation occurred attempting to %s %s (5045)018744Passthru plan not built. The current passthrough processor does not suppor018745Cannot undo deletes of records of tables (TABLE %s) with long datatypes; trCould not get LOAD base-key name. (5048)The %s parameter has too many digits. (5049)DB Repair could not open database .lg file. (5050)Workgroup server cannot support more than %l users. (5051)%BWorkgroup server cannot support more than %l users. (5052)Remote DataServer start: PROGRESS Version %s. (5053)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected case in drutil switch %i. (5054)%BNumber of users (-n) adjusted to %l. (5055)%BRVC Plan version mismatch: expected %d, found %d . (5056)%BBackup failed due to EOF during next output device request. (5057)Not enough space to input data. Increase -s. (5058)Source field of RAW-TRANSFER uses unknown version: %d. (5059)Source field of RAW-TRANSFER has invalid format. (5060)Could not allocate enough memory to carry out RAW-TRANSFER operation. (5061)The RAW-TRANSFER statement cannot operate on work-table buffers. (5062)Raw fields may not participate in an index. (5063)Bad recid %j in key component record. (5064)018746The ALLOW-REPLICATION phrase of the DISABLE TRIGGERS statement is only for Database triggers are not permitted on meta-schema tables. (5066)%LExecutable was compiled on %s at %s (5067)5. Build indexes from existing indexes.Enter the index to use as the source index. (5069)%BSYSTEM ERROR: There is no source index provided. (5070)%BIndex %s in table %s is inactive. (5071)018747%LA connection request was received. This has been added to the request que018748A connection request has been received. This has been added to the request Could not connect to server using network %s, protocol %s, device %s. (5074)Cannot RAW-TRANSFER a record to a field in the same record. (5075)%BThe pathname %s is an invalid directory. (5076)MessageQuestionInformationWarningDatabase StatusCancel%LUsing %s to communicate with Oracle. (5083)%BConversion of database %s to a multi-volume database aborted. (5084)%BConversion of database %s to a multi-volume database was successful. (5085)%BConnection rejected, the client and server schema files do not match. (5086)No such file, directory or device on call: %s. (5087)018749%BUnable to access pipe %s required to shut down the OIBRKR. The error ret%LError creating thread to shutdown the OIBRKR/DataServer. (5089)018750%LError %d occurred while trying to create pipe %s to be used for OIBRKR sh%LUnable to connect to pipe %s, error %d. (5091)%BUnable to GlobalPageLock NCSCTL: %X (5092)%s is an invalid DOS filename (5093)The SYSTEM-HELP command is not supported in this release (5094)%B%s record was not found with index %d. (5095)%BUnable to convert %j to sort format. (5096)%BUnable to convert %s to sort format. (5097)%Bkyins() failed inserting %j in %s key. (5098)%Bkyins() failed inserting %s in %s key. (5099)%BCould not find field %s in table %s. (5100)%BError writing record %j. (5101)%BError generating key for %s record %j, return = %i. (5102)%B%j record was not found with index %d. return=%d (5103)%BError searching for case field in record %j. (5104)%BFailed to update the master block properly. (5105)%BFailed to update the schema properly. (5106)%BRecord not found %j, return = %i. (5107)%BUnexpected conversation_id detected on CPI-C operation. (5108)018752Invalid pattern value in LIKE predicate. The escape character may only preInvalid escape character. Escapes must contain only one character. (5110)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid note length %i (5111)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlrdnxt: note prefix and suffix lengths don't match %i %i (5112)018753There are outstanding connection indications at the endpoint on call to %s.018754There is a transport provider mismatch between the client and the server onThe descriptor used on call to %s allows qlen to be greater than zero. (5115)There is a bind address mismatch on call to %s. (5116)The incoming connection queue is full on call to %s. (5117)TLI/XTI protocol error on call to %s. (5118)Conversion Table has illegal values. Table offset %d has value %d. (5119)%BConversion failed, you must retry the conversion. (5120)%BConversion succeeded. (5121)%BDatabase is already in version %d format. (5122)%BUnable to alloc %d bytes for copy of record %j. (5123)%BCould not delete key %j. return = %d (5124)%BConversion failed during %s index update. (5125)%BConversion failed during case sensitivity update. (5126)%BError adjusting record to new size. old size = %d, new size = %d (5127)%BError - Too many sequences defined. found: %d maximum is: %d (5128)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Re-indexing on index %d failed. return = %d (5129)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to update field %d in record %j. (5130)Data types are incompatible - cannot convert (5131)%LCPI-C Error %X on %s (5132)Press %s to undo changes to the current row in %s. (5133)%BSYSTEM ERROR: cxgetcur: user %l trying to use a free cursor (5134)%BSYSTEM ERROR: cxgetcur: user %l trying to use user %l's cursor (5135)%BSYSTEM ERROR: cxgetcur: user %l trying to use cursor for wrong db (5136)%GSYSTEM ERROR: gauxcurs: cursor error for user %l (5137)Select returned -1 , errno=%l. (5138)%BDBTRACE is on. code = %l. (5139)%BSYSTEM ERROR: cxdlc: user %l freeing a released cursor (5140)%BSYSTEM ERROR: cxdlc: Attempt by user %l to free user %l's cursor (5141)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkrend called with active transaction %d (5142)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Lock type %d recid %j (5143)018755Certain database methods, such as CREATE-RESULT-LIST-ENTRY, cannot be used SYSTEM ERROR: Wait Failed for mtXlock, errno %X. (5145)018756You cannot make an update to the database for the current row in %s. The rAll columns in a unique index must not be null. (5147)018757You cannot make an update to the database for the current row in %s. The rThe Host parameter supplied was %s, however, this Host is %s. (5149)%BPre V8.0B Server may have been spawned by a newer Broker (5150)%LInterface : %s (5151)This version of PROGRESS does not support an ORACLE DataServer (5152)018758%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index routine Find return with error %d in index fix utilit018759%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index Add returned with error %d in the index fix utility. t_error = %d, error = %d (5155)AS4TBL.DLL Not Found or Loaded - Connection failed. (5156)%LAS4TBL.DLL found and loaded. (5157)Area Number %d (5158)Index %d (%s, %s): %l place holders. (5159)018760%l is less than the minimum number of temporary buffers allowed.%rResetting018761Or use -Dsrv PRGRS_PROC_TRAN,1 startup parameter for multiple database connUnable to allocate memory for keyword %s. (5162)Unable to open the database as specified. (5163)PROGRESS ShellPress any key to exit ...MS SQL Server dblib initialization error (5166)MS SQL Server error: %s (5167)Unrecognised MS SQL Server datatype %d (5168)MS SQL Server/dblib Error: %s (5169)MS SQL Server dblib error: %s, os error=%d, %s (5170)The keyword %s in the MS SQL Server connection string is unknown (5171)018762MS SQL Server code page has not been set; SQL Server code page is %s; use tCould not set MS SQL Server character set %s (5173)018763%GSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to undo an action with an unknown action code: %d. %LRegistry error %d: Could not create the '%s' key for the Event Viewer. (5175)%BSELECT pass through aborted datasource returned %i (5176)%LRegistry error %d: Could not add message file '%s' to the Event Viewer. (5177)018764%LRegistry error %d: Could not add '%s' message types to the Event Viewer. 018765%LRegistry error %d: Could not register '%s' events with the Event Viewer. %LEvent Logger error %d: Could not post a '%s' event to the Event Viewer. (5180)6. Delete one record and its index entries.Provide a range of records to scan through.Type All or the recid to start the scan at or Q to quit.This is not a valid recid, assuming all.Type the recid to use as an endpoint or return to scan only one record.The ending recid is less the starting, use the starting only.Type the recid to delete.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Could not lock the record with recid %j. (5188)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Could not retrieve the record with recid %j (5189)%BRecord %j has been deleted from the database. (5190)018766Unable to find protocol TCP in file PROTOCOL or PROTOCOL file not found in 018767Unable to find server %s with protocol TCP in file SERVICES or SERVICES fil018768Unable to find host %s in file HOSTS or HOSTS file not found in expected lo%LEvent Logger error: Could not find '%s'. (5194)018769Code page name in schema holder (%s) does not match M/S SQL Server code pagRecord returned from fdfnd is too large; size= %i (5196)Record returned from fdget is too large; size= %i (5197)Connection using -Dsrv PRGRS_CONNECT requires version 8.0 or higher (5198)Message from PROGRESS database %s (5199)The system environment 'COMSPEC' is not set correctly. (5200)Null request handle pointer received in %s (5201)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Illegal range provided to index fix. (5202)ProService started as a NT Service (5203)ProService Stopped. (5204)%BUnable to create SQL trace file %s (5205)ProControl (5206)Hos&t: (5207)&Close (5208)Stat&us (5209)&Detail (5210)&Help (5211)Please Connect to a NT Server (5212)Service Details for %s (5213)Cannot read the Registry. Key %s (5214)Cannot connect to %s (5215)active (5216)inactive (5217)&Stop (5218)&Start (5219)%s - ProService is %s on %s (5220)ProService has been started. Waiting for acknowledgment (5221)%s on %s (5222)%s Properties (5223)%s is active (5224)Sending Stop Request for %s (5225)Sending Start Request for %s (5226)%s has been started (5227)%s ERROR: %s (5228)%s is not active (5229)Please Enter a Variable Name (5230)Please Select a Variable to Delete (5231)Please Enter a Unique Identifier (5232)Cannot create key in the Registry (5233)Are you sure you want to remove %s? (5234)%s has been spawned off (5235)&Edit (5236)&Copy (5237)&Insert (5238)&Remove (5239)&Set (5240)&Delete (5241)Environment (5242)Databases (5243)DataServers (5244)OtherTasks (5245)Options (5246)General (5247)DB Writers (5248)&Identifiers: (5249)&AutoStart (5250)&Executable Name: (5251)&Working Directory: (5252)&Physical DB-Name: (5253)&Startup Parameters: (5254)Writers (5255)Asynchronous &Page Writers (5256)&Before Image Writer (5257)After &Image Writer (5258)&Watch Dog Process (5259)&Animation (5260)Spawn &Event Viewer (5261)&DataServer Page (5262)&Variable (5263)Va&lue (5264)&Service Name (5265)&Network Protocol (5266)You are using -cpinternal %s and -cprcodeout %s. (5267)Edit of %s on %s (5268)Insert on %s (5269)Copy of %s on %s (5270)No slot available to store process information (5271)Needs a working directory (5272)Invalid working directory (5273)Invalid physical database name (5274)No DLC environment variable (5275)DLC environment variable incorrect (5276)Unable to find executable (5277)Unable to find shutdown executable (5278)Spawned process failed. See EVENT VIEWER (5279)%s is not supported by %s (5280)SYSTEM ERROR: File %s exists but can not be read. (5281)SYSTEM ERROR: File %s could not be opened. (5282)%BTemporary sort file at %s used up %lK of disk space. (5283)%BA total of %lK of temporary sort disk space was used. (5284)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Out of disk space for the sort. (5285)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Bad address %l passed to mvsGetFile. (5286)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to open sort file in directory %s. (5287)%BTemporary sort file at: %s will use the available disk space. (5288)%BTemporary sort file at: %s will use up to %lK of disk space. (5289)%BFile size has been changed to 2 gigabytes, the maximum allowable. (5290)018770%BYou have attempted to connect to a database with too many %rusers connect018771SYSTEM ERROR: The broker is exiting unexpectedly, beginning Abnormal Shutdo%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unknown code %d. (5293)%BFile size has been changed to %i, the minimum allowable. (5294)%BAccess to %s is denied (5295)018772%BSYSTEM ERROR: A duplicate entry has been enountered for index number %i. 018773%BSYSTEM ERROR: The index %i was unable to add an entry. Return code was %i018774%BSYSTEM ERROR: This index is not complete, it needs to be rebuilt before uCan't kill process %d because of error %d (5299)NONELEFTRIGHTTOPBOTTOMBOTHYou are not Authorized to use ProControl on %s! (5306)ProService is not installed on %s (5307)Error %d occurred while setting Security - %s (5308)New Security is enabled (5309)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized undo code %d. (5310)%BCould not open %s. Error = %i (5311)018775%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get a lock on dbkey %j with return code %i during%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not delete record with dbkey %d in undo. (5313)018776%GSYSTEM ERROR: Undo failed to reproduce the record with dbkey %j and retur018777This is rather extreme. All the processes connected to %rthe database will %B%rEmergency shutdown initiated... (5316)This RECID does not belong to a record for this work-table. (5317)Optimistic updates are not permitted on RAW, LONG or LONG RAW columns (5318)018778For double byte character sets, -cpinternal, -cpstream, and -cpprint must b018779Either the row you are attempting to update was deleted or%ra column you ar018780An optimistic update modified more than one row -%runique row identifier isYou are using -cpstream %s and -cpprint %s. (5322)Logfile Viewer successfully attached to the broker. (5323)%BThe server you are connecting to does not support %s (5324)%BThis option only supported on Shared Memory systems (5325)%LBegin Physical Redo Phase at %j . (5326)%LPhysical Redo Phase Completed at %i, %i changes redone. (5327)%LBegin Logical Undo Phase, %i incomplete transactions. (5328)%LLogical Undo Phase Complete. (5329)%LBegin Physical Undo Phase, %i transactions at %j . (5330)%LPhysical Undo Phase Completed at %j . (5331)Unknown ORACLE r-code minor version. Expected %d, found %d. (5332)Unsupported feature with this client (%d) / server (%d) combination. (5333)This option does not allow the choice of only one index. (5334)Invalid datatype %d supplied for record number. (5335)Optimistic updates are not permitted on columns not in the field list (5336)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid index for file descriptor table, index = %i (5337)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get file descriptor for %s (5338)obsolete message (5339)018781%BUnable to Advertise Service. The SAP Agent Network Service may not be run018782%BPROUTIL -C Convchar does not support conversion between double-byte charaUnable to write file = %s, errno = %d. (5342)%B%s: %s failed with the error code %i (5343)%B%s: %s - Insufficient memory for %i global buffers, none used. (5344)NO-ERROR cannot be used with PERSISTENT RUN (5345)Incorrect semantics in PERSISTENT RUN phrase. (5346)%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmget: Unable to extract field %d in record %D. (5347)Unable to connect to data source; database name is missing (5348)NO-ERROR not allowed in a CAN-FIND function. (5349)018783%BDatabase Server shutting down as a result of after-image extent switch fa%s was interrupted. (5351)Unique key duplication in table %s. (5352)Bad value in tables. (5353)Unexpected error. (5354)%s (5355)018784Parameter number %d, temp-table %s on the server, does not match to caller'Message is larger then %d. (5357)Use temp-table parameters to transfer large amounts of data. (5358)Waiting for the transaction to roll back... (5359)Waiting for abort acknowledgement... (5360)SYSTEM ERROR: Temp-table record is missing. (5361)%s cannot be appended to itself. (5362)018785The caller's temp-table parameter %s does not match to the target temp-tablBUFFER parameters are not allowed with remote procedure calls. (5364)Source element of a BUFFER-COPY statement has no record. (5365)Couldn't extract field '%s' from target in a BUFFER-COPY statement. (5366)Couldn't extract field '%s' from source in a BUFFER-COPY statement. (5367)Couldn't update field '%s' of target in a BUFFER-COPY statement. (5368)Source element of a BUFFER-COMPARE statement has no record. (5369)Target element of a BUFFER-COMPARE statement has no record. (5370)Couldn't extract field '%s' from source in a BUFFER-COMPARE statement. (5371)Couldn't extract field '%s' from target in a BUFFER-COMPARE statement. (5372)Could not build result list of field names for BUFFER-COMPARE statement. (5373)018786%WWARNING: The %s phrase of the BUFFER-COPY statement does not honor the IN018787%WWARNING: The %s phrase of the BUFFER-COMPARE statement does not honor the018788%WWARNING: The %s phrase of the BUFFER-COPY statement does not honor extent018789%WWARNING: The %s phrase of the BUFFER-COMPARE statement does not honor ext018790%WWARNING: The %s phrase of the BUFFER-COPY statement only honors fields in018791%WWARNING: The %s phrase of the BUFFER-COMPARE statement only honors fields018792Field '%s' must match in extent and data type for BUFFER-COPY of '%s' to '%018793Field '%s' must match in extent and data type for BUFFER-COMPARE of '%s' to018794%WWARNING: No common fields to be implicitly copied by BUFFER-COPY. Line %d018795%WWARNING: No common fields to be implicitly copied by BUFFER-COMPARE. Line018796Target field for the SAVE phrase in a BUFFER-COMPARE must be data type Char018797Processing a BUFFER-COMPARE statement and expecting a WHEN phrase or END COKeyword COMPARES (optional) should follow END. (5386)END CASE has no corresponding CASE statement. (5387)END COMPARE has no corresponding BUFFER-COMPARE statement. (5388)WHEN phrase has no corresponding CASE or BUFFER-COMPARE statement. (5389)** %s: Missing END statement for a BUFFER-COMPARE statement. (5390)018798%WWARNING: Source and target buffers in BUFFER-COPY are identical. No bulk 018799%WWARNING: Source and target buffers in BUFFER-COMPARE are identical. No buA word index cannot be primary. (5393)A word index can only have one component. (5394)A word index cannot be unique. (5395)Word indexing can only be applied to character fields. (5396)You must supply the -S parameter to shut down the dataserver. (5397)%Llkrend: forgotten record lock, recid %j. (5398)%LLock type %d recid %j (5399)%LUnable to terminate thread %X, errno %d. (5400)%LUnable to get our current thread id, errno %d. (5401)%LUnable to create thread for proshut, error = %d. (5402)%LTerminating user %s on tty %s. (5403)Only WAIT-FOR is allowed when input is from the Web server (5404)%LThis broker will terminate when session ends. (5405)%B%s console event received. (5406)%B%W9WARNING: -nb exceeded. Automatically increasing from %d to %d. (5407)%L%W9WARNING: -l exceeded. Automatically increasing from %l to %l. (5408)%B%W9WARNING: -mmax exceeded. Automatically increasing from %d to %d. (5409)%B%W9WARNING: -D limit has been exceeded; automatically increasing to %d. (5410)%BResource limit reached. Raising untrappable STOP condition. (5411)RUN...SERVER syntax must include TRANSACTION DISTINCT. (5412)018800Procedure may not be both RUN...IN and PERSISTENT, SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETON.018801RUN...(PERSISTENT, SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETON) SET requires a program variableProcedure may not be both RUN...IN and ON [SERVER]. (5415)018802RUN...IN requires an expression specifying the procedure handle to run in. RUN...ON requires an expression specifying the server handle to run on. (5417)TRANSACTION DISTINCT missing from RUN...ON statment. (5418)018803PERSISTENT, SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETON phrase may not be used multiple times IN phrase may not be used multiple times on a single RUN statement. (5420)018804ON SERVER phrase may not be used multiple times on a single RUN statement. May not RUN...ON SERVER from a Persistent trigger. (5422)May not RUN...ASYNC-REQUEST from a Persistent trigger. (5423)SERVER may not be specified with an expression. (5424)018805Invalid or inappropriate handle value given to DELETE OBJECT or DELETE PROCInvalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted widget or object. (5426)018806Invalid handle type %s given to DELETE PROCEDURE or DELETE OBJECT statement018807Static handle type %s given to DELETE PROCEDURE or DELETE OBJECT statement.CREATE SERVER variable %s must be of type HANDLE. (5429) Cursor %s is too long. (5430)%BWrote a total of %J backup blocks using %l megabytes of media. (5431)This will require %l megabytes of backup media. (5432)Record %j in block %J has table %d which doesn't exist. (5433)Could not evaluate server handle expression while trying to execute %s. (5434)018808Stored procedure has more than 1 cursor argument.%ruse WHERE CURSOR = argum%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to store shared memory and semaphore identifiers (5436)Attempt to write with no current output destination. (5437)Attempt to read with no current input source. (5438)CURSOR must reference an ORACLE stored procedure cursor (5439)Array fields must have local/const subscripts (5440)018809BUFFER parameter and ON [SERVER] phrase cannot both be specified on a RUN sInvalid datatype for argument to method '%s'. Expecting '%s' (5442)CONNECT method requires at least one argument (5443)CREATE SERVER statement may not specify IN WIDGET POOL. (5444)TEMP TABLE %s could not be found. (5445)TEMP TABLE parameter %s must be a TEMP TABLE. (5446)Invalid parameter mode specified for TEMP TABLE parameter %s. (5447)APPEND specified for OUTPUT TEMP TABLE or DATASET parameter %s. (5448)The value for DEFAULT-NOXLATE must be a boolean constant. (5449)018810You must specify a value on the TEXT-SEG-GROWTH option of the COMPILE stateSERVER %s is not connected. (5451)Unable to allocate procedure object for %s. (5452)018811Invalid or inappropriate server handle specified for RUN %s ... ON SERVER sInvalid or inappropriate server handle implied on RUN %s ... IN handle. (5454)018812Invalid or inappropriate SERVER handle implied by DELETE PROCEDURE statemenSERVER %s is not connected; cannot DELETE procedure handle or object. (5456)SERVER %s is still connected. Cannot DELETE (5457)Persistent procedure handle was deleted. (5458)%LBegin backup of Before Image file(s). (5459)%LEnd backup of Before Image file(s). (5460)%LBegin backup of Data file(s). (5461)%LEnd backup of Data file(s). (5462)Transport %s not supported. (5463)Application broker could not start application server. (5464)Shutdown request received. (5465)Fatal memory error. (5466)Connection refused by Application Server. (5467)Application server connect failure. (5468)Not connected to AppServer. (5469)PROGRESS AppServer disconnect failure. (5470)PROGRESS AppServer stop failure. (5471)The application broker received unknown message code %d. (5472)%s Startup. (5473)You must supply the -S parameter to start the %s. (5474)%s initialization failure. (5475)%s Shutdown. (5476)The Application Server received unknown message code %d. (5477)Unexpected message code received: expected %d received %d. (5478)Error initializing the application server. (5479)Fatal transport initialization failure. (5480)Inconsistent transport state. (5481)Unknown hostname %s. (5482)Connection failure for service %s host %s transport %s. (5483)Unknown service %s transport %s. (5484)Service %s transport %s is busy. (5485)Transport resources unavailable. (5486)Fatal transport failure %d. (5487)The -S parameter must be specified to connect. (5488)Unexpected transport error received %d. (5489)Unknown transport error received %d. (5490)NPP error_code = %d. (5491)Persistent procedure handle already exists for proxy %ld. (5492)You do not have the capability to execute '%s' on this server. (5493)Unable to find persistent procedure handle for proxy %ld. (5494)Attempt to delete nonremote procedure by proxy. (5495)Could not execute procedure %s. (5496)-- TRACE: PERSISTENT Procedure '%s' START. (5497)-- TRACE: Non-PERSISTENT Procedure '%s' START. (5498)-- TRACE: Internal Procedure '%s' (in '%s') START. (5499)-- TRACE: PERSISTENT Procedure '%s' END (%s). (5500)-- TRACE: Non-PERSISTENT Procedure '%s' END (%s). (5501)-- TRACE: Internal Procedure '%s' (in '%s') END (%s). (5502)-con startup procedure '%s' completed with STOP condition. (5503)-con startup procedure '%s' completed with QUIT condition. (5504)Internal character set (-cpinternal) changed from '%s' to '%s'. (5505)Internal character set (-cpinternal) is set to '%s'. (5506)Application broker shutdown failure. (5507)Application broker shutdown successful. (5508)Unable to process parameters. (5509)Invalid parameter string. (5510)Could not create process for executable %s: SIGNAL = %d. (5511)%LPrevious message sent on behalf of user %d. (5512)%s was unable to create log file %s. (5513)Could not create process for executable %s: EXIT = %d. (5514)Could not create process for executable %s: ERRNO = %d. (5515)Could not create daemon: SIGNAL = %d. (5516)Could not create daemon: EXIT = %d. (5517)Could not create daemon: ERRNO = %d. (5518)Could not create daemon: LAST_ERROR = %d. (5519)Unable to communicate with parent. (5520)Could not create process for executable %s: LAST_ERROR = %d. (5521)Could not create process for executable %s. Unavailable resources. (5522)%BAPPC Interface is already active. (5523)Communication failure while trying to execute a remote procedure. (5524)You cannot step into '%s'. Server '%s' is not debug enabled. (5525)018813SYSTEM ERROR: Could not open debugger write channel to controlling client. SYSTEM ERROR: Could not open debugger read channel to controlling client. (5527)RUN command cannot be honored while on a remote server. (5528)018814ASSIGN command involves an assign trigger but the current context is remote018815ASSIGN command involves a Write trigger but the current context is remote.%Expecting debugger version %d but the server is version %d. (5531)Expecting debugger version %d but the client is version %d. (5532)** DEFINE TEMP-TABLE/WORK-TABLE LIKE tables must be of the same type. (5533)Compile time arguments may not be passed to an internal procedure. (5534)Server is already connected (5535)CONNECT method requires at least one parameter. (5536)Server is not connected. (5537)%LMessage Statement Executed (5538)%s is not a valid option for evtlevel (5539)Connection Failure (5540)User-specified message or compound message. (5541)018816This version of Progress requires prodebug version %d and cannot operate wi%GSYSTEM ERROR: rmundochg: size %d, expected %d (5543)The Network type parameter (-N) is required for this client. (5544)Disconnect procedure should not specify any run-time parameters. (5545)&Log File: (5546)&Event Level: (5547)Value of APW must be between 0 and 9. (5548)AppServers (5549)Are you sure you want to stop %s? (5550)An error has occurred while running a write trigger for %s (5551)%BWrite to NFS file system failed on fd %d. (5552)seconds (5553)Update ProService status every (5554)A&ppServer Page (5555)%LShared Memory Page Table Entry Optimization (-Mpte); %i. (5556)018817Could not create process for executable %s. Initialization time-out failureCould not create process for executable %s. Could not read port number. (5558)SYSTEM ERROR: TL file offset %d is larger than TL file size %d (5559)Starting application server for %s. (5560)Starting application server for %s. (5561)Error accessing PROGRESS AppServer communications file. (5562)Hostname is required for transport %s. (5563)Application server executable %s not found. (5564)PROGRESS AppServer network protocol mismatch. (5565)PROGRESS AppServer message protocol mismatch. (5566)Status value must be between 0 and 9999. (5567)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized undo code %d, flags %d. (5568)%LQuiet point request login by %s on %s. (5569)%LQuiet point request logout (5570)%LOption not found in quiet options (5571)%LA quiet point has already been requested. (5572)%LEnabling the quiet point is in effect. (5573)%BAfter-imaging is enabled, this is not allowed with quiet points. (5574)%LBroker died during a quiet point enable request. (5575)018818%LQuiet utility received shutdown request while attempting to enable a quie018819%LQuiet utility detected that the broker died during a quiet disable reques%LQuiet utility received a shutdown request during quiet disable. (5578)%LQuiet point does not need to be disabled. (5579)018820%LQuiet utility has detected that the broker is dead - abnormal shutdown of%LProbackup session started with the norecover option in effect. (5581)%LUnable to get storage for bi blocks errno = %d (5582)%LQuiet point has been enabled by the broker. (5583)%LQuiet point has been disabled by the broker. (5584)** Tooltips on DEFINE statements must be string constants. (5585)** Tooltip must be a character expression. (5586)Cannot load AS/400 translation DLL = %s (5587)Cannot resolve entry point in AS/400 translation DLL = %s (5588)Cannot initialize AS/400 translation DLL = %s (5589)%s cannot load a DLL it requires (5590)AS/400 translation DLL major version mismatch (5591)%s does not support this version of the PROGRESS client (5592)Client version = %d, %s version = %d (5593)%LDLL initialization error = %l (5594)Client does not support this version of %s (5595)AS/400 translation DLL %s (v%d.%d) loaded (5596)Logging is initiated. (5597)%s is unable to initiate logging (5598)%BUnable to open external conversion between %s and %s (ret = %l) (5599)%BCannot close external conversion (ret = %l) (5600)AS/400 external translation not initiated. (5601)%B%s : p_as4_foreign == NULL (5602)%B%s : external translation failure = %l (5603)The DB2/400 dataserver will not be supported. (5604)018821Logical database %s does not exist. Please make sure that you have entered ProControl Version %s (5606)%s (5607)%s command option(s) failed. (5608)%s command option(s) completed successfully. (5609)Service %s not installed. (5610)Service %s already installed. (5611)The service %s requires Windows NT. (5612)This program must be run as a Windows NT service. (5613)Operation %s failed: error = %s (%l). (5614)RegDeleteKey(%s) failed: error = %s (%l). (5615)Attribute Table for Codepage %s has an invalid type %s (5616)Conversion Table for %s to %s has an invalid type %s (5617)Virtual System Tables have already been loaded into this database. (5618)Adding table: %s. (5619)Unable to create index for %d, ret = %d. (5620)018822Function declaration syntax is:%rFUNCTION fname RETURNS dtype [(arg1, arg2,018824UPDATE, SET, PROMPT-FOR, CHOOSE, INSERT, WAIT-FOR, and PROCESS EVENTS state018825Debugger RUN command cannot be honored while executing a user-defined funct018826ASSIGN command involves an assign trigger but we are in a user-defined func018827ASSIGN command involves a Write trigger but we are in a user defined functiForward declared function '%s' was referenced but was never defined. (5626)Undefined function, method or operator '%s' referenced. (5627)%WWarning: END PROCEDURE statement used to END user defined function. (5628)018828%WWarning: END FUNCTION statement used to END internal procedure definitionReturn types for user-defined function '%s' do not match. (5630)Number of arguments in function prototypes for '%s' do not match. (5631)018829Need a name for argument number %d of function, method, or class event '%s'Mode mismatch for argument number %d in prototype for function '%s'. (5633)Type mismatch for argument number %d in prototype for function '%s'. (5634)018830%BSYSTEM ERROR: -s exceeded. Raising STOP condition and attempting to write&Browse... (5636)You must supply a return data type for user-defined function '%s'. (5637)018831Invalid datatype specified: %s. Specify a datatype such as 'character' or tUser-defined function '%s' invoked dynamically but could not be found. (5639)Could not invoke dynamic user-defined function. (5640)Basekey %s is invalid. (5641)%s: %s is an invalid registry location. (5642)%s file not found. (5643)%LStarted for %s using %s, pid %l. (5644)%LThis is an additional broker for this protocol. (5645)%LStarted on port %i using %s, pid %l. (5646)%LMaximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): %i (5647)%LMinimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): %i (5648)%LMaximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): %i (5649)018832The DefaultDirectory specified in the configuration file does not exist or Invalid keyword encountered in the configuration file (5651)The maximum server port (-maxport) must be between 1025 and 65535 . (5652)The minimum server port (-minport) must be between 1025 and 65535 . (5653)018833%GSYSTEM ERROR: Your computer returned an invalid time. Please make sure th** Ports from 1025 to 3000 may be in use by Windows NT . (5655)(-maxport) must be greater than (-minport) . (5656)WebSpeed TailoringSetup: Installation Path already exists = %s. (5657)WebSpeed TailoringSetup: Cannot set InstallPath (%s) = %l. (5658)WebSpeed TailoringDispatch: Cannot configure service(s) = %l. (5659)WebSpeed UninstallDispatch: Cannot get InstallPath = %l. (5660)WebSpeed UninstallDispatch: Cannot remove service (%s) = %l. (5661)WebSpeed UninstallDispatch: Cannot remove service(s) = %l. (5662)WebSpeed UninstallDispatch: Cannot delete WebSpeed Services key = %l. (5663)Cannot reference strong scoped buffer %s inside a user-defined function. (5664)018834Strong scoping inside an user defined function is valid only on explicitly 018835Runtime parameters for a user-defined function must be declared as part of Shared buffers cannot be defined inside user-defined functions. (5667)Memory exhausted! Raising STOP condition. (5668)The directory for node could not be found. (5669)&Comment: (5670)&Backup... (5671)&Restore... (5672)Operation completed successfully. (5673)Error %d occurred. (5674)You need the following privilege to perform this function:\n%s (5675)COM objects not implemented on this system. (5676)Unable to set com-handle property. (5677)Unable to do run-time conversion of datatypes. (5678)018836Temp-table '%s' (parameter %d) does not have the same signature as the tempUse ProControl settings from: (5680)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot determine value of %s in environment. (5681)Unable to get property/method name for com-handle expression. (5682)Unable to get index for com-handle expression. (5683)018837Function or method '%s' expects parameter %d to be a buffer for '%s' but yo018838Intermediate properties (for example, y in x:y:z) must be valid com-handlesWSCFG internal error: (5686)Do you want to lose your unsaved changes for this service? (5687)Service could not be added (5688)Do you want to delete this service ? (5689)Feature not currently implemented (5690)Service not found: (5691)018839Multiple Dispatchers are not supported. The following Dispatcher service alNo host name specified (5693)Invalid port number specified: (5694)Unable to update program variable used as COM OUTPUT parameter. (5695)-- TRACE: User Defined Function '%s' (in '%s') START. (5696)-- TRACE: User Defined Function '%s' (in '%s') END (%s). (5697)CONTROL-CONTAINER no longer supported, use CONTROL-FRAME instead. (5698)Could not evaluate Automation Object CONNECT expression for object %s. (5699)Invalid working directory specified (5700)Invalid session log file specified (5701)Invalid error log file specified (5702)Shutting Down PID: %d. (5703)WTB: LIMBO_TIMEOUT %d (ms). (5704)DYNAMIC-FUNCTION function given invalid or Unknown context to run IN. (5705)CREATE CONTROL-FRAME requires a normal object handle, not a com-handle. (5706)018840Must use quoted string or value() when creating an automation object with aCONNECT phrase not valid for CONTROL-FRAME. (5708)IN WIDGET-POOL phrase not allowed for Automation Objects. (5709)018841The TRIGGER phrase on the CREATE statement is only allowed for PROGRESS wid018842Only PROGRESS widgets and CONTROL-FRAMEs may have the ASSIGN phrase on the 018843RELEASE OBJECT requires com-handle and DELETE OBJECT requires widget-handleMulti-level attribute references allowed only for com-handles. (5713)018844NO-RETURN-VALUE only valid for COM-HANDLE expressions and should not be use018845INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT-OUTPUT and AS argument modifiers are not valid for WIArgument missing for method. (5716)Handle for com-object reference must be COM-HANDLE datatype. (5717)IN FRAME phrase not valid for COM-HANDLE references. (5718)WTB: Error starting WebSpeed Transaction Broker! (5719)Usage: [-i instance name] [-g] (5720)018846The AS datatype specified is not one of the supported types in this context018847OUTPUT modifiers are valid only for program variables, not expressions or f018848WTB: Could not read configuration file, error during installation process! WTB: Error opening Error log file - directory specified is invalid! (5724)WTB: Error opening Session log file - directory specified is invalid! (5725)018849COM-HANDLE expressions not allowed in WHERE, use temporary variable insteadCOM-HANDLE used where only HANDLE allowed. (5727)018850Unable to complete automatic conversion of DECIMAL value--use the DECIMAL fIncompatible datatypes found during runtime conversion. (5729)018851Unable to complete automatic conversion to character -- use STRING function018852Unable to complete automatic datatype conversion. Use STRING, DECIMAL etc. WTB: Port specified for this broker is busy or undefined. (5732)WTB: Check broker port number in configuration file. (5733)WTB: Another WTB might be using this port %d! (5734)018853WTB: Error in the configuration file. StartInstances exceeds MaxInstances!WTB: Automatically adjusting MaxInstances and starting %d agents. (5736)WTB: Failed to start all instances of WebSpeed Agents. (5737)WTB: Successful Launch Of WebSpeed Agents. (5738)WTB: Received a SIGBUS signal, dumping core! (5739)WTB: Received a SIGSEGV signal, dumping core! (5740)WTB: Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down. (5741)WTB: Received a SIGHUP, shutting down. (5742)018854WTB: Received a SIGCHLD from a child process. The dying process pid = %d. WTB: Shutting down WTB - agent parameters prevent successful startup. (5744)WTB: Abnormal termination - check error log file. (5745)WTB: Failed to detach broker process! Daemon creation failed! (5746)WTB: Warning, failed to set user id. (5747)WTB: Warning: failed to set sid. (5748)018855WTB: execv failed! Could not launch a subprocess. Check ExecutableFilenamWTB: Could not fork a subprocess. Agent has failed to start. (5750)WTB: CreateProcess() failed. Check ExecutableFilename parameter. (5751)WTB: Failed to allocate heap space! (5752)WTB: Cookie = %s is stale ... using the next available free agent. (5753)WTB: No available agents. (5754)WTB: Failed to start a new agent instance. (5755)WTB: Load required the start of a new instance. (5756)WTB: There are now %d instances to service requests. (5757)018856Invalid or inappropriate server handle implied in external function referenWTB: Received an error from an agent application. (5759)WTB: Port #: %d, Pid #: %d, Exclusive-id: %s. (5760)WTB: Setting STATE: port %d. (5761)WTB: Setting state to Available. (5762)WTB: Setting state to Busy. (5763)WTB: Setting state to Locked. (5764)WTB: Detected bad message to set the port state! (5765)WTB: Attempt to exceed Max Instances! Some new instances not started! (5766)WTB: Received a bogus START message from wtbman. (5767)WTB: Received a START command for %d agents to be started. (5768)WTB: Request received to STOP agents. (5769)WTB: Failed to get a number of agents to stop from wtbman. (5770)WTB: Received a STOP PID from wtbman. (5771)WTB: Stop request for pid ignored because of bad pid! (5772)WTB: Received a SHUTDOWN from wtbman. (5773)018857NO Agents in pool, wtb has started %d agents and has had no response from tWTB: Received a message from an unknown source! (5775)=== WebSpeed log files started === (5776)WTB: An agent is being started using the following command line: %s. (5777)TIMEOUT - Please try again in a few seconds... (5778)Shutdown Process Returned Error: %d. (5779)Cannot Find Lock (.lk) file. See EVENT VIEWER. (5780)Protocol Error. (5781)Error %d communicating with ProService. (5782)This utility can only be used on Windows NT. (5783)No Computer Name found - Aborting... (5784)The WebSpeed configuration file (%s) cannot be opened. (5785)The WebSpeed configuration file (%s) is invalid. (5786)TIMEOUT for PID %x. (5787)File Mapping already exists - unable to continue. (5788)Insufficient memory is available. (5789)%s has been stopped. (5790)WebSpeed is not supported in this configuration. (5791)Invalid parameter value detected. (5792)ProControl Access Group: (5793)Unable to create File Mapping to run debugger. (5794)Unable to start PROGRESS debugger. (5795)018858%WWARNING: Form input of length %l exceeds current DITEM size limit of %l. 018859%GSYSTEM ERROR: MUXFREE: Attempt to unlock mux that is not locked for latch%BWrite to file failed during dblist, errno = %i." (5798)This service has been suspended! (5799)This service has resumed normal operation. (5800)&View (5801)View of %s on %s (5802)Open in the Procedure Editor018861Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify thMsngr: Failure sending WEB_CGIIP_GET_PROG message. (5805)018862Msngr: Disconnecting - failed to receive header for the WEB_CGIIP_GET_PROG Msngr: Received a port number from a non-WebSpeed Broker. (5807)Open in the PROGRESS Procedure EditorOpen in the UIB018863Msngr: Failed to make connection to WTA. Verify all port configuration forOpen in the PROGRESS User Interface BuilderMsngr: npp_transport_driver() failed. (5812)018864Msngr: OCTO transport layer initialization failure, npp_initialized() faileMsngr: Disconnecting with no header on WTA output web stream. (5814)Msngr: Disconnecting because the received message was not sent by a WTA. (5815)RunMsngr: Failed to send the environment buffer. (5817)Run in the PROGRESS Client.R File PropertiesCompiler Version :Creation Date :Length :Msngr: Failed to send form-level input data to WTA. (5823)Initial Value Segment Size :Msngr: the specified service name does not exist or has a bad format. (5825)Action Segment Size :Debugger Segment Size :Frame Segment Size :Text Segment Size :Msngr: Cannot find default service name to serve web request. (5830)Msngr: Internal error, memory allocation failure, low on virtual memory. (5831)018865Msngr: Disconnecting - all agents are currently busy, please try again late%B-m2 Servers must be the same protocol as BROKER 0 (5833)E Code Segment Sizes :.DB File PropertiesDB Version :Database is :Block Size :DB Volumes :First Volume :018867The file extension %s is already registered by another application as file Replace Registry KeyMultiSingleLockedUnlockedViewOpen in the PROGRESS Configuration ViewerEditEdit in NotepadStart ClientStart PROGRESS client using parameter fileStart ServerStart a Database Server with this databaseStart a Database Server with this parameter fileShut Down ServerShut Down this Database ServerEdit in the Data Dictionary (single-user)Open the database in the Data DictionaryEdit in the Data Dictionary (multi-user)%BWrite to file failed during dbunlok, errno = %i." (5861)%BUnable to get a valid file descriptor for the database %s. (5862)PROGRESS Database FilePROGRESS File%BThis version of PROGRESS does not support the Quiet Points (-C quiet). (5865)018868%BThis version of PROGRESS does not support variable sizes for database bloWebSpeed TailoringSetup: Cannot set path information = %l. (5867)018869WebSpeed TailoringSetup : Cannot install ... WebSpeed is already installed.018870WebSpeed TailoringSetup : Cannot update installation ... WebSpeed not instaWebSpeed TailoringSetup : Cannot update component list = %l. (5870)WebSpeed TailoringSetup : cannot get component list = %l. (5871)018871%BThis version of PROGRESS does not support setting a minimum network servi018872%BThis version of PROGRESS does not support setting a maximum network serviAPPEND is invalid for an INPUT TEMP-TABLE parameter. (5874)%s is not a TEMP-TABLE and cannot be used as a TEMP-TABLE parameter. (5875)%s is not implemented. Ignoring. (5876)DELETE ASYNC-REQUEST is not a valid statement. (5877)018873WTB: Ensure agent executable is on a device that is visible while running u%BRaw disk devices are not supported with this license. (5879)018874 Msngr: cannot disconnect the specified service, because the service is curWebSpeed UninstallDispatch : Cannot delete WebSpeed version key = %l. (5881)%LInvalid wakeup, semcnt = %d . (5882)%LInvalid wakeup, wake indicator = %d . (5883)018875Invalid component-handle referenced while processing method/statement: %s.%Out of memory while processing method/statement: %s.%r%s%r%s (5885)018876Connecting to an automation object requires an automation object or file naInvalid component-handle was passed as a parameter to method: %s.%r%s%r%s (5887)018877Wrong number of parameters. Component method %s called with %s parameters.Unexpected error occurred while processing method/statement %s.%r%s%r%s (5889)018878Error occurred while accessing component property/method: %s.%r%s%rError co018879Error occurred while creating/connecting to automation server: %s. A requir018880Error creating/connecting to automation server for: %s.%rCould not find or 018881The automation server for %s is not registered properly.%rPlease reinstall 018882Error occurred while creating/connecting to automation server for: %s.%r%s%018883A CONTROL-FRAME must be deleted through its WIDGET-HANDLE, not released thrError occurred while releasing component-handle.%rError code: %X %s (5896)018884Encountered an input-blocking statement in event handler: %s that is invaliError occurred while creating CONTROL-FRAME: %s.%r%s%rError code: %X (5898)Invalid procedure handle specified for ADD/REMOVE-EVENTS-PROCEDURE. (5899)018885Wrong input/output parameter mode defined for parameter %s.%rEvent/method: Startup parameters cannot be longer than %d characters. (5901)Menu too large to display on the screen. (5902)Editor is full. Some lines could not be inserted and have been lost. (5903)018886Out of memory while inserting characters in the editor. Some characters cou%W**All or part of %s is being placed outside of %s by setting %s. (5905)%s cannot be queried within a ROW-DISPLAY trigger for %s. (5906)018887Nested block parameter specified with the -nb option is %l. However the ran018888Missing END statement. Already defining %s. You cannot nest procedure, func018889You cannot define internal procedures, user defined functions or methods inYou must supply a name for the user defined function. (5910)018890Temp-table APPEND mode mismatch for argument number %d in prototype for funKey/Value Already Exists!Would you like to replace?Replace ValueReplace All ValuesDon't Replace ValueStop TranslationTranslating %sHow To Use INI2REG ...Command Line Parameters ...About INI2REG ...&Open&TranslateE&xit&File&Help&1) Enter the name of the .INI file you wish to translate.&2) Select the Registry base key.&3) Enter the name of the Registry sub-key&4) Click on the Translate button.Values being translated:&Browse ...&Revert&TranslateNO FILE SELECTEDNO KEY SELECTEDNo Data TranslatedINI File to Registry TranslationCouldn't open profile configuration file '%s'. Profiling not enabled. (5939)018891Invalid option ('%s') specified in profile configuration file '%s'. SkippinCouldn't open profile output file '%s'. Profiling turned off. (5941)Invalid agent executable file specified (5942)Agent executable file does not exist (5943)No startup parameters specified (5944)Invalid minimum port number specified: (5945)Invalid maximum port number specified: (5946)Invalid value for Initial Agents to Start (5947)Invalid value for Minimum Idle Agents (5948)Invalid value specified for Maximum Agents (5949)Service could not be updated (5950)No managed brokers specified (5951)The following list of brokers are no longer available (5952)They have been removed from the list of managed brokers (5953)The current directory cannot be changed to: (5954)Service not found: (5955)Could not create the specified directory (5956)Cannot find the WebSpeed installation directory (5957)'Initial Agents to Start' cannot be greater than 'Maximum Agents' (5958)Minimum Port must be less than the Maximum Port setting (5959)Unable to verify WebSpeed license information (5960)Maximum Agents exceeds the maximum user license configuration (5961)Maximum Agent license limit is: (5962)Maximum new Agents specified is: (5963)018892The following Dispatcher service does not have any 'Managed Brokers' defineClick 'Delete' to remove the Dispatcher configuration or (5965)click 'Reconfigure' to complete the Dispatcher configuration (5966)The following service configuration has been deleted (5967)Could not understand '-b' parameterCould not create a file open dialog box! (Error #%d)Could not find KeyREGISTERED :NOT REGISTERED :Translation stopped hereCould not access the registry. Do you want to continue?Attempted to access file that was not opened in direct mode (5975)Fatal hardware error has occurred (5976)Insufficient read/write privileges (5977)The file is detached (5978)File is locked (5979)Volume segment on which the file is located has been deactivated (5980)Error DFSWriting to file (5981)Error DFSReading to file (5982)Error DFSExpanding file (5983)%BbkioWriteDirectVMS: file not written... fd: %d (5984)018893You need to supply the -S parameter in order to startup the gateway broker.%LControl-c hit while connecting to database, connection lost. (5986)Failed to delete the following unwanted service configuration: (5987)%BbkioWriteDirectVMS: file opened incorrectly ... fd: %d (5988)%BbkioReadDirectVMS: file not written... fd: %d (5989)%BbkioReadDirectVMS: file opened incorrectly ... fd: %d (5990)minimum blocksize allowed is %d, continuing with %d dbblocksize (5991)maximum blocksize allowed is %d, continuing with %d dbblocksize (5992)blocksize allowed must be a power of 2, continuing with %d dbblocksize (5993)%s is not a valid option for evtlevel (5994)Usage: PROG/UTIL=CODEPAGE (5995)Usage: PROG/UTIL=CODEPAGE (5996)You must specify a positive integer for bigrow (5997)Processing 2phase modify. Please wait... (5998)Processing 2phase begin. Please wait... (5999)Processing 2phase recover. Please wait... (6000)You must specify a positive integer for bigrow (6001)%LAdding %l clusters to the Before Image file (6002)018894Incorrect number of parameters. The correct syntax for binary dump is: %rBinary Dump failed (6004)Binary Dump complete. (6005)018895Incorrect number of parameters. The correct syntax for binary load is: %rCallNamedPipe failed with %d (6007)DosOpen failed with %d for pipe %s (6008)%BConnect request refused -- Unable to set SYSPRV for UAF check. (6009)%BConnect request refused -- user authorization failure. (6010)Invalid database blocksize %d. (6011)error creating thread to shutdown OIBRKR. Use pview (6012)error creating thread to shutdown OIBRKR/DataServer (6013)ConnectNamedPipe failed. (6014)error creating named pipe. (6015)%BInvalid record attribute. %s not added. (6016)%BFixed file format not supported. %s not added. (6017)%BSYSTEM ERROR: VMS block I/O file array full. (6018)WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)Unable to load wsutil.dll, error %d (6020)Unable to load wsprocfg.dll, error %d (6021)Error %d reading Service definition for %s (6022)018897Non-modal input blocking statement stacked over a .NET WAIT-FOR is invalid 018898Widget:attribute (parameter %d of %s) as an output/input-output parameter o018899Vector references (parameter %d of %s) as output or input-output parametersCannot RELEASE record from buffer %s. Trigger is executing. (6026)LFP error: %i, SNA error: lost connection to server, in %s. (6027)018900%GSYSTEM ERROR: A/R block doesn't match caller's. Transaction inconsistency018902Non-modal input blocking statement stacked over a .NET WAIT-FOR is invalid NUM-RESULTS, CURRENT-RESULT-ROW, etc., query name %s not found. (6030)%GSYSTEM ERROR: bffndfld: tried to extract an unfetched field. (6031)Unaligned address supplied to ESQL interface for numeric type. (6032)Unable to evaluate MAX-ROWS for query %s. (6033)SAVE CACHE syntax is: SAVE CACHE {CURRENT | COMPLETE} dbname TO file. (6034)Can not turn off 3D alert boxes and system dialogs. (6035)Fail to compare SYBASE schema; file %s field %s fldpos %d not unique. (6036)Fail to compare SYBASE schema; file %s counted num flds: %d fildes: %d. (6037)Pointer to DATA for parameter value %d is null. (6038)Failed to get current status of a broker service: (6039)018903%BSYSTEM ERROR: query resolution function for a %s operation is undefined. %B%s failed with the error code %d (6041)018904Please specify the number of new agents to start first, then push the butto018905Please specify the number of agents to remain active fist, then push the buThe drive type could not be determined for %c: (6044)018906Please specify the PID number of the agent process to terminate first, thenYou must supply a source file name and a target file name. (6046)The source (%s) and target (%s) file names must be different. (6047)Compiling source file %s into target file %s. (6048)Compilation of source file %s into target file %s is incomplete. (6049)Inverse map for %s to %s not found. (6050)%s to %s and %s to %s are not inverse. (6051)%s to %s and %s to %s are a valid inverse pair. (6052)018907There are multiple entries with the same source (%s) and target (%s) code pCompilation of source file %s into target file %s is complete. (6054)proutil codepage-compiler: error during read of %s. (6055)The file could not be found. (6056)proutil codepage-compiler: error during write of %s. (6057)Unable to allocate memory for code page. (6058)RAW data can only be accessed by using the RAW function. (6059)Update of raw field at offset %d is not supported. (6060)Unable to read header information from file %s. (6061)Unable to read table of contents information from file %s. (6062)Code page conversion table for %s to %s was not found in %s. (6063)SAVE CACHE requires logical database name, not physical. (6064)Could not evaluate logical database name for SAVE CACHE statement. (6065)Could not evaluate target file for the SAVE CACHE statement. (6066)018909Please verify the -VO startup parameter specifies the proper %r version of 018910Cannot execute remote user-defined function '%s'. Server '%s' cannot execut'C' Call Stack has been compromised after calling %s in %s (6069)%BUnable to read master block, file = %s, errno = %d. (6070)%gSYSTEM ERROR: error reading file %s, ret = %d" (6071)%gSYSTEM ERROR: error writing, file = %s, ret = %d (6072)%gUnable to write extent header, file = %s, ret = %d. (6073)%gUnable to read extent header, file = %s, ret = %d. (6074)018911INDEXED-REPOSITION cannot be used on query %s which has more than one table%LDirectRead retry fd %d, size %d, offset %d, errno %d. (6076)Cannot reposition query %s to recid %j. (6077)018912The license file for the specified ActiveX control was not found.%rError oc%LSYSTEM ERROR: bkioWrite:Bad address passed address = %p (6079)WARNING -- INDEXED-REPOSITION being ignored for OPEN QUERY of buffer %s. (6080)%BbkioWrite: lseek error %d on file %n at %l, file %s. (6081)%BbkioRead: lseek error %d on file %n at %l. (6082)%LSYSTEM ERROR: bkioWrite:wrote %l bytes expected %l, file %d, offset %l. (6083)%LSYSTEM ERROR: bkioRead:read %l bytes expected %l, file %d, offset %l. (6084)%LSYSTEM ERROR: bkioRead:Bad address passed address = %X (6085)018913%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Bad file descriptor was used during %s, fd %d, len %l,018914Specified ActiveX control is not registered or the .ocx file was moved from018915%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Invalid argument %s, fd %d, len %l, offset %l, file %s.%L%s:Disk quota exceeded during %s, fd %d, len %l, offset %l, file %s. (6089)018916%L%s:Maximum file size exceeded during %s, fd %d, len %l, offset %l, file %018917%L%s:Insufficient disk space during %s, fd %d, len %l, offset %l, file %s. 018918%L%s:Unknown O/S error during %s, errno %d, fd %d, len %l, offset %l, file 018919Cannot execute remote user-defined function '%s'. Server '%s' cannot execut018920The SAVE CACHE statement requires a logical dbname (no path or .db suffix).Table %s not found. (6095)SAVE CACHE: Database %s is unopen or unknown. (6096)SAVE CACHE is not supported for non-PROGRESS database %s . (6097)SAVE CACHE %s is not supported for PROGRESS databases prior to version 7. (6098)SAVE CACHE: Unable to malloc sufficient storage (6099)018921%BSYSTEM ERROR: while executing a SAVE CACHE statement.%rError number=%i Pr%BUsing index %d for dump of table %s. (6101)Unable to read code page conversion table for %s to%r %s from %s. (6102)Invalid AS/400 hexadecimal field value. (6103)Invalid AS/400 time value. (6104)Invalid AS/400 timestamp value. (6105)Date code %i not supported. (6106)Read version %d from %s. Expected version is %d. (6107)%BUnable to read file list, ret = %d file = %s. (6108)%BUnable to read extent header, ret = %d file = %s. (6109)%LDirectWrite retry fd %d, size %d, offset %d, errno %d. (6110)The SAVE CACHE statement failed, please try again. (6111)System handles are not associated with windows or frames. (6112)Invalid attribute specified for system handle. (6113)Widget methods are not yet supported in the Progress debugger. (6114)Only one of IN FRAME or IN MENU can be specified. (6115)FRAMEs cannot be IN MENUs or IN FRAMEs. (6116)IN FRAME and IN MENU can only be applied to widget:attribute references. (6117)MENU and SUB-MENU items cannot be IN MENUs or IN FRAMEs. (6118)MENU-ITEMs can only be IN MENUs, not IN FRAMEs. (6119)'%s' is not available as a %s in a widget:attribute reference. (6120)018922Only one of MENU, SUB-MENU, MENU-ITEM or FRAME can be specified on a widgetMisplaced FIELD, VARIABLE, or PARAMETER. (6122)Inconsistant reference of widget:attribute. (6123)Improperly specified IN FRAME or IN MENU. (6124)Binary Dump Aborted. (6125)018924WARNING: The -cache %s parameter was used. An error occurred while attempti%BDumped %l record(s). (6127)Failed to write out section header. (6128) RECORD BLOCK SUMMARYTotals: %s018925 -Record Size (B)018926Table Records Size Min Max Mean Invalid directory or device name %s, errno = %d. (6133) kBytes Min Max Mean Actual Ideal Index%L%r==%sCompiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. %i== (6135)%L%r==%sServer Query execution Method Query No. %i== (6136)%L%s%sAND (6137)%L%s%sOR (6138)%L%s%sDBKEY %j (6139)%L%s%sUnknown Data Type= %i (6140)%L%s%sINDEX %i (6141)Failed to connect to the %s database. (6142)Find previous/last is not supported. (6143)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unexpected error. (6144)%L%s%sINDEX %i CONTAINS %s PRESELECT (6145)Table/view %s does not have a unique key, cannot fetch a record by recid. (6146)Error writing to dump file, wrote %d, expected %d, errno %d. (6147)%L%s%sINDEX %i CONTAINS %s (6148)SYSTEM ERROR: odbc_scrlfnd: Index number is %d, must be positive. (6149)%L%s%sRECID %j EQUALITY (6150)%GSYSTEM ERROR: call_reccheck: Invalid ICB transaction number. (6151)%L%s%sRECID %j (6152)A record of table/view %s was read outside of the transaction scope. (6153)%L%s%sINDEX %i %i %i EQUALITY (6154)Error reading header from file %s, errno = %d. (6155)Invalid version in header, got %d, expected %d. (6156)%L%s%sINDEX %i %i %i (6157)One of the -Dsrv startup parameters is not supported by the driver. (6158)Unknown data source error. (6159)%L%s%sAND PRESELECT (6160)SYSTEM ERROR: WARNING: Driver error. Data might have been truncated. (6161)SYSTEM ERROR: Dataserver initialization error. (6162)%L%s%sDUPLICATE-REMOVE (6163)%L%s%sQUERY-BY-WORD (6164)Data source name is too large. (6165)Tried to access a record with an ambiguous id. (6166)Tried to access a record without a valid id. (6167)SYSTEM ERROR: Tried to update a record with invalid data. (6168)Tried to modify a read only data source. (6169)The cursor was closed by the data source at transaction end. (6170)The timeout period for data source access has been expired. (6171)Options: %s %s %sSYSTEM ERROR: A Wrong data format was used. (6173)A numeric data type overflow. (6174)SYSTEM ERROR: Date/Time format error. (6175)An overflow of a character value. (6176)SYSTEM ERROR: Assignment error. (6177)This is a dump of table %s.%rThis table is not in the database schema. (6178)Login was denied because of an authorization error. (6179)Could not connect to the data source. (6180)More than %d fields are not allowed. (6181)018927"You tried to compare or to update a character field with a value longer thTable %s is number %d in dump file and %d in schema. (6183)SYSTEM ERROR: Error in converting PROGRESS date to SQL type. (6184)018928Conversion between an INTEGER and a DECIMAL for field extraction - failed. 018929The conversion between an INTEGER and a DECIMAL in a field assignment - faiOnly binary SQL fields can be updated with RAW data. (6187)More than %d columns were detected in a table/view. (6188)SYSTEM ERROR: Wrong _db schema. (6189)SYSTEM ERROR: A problem with the schema cache for table/view %s. (6190)A Conversion between an INTEGER and a DECIMALin a where clause - failed. (6191)No room left in run-time WHERE clause buffer. (6192)A binary string should be prefixed with 0x. (6193)SYSTEM ERROR: SQL number has an unexpected format. (6194)Can not translate SQL date format to PROGRESS. (6195)Can not translate SQL time format to PROGRESS. (6196)Can not translate SQL timestamp format to PROGRESS. (6197)Integer value to be converted to PROGRESS logical should be 1 or 0. (6198)PROGRESS time string has the wrong format for SQL time. (6199)The format should be "HH:MM:SS" or "HHMMSS". (6200)HH = %d, MM = %d, SS = %d format contains an invalid %s. (6201)PROGRESS timestamp string has the wrong format for SQL timestamp. (6202)%BBinary Dump created on %s%rfrom database %s. (6203)%BLoading table %s, Table number %l%rstarting with record %l, section %l. (6204)The format should be: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.[FFFFFFF] . (6205)Wrong Hexadecimal value. (6206)%BWARNING: Autocommit %d was rejected by the driver. (6207)%B%s,%d SQLSetConnect parameter was rejected. (6208)%B%s,%d SQLSetStmtOption parameter was rejected. (6209)%GSYSTEM ERROR: to_native: Bad data type. (6210)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lg_comp: Bad data type. (6211)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unknown code %d. (6212)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sanity_check: Datatypes mismatch. (6213)%GSYSTEM ERROR: sanity_check: Wrong VAL_HEADER size. (6214)%GSYSTEM ERROR: srvr_errors: No SQLError function. (6215)%BSQLError failed to retrieve errors. (6216)%BSYSTEM ERROR: proc_strt: Do not know how to handle type %d. (6217)%BSYSTEM ERROR: proc_strt: Unknown procedure %s. (6218)%BSYSTEM ERROR: refresh_info: Failed to refresh schema info. (6219)%GSYSTEM ERROR: scrl_nxt: No id for repositioning. (6220)%GSYSTEM ERROR: scrl_xidx: No index in the schema holder. (6221)%GSYSTEM ERROR: scrl_xidx: Index %d is not in cache. (6222)%GSYSTEM ERROR: scrl_pos_whr: No key for repositioning. (6223)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stmt_dealloc: Tried to deallocate a statement on chain. (6224)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stmt_add: Invalid statement. (6225)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Too many substitutes in a SQL statement. (6226)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Bad datatype %d. (6227)%GSYSTEM ERROR: cnv_mtrx: Cannot map SQL %d to PROGRESS %d. (6228)Could not parse -Dsrv startup parameters. (6229)The keyword %s in the -Dsrv parameter string is unknown. (6230)%s is not a legal value for %s. (6231)Error in PRGRS_CONNECT connection string. (6232)Mismatch number of arguments and values in the -Dsrv parameters string. (6233)Error reading from dump file, errno = %d. (6234)Wrong -Dsrv startup parameters. (6235)SYSTEM ERROR: xtrct_bugs: Text is too long. (6236)%s in %s %s. (6237)You need to specify IN %s to disambiguate the reference to %s. (6238)%BBad header on record %j, table = %d, record length = %d. (6239)018930Cannot CREATE,UPDATE and DELETE from a table/view which does not have a uni%BError creating record %l, error %j. (6241)Only comparison operators are allowed with NULL values. (6242)%BBad record CRC on record %j, expected %l got %l. (6243)%BLoaded %l records. (6244)Widget name '%s' is ambiguous and was found in: (6245)Attributes cannot be applied to other attributes. (6246)test (6247)Creating records in a Virtual System Table is not allowed. (6248)Adding VST table: %s. (6249)Total number of Virtual System Tables is %d. (6250)test 2 (6251)Unable to create index for %d, ret = %d. (6252)Binary Dump failed. (6253)Binary Dump complete. (6254)%BBinary Load failed. (6255)Binary Load complete. (6256)%BPrevious volume was incomplete, expected %J blocks but got %J. (6257)Tape Status Error, Status = %d, Error = %d. (6258)018931The Before Image blocksize must be greater than or equal %rto the database The -F option has been specified to proutil. (6260)Forcing into the database skips database recovery. (6261)This leaves the database in an unknown state, considered damaged. (6262)Are you sure you want to skip crash recovery? (Y/N) (6263)Forced access to the database cancelled. (6264)** Unable to lock the .lk file %s, errno = %i (6265)Found lock file %s unlocked. (6266)Semaphore table has not been created. (6267)Error in ReleaseSemaphore lastnum = %d, error = %d (6268)Error clearing semaphore, current value = %d, return = %d (6269)Error incrementing semaphore, current value = %d, error = %d (6270)The number of fields in the schema is %d, expected %d. (6271)018932The table numbers do not match, but the number of fields are the same%r betProceeding. (6273)Load terminated by user. (6274)%s failed: WebSpeed error %l, System error %l, %s (6275)WTBMAN: Service name %s is invalid : error = %l. (6276)WTBMAN: Argument for -%c must be numeric. (6277)WTBMAN: User -h option for usage help. (6278)WTBMAN: Unknown parameter -%s. (6279)WTBMAN: Missing argument for parameter -%s. (6280)WTBMAN: Error accessing default service %s : error = %l. (6281)WTBMAN: Both -i and -p parameters are missing. (6282)WTBMAN: A default service is not available : error = %l. (6283)WTBMAN: Cannot use both -i and -p parameters together. (6284)WTBMAN: No command was given. (6285)WTBMAN: Use exactly one of -s, -t, -k, -q or -e commands. (6286)WTBMAN: Too many commands were given. (6287)WTBMAN: -x command is not valid without -i . (6288)WTBMAN: Use "-i -x" to execute a broker. (6289)WTBMAN: Cannot query service %s : error = %l. (6290)WTBMAN: Cannot start service %s [state = %s]. (6291)WTBMAN: Cannot start service %s : error = %l. (6292)WTBMAN: The specified command is not supported under this OS. (6293)WTBMAN: Service %s is not running [state = %s]. (6294)WTBMAN: Cannot %s for service %s (error = %l). (6295)WTBMAN: Cannot stop service %s [state = %s]. (6296)WTBMAN: Error %l accessing configuration information for service %s. (6297)WTBMAN: Service name %s does not exist in the configuration file. (6298)WTBMAN: Illegal or missing status parameters. (6299)WTBMAN: Broker %s is not running. (6300)WTBMAN: Error %l accessing shared memory for service %s. (6301)WTBMAN: WebSpeed service %s is probably not running. (6302)WTBMAN: Shared memory version mismatch for %s. (6303)WTBMAN: Found version %X .. was expecting version %X. (6304)WTBMAN: Failed to select a TCP/IP driver. (6305)WTBMAN: npp_initialize() failed. (6306)WTBMAN: Insufficient memory. (6307)WTBMAN: Error found parsing parameters. (6308)WTBMAN: Cannot connect to broker on port %d. (6309)WTBMAN: npp_send() failure : error = %l. (6310)Deleting Virtual System Tables is not allowed. (6311)Wscfg Information (6312)Wscfg Warning (6313)Wscfg Fatal Error (6314)Wscfg Error (6315)Failed to start new WTA, control_service call failed. (6316)Failed to trim back number of active WTA, control_service call failed. (6317)Failed to stop the specified WTA, pid %d (6318)No detail agent status is available. (6319)Password entered does not match Confirmed Password. (6320)Please re-enter password. (6321)Owner Name cannot be empty. (6322)WebSpeed Product Verification Failure: (6323)WebSpeed Product is not available. Please verify your Progress License. (6324)The ability to configure local services is disabled. (6325)The detail status of agents is not available. (6326)The request to start %d agent(s) has been sent. (6327)The request to trim down to %d active agents has been sent. (6328)The request to terminate agent of pid %d has been sent. (6329)018933Use the Refresh button on the Status Tab Folder to see updated broker statuService ShmVersion mismatch error: (6331)expecting shmVersion %d, (6332)but received shmVersion %d. (6333)Status and Manage Tab Folders are disabled. (6334)The changes you made to the configuration of %s (6335)will take effect the next time this service is restarted. (6336)You have specified an invalid agent trim count. (6337)Cannot find component list in the WebSpeed configuration. (6338)Rename Service Request Failure: (6339)Cannot find the specified service, %s, to rename, (6340)Cannot remove the existing service, %s. (6341)Cannot add the new service, %s (6342)Would you like to restore the deleted service, %s? (6343)018934WTB error: There is an existing WebSpeed Broker running that is using the 018935There is an existing Broker using the Service name %s. The existing Broker 018937The existing Broker must be shutdown before starting a new Broker with the WTB error: Unable to use shared memory, error %ld. (6347)018938User-defined Function could not build input runtime parameters from the staMismatched parameter INPUT/OUTPUT mode passed to routine %s. (6349)Propath cannot be empty. (6350)The update of propath has failed. (6351)The deletion of service %s failed. (6352)WTB: Agent executable filename: %s is malformed, or does not exist. (6353)018939WTB: Shared memory segment semaphore already exists with the name %s. An i018940The ServiceName specified %s, is not configured as a WebSpeed Broker type. 018941WTB: could not read maximum users bit for %s - error during installation prWTB: npp_send routine failure! Could not send terminate message! (6357)WTB: Error - trying to connect to an unknown service (6358)018942WTB: WtbWebSendMessage(): could not connect. Error: %d, Port: %d, Type: %dWTB: Message: %s. (6360)018943WTB: WtbWebSendMessage() failed, could not send a message. Error %d, Port:018944WTB: Failed to disconnect a messenger process! WTB is now in a corrupted s018945WTB: Polling of the network failed: drastic error! WTB is now in a corrupWTB: The agent is dead, connection number %d is disconnected. (6364)018946WTB: Failed to read a message header: error %d! Agent connection %d discon018947WTB: failed to read the message body, error: %d! Agent connection %d is diWTB: Error number is: %d. (6367)Messenger: Internal command access denied. (6368)Messenger: URL contains invalid syntax. (6369) Messenger: unknown internal command not executed. (6370)The Broker supports starting and stopping up to 15 agents per request (6371)Messenger: This internal command requires form-level input. (6372)Messenger: The specification of the internal command is invalid. (6373)Messenger has successfully disconnected from service: (6374)WTB: failed to initialize the Agent Handler thread, error %d (6375)&Add -> (6376)A&dd All -> (6377)<- &Remove (6378)<- R&emove All (6379)&Up (6380)Do&wn (6381)Manual Start (6382)WebSpeed Agent Error: Agent did not return an HTML page (6383)WTA: WTB has failed to create a shared memory key, exiting! (6384)WTA: WebSpeed broker has failed to create a semaphore key, exiting! (6385)WTA: WebGetEvent() failed, exiting! (6386)TIMEOUT - Continue waiting? (6387)WTA: Agent received a message from an unknown caller! (6388)WTA: Integrity of this process has been compromised! (6389)WTA: Fatal error, shared memory versions do not match. (6390)WTA: Fatal error, this agents number is illegal. (6391)WTA: Fatal error, couldn't find agent entry in shared memory! (6392)018948WTA: WTB did not specify a port number where it resides! Check wtbport parWTA: npp_transport_driver() failed with error number: %d. (6394)WTA: npp_initialize() failed with error number: %d. (6395)WTA: npp_enable_connections() failed with error number: %d. (6396)WTA: npp_send() failed while sending terminate message! Error: %d. (6397)WTA: Trying to connect to an unknown broker! (6398)018949WTA: WebSendMessage() Could not connect to WTB: npp_connect() failed, ErrorWTA: Failed to notify broker of state information! (6400)WTA: npp_poll() failed with a drastic error status: %d. (6401)018950WTA: WebSendMessage() Could not connect to WTB: npp_connect() failed with eWTA: WebSendMessage() failed during npp_send with error: %d. (6403)018951WTA: WebWrite() failed during npp_send with error: %d size: %d sentbytes %dAdditional A&PW (6405)Additional %s started (6406)Index %d (%s, %s): Added key %s recid %j. (6407)%LSelect list too long -- cursor changed to no-lookahead (6408)Cannot define shared variables in a function. (6409)Cannot define shared variables in a function. (6410)You cannot define a TEMP-TABLE inside a function or method. (6411)You cannot define a WORK-TABLE inside a function or method. (6412)You cannot define streams inside a function or method. (6413)You cannot define shared frames inside a function. (6414)Mailslot communication setup failed. (6415)Msngr: npp connection attempt failed. (6416)Msngr: npp error - no data to read. (6417)Msngr: npp error - connection attempt timed out. (6418)Msngr: npp read error. (6419)Msngr: other unclassified npp error. (6420)018952The width specified for BROWSE %s is invalid. The addition of a horizontal 018954The %s specified for BROWSE %s is invalid. The change to this attribute foP&riority: (6423)High (6424)Normal (6425)Idle (6426)The selected row must be in the viewport when using %s for BROWSE %s. (6427)BROWSE %s must have only one selected row when using %s. (6428)%BSYSTEM ERROR: lkrels record %j in area %d not locked. (6429)018955%WSAVE not specified, and r-code file %s exists. %rList/xref/preprocess/debDynamic queries are not supported by the ODBC DataServer. (6431)AdminService started as a NT Service (6432)AdminService Stopped. (6433)SUPER keyword cannot be used multiple times on a single RUN statement. (6434)Cannot specify RUN SUPER outside of internal procedure. (6435)018956Cannot specify SUPER keyword in a RUN...(PERSISTENT, SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETOCannot specify SUPER keyword in a RUN...IN statement. (6437)Cannot specify SUPER keyword in a RUN...ON [SERVER] statement. (6438)Procedure %s has no SUPER procedure with internal procedure %s. (6439)%LORASRV version %d (6440)%Loracanfind: text overrun len %d stlen %d%rtxt: %s (6441)%LClosing cursor number %d to reduce the number of cursor from %d. (6442)Cursor limit reset from %d to %d (6443)%LUnable to close a cursor. Cursor limit reset from %d to %d (6444)User-defined function '%s' invoked but could not be found. (6445)018957Cannot invoke a SUPER user-defined function outside of a user-defined functORACLE row may exceed 32k - can't allocate buffer for table %s(328) (6447)018958Mismatched number of parameters supplied to SUPER reference to '%s'. Expect018959Mode mismatch for parameter %d for SUPER reference to user defined function018960Parameter %d in SUPER reference to user-defined function '%s' is not type c018961Widget:attribute (parameter %d of SUPER reference to %s) as an output/input018962Parameter %d of SUPER reference to user defined function '%s' must be an at018963Vector references (parameter %d of SUPER reference to %s) as output or inpu018964SUPER version of user-defined function '%s' invoked but could not be found.PRIVATE keyword in function prototypes for '%s' do not match. (6455)Procedure %s has no entry point for %s. (6456)** PUBLISH must be followed by a character expression. (6457)** SUBSCRIBE must specify event name character expression. (6458)018965** SUBSCRIBE must specify either publisher's handle or ANYWHERE expressio** UNSUBSCRIBE must specify either event name or keyword ALL (6460)018966Could not evaluate event name expression while trying to execute SUBSCRIBE 018967Could not evaluate event name expression while trying to execute SUBSCRIBE018968Could not evaluate subscriber handle expression while trying to execute SU018969Could not evaluate publisher handle expression while trying to execute SUB018970Could not evaluate procedure name expression while trying to execute SUBSC018971Invalid or inappropriate subscriber handle value given to SUBSCRIBE stateme018972Invalid or inappropriate publisher handle value given to SUBSCRIBE statemen018973Unable to add subscriber to publisher's list while executing SUBSCRIBE stat018974Unable to add subscriber to ANYWHERE list while executing SUBSCRIBE stateme018975Unable to add subscription to subscriber's list while executing SUBSCRIBE s018976Could not evaluate event name expression while trying to execute PUBLISH s018977Could not evaluate publisher handle expression while trying to execute PUBL018978Invalid or inappropriate publisher handle value given to PUBLISH statement.018979Could not evaluate event name expression while trying to execute UNSUBSCRI018980Could not evaluate subscriber handle expression while trying to execute UN018981Could not evaluate publisher handle expression while trying to execute UNS018982Invalid or inappropriate subscriber handle value given to UNSUBSCRIBE state018983Invalid or inappropriate publisher handle value given to UNSUBSCRIBE statemUNSUBSCRIBE failed. No subscriptions for %s. (6479)PUBLISH statement failed. Procedure %s has no entry point for %s. (6480)No subscribers for event %s. (6481)** Missing temp-table name in EMPTY TEMP-TABLE statement. (6482)018985Please also verify you have SELECT privileges on the needed system tables%r%s is not a temp-table. (6484)Only NO-UNDO temp-tables may be emptied during an active transaction. (6485)Cannot create validate string for %s. Increase -s by %d. (6486)Can not execute OS-COMMAND statement. (6487)The NO-ATTR-LIST keyword is available only with INPUT FROM OS-DIR. (6488)%L-Dsrv qt_debug: %l (%x %s) (6489)%L Cursor limit: %d (-c setting) (6490)%W **%s does not fit in parent %s. (6491)stRent request for more than 32K. (6492)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stRent request for more than 32K. (6493)%LUnable to allocate enough shared memory. (6494)%gOut of free shared memory. Use -Mxs to increase. (6495)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stgetbk: requested length greater than the shm segment (6496)018986%B** stget: out of storage; the current -hs value is %d. Try a larger numbe%B** stget: out of storage. (6498)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stVacInShm: memory not in any abk_tpstpool=%p phdr=%p (6499)%BstVacate of invalid memory. (6500)018987%GSYSTEM ERROR: pstpool=%p pdsmStoragePool=%p phdr=%p abkoffst=%d magic=%i.%GSYSTEM ERROR: stVacInBlocK: Bad rent prefix (6502)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stVacInBlocK: overlap pabk=%p prev=%p phdr=%p. (6503)%GSYSTEM ERROR: stVacInBlocK: bad endmagic pabk=%p prev=%p phdr=%p (6504)%LstmAddPoolPtr ERROR: NULL pool (6505)%LInitializing Pool List: size = %i. (6506)%LstAddpoolPtr: Allocated pool No. %i at %p. (6507)%LstmAddPoolPtr ERROR: full pool list. (6508)%LstRemovePoolPtr ERROR: NULL pool (6509)%LstRemovePoolPtr ERROR: pool not found. (6510)%LstMallocPUR ERROR: malloc failed (6511)%LstMallocPUR ERROR: full chain. (6512)%LstFreePUR ERROR: parea not found. (6513)%LstGetPoolPtr ERROR: NULL area. (6514)%LstGetPoolPtr ERROR: area not found. (6515)%LstFindPoolPtr ERROR: pool not found. (6516)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error return from semAdd %l (6517) Unable to contact the license manager, failed to open progress.cfg. (6518)No product exists in the license file with the Product Number: %i. (6519)Not licensed to run this product. (6520)Exceeded Maximum user count %i for this product. (6521)Invalid user count specified to release: %i, %i currently reserved. (6522)018988Function syntax is:%rFUNCTION fname RETURNS dtype [PRIVATE] [(arg1, arg2, .Conversion cancelled. You have a version 9 %d database. (6524)%BConversion completed, database is now in version 9 format. (6525)%LNumber of Semaphore Sets (-semsets): %l (6526)Table %s is locked. Record create failed. (328) (6527)User-defined function '%s' cannot be both a SUPER prototype and PRIVATE. (6528)Source not specified to RAW-TRANSFER. (6529)Target not specified to RAW-TRANSFER. (6530)Unknown field '%s' supplied. (6531)WebSpeed Agent Error: OCTO error receiving page from Agent = % (6532)SQL92 schema data for table %s cannot be modified. (6533)SQL92 schema data for table %s can be modified only by SQL92. (6534)SQL92 schema data for table %s cannot be directly modified. (6535)018989%GSYSTEM ERROR: Failure updating schema during Add Table operation (id=%d).Unable to connect to the Name Server (6537)Unable to Read Messenger Properties (6538)Unable to Read Name Server Properties (6539)Only PARAMETER defines allowed inside a procedure prototype. (6540)Prototypes for procedure '%s' contain different number of parameters. (6541)Prototype signatures for procedure '%s' do not match. (Parameter %d). (6542)018990Procedure definition and prototypes for procedure '%s' contain different nu018991Procedure definition and prototype signature for procedure '%s' do not matcCharacter %d in the %s table for code page %s is not valid. (6545)018992SQL92 schema table (table %s ) can be written, modified, or deleted only Table %s and its indexes can be modified or dropped only by SQL92. (6547)Only SQL92 product components may set _File._DB-lang = 2 (table %s ). (6548)018993%LThis version of PROGRESS does not support Multiple Semaphore Sets (-semse%LBI File Threshold size (-bithold): %l. (6550)%LBI File Threshold Stall (-bistall): Enabled (6551)%BBI File Threshold Stall (-bistall): Disabled. (6552)%BBI File Threshold is already %l . (6553)%BRequest to change BI File Threshold value rejected. (6554)018994%BBI Threshold has not been reached and a Quiet Point has not been enabled.%BBI Threshold value has changed to %l , was %l . (6556)%BInvalid BI Threshold value has been requested. (6557)%LBI File Threshold size of %l has been reached. (6558)018995%LBI file size has grown to within 90 percent of the threshold value of %l %LForward processing stalled until database administrator intervention. (6560)%LForward processing continuing. (6561)Invalid rowid parameter specified. (6562)A dynamic browser cannot have a query associated with it. (6563)018996BROWSE-COLUMN-LABELS, BROWSE-COLUMN-FORMATS, and BROWSE-COLUMN-DATA-TYPES a018997BROWSE-COLUMN-LABELS, BROWSE-COLUMN-FORMATS, and BROWSE-COLUMN-DATA-TYPES a%BBI file size is greater than the BI file threshold size. (6566)%BYou must truncate the BI file or increase the BI threshold size. (6567)Charscan match count: %l (6568)Charscan found a character match in %s.%s%s, recid %j. (6569)Charscan searching for %s character: %l %x. (6570)Charscan error: Invalid %s character: %l %x. (6571)Incorrect tablebase/limit or indexbase/limit. (6572)%LDatabase Blocksize (-blocksize): %d (6573)%LStarted using pid: %i. (6574)Unable to set Collation Tables. (6575)Unable to get storage for dbctl structures. (6576)Minimum blocksize allowed is %d. (6577)Begin Conversion of Physical Schema. (6578)Maximum blocksize allowed is %d. (6579)Unable to Add new records to the _Field Table - db corrupted (6580)Value specified for BROWSE's DOWN attribute is above max limit of 128 (6581)Unable to create index %d (6582)018998Invalid format specified in BROWSE-COLUMN-FORMATS attribute for dynamic broUnable to Add New _Index Entries - database corrupted. (6584)Unable to Add fields to existing (v8) schema tables - db corrupted (6585)018999To change BROWSE %s QUERY attribute, new query must have same number of taUnable to Switch System Fields in target Database - db corrupted. (6587)You must specify a positive integer for bigrow. (6588)019000Unable to set QUERY attribute for BROWSE %s. Query must be composed of sameUnable to Add new V9 schema tables - database corrupted. (6590)drbackup: Failed to retrieve object block for area %l. (6591)WARNING: Scan option is not supported with online backups. (6592)019001Unable to set QUERY attribute for BROWSE %s. Query cannot be composed of woSystem out of memory !. (6594)019002Unable to set QUERY attribute for BROWSE %s. Current query's temp tables anMasterblock is corrupted. (6596)The database must be a multi-volume db before the conversion. (6597)Valid database blocksizes are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192. (6598)Enter the database Blocksize for %s: (6599)%LAdding %l clusters to the Before Image file. (6600)After image logging has been turned off for %s. (6601)2 Phase Commit has been turned off for %s. (6602)End Conversion of Physical Schema. (6603)Begin Conversion of Logical Schema. (6604)Unable to connect to database. (6605)End Conversion of Physical Schema. (6606)Begin Conversion of Logical Schema. (6607)Unable to connect to database. (6608)drFetchTemplRecs failure - conversion aborted. (6609)drUpdateTemplRecs failure - conversion aborted. (6610)dsmObjectCreate (root) failure - conversion aborted. (6611)scsetdb failure - conversion aborted. (6612)scfilg failure - conversion aborted. (6613)scTableObjectGenerator failure - conversion aborted. (6614)scfldg failure - conversion aborted. (6615)sckeyg failure - conversion aborted. (6616)scIndexObjectGenerator failure - conversion aborted. (6617)Unable to update SYSVIEWS table template - conversion aborted. (6618)scsysviewsg failure - conversion aborted. (6619)scAreaGenerator failure - conversion aborted. (6620)End Conversion of Logical Schema. (6621)Unable to access _IndexNum field for record of _index table. (6622)Unable to access _num-comp field for record of _index table. (6623)Failure getting # char type fields for User Defined Index. (6624)Unable to obtain number of kc chartype for update of Index Method. (6625)mvGetRecord(drGetDBRecord): failed with %l . (6626)drGetDBRecord malloc error for component space. (6627)Out of Memory within drSwitchSysFldFlags. (6628)Failure updating System field for record %j. (6629)Failure updating Label field for record %j. (6630)Failure updating record %j. (6631)Unable to access _TableNum field record for _file table. (6632)dbUpdateEntCtl failed! Ret = %l (6633)mvGetRecord(drDetermineNumCharFlds): failed with %l. (6634)Unable to read selected field %l. (6635)%BDate/Time string is too long: %s. (6636)%BInvalid year supplied for endtime argument %s. (6637)drGetDBCharSet malloc error for component space. (6638)%BInvalid month supplied for endtime argument %s. (6639)Unable to access _Fld-case field record for _field table. (6640)recPutField (drUpdateCharCol): cannot find field position %l. (6641)recPutField (drUpdateCharCol): buffer too small - need %l. (6642)%BInvalid day supplied for endtime argument %s. (6643)Unable to access _rPos field record for _field table. (6644)recPutField: cannot find field position %l. (6645)%BInvalid hour supplied for endtime argument %s. (6646)recPutField: buffer too small - need %l. (6647)%BInvalid minute supplied for endtime argument %s. (6648)Unable to access _Extent field record for _field table. (6649)Unable to access _dType field record for _field table. (6650)%BInvalid second supplied for endtime argument %s. (6651)Unable to access _TableRecid field record for _field table. (6652)mvGetRecord(drUpdateSQLField): failed with %l. (6653)%BEndtime argument is later than current date and time. (6654)drUpdateSQLField malloc error for component space. (6655)%BDatabase does not have an ai area. AI cannot be enabled. (6656)Unable to access _width field record for _field table. (6657)%BDatabase must have at least two ai areas to do AIMAGE NEW. (6658)UTMALLOC Failure within drSetFileSpecial. (6659)mvGetRecord: failed with %l. (6660)%GSYSTEM ERROR: No object record for index %d . (6661)Unable to update _Version field for _file table. (6662)mvGetRecord(drSetFileSpecial): field with %l. (6663)Unable to update template record for user table. (6664)Unable to update Version in template record. (6665)Unable to open cursor for _Field of _File. (6666)Unable to update Field Map for _file. (6667)Unable to compute _File._CRC value for table. (6668)Unable to update CRC in _File record. (6669)UTMALLOC Failure within drSetIndexSpecial. (6670)Unable to compute _Index._CRC value for user table. (6671)Error return from dsmCursorFind(): %d. (6672)Could not extract Table name from _File record. (6673)Could not extract _DB-lang from _File record. (6674)Could not extract Field name from _Field record. (6675)Could not extract field type from _Field record. (6676)Could not extract _Sys-Field from _Field record. (6677)%BNOTE: Backup media estimates done without database scan. (6678)Could not extract _Field-Rpos from _Field record. (6679)%B Estimate for uncompressed full backup is provided. (6680)Could not extract _Decimals from _Field record. (6681)Could not extract _Order from _Field record. (6682)Could not extract _Extent from _Field record. (6683)Could not extract _Fld-stdtype from _Field record. (6684) Use scan option to allow more accurate estimate. (6685)%B%r%J active blocks out of %J blocks in %s will be dumped. (6686)Could not extract _Fld-stlen from _Field record. (6687)%B%J BI blocks will be dumped. (6688)%BBackup requires %J blocks (%l Mb) of media. (6689)Could not extract _Fld-stoff from _Field record. (6690)Could not extract _Fld-case from _Field record. (6691)%B%d volumes are required. (6692)Could not extract _Index-name name from _Index record. (6693)Could not extract _unique from _Index record. (6694)Could not extract _num-comp from _Index record. (6695)Could not extract _Field-name from _Field record. (6696)Could not extract _Ascending from _Index-Field record. (6697)Could not extract _Abbreviate from _Index-Field record. (6698)%BRestore would require %J blocks (%l Mb) of media. (6699)Could not extract _Unsorted from _Index-Field record. (6700)mvexpand: Error expanding before-image block. (6701)mvexpand: Error expanding database block. (6702)%s Block %j with type %i is not an RM block. (6703)%s Block %j with invalid chain type %i on RM chain (6704)mv_copyutil: Too many arguments. (6705)%J area block(s) found in the database.Invalid argument %s. (6707)%J control block(s) found in the database.mv_copyutil: Unable to get storage for source dbctl structures. (6709)%J object block(s) found in the database.mv_copyutil: Loading default collation table failed. (6711)Target database name missing. (6712)Table CRCs do not match. Cannot load data into this table. (6713)Error reading header information from dumped table. (6714)%rCopying %s to %s... (6715)Error calculating target recovery area size. (6716)Out of memory! (6717)%rStart writing data blocks. (6718)%s %d Percent complete.%J blocks copied. (6720)Could not initialize new record. (6721)%r...Copy complete. (6722)%rStart writing before-image blocks. (6723)After image logging has been turned off for %s. (6724)Two phase commit logging has been turned off for %s. (6725)Type the area for the recid(s).Procedure library %s already exists, not copying. (6727)Error opening source file %s. fd = %d, errno = %d. (6728)Error opening target file %s. fd = %d, errno = %d. (6729)Start writing procedure library blocks. (6730)Target database has fewer user areas than the source database. (6731)Target database has no area number %d. (6732)%BFailed to Upgrade record in table '%s' , recid = %j. (6733)Target db has different area type than source for area %d. (6734)%GUnable to get object record for recid %J. (6735)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to update object record for index %d. (6736)Source and Target databases should have same blocksize: %d, %d. (6737)%GUnable to get object record for recid %j. (6738)A database named %s already exists, do you want to replace it? (y/n)%M%s is a void multi-volume database. (6740)%rDatabase %s is not properly closed, command ignored. (6741)%GFailed to get index attributes return code is %l. (6742)%rUnable to extend %s enough to proceed. (6743)Check for fixed length extents. (6744)Not enough memory to perform copy. errno = %d. (6745)Error reading file %s. errno = %d. (6746)Error writing file %s. errno = %d. (6747)Unable to allocate memory - utmalloc error. (6748)%rUnable to seek to %j for file %s, fd = %d. (6749)%rUnable to write master block for file %s. (6750)%rFormat of extent %s failed at byte %j. (6751)Unable to access _Wordidx field for record of _index table. (6752)failure = %d. (6753)%rDatabase %s is not properly closed, command ignored. (6754)Database restore: Loading default collation table failed. (6755)Database restore: Unable to get storage for dbctl structures. (6756)Backup for %s did not verify. (6757)Backup for %s verified ok. (6758)This is a %s backup of %s. (6759)%BThis backup was taken %s. (6760)It is based on the full backup of %s. (6761)It is sequence %l, based on the incremental of %s. (6762)It will require a minimum of %J blocks to restore. (6763)Database does not contain database blocks! (6764)Partial verification successfully read backup volume. (6765)%GSYSTEM ERROR: mvPackBuffer: Unknown file type detected. (6766)%LFailed on multiblock write on fd %d. (6767)%LmvWriteBuffer: Number of blocks requested to write failed! (6768)Source database blocksize is %i which is unequal to target database %i. (6769)Unequal number of user areas detected in the target database. (6770)Source database contains %l and target database contains %l. (6771)%r%s is a void multi-volume structure. (6772)%s has been updated, incremental restore not possible. (6773)019003%B%rIncremental restore out of sequence on %s . %rWARNING: Applying this iNo previous incremental restore has been done. (6775)Last incremental restore was number %l on %s. (6776)mvExtendTarget: area on backup does not exist in target database. (6777)The first restored block was not the master. (6778)mvExtendArea: Error calculating target recovery area size. (6779)%d read errors have occurred. (6780)%rUnable to open %s, errno = %d. (6781)I/O error reading volume header, errno = %d. (6782)CRC failure on backup volume header block. (6783)%s is not a Progress backup volume. (6784)Can't restore version 6 backups with v7 restore utility. (6785)This is not a backup volume for this database. (6786)Wrong volume. This volume produced %s, not %s. (6787)Wrong volume. Blocking factor is %l, instead of %l. (6788)Wrong volume. Redundancy factor is %d, instead of %d. (6789)Warning: This is not the next volume in sequence. (6790)This is volume %l. The expected volume is %l. (6791)%BPrevious volume was incomplete, expected %J blocks but got %J. (6792)%r%s is not the first volume of the backup, but volume %l instead. (6793)Unable to rewind tape device. Error = %i. (6794)%rEmergency shutdown cancelled. (6795)User %d disconnect initiated. (6796)%BUser %d: abort transaction and disconnect. (6797)%BUser %d: commit transaction and disconnect. (6798)User %d not logged on %s. (6799)Broker has not disconnected %d. (6800)%BThere is no free area descriptor slot. (6801)Rolling forward to %s. (6802)Roll forward to transaction %l. (6803)%BRoll forward Retry Activated. (6804)Area %d does not exist. (6805)%LRetry transaction point located at dbkey %j note type %i updctr %l. (6806)%LRetry point located at dbkey %j note type %i updctr %l. (6807)Transaction (coordinator) %l end. (6808)Transaction %l begin. (6809)Transaction %l %s. (6810)Transaction %l, coordinator %s, trans# on %s %l . (6811)Transaction %l aborted (2phase recovery). (6812)Transaction (coordinator) %l %s. (6813)Transaction %l %s (2phase recovery). (6814)%BCould not create area for tl file rc = %l. (6815)%BCould not create extent for tl file rc = %l. (6816)%rSyntax error in structure file:%r%r%s%rLine should start with a d or b or a comment character (#,*,:). (6818)Error occurred on line %d. (6819)Line should start with d, b or a. (6820)a, d or b must be followed by area info or path name. (6821)%rArea information is only valid for data extents. (6822)Non-terminated quoted area information string. (6823)Area separator found but no area number supplied. (6824)Area separator found but area number is not valid. (6825)%rInvalid area number specified. (6826)%rThis database was not properly closed. (6827)Only variable length extents may be added. (6828)%rRaw partitions must be fixed size. (6829)%rFixed Length flag incorrect. %c (6830)%rExtent length missing. (6831)%rLength must be greater than or equal to %d. (6832)%rExtent size MUST be a multiple of 16. (6833)%rWarning: Extent size should be a multiple of 16 database blocks. (6834)%rAdjusted to %l from %l. (6835)Extra characters on the line. (6836)Unknown file type encountered. (6837)Area name/number mismatch: %r%s:%d %r%s:%dArea number greater than maximum: %d. (6839)Syntax error in structure file: (6840)%rAttempt to add extent to area of different type. %l (6841)Only the last extent of a given area may be variable length. (6842)You do not have sufficient access to %s. (6843)%rFile %s already exists, command aborted. (6844)%rError in structure file:%r%r%s (6845)Files must be standard files only. (6846)The same standard file is used in two entries. (6847)Two raw partition entries overlap. (6848)No file list entries were found. (6849)You must define a variable length bi extent. (6850)You must define at least one Schema Area data extent. (6851)Maximum number of areas exceeded %s. (6852)Invalid file type encountered. (6853)Error opening file %s. (6854)Unable to write object block for file %s. (6855)** path too long, found %d characters, max is %d, %r for file %s. (6856)%r%s must be a directory name or follow the convention %s. (6857)%GUnable to update object record for index %l. (6858)Failed to Upgrade record in table '%s', recid = %J. (6859)%GFailed to get index attributes return code is %l. (6860)Failed to load the VST schema. (6861)scdbg - Inconsistent value for keystat ixnum. (6862)A .pf file named %s already exists, do you want to replace it? (y/n)%M (6863)Unable to create %s. (6864)Unable to open %s. (6865)Failed to find primary index in key table. (6866)Failed to update _File record (id = %d). (6867)Failed to update index for _File record (id = %d). (6868)Metaschema field generation: unable to get _Db. (6869)Metaschema field generation: unable to get_base_fld (index = %d). (6870)%GInvalid area type. (6871)scAreaExtentGenerator: Unknown area type. (6872)Failed to find primary index in key table for associated object. (6873)DBkey of sysviews invalid. (6874)Adding VST file: %s. (6875)VST Table Deletion has begun. Please stand by. (6876)UTMALLOC Failure within upDisableVst. (6877)rmFetchRecord upDeleteVST: Buffer too small - need %l. (6878)Unable to access table Number of record %l for _File table. (6879)Unable to delete _Index record %l for _File table. (6880)Unable to delete _Field record for _File table entry %l. (6881)Unable to remove keys for _File table entry %l. (6882)Unable to remove IDXFILNUM keys for _File table entry %l. (6883)Unable to delete _File record %l for _File table entry %l . (6884)VST Table Deletion has completed successfully. (6885)UTMALLOC Failure within upDeleteIndex. (6886)rmFetchRecord upDeleteIndex: buffer too small - need %l. (6887)Unable to access file DBkey of record %l for _Index table. (6888)Unable to delete _Index-Field record %l for _Index table. (6889)Unable to remove IDXKEY/IDXKEYNM keys for _Index table entry %l . (6890)Unable to remove IDXKEYNUM keys for _Index table entry %l. (6891)Unable to delete _Index record %l for table entry %l . (6892)UTMALLOC Failure within upDeleteKeyComp. (6893)rmFetchRecord upDeleteKeyComp: buffer too small - need %l . (6894)Unable to access Key DBKey of record %l for _Index-Field table. (6895)Unable to delete _Index-Field record %l for table entry %l . (6896)Unable to remove IDXKXKC keys for _Index-Field table entry %l . (6897)Unsupported data type %s in DEFINE statement. (6898)Unsupported data type %s for runtime parameter. (6899)Open in the AppBuilderINPUT/OUTPUT operations are not allowed with datatype %s. (6901)Input is not supported for datatype %s. (6902)Unable to remove IDXFXKC keys for _Index-Field table entry %l . (6903)UTMALLOC failure within upDeleteField. (6904)rmFetchRecord upDeleteField: Buffer too small. Need %l . (6905)Unable to access file DBKey of record %l for _field table. (6906)Unable to delete _Field record %l for table entry %l. (6907)Unable to remove IDXFLD/IDXFLDNM keys for _Field table entry %l. (6908)Unable to remove IDXFLDP keys for _Field table entry %l. (6909)%r%s: too few arguments. (6910)%r%s: unrecognized subcommand: %s. (6911)%r%s: extraneous arguments ignored. (6912)** Database name too long, found %d TEXT, max is %d %r for file %s . (6913)019004** Absolute database name too long, found %d characters, max is %d %r inDatabase structure utility: Unable to get storage for dbctl structures. (6915)Database structure utility: Loading default collation table failed. (6916)%r%s: file %s already exists, command ignored. (6917)%r%s: cannot read file %s, command ignored. (6918)%rPROGRESS database %s does not exist. (6919)Please check the database name and try again. (6920)%r%s: file %s does not exist, command ignored. (6921)%r%s: function %s not supported yet. (6922)%r%s: unable to create file %s. (6923)Create database: utmalloc error. (6924)Unable to open .st file %s. (6925)prostrct builddb: Error reading .d1 extent block. (6926)Unable to open .db file %s. (6927)Database Repair: Unable to create lock file. (6928)Reference to unsupported data type %s not allowed. (6929)Error reading extent block. (6930)Error reading control block. (6931)Database Repair: Error writing control block. (6932)Database Repair: attempt to update non-existant extent. %r Area: %l Extent: %l%B%s : utmalloc failure. (6934)mvDbList: cannot write file %s, command ignored. (6935)Prostrct list record buffer too small. (6936)Area Name: %s, Type %d, Block Size %d, Extents %d%r%s is a void multi-volume database. (6938)Error getting control area extent descriptor. (6939)%rDatabase Character Set: %s. (6940)Database Collation Name: %s. (6941)%rLast full database backup on %s. (6942)%rNO FULL BACKUP HAS BEEN DONE. (6943)Last incremental back up on %s. (6944)Prostrct unlock record buffer too small. (6945)%BProcessing extent: %s size: %l%BInconsistency: %s created %s %r %s created %s. (6947)%BInconsistency: %s last opened %s %r %s last opened %s. (6948)Unknown data type: %d. (6949)%rUnable to open/create new file %s. (6950)%d inconsisteny(ies) fixed. (6951)%BNo inconsistencies found in %s. (6952)You must use the proutil truncate bi command before doing a remove. (6953)Database contains no ai areas. (6954)ai, bi, tl or d must be specified for remove function. (6955)Database does not contain area "%s". (6956)Error locating last extent record of area %l : %s. (6957)%rThe last extent of this area is not a data extent. (6958)The last data extent has an invalid size. (6959)The last extent of area %l is in use. (6960)Extent delete rejected. (6961)%rThere are no bi extents in %s. (6962)There are no ai extents in %s. (6963)%s: Error removing extent Record. (6964)%s: Error removing area Record. (6965)%s: Error updating area Record. (6966)An unexpected null value has been retrieved, possibly for the recid(328) (6967)%s successfully removed. (6968)You must use the proutil truncate bi command before doing an add. (6969)Error getting control area extent descriptor. (6970)Database add extent: Error reading extent block. (6971)Database add extent: Error reading control block. (6972)Invalid file type during area record add. (6973)Database add extent: ERROR adding area: %d. (6974)Invalid file type during extent add. (6975)Database add extent: ERROR adding extent: %d. (6976)Update Record: record buffer too small. (6977)Update Record: Field assignment failed. (6978)Update Record: Record update failed. (6979)Update Record Text: record buffer too small. (6980)Update Record Text: Field assignment failed. (6981)Update Record Text: Record update failed. (6982)Find Extent: buffer too small - need %l. (6983)Extent record not found. (6984)Record %j in area %l not found. (6985)Found area, error extracting area name. (6986)No available area slot for prostrct add. (6987)Unknown blocksize for type %d. (6988)Error deleting file: %s. errno: %d. (6989)Invalid query with CONTAINS. (6990)Area "%s" does not exist in database "%s" (6991)%s has incorrect blocksize of %l. (6992)The block sizes dont match %l %l. (6993)The blocksize is %l. (6994)Database %s does not contain a masterblock in area %l. (6995)019005The databases differ in area %l by active block count. %r%s has %J active b019006The databases differ on the chainFirst for area %l. %r%s has %j dbkey, %s h019007The databases differ on numBlocksOnChain for area %l. %r%s has %j dbkey, %s019008The databases differ on the chainLast for area %l. %r%s has %j dbkey, %s ha019009The databases differ in total length in area %l. %r%s has %J blocks, %s haDatabase area %l has %J blocks. (7001)The databases differ in total length. %r%s has %J blocks, %s has %J. (7002)Databases have %J blocks. (7003)019010The databases differ in total active blocks. %r%s has %J blocks, %s has %J.019011The databases differ in total empty blocks. %r%s has %J blocks, %s has %J. The databases differ in total free blocks. %r%s has %J blocks, %s has %J. (7006)The databases differ in total data blocks. %r%s has %J blocks, %s has %J. (7007)mvOpenDatabases: Unable to get storage for dbctl structures. (7008)Cannot open database %s. (7009)mvCompareBlock: Error - found index table block. (7010)Empty block %J above high water mark not checked. (7011)Empty block %J found below high water mark. (7012)Unknown block type %d at %j. (7013)Block %j differs beyond %d bytes, type=%d. (7014)Sequence Block %j differs for sequence # %i. (7015)DB 1 sequence value = %i, DB 2 sequence value = %i. (7016)Block %j differs in numdir. (7017)Block %j differs in freedir. (7018)Block %j differs in free. (7019)Record %j is missing in one block. (7020)Record %j has different flags. (7021)Record %j has different nextfrag. (7022)Record %j has different length. (7023)Record %j has different value. (7024)keyDelete malloc error for component space. (7025)Failed to insert Key components for drGenerateKEYKeys. (7026)keyDelete malloc error for key space. (7027)Unable to access _file record for _file table. (7028)Unable to access _file record for _field table. (7029)Unable to access _file record for _index table. (7030)Unable to access _file record for _index-field table. (7031)Unable to access _file record for SYSVIEWSFILE table. (7032)mvGetRecord(drUpdateTemplRecs): failed with %l. (7033)recAddColumns: buffer too small - need %l. (7034)recUpdate: buffer too small - need %l. (7035)mvGetRecord(drUpdSYSVTemplRecs): failed with %l. (7036)malloc error attempting to allocate %d bytes. (7037)Unable to re-index _File table in target Database - db corrupted. (7038)mvGetRecord(drReIndexFileTable): failed with %l. (7039)drRegenerateKeys Failure. (7040)Failure updating _File entry's NumKeyComp & NumKeyField values. (7041)Object Record Update Failure. (7042)Meta-schema update Failure with re-indexing. (7043)Error with IDXFILD format operation (%d). (7044)Error with IDXFILD key insert operation (%d). (7045)Error with IDXDUMP key insert operation (%d). (7046)Error with IDXDUMP format operation (%d). (7047)Failure updating Storage Object Record Index Root value. (7048)Failure updating Index Record's Number of component value. (7049)mvGetRecord(drUpdateMetaSchema): failed with %l. (7050)drGenerateKeys failure with index %l. (7051)utmalloc error in drCreateDB. (7052)Unable to complete v9 .db file - database corrupted. (7053)Unable to malloc memory - drConvertFileList. (7054)Out of Memory within drUpdateNumFields. (7055)mvGetRecord(drUpdateOldTables): failed with %l. (7056)mvGetRecord(drUpdateNumFields): failed with %l. (7057)Failed to access Desired Field within drUpdateNumFields. (7058)Failed to write Desired Field within drUpdateNumFields. (7059)mvGetRecord(drAddNewIndexes): failed with %l. (7060)Unable to add Index-Field Records. (7061)mvGetRecord(drAddNewIndexes): failed with %l. (7062)mvGetRecord(drAddNewIndexFlds): failed with %l. (7063)UTMALLOC Failure within drPopulate. (7064)mvGetRecord(drPopulateTable): failed with %l. (7065)recAddColumns: buffer too small - need %l. (7066)Unable to read Table Number field from current record. (7067)SQL CharSet Collation Field update error. (7068)SQL Field update error. (7069)Table-Type Field update error. (7070)Index-Method Field update error. (7071)Unable to read Table DBkey field from current record. (7072)mvGetRecord(drFindAssociateIndex): failed with %l. (7073)Unable to read Field Position field from current record. (7074)Unable to read Label field from current record. (7075)Unable to write to Label field within current record. (7076)drGenerateKeys failure with index %l. (7077)recGetSMALL: failure accessing field %l. (7078)Unable to examine _Field._Field-Res1. (7079)Unable to get File dbkey from _field record. (7080)Unable to create _object table entry for _object table. (7081)Unable to read Primary Key Field from _file record. (7082)Unable to find Associate Index for User defined table. (7083)UTMALLOC Failure within drFindAssociateIndex. (7084)mvGetRecord(drFindAssociateIndex): failed with %l. (7085)Unable to read Index Number field from _index record. (7086)Unable to read dw Number field from _index record. (7087)Unable to find associate Table number for user defined index. (7088)UTMALLOC Failure within drFindAssociateTable. (7089)mvGetRecord(drFindAssociateTable): failed with %l. (7090)Unable to read Table Number field from _file record. (7091)Unable to get Database Character Set. (7092)Area Name: %s, Type %d, Block Size %d, Extents %d, Records/Block %d%rArea separator found but records/block not found. (7094)%rRecords/Block must be greater than 0. (7095)%rRecords/Block must be less than 257. (7096)%rWarning: Records per block should be a power of 2. (7097)Area name/Records per Block mismatch: %r%s,%d %r%s,%dExisting Area name/Records per Block mismatch: %r%s,%d %r%s,%d%BForced crash before %s %d%r. (7100)%BGoing down seed = %d ntries = %d caller = %s%r. (7101)%BForced crash before end of transaction %d. (7102)%BForced exit before %s for pid %i. (7103)bkOpenControlArea error. (7104)Database must contain a Primary Recovery Area. (7105)Database must contain at least one Primary Recovery extent. (7106)%BFailed to open Tl file. (7107)bkForEachArea: buffer too small - need %l. (7108)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to extend the database for area: %d. (7109)VALIDATE option not allowed for VARIABLE or TEMP-TABLE field. (7110)HELP option not allowed in DEFINE VARIABLE statement. (7111)bkForEachExtent: buffer too small - need %l. (7112)%GError getting first extent for area %d, error = %d. (7113)%GCan't allocate storage for area descriptor. (7114)%GCould not determine size of file %s. (7115)%GExtent create failed reading control area extent header. (7116)%GError allocating block buffer memory. (7117)%GCouldn't read extent header for file %s. (7118)%GInvalid file length for %l for file %s. (7119)%GCouldn't write extent header for file %s. (7120)%GError writing area block for file %s. (7121)%GError writing object block for file %s. (7122)%GError writing ai header block for file %s. (7123)%GUnable to read extent header for file %s. (7124)%GFile %s exists but does not have expected time stamps. (7125)%GCan't allocate storage to add extent. (7126)%GCan't allocate space for new extent structures. (7127)System Error. (7128)%LUsr %l set name to %s. (7129)%s failed with error exit %i. (7130)%s called when database shutting down. rtc: %i. (7131)%s called for invalid user. rtc: %i. (7132)%GInvalid lock mode %l. (7133)Could not allocate the object cache. (7134)Could not allocate more storage for the object cache. (7135)%GomFetch: Can't call me during crash recovery. (7136)omGetObjectRecord: buffer too small -- need %l. (7137)%BomGetObjectRecord: recGet call failed. (7138)%GFailed to locate database control block. (7139)%GCould not get pointer to control block buffer. (7140)omGetObjectRecord failed to get record rc = %l. (7141)Out of object numbers. (7142)Couldn't find new object number. (7143)%GomUndo: unknown action code value: %d. (7144)%grlaiswitch: No next ai area found to switch to. (7145)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Live tx mismatch sequence %i note %i tx table %i. (7146)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Expected %i tx entries but got %i. (7147)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tl write location mismatch %j %j. (7148)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tl write offset mismatch %l %l. (7149)%GSYSTEM ERROR: tl counter mismatch %l %l %l %l. (7150)rlTxeGrantS: Lock error: User %i holds %i. (7151)rlTxeGrantX: Lock error: User %i holds %i. (7152)%Grllktxe: lock error: requested %i holding %i. (7153)%Grllktxe:Wakened but lock not granted. (7154)%gSYSTEM ERROR: txeStop has invalid value %l. (7155)%GCan't hold any latches while napping for group commit. (7156)Database must have a TL area to enable 2pc. (7157)%Gtl block header smashed blknum %j smashed code %l. (7158)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Redo did not start with a checkpoint note. (7159)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Check point notes out of sequence %l %l. (7160)%LPhysical Redo Phase Completed at blk %j off %l upd %l. (7161)019012%LBegin Logical Undo Phase, %i incomplete transactions are being backed out%LBegin Physical Undo %i transactions at block %j offset %l (7163)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Block update counter is too low for undo. (7164)%BBlock DBKEY %j block counter %l note counter %l (7165)%gCrash recovery aborted - Database is damaged. (7166)%Grlrdnxt: note prefix and suffix lengths don't match %i %i. (7167)%LWARNING: rmFetch requests for table 0 will assume area 1. (7168)Error creating mkschema process %d.\n (7169)conversion: permission denied to mkschema.\n (7170)conversion: mkschema was not found.\n (7171)conversion: not enough memory to run mkschema.\n (7172)conversion: failure unknown.\n (7173)PLEASE IMMEDIATELY BACK UP YOUR NEWLY CONVERTED VERSION 9 DATABASE !!! (7174)Communication layer message: %s. (7175)Input result set error: %s (7176)Cannot convert %s to %s. (7177)Cannot perform next() on a closed result set. (7178)019014Output result sets must be read in sequence. You are trying to perform nexCannot access a closed result set. (7180)019015Attempt to access data in incorrect order, or without calling next() (at coA not supported result set method. (7182)Invalid metadata column (at position %s). (7183)Invalid metadata field (at position %s). (7184)Invalid data type conversion in convertInputObject(). (7185)Invalid input result set object: %s. (7186)019016Illegal conversion of input column %s to %s. Input result set mismatches tNot Implemented. (7188)Stream protocol error tag = %s. (7189)Stream protocol - more than one schema table record. (7190)Server output reading problem: %s. (7191)Stream protocol - server error record is missing. (7192)Stream protocol - more than one server error record. (7193)ParameterSet error: Tried to get output before it is ready. (7194)ParameterSet error: Parameter %s is not an output parameter. (7195)Stream protocol - procedure return value is missing. (7196)Stream protocol - output parameter value is missing. (7197)"Stream protocol - parameter %s read - should be %s. (7198)Stream protocol - too many output values. (7199)019017Only ParameterSet.OUTPUT, ParameterSet.INPUT and ParameterSet.INPUT_OUTPUT Parameter set error in position %s. (7201)Already connected. (7202)Could not connect to the AppServer: %s. (7203)deleteReference: Reference count is already 0. (7204)Disconnect failure: %s. (7205)Cannot run procedure %s while there are open output result set(s). (7206)Cannot run procedure %s. Parameters mismatch static schema. (7207)Cannot run procedure %s. Not all input parameters are set. (7208)Broker System failure: %s. (7209)019018This request cannot be completed because the object is not connected to theERROR condition: %s (7211)Cannot delete a procedure while there are open output result set(s). (7212)Output result set error. (7213)Local static schema is required for result set parameters. (7214)Error in static schema construction. (7215)Protocol version mismatch. Server: %s. Client: %s. (7216)Field "%s" is an array. Index must be greater than 0. (7217)Index for field "%s" must be greater than 0. (7218)Field "%s" is a %s items array. index %s is illegal. (7219)Field "%s" is not an array. Index must be 1 or 0. (7220)Static schema construction: Field "%s" is inserted twice. (7221)Field "%s" not found. (7222)019019Must use an array index with field "%s" since the table has array field(s).Tried to call a method in an invalid procedure. (7224)Was interrupted while waiting to execute a request. (7225)019020Session is busy. Another request is executing or there is an open result seSystem Error: %s (7227)019021 There might be a mismatch between an input result set and the schema in t019022The maximum size of the input data is 32K. If you need more than that then State: (7230) Error Num: (7231)Exception: (7232). Message: (7233)Server stopped client input. (7234)SrcOutputStream: validate() - In invalid state. (7235)The server did not send all the output data. (7236)SinkInputStream: validate() - In invalid state. (7237)019023A parameter data type in the the proxy mismatches the data type in the 4GL UTF8 is not supported on this java platform. (7239)Cannot disconnect while executing a request. (7240)4GL STOP condition: %s (7241)4GL QUIT condition. Disconnecting from the server. (7242)The Server application has returned an error. (7243)Cannot create unique Id for Automation Object. (7244)Transport %s not supported. (7245)Exception executing %s. (7246)Error adding zip entry: %s. (7247)Bad URL format: %s (7248)Invalid state for %s: Current state = %s (7249)%s (7250)Request failure: %s (7251)Client requested STOP (7252)Server requested STOP (7253)019025A FIND, FOR EACH or OPEN QUERY statement has been encountered in a user-defDataServer connection failure. (7255)Unable to establish Unified Broker context. (7256)Could not reparse Unified Broker connection parameters (7257)The keyword %s in the connection parameter string is unknown. (7258)Protocol should be "AppServer" (7259)Object is no longer available for use. (7260)019026This proxy version is not compatible with the current version of the Open CNot implemented yet. (7262)The parameter/return type: %s is not supported from an open client. (7263)The r-code for this procedure contains invalid prototype information. (7264)No record source was supplied. (7265)An invalid record source was supplied. (7266)The field value supplied is an unsupported Variant type. (7267)No fields are available. (7268)%rINDEX DELETE CHAIN ANALYSIS%J block(s) found in the Index Delete chain.%rThe actual number of Index Delete blocks = %j (7271)The object block indicates %l blocks on the index delete chain. (7272)%s Index Delete chain count inconsistancy. (7273)The following zip file needed to generate proxies is corrupted: %s; %s. (7274)The following zip file needed to generate proxies cannot be opened: %s. (7275)019027%BIndex compact utilization must be greater than or equal to %d and less th019028The file: %s which is needed to generate proxies cannot be extracted from: %s Block %j with type %i is not an index block. (7278)%s Block %j with invalid chain type %i on index delete chain. (7279)%s index delete chain points above high water mark (7280)%s The index delete chain extends above high water mark. (7281)%s The index delete chain is a circular list. (7282) LIST OF INDEX DELETE CHAIN BLOCKS dbkey BlockCannot load specified preferences file %s for ProxyGen. (7285)Enumerated preference group error: %s. (7286)Cannot find preference group %s in the preferences file. (7287)Cannot find preference group collection %s in the preferences file. (7288)Cannot update preference %s to new value: %s. (7289)Cannot get the value of preference: %s. (7290)Cannot update the preference collection: %s. (7291)Cannot save preference group %s to preference file, %s. (7292)Cannot get parent groups. (7293)Cannot save preferences file: %s. (7294)Cannot remove preferences for group: %s. (7295)%LServer login failed. Server id %l is invalid. (7296)%LServer login failed. Server id %l already in use. (7297)conversion: mkschema failure, error code = %d.\n (7298)Please enter a value into the %s field. (7299)The Propath component is not a valid path: %s. (7300)019029The value specified in the %s field is invalid. It is an invalid format or Please select at least one client type for proxy generation. (7302)019030The value specified in the Package field is invalid. It is an invalid forma019031The directory specified %s cannot be accessed. Please select a valid, acces019032Cannot generate proxy for this AppObject object because it is too large. MThe project file (.xpxg) could not be opened or saved by ProxyGen. (7306)SYSTEM ERROR: An unexpected error has occurred. (7307)019033ProxyGen cannot be run on this platform. If available try the batch versionEnable-Events requires 1 character argument. (7309)Enable-Events is automatic for CONTROL-FRAMEs and may not be set. (7310) Invalid COM-HANDLE given to ENABLE-EVENTS. (7311)QUERY-OPEN for query %s requires a previous QUERY-PREPARE. (7312)Cannot run GET methods on query %s until it is opened. (7313)019034The first argument to QUERY GET methods must be NO-LOCK, SHARE-LOCK or EXCLCannot REPOSITION query %s until it is opened. (7315)Invalid rowid argument(s) given in query object method. (7316)ADD/SET-BUFFERS may not be used on static query %s. (7317)ADD/SET-BUFFERS may supply only up to %d of buffers. (7318)ADD/SET-BUFFERS argument %d was invalid or not found. (7319)Only %d dynamic queries can use buffer %s at one time. (7320)QUERY-PREPARE requires a valid non-null character argument for query %s. (7321)019035QUERY-PREPARE requires that SET-BUFFERS has been used to assign buffers to Could not tokenize PREPARE string %s. (7323)PREPARE syntax is: {FOR | PRESELECT} EACH OF.. WHERE ... etc". (7324)QUERY-PREPARE text must have 1 FOR EACH/PRESELECT for each query buffer. (7325)019036Buffer %s is not referenced in the same order in PREPARE as in BUFFERS list%s %s must be an unabbreviated name of a buffer known in query %s. (7327)019037%s %s %s must be a quoted constant or an unabbreviated, unambiguous buffer/WORK-FILE field %s may not be PREPARED--use TEMP-TABLES instead. (7329)Could not evaluate rowid during REPOSITION. (7330)Cannot reposition query %s to recid/rowid(s) given. (7331)Unable to reposition join %s record. (7332)019038FOR TABLE phrase or CONNECT phrase in CREATE widget could not be evaluated.Could not create buffer object for table %s. (7334)019039AUTOMATIC MODE TRANSACTION procedure %s may only be run remotely as a top-l019040A .p with TRANSACTION-MODE AUTOMATIC may not be run inside a transaction or019041Must run methods or internal procedures of a TRANSACTION-MODE AUTOMATIC .p CREATE BUFFER requires a FOR TABLE specification. (7338)WORK-FILE %s may not have an object form--use TEMP-TABLES instead. (7339)You do not have READ permission for buffer %s. (7340)Invalid rowid for FIND-BY-ROWID method of BUFFER object %s. (7341)FIND method of %s with exclusive lock requires TRANSACTION. (7342)FIND method argument must be NO-WAIT, or 0 or ?. (7343)019042FIND-BY-ROWID, FIND-FIRST etc., second argument must be NO-LOCK, SHARE-LOCKUnable to CREATE/DELETE unless a TRANSACTION is running. (7345)You do not have CREATE or DELETE permission for buffer %s. (7346)019043Table %s is defined with schema delete validation and may only be deleted bCould not get buffer field information at runtime for buffer %s. (7348)Argument for BUFFER-FIELD method for buffer %s could not be evaluated. (7349)BUFFER-FIELD sequence number must be from 1 to %d for buffer %s. (7350)BUFFER-FIELD %s was not found in buffer %s. (7351)You may only invoke EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE on valid temp-tables. (7352)Only NO-UNDO temp-tables may be emptied during an active transaction. (7353)TRANSACTION context object not available. (7354)019044SET-COMMIT requires a TRANSACTION-MODE AUTOMATIC .p to be running with no p019045SET-ROLLBACK requires a TRANSACTION-MODE AUTOMATIC .p to be running persistUnable to create the session transaction context. (7357)Query object not available. (7358)QUERY GET methods with exclusive lock requires a transaction. (7359)QUERY GET second argument must be NO-WAIT or 0. (7360)019046Query method argument must be the name of a query buffer or an integer from019047INDEX-INFORMATION requires query %s to be QUERY-PREPARED or open and defineSKIP-DELETED-RECORD cannot be set on during BROWSE. (7363)Insufficient permission to read buffer field %s. (7364)019048%s BUFFER-VALUE argument must be valid array index, less than or equal to fUnable to extract BUFFER-VALUE for field %s. (7366)019049%WWARNING: No RCODE-INFORMATION from DEFINE TEMP-TABLE %s, default %s used.Insufficient permission to write buffer field %s. (7368)Update of buffer field object requires a transaction. (7369)Cannot find buffer object for buffer-field object reference. (7370)Invalid reference to buffer-field object--index not valid for buffer. (7371)Object of type %s used where BUFFER-FIELD object required. (7372)NO-WAIT is not allowed in a FOR EACH. (7373)Too many rowids given for static query %s. (7374)TRANSACTION-MODE AUTOMATIC programs may not have buffer parameters. (7375)TRANSACTION-MODE AUTOMATIC programs may not have temp-table parameters. (7376)Method must not have arguments. (7377)Object method takes only 1 optional argument. (7378)Buffer/Query method requires at least one argument. (7379)019050QUERY WHERE fields from outside query may not have subscripts from inside tCould not find buffer %s in object reference. (7381)Could not find query %s in object reference. (7382)Invalid type of argument for TRANSACTION-MODE .p (7383)019051TRANSACTION-MODE statement must the the first executable statement in the mLoading configuration file... (7385)Config entry read - Database: %s (7386)Juniper Shutdown process initiated. (7387)Stopping database configuration: %s (7388)Autostarting qualified databases. (7389)Autostarting database configuration: %s (7390)Config entry read - Configuration: %s (7391)019052Inconsistent properties file - Configuration named %s in database %s not foConfig entry read - ServerGroup: %s (7393)Configuration is exiting: %s (7394)Saving properties file: %s (7395)Can't start configuration: %s - already running. (7396)Starting configuration: %s (7397)Shutdown of configuration %s requested. Database: %s (7398)Database configuration crashed: %s (7399)Juniper called to register itself with the admin server. Config: %s (7400)Starting Connection Manager for configuration: %s (7401) Command = %s (7402)019053Juniper process is initiated for config: %s, a thread is listening for respJuniper startup timed out. (7404)Writing config file: %s, group= %s (7405)Writing config file: %s (7406)Instantiating AdminServer. (7407)Loading plugins... (7408)RegistryManager Instantiated: %s (7409)Installing Plugins. (7410)Plugins installed. (7411)AdminServer thread started. (7412)Binding Admin Server into registry as: %s (7413)Logging in user %s. (7414)Tool added: %s (7415)User %s has been logged in. (7416)AdminServer was interrupted. (7417)Shutting down plugins. (7418)AdminServer unbinding from registry. (7419)Shutdown complete. (7420)User %s requested shutdown of admin server. (7421)Requesting shutdown of admin server. (7422)System.out and System.err redirected to %s (7423)Invalid argument: %s (7424)AdminServer object instantiated. (7425)AdminServer could not be instantiated. (7426)Can't initiate admin server - shutting down now. (7427)Admin server initialization completed. (7428)Awaiting shutdown request... (7429)Joining startup thread with Adminserver thread. (7430)Added ServerPlugin: %s (7431)Installing plugin: %s (7432)Failed to install plugin %s. (7433)Starting plugin %s. (7434)Started plugin %s. (7435)Shutting down plugin %s. (7436)Shut down plugin %s. (7437)License check status: %s (7438)%s not installed: %s (7439)%s: %s (7440)Admin shutdown program initiated. (7441)Request refused. (7442)Requesting shutdown of server: %s (7443)Request sent. (7444)Inside of Chimera. (7445)Looking up server in RMI registry. Name = %s (7446)Connection failed. Server is not available. (7447)Server located: %s (7448)Connection failed. Server is not available. (7449)Connection failed. (7450)SELECT-ALL has an invalid number of rowid parameters specified. (7451)019054LIST-ITEM-PAIRS must contain an even number of entries to specify label/val019055For %s specified with only labels, use LIST-ITEMS instead of LIST-ITEM-PAIR019056For %s specified with Label/Value pairs, use LIST-ITEM-PAIRS instead of LIS019057The first node of the Package cannot be the same value as any AppObject, Su019058Unsupported datatype %s not allowed in BUFFER-COMPARE or BUFFER-COPY operatNo Memory (328) (7457)Invalid Handle (7458)Invalid Interface (7459)Invalid Process (7460)Already Attached (7461)Invalid Server Id (7462)Packet Size Mismatch (7463)Invalid Reply from server (7464)Transmit Error (7465)Receive Error (7466)No Message received by client or server (7467)In Progress (7468)Service Error, Please check services and hosts files (7469)Interrupted (7470)Client/Server not WideChar Compatible (7471)Network error on server or client initiation. (7472)SQL internal error (7473)Insufficient memory (7474)Unable to connect to datasource (7475)Duplicate connection name (7476)Connection not opened (7477)Communication link failure (7478)Cursor not closed (7479)Data source not found and no default driver specified (7480)Inconsistent types (7481)Invalid precision (7482)Invalid scale (7483)Sorry, operation not implemented yet (7484)Overflow error (7485)Invalid sqlda (7486)Bad arguments (7487)Server not reachable or possible RPC error. (7488)Error in Network Daemon (7489)Invalid host name in connect string (7490)Invalid Protocol (7491)Exceeding permissible number of connections (7492)Bad database handle (7493)Invalid host name in connect string (7494)Query aborted on user request (7495)Invalid date value (7496)Invalid date string (7497)Invalid number string (7498)Invalid time value (7499)Invalid time string (7500)Database not specified or improperly specified (7501)Numeric value out of range (7502)Data truncated (7503)No active connection (7504)Invalid ROWID (7505)Remote Database Name not valid. (7506)Invalid user name (7507)File does not exist or is not accessible (7508)Division by zero attempted (7509)SQLDA buffer length too high (7510)Cursor not opened (7511)Access denied (Authorization failed) (7512)Invalid connection name (7513)Database not started (7514)Invalid character set name specified (7515)Invalid collation name specified (7516)FF: No database found (7517)Integrity constraint violation:uniqueness constraint violation (7518)Table/View/Synonym not found (7519)Column not found/specified (7520)No columns in table (7521)Inconsistent types (7522)Column ambiguously specified (7523)Duplicate column specification (7524)Invalid length (7525)Invalid precision (7526)Invalid scale (7527)Missing input parameters (7528)Subquery returns multiple rows (7529)Null value supplied for a mandatory (not null) column (7530)Too many values specified (7531)Too few values specified (7532)Table space with same name already exists (7533)Tablespace not found (7534)Table/View/Synonym already exists (7535)Overflow error (7536)No files in the table space (7537)Table not empty (7538)Input parameter size too high (7539)Number of columns in column list is less than in select list (7540)Number of columns in column list is more than in select list (7541)Column count mismatch (7542)More than one row selected by the query (7543)Primary/Candidate key column defined null (7544)No matching key defined for the referenced table (7545)Keys in reference constraint incompatible (7546)Fetched Value NULL & indicator var not defined (7547)Invalid date value (7548)Invalid date string (7549)Invalid number strings (7550)Invalid number string (7551)Invalid time value (7552)Invalid time string (7553)Invalid time stamp string (7554)Division by zero attempted (7555)Error in format type (7556)FF- Overflow error (7557)Sorry, operation not yet implemented (7558)Statement not prepared (7559)Executing select statement (7560)Cursor not closed (7561)Open for non select statement (7562)Cursor not opened (7563)File does not exist or not accessible (7564)Database not opened (7565)Keyword used for a name (7566)Too many fields specified (7567)Too many indexes on this table (7568)MM- Invalid row number (7569)FF- Invalid record number (7570)Access denied (Authorization failed) (7571)No DBA access rights (7572)User not found (7573)No RESOURCE privileges (7574)Invalid user name (7575)Specified operation not allowed on the view (7576)Database not specified or improperly specified (7577)View query specification for view too long (7578)View column list must be specified as expressions are given (7579)Check option specified for non-insertable view (7580)View check option violation (7581)No of expressions projected on either side of set-op don't match (7582)Given SQL statement is not allowed on the view (7583)Column names not allowed in order by clause for this statement (7584)Table columnlist must be specified as expressions are given (7585)Query statement too long. (7586)Syntax error (7587)Distinct specified more than once in query (7588)Granting to self not allowed (7589)Revoking for self not allowed (7590)Bad arguments (7591)Full pathname not specified (7592)Subquery not allowed here (7593)FF- Table already exists (7594)FF- Database exists (7595)Connect String not specified/incorrect (7596)Constraint violation (7597)Duplicate constraint name (7598)Executing SQL statement for an aborted transaction (7599)No tuples selected by the subquery for update (7600)Synonym already exists (7601)Database link with same name already exists (7602)Database link not found (7603)Specified operation not allowed on a remote table (7604)Remote Database not started (7605)Remote Database Name not valid (7606)Invalid remote database name (7607)***Invalid cursor name (7608)Invalid ROWID (7609)Cursor not positioned on a valid row (7610)**use of reserved word (7611)Number of open cursors exceeds limit (7612)Bad parameter specification for the statement (7613)Remote procedure call error (7614)SQL client bind to daemon failed (7615)SQL client bind to SQL server failed (7616)SQL NETWORK service entry is not available (7617)Invalid TCP/IP hostname (7618)network error on server (7619)Invalid protocol (7620)Duplicate connection name (7621)No active connection (7622)Multiple local connections (7623)Invalid protocol in connect_string (7624)Exceeding permissible number of connections (7625)Invalid host name in connect string (7626)***Invalid connection name (7627)***status okay (7628)***MM- Rollback transaction (7629)FF- No database found (7630)Unable to allocate disk block for temp table use [MM - No data block] (7631)**sql not found. (7632)Statement execution cancelled (7633)Error in reading configuration (7634)SQL internal error (7635)Memory allocation failure (7636)Open database failed (7637)Can not modify table referred to in subquery (7638)Bad column specification for group by clause (7639)Non-group-by expression in having clause (7640)Non-group-by expression in select clause (7641)Aggregate function not allowed here (7642)Aggregate functions nested (7643)Too many table references (7644)Bad field specification in order by clause (7645)An index with the same name already exists (7646)Index referenced not found (7647)Cluster with same name already exists (7648)No cluster with this name (7649)Bad free percentage specification (7650)At least column spec or null clause should be specified (7651)Tuple size too high (7652)Array size too high (7653)Field value not null for some tuples (7654)Database not specified or Database not started (7655)Duplicate file specification (7656)Invalid attach type (7657)Invalid statement type (7658)Invalid sqlda (7659)More than one database can't be attached locally (7660)SQLDA size not enough (7661)SQLDA buffer length too high (7662)Server is not allocated (7663)More Tables cannot be created. (7664)Outerjoin specified on a complex predicate (7665)Outerjoin specified on a sub_query (7666)Invalid Outerjoin specification (7667)Duplicate table constraint specification (7668)System date retrieval failed (7669)No references for the table (7670)Statement not allowed in readonly isolation level (7671)Remote Network Server not started. (7672)TCP/IP Remote HostName is unknown. (7673)References to the table or column exist in some foreign key constraint. (7674)Table definition not complete (7675)Constraint name not found (7676)permission denied (7677)procedure not found (7678)invalid arguments to procedure (7679)Query conditionally terminated (7680)Revoke failed because of restrict (7681)Invalid long datatype column reference (7682)Contains operator is not supported in this context (7683)Contains operator is not supported for this datatype (7684)Procedure already exists (7685)view manager ID is not found. (7686)Index on long fields requires that it can push down only CONTAINS (7687)Index is not defined or does not support CONTAINS (7688)Cannot drop all columns; use DROP TABLE instead (7689)No environment defined database (7690)Bad database handle (7691)Column group column doesn't exist (7692)Column group column already specified (7693)Column group name already specified (7694)Column groups haven't covered all columns (7695)Column groups are not implemented in Progress storage (7696)FF- File IO error (7697)FF- No more records (7698)FF- Record deleted (7699)FF- Invalid type (7700)FF- Duplicate value (7701)FF- Version mis-match (7702)FF- Virtual file cache exceeded (7703)FF- Physical file open error (7704)FF- Corrupt virtual file handle (7705)DHRSS- Improper call to DFLT SS (7706)MM- Bad swap block (7707)MM- No cache block (7708)MM- Invalid cache block (7709)MM- Bad swap file (7710)MM- Row too big (7711)MM- Array initialized (7712)MM- Invalid chunk number (7713)MM- Can't create table (7714)MM- Can't alter table (7715)MM- Can't drop table (7716)MM- TPL ctor error (7717)MM- Insertion error (7718)MM- Deletion error (7719)MM- Updation error (7720)MM- Fetching error (7721)MM- Sorting error (7722)MM- Printing error (7723)MM- TPLSCAN ctor error (7724)MM- Scan fetching error (7725)MM- Can't create index (7726)MM- Can't drop index (7727)MM- IXSCAN ctor error (7728)MM- IX ctor error (7729)MM- IX deletion error (7730)MM- IX appending error (7731)MM- IX insertion error (7732)MM- IX scan fetching error (7733)MM- Begin transaction (7734)MM- Commit transaction (7735)MM- Mark point (7736)MM- Rollback savepoint (7737)MM- Set & Get isolation (7738)MM- TID to char (7739)MM- char to TID (7740)Table create returned invalid table id (7741)Index create returned invalid index id (7742)memory allocation failure (7743)invalid network handle (7744)invalid sqlnetwork INTERFACE (7745)invalid sqlnetwork INTERFACE procedure (7746)INTERFACE is already attached (7747)INTERFACE entry not found (7748)INTERFACE is already registered (7749)mismatch in pkt header size and total argument size (7750)invalid server id (7751)reply does not match the request (7752)error in transmission of packet (7753)error in reception of packet (7754)no packet received (7755)connection reset (7756)network handle is inprocess handle (7757)could not connect to sql network daemon (7758)error in number of arguments (7759)requested INTERFACE not registered (7760)invalid INTERFACE procedure id (7761)requested server executable not found (7762)invalid configuration information (7763)INTERFACE not supported (7764)invalid service name (7765)invalid host (7766)error in tcp/ip accept call (7767)error in tcp/ip connect call (7768)error in tcp/ip bind call (7769)error in creating socket (7770)error in setting socket option (7771)interrupt occured (7772)Client/Server not WideChar Compatible (7773)Operation is valid only on a linked table (7774)Operation not allowed on a linked table (7775)Copy object exists (7776)Unknown copy object (7777)Dropping table failed (7778)Bad copy sql statement (7779)Unknown data type (7780)Bad insert statement (7781)Fetch operation failed (7782)Insert operation failed (7783)Operation not started (7784)Operation marked for abort (7785)Commit operation failed (7786)Create table failed (7787)Bad sync sql statement (7788)Sync object exists (7789)Create sync object failed (7790)Create copy object failed (7791)Unknown sync object (7792)Illegal column name (7793)Duplicate column name (7794)Install failure (7795)Invalid sync mode (7796)Download or snapshot table missing (7797)Upload table missing (7798)Update operation failed (7799)Delete operation failed (7800)Close cursor failed (7801)No primary key (7802)Missing row (7803)Bad primary key (7804)Update contention (7805)Link table failed (7806)Unlink table failed (7807)Link data source failed (7808)Unlink data source failed (7809)Integrator internal error (7810)Operation already started (7811)Opening of copy sql stmt failed (7812)sync object failed (7813)Dropping copy object failed (7814)Closing copy sql stmt failed (7815)Failure to update metadata timestamp (7816)SQLAllocEnv failed (7817)SQLAllocConnect failed (7818)SQLConnect failed (7819)SQLGetConnectOption failed (7820)SQLSetConnectOption failed (7821)Failed to map stmt handle to UUID (7822)SQLSetParam failed (7823)SQLDisconnect failed (7824)SQLExecute failed (7825)SQLRowCount failed (7826)SQLSetParam failed (7827)SQLBindCol failed (7828)SQLPrepare failed (7829)SQLResultCols failed (7830)SQLDescribeCol failed (7831)SQLFreeStmt failed (7832)SQLFetch failed (7833)SQLTransact failed (7834)SQLAllocStmt failed (7835)SQLTables failed (7836)SQLColumns failed (7837)SQLStatistics failed (7838)ODBC Driver interface mismatch (7839)ODBC Driver metadata exceeds storage limits (7840)SQLGetInfo failed (7841)operation not allowed on the read-only database (7842)cannot update views-with-check-option on remote tables (7843)query terminated as max row limit exceeded for a remote table (7844)unable to read column info from remote table (7845)diagnostics statement failed. (7846)Numeric value out of range. (7847)Data truncated. (7848)Invalid character set name specified. (7849)Invalid collation name specified. (7850)Service in use. (7851)Error in Stored Procedure Compilation. (7852)Error in Stored Procedure Execution. (7853)Too many recursions in call procedure. (7854)Null value fetched. (7855)Invalid field reference. (7856)Trigger with this name already exists. (7857)Trigger with this name does not exist. (7858)Trigger Execution Failed. (7859)Attempting to locate object named %s (7860)Failure to acquire share schema lock. (7861)Fatal error identifying database log in SQL (7862)Registering primary object. (7863)Column %s in table %s has value exceeding its max length or precision (7864) Name: %s (7865)Unable to complete server connection. Function %s; reason %s (7866)Column values too big to make key. Table %s; index %s (7867) Host: %s (7868)Failure getting record lock on a record from table %s. (7869)Lock table is full. (7870) Port: %d (7871)Failure to acquire exclusive schema lock for DDL operation. (7872)Update of word indexes not yet supported. Table %s, index %s (7873)Registry is already running. (7874)Scan of word indexes not yet supported. Table %s, index %s (7875)Binding attempt timed out - retrying... (7876)SQL92 cannot alter or drop a table, or index, created by 4GL or SQL89. (7877)Binding attempt failed - retrying... (7878)Incorrect view owner name on CREATE VIEW - cannot be PUB or _FOREIGN. (7879)Bind problem. Tried %d times. (7880)Bind succeeded. (7881)Bind failed. (7882)019059Database object (table, view, index, trigger,procedure, or synonym) owned Unregistering primary object with name %s, and removing the registry. (7884)Registry is not running! There is nothing to do. (7885)Name was %s not bound!!!. Continuing... (7886)Database schema table cannot be created, dropped, or altered. (7887)Array reference/update incorrect. (7888)A problem was encountered whilst unbinding %s: %s (7889)The registry is now defunct. (7890)Starting RMI registry thread. (7891)Creating the registry thread on port %s (7892)RMI registry thread started: %s (7893)Registry could not be started. (7894)019060Internal error %s (%s) in SQL from subsystem %s function %s called from %s Failed to start RMI registry thread - retrying... (7896)Binding object %s as %s. (7897)Failure reading schema during DDLoperation. (7898)Inconsistent metadata - contact Progress technical support. (7899)Bind failed: %s (7900) Object %s has been bound. (7901)019061Fatal error %s (%s) in SQL from subsystem %s function %s called from %s on Listing entries in registry...Can't get list of items in registry. (7904)Lookup timed out for item: %s (7905)Item in registry is null - this should never happen: %s (7906)Looking up object named %s in registry on host/port: %s/%d. (7907)Lookup timed out: for: %s (7908)Object with name %s not found. (7909)Object with name %s found. Testing validity... (7910) %s is active. (7911) %s is not active. (7912)019062Trouble accessing object with name %s. Probably not subtype of IPingable. IUnregistering object with name: %s (7914)Name %s was not bound!!!. Continuing... (7915)A problem was encountered whilst unbinding %s. (7916)Attempting to bind object: %s (7917) Binding as name: %s (7918) Object being bound is unnamed. (7919)Bind succeeded. (7920)Now monitoring primary object for crashes. (7921)Bind failed - will retry later... (7922)Bind failed - will retry in %d seconds... (7923)Primary object crashed! (7924)Destroying tracking thread: %s (7925)Now attempting to locate object named: %s (7926) Thread = %s (7927) Host/Port = %s/%d (7928) Interval between lookup attempts = %d (7929)Now monitoring object: %s (7930) Thread = %s (7931) Interval between pings = %d (7932) Timeout on ping = %d (7933)Event broker received event of type: %s (7934)Event broker received event #%d (7935)Failure in finding DLC environment variable. (7936)019063EventManager can't enqueue event because event producer appears to be down.DLC environment variable value exceeds maximum size(%s) -> %s. (7938)Error opening convmap.cp file -> %s. (7939)019064EventManager can't enqueue event because event consumer appears to be down.019065EventManager can't enqueue event of type %s because of unexpected exceptionError managing thread queue. Error: %s (7942)Monitor thread exiting: %s (7943)Monitor thread stopped: %s (7944)Ping of %s failed! (7945)Object %s is believed to be no longer active. (7946)Locator thread exiting: %s (7947)Locator thread stopped: %s (7948)Object located: %s (7949) Entry: %s %s Trouble accessing entry: %s (7951)Only r-code compiled with version 9 or greater can be used with ProxyGen. (7952)The r-code file %s cannot be found. (7953)019066Cannot execute user defined function '%s' in an ASSIGN statement after a ke019067An attempt was made to reference the user-defined function or method '%s' Unexpected I/O error: Cannot open log file %s. (7956)Unexpected I/O error: %s. (7957)%LAttempting to repos JBSS query for cursid %d (7958)%LNull cursid attempting to repos query for file %s (7959)%LNull cursor for cursid %d, table %s (7960)%LNo index information for cursid %d, table %s (7961)%LNon-array fetch cursor cursid %d, table %s (7962)%LUnordered query cursor cursid %d, table %s (7963)%Lcursid %d, table %s repos in array to recid %d (7964)%Lcursid %d, table %s repos in array to rowid %s (7965)%Lorreposcursor: text overrun len %d stlen %d%rtxt: %s (7966)Unable to locate index '%s' on table '%s' for procedure '%s'. (7967)019068** CRC for index '%s' on table '%s' does not match CRC in procedure '%s'. TPROFILER Out of memory! (7969)Cannot set PROFILER:DIRECTORY to '%s'. You have no access. (7970)You are not allowed to add or modify %s records. (7971)You are not allowed to delete %s records. (7972)** You are not allowed to update %s fields. (7973)%gSYSTEM ERROR: rnbfnxtDoit: level %i bad fndmode: %d, should be %d (7974)%gSYSTEM ERROR: rnbfnxtDoit: level %i bad lkmode: %d, should be %d (7975)Unable to process LOAD-PICTURE function. (7976)** You cannot change the index area in an existing record. (7977)019069No procedure name given for PROFILER:TRACING attribute entry starting at '%** You cannot change the file area in an existing record. (7979)State-reset server failed to reconnect to database %s. (7980)** You cannot change the file number in an existing record. (7981)State-reset server disconnecting non-command-line database %s. (7982)Invalid character in PROFILER:TRACING attribute value starting at '%s'. (7983)State-reset server successfully reconnected command-line database %s. (7984)You are not allowed to update _Area fields. (7985)Buffer qualifier %s must match field qualifier %s (7986)Buffer %s is missing its .p information. (7987)Couldn't open profile output file '%s'. Profiling data not written. (7988)Error during RAW-TRANSFER statement. (7989)Unable to RAW-TRANSFER data to table '%s'. Resulting record too large. (7990)Unable to map data from source to target '%s' during RAW-TRANSFER. (7991)scfix: _StorageObject delete failed for _file delete. (7992)%Gprocomm: fatal return code %l from dsmTransaction. (7993)Failed to read _File record for '%s'. Cannot SAVE-CACHE. (7994)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to cache field map information for '%s'. (7995)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to update the Field Map for table '%s'. (7996)A version %d client may not modify schema on a version %d database. (7997)_Field-Rpos may not be set to the Unknown value. (7998)_Field-Rpos value ('%d') must be greater than 1. (7999)WARNING: Invalid _Field-Rpos setting (%d) for '%s.%s'. Setting to %d. (8000)019070SYSTEM ERROR: Internal inconsistency. Could not locate index information foPROFILER:TRACING attribute value too large to extract. Increase -s. (8002)PROFILER:TRACE-FILTER attribute value too large to extract. Increase -s. (8003)%B %s: %s (8004)%B %s: %s (8005)%B %s: column %s in schema metadata not known for schema table# %d. (8006)Application Service %s Not Found. (8007)Host %s Is Not Known. (8008)019071%B %s: columns expected in schema metadata not known for schema table# %d [%B %s: %s (%d) (8010)%B %s: %s, table# = %d (%d, %d) (8011)%B A version %d client may not modify schema on a version %d database. (8012)Could not open Dynamic Library: %s (8013)DLL Error : %s (8014)Code page error: Cannot convert from %s to %s(328) (8015)%rTarget db has different Records/Block than source for area: "%s". (8016)%rTarget db Records/Block: %d%rSource db Records/Block: %d%rStructure File Creation Failure for Target Database. (8018)%BExpected ai file number %l but file specified is %l in sequence. (8019)An incomplete client request. (8020)The server received a STOP request. (8021)Failed to delete procedure %d. (8022)019072AppServer 4GL condition occurred. Detailed error messages might be found in019073It is not allowed to set SERVER-CONNECTION-BOUND-REQUEST to 'yes' in the st%s %s procedure ended with an ERROR condition. (8025)%s %s procedure ended with an STOP condition. (8026)%s %s procedure ended with an QUIT condition. (8027)019074Table %s mismatch: The client data type of field %d does not match the def019075Table %s mismatch: The extent number of field %d does not match the local d019076Parameter number %d (table %s) mismatch. Has %d fields - client schema hasThe client's code page in unknown. No code page conversions will be made. (8031)Code page error: Cannot convert from %s to %s. (8032)No code page conversions will be made. (8033)019077WARNING: Client's code page is unknown. No text conversions will be perform019078Insufficient stack space. Increase the -s startup parameter. %d bytes are nNot enough memory %d bytes. Source is %d bytes. (8036)ubroker version: %s (328) (8037)ubroker version: %s (8038)main() shutdown sleep InterruptedException: %s (8039)main() ubListener.join() InterruptedException: %s (8040)ubroker %s done. (8041)RMI export failed: URL = %s (8042)Started listener thread: %s (8043)Could not listen on port: %d (8044)Listening ... (8045)accept() on port %d is interrupted: %s (8046)accept() on port %d failed: %s (8047)Shutdown complete. (8048)Processing shutdown request ... (8049)Shutting down %d client threads ... (8050)Shutdown requested: %s ... (8051)Waiting %d shutdown responses ... (8052)Starting %d server threads ... (8053)Activating %d server threads ... (8054)Shutdown requested for %s (8055)Shutdown requested for %d : %s (8056)keepAlive started for (%s) on NameServer %s port %d (8057)Unknown NameServer %s:%d : %s (8058)No such Application Service on NameServer %s:%d : %s (8059)IOException on startup of NameServer %s:%d : %s (8060)NameServer NOT started for services (%s). (8061)Internal Consistency Error on NameServer %s:%d : %s. (8062)IOException on unRegBroker() for NameServer %s:%d : %s. (8063)NameServer keepAlive to NameServer %s:%d : stopped. (8064)%s port %d closed. (8065)Unbinding RMI registry ... (8066)admin error response received: %s. (8067)invalid admin response received: %s. (8068)Cannot shut down %s 255 (9329)ORACLE DataServer does not support extents > 255, table %s (9330)Cannot connect to a database with the WebClient version of Progress. (9331)%s statement is not available in the WebClient version of Progress. (9332)019279%BIncomplete ai file detected, expected %J, got %J. %rSubsequent rThis module can access ODBC only through the PROGRESS network. (9334)Cannot add any more sequences to the database. (9335)%LCreated shared memory with segment_id: %l (9336)%LRemoving shared memory with segment_id: %l (9337)Unable to download file from web. Invalid URL %s. (9338)019280Unable to download file from web. Cannot open internet session. Error cod019281Unable to download file from web. Cannot resolve server name %s in URL %s.Unable to download file from web. Cannot connect to server %s. (9341)Unable to download file from web. Internet request timed out. (9342)019282Unable to download file from web. Cannot send HTTP request. Error code = 019283Unable to download file from web. Cannot query HTTP response. Error code 019284Unable to download file from web. Cannot create temporary file %s. Error 019285Unable to download file from web. Error reading/writing the file. Error cUnable to download file from web. HTTP status code = %d. (9347)%s is not a valid SYSTEM-HELP command on a Windows Help File. (9348)%s is not a valid SYSTEM-HELP command on a HTML Help File. (9349)Unable to load HTML Help Viewer. (9350)Unable to load HTML Help file %s. (9351)019286This .r file does not contain any procedure prototype information and thereCREATE SERVER-SOCKET can not be called from %s. (9353)019287VALIDATION MESSAGE: The value for property %s must fall within the range o%LSQL server reuse disabled. (9355)Invalid NameServer client port range. (9356)The value of a retry parameter for the Nameserver client port is invalid. (9357)Unable to allocate NameServer client port within specfied range. (9358)Unable to allocate NameServer client port within specfied range. (9359)Invalid NameServer client port retry values. (9360)Invalid NameServer client port range. (9361)An error occured while listening for network input requests on port %d. (9362)019288JVM out of memory: Adapter emergency exit. Use the JVM's -mx, -ss and -oss 019289VALIDATION MESSAGE: Value %s exceeds the maximum value of %s for property Invalid NameServer client port range. (9365)Invalid NameServer client port retry values. (9366)Unable to allocate NameServer client port within specfied range. (9367)Unable to download file from web. Authentication failed for server '%s'. (9368)%s. (9369)Error closing socket : %s : %s. (9370)Error filling status table row: %s : %s. (9371)%s expired (inactive more than %d seconds). Connection closed. (9372)AIA error accessing propertyFile %s : %s : %s. (9373)Section (%s) not found in properties file (%s). (9374)AIA_HTTPS is licensed in this configuration. (9375)AIA_HTTPS is not licensed in this configuration. (9376)%gUnable to truncate extent header, file = %s, ret = %d. (9377)019290%LTable %s.%s at Rowid %s has Column %s whose value exceeding its max lengtUnable to process -useOsLocale startup parameter. (9379)019291Unable to download file from web. Unknown or invalid SSL certificate authoWeb Server authenication failure - username, password invalid or not set (9381)%LCreated shared memory with segment_id: %x (9382)rlrdnxt: note prefix and suffix lengths don't match %i %i (9383)Unable to calculate solution for EXP function. (9384)019292%GSYSTEM ERROR: The routine rlaion was called with the obsolete parameter l%gSYSTEM ERROR: rlTxeStop already stopped. (9386)%gSYSTEM ERROR: rlTxeStop already stopped. (9387)Unable to update _SEQUENCE table template - conversion aborted. (9388)%BError returned from drGetRecid1: %d. (9389)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unrecognized lockmode %1 passed to routine rlTXEgetLock. (9390)%LIllegal selection passed to drFetchTemplRecs. (9391)019293%BVersion upgrade cannot be performed when a transaction is already active. Ext # %d, Type %s, Size %l KByte, Name: %s%J master block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J area block(s) found in the storage area.%J control block(s) found in the storage area.%J object block(s) found in the storage area.%J RM block(s) found in the storage area.%J index block(s) found in the storage area.%J free block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J sequence block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J empty block(s) found in the storage area.%r%j total blocks found in the storage area.%r019294%LInternal error within intoflds routine: illegal data type for switch.Swi019295%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid maxxid value %l discovered in routine dbxaGetSize. %LSize of global transaction table (-maxxids): %l. (9406)Connection failure for host %s port %i transport %s. (9407)019296An error occurred while attempting to send a message to a client at %s %d. 019297An error occurred while attempting to send a message to a broker at %s %d. 019298An error occurred while attempting to send a message to a neighborhood NameAn exception occured. Error message: %s. (9411)019299Multiple I/O exception errors on port %d, the NameServer is shutting down. 019300The data type %s is not supported as a function return value from an open cCannot write to file %s. It may be write protected. (9414)%gSYSTEM ERROR: Not enough temporary table buffers (-Bt). (9415)%LSYSTEM ERROR: In error routine rldumpchain, dbkey: %j (9416)%LSYSTEM ERROR: rlwritten: %I rldepend: %I (9417)019301%GSYSTEM ERROR: An unexpected dependency value was discovered in routine rl%GSYSTEM ERROR: The requested dependency has already been written. (9419)019302%GSYSTEM ERROR: Routine rlbiflsh has determined that the bi write queue is019303%GSYSTEM ERROR: Routine rlbiflsh failed to flush the requested dependencies%LMaximum private buffers per user (-Bpmax): %l (9422)%rFormat of extent %s failed at block %l. (9423) Ext # %d, Type %s, Size %J Blocks, Name: %s (9424)%BLarge database file access enabled for database %s. (9425)%LLarge database file access has been enabled. (9426)Could not evaluate the COMPILE...GENERATE-MD5 = expression in %s:%d. (9427)%BAttempted to exceed 2TB Large File limit with file %s. (9428)019304WARNING. Using -cpinternal UTF-8 is not supported for GUI or TTY clients. Y%WWARNING: More than 1 action code segment used in %s. (9430)%BBackup is from a different architecture platform. (9431)Start of extending target DB to needed size... (9432)Start of restoring the target DB... (9433)Archive not found: %s (9434)You can access RAW AS/400 data only with the RAW function. (9435)%BCTRL_CLOSE_EVENT console event received. (9436)%BCTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT console event received. (9437)%BCTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT console event received. (9438)%BSYSTEM ERROR: End of last note read is at file offset %s (9439)%BbkioWrite: lseek error %d on file %n at %s, file %s. (9440)%BbkioRead: lseek error %d on file %n at %s. (9441)SYSTEM ERROR: TL file offset %s is larger than TL file size %s (9442)%LTrimmed file %s for blocksize %l bytes old:%s new:%s. (9443)%gbkset: Extent %s is below size %s. (9444)019305%LSYSTEM ERROR: read wrong dbkey at offset %s in file %s %r found %j, expe019306%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Bad file descriptor was used during %s, fd %d, len %s,019307%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Invalid argument %s, fd %d, len %s, offset %s, file %s.%L%s:Disk quota exceeded during %s, fd %d, len %s, offset %s, file %s. (9448)019308%L%s:Maximum file size exceeded during %s, fd %d, len %s, offset %s, file %019309%L%s:Insufficient disk space during %s, fd %d, len %s, offset %s, file %s. 019310%L%s:Unknown O/S error during %s, errno %d, fd %d, len %s, offset %s, file %BSYSTEM ERROR: Attempted to exceed maximum size on file %s. (9452)%BLarge database file access is already enabled for database %s. (9453)DB block in area %d with dbkey %j, does not match backup. (9454)019311%BPlease LOGOUT and restart session. Overflow of repeat/undo units nearing.%gLimit of repeat/undo units per session reached. (9456)%BThis version of PROGRESS does not support large files. (9457)019312CODEBASE-LOCATOR attribute %s is unavailable - No ProwcApp file was specifi019313CODEBASE-LOCATOR attribute %s is unavailable - Cannot initialize PSCSecReg.019314CODEBASE-LOCATOR attribute %s is unavailable - WebClient could not properly019315CODEBASE-LOCATOR attribute %s is unavailable - WebClient can not access pro019316The CODEBASE-LOCATOR attribute %s is only settable when using the Progress Error %d occurred while trying to get or set security cache value (9463)The unknown value is an invalid value for CODEBASE-LOCATOR attribute %s (9464)%s Application component is unavailable (9465)%LFile %s is on a remote device. (9466)019317A resource with this name already exists. Please specify a unique name for Not licensed to run Fathom. Fathom will not be started. (9468)Initializing Fathom. (9469)Trend request failed for resource: %s (9470)019318Fathom was unable to initialize the _pphpriv process to create UDP sockets.A communication failure occured while attempting to create a UDP socket. (9472)A failure occurred while attempting to create a raw socket. (9473)One or more property changes are invalid.019319Invalid name specified. Names must be less than 32 characters and be HTTP cA name must be specified. (9476)Description must be less than 256 characters.019320The selected resource no longer exists. Refresh the resource list frame for019321Invalid property value on schedule. Day will not be included in schedule: %One or more days must be selected in a schedule.The end time must be after the start time in a schedule.019322Fathom is shutting down the _pphpriv process for creating UDP sockets due tSelected row must be new row when using %s for %s. (9483)You are not allowed to add or modify %s records. (9484)%BCurrent BI File size is greater than 90% of the BIFile threshold value. (9485)019323%BThe database will not be stalled until a new BI cluster is needed and crePort number must be an integer within the range 1-65535. (9487)019324Name must be HTTP compliant. It cannot contain spaces and other special cha019325Fathom is unable to retrieve trend data from database: %s Ensure the dataFathom is now able to poll the database: %s (9490)019326Fathom is unable to poll database: %s Verify _dbagent.exe is running for %sApplication component is unavailable (9492)Open in WebClient Assembler019327An SQL Exception occured during an insert into the trend database. SQLStatName: %s Value: %s Established connection to trend database: %s The connection to the trend database was lost. (9497)The following error occurred while instantiating the trender: %s (9498)Calculating sample: %s metric: %s (9499)From: %s:%s %s To: %s:%s %sFull day (24 hours)AMPMThe port for database is not valid. Port: %s Database: %s (9504)Fathom started. (9505)AGENT_RETRY_VAL=%d. (9506)%LUnable to set ulimit to %s, errno=%d, ulimit remains at %l. (9507)019330The CLI could not reach the OpenEdge management web server on port %s. Plea%BWarning: Setting -n to a new value of %d (9509)019332Usage: fathom [-httpport %sport>] %scommand> %soptions> %r %r To get help oAlert! Alert Name: %s, Resource Name: %s, Severity: %s, Message: %sKBMBGBTBSevereErrorWarningInformationTest Message from Fathom: %sInvoking e-mail action, action: %s, From: %s, To: %s (9521)019333DB_RecordWaitsHigh: The percentage of waits for records is %s%. The curren019334DB_BuffersFlushedatCheckpointHigh: Buffers flushed at checkpoint were %s. 019335DB_CheckpointLengthShort: Checkpoint Length is %i seconds. The current thr019336DB_VariableAreaExtentGrow: Extent(s) %s has(have) extended %s times in this019337DB_PhysicalReadHigh: Database physical to logical read ratio is %s%. The c019338DB_BIWWritePercentLow: Before-image writer write percentage is %s. The cur019339DB_EmptyAIBufferWaitsHigh: After-image buffers unavailable are %s. The cur019340DB_EmptyBiBufferWaitsHigh: Wait percentage for empty before-image buffers i019341DB_BIPartialWritesHigh: Before-image partial writes are %i. The current thr019342DB_AreaSpaceUtilizationHigh: Area(s) %s is(are) %d% utilized. The thresholDB_AbnormalShutdown: Abnormal shutdown has occured for database %s. (9532)019343DB_TrendingStopped: Trending information has stopped being gathered for dat019344DB_BusyBIBufferWaitsHigh: Waits for busy before-image buffers is %s. The cu019345DB_AIWWritePercentLow: After-image writer percentage is %d%. The current t019346DB_ReadstoRequestsHigh: Database reads to request percentage is %s%. The c019347DB_DatabaseCommitsLow: Database commits are %s/sec. The current threshold 019348DB_BusyAIBufferWaitsHigh: After-image busy buffer waits are %i. The current019349DB_PartialAIBufferWritesHigh: After-image partial write percentage is %s. 019350Unable to create file. Check that the directory exists and has write permis019351There was a problem writing to the log file. Check that the directory existConnected to database %s, single user. (9542)Connected to database %s, user number %d. (9543)Disconnecting from database %s, single user. (9544)Disconnecting from database %s, user number %d. (9545)None019352Unable to save trend data. Verify OpenEdge Management web server is runninE-mail Action test succeeded. Action: %s (9548)Tardy value must be less than timeout value. Tardy: %d, Timeout: %d (9549)Tardy value too low. Minimum tardy value: %d (9550)Timeout value too low. Minimum timeout value: %d (9551)Unable to find or open an event object. Object:%s error:%d (9552)Unable to kill the parent process. Error:%d (9553)A host must be specified. (9554)The host name is too long. Maximum host length: %d (9555)Unable to set the signal handler for SIGTERM. Error:%d (9556)Unable to resolve host. Host: %s (9557)Unable to remove the signal handler for SIGTERM. Error:%d (9558)Unable to free the console. Error:%d (9559)Unable to notify the parent process that the child is ready. Error:%d (9560)Database open failed. Function:%s error:%d (9561)This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. (9562)019353A Command cannot be followed by an argument on the command line. %s CommandUnable to open the log file: %d (9564)Retries out of range. Minimum: %d, Maximum: %d (9565)Retries must be an integer. (9566)Initialization of network subsystem failed. Error:%d (9567)Unable to close the log file: %d (9568)The shutdown of the network subsystem failed. Error:%d (9569)The database close failed. Function:%s error:%d (9570)The database open failed in setString. Tag:%s error:%d (9571)Unable to monitor for database shutdown. Error:%d (9572)The database status check failed in getLong. Tag:%s error:%d (9573)019354An emergency database shutdown request was received from the Admin Server. The -%s parameter requires a %s name or -all. (9575)No resources were found that matched the criteria. %sCriteria: %s (9576) (9577)DisabledUntestedPassedTardyTimeoutFailureUnreachable019355The parameter specified does not match the resource type. %s Parameter: %s Unable to process shutdown request. Error:%d (9586)Agent shutdown request received from the Admin Server. (9587)Unable to create a communication message. Error:%d (9588)Invalid VST query request. Query:%d (9589)Invalid VST table requested. table:%d (9590)Invalid VST query request. Query:%s (9591)Invalid system table query request. Query:%d (9592)An invalid system table query request. query:%s (9593)Invalid system table requested. Table:%d (9594)Unable to create cursor. Table:%d error:%d (9595)Unable to create low key. Table:%d error:%d (9596)Unable to create high key. Table:%d error:%d (9597)An invalid VST column was requested. Query:%s (9598)An invalid VST data type was requested. Query:%s (9599)The requested VST data was not found. Query:%s table:%d column:%d (9600)Error retreiving VST data. Query:%s table:%d column:%d (9601)A valid port number or a service name must be specified. (9602)Network socket error. Socket:%d retCode:%d so_error:%d error:%d (9603)A host name must be specified.Unable to close socket. Socket:%d retCode:%d error:%d (9605)Unable to create socket. Error:%d (9606)Unrecoverable error in connection to Admin Server. (9607)Unable to send RUNNING message to Admin Server. Error:%d (9608)Unable to determine the maximum message size, Invalid pconnhdl. (9609)The option specified is invalid. Option: %sUnable to allocate memory for a buffer. Size:%i function:%s (9611)E-Mail Action Failed! Action: %s, Recipient: %s, Host: %s, Port: %d (9612)Can't set SMTP port, using internal default. Default port: %d (9613)Invoking E-mail action test. Action: %s, From: %s, To: %s (9614)Invoking E-mail action. Action: %s, Resource: %s, From: %s, To: %s (9615)019356FileSystemUsedThresholdExceeded: FileSystem Used Threshold Exceeded! Value:019357CpuBusyThresholdExceeded: CPU Busy Threshold Exceeded! Value: %s, Threshold019358DiskBusyThresholdExceeded: Disk Busy Threshold Exceeded! Value: %s, Thresho019359SystemMemoryUsedThresholdExceeded: System Memory Used Threshold Exceeded! V019360VirtualMemoryUsedThresholdExceeded: Virtual Memory Used Threshold Exceeded!The following resource has been enabled. Resource: %sThe resource was already enabled. Resource: %sThe resource could not be enabled. Resource: %sThe following resource has been disabled. Resource: %sThe resource was already disabled. Resource: %sThe resource could not be disabled. Resource: %sAlert Cleared! Alert Name: %s, Resource Name: %s, Comment: "%s" (9627)The job password cannot be blank. (9628)The job user name field cannot be blank. (9629)The job start date is invalid. (9630)The value specified for working directory field is not a directory. (9631)The value specified for working directory does not exist. (9632)The job input file name field is invalid. (9633)The job input file name does not exist. (9634)The job (stdout) output file name field is invalid. (9635)The job (stdout) output file name is not writable. (9636)The job (stderr) output file name is invalid. (9637)The job (stderr) output file name is not writable. (9638)019361Unable to resolve the hostname specified for the remote location of the FatProblem with trend data, see admserv.log on trend machine: %s (9640)Trending has been resumed on the specified location. Location: %s (9641)The following values are valid : %s (9642)Nothing was specified to be cleared, please check the command options. (9643)No matches for the specified criteria could be found. %s (9644)The option specified cannot be used alone. Option: %s (9645)The following options cannot be used together: %s %s (9646)The alert has been cleared. %s (9647)The job command field cannot be blank. (9648)The job command field cannot contain redirection characters. (9649)019362Nothing was specified to be enabled or disabled, please check the command oThe specified resource is not a type that can be disabled. %s (9651)BPBYesNo019363Action for alert failed! Alert Name: %s, Resource Name: %s, Action Name: %s019364Alert severity change! Alert Name: %s, Resource Name: %s, New Severity: %s.019365The prototype for this procedure or function is too large for ProxyGen to s%LRebuilding index delete chain (9659)%LRebuilt index delete chain with %j blocks (9660)%gFathom startup failed. (9661)Fathom can not be stopped. (9662)Fathom shutdown interrupted: %s (9663)Fathom shutdown succeeded. (9664)%gFathom shutdown failed. (9665)Unable to obtain current host name: %s (9666)%gUser authentication failed for user: %s (9667)A command option must be specified. Type fathom -help for options. (9668)%gFathom plugin not found. (9669)Fathom status: %s (9670)Enter password for user %s:Usage: fathom -start [options]%r%roptions:%r%rUsage: fathom -stop [options]%r%roptions:%r%rUsage: fathom -query [options]%r%roptions:%r%r-help Print this message.019366-port %sport> Port where AdminServer Process resides.%r 019367-timeout %stime in sec> Time (in seconds) for fathom to wait for a res-host %shostname> Host name where the Adminserver process resides.019368-user %susername> Username on machine where the AdminServer proc019370-password %spassword> *The password associated with the username specFathom can not be started. (9681)Fathom startup was interrupted: %s (9682)Fathom startup succeeded. (9683)Enter password for user %s:Usage: fathom -%scommand> [-help] [options]%r %rcommands: %r019371NetworkResourceTardy: The network resource response time exceeded the tardy019372NetworkResourceTimeout: The network resource response time exceeded the timNetworkResourceFailure: The network resource failed to respond. (9688)NetworkResourceUnreachable: The network resource is unreachable. (9689)NetworkResourcePassed: The network resource passed. Response time: %d ms (9690)A file name must be provided. (9691)019373The file size must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero). Decimal values andInternal AlertsdayshoursminutessecondsEqualsGreater thanLess thanNot equal to019374FileSizeExceeded: The file size exceeded the specified size. Actual Size (b019375FileSizeLow: The file size is less than the specified size. Actual Size (by019376FileSizeEqual: The file size is equal to the specified size. Actual Size (b019377FileSizeNotEqual: The file size does not equal the specified size. Actual S019378FileSizePassed: The file size is within the specified limits. Actual Size (FileDoesNotExist: The file does not exist. (9707)FileIsDirectory: The file specified is a directory. (9708)Starting discovery. Start address: %s, End address: %s (9709)Nothing found.AddNetwork ResourceSelect AllAdd CheckedNetwork discovery is already running. (9715)No network resources were added. (9716)Successfully added network resources. Resource count: %d. (9717)An error occurred while adding network resources. (9718)Poll interval must be a positive integer. (9719)Tardy interval must be an integer. (9720)Timeout interval must be an integer. (9721)Error committing changes. (9722)Internal error setting property value. Property: %s, Value: %s (9723)Days: %s, Hours: %s, Mins: %s, Secs:%sThe Password and Confirm Password fields must be identical. (9725)019379Please enter a different password. The new password must be different fromPlease enter a password with a length of 4 characters or more. (9727)The report begin date is invalid. (9728)The report end date is invalid. (9729)The report begin and end date combination is invalid. (9730)Mark SeenMark Unseen%gFathom initialization failed. (9733)Initializing the OSMetrics library. (9734)019380The OSMetrics library failed to initialize for container. Container name: %Please enter a valid threshold value in the range 0-100 %. (9736)Alert list truncatedDB_ResourceAdded: Database Resource, %s, added. (9738)DB_ResourceEnabled: Database Resource, %s, enabled. (9739)DB_ResourceDisabled: Database Resource, %s, disabled. (9740)DB_AgentDown: Database Agent, %s, is shutting down. (9741)DB_AgentCrash: Database Agent, %s, crashed! (9742)DB_AgentIdle: Database Agent, %s, is not running. (9743)DB_DatabaseDown: Database Broker, %s, is shutting down. (9744)DB_DatabaseCrash: Database Broker, %s, crashed! (9745)The Value specified for report period must be between 1 and 99 (9746)019381The Value specified for the previous period amount field must be a valid nu%gMaximum number of transactions exceeded. (9748)019382A Search Criteria with this name already exists. Please specify a unique naOne timeAt startupWeekly from dateMonthly from dateEvery 5 minutesEvery 15 minutesEvery 30 minutesEvery 60 minutesDailySundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySaturdayDatabaseFridaySystemAlertNetworkUnknownSummaryAfter-imageBefore-imageDiskLockingMemoryRecordServerDetailCheckpointIndexTableIndividualGeneralCPUMemoryDeviceFileResource%LTransaction limit of %l enforced. Remaining: %l for database %s. (9790)NoneAllFromToweeksmonthsDisabled019383The SQL engine Statement Manager statement cache overflowed. %s statement019384Search Text must be specified for each Search Criteria. Please add text to%s: Text found in %s.%rRule name [# of matches]: %s (9801)LogFileNotFound: %s was not found. (9802)LogFileIOException: The Log File Monitor could not open or write to %s. (9803)The database specified at %s does not match the trend database format. (9804)Action must not refer to itself. %r Reference Path: %s (9805)Compound action started: Action %s (9806)Compound action completed: Action %s (9807)Executing command action, Action: %s (9808)Command action complete. Action: %s (9809)Invoking command action. Action: %s, Resource: %s, Command: %s (9810)Name cannot contain the reserved character '%s'.Error saving Fathom project file. Message: %s.Error saving Fathom Realm file. Message: %s. (9813)dhms%BOnly Enterprise systems may access a database with large files enabled (9818)Unable to send STOPPING message to Admin Server. Error:%d (9819)%BInternal error in %s extracting field %d of table %d. rtc: %i (9820)%BInternal error in %s updating field %d of table %d. rtc: %i (9821)%BInternal error in %s creating cursor for index %d of table %d. rtc: %i (9822)019385%BInternal error in %s obtaining cursor %d for index %d of table %d. rtc: %019386%BInternal error in %s searching cursor %d for index %d of table %d. rtc: %019387%BInternal error in %s during object mapping of object %d type %d. rtc: %i 019388%BInternal error in %s building key entry for index %d of table %d. rtc: %i%BInternal error in %s retrieving record %j of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9827)019389%BInternal error in %s searching for record %j of table %d area %i. rtc: %i%BInternal error in %s creating record %j of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9829)%BInternal error in %s updating record %j of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9830)%BInternal error in %s creating index %i of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9831)%BInternal error in %s adding key entry %i of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9832)%BInternal error in %s deleting key entry %i of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9833)%BInternal error in %s unexpected word index found in schema. (9834)%BInternal error in %s system out of memory! (9835)%BInternal error in %s deleting record %j of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9836)%BInternal error in %s deleting index %i of table %d area %i. rtc: %i (9837)019390The Report generator is unable to determine the Fathom trend database port.019391DB_BufferIOHigh: Database IO is unusually high. The write to IO ratio is The Report generator is unable to form a command string. (9840)...(328) (9841)Invalid name for a disk resource. (9842)Invalid name for a file system resource. (9843)019392%BERROR encountered during schema move. You must restore your database fro%BSchema move has successfully completed. (9845)%BInternal error in %s updating schema timestamp. rtc %i (9846)019393%BInternal error in %s inserting recid %j into list of recids for table %d.019394%BInternal error in %s retrieving recid %j from list of recids for table %d%BInternal error in %s during rename of file %s to %s. errno: %i (9849)DB_NormalShutdown: A normal shutdown has occured for database %s. (9850)DB_Startup: A startup has occured for database %s. (9851)DB_AgentStartup: A normal startup has occured for database agent, %s. (9852)019395NoSearchCriteria: The Log File Monitor does not have any Search Criteria asThe OSMetrics library failed to load for container. Container name %s (9854)The system resource: %s is associated with an invalid query identifier. (9855)A data collection failure occurred for the system resource: %s. (9856)019396ProjectLoadFailed: Fathom project file could not be loaded. Project file reLoading the Fathom OSMetrics library for container. Container name %s Fathom OSMetrics library loaded for container. Container name: %s 019397or %r%r Usage: fathom [-httpport %sport] -%scommand> %soptions> [-help]%rCoFor more information, use the -help option for the command. (9861)Clear an alertEnable a resource.Disable a resource.019399fathom -enable | -disable %soption> %rOptions are as follows: %r [-httppo019400resource The name of the resource as defined in Fathom%rrestype 019402Fathom Keyword indicating action on the top level of Fathom,%r %LDB Service %s is not defined. (9868)%LError reading properties for DB Service %s from the property file %s. (9869)%LThe DB Service %s must be pre-registered before it can be started. (9870)%LThe DB Service %s cannot be started at this time. (9871)019403%LSYSTEM ERROR: An attempt was made to locate a registered DB Service using%BSYSTEM ERROR: The specified area %l does not exist. (9873)%GSYSTEM ERROR: strent request for more than 64K. (9874)Load balancing enabled. (9875)Failover enabled. Failover list set to %s. (9876)Connected to Sonic Broker at %s. (9877)S&hutdown Parameters: (9878)019404Load balancing is not supported with the version of the Sonic Client in useFailover is not supported with the version of the Sonic Client in use. (9880)Client version does not support disabling flow control. (9881)Unable to update _storageobject records. (9882)Error: repair for file %s cannot add or delete entries (9883)Database remove extent: Error getting the data area extent descriptor. (9884)Database add extent: Error reading object block. (9885)Database remove extent: Error reading object block. (9886)Database remove extent: Error writing object block. (9887)Error checking to see if database is a relative or absolute path. (9888)Database add extent: Error getting the data area extent descriptor. (9889)Database add extent: Error writing object block. (9890)019405Overflow occurred for value %s because the field length is %d. The characte019406FathomTrendingUnavailable: Fathom cannot reach the trend database at %s. CTrending has resumed.Subtotals: %s019407SearchItemsFileNotFound: The Log File Monitor could not find the file searc019408SearchItemsIOException: The Log File Monitor could not open searchitems.xml%s User is not authenticated. (9897)%s User is authenticated and authorized (9898)%s User is not authorized (9899)%s Failed to find the admingroup(s) (9900)%s Failed to find the admingroup, not a valid group list (9901)Failed to find the admingroup %s, please provide a valid group list (9902)%s Error, user name is missing (9903)%s Error, password is missing (9904)%s OS error. (9905)%s Shadow password is NULL (9906)%s User Password is not valid (9907)%s System generated password has expired (9908)Error, system generated Password %s is not valid, user and host are %s %s (9909)The connection URL's protocol is not supported. (9910)019409IP address field values must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or019410IP addresses may only contain numbers and periods. Please enter a valid add019411MalformedPattern: The Log File Monitor could not understand the regular exp%s Plan019412The IP address is invalid. All four fields, delineated by periods, must be You must specify a file name. (9916)You must provide an e-mail recipient in the \"Send To\" field. (9917)The \"Send From\" field must not be blank. (9918)The \"Send From\" address is invalid. (9919)019414The \"Send To\" field contains one or more invalid characters. The \"Send TFathomInvoking test for command action. Action: %s (9922)Command action test complete. Action: %s (9923)Command action failed. Action: %s (9924)Command action failed. Action: %s, Exit code: %d (9925)Fathom Alert019415Invalid comparison. The specified file size must be greater than zero when 019416There was a problem loading the Ports.xml file. The file will be recreated This file is automatically generated. Do not modify.Fathom is unable to write to the defaults file. (9930)All fields must be specified. (9931)Alert Name:Severity:Host:Resource:Occurred:Reason:Count:Trigger value:019417Invoking log action. Action: %s, Resource: %s, File: %s %d bytes. (11678)Mismatch between source-codepage argument and LONGCHAR codepage. (11679)019790The Progress 4GL is no longer ready to be debugged via the Attachable DebugThe "UNDEFINED" codepage cannot be used for CLOB or LONGCHAR variables. (11681)LONGCHAR conversion error %d at character %d. (11682)FIX-CODEPAGE can only be run when the LONGCHAR variable is empty. (11683)LONGCHAR variable must be in cpinternal for editing. (11684)Error converting LONGCHAR variable to cpinternal for editing. (11685)019791Codepage argument of NODE-VALUE-TO-LONGCHAR conflicts with fixed codepage oError %d converting LONGCHAR variable to cpinternal for comparison. (11687)%LA Replication Agent cannot be named %s (11688)Area extent limit %d has been exceeded. (11689)019792Application is in an alert box. Satisfy the alert box and the Debugger will%LThe RCB for this database cannot be opened. Error %d occurred. (11691)019793%LA failure occurred and Recovery is disabled. The Fathom Replication %s i%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkTableIntentLock: invalid lock mode %l (11693)019794%LThe CRITICAL Agent %s cannot be configured. The Fathom Replication Serve%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkIntentLockUpdate: table lock lock chain out of order. (11695)The Agent %s cannot be properly configured and is being terminated. (11696)019795%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkIntentLockUpdate: Can't find table lock for table number 019796%LThis database is being shutdown. This Agent cannot continue and is being019797%LA TCP/IP failure has occurred. The Agent(s) will enter PRE-TRANSITION, w019798%LThis Replication Agent has never been contacted by a Replication Server. 019799%LA failure has occurred but the Agent has been instructed not to perform T%LDatabase logins were not enabled because a error %s occurred. (11702)019800%LIt appears the Target Database %s has been restored since the last time R019802%LThe Recovery Control Information for this database has been updated for R%BThe Agent %s is not configured for this Replication Server. (11705)%BThere are no disconnected Agents for this Replication Server. (11706)019803%BThe request to start the Fathom Replication Agent %s has been processed. %LThe Fathom Replication Server is not running for database %s. (11708)%BThe Fathom Replication %s is being terminated. (11709)%BThe Fathom Replication %s has been terminated. (11710)019804%LMessage file %s is incompatible with this version of Fathom Replication. %LTCP/IP communications are being terminated as instructed. (11712)%LA communications error %i in %s. (11713)%LReceived shutdown request. Shutdown will begin now. (11714)%LMinimum Polling Delay (minimum-polling-delay): %i. (11715)%LMaximum Polling Delay (maximum-polling-delay): %i. (11716)%LDefer Agent Startup (defer-agent-startup): %i. (11717)%LDefer Agent Startup (defer-agent-startup): Not Active. (11718)%LProperty %s must be between %i and %i %s. (11719)019805%LThe Fathom Replication Recovery Control Information is in the incorrect f%LA Recovery Control Information mismatch has occurred. (11721)019806%LAgent %s appears to have been removed from the Source database Fathom Rep019807%LThe Fathom Replication Product on host %s is newer than this code is. Th019810The Progress 4GL is not enabled for debugging. Run proDebugEnable from wit%WUse port %l for the Debugger to connect to. (11725)019812%LThis Fathom Replication %s cannot comunicate with the Fathom Replication 019813%BAn invalid feature %d has been encountered in the database's Enabled feat019814%BAn invalid feature %d has been encountered in the database's Content feat%BFathom Replication has been disabled for %s. (11729)%BNote version number not allowed to operate on this Progress version. (11730)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Note Version No. %t:%d Max No. %t:%d . (11731)Cannot start SOAP library without the DLC environment variable (11732)Error initializing SOAP Processor: %s (11733)SOAP Transport creation error: %s (11734)No Services located in the WSDL document. (11735)The Service name %s is not in the WSDL document. (11736)A specific Service name must be specified from the WSDL document. (11737)Error obtaining WSDL Services %s (11738)Internal error locating Service and Port for Binding %s (11739)The %s Binding name cannot be found in the WSDL document. (11740)No Ports located in the WSDL document. (11741)The Port name %s is not in the WSDL document. (11742)A specific Port name must be specified from the WSDL document. (11743)Error obtaining WSDL Ports %s (11744)Unsupported transport scheme found in the SOAP EndPoint %s (11745)Error in the specified SOAP EndPoint URL scheme: %s (11746)019815An invalid combination of Service, Port, Binding, and SOAP Endpoint was useError loading WSDL document %s (11748)Invalid blank WSDL URL (11749)The TargetNamespace option %s does not match the WSDL's target namespace (11750)Invalid blank SOAP End Point (11751)Insufficent parameters (11752)Failure creating WebServicePortType (11753)Failure in initializing Port Type %s (11754)Invalid WSDL PortType name %s (11755)Cannot use a PortType without a SOAP end-point URL (11756)Error obtaining PortType information for %s (11757)Missing required target URI and SOAP end point parameters (11758)SOAP Transport creation error: %s (11759)Cannot create a SOAP Call without WSDL PortType definition (11760)Memory error creating new SOAP Call. (11761)Failure initializing SOAP Call: %s (11762)Error creating SOAP Call parameters: %s (11763)SOAP Fault returned when sending SOAP Request (11764)SOAP Header callback procedure run-time error %s (11765)SOAP Header callback procedure error %s (11766)Error sending Web Service Request: %s (11767)SOAPCall not initialized (11768)No SOAP request in progress (11769)The SOAP request was cancelled (11770)The SOAP response was discarded (11771)Invalid SOAP Response version %s (11772)Error receiving Web Service Response: %s (11773)Invalid SOAP call state %s (11774)Cannot find a SOAP Operation named %s (11775)No SOAP operations located in the WSDL document (11776)Error creating SOAP Call object from WSDL information: %s (11777)Insufficient parameters (11778)Invalid PortType name % (11779)Cannot create a PortType without a SOAP end-point URL (11780)Malformed XML fragment: %s (11781)Serialized XML's root node does not match the SOAP parameter name %s (11782)Serialized XML contained unrecognizable XML content (11783)019816Serialized XML contained an unequal number of start and end element tokens Error converting 4GL value: %s (11785)Unable to convert 4GL data type %s (11786)Unmapped XML data type %s (11787)Invalid 4GL %s (11788)4GL %s (11789)The 4GL value may not be UNKNOWN (11790)Unsupported 4GL data type %s (11791)Unsupported data type: %s (11792)Unable to convert XML data type %s (11793)Wrong SOAP processor data type %s (11794)Cannot instantiate a DII value of type %s (11795)Error getting SOAP Call array extent: %s (11796)Error creating SOAP Call parameter: %s (11797)Wrong parameter type: %s (11798)Error creating SOAP Call array parameter: %s (11799)Parameter array index too large (11800)Error setting SOAP Call array parameter: %s (11801)Error getting SOAP Call array parameter: %s (11802)019817%LThe Server lost contact with Agent %s. The Server will attempt to reconn%LDeferred Agent Startup mode is being cancelled. (11804)019818%LUnlocking after-image file %l and locking ALL FULL after-image files begi019819%BThe list of enabled features in database %s contains features that are no019820%BThe list of active features in database %s contains feature(s) that are n%BThe Feature Enabled bit-mask for database %s does not match its CRC. (11808)%BThe Feature Content bit-mask for database %s does not match its CRC. (11809)019821%BThe list of enabled features in database %s contains features that are no019822%BThe list of active features in database %s contains features that are not%BThe Feature Enabled bit-mask for database %s does not match its CRC. (11812)%BThe Feature Content bit-mask for database %s does not match its CRC. (11813)019823%LThe Fathom Replication Agent is unable to acquire an Exclusive Schema Loc019825%LThe Fathom Replication Agent was unable to acquire an Exclusive Schema Lo019827%LThe OpenEdge Replication Server experienced a communications failure whil%s fields cannot be defined in PROGRESS schema. (11817)019828The AppServer does not currently support the attachable Debugger. -debugReYou cannot specify -debug and -debugReady at the same time. (11819)019829%LThe Server lost contact with CRITICAL Agent %s. The Server cannot contin019830%LThe Fathom Replication Agent %s did not respond the the Replication Serve019833%LThe Fathom Replication Agent has transitioned the Target database as dire019834The Debugger has no current procedure context. You must RUN a procedure. (Fixed extent size %d KB is less than the cluster size %d KB. (11824)019835You cannot make the Progress 4GL ready or unready to be attached to by the 019836This process has been made ready using port %d to be used by the attachable019837By request, this process is no longer ready to be used by the attachable DeVariable length maximum size %d KB is less than cluster size %d KB. (11828)019838%BThis version of the OpenEdge RDBMS does not contain support for one or mo019839%BThis version of the OpenEdge RDBMS does not contain support for one or mo019841%BThe backed up database cannot be restored by this version of the OpenEdge019842%BThe list of enabled features in the backed up database cannot be verified019843The list of active features in the backed up database cannot be verified. (019844%BThe list of active features contains feature(s) that are not recognized b019845%BThe list of enabled features contains feature(s) that are not recognized 019846%BThe database backed up is not supported by this version of the OpenEdge pComparison of CLOB data is not allowed. (11837)Invalid setting: %l. _Index._Mode must be 0, 1, or 2. (11838)019847Could not call Web service operation %s. Unicode supplemental characters enAdminServer started. Note: Some plug-ins may still be starting. (11840)Invalid characters in datetime/datetime-tz value (11841)019848%Bblock %j Object List type mismatch for entry %d %r db1 %l, db2 %l (019849%Bblock %j Object List objectId mismatch for entry %d %r db1 %l, db2 019850%Bblock %j Object List serialNumber mismatch for entry %d %r db1 %l, 019851%Bblock %j Object List number of objects mismatch for entry %d %r db1Unable to locate large object for comparison. (11846)%Bblock %j Allocation map block type mismatch %r db1 %l, db2 %l (11847)%Bblock %j Allocation map object type mismatch %r db1 %l, db2 %l (11848)%Bblock %j Allocation map object id mismatch %r db1 %l, db2 %l (11849)%Bblock %j Number of clusters owned mismatch %r db1 %l, db2 %l (11850)COPY-LOB operations between BLOB and CLOB fields are not supported. (11851)XML %s (11852)You cannot step into '%s'. Server '%s' is running in state-free mode. (11853)%s must be for a buffer in the data-source. (11854)%s must be in a buffer in the data-source. (11855)Array index %d for %s is out of range. (11856)Pair extents do not match for %s and %s. (11857)Cannot add/set buffers on a static dataset. (11858)Cannot have more than %d buffers in a dataset. (11859)Buffer %s may not appear more than once in any dataset. (11860)Illegal to deactivate a relation during FILL of %s. (11861)FILL is already running on table %s. (11862)FILL is not valid for table %s when TRACKING-CHANGES is on. (11863)Array index %s for %s must be a constant positive integer. (11864)Cannot change data-source query during a FILL that is using it. (11865)Cannot assign auto-generated FILL query to user FILL query. (11866)Query buffers and data-source buffers must match. (11867)Query buffer %s and data-source buffer %s do not match. (11868)Missing sign in timezone expression (11869)Missing colon in timezone expression (11870)Invalid digit in timezone expression (11871)Invalid timezone expression (11872)FILL found error in buffer %s. (11873)019852FILL requires an attached data-source for buffer %s, or an active before-fi019853FILL of buffer %s requires a DATA-SOURCE QUERY to be prepared and assigned 019854FILL of buffer %s with user-supplied query requires that the query be QUERY019855FILL on a dataset buffer not allowed when query in data-source is for the sFILL got error %d creating record %s. (11878)Cannot reposition without join field pairs for DATA-RELATION. (11879)Reposition for buffer %s in DATA-RELATION failed. (11880)019856Unable to auto-generate a query predicate with no relation join fields in t019857Unable to auto-generate a query predicate with no data-source for the child019858Unable to auto-generate a FILL query predicate for %s if field %s in %s is Dataset buffer %s must be for a temp-table. (11884)019860A unique primary index is required in the target table, each field of whichUnable to create BEFORE-TABLE record %s. (11886)ACCEPT-CHANGES run on table %s that has no BEFORE-TABLE. (11887)Found unexpected error while accepting changes. (11888)019861Unable to find the after table record %s during ACCEPT-CHANGES or ACCEPT-ROUnable to create member %s in dataset CREATE-LIKE. (11890)Found error during GET-CHANGES method. (11891)019862Attempt to reference dataset buffer of a data-source before ATTACH-DATA-SOU019863SAVE-WHERE-STRING cannot be generated when there is no BEFORE-TABLE--define019864KEYS phrase for data-source buffer %s contains ROWID, but no field in %s wa019865Unable to get SAVE-WHERE-STRING because no KEYS phrase given in DATA-SOURCE019866Unable to generate a save predicate for %s if field %s is not mapped in %s.Record %s is not available to set ERROR-STRING. (11897)Cannot set error-string if there is no BEFORE-TABLE for %s. (11898)Cannot set error-string if there is no BEFORE-TABLE row for %s. (11899)Record %s is not available to set ORIGIN-ROWID in. (11900)Cannot set ORIGIN-ROWID if there is no BEFORE-TABLE for %s. (11901)Cannot set ORIGIN-ROWID if there is no BEFORE-TABLE row for %s. (11902)Found unexpected error while saving changes. (11903)Cannot SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on buffer %s that is not a dataset buffer. (11904)Cannot SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on buffer %s that has no data-source attached. (11905)Unable to identify data-source buffer for SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. (11906)You do not have sufficient permission to run SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on %s. (11907)Unable to create new %s record in database during SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. (11908)Unable to find sequence field %s in table %s during SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. (11909)SAVE-ROW-CHANGES was unable to update the database table %s. (11910)Unable to generate SAVE-WHERE-STRING for SAVE-ROW-CHANGES for buffer %s. (11911)Unable to find record for db buffer %s during SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. (11912)019867SAVE-ROW-CHANGES found %s record with conflicting change by another user. (Unable to delete %s record in the database during SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. (11914)019868Unable to update temp-table %s record in the database during SAVE-ROW-CHANG%s record is not available to set ERROR in. (11916)Cannot set ERROR if there is no BEFORE-TABLE for %s. (11917)Cannot set ERROR if there is no BEFORE-TABLE row for %s. (11918)REJECT-CHANGES run on table %s that has no BEFORE-TABLE. (11919)Found unexpected error while rejecting changes. (11920)019869Unable to find/process the after table record %s while rejecting changes. (MERGE-CHANGES may not be run on table %s with TRACKING-CHANGES on. (11922)019870MERGE-CHANGES run on original table %s that does not match the ORIGIN-HANDL019871MERGE-CHANGES run on original table %s and change table %s whose columns doGET/MERGE-CHANGES require a BEFORE-TABLE for table %s. (11925)Found unexpected error while merging changes. (11926)UNKNOWN origin-rowid of the change table %s of %s. (11927)INVALID origin-rowid of the change table %s of %s. (11928)Inappropriate use of database table %s where temp-table expected. (11929)Cannot get BEFORE-TABLE row from buffer %s. (11930)Large objects may not appear in a BY phrase. (11931)019872This SERVER handle already has a Web service procedure handle bound to it. ACCEPT-ROW-CHANGES must be run on the BEFORE table of buffer %s. (11933)ACCEPT-ROW-CHANGES buffer %s not available. (11934)SAVE-ROW-CHANGES buffer %s not available. (11935)REJECT-ROW-CHANGES buffer %s not available. (11936)MERGE-ROW-CHANGES buffer %s not available. (11937)SAVE-ROW-CHANGES must be run on the BEFORE table of buffer %s. (11938)REJECT-ROW-CHANGES must be run on the BEFORE table of buffer %s. (11939)MERGE-ROW-CHANGES must be run on the BEFORE table of buffer %s. (11940)019873SAVE-ROW-CHANGES for BEFORE buffer %s, requires that the corresponding AFTE019874SAVE-ROW-CHANGES for BEFORE buffer %s, requires that the corresponding AFTEFirst argument to MERGE-ROW-CHANGES must be a valid BUFFER handle. (11943)MERGE-ROW-CHANGES finds ORIGIN-HANDLE in table %s is no longer valid. (11944)BUFFER:FILL is only valid for buffers that are members of a dataset. (11945)019875You cannot EMPTY a BEFORE-TABLE, Use ACCEPT-CHANGES or EMPTY the AFTER-TABL019876bufferhdl:GET-CHANGES must have a valid buffer handle to the original tableFirst argument to MERGE-CHANGES must be a valid BUFFER handle. (11948)APPLY-CALLBACK is only for buffers that are members of datasets. (11949)019877Argument %s to CALLBACK method must be a valid buffer or dataset event name019878SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE is only valid for buffers that are members of a data019879ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE is only valid for buffers that are members of a dataset.019880Dataset GET-CHANGES and MERGE-CHANGES must have a valid dataset handle as t019882Dataset GET-CHANGES and MERGE-CHANGES must have a change dataset and an oriThe argument to Dataset-handle:ADD-RELATION method was invalid. (11955)ADD-RELATION method requires buffer objects and not table objects. (11956)019883ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE must have a valid data-source handle as the first argume019884ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE may not be called until source buffers have been assigneFILL-MODE is only valid for a dataset buffer. (11959)FILL-MODE must be one of NO-FILL, MERGE, EMPTY, etc. (11960)Buffers in ADD-RELATION must be members of the dataset. (11961)Odd number of join pairs in ADD-RELATON. (11962)019886ADD-RELATION join pairs list entry %s not valid--list must have unqualifiedADD-RELATION join pairs list was not valid. (11964)Attempt to relate dataset buffer %s to parent with itself in ancestry. (11965)Could not add RELATION for dataset. (11966)CLEAR may not be used on a static dataset. (11967)019887First argument to DATASET:CREATE-LIKE must be a valid dataset handle or namUnable to CLEAR target CREATE-LIKE dataset. (11969)CREATE-LIKE method failed. (11970)Cannot delete a relation of a dataset. (11971)Illegal to delete a data-source during a FILL of %s. (11972)You may not change the buffers for a static data-source. (11973)The first argument to ADD-SOURCE-BUFFER must be a valid buffer handle. (11974)ADD-SOURCE-BUFFER key name %s must be a field in buffer %s. (11975)Data-source QUERY attribute requires valid query handle or unknown. (11976)Could not create a buffer for a dataset parameter. (11977)Could not add a RELATION for dataset %s parameter. (11978)Buffer %s can have only 1 active parent relation. (11979)Must assign a user query to a data-source that is a join before filling. (11980)Failed to auto-prepare an automatic fill query. (11981)019888Third argument to SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE must be a valid procedure handle. 019889NoFileDefinition: No file name definition was found. Please check the confSecurityAlert: Bad entry in file %s at line %i. (11984)SecurityAlertUserEntryBad : Bad entry in file %s for user %s. (11985)019890The first node of the Namespace cannot be the same value as any AppObject, 019891The value specified in the Namespace field is invalid. It is an invalid for019892%BAn online backup cannot be performed on a database opened in Enhanced Rea019893%BCannot start AI writer for a database started in Enhanced Read-Only mode.019894%BCannot start BI writer for a database started in Enhanced Read-Only Mode.019895%BCannot start a page writer for a database started in Enhanced Read-Only m019896The category chosen no longer exists in the Search Criteria Library. It ma019897The criterion chosen no longer exists in the Search Criteria Library. It m019898%WWARNING. Using -cpinternal UTF-8 is not supported for TTY clients. You ma019899%BInvalid parameter "-a" specified. The correct syntax is: rfutil dbname -CThe %s parameter requires a numeric argument. (11996)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to extend file %s. (11997)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to write object block to %s, returncode = %d. (11998)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Can not extend fixed length extent %s. (11999)Only parameters in a DLL procedure can have HANDLE TO phrase. (12000)019900%GSYSTEM ERROR: proixgen failed for word indexing of array, index %s of tab019901%GSYSTEM ERROR: proixdel failed for word indexing of array, index %s of tab'%s' is not an appropriate initializer for items of type %s (12003)%BOnline backup processing is incompatible with server setting of (-i). (12004)%BQuiet Point Request Cannot Extend AI file. (12005)%BQuiet Point Request Cannot Switch AI file. (12006)%BQuiet Point Request Cannot process AI subsystem is OFF. (12007)Invalid character code found in data for codepage %s (12008)019902Unconvertable character found in source data with codepage %s to codepage %Could not allocate memory for large object operation (12010)%BCould not find record. Recid %j, error number %d, return %d. (12011)Invalid character data found in MEMPTR for codepage %s (12012)019904SQL engine Statement Manager removed the executed, blob using, least recentSelected parent not found.019905%BUnable to start broker. Regenerate the kernel with increased SEMMSL or SEThe ENABLE-EVENTS method is not supported in character mode. (12016)019906Illegal data type %s specified for a DataTable column with the ProDataTableFailure removing the schedule %s %s. (12018)The task is running, unable to update the schedule %s %s. (12019)Task Scheduler failure updating the schedule %s %s. (12020)Task Scheduler failure renaming the schedule %s %s. (12021)Task Scheduler unable to resolve the schedule name %s %s. (12022)019907Task Scheduler duplicate scheduled task found when creating the schedule %sTask Scheduler duplicate trigger found when creating the schedule %s %s. (12024)019908Invalid repeat interval selection, the selection is not recognized %s %s. (Invalid cron expression %s %s %s. (12026)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkUserLockListAdd called with purge lock. (12027)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkUserLockListAdd: unexpected hashGroup: %l (12028)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkUserLockListRemove: unexpected hashGroup: %l (12029)019909Encountered an input-blocking statement while executing callback %s that is%LblobCopy: can not copy zero amount. (12031)%LblobCopy: source blob %l offset %l greater than total length %l. (12032)%LblobCopy: source blob not specified. (12033)%LblobCopy: blob %l self-copy not permitted. (12034)%LblobCopy: target blob size %l overflow. (12035)The port %i is already in use. (12036)Unable to bind socket to port %i errno %E. (12037)019910Cannot setup persistent trigger to run an internal procedure of a remote pr%LClob context of source %l and target %l don't match, %d, %d, %d, %d. (12039) (12040)Base64 convert options are no longer supported in the COPY-LOB statement (12041)Codepage %s cannot be used as the database codepage. (12042)019911This utility cannot be used to convert from UTF-8.%rUse the Dictionary DumpReportRunFailed: Output directory not created: %s. (12044)ReportRunFailed: 4GL execution error, exit code %i. See log files. (12045)ReportRunFailed: Graphing request xml file does not exist. (12046)ReportRunFailed: Report output xml file does not exist. (12047)ReportRunFailed: Error writing output file for report. See log files. (12048)ReportRunFailed: Transformation error. See log files. (12049)ReportRunFailed: Transformation error for HTML output. See log files. (12050)ReportRunFailed: Transformation error for text output. See log files. (12051)ReportRunFailed: SAX parsing error. See log files. (12052)ReportRunFailed: Graphing error. See log files. (12053)ReportRunFailed: XSL stylesheet not found: %s. (12054)Unable to locate CLOB for GET-CODEPAGE function. (12055)Invalid SSL parameter: %s (12056)ERROR: Directory contains the space character: %sERROR: Progress is installed in a path containing the space character.ERROR: Fathom is installed in a path containing the space character.019912ERROR: Remote monitoring can not be enabled if Progress or Fathom are instaSSL Threading failure: %s (12061)019913Error creating SOAP Call object for operation %s: operation defined, but noSSL Server initialization error %s (12063)SSL is not supported on this platform. (12064)SSL Server Unable to load private key (%d) %s (12065)SSL Server private key check failure (%d) %s (12066)SSL Server create client error (%d) %s (12067)SSL Server accept error %s (12068)SSL write error %s (12069)SSL read error %s (12070)SSL Client initialization error %s (12071)SSL Client server authentication error %s (12072)SSL Client handshake error (%d) %s (12073)%BThe After-image extent %s was successfully extracted. (12074)%BThe After-image extent extraction for %s failed. (12075)%s is not responding (12076)Array parameters cannot be specified for BLOB or CLOB fields. (12077)019914Mismatched array extent value for an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter with tProcedure contains more than the maximum parameters currently supported. (12079)%LBegin Replication Redo Phase for %l live transactions from %J . (12080)%LReplication Redo Phase completed at block %J, offset %l. (12081)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlReplFix: Entry already exists in LOT, trid=%l. (12082)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlReplFix: rlRecordGetLockManage failed, sequence = %l. (12083)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlReplFix: unexpected TBGN note with UNPHY, trid = %l. (12084)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlReplTransRemove: found trid=%l, expected %l. (12085)%GSYSTEM ERROR: warmstrt: out of memory for pReplTrantab! (12086)The database query failed. Function:%s error:%d (12087)Unable to query the database, schema is being updated by another user. (12088)019915DEBUGGER:INITIALIZE() is being ignored since you are already debugging via 019916Both -debug and DEBUGGER:DEBUG() are ignored in the context of an AppServer019917%LSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find entry for trid %l, recid %l, logicalOpId %l.%LUser %d disconnect initiated. (12092)%LNotifying server %d, connection %d to terminate remote user %d (12093)019918%BThe selected RFUTIL operation cannot be performed for a database that has%LLogical Undo Phase completed at block %J, offset %l. (12095)019919%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkIntentLockUpdate error - table lock %l entry missing from019920%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkIntentLockGet found table %l lock not in user %l (usernum019921DB_SchemaLocked: Unable to query database %s, schema is being updated by a019922%Llklocky: forgot to wait - user %d, recid %d, uc_wait %d, usrtyp %d, resynThe %s Binding is not supported, it must be a SOAP 1.1 binding. (12100)The protocol version specified is not valid: protocol %i019923%BERROR: bad comparison. Integer columns may only be compared against int%BERROR - use MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS.SSS for datetime format (12103)019924%BERROR - Invalid time zone format. Use MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS.SSS+HH:MM for %BERROR - Bad day value specified in the date field. (12105)%BERROR - Bad month value specified in the date. (12106)%BERROR - Incorrect year field specified in date (12107)ERROR: Unable to retrieve cpu count from operating system.Unable to retrieve statistics for database %s. Error: %s (12109)%Lusrattn flag has been set (12110)019925You are not allowed to use the RETURN statement to return a COM-HANDLE that019926%BUnable to delete old values for the index of a word-indexed field (index %BThe hostname specified with -H exceeds its maximum allowed length. (12113)%BThe service specified with -S exceeds its maximum allowed length. (12114)019927%WWARNING: Program %s, Line %d is an expression statement that evaluates toServer starting in SSL mode (12116)Unacceptable datatype for %s argument (12117)Unable to allocate memory for result from %s function (12118)Error converting Base64 to RAW (12119)019928Algorithm must be specifed via Security-Policy:Symmetric-encryption-algorit019929Key must be specifed via Security-Policy:Symmetric-encryption-key or in %s 019930Initialization Vector must be specifed via Security-Policy:Symmetric-encrypSymmertric-Algorithm must be set before %s function is used (12123)Unable to determine key length in bytes, %s function (12124)The codepage "%s" cannot be used for CLOB or LONGCHAR variables. (12125)Convert may not be run from the DLC path. (12126)019933Select one of the following:%rAll - Rebuild all the indexes (a/A)%rSoEnter the name of schema owner.Enter the name of table.%rIndex name: (Input * to build all indexes in the table)Enter the area name:All indexes in area: %s. (12132)All indexes in table %s. (12133)%rArea name: (12134)%rSchema owner name: (12135)019934By Table - Rebuild all the indexes in the table (t/T)%rQuit - Quit, dIncorrect syntax for this command. (12137)Failure getting schema read lock. (12138)Failure getting schema write serial lock. (12139)019936Select one of the following:%rAll - Check all the indexes (a/A)%rSome019937By Table - Check all the indexes in the table (t/T)%rQuit - Quit, do All indexes in schema: %s.Unable to return a key > %d bytes (12143)Unable to load OpenSSL library (12144)Unable to resolve OpenSSL entry point %s (12145)Unsupported cipher for %s (12146)Output buffer too small for %s (12147)%LError calling %s from %s (12148)Unsupported message digest algorithm for %s. (12149)Error generating random values (12150)%LSSL error %d - %s occurred. (12151)%LError creating the SSL Server instance. (12152)%LError while validating the server's SSL parameter set. (12153)%LError while attempting to create the SSL Client instance. (12154)%LError while initializing SSL encryption services. (12155)019938%BAimage extract cannot be performed because after-imaging is not enabled. 019939%BAn output filename must be specified using the -o command line argument. %BAfter-image extent %s is not associated with this database. (12158)019940%BAn error %l occurred while attempting to open the after-image extent %s. 019942%BUnable to perform an aimage extract operation at this time due to a confl019943%BThe after-image extent %s must be FULL before its contents can be extract019944%BAn error %l occurred while reading the after-image extent %s. the aimage019945%BThe output filename %s already exists and will not be over written by the019946%BAn error %l occurred while attempting to open the (-o) output file %s. T019947%BAn I/O error %l occurred while attempting to write to the output file %s.%LSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to release the aimage extract/aimage empty lock. (12166)%BError starting SSL handshake with the OpenEdge database server. (12167)%BSSL error %d - %s occurred. (12168)%BError while initializing SSL encryption services. (12169)%BError while attempting to create the SSL Client instance. (12170)Cert Store path not provided. Unable to initialize SSL. (12171)Open in WebClient Deployment PackagerReport stylesheet cache successfully loaded file %s. (12173)019948Report stylesheet cache failed to load file %s. Stylesheet will be loaded Server certificate to enable SSL communications is from an untrusted CA (12175)Server certificate to enable SSL communications is expired (12176)Server requesting a client certificate for SSL communications (12177)Unable to initialize SSL security context: %X (12178)%BProstrct reorder ai finished with error %l in renaming AI files. (12179)%BProstrct reorder ai found error %l in updating _AreaExtent records. (12180)%BProstrct reorder ai found error %l in restoring _AreaExtent records. (12181)%BPlease use prostrct builddb to reestablish the original AI states. (12182)019949%BProstrct reorder ai restored the updated _AreaExtent records successfully%BProstrct reorder ai finished successfully. (12184)Schema owner %s was not found. (12185)019950%BPlease update your .st file with prostrct list and %rget the latest AI ex%BProstrct reorder ai found error %l in restoring the renamed AI files. (12187)%BPlease undo all the renamed files manually according to the .lg file. (12188)%BProstrct reorder ai successfully restored the renamed AI files. (12189)%LmvAIExtentsRename: area number %l doesn't exist. (12190)%L%s: file %s already exists. (12191)%LRenamed file %s to %s. (12192)SSL Server certificate expired or not yet valid %s (12193)019952ReportRunFailed: Report transformation ran out of memory. Try reducing the019954%BThis version of the OpenEdge RDBMS does not support the bulkload of any f%GSYSTEM ERROR: Found invalid AI extent state %l, area num %l. (12196)%BmvAIExtRecordUpdate: area %l doesn't have new name %s". (12197)%BmvAIFileRename: new extent path too long: %s. (12198)019955DLL datatype must be one of CHARACTER, BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED-SHORT, LONG, 019956You cannot use OUTPUT to return CHARACTER or LONGCHAR data. Use MEMPTR ins019957You cannot pass an indeterminate length array to either a DLL or to a COM oYou can only pass INTEGER or DECIMAL arrays to a DLL. (12202)Unexpected error: Unable to extract extent value for input parameter. (12203)%LmvAIAreasAnalyze: area %l has already been processed, flags = %l. (12204)%LmvAIExtentsRename: broken link found for area %l, flags = %l. (12205)Could not create a new record. Temp-table:%s (12206)Processed only %d out of %d temp-table handles (12207)019958Only 1 temp-table handle was supplied but there are more result-sets availaOnly %d handles supplied but there are at least %d result-sets (12209)Cannot read variable value to process temp-table handle (12210)019959Dynamic temp-table is not prepared but already has fields defined. Cannot u019960Received an invalid handle %s when processing stored-procedure's result-setFailed to load result-set. Handle passed %s is not of a temp-table. (12213)019961You must specify a variable of type HANDLE with the LOAD-RESULT-INTO phraseThe LOAD-RESULT-INTO option is not valid for this database type (12215)Cannot specify PROC-HANDLE with LOAD-RESULT-INTO (12216)Cannot specify PROC-STATUS without LOAD-RESULT-INTO (12217)Unable to allocate memory for key storage (12218)Insufficient space for ENCRYPTION-SALT (12219)Insufficient space for SYMMETRIC-ENCRYPTION-IV (12220)Invalid PBE-HASH-ALGORITHM value (12221)Invalid PBE-KEY-ROUNDS value (12222)Invalid SYMMETRIC-ENCRYPTION-ALGORITHM value (12223)Unable to allocate memory for Initilization Vector storage (12224)Could not get next temp-table to process result-set, error %d (12225)Invalid data type %d in result-set #%d column #%d (12226)Could not generate schema for dynamic temp-table - result-set #%d (12227)Number of fields does not match between temp-table %s and result-set (12228)Different data types detected. Table %s field %s should be %s (12229)%LNorecover backup detected block inconsistencies in area %l. (12230)%LReplication Keep Alive (repl-keep-alive): %i. (12231)%LReplication Keep Alive (repl-keep-alive): UNLIMITED. (12232)%LSchema Lock Action (schema-lock-action) : %s. (12233)Cannot add BLOB or CLOB data types to the browse. (12234)019962%BProstrct reorder ai may affect roll forward operations based on extent na%BInvalid argument %s for prostrct reorder. (12236)%BProstrct reorder ai canceled. (12237)%l%s%s%s%lUnknown%l%s%lInvalid \"-a\" parameter for rfutil aimage query command. (12247)019963The correct syntax is:%rrfutil db_name -C aimage query query_option by searInvalid AI extent number or pathname. (12249)Invalid query option. (12250)%BTest message for LONG64 and ULONG64 values: LONG64 = %j, ULONG64 = %J (12251)Missing arguments after rfutil -C aimage query (12252)Missing or invalid search option (12253)Invalid search value: %s (12254)Invalid query option for rfutil aimage query (12255)Invalid value for search option extnum (12256)Invalid value for search option sequence (12257)Invalid value for search option name (12258)No AI extent found with such sequence number: %l (12259)Invalid sequence number: %l (12260)019964Web service operation %s cannot be called as a function. Call it as a proc019965%LSSL Encryption has been enabled for ALL TCP/IP connections to this databa%LSSL Key Alias Name (-keyalias): %s (12263)%LSSL Session Timeout (-sessiontimeout): %l (12264)%LSSL Certificate Store Path (-certstorepath): %s (12265)The array has exceeded the maximum size allowed. (12266)019966%BError writing to temp file, the file has reached 2G, current directory is%LBefore-Image Cluster Size: %l kb (%l bytes). (12268)%LBefore-Image Block Size: %l. (12269)You cannot pass an array variable for the RETURN parameter of a DLL. (12270)%B%s cannot %s a database in the needs recovery state. (12271)019967A variable or array element passed as an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter to%LNo SSL Session Cache (-nosessioncache): %s (12273)019970Select one of the following:%rAll (a/A) - Rebuild all the indexes019972By Table (t/T) - Rebuild indexes in selected tables %rBy Activation (v019975Select one of the following:%rAll (a/A) - Check all the indexes %019976By Table (t/T) - Check indexes in selected tables %r%rQuit (q/Q) -The specified character set is not allowed for CLOB or LVARCHAR column (12278)Failure to create a NLS character set conversion handler (12279)Server does not support RUN STORED-PROC with LOAD-RESULT-INTO (12280)Length %s of array parameter is incorrect. Expected %s. (12281)Invalid java.sql type %s for Progress %s column. (12282)No schema sent for %s parameter. (12283)Unable to construct a GregorianCalendar with the specified time zone %s (12284)Invalid codepage %s for LONGCHAR/CLOB data. (12285)%BSSL encryption is not supported on this platform. (12286)%BSSL encryption is not supported on this platform. (12287)019977%LThere are no available EMPTY AI extents. Database activity is stalled un%LDatabase activity is no longer stalled and will continue normally. (12289)019978Calling procedure %s cannot pass an indeterminate extent parameter if the s%L %s:\n (12291)SYSTEM ERROR: Error creating memory map, err %i. (12292)019979%BAn error occurred during certificate validation. The OpenEdge database bNo PARAMETERS allowed in select list. (12294)Failed to create database object for BLOB/CLOB field %s. (12295)Failed to create temp-table database object for TEMP-TABLE %s. (12296)Cannot have temp-table %s more than once in the same dataset. (12297)019980Buffer %s may be in only one data-source at a time. Use different buffers Unable to find after table %s record, removing BEFORE-TABLE record. (12299)Could not get lock for %s record during save-row-changes. (12300)019981Source and target are the same table in temp-table copy operation for %s. (019984Source temp-table %s for COPY-TEMP-TABLE operation with append or replace m019985COPY-TEMP-TABLE requires %s and %s columns to match exactly unless the fourError found during COPY-TEMP-TABLE operation on %s and %s. (12304)019986Could not read template record to get default-value for converting to INITI019987If INPUT-OUTPUT caller or called temp-table parameter %s has a BEFORE-TABLE019988Parameter for static temp-table %s must have a BEFORE-TABLE if it is to recInappropriate table parameter %s. (12308)Cannot pass a BEFORE-TABLE as a parameter--pass the AFTER-TABLE. (12309)Caller and called dataset parameters have different number of members. (12310)Parameters for procedure %s (table %s and table %s) do not match. (12311)019989By-REFERENCE Parameters for procedure %s (table %s and table %s) have index019990Cannot pass table-handle or dataset-handle parameters as arrays--use simpleInvalid DATASET-HANDLE parameter given. (12314)Dataset parameter for program %s not valid. (12315)019991Local static dataset parameters for a main .p must be BY-VALUE if the .p is019992When passing a DATASET-HANDLE or TABLE-HANDLE BY-REFERENCE you may not passCaller and called dataset parameters do not match. (12318)019993In passing %s BY-REFERENCE or BIND, both called and calling tables must havLocal buffer %s may not refer to more than one BY-REFERENCE parameter. (12320)Caller and called parameters have buffer %s with mismatched index %s. (12321)Could not create temp-table %s parameter columns. (12322)019994A NO-SCHEMA-MARSHAL table cannot be used as a parameter where the receiving019995%BRemote mismatched fields or mismatched BEFORE-TABLE attribute for temp-taRemote dataset parameter has mismatched number of relations. (12325)019996Cannot delete temp-table member %s of dataset %s without deleting the datas019997Cannot delete a BY-REFERENCE PARAMETER dataset or table in the called proceCannot CREATE BUFFER %s for BEFORE-TABLE -- use the AFTER-TABLE. (12328)Incompatible AppServer versions: Client version %d, Server version %d. (12329)Server version %d cannot accept mismatched client version %d. (12330)019998Too many indexes referenced in temp-table %s which is a member of a datasetCould not find shared dataset %s. (12332)Cannot have the same buffer twice in a dataset relation. (12333)Too many buffers for static dataset. (12334)Shared or inherited dataset %s buffers do not match. (12335)Could not find shared data-source %s. (12336)Too many buffers for static data-source. (12337)019999Shared or inherited data-sources must have the same number of buffers and t020000COPY-TEMP-TABLE must have valid buffer/temp-table handle as first argument.020001COPY-TEMP-TABLE() may only be used with TEMP-TABLES, not database table %s 020002COPY-TEMP-TABLE target temp-table must be either PREPARED or CLEAR, but notTRACKING-CHANGES may not be turned on during a FILL. (12342)020003TRACKING-CHANGES must be done thru the AFTER-TABLE, not the BEFORE-TABLE. (020004Cannot turn on TRACKING-CHANGES for a static temp-table unless DEFINED withCannot set marshaling until temp-table is prepared. (12345)020005ERROR-STRING can only be used with a PREPARED temp-table that is not a BEFOTemp-table %s ERROR-STRING has length %d which exceeds maximum of %d. (12347)ORIGIN-HANDLE may not be set in a BEFORE-TABLE, only in a normal table. (12348)Cannot delete a dataset relation auto-generated query. (12349)Cannot delete a query being used in a FILL. (12350)SET/APPLY-CALLBACK only work for non-join queries. (12351)020006Argument %s to query callback method must be a valid query event name such Unable to generate copy of table %s. (12353)020007Forward only status may not be changed while query %s is open or being browTRACKING-CHANGES may not be turned on for a non-dataset temp-table. (12355)020008A BEFORE-TABLE may only be cleared or deleted automatically when its after You may not create a temp-table LIKE a BEFORE-TABLE. (12357)Could not make parameter temp-table index component %s. (12358)Unable to generate indexes for copy of table %s. (12359)LAST-BATCH may only be set for dataset temp-tables. (12360)BATCH-SIZE may only be set for dataset temp-tables. (12361)COPY-DATASET must have a valid dataset handle as first argument. (12362)Unable to generate target dataset in COPY-DATASET. (12363)020010COPY-DATASET requires that the target and source datasets have the same num020011Can only set reposition true in a relation whose child does not already hav020012Can only set reposition false in a relation whose child does not already ha020013WHERE-STRING not legal for a data-source object: use FILL-WHERE-STRING or SCould not find dataset %s. (12368)Could not find data-source %s. (12369)Attempt to update %s record data exceeding %d. (12370)Attempt to update data exceeding %d. (12371)020014Attempt to update a program variable or parameter data with more than 32000You may not create BEFORE-TABLE %s record. (12373)020015You may not delete BEFORE-TABLE %s record. Use ACCEPT-ROW-CHANGES instead.You may not update BEFORE-TABLE %s record. (12375)Cannot update a template record without a schema lock. (12376)020016DYNAMIC-NEXT-VALUE and DYNAMIC-CURRENT-VALUE require the second DBNAME arguAttempt to reference uninitialized temp-table. (12378)020017Attempt to FIND %s while running FIND-FAILED event--use an alternative buffDATASET %s already exists. (12380)DATA-SOURCE %s already exists. (12381)Buffer %s must be for a temp-table in order to be a member of a dataset. (12382)Buffer %s in shared dataset %s must be shared too. (12383)DATA-RELATION parent and child buffers must also be in the dataset. (12384)020018Pairs in DATA-RELATION RELATION-FIELDS phrase must be in the form: parent-fRELATION-FIELDS phrase is required for DATA-RELATION definition. (12386)Query %s for shared data-source %s must be shared too. (12387)Source buffers must match the Query %s buffers for Datasource %s. (12388)Buffer %s in shared data-source %s must be shared too. (12389)Work files are not allowed in data-sources. (12390)020019Data-source KEYS list fields must be in the source buffer they are given wi020020DEFINE DATA-SOURCE must have either QRY or list of source BUFFERS or both. 020021Cannot LAST or PREV Query %s when FORWARD-ONLY or -noautoreslist or BREAK 020022Cannot move Query %s back to FIRST when FORWARD-ONLY or -noautoreslist enab020023Cannot run query event on table with no dataset or if the query is non-scroEncountered a paramater (12396)Could not obtain memory for the NORMALIZE function. (12397)The NORMALIZE function is only for Unicode strings. (12398)Invalid Unicode Normalization Mode: %s. (12399)Result of NORMALIZE function exceeds maximum size. (12400)Unable to extract schema info from result-set #%d (12401)Unable to verify temp-table schema against result-set #%d (12402)Unable to execute SQL / stored-procedure, result-set #%d error %d (12403)Unable to create new temp table record, result-set #%d (12404)Unable to extract data from result-set #%d, error %d (12405)Unable to prepare data for temp table, result-set #%d (12406)Error updating temp table for result-set #%d (12407)Error while retrieving data from result set #%d, error %d (12408)020024%B-keyaliaspasswd password must be supplied during OpenEdge database brokerError in NORMALIZE function. (12410)Cannot set attribute for a static object. (12411)020025%LThe Fathom Replication Server is a prior version. Replication cannot con020026A variable or array element passed as an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT DLL parameteExclude or Include field list may not have elements with subscripts. (12414)020027The directory specified %s cannot be accessed. Please select a valid, accesImproper use of %s data type in remote procedure. (12416)%WWARNING: LONGCHAR parameters used in %s. (12417)Application Server connection procedure not found. (12418)%BShared memory identifier %l has been removed by the operating system. (12419)%L%s (12420)%L%s (12421)020028%BError opening file: %s. Compressed database files or database files in co%LPhysical Redo Aging set to %i. (12423)Missing directory name (12424)%LThe Source database had not been properly backed up. (12425)%rYOU SHOULD REBUILD THE FOLLOWING INDEXES IN TABLE %s.%s:Datetime/datetime-tz value is out of range (12427)%LAi sequence %d changed to %l. (12428)%BIndex dump of index %s [%d] to file %s is successfully complete. (12429)Aborting indexmove transaction. (12430)020029%BTotal entry number is %l, but %l index blocks have been written into file%BTotal entry number is %l, but %l index blocks have been traversed. (12432)%BERROR loading index %s. (12433)%BERROR - aborting indexload transaction. (12434)%BERROR - committing indexload transaction. (12435)%BIndex load of index %s from file %s is successfully complete. (12436)%BIndex can not be loaded to %s because it's an invalid area. (12437)%BThe blocksize of file is %d, the blocksize of database is %d. (12438)020030%BThe number of loaded index blocks %l doesn't match the number in header %%BThe new block of dbk %l : BKTYPE is %d (should be 2 :IDXBLK). (12440)%BError writing header in index dump. (12441)020031%BThe block of dbk %l(should be %l) : BKTYPE is %d (should be 2 :IDXBLK), I%BError flushing buffer in index dump. (12443)The utility is for progress development use only. (12444)ERROR - dumping index, %s [%d]. (12445)%BFailover Clusters is already enabled for database %s. (12446)%BFailover Clusters has been enabled for database %s. (12447)020032%BFailover Clusters cannot be disabled because is is not enabled for databa%BFailover Clusters has been disabled for database %s. (12449)020033A CHARACTER or LONGCHAR variable passed as an OUTPUT parameter to a DLL can020034%LA remote client was unable to connect to server %d using port %d - please020035%LA remote client attempted to connect to a port (%d) not currently used byNon-char types may not be used with LIKE predicate (12453)020036%LServer %d has %d unresolved pending connections(s). Please check port %d.%LClearing pending connections from server %d. (12455)Input data larger than 32K is not allowed. (12456)020037%BSequence operation can not be performed once after imaging is disabled. (%LMaximum Number of Clients (-n): %i. (12458)%LTransition is being triggered as instructed. (12459)020038%LThe Replication Agent is still actively communicating with a Replication Number of CLIPBOARD items exceeds 32000, this item ignored. (12461)020039%BFailover Clusters registration has been successfully performed for databa%BFailover Clusters has successfully unregistered database %s. (12463)020040%BThe Failover Clusters operation has completed normally for database %s. (%BThe Failover Clusters operation performed failed for database %s. (12465)%BDatabase %s is already enabled for Failover Clusters. (12466)020041%BThe environment variable PSC_CLUSTER_PATH must be set before Failover Clu020042%BDatabase %s is enabled for Failover Clusters but it is being started inco020043%BThe environment variable PSC_CLUSTER_PATH must be set before a database e020044%BDatabase %s is enabled for Failover Clusters but it was not started due t%LThe startup of database %s has been performed by Failover Clusters (12471)020045%LRejecting login - server %d(%d) has reached its maximum number of %d clieInvalid data type specified for return type. (12473)020046In COPY, GET-CHANGES, FILL with REPLACE etc., the target and source buffers%LUnable to get file status for extent %s (12475)Auditing is already enabled for database %s. (12476)Error %d disabling %s on %s. (12477)%B%s cannot be disabled for %s because it is not enabled. (12478)%B%s has been enabled for database %s. (12479)ON clause outer join predicate contains invalid column reference. (12480)%BFailed to enable %s on %s. (12481)Missing SQL Statement (12482)Invalid area name. (12483)Failed to disable %s for %s. (12484)Unable to find descriptor for area %dInvalid area number %d entered%BUnable to find descriptor for object %l in area %l (12487)Object number: %l, type: %l, Toss Limit: %l, Create limit: %lNo storage objects found in area %d%B%s has been disabled for database %s. (12490)%BError processing storage object list for area %l (12491)Invalid toss limit %d entered.Invalid create limit %d entered.Set Toss Limit command cancelled.Set Create Limit command cancelled.%BToss limit set to %l for all tables and blobs in area %l. (12496)%BCreate limit set to %l for all tables and blobs in area %l. (12497)Create limits for all blobs and tables in this area will be changed.Object "%s" is in Type I area %l.%BCreate limit for object %l in area %l set to %l. (12500)%BSet Blob Create Limit command failed for blob object "%s", limit %s. (12501)%BUnable to find area number for blob %s. (12502)%BUnable to find object descriptor for table object "%s". (12503)%BToss limit for table "%s" set to %l. (12504)Toss limits for all tables and blobs in this area will be changed.%BSet Table Toss Limit command failed for table "%s", limit %s. (12506)%BError setting toss limit for object %l, type %l. (12507)%BSet Area Toss Limit command failed for area "%s", limit %s. (12508)%BSet Area Create Limit command failed for area "%s", limit %s (12509)%BSet Blob Toss Limit command failed for blob object "%s", limit, %s. (12510)%BToss limit for blob "%s" set to %l. (12511)%BThe create limit for table "%s" set to %l (12512)%BError setting create limit for object %l, type %l. (12513)%BSet Table Create Limit command failed for table object "%s", limit %s. (12514)%BToss limit for object number %l in area %l set to %l. (12515)%BSet Blob Create Limit command failed for blob object "%s", limit %s. (12516)%BCreate limit for object number %l in area %l set to %l. (12517)%BThe create limit for blob "%s set to %l (12518)Failed to start a transaction. (12519)Failed to commit a transaction. (12520)Error allocating memory in %s. (12521)Failed to create cursor in %s, ret = %i. (12522)Internal error occurred in %s, errno %i. (12523)%BInternal error occurred in %s, errno %i, ret %i. (12524)All active indexes.All inactive indexes.%BThis platform can only support %i open TCP/IP sockets per process. (12527)Trid: %l code = %s version = %d (12528)Trid: %l area = %l dbkey = %j update counter = %l (12529)Trid: %l dbkey = %j update counter = %l (12530)Trid: %l User Id: %s (12531)020047%BUnable to perform aimage empty at this time due to a conflicting operatioYou cannot pass a COM-HANDLE array as a parameter to a COM object method (12533)Failed to load auditing policies. (12534)Failed to copy auditing policies. (12535)Failed to acquire requisite lock to read schema (12536)%BError unlocking after schema read. (12537)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Internal inconsistency in screl_readlock() (12538)%LJTA transactions enabled for the database %s (12539)%LSize of JTA transaction table (-maxxids): %l (12540)%G** %s Cannot open file %s, errno = %i. (12541)%rWARNING: Attempt to change owner permissions failed. errno %d (12542)%BERROR: Cannot add new area online when ai enabled. (12543)020048There exist connections to the database which will have%rproblems opening n020049Do you wish to recheck user permissions and continue adding extents online?020050%BA physical error creating the extent has occurred.%rRecovery is performed020051%BA logical error in shared memory has occurred while adding extents online%BJTA is already enabled for database %s. (12548)020052You attached the temp-table to a data-source from a different schema. Canno020053The RECID key pushed from your foreign data source is not compatible%r withTemp-table %s must be part of a dataset and attached to a data-source (12551)Could not retrieve name of index component to support ROWID (12552)%BUnable to create JTA transaction table. (12553)%BJTA Transactions. (12554)%B%l JTA transactions were started (12555)%B%l JTA transactions were ended (12556)%B%l JTA transactions were prepared (12557)%B%l JTA transactions were rolled back (12558)%B%l JTA transactions were committed (12559)%BAt the end of the .ai file, %l JTA transactions were still active (12560)%BJTA disable failed with return code %l (12561)020054%LThis database cannot be transitioned because the Replication Agent has noLarge objects may not be passed or defined as parameters. (12563)%BDatabase open failed and prevented %s for feature %s (12564)-ulayout must be between 0 and 16 (12565)020056The shutdown request was denied because you do not have the correct user ID[Warning] database in use - reported statistics are approximations. (12567)020057Table %s is referenced in a foreign key constraint and cannot be dropped. (020058Column %s in table %s is referenced in a constraint and cannot be dropped. 020059%gRoll forward operation failed because the ai file contains notes for a JT%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkcncl: invalid call. (12571)%LRedo Phase: JTA Transaction: %l Xid: %s in state: %s (12572)020060%BRedo Phase: JTA Transactions must access crash recovery through a multi-u020061%B%s: The feature(s) %s cannot be enabled because the following feature(s) 020062%B%s: The enabled feature(s) %s require a license for the Enterprise RDBMS.%BAn Enterprise RDBMS license is required to support database %s. (12576)020063Invalid use of ProDataRelationMetaData method: %s. Parent or child table is020064Invalid use of ProDataRelationMetaData method: setColumns(). The specified Invalid data relation name specified for ProDataObject method: %s. (12579)020065Invalid data relation name specified in ProDataObject method: %s. This ProD020066Index %s in table %s is used by a constraint, and cannot be dropped or renaError getting record field in %s, ret = %i, indicator = %i. (12582)020067%B%s: The feature(s) %s cannot be enabled because the following feature(s) The path to this extent does not exist. (12584)020068%LProperty %s-startup-arguments must be specified if transition is configur020069%LProperty %s must be specified if transition is configured to automaticall020070%LProperty %s must be specified if transition is configured to automaticall020071%LThe structure file %s specified with the ai-structure-file property cannoSorting index group %d. (12589)Merging of group %d failed. (12590)No key found in group %d. (12591)Can't get index information for index %d. (12592)Can't get the next key entry. (12593)Sorting index group %d. (12594)%BProcopy -newinstance failed to create new database GUID. (12595)020072GET-BINARY-DATA cannot process a request from an older messenger version. (Form does not contain a field named %s or field is not of type 'file'. (12597)Created a new database GUID. (12598)Dump-name %s is not unique in schema %s. (12599)020073Schema update ignored as the database already has the latest schema definitDatabase schema has been updated. (12601)Failed to start transaction. (12602)Failed to set database GUID. (12603)Failed to update _Field records. (12604)Failed to update database schema. (12605)ProDataGraph schema error. (12606)Invalid field name (%s) in ProDataRelation (%s). (12607)020074%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkIntentLockGet found table %l lock not in txn %l list usr %LSYSTEM ERROR: lkDoTableLock: failed to acquire table lock %l. (12609)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lktend: failed to release %s schema lock %l (12610)The path %s specified for this database does not exist. (12611)The ProDataObject property (%s) cannot be converted to a %s. (12612)%BInvalid option %s specified for AIARCHIVE command. (12613)%BInvalid option %s specified for the AIARCHIVER command. (12614)Unable to determine amount of available space on device %s. (12615)Device: %s, KBytes needed: %j, KBytes available: %j (12616)There is insufficient space available on device %s. (12617)There is sufficient free space to initialize the defined extents. (12618)The structure file format is valid. (12619)Invalid OpenEdge SQL client connection string. (12620)Invalid SQL connection property. (12621)Class statement may only be used in files with '%s' extension. (12622)Interface statement may only be used in files with '%s' extension. (12623)Error: Not a Base64 String format GUID. (12624)Could not find source class file %s. (12625)Error: Database GUID of _Db record %j is unknown. (12626)You can not enable Auditing after Replication is enabled. (12627)Frozen tables (and their indexes) may not be dropped or altered. (12628)020075Name of the class in the CLASS statement '%s' must match the pattern of theIdentifier "%s" is not valid in schema PUB. (12630)020076You must have your database backed up before running this operation!!!%r%rHCanceled by user. (12632)Use proutil to truncate bi file before this operation. (12633)Failed to create auditing event record for event %i. (12634)%BFailed to write auditing event %i. (12635)020077%BDatabase %s cannot be deleted because it is enabled for Failover Clusters%LInsufficient resources to start a global transaction. (12637)Invalid transaction isolation level request. (12638)Global transactions are not enabled. (12639)Global transaction rolled back has occurred. (12640)020078Cannot start a global transaction for a database started in Enhanced Read-O020079A resource manager error has occurred. This could be caused by a schema loInvalid global transaction identifier. (12643)Invalid global transaction argument. (12644)Invalid global transaction context. (12645)Resoure manager is unavailable. (12646)Duplicate global transaction identifier. (12647)Transaction already active. (12648)020080OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect started: portNum= %d adapter PIDOpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect started: %s. (12650)Error starting OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect : %s. (12651)020081Invalid message received from the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnec020082Error reading message from the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect :Discarded message from OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect : %s. (12654)020083Message received from OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect is too lonParent process %d has terminated ... requesting adapter shutdown. (12656)The -m parameter is missing for adaptertype = SC. (12657)The parent PID parameter (-c) was not specified for -t = %s. (12658)An unexpected parent PID parameter (-c) was specified for -t = %s. (12659)ERROR: property %s is not defined for %s in property file %s. (12660)Unable to start OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect. (12661)Invalid array size specified. (12662)Invalid array element reference. (12663)Array element value overflow. (12664)Array value overflow (right truncated). (12665)An invalid sequence name or an invalid sequence reference was used. (12666)Unable to create pipe to SonicMQ ClientConnect process. (12667)Unable to spawn SonicMQ ClientConnect process. (12668)Unable to open pipe to SonicMQ ClientConnect process. (12669)jvmStart returned an error. (12670)An invalid Type II cluster size has been defined for Schema Area. (12671)020084The index can not be dropped because it is in either the "Prepare to activa020085The table can not be dropped because at least one of its indices is in eith020086An active index can not be created online without an exclusive lock on the The index does not exist in the system _Index table. (12675)020087The command can not be executed because the index that is to be used is inaThe structure file format is not valid. (12677)Syntax error in structure file: line %d%r%sWord indexes must have exactly one ascending component of type VARCHAR. (12679)020088 Column %s in table %s is referenced in a check constraint and cannot be re%W %s is not supported for TTY clients. Parameter ignored. (12681)Drop Column with CASCADE option not yet supported. (12682)Column is referenced in a constraint/trigger and cannot be dropped. (12683)%Lprolog log file truncation %s. (12684)%LAgent Shutdown Action (agent-shutdown-action) : %s. (12685)020089%LProperty: agent-shutdown-action must be 'normal', 'recovery', or 'termina%LProperty: schema-lock-action must be 'wait' or 'force'. (12687)020091%LThe Replication Server has been terminated or the Source database has beeInvalid RECID data type reference. (12689)020092%LError %l occurred during phase %l of Transition while performing operatioInvalid value specified for the WIDGET-ID option (12691)020093%LSYSTEM ERROR: lktend missing table %l lock in user %l or XAtask %l list (%GSYSTEM ERROR: lktend aborting (12693)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkTxEndForAChain left a lock for JTA usr %l chain %l. (12694)%GSYSTEM ERROR: newLktend: above locks not cleared (12695)020094%LSYSTEM ERROR: Dirty lock entry in lkLockListAdd table %l rowid %j usr %l 020095Invalid -sessionModel parameter : value must be Session-managed or Session-%LUser %s Roles: %s%s%s%s%s (12698)%LDatabase %s Options: %s%s%s%s%s (12699)%gSecurity check failed for user: %s (12700)020096Login refused: The connecting client cannot support an auditing-enabled daDatabase connection with blank userid not permitted. (12702)Invalid parameter for audit-policy:refresh-audit-policy (12703)Invalid parameter for SET-DB-CLIENT (12704)Client Principal is not acceptable to database (12705)Insufficient memory to copy client principal (12706)Inappropriate key length, %s function (12707)Wrong length UUID detected in GUID function (12708)Invalid database identifier in SET-DB-CLIENT (12709)Error setting client principal (12710)020097Inappropriate use of preprocessor element, probably in dynamic prepare striPROTECTED queries must be defined outside methods and triggers. (12712)PUBLIC queries are not supported. (12713)020098PROTECTED query %s may not be defined on buffer %s which is neither PROTECTPUBLIC datasets are not supported. (12715)Dataset %s may not be both SHARED and REFERENCE-ONLY. (12716)You may not have REFERENCE-ONLY datasets with -dataset100. (12717)020099PROTECTED dataset %s may not be defined on buffer %s which is neither PROTE020100Buffer %s must be for a temp-table defined REFERENCE-ONLY in order to be a PROTECTED data-sources must be defined outside methods and triggers. (12720)PUBLIC data-sources are not supported. (12721)020101PROTECTED data-source %s may not be defined on query %s which is neither PR020102PROTECTED data-source %s may not be defined on buffer %s which is neither PDATA-SOURCE may not contain a REFERENCE-ONLY buffer %s. (12724)Unable to reconstruct inherited query %s. (12725)Unable to reconstruct inherited dataset %s. (12726)Unable to reconstruct inherited data-sousrce %s. (12727)PUBLIC buffers are not supported. (12728)PROTECTED buffers must be defined outside methods and triggers. (12729)020103PROTECTED buffer %s may only be defined on a database table, or a temp-tabl020104Duplicate data member or event '%s' already defined in super-class '%s'. YPUBLIC temp-tables are not supported. (12732)You may not have REFERENCE-ONLY tables in -dataset100 mode. (12733)TEMP-TABLE cannot be defined both SHARED and REFERENCE-ONLY. (12734)PUBLIC and PROTECTED browses and frames are not supported. (12735)020105PROTECTED browses and frames must be defined outside methods and triggers. Unable to reconstruct inherited buffer %s. (12737)Cannot pass a temp-table to built-in methods. (12738)Cannot pass a buffer parameter to a COM object. (12739)Function or method %s, argument %d does not match buffer %s. (12740)020106You may not EMPTY a BEFORE-TABLE -- use APPLY-CHANGES method or EMPTY the a020107If -noudfinwhere given you may not have user-defined-functions or certain b020108Don't know how to reconstruct %s, parameter %d of method '%s' in type '%s'.Cannot update fields in a BEFORE-TABLE. (12744)Function or method argument dataset %s could not be found. (12745)020109SYSTEM ERROR: Inherited %s resolution failed: element-index %d, inherited-t020110You must provide a valid connected database name to dynamic sequence functiUnable to evaluate sequence name for dynamic sequence function. (12748)Invalid mode value passed. Cannot get temp-table handle. (12749)020111Cannot generate automatic FIND for REPLACE, etc. when the source and targetRecord %s not available for MERGE-CHANGES. (12751)Record %s cannot be found in %s for MERGE-CHANGES. (12752)020112In COPY-TEMP-TABLE operation the static target table %s must have an empty Cannot find parent from data-relation %s without WHERE string. (12754)Cannot find parent from data-relation %s. (12755)Too many buffers associated with a single query. (12756)Field metadata missing for table %s. (12757)You may not EMPTY temp-table %s when TRACKING-CHANGES is true. (12758)You may not EMPTY temp-table %s during a FILL. (12759)020113%s BIND with REFERENCE-ONLY caller %s may only be used with OUTPUT paramete020114Caller dataset or temp-table may not be UNKNOWN when called dataset or tempThe FOR phrase in DEFINE PARAMETER DATASET-HANDLE is not supported. (12762)020115%s Attempt to bind twice BY-REFERENCE: dataset or temp-table %s, already boREFERENCE-ONLY temp-table is unexpectedly UNKNOWN for %s. (12764)Cannot bind to an uninitialized table by-reference. (12765)020116%s Cannot bind BY-REFERENCE parameter tables or datasets unless column dataInherited temp-table %s and its protected temp-table %s do not match. (12767)Attempt to put buffer %s into both dataset %s and dataset %s. (12768)Not legal to run request with dataset parameters asynchronously. (12769)Error in class startup, probably in resolving inherited data-members. (12770)020118If a REFERENCE-ONLY table exists within a dataset that is not REFERENCE-ONLUnable to reconstruct inherited element %s, in class %s. (12772)020119Public, protected or private qualifiers may only be used on elements in a cInvalid table attribute specified. (12774)Invalid index attribute specified. (12775)Invalid attribute "%s" specified for column %s. (12776)020120The only widget-attribute combination allowed for an OUTPUT parameter in SEGET-PARENT mode not supported for buffer GET-CHANGES. (12778)Cannot have both exclude list and include list. (12779)DATA-SOURCE-COMPLETE-MAP only legal for dataset tables. (12780)020121DATA-SOURCE-COMPLETE-MAP requires prior ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method to be runDATA-SOURCE-COMPLETE-MAP could not use DATA-SOURCE to create mapping. (12782)Odd number of tables in pairs list parameter in COPY-DATASET. (12783)COPY-DATASET pair %s and %s must have a table in each dataset. (12784)Table %s not found in dataset %s. (12785)020122FILL-WHERE-STRING cannot be assigned unless the DATA-SOURCE is attached to Attempt to reference uninitialized dataset. (12787)020123OFF-END CALLBACK not supported for query %s whose buffer %s is not in a datUNDO must be set through AFTER-TABLE, not BEFORE-TABLE. (12789)Invalid value given for SCHEMA-MARSHAL %s. (12790)Invalid object type %d given during DELETE OBJECT. (12791)UNDO may not be set to true on a table with BLOBs or CLOBs. (12792)%rSyntax error in structure file at line %d%r%s.String length must be even for HEX-DECODE function. (12794)Invalid hex digit in HEX-DECODE function. (12795)Error getting client principal. (12796)%B%s Unable to allocate memory inst %d . (12797)%B%s Unable to get Schema Lock shared. (12798)%B%s Unable to acquire index admin locks. (12799)%BInternal Error: omIdToArea failure in upIdxActivate ret %l. (12800)%B%s: failed to parse index name to be activated ret %l (12801)%B%s Index to be activated was not specified. (12802)%B%s cannot activate schema indexes. (12803)%B%s cannot activate VST indexes. (12804)%B%s: cannot activate an active index. (12805)%B%s Useindex name is invalid or inactive - primary index in use. (12806)%B%s IdxActivate cannot use target indexes belonging to VSTs. (12807)%B%s Use index is inactive -- primary index in use. (12808)%B%s dsmObjectInfo failure for index %d ret %l. (12809)%B%s Use index is a word index -- primary index in use. (12810)Activating Index %s at Database timestamp %l . (12811)%LBIW writer delay (-bwdelay): %d (12812)%LAllowed index cursors (-c): %d (12813)%LGroup delay (-groupdelay): %d (12814)%LLock table hash table size (-lkhash): %l (12815)%LMaxport (-maxport): %i (12816)%LMinport (-minport): %i (12817)%LMessage Buffer Size (-Mm): %d (12818)%LServers per Protocol (-Mp): %d (12819)%LMaximum Servers per Broker (-Mpb): %d (12820)%LUse muxlatches (-mux): %d (12821)%LRead Only (-RO): %d (12822)%LSemaphore Sets (-semsets): %d (12823)Area name must be less than 33 characters.Schema Area must be area number 6.Area separator found but records/block not found.The area info sequence is invalid.Records per block must be greater than 0.Records per block in structure file must be less than 257.Invalid blocks per cluster value for structure file.Invalid area number specified for structure file.Area information in structure file is only valid for data extents.This database was not properly closed. (12833)Raw partitions must be fixed size in structure files. (12834)Invalid extent type %c in extent length specification. (12835)Extent length missing. (12836)Extent length must be greater than or equal to %d. (12837)Extent size must be a multiple of 16 database blocks. (12838)Extent size exceeds maximum size of %lK bytes. (12839)Attempt to add extent of a different type to area %l. (12840)Invalid extent name. (12841)File %s already exists. (12842)%GSYSTEM ERROR: omIdToArea called with 0 objectNumber. (12843)%GSYSTEM ERROR: omDolru found only fixed entries in lru chain. (12844)%LSYSTEM ERROR: omRemoveFromChain couldn't find type %l num %l. (12845)%LSYSTEM ERROR: omModeUpdate called for non-index object type %l. (12846)%LResetting om cache max fixed size to %l. (12847)020124%BPlease increase om cache size using proutil increaseto -omsize or databas%BResetting max fixed in om cache: %l (12849)%LBackup blocks will be written to %s. (12850)Invalid or stale object. Cast to %s failed. (12851)Table object number: %l, Toss Limit: %l, Create limit: %l. (12852)BLOB object number: %l, Toss limit: %l, Create limit: %l. (12853)%LRestoring database from %s. (12854)020125Name of the interface in the INTERFACE statement '%s' must match the patter%L%l extent blocks written to area %s %s. (12856)020126The case-sensitivity of the column cannot be changed because the column is jvmStart returned an error. (12858)An unexpected parent PID parameter (-c) was specified for -t = %s. (12859)020127Datatypes in pairlist argument for ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE, BUFFER-COPY or BUFFE%LStructure file %s used to recreate database control area. (12861)%LStructure file %s used to create database with blocksize %d. (12862)020128Public, protected or private qualifiers are not allowed for temp-tables or 020129Use the 'Progress.Lang.Object' datatype for temp-table column '%s' instead %LExtent %s removed from area %s. (12865)%Lprolog utility FAILED to truncate log file. (12866)%Lprostrct add FAILED. (12867)May not assign values to system handles THIS-OBJECT or THIS-PROCEDURE. (12868)Invalid cast from %s to %s. (12869)Invalid handle for object %s. (12870)Could not allocate object for %s. (12871)The rcode %s is not for a class file. (12872)020130Cannot nest CLASS statements. CLASS statement detected while defining a cl020131The CLASS statement must come before all other compilable statements other SYSTEM ERROR: Dispatch table for class '%s' is not properly initialized. (12875)Could not locate method '%s' in super-class of '%s'. (12876)020132The rcode %s does not match the package name. Rcode has package %s, but expCompilation failed. Directory '%s' for SAVE INTO option does not exist. (12878)020133%s is an interface and cannot be used as a procedure name for RUN or the ty020134%s is an object and cannot be used in a RUN statement. Use the NEW statemenCould not instantiate class '%s' - compilation is out of date. (12881)020135Could not access element '%s' of class '%s' using object of type '%s' - calInvalid cast from '%s' to '%s'. (12883)Class %s does not implement interface %s. (12884)Support for methods of built-in objects not yet in place. (12885)Could not find class or interface %s. (12886)SHARED entities may not be defined in a Class or Interface. (12887)020136Runtime parameters for a method must be declared as part of the METHOD or C020137Runtime parameters for a class or interface must be defined in the construc020139The access modifiers PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE, STATIC, and SERIALIZABLE aArrays of user defined objects are not supported. (12891)Work files may not be designated public or protected. (12892)Class handles may not be arrays. (12893)%s may not be referenced in a class. (12894)%s may only be referenced in a class. (12895)020140Unqualified SUPER reference. SUPER can only be used to invoke a method or d020141Method '%s' returns VOID and so may not be invoked from an expression. It m%s is not a valid qualifier for a parameter to a system method. (12898)Cannot pass user defined objects to COM. (12899)CAST to '%s' not allowed. CAST target must be a user-defined type. (12900)SUPER() may only be used from within a constructor. (12901)SUPER() must be the very first statement in the constructor. (12902)020142Destructors may only be invoked as a result of a DELETE OBJECT statement. (020144AS and BY-POINTER qualifiers cannot be used with user-defined functions or Parameter %d for %s %s is not type compatible with its definition. (12905)PUBLISH statement may only be used in a class file with the FROM phrase. (12906)Interface files may not have executable statements. (12907)020145Unable to automatically supply SUPER() call to constructor for class '%s'. A method may only be defined in a class or an interface file. (12909)020146Procedures and user-defined functions may not be defined in a class, interfMethod or user defined function '%s' not found. (12911)User-defined function '%s' not found. (12912)020147It is invalid to have a method on the left-hand side of an assignment stateTHIS-OBJECT may not be used with the colon syntax. (12914)CAST must be to a user-defined type to be used with colon syntax. (12915)020148Already defining an INTERFACE. Cannot compile a CLASS statement nested with%s cannot inherit from itself. (12917)Could not compile '%s', which is a super class of '%s'. (12918)Could not find or generate class %s, which is a super class of %s. (12919)Cannot inherit from class '%s' because it has a private constructor. (12920)Cannot inherit from class '%s' because it is FINAL. (12921)020149Already defining an INTERFACE. Cannot compile another INTERFACE statement. Already defining a CLASS. Cannot compile an INTERFACE statement. (12923)INTERFACE statement must come before all other compilable statements. (12924)May only use colon syntax for methods and data members. (12925)020150Protected element '%s' may only be accessed from within its class hierarchyCould not locate element '%s' in class '%s'. (12927)Class variable '%s' has been referenced as though it were a method. (12928)Class method '%s' has been referenced as though it were a variable. (12929)May not invoke a destructor using the colon syntax. Use DELETE OBJECT. (12930)020151May only invoke a class constructor from within a constructor or as a resulFound class %s but could not find or generate one of its super-classes. (12932)Could not compile class %s in the hierarchy of %s. (12933)Could not open source file for class %s. (12934)020152Cycle in inheritance hierarchy: %s ultimately derived from %s which inheritClass '%s' inherits class '%s' but could not get its type information. (12936)Could not compile '%s' which is an interface implemented by '%s'. (12937)020153Compilation Failure: '%s' implements interface '%s' but could not find or gClass %s implements interface %s, but %s is a class. (12939)020154Compilation Failure: Class file '%s' has no CLASS, INTERFACE or ENUM statemInterface '%s' requires method '%s' in class '%s' to be PUBLIC. (12941)020155Interface '%s' requires method '%s' to be implemented by class '%s'. The meCannot register '%s' class elements. (12943)PUBLIC or PROTECTED %s of type %s not supported in CLASSES. (12944)SYSTEM ERROR: Could not locate class variable '%s'. (12945)%s already defined as a %s %s. (12946)020156PUBLIC and PROTECTED elements must be unique within a class or interface. (020157%s already defined as a %s %s in inherited class. Cannot define it as %s %s%s is already defined in inherited class. Cannot override data. (12949)%s already defined in inherited class with return type '%s'. (12950)020158Method '%s' in interface definition '%s' returns '%s', but the method impleParameter count mismatch for %s. Overridden method has %d, not %d. (12952)020159Method '%s' has %d parameters in interface definition '%s', but the method020160Parameter %d mode mismatch for overriding method %s. INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT-O020161Parameter %d mode does not match interface definition '%s' for method '%s'.Parameter %d type mismatch for overriding method %s. (12956)020162Parameter %d type does not match interface definition '%s' for method '%s'.020163Cannot use NEW statement with class '%s' because it has a private constructCannot use NEW statement with class '%s' using a protected constructor. (12959)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to register class '%s' with the type manager. (12960)Missing END CLASS statement for '%s'. (12961)Missing END INTERFACE statement for '%s'. (12962)Inappropriate use of field in a DEFINE PROTECTED/PUBLIC statement. (12963)020164Non-constant integer attribute is not allowed for PUBLIC or PROTECTED data 020165Non constant character attribute not allowed for PUBLIC or PROTECTED data mSpurious END INTERFACE statement. Interface not being defined. (12966)Spurious END CLASS statement. Class not being defined. (12967)Missing END METHOD statement. (12968)END %s statement is not allowed in an interface file. (12969)%WWarning: END PROCEDURE statement used to END a method. (12970)%WWarning: END FUNCTION statement used to END a method. (12971)%WWarning: END METHOD statement used to END a user defined function. (12972)%WWarning: END METHOD statement used to END a procedure. (12973)%WWarning: END CONSTRUCTOR statement used to END a procedure. (12974)020166%WWarning: END CONSTRUCTOR statement was used to END a user-defined functio%WWarning: END CONSTRUCTOR statement was used to END a method. (12976)%WWarning: END DESTRUCTOR statement used to END a procedure. (12977)020167%WWarning: END DESTRUCTOR statement used to END an user defined function. (%WWarning: END DESTRUCTOR statement used to END a constructor method. (12979)%WWarning: END DESTRUCTOR statement used to END a method. (12980)020168END CLASS statement was already encountered. Cannot compile more statements020169END INTERFACE statement was already encountered. Cannot compile more statemIn a CLASS, all executable statements must be in methods. (12983)Interface files may not have executable statements. (12984)Constructor name '%s' must match final component of class name '%s'. (12985)Destructor name '%s' must match final component of class name '%s'. (12986)020170Method name '%s' may not be the same as the final component of the class naMultiple constructors not supported. (12988)Multiple destructors not supported. (12989)Duplicate method name '%s' not allowed. (12990)Destructors may not have parameters. (12991)Constructor must specify PUBLIC or PROTECTED access mode. (12992)Destructor must specify PUBLIC access mode. (12993)020171Method definition must specify PUBLIC, PROTECTED, or PRIVATE access mode. (Constructors must be either PUBLIC or PROTECTED. (12995)Destructors must be public. (12996)020172Class '%s' may not have a method '%s' because it inherits from a class '%s'%s already defined in inherited class as %s. Cannot declare it %s. (12998)Method '%s' in class hierarchy is FINAL. Cannot be overridden. (12999)020173Attempt to override method '%s' in class '%s', but OVERRIDE was not specifi020174Attempted to override method '%s' but did not find method in super class. (Interface %s: Constructors may not be defined in an interface. (13002)Interface %s: Destructors may not be defined in an interface. (13003)Methods in an interface may not be FINAL. Interface %s, method %s. (13004)020175Methods in an interface must be declared PUBLIC. Interface %s, method %s. (020176Class '%s' inherits from '%s', which has a constructor that requires parameUser defined functions and methods may not return data of type '%s'. (13007)SYSTEM ERROR: Access to an element of a user defined object failed. (13008)020178%s BIND modifier not allowed for cases where neither the caller nor the cal020179%s INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT is required with BIND if caller parameter is bound020181%s If BIND used when caller TABLE or DATASET parameter is bound and called 020183%s BIND or BY-REFERENCE modifier required on RUN, FUNCTION or METHOD invoca020184%s REFERENCE-ONLY caller TABLE or DATASET parameter %s requires BIND keyworInvalid local transaction request. (13014)020185%s REFERENCE-ONLY caller TABLE or DATASET parameter %s requires BIND keywor020186Source class '%s' is not compatible with target class '%s' for parameter '%Input parameter is not a valid class reference. (13017)Could not allocate object for %s. (13018)The rcode %s is not for a class file. (13019)020187The rcode %s does not match the package name. Rcode has package %s, but expAudit archive failed. (13021)Audit archive complete. (13022)Audit load failed. (13023)Audit load complete. (13024)Unable to initialize XML Parser. (13025)Invalid read-mode for READ-XML/READ-JSON: %s. (13026)Invalid verify-schema-mode for READ-XML: %s. (13027)READ-XML was unable to obtain XML from WEB-CONTEXT system handle. (13028)No XML in X-Document or X-NodeRef for READ-XML to parse. (13029)Unable to get root node of X-Document for READ-XML. Error: %s. (13030)Cannot have both schema-location and write-schema arguments set. (13031)Unable to create Temp-Table or dataset schema from XML Schema. (13032)Verify Temp-Table or dataset schema against XML Schema failed. (13033)Unable to parse XML Schema '%s'. (13034)Error reading XML file '%s'. (13035)Error reading XML from a MEMPTR or LONGCHAR. (13036)%s is not a valid name for a class. (13037)%s images not supported. (13038)%s rectangles not supported. (13039)Unable to infer Temp-Table or dataset schema from XML Data. (13040)%s buttons not supported. (13041)%s streams not supported. (13042)%s menus and sub-menus are not supported. (13043)Cannot inherit from '%s'. It is an interface. (13044)%WWARNING: Already implementing interface '%s'. Skipping. (13045)Inheritance is not supported for interfaces. (13046)Cannot use NEW statement with '%s' because it is an interface. (13047)The XML for READ-XMLSCHEMA must start with a 'schema' element. (13048)Unable to write schema for namespace %s. (13049)Unable to create record for '%s' during READ-XML/READ-JSON. (13050)Out of memory for READ/WRITE-XML! (13051)Unable to convert XML to native data type for field '%s' in table '%s'. (13052)Unable to update field '%s' in table '%s'. (13053)Invalid number of array elements for field '%s' in table '%s'. (13054)Unable to update indexes for table '%s'. (13055)Unable to create before image record for table '%s' from XML. (13056)Create/Update of table '%s' from XML failed. (13057)No data instance in diffgram to parse. (13058)No before table for %s. (13059)Missing before element in the diffgram. (13060)Unknown value '%s' for hasChanges attribute. (13061)Missing errors element in diffgram or datasetChanges. (13062)REPLACE mode requires a unique primary index in the target table %s. (13063)READ-XML encountered an error while parsing the XML Document: %s. (13064)%s failed for WRITE-XML. Error: %d. (13065)Unable to write XML Schema for temp-table %s. (13066)Unable to write XML Schema index definitions for temp-table %s. (13067)Unable to write XML Schema data-relation definitions for dataset %s. (13068)Unable to build signature for temp-table %s. (13069)Unable to convert data from %s to %s. (13070)Unable to open query for WRITE-XML. (13071)Unable to update BLOB or CLOB with XML Data. (13072)Hex decode of raw data failed. (13073)Base64 decode of raw data failed. (13074)Unable to extract data from BLOB or CLOB for WRITE-XML. (13075)Hex encode of raw data failed. (13076)Base64 encode of raw data failed. (13077)Unsupported data type for XML Serialization: %s. (13078)XML Schema definition for temp-table '%s' not found. (13079)Unable to create temporary object for XML Schema verification. (13080)XML Schema definition for '%s' does not match dataset definition. (13081)XML Schema definition for data-relation between '%s' and '%s' not found. (13082)XML Schema contains extra temp-table definition '%s'. (13083)Unable to create table '%s' from XML Schema. (13084)Unable to add table '%s' from XML Schema to dataset. (13085)XML Schema contains extra data-relation definition '%s'. (13086)Buffer '%s' not found for add-relation from XML Schema. (13087)Unable to add relation '%s' from XML Schema to dataset. (13088)020188XML Schema definition for field '%s' in table '%s' does not match Temp-TablXML Schema definition for field '%s' in table '%s' not found. (13090)XML Schema definition for table '%s' contains extra field '%s'. (13091)Write in-line schema failed for WRITE-XML. (13092)Write temp-table data failed for WRITE-XML. (13093)Unable to set codepage of LONGCHAR to %s during WRITE-XML. (13094)020189WRITE-XML target-type must be 'FILE' when buffers of a dataset have a diffeUnable to write dataset as a diffgram. (13096)Write schema failed for WRITE-XMLSCHEMA. (13097)Unable to write XML Schema for Temp-Table %s. (13098)Error reading XML file '%s'. (13099)Error reading XML from a MEMPTR or LONGCHAR. (13100)Unable to load imported or included schema: %s. (13101)Too many annotation elements in XML Schema. (13102)Unable to create table '%s' from XML Schema. (13103)Cannot read Temp-Table XML Schema into a dataset object. (13104)No Temp-Tables defined in XML Schema. (13105)XML Schema does not map to a dataset definition. (13106)No default buffer object for Temp-Table '%s'. (13107)Dynamic buffer '%s' not created for Temp-Table '%s'. (13108)Unable to add table '%s' from XML Schema to dataset. (13109)Unable to add data-relations based on XML definitions. (13110)020190Unable to create data-relation based on nested Temp-Table schema elements. 020191Invalid Target Namespace for import or include schema: %s. Expecting %s. (More than one Temp-Table definition in XML Schema not allowed. (13113)Too many temp-table element definitions in XML Schema. (13114)Error while parsing the XML Document: %s. (13115)Temp-Table or dataset name is limited to 32 characters. (13116)Too many keyref definitions in XML Schema. (13117)Unsupported XML Schema construct: '%s'. (13118)Too many nested table definitions in XML Schema. (13119)Either 'name' or 'ref' attribute required for element definition. (13120)Unable to find complexType definition %s. (13121)arrayType attribute not found in the XML Schema. (13122)Index name is limited to 32 characters. (13123)Too many unique elements in XML Schema. (13124)Temp-Table '%s' not found for index definition '%s'. (13125)Unable to create index '%s'. (13126)Unable to add field '%s' to index '%s'. (13127)Data-Relation name exceeded limit of 32 characters. (13128)Buffer '%s' not found for data-relation definition '%s'. (13129)020192Unique index '%s' on Parent buffer not found for data-relation definition 'Parent and/or Child fields not specified for data-relation '%s'. (13131)Unable to add relation '%s' from XML Schema to dataset. (13132)Namespace declaration '%s' not found. (13133)Unable to parse schema for element '%s'. (13134)Unable to find element or attribute definition for '%s'. (13135)Unsupported XML type '%s' for Temp-Table field '%s'. (13136)Unable to parse complexType definition for element %s. (13137)Temp-table '%s' not found in XML Schema. (13138)Field '%s' already added from XML Schema. (13139)Invalid 'maxOccurs' attribute value '%s' for field '%s'. (13140)Invalid 'maxOccurs' attribute value set for BLOB or CLOB field '%s'. (13141)Invalid format '%s' in XML Schema for field '%s'. (13142)Unable to set initial value '%s' from XML Schema for field '%s'. (13143)prodata:decimals attribute value set for non-decimal field '%s'. (13144)Invalid prodata:decimals attribute value '%s' for field '%s'. (13145)020193Cannot set prodata:columnCodepage attribute value for non-clob field '%s'. The XML must start with a 'schema' element. (13147)Too many complex type definitions in XML Schema. (13148)020194Only datasets, temp-tables, and properties may be defined in an interface. 020196Mismatch in client's temp-table schema. ProDataObjectMetaData or ProResultInvalid columnCodepage attribute '%s' for field '%s'. (13151)Too many import or include elements in the XML Schema. (13152)Multiple namespaces for Temp-Table schema not allowed. (13153)%BMarked after-image extent %s ARCHIVED. (13154)020197%LUnable to ARCHIVE an extent while an after-image EXTRACT or EMPTY is beinThe specified project file %s is empty. (13156)XML methods on a buffer object require a pre-defined schema. (13157)XML Methods only allowed on TEMP-TABLE buffers. (13158)020198Dynamic temp-table must be in CLEAR or PREPARED state for READ-XML Methods.Dynamic temp-table must be in PREPARED state for WRITE-XML Methods. (13160)020200%s If a caller or called REFERENCE-ONLY parameter %s will become BOUND to i020201Encountered internal error in SQL ENGINE at %s in %s. Contact Progress Tech020202Insufficient Memory. Memory allocation failed at %s in %s. Contact Progress020203%s Passing a table or dataset by-reference to a method of a class requires %BSYSTEM ERROR: Get file length error. file: %s. inst: %d. (13165)020204%BSYSTEM ERROR: dsmExtentRecordFixup: Error getting area extent descriptor,%LSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to fix-up invalid extent type: %d. (13167)020205%BLength of %s is %d block(s), which is too small to be fixed. Minimum leng%BOnline add extents aborted because of user permission issue. (13169)%rEnabling extents:%r size area name path name (13170)020206%BSYSTEM ERROR: prostrct add internal error getting area desc for area %d. %rFormatting extents:%r size area name path name (13172)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Usr %l died holding biadd latch. (13173)Unable to create table '%s' from XML Data. (13174)Unable to add table '%s' inferred from XML to dataset. (13175)Unable to create data-relation based on nested Temp-Table elements. (13176)More than one Temp-Table inferred from XML Data. (13177)Too many temp-table definitions inferred from XML Data. (13178)Field '%s' already inferred from XML/JSON Data. (13179)%LFailed to set argcrashwrites. (13180)%LFailed to set argcrashseed. (13181)%GSYSTEM ERROR: ProxyGen does not currently support .cls files. (13182)ProxyGen does not currently support .cls files. (13183)Invalid source-type for READ-XML: %s. (13184)Invalid target-type for WRITE-XML: %s. (13185)Handle type not valid as WRITE-XML target. (13186)%LThe directory %s specified with -aiarcdir does not exist. (13187)%LError %l occurred when archiving after-image extent %s. (13188)%LError %l occurred when emptying the after-image extent %s. (13189)%LError %l occurred when marking the after-image extent %s as ARCHIVED. (13190)020207%BThe -aiarcdir argument must be specified in order to start the After-imag020208%BThe -aiarcinterval argument must be specified when starting the after-ima020209%BThe after-image extent manager initialization failed. See previous error%BThe after-image manager is beginning. (13194)020210WRITE-XML encountered an error loading XML into an X-DOCUMENT or X-NODEREF Unable to create temporary object during READ-XML or WRITE-XML. (13196)%LCannot determine the amount of free space for device %s. (13197)020211%LThe after-image management daemon cannot find a destination in its curren%LAfter-image extent %s has been copied to %s. (13199)Odd number of values in field-type-mapping argument. (13200)Invalid data type override '%s' for field '%s'. (13201)020212Field names in field-type-mapping argument must be qualified with table nam020213%s '%s' of class '%s' no longer matches the definition in base class '%s'. 020214%BThe %s operation cannot be performed because after-imaging is not active 020215%BThe %s operation cannot be performed because the database is not enabled 020216%BThe after-image management archive directory list cannot be modified at t020217%BError %l occurred while attemping to set the archive directory list. The020218%BThe after-image management daemon has been notified about the new archive020219%BThe after-image management archive interval cannot be modified at this ti020220%BError %l occurred while attemping to set the archive interval. The archi020221%BThe after-image management daemon has been notified about the new archive020222%LA new archive destination list has been built using the new archive direc%LA new archive interval %l has been set. (13213)%LSYSTEM ERROR: User %l died holding the AI Management latch. (13214)020223%LThe startup of the After-image Extent Management daemon failed with error020224%BAfter-image extents cannot be emptied using aimage empty when a database %LThe After-image Extent Management daemon has created the directory %s. (13217)Too many group or attributeGroup elements in the XML Schema. (13218)Unable to find group or attributeGroup definition '%s'. (13219)%LNo space available in the xid table. Increase -maxxids. (13220)maxOcurrs attribute for group reference cannot be greater than 1. (13221)020225Object reference column not allowed in temp-table '%s' being remotely marsh020226Object reference column not allowed in temp-table '%s' in dataset '%s' beinObject reference datatypes may not be marshaled remotely to `%s`. (13224)020227Cannot write nested XML Schema definitions. Parent buffer '%s' has a TEXT Cannot write nested XML data. Parent buffer '%s' has a TEXT field. (13226)020228%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaSchemaLockRelease: failed to release %s schema lock %l %B%s - The buffer pool is being flushed: %J buffers remaining. (13228)Invalid XML-NODE-TYPE option, '%s', for field '%s'. (13229)020229XML-DATA-TYPE and XML-NODE-TYPE options not allowed in DEFINE VARIABLE stat020230%LFrom this point forward all after-image extents will be archived to %s. (Invalid XML-DATA-TYPE '%s' for field '%s'. (13232)Cannot set XML-NODE-TYPE of field '%s' to 'TEXT'. (13233)Cannot set XML-NODE-TYPE of field '%s' to 'ELEMENT'. (13234)%B%s omFetch failure in upIdxActivate ret %l (13235)%B%s Failed to start a transaction ret %l . (13236)%B%s Error - failed to obtain exclusive table lock on %l ret %l. (13237)%B %s Internal Error: Index Truncation failure ret %l . (13238)%B%s Internal Error in om cache in %s ret %l. (13239)%B%s: Failed to build keys - aborted operation ret %l . (13240)%BIndex Activate: Failed to release %s lock. (13241)020231%LThe after-image extent manager daemon cannot be started because after-ima020232%LThe after-image extent manager daemon cannot be started because the after%BIndex Activate: Index %s No. %d - %l keys added. (13244)%BIndex Activate: Index %s No. %d - %l keys processed. (13245)Connections with timestamps older than %l exist. (13246)Do you wish to continue waiting..... Type y to continue (y/n). (13247)%LIndex Activate: Warning failed to reset object cache eviction limit. (13248)%BIndex Activate: Audit Index %s No. %l will be activated. (13249)020233%B%s The use index is invalid because it is a schema index -- primary indexInvalid 'userOrder' attribute value '%s' for field '%s'. (13251)'userOrder' attribute missing for field in temp-table '%s'. (13252)Failed to put %s field to _File record for table %d, return code %i. (13253)%s failed with return code %i. (13254)Failed to create om entry for table %d. (13255)Failed to put %s field to _File record for table %s. (13256)020234%LThe RDBMS license on the Source machine does not match the RDBMS license %BIndex Activate: BEGIN activation of %s. (13258)%BIndex Activate: recs value: %l refresh rate: %d. (13259)%LAn invalid value has been specified for property %s. (13260)%LDatabase-role (database-role) : %s. (13261)%LResponsibility (responsibility) : %s. (13262)%LRestart database after transition (restart-after-transition) : %s. (13263)%L%s startup arguments (%s) : %s. (13264)020235%LAutomatically begin after-imaging during transition (auto-begin-ai) : %s.020236%LAutomatically add after-image areas during transition (auto-add-ai-areas)020237%LStructure file that contains the after-image area definitions to automati%LDatabase backup method to use during transition (backup-method) : %s. (13268)%L%s arguments (%s) : %s. (13269)%LThe %s property is required when the backup-method property is %s. (13270)020238%LAn online backup can only be performed if the database is restarted after020239Use SET-CALLBACK instead of SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE for methods in a class. 020240Third argument to SET-CALLBACK must be a valid procedure handle or object r020241%BThe %s operation cannot be performed because the after-image extent manag020242%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Internal Error - Global transaction table in crash reco%B%s: Global transaction table has been exhausted. (13276)020243%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Global transaction table size [-maxxids] must be increa020245Invalid URL specified: %s%sFormat is jdbc:datadirect:openedge://(host):(por020246Invalid driver name specified.%sExpected "datadirect:openedge" but got "%s"020247%BFailover transition cannot be performed because the Replication Server is020248%BThis database cannot be transitioned because it is not enabled as a Repli020249%BThis database cannot be transitioned because a transition has just been p020250%BThis database cannot be transitioned because it is has just been enbled f020251%LThe agent-shutdown-action must be set to 'recovery' in order to perform a020252%LA valid Replication Agent cannot be found in the list of agent(s) %s spec020253%LThe transition-to-agents property must be specified before a transition o020254%LThe transition setup for this Replication Source database has failed with020255%LTransition cannot be performed because the Replication Agent is not in PR020256%BCannot manually archive an after-image extent because the after-image ext%BThe after-image extent %s cannot be archived because it is not FULL. (13290)020257%BThere is currently an after-image extent archival being performed. This %BAfter-image Extent Management has been disabled for the database. (13292)%BThe after-image extent manager has been terminated. (13293)020258%BThe after-image extent manager cannot be ended because it is not active. 020259Invalid INITIAL value for %s field. Only '?' value can be used to initiali%WWarning: END CONSTRUCTOR statement used to end a DESTRUCTOR. (13296)020260UPDATE, SET, PROMPT-FOR, CHOOSE, INSERT, WAIT-FOR and PROCESS EVENTS statem%BThe After-image Extent Management daemon is already active. (13298)%BError initializing user security service: insufficient domain memory (13299)020261%BError initializing user security authentication module registry: cannot o%BError initializing user security authentication service: error %d (13301)020262%BError initializing user security authentication module registry: no memor020263%BError initializing user security authentication module registry: cannot l%BError in user security service initialization : bad parameters (13304)%BError in authentication service shutdown : bad parameters (13305)%BError authenticating user : no user-id on the command line (13306)%BError authenticating user : insufficient user-id memory (13307)%BError authenticating user : insufficient password-token memory (13308)%BError authenticating user : insufficient password information (13309)%BError authenticating user : null password information (13310)%BError authenticating user : insufficient encrypted-password memory (13311)%BError authenticating user : invalid encrypted password - %d (13312)%BUser authentication failed, the database operation cannot be performed (13313)%BError in authentication service during user %s [%s] logout: error %s (13314)%BError in user logout : bad parameters (13315)%BError in setting current user : missing user-id credentials - error %d (13316)020264%BError in setting current user : missing login service credentials - error%BError in setting current audit user %s [%s] : invalid user credentials (13318)%BError in setting user %s audit context - %d (13319)%BError in setting current user : bad parameters (13320)%BError in check role membership : no user credentials (13321)%BError in check role membership for %s : %s (13322)%BError in checking user role membership : bad parameters (13323)%BError in checking user access : no user credentials (13324)%BError in checking user access : no user-id credentials (13325)%BError in checking user %s access : %s (13326)%BError in checking user access : bad parameters (13327)%BError loading database security information : get audit status %d (13328)020265%BError loading database security information : finding audit administrator020266%BError loading database security information : find reserved table areas %%BError loading database security information : loading options %d (13331)%BError registering authentication service module %s %s - %d (13332)%BPassword decrypt error - %s (13333)%BAuthentication library error initializing credentials for %s [%s] - %s (13334)%BAuthentication service user authentication failure for %s [%s] - %s (13335)%BAuthentication service error in login process for %s [%s] - %s (13336)%BUser-id authentication process failed for user %s [%s] - %d (13337)020267%BInternal error in authentication library login process for %s [%s] - %d (%BAuthentication service error in user-id login process for %s [%s] - %d (13339)%BError initializing access to the authentication domain table - %d (13340)%BError initializing access to the authentication system table - %d (13341)020268%BError accessing the first record of the authentication domain table - %d 020269%BError accessing the domain name field of the authentication domain record020270%BInvalid UNKNOWN value in the domain name field of the authentication doma%BError accessing the domain enabled field - %d (13345)%BError setting the authentication system key field - %d (13346)%LNo authentication system record for domain %s, domain unusable - %d (13347)%BError getting the authentication system %s record for domain %s - %d (13348)%BError initializing access to the granted role security table - %d (13349)%BError setting the granted role key field - %d (13350)%BError accessing the first record of the granted role table - %d (13351)%BError setting the granted role key field - %d (13352)%BError accessing the first record of the granted role table - %d (13353)%BError setting the granted role key field - %d (13354)%BError accessing the first record of the granted role table - %d (13355)%BError accessing the role name field - %d (13356)%BError accessing the next record of the granted role table - %d (13357)%BError loading user %s roles table - %d (13358)020271%BError initializing access to user 4GL administrator permission informatio020272%BError setting keys when getting the user's 4GL administrator permission -020273%BError accessing the record holding the user's 4GL administrator permissio%BError accessing the user's 4GL administrator permission - %d (13362)%BError accessing the user's SQL DBA information - %d (13363)%BError setting record keys to the user's SQL DBA information - %d (13364)%BError accessing the user's SQL DBA privilege - %s. (13365)%BError accessing the user's SQL DBA privilege value - %d (13366)%BError finding available _user table accounts - %d (13367)%BError finding any _user account records - %d (13368)%BError finding declared audit administrators - %d (13369)%BError setting keys to find audit administrators - %d (13370)%BError reading audit administrator definitions - %d (13371)%BError initializing access to database options - %d (13372)%BError accessing the database option records - %d (13373)%BError accessing the database options code field - %d (13374)%BError accessing the database options value field - %d (13375)%BError accessing additional database option records - %d (13376)%BError allocating User Security storage for the %s table area (13377)%BError getting the User Security %s tables area name - %d (13378)%BError allocating User Security storage for the %s tables area (13379)%BError getting the User Security %s table area name - %d (13380)%BError allocating User Security storage for the %s tables area (13381)%BError getting the User Security %s table area name - %d (13382)%BError obtaining User Security area name for table %d - %d. (13383)%BError identifying the User Security data area for table %d - %d (13384)%BError obtaining User Security area name from index %d - %d (13385)%BError identifying a User Security area from index %d - %d (13386)%BError accessing table name information for table %d - %d (13387)%BError setting keys to get table name for table number %d - %d (13388)%BError accessing the table owner of the %d table - %d (13389)%BError accessing the table name for table number %d - %d (13390)%BError obtaining a table number for table %s - %d (13391)%BError setting keys to find %s table number - %d (13392)%BError accessing the owner name of table %s - %d (13393)%BCould not find a table number for table named %s (13394)%BError accessing the table number for table %s - %d (13395)%BError accessing index %s index number - %d (13396)%BError setting access keys to locate index %s index number - %d (13397)%BError reading the index number field for index %s - %d (13398)%BError accessing database table information - %d (13399)%BError setting record keys to find 10.1A tables - %d (13400)%BError accessing table information for a 10.1A table - %d (13401)%BError creating cursor for table %s in %s - %d (13402)%BError building hi-key for table %s in %s - %d (13403)%BError building lo-key for table %s in %s - %d (13404)%BError unlocking last record for table %s in %s - %d (13405)%BError deleting cursor for table %s in %s - %d (13406)%BError sorting key (low) value for table %s in %s - %d (13407)%BError creating key (low) for table %s in %s - %d (13408)%BError sorting key (high) value for table %s in %s - %d (13409)%BError creating key (high) for table %s in %s - %d (13410)%BError creating key (low) for table %s in %s - %d (13411)%BError creating key (high) for table %s in %s - %d (13412)%BError finding record for table %s in %s - %d (13413)%BError getting record for table %s in %s - %d (13414)%BError unlocking last record for table %s in %s - %d (13415)%BError finding record for table %s in %s - %d (13416)%BError getting record for table %s in %s - %d (13417)%BError getting record authication domain field %s for table %s - %d (13418)%BInsufficient authentication module information when loading domain %s (13419)%BThe library path for loading domain %s is not absolute (13420)020274%BThe ABL authentication module for the loaded domain %s is not supported (020275%BInvalid file extension for authentication library module name for domain 020276%BThe authentication library path for domain %s does not have a file extens020277%BInsufficient authentication module registry information for trusted domai%BAuthentication domain access code decrypt error - %s (13425)020278%BError creating authentication module registry entry for domain %s - %d. (020279%BError creating trusted authentication module registry entry for domain %s%BError in creating table resource name from table number %d - %d (13428)%BThe user is not authorized to access auditing tables (13429)%BThe user is not authorized to access auditing tables (13430)%BError in creating table resource name from %s - %d (13431)%BCannot build the table name for authorization from %d - %d (13432)%BThe user is not authorized to access auditing tables (13433)020280%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkxtn: Area: %l extent %s has exceeded the maximun number o020281%Bbkxtn: WARNING: Area: %l extent %s has reached the %d percent threshold f020282%BError loading database security information : cannot lock schema cache - %BError loading database security information : unlocking schema - %d" (13437)%BSaving Key Events already enabled for database %s (13438)020283%BError loading database security information : cannot unlock schema - %d" 020284%BError loading database security information : cannot unlock schema cache 020285%BError loading database security information : cannot unlock schema - %d" %BError loading database security information : cannot lock schema - %d" (13442)Cannot pass an object reference to the WIDGET-HANDLE function. (13443)Clone method is undefined for the class. (13444)Invalid builtin method %d called. (13445)progress.lang.class function id %d is invalid. (13446)Equals method is undefined for the class. (13447)A variable of class '%s' cannot be assigned to a variable of class '%s'. (13448)SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected cinum rpos values in fmGetRealCiAndRpos %d %d (13449)Classes don't match for shared variable %s in %s (13450)Could not access element '%s' of class '%s' using object of type '%s'. (13451)Method '%s' for callback must be valid public method. (13452)020286This version of the OpenEdge client cannot execute features in r-code for 'Cannot RETURN a value from a void method. (13454)RETURN ERROR not allowed in a class method. (13455)May not define a shared variable as a class data-type. (13456)Built-in function '%s' is not supported in classes. (13457)020287Cannot use object reference qualified variable name as an INPUT-OUTPUT or OUser defined objects may not be used in a WAIT-FOR statement. (13459)DELETE PROCEDURE may not be used to delete a class object. (13460)Class variable '%s' is read-only. (13461)User defined objects may not be used in an ON statement. (13462)A method may only be defined in a class file. (13463)Use the INTEGER or STRING function to see user defined object variables. (13464)User defined objects may not be used in a VIEW or HIDE statement. (13465)SUPER may only be used to reference methods. (13466)Maximum depth class hierarchy exceeded. Maximum is %d. (13467)Class '%s' inherits class '%s' but could not get its type information. (13468)Element names must be unique within a class or interface. (13469)020288Class '%s' inherits from class '%s', so it cannot have a public or protecteInvalid left hand side of the NEW statement. (13471)020289May not use '%s' as a class or interface name. It is an existing or reserve020290Compilation Failure: '%s' implements interface '%s' but could not get or geFound class '%s' but could not find or generate one of its interfaces. (13474)Invalid target of an APPLY statement. (13475)SQL is not supported in classes. (13476)EDITING phrase is not supported in classes. (13477)CHOOSE statement is not supported in classes. (13478)PUT SCREEN statement is not supported in classes. (13479)SCROLL statement is not supported in classes. (13480)%s statement is missing parentheses for parameter definition. (13481)Only BUFFER-VALUE method allowed, or simple field or variable. (13482)Only simple fields and variables allowed for output parameters. (13483)Arrays are not supported for public variables. (13484)%BProstrct repair of database %s using structure file %s completed. (13485)020291%BUnable to start a transaction for a remote client because there is one al%BUnable to start a transaction for a remote client due to error %l. (13487)%LSYSTEM ERROR: Usr %l died holding XAlist latch. (13488)SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to start transaction for auditing event %i. (13489)%BThe user is not authorized to perform the %s operation (13490)%BInternal error forming the resource name: %s (13491)%LSYSTEM ERROR: User %l died holding the Database Service Manager latch. (13492)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Insuffient storage to allocate JTA transaction table. (13493)020292%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalTxnReserve: your usernum %d doesn't match global %LSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaXIDget: couldn't find local tran for uc_task %d (13495)%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaStart: tmGlobalEnd fail %l (13496)020293%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbDoGlobalEnd: no xid found after dbxaGlobalTxnReserve call%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbDoGlobalEnd: note contained invalid flags %i (13498)%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaUndoEnd: after dbxaGlobalTxnReserve call (13499)%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaUndoEnd: note contained invalid flags %l for user %i (13500)020294%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaDoGlobalXid: no transaction found for xid after dbxaGlo020295%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalTxnReserve: no JTA transaction found after dbxaDo020296%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalTxnReserve: no JTA transaction after dbxaUndoRest020297%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalTxnReserve: no JTA transaction after dbxaUndoRest020298%GSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalTxnReserve: no JTA transaction after dbxaUndoPrep%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalCommit: after tmGlobalEnd onephase call %i (13506)%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbxaGlobalCommit: after tmGlobalEnd noflags call %i (13507)020299%BA database that is online cannot be enabled for Replication if a NO-LOCK Invalid encoding '%s' for fixed codepage longchar. (13509)020300%BA database that is online cannot be enabled as a Replication Target datab020301The Session-free connection failed because the AppServer is in a session-ma%LForced rollback of JTA transaction id %d from PROMON (13512)%LForced commit of JTA transaction id %d from PROMON (13513)%s name '%s' in namespace '%s' not found in XML Document. (13514)Invalid encoding for WRITE-XML. (13515)020302R-code '%s' contains features that cannot be executed by an Open Edge versi020303%GSYSTEM ERROR: bkxtn: Area: %l extent: %s Attempt to exceed the maximum nu020304%BTransition cannot be performed because after-imaging is not active and it020305%LSYSTEM ERROR: Transaction table full with %d transactions. %rIncrease -n,020306Name conflict between class '%s' and a public or protected method '%s()' in%BUnable to acquire index admin lock for index %d. (13521)%BFailed to load auditing policies. (13522)%BIndex _Audit-time is not active. (13523)%BIndex _Continuation-seq is not active. (13524)Existing file %s found in the specified directory. (13525)Save this file if you want to keep it! (13526)Do you want to continue(y/n)? (13527)020307Audit records will be deleted from the database, please back up the databas%BUnable to release admin lock for index %d. (13529)%BFailed to release shared schema lock for %s. (13530)%BUser cancelled audit archive with CTL-C. (13531)%BArchive all the records prior to %s. (13532)%BArchive all the records between %s and %s. (13533)%BFailed to build key bracket for index _Audit-time. (13534)%BDatabase GUID of record %j is invalid. (13535)%BNo _Db-guid is found for the database. (13536)%BData seal of Record %j is invalid. (13537)%BERROR - unable to get field %s for record %j. (13538)%BFailed to unlock record %J in table %d. (13539)Processing %l records of table _aud-audit-data. (13540)%BFailed flushing buffer to a archive file. (13541)%BERROR - failed to start a transaction. (13542)%BFailed to commit a transaction. (13543)Deleted %j _aud-audit-data records. (13544)Deleted %J aud-audit-data-value records. (13545)Archived %J _aud-audit-data records. (13546)%LAt end of Physical redo, transaction table size is %l. (13547)%BAuditing is enabled for database %s. (13548)020308%LTransition cannot be performed because the Replication Agent is not activ%BThe transition of this database failed with error %l. (13550)%LThe transition of this database has completed normally. (13551)Invalid packet length (13552)%BThe transition of this database failed but recovery was successful. (13553)020309%LThe transition of this database cannot continue because the Source and TaArchived %J _aud-audit-data-value records. (13555)%BFailed to delete the cursor, cursor id is %d. (13556)%BFailed to sort the key for index %d. (13557)%BError building key for %d. (13558)%BError creating cursor. (13559)%BError finding record in _db-detail. (13560)%BError deleting cursor. (13561)%BFile seal of file is invalid. (13562)%BThe After-image Extent Manager has been disabled for the database. (13563)Processed %J _db-detail records, loaded %J records. (13564)Processed %J _client-session records, loaded %J records. (13565)Processed %J _aud-event records, loaded %J records. (13566)Processed %J _aud-audit-data records, loaded %J records. (13567)Processed %J _aud-audit-data-value records, loaded %J records. (13568)Total processed %J records. (13569)%BUser cancelled audit load with CTL-C. (13570)Audit archive created on %s%r from database %s. (13571)Loading starts section %l. (13572)Loading table %s. (13573)%BFailed to unlock record %J in table %d. (13574)Archived %J _Db-detail records. (13575)Archived %J _Client-session records. (13576)Archived %J _aud-event records. (13577)%l records processed. (13578)Area %s is not Type 2 area%r Auditing must be enabled in Type 2 area. (13579)%BFailed to start transaction for auditing event %i. (13580)%BFailed to write auditing event record for event %i. (13581)%BMemory allocation failure in %s. (13582)Unable to start global transaction, server transaction table is full. (13583)Failed to create key for index %i. (13584)Failed to delete key from index %i. (13585) (13586)020310SUBSCRIBE statement may only be used in a class file with the PROCEDURE phrArchived %J _aud-audit-data records, %J was deleted. (13588)Archived %J _aud-audit-data-value records, %J was deleted. (13589)Invalid GUID %s in policy record %j. (13590)Database GUID %s is invalid. (13591)Could not create cursor to search table %i in %s. (13592)Failed to build key bracket to search table %i in %s. (13593)Failed to get record %j from table %i in %s. (13594)%BCould not get field %d from record %j in table %s. (13595)020311%BFailed to write auditing record for %s event.%rThe record to be audited iError deleting cursor in %s. (13597)020312%BIncorrect number of parameters. The correct syntax for audit load is: %Unknown value '%s' for rowState attribute. (13599)Failed to get schema information of table %s in %s. (13600)Failed to get schema information of field %s in table %i. (13601)Failed to sort string %s in %s. (13602)Failed to decrypt db mac key in _db-detail record %j. (13603)020313%LError accessing the domain type field of the authentication domain record020314%LInvalid UNKNOWN value in the domain type field of the authentication doma%BError initializing user security service: insufficient context (13606)%BError executing user security service %s : insufficient context (13607)%BError initializing auditing before setting the current user-id - %d (13608)The timezone hour value is invalid (13609)The timezone minute value is invalid (13610)The timestamp used is invalid. (13611)Failed to acquire schema lock to cache auditing policies. (13612)Failed to acquire table lock on _Db table to cache auditing policies. (13613)Failed to release schema lock in %s. (13614)Failed to release table lock on _Db in %s. (13615)Error %i returned. (13616)%BError %i returned from %s. (13617)%BFailed to release lock on record %j in table %i. (13618)%BA directory or directory list must be specified. (13619)020315%LThe directory %s appears to have been removed. The After-image Extent Ma020317%LThe directory %s appears to have been removed. The After-image Extent Ma%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid area descriptor. (13622)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error getting first extent for area %l. (13623)020318%GSYSTEM ERROR: Undo failed to reproduce the record in area %l with rowid %%BWrote a total of %j backup blocks using %s of media. (13625)%BXML or JSON data length %l is too large for data item. (13626)%LDatabase authorization key changed. (13627)Scanning records in area %d for missing keys:%LIndex rebuild utility did not complete successfully. (13629)%LIndex check utility did not complete successfully. (13630)%LIndex compact did not complete successfully. (13631)020319%LIndex compaction of index %s with degree of compaction of %d has begun. (%LTable %s has been loaded. (13633)%LError: the update VST utility failed (13634)%LUpdate VST tables succeeded. (13635)%LMark after-image extent EMPTY failed. (13636)020320Field references in ORDER BY clause must appear in the select list if SELEC%LCreating protrace file %s/%s (13638)%LMaximum Area Number (-maxArea): %l (13639)Invalid XML character in %s name: %s. (13640)current block = %J previous block = %J next block = %J (13641)%LAfter-image extent %s was not archived because the target is %s. (13642)020321%s is not a valid package; The directory does not exist relative to PROPATH%BOne of the directories specified in %s does not exist. (13644)020322%BAn error occurred while attempting to create one of the directories in th020323%BThe specified archive interval is invalid. The interval must be between 020324Auditing was not fully disabled because auditing data tables are not empty.Test message 2 (13648)020325Auditing has been deactivated, no additional auditing records will be recorAuditing can not be enabled because auditing data tables are not empty. (13650)Failed to activate auditing, return code = %i. (13651)Failed to deactivate auditing, return code = %i. (13652)Auditing has been activated. (13653)Auditing has been deactivated. (13654)%LThe startup of the Key Events daemon failed with error %l, (13655)%BSave Key Events has not been enabled for this database. (13656)%BThe Save Key Events daemon is already running. (13657)%BStarting the Save Key Events daemon. (13658)The USING statement must come before all other compilable statements. (13659)020326%LThe Save Key Events daemon cannot be started because the Save Key Events %BThe Key Events initialization failed. (13661)%LError reading from file %s, errno = %i (13662)You cannot refer work-tables as objects. (13663)020327Cannot invoke method '%s' in object of type '%s' using DYNAMIC-FUNCTION(). You cannot refer to work tables as objects. (13665)%BInvalid -maxAreas %l. Resetting to %l. (13666)Online add of tl files not currently supported.Area number %l is too high %l. Use -maxAreas.Extents for the Transaction Log must be fixed length.Area number too large %l . Use -maxAreas.Error %l from mvAddArea.%rFormatting extents: size area name path name%BbkForEachArea: area number too high: %l slots %l. Use -maxAreas. (13674)%BUnable to write object block to %s. %d (13675)%BbkLoadAreas failed to allocate memory using strent. (13676)%BInvalid command entered. (13677)Missing number of threads with -threads option. (13678)Missing number of areas with -maxAreas option. (13679)Memory allocation error from bkLoadAreas. (13680)020328An unqualified class name in a USING statement is not appropriate. SpecifyValue %j too large to fit in INTEGER datatype. (13682)020329%BERROR: The area you are attempting to truncate contains a schema %s : %s.020330%LError %l building the destination filename to archive the after-image ext%LOS error %l occurred during the creation of the directory %s. (13685)Sort number must be between 0 and 9 or the unknown value. (13686)Failed %s client principal validation (13687)Failed %s client principal validation (13688)Failed %s client principal validation (13689)Failed %s client principal validation (13690)Failed to set %s user id. (13691)Value %j for field %s is too large for 32 bit sequences. (13692)Catalog name %s is an unknown catalog. (13693)TOP clause used in unsupported context. (13694)020331INHERIT-BGCOLOR and NO-INHERIT-BGCOLOR cannot be used together on the same 020332INHERIT-FGCOLOR and NO-INHERIT-FGCOLOR cannot be used together on the same Area number mismatch, backup has %d, database has %d. (13697)Records per block mismatch, backup has %d, database has %d for Area %d. (13698)Block size mismatch, backup has %d, database has %d. (13699)%BLarge Key Entry Feature enabled for database %s. (13700)%BLarge Key Entry Feature already enabled for database %s. (13701)020333%BThe Large Key Entry feature is only supported on databases with block siz%BUnexpected error during Large Key enablement: %d. (13703)Length must not exceed %l KBytes (13704)020335Adding a new area online with ai enabled will cause the roll forward utilitDo you want to continue (y/n)?%LAdding area %l while ai enabled. (13707)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Area %l was not found in the database. (13708)020337Please add the missing area according to the structure file in the source d020338Table does not contain any columns. Table must be dropped or columns must b020339%BThis codebase cannot open a 32-bit DBKEY database if the BI file is not tValue %j does not fit in %s DLL datatype. (13712)020340%BThis codebase cannot open a 32-bit DBKEY database with After Imaging enab020341%BThis codebase cannot open a 32-bit DBKEY database with two-phase commit 020342%BThis codebase cannot open a 32-bit DBKEY database with JTA transactions 020343Cannot change index from inactive to active. Use the proutil command to per%B64-bit Sequence feature has already been enabled for database %s. (13717)%B64-bit Sequence feature has been enabled for database %s. (13718)%BUnexpected error during 64-bit Sequence enablement: %d. (13719)%BFailed to start transaction to enable 64-bit sequences. (13720)%BPlease try again later. (13721)020344%L64-bit Sequences enabled although there is no sequence found in the datab%BFailed to update _Db record ret: %d, function: %s . (13723)%BFailed to enable 64-bit sequence, errno: %l. (13724)%BFailed to update _Sequence record for %s, ret = %d. (13725)020345%BThis codebase cannot open a 32-bit DBKEY database that is in a crashed st%BUse the 10.1A proutil utility to truncate the BI file. (13727)%BUse the 10.1A rfutil utility to disable after imaging. (13728)%BUse the 10.1A proutil utility to disable two-phase commit. (13729)%BUse the 10.1A proutil utility to disable JTA transactions. (13730)%BUse the 10.1A utilities to run crash recovery. (13731)020346%BThis backup of a 32-bit DBKEY database contains BI or TL data. %rIt cannoUse the 10.1A prorest utility to restore the database.** Invalid character unit value %l changed to %l. (13734)%LLarge dbkey support is enabled for database %s. (13735)The EXTENT statement can only be used on indeterminate array variables. (13736)Invalid value specified for the EXTENT statement. (13737)Indeterminate extent is already fixed to a dimension of %d. (13738)%BYou have specified an invalid shared memory segment size of %l. (13739)020347%BThe shared memory segment size specified with -shmsegsize must be 1, 2, 4020348%BThe shared memory segment size specified must be a power of %l between %lCannot change the transaction isolation level while in a transaction. (13742)Cannot change the transaction isolation level while a cursor is open. (13743)Cannot change the transaction isolation level during a JTA transaction. (13744)Invalid transaction isolation level. (13745)020349The AS qualifier, %s is not compatible with the datatype of the parameter. %L%s: Internal Error check areas failure. (13747)%L%s: Internal Error check schema failure. (13748)%B%s: The database actively supports Large Key Indexes. (13749)%B%s: The database can not be reverted. (13750)%B%s: The database contains 64-bit Sequences. (13751)020350%B%s: The database contains an Areas High Water Mark greater than 1000, cur%B%s: Database reversion process canceled. (13753)%B%s: Have you backed up your database..... Type y to continue (y/n). (13754)%B%s: Database beginning reversion process. (13755)%B%s: Error Disabling Vst Schema. (13756)%B%s: Database is damaged. (13757)%B%s: Error Updating Object Blocks. (13758)%B%s: JTA has been disabled for this database. (13759)%B%s: Replication has been disabled for this database. (13760)RETURN ERROR not allowed in a class destructor. (13761)ASK Protocol is not supported with %s protocol. (13762)Unable to include ASK version (%s) in the response : %s (13763)Unable to include ASK capabilities (%s) in the response : %s (13764)020351The ASK major version in the CONNECT request is 0. AppServer Keepalive pro020352The ASK major version in the CONNECT request is invalid (%s). AppServer Ke020353The ASK major version was missing in the CONNECT request (%s). AppServer K020354The ASK version number in the CONNECT request (%s) is invalid : %s. The ApThe client requested ASK version= %s capabilities= %s. (13769)020356The ASK capabilities information (%s) received in the CONNECT request was i020357The ASK capabilities information was missing in the CONNECT request (%s). 020358The negotiated ASK version= %s capabilities= %s. ASK protocol is enabled %s ... ServerASK %s timer is started. (13773)020359No messages have been received from the client within the ServerASK Activit020360No messages were received from the client within the ServerASK Response TimAn ASKPing response message was received from the client. (13776)The serverASKActivityTimeout must be at least %d seconds. (13777)The serverASKResponseTimeout must be at least %d seconds. (13778)%LEnable after-image online started. (13779)%BEnable after-image online failed, error: %l. (13780)%BAfter-image has been enabled online successfully. (13781)%BCannot enable after-image online because it is already enabled. (13782)%BAfter-image has been disabled because backup online failed. (13783)Large Key Entry Feature already enabled for this database. (13784)020361The Large Key Entry feature is only supported on databases with block sizes020362%LThis backup was also used to enable after-image on the source database. (%BThere is not enough memory to initialize the %s trigger. (13787)%BThe %s DLL/SL required for %s support does not exist. (13788)020363%BThe DLL/SL %s does not provide the required authentication services. The020364%BAn error occurred during the authentication of the DLL/SO %s. The DLL/SO020365%BUnable to resolve the address for function %s from the DLL/SO %s. The DL020366%BThe DLL/SO %s does not provide the required importing services. The DLL/020367%BAn error occurred during the import operation in the DLL/SO %s. The DLL/%BThe %s DLL/SO %s could not be loaded due to error %l - %s. (13794)020368%BStartup parameter -maxAreas %l is too small to open a database with area 64-bit Sequence feature has already been enabled for this database. (13796)020370The requested sequence operations could not be performed because a transactOpenEdge Management Alert (13798)Server Lifespan has expired. Shutting down server. (13799)Server Lifespan has expired. Shutting down idle server. (13800)Checking if the server's lifespan has expired. (13801)Catalog name is already in use. (13802)Catalog name not found. (13803)Database is already connected. (13804)Disconnect of the primary catalog is not allowed. (13805)020371BUFFER parameters may not be defined for a main .p, only for internal proceA SHARED buffer may not have a BEFORE-TABLE. (13807)020372Dataset %s parameter %d, does not match the dataset %s in the function/meth020373%s is not an ABL array or an indexed property, therefore using a subscript The FOR phrase cannot be used as a subscript for a class indexer. (13810)020374The specified indexer type does not match any type required by this object.Data length %l too large for a data item %s. (13812)Create/Update of %s failed during %s. (13813)No default buffer object for %s %s. (13814)Out of memory for %s. (13815)Unable to %s %s for XREF-XML. (13816)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get class element %s from Type Manager. (13817)Only a class may define a property. (13818)020375A Property definition must include at least a GET or a SET. (If there is onCould not locate Property corresponding to SET definition. (13820)Class property '%s' is read-only. (13821)Property '%s' in Class '%s' does not allow read access. (13822)Cannot access %s because it is a property that is write-only. (13823)Cannot update %s because it is a property that is read-only. (13824)Class property '%s' referenced as though it were a method. (13825)020376The access mode of a GET or SET must be at least as restrictive as the modeThe SET accessor of a scalar property must have one parameter. (13827)The value parameter of a Property's SET accessor must be INPUT mode. (13828)020377A Property definition included an accessor with an explicit access modifier020378Property accessor definition has parentheses but no body -- remove the pare020379Mismatch between data type of SET accessor's value parameter and data type 020380Only one accessor of a Property can override the access mode of the Propert020381Property %s has a PRIVATE GET accessor so can be read only from within the 020382Property %s has a PROTECTED GET accessor so can be read only from within th020383Property %s has a PRIVATE SET accessor so can be set only from within the c020384Property %s has a PROTECTED SET accessor so can be set only from within the020385A Property may not have an EXTENT -- Properties may not be defined as arrayTHIS-OBJECT() may only be used from within a constructor. (13838)THIS-OBJECT() must be the very first statement in the constructor. (13839)020386Cannot use NEW statement with class '%s' because no constructor found withDuplicate signatures found for constructor '%s'. (13841)Duplicate signatures found for method '%s'. (13842)Ambiguous method call. Could not resolve %s reference. (13843)Ambiguous runtime method call. Could not resolve %s reference. (13844)AS datatype must follow DEFINE PROPERTY name. (13845)Illegal option following AS datatype in a PROPERTY definition. (13846)If a Property has both accessors defined, the GET must precede the SET. (13847)User defined functions must return a non-void data-type. (13848)020387NO-ERROR not permitted when invoking a constructor via SUPER or THIS-OBJECT020388Unable to automatically supply SUPER() call to constructor for class '%s'. Property '%s' in Class '%s' does not allow write access. (13851)Column reference "%s" is ambiguous. (13852)Unable to map simpleType %s to Progress data type. (13853)Too many simple type definitions in XML Schema. (13854)Too many nested temp-tables inferred from XML/JSON Data. (13855)020389Unable to create data-relation based on nested XML Schema elements '%s' and020391Please enter a valid value in the %s field in the Advanced Compiler box. Yo020392%BSequence response - sequence value is out of range for a 32-bit capable c%LThe record rowid %j is out of range for a 32-bit client. (13859)%LThe sequence value %j is out of range for a 32-bit client. (13860)%LThe object's block number %j is out of range for a 32-bit client. (13861)%LThe object's root block number %j is out of range for a 32-bit client. (13862)020393%LAn attempt was made to lock or unlock an object, but the DBKEY %j of the 020394Column alias %s references a select list expression and cannot be used in tColumn %s cannot be found or is not specified for query. (13865)020395Schema mismatch for procedure %s. Parameter position (%d) does not match (%020396Schema mismatch for parameter number %d in procedure %s. %s (%s) does not 020397Schema mismatch for parameter number %d in procedure %s. For column number %LDatabase Service Manager - Service(s) to start (-DBService): %s (13869)%LDatabase Service Manager - IPC Queue Size (-pica): %s (13870)%LAfter-image Management Archival Method: %s. (13871)%LAfter-image Management Archival Interval (-aiarcinterval): %l (13872)%LAfter-image Management Archival Directory List (-aiarcdir): %s (13873)020398%LCreate After-image Management Archival Directory(s) (-aiarcdircreate): %s%LThis database is enabled for OpenEdge Replication as a %s database. (13875)020399The value specified in the %s field is invalid. It must be an absolute URI %s called on an unattached SOAP-HEADER-ENTRYREF. (13877)You cannot define a property or event inside a method. (13878)Open in Progress Developer StudioToo many fields/extents in IMPORT or EXPORT statement. (13880)An error occurred connecting to an auxiliary database. (13881)020400Source library contains file with unsupported compiler version: %s version License file %s is a link (13883)This is a potential security risk. (13884)Database %s uses 32-bit dbkeys. (13885)%BThe 10.1A dbutil will be used to do the backup. (13886)Unable to execute 10.1A Backup for database %s (13887)Database %s uses 32-bit dbkeys. It cannot be unlocked by this codebase. (13888)Use the 10.1A prostrct utility to unlock this database. (13889)%L64-bit dbkeys are enabled for database %s. (13890)%B64-bit dbkey support could not be enabled for %s. (13891)Error allocating the required memory. (13892)Database %s is a 32-bit dbkey database. (13893)This codebase cannot connect to an open 32-bit dbkey database. (13894)Compiler detected STOP condition. (13895)%LTXE Commit lock skip limit (-TXESkipLimit): %l (13896)XML-NODE-NAME option not allowed in DEFINE VARIABLE statement. (13897)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkUserLockListRemove called with purge lock. (13898)020401This codebase cannot copy a 32-bit DBKEY database if the BI is not truncateThis codebase cannot copy a 32-bit dbkey database with AI enabled. (13900)020402This codebase cannot copy a 32-bit dbkey database with two-phase commit enaThis codebase cannot copy a 32-bit dbkey database with JTA enabled. (13902)020404An attempt was made to reference property %s in an ASSIGN type statement in020405Cannot pass a table or dataset BY-REFERENCE or BIND with a target temp-tabl020406Auxiliary database connections are not permitted while a global transactionNo Result Set created. Please check CREATE PROCEDURE statement. (13906)An error occurred reading the SQL properties file. (13907)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lklocky: illegal record lock request table %l rowid %j (13908)020407%LSYSTEM ERROR: newLktend detected infinite loop usr %l txn %l lockcount %l020408%LSYSTEM ERROR: Calling oldLktend to remove locks. Consider using -lkrela %LSYSTEM ERROR: newLktend found null lock in list usr %l trid %l (13911)020409%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkrend detected infinite loop with usr %l count: %l inUse: 020410%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkLockListAdd usr %l txn %l lock list head has non-null pre020411%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkLockListAdd usr %l txn %l lock list tail has non-null nex020412%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkLockListRemove usr %l txn %l lock list head has non-null 020413%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkLockListRemove usr %l txn %l lock list tail has non-null 020414Cannot execute user-defined function, method or property accessor '%s' in a%BThe After-image Archiver has been enabled. (13918)%BAn error was encountered when enabling the After-image Archiver. (13919)%BThe After-image Management Daemon will begin in a few moments. (13920)%BThe After-image Archiver is already enabled for this database. (13921)This client can not access lobs that have a 64-bit ROWID. (13922)020415The INSERT statement has a query expression which selects a LOB. This func%LMaximum Shared Memory Segment Size (-shmsegsize): %J Mb (13924)Error in structure file at line %d%r%s020416%BCreation of this extent would exceed the maximum number of blocks for areCreation of this extent would exceed the maximum number of extents for area %d020417%LSYSTEM ERROR: newLktend detected infinite loop in CHECKED loop for usr %l020419If you enable large key entries support for this database, it may cause run020420Misplaced GET keyword. (The problem may be that a property's GET accessor wLoading table %s, Table number %l%rstarting with record %J , section %l. (13931)Dumped %J records. (13932)%LSYSTEM ERROR: User %l died holding the Large Keys Enablement latch. (13933)%GSYSTEM ERROR: strent request for more than 2GB. (13934)Processing %J records of table _aud-audit-data. (13935)020421Use ':' instead of '::' to access class members through an object reference020422%LThe template record for table %d cannot be read by a 10.1A or older clien020423%BSYSTEM ERROR: Record delete place holder could not be inserted due to lacConstructors cannot be called directly. (13939)%LSYSTEM ERROR: lkpurge: record not locked. (13940)020424%LThe agent name that begins with %s in property %s is greater than 15 char020425%BIdxbuild is running with threads. The maximum number of sort group threa%BTB value is %d, TM value is %d, SG value is %d, packing factor is %d. (13943)Enter the indexes to be built. (13944)Source index %d (%s.%s, %s): %l keys. (13945)Built index %d (%s.%s, %s): %l keys. (13946)020428Select one of the following:%rAll (a/A) - Fix all the indexes %rS020430By Table (t/T) - Fix indexes in selected tables %rBy Activation (v/V) The area could not be found. (13949)Can't have more than 16 components per index key. (13950)020431Oracle transaction roll back operation has occurred during the commit proceArray data members cannot be referenced using colon syntax. (13952)%LMaximum Area Number (-maxArea): %l (13953)%LOriginal Lock Release Algorithm specified (-lkrela). (13954)Unable to obtain shared DBFILE lock for %s. (13955)Can not build VST index %d.Index %d has a component with a not yet supported SQL92 data type.%LBeginning Replication Transition operation: %s. (13958)Cannot create an index for BLOB or CLOB field '%s'. (13959)020432An error occurred while displaying a system dialog box. The system error cUnrecognized option for prostrct cluster command: %s (13961)The record to be inserted has a longer length than maximum size. (13962)Could not find the record in area %l. (13963)%BUnable to set savepoint %l for a remote client due to error %l. (13964)020433The class %s does not have a default indexed property. Therefore you cannoIndex %d may be corrupt. (13966)020434You must use a .NET-specific input-blocking statement (WAIT-FOR x:y()) once020435In order to use this WAIT-FOR format (WAIT-FOR x:y), you must specify an in%B%s lacks proper permissions to create shared memory. (13969)020436%LThe database connections above will have permission problems attaching to020437Do you wish to recheck user permissions and continue increasing parameters 020438The database connections above have not attached to recently added shared mDo you wish to recheck? (y/n)%B%s: error %i attempting to acquire the login semaphore. (13974)%B%s: error %i attempting to release the login semaphore. (13975)%B%s aborted because of user permission issue. (13976)%B%s aborted because of shared memory allocation issue. (13977)%B%s is only supported in multi-user mode. (13978)%B%s increasing lock table size (-L) from %i to %i. (13979)%B%s increasing buffer pools size (-B) from %i to %i. (13980)%B%s increasing bi buffer pool (-bibufs) from %i to %i. (13981)%B%s increasing ai buffer pool (-aibufs) from %i to %i. (13982)%B%s increasing excess shared memory (-Mxs) from %j to %j. (13983)%B%s no valid increase online parameter specified. (13984)%B%s out of shared memory. Request cannot be completed. (13985)%B%s unforeseen error %d. (13986)020439%WWARNING: The %s statement from the compile warning list was found in fil%LThere is no OpenEdge Replication Agent running for database %s. (13988)020440%LThe after-image extent %s cannot be applied to this database due to an er020441%LAfter-image extents cannot be applied by an OpenEdge Replication Agent th020442%LAfter-image extents cannot be applied unless the OpenEdge Replication Age020443%LThe OpenEdge Replication Agent is being instructed to apply after-image e** Unable to open compile warning list file %s. (13993)020445Maximum SQL string size allowed to be passed to the SEND-SQL-STATEMENT stor020446Data loss on network transmission occured while executing SEND-SQL-STATEMEN020447%BWarning... -Ma startup parameter value + 2 (%d) exceeds a system limit as020448%BUnable to start broker. Regenerate the kernel with increased RLIMIT_NOFIL020449%LThe after-image extent %s must be FULL or BUSY to be applied to a target 020451%LThe after-image extent %s sequence-number %l cannot be applied to the tar020452%LThe Replication Agent is currently applying after-image extent %s. Pleas020453%LThe Replication Agent has successfully applied the after-image extent %s 020454%LThe Replication Agent was not able to apply the after-image extent %s to 020455%LThe Replication Agent has successfully processed %J after-image blocks fr020456%LThe Replication Agent for this database cannot be placed into PRE-TRANSIT020457%LThe Replication Agent for this database cannot be placed into PRE-TRANSIT%LThe Replication Agent has been instructed to enter PRE-TRANSITION. (14006)020458%LThe Replication Server has been instructed to immediately attempt Agent c020459%LThe Replication Server has been instructed to cancel deferred agent start020460%BFailed to enable the block level consistency check with current parameter%BFailed to parse name string: "%s" in function: %s, error: %l. (14010)020461%BPlease restart the database with correct parameters or enable them throug020462%BQuiet Point enabled while ai extent %s is in use, file sequence number is%BUse Roll Forward Retry with Quiet Point nolock. (14013)%LQuiet Point Nolock has been enabled by the broker. (14014)%LMemory overwrite check (-MemCheck): Enabled (14015)%LDatabase block consistency check (-DbCheck): Enabled (14016)%LArea block consistency check in area "%s" (-AreaCheck): Enabled (14017)%LIndex block consistency check in index "%s" (-IndexCheck): Enabled (14018)%LRecord block consistency check in table "%s" (-TableCheck): Enabled (14019)020463%LRecord block consistency check in table "%s": Enabled (-TableCheck), tabl020464%LArea block consistency check in area "%s": Enabled (-AreaCheck), area num%LDatabase block consistency check: Disabled (-DbCheck) (14022)%LMemory overwrite check: Disabled (-MemCheck) (14023)%LIndex block consistency check in index "%s": Disabled (-IndexCheck) (14024)%LRecord block consistency check in table "%s": Disabled (-TableCheck) (14025)%LArea block consistency check in area "%s": Disabled (-AreaCheck) (14026)020465%LIndex block consistency check in index "%s": Enabled (-IndexCheck), index020466Type names are case-sensitive. The type %s matches %s but is the wrong caseCannot set CURRENT-WINDOW to the shadow handle of a .NET form (14029)Indexed property %s can only be accessed with a bracketed key value. (14030)%LInvalid Index Block Detected (14031)%L>>>>> Contents of Old Block >>>>> (14032)%L>>>>> Contexts of New Block >>>>> (14033)%LThe note: (14034)%LThe data: (14035)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid Index Block FATAL (14036)020467%BIndex %d block validation error data: nment is %d, nlength is %d, level i%LInternal ERROR: cxDoSplit(aa) data too long! offset: %i len (14038)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal ERROR: memory check fatal (14039)020468%BcxDoEndSplit: Index %d About to copy too much!(a), dumping block dbkey:%i%BcxDoEndSplit: Index %d About to copy too much!(b), dbkey: %i/%J (14041)020469%BcxDoEndSplit: Index %d About to copy too much!(c), dumping block dbkey: %%BcxDoInsert: About to copy too much!(a), dumping block dbkey: %i/%J (14043)%BcxDoInsert: About to copy too much! (b), dumping block dbkey: %i/%J (14044)%BcxDoInsert: About to copy too much!(c), dumping block dbkey: %i/%J (14045)%BcxDoInsert: About to copy too much!(d), dumping block dbkey: %i/%J (14046)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal Error: memory check fatal (14047)020470%BInternal ERROR: bkReplace: data too long! offset: %i len %i, dumping blo%LInvalid Record Block Detected (14049)>>>>> Contents of Old Block >>>>> (14050)%L>>>>> Contexts of New Block >>>>> (14051)%LThe note: (14052)%LThe data: (14053)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid Record Block FATAL (14054)%LrmBlockValid error: Invalid block type for dbkey %i/%J, type %t (14055)%LrmBlockValid error: Invalid chain type %d in RM dbkey %i/%J (14056)020471%LrmBlockValid error: Invalid number of records in directory: %d for dbkey %LrmBlockValid error: Invalid record offset %d for dbkey %i/%J (14058)%LrmBlockValid error: Invalid record size of %d for %i/dbkey %J (14059)%LrmBlockValid error: Invalid data length in use %d %d for dbkey %i/%J (14060)%LrmBlockValid error: Invalid free space usage %d %d for dbkey %i/%J (14061)%BRecord overlap at record %J in area %d (14062)%BRecord size is %d, expect %d or less\n (14063)%BBad record size %d of record dbkey %i/%J (14064)020472Only non-native ABL data types (such as SHORT) are valid as a parameter forABL user-defined objects cannot be unboxed. (14066)020473The WAIT-FOR format (WAIT-FOR x:y()) cannot be used without any instantiate020474An ABL user-defined class cannot inherit from a .NET object or implement a %BThe Workgroup RDBMS license supports -spin 0 and -spin 1. (14069)%BThe argument %s is valid for Enterprise RDBMS licenses only. (14070)020476%s is mapped to a Progress data type. You cannot use it directly in the AB%BDatabase has been locked during roll forward processes. (14072)020477Write access to the database will not be allowed until the roll forward ope%BDatabase has been unlocked during roll forward process. (14074)020478%BPlease re-enable the protection as soon as possible to protect the roll f020479Access to the database during roll forward process is not allowed because i020480The database will go through crash recovery and no roll forward can be execAre you sure you want to disable the protection on roll forward? (y/n) (14078)%BError %l '%s' while attempting to validate the hostname %s. (14079)020481%BError %l '%s' while attempting to obtain the TCP/IP address for host %s aError loading the .NET runtime. (14081)020482Cannot delete a FormProxy object. It will be deleted when its window is de%Brlairf: Roll forward to %s is not supported by a JTA enabled database. (14083)%BAiverify Partial In Progress (14084)%BAiverify: Beginning at Ai Block %J Offset %l. (14085)%Brlairf: Data length is invalid, note length: len %d, data len %d. (14086)%Lrlairf: Global txns %l don't match local %l. (14087)%B%l JTA transactions were suspended. (14088)%BNote Verification completed for %j notes. (14089)%BNote Verification found %j errors. (14090)%BAiverify: Ending at Ai Block %J Offset %l. (14091)Status: Locked%BrlNoteVerify: Note code %t is invalid. (14093)%BrlNoteVerify: Note transaction number %l is invalid. (14094)rlNoteVerify: Note dbkey is negative %J. (14095)%BrlNoteVerify: Note update counter may have overflowed %l. (14096)%BrlNoteVerify: Note recovery flag %d is invalid. (14097)%BrlNoteVerify: Note transaction number %l is invalid. (14098)%BrlNoteVerify: Note dbkey is negative %J. (14099)rlNoteVerify: Note operation code %d is invalid. (14100)%BrlNoteVerify: Invalid area %l in note %s. (14101)%BAI Block %J Offset %l (14102)%rOnline Index Check Utility%r===================%rYou cannot delete the shadow window of a .NET form. (14104) (14105)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type (14106)%B%s: Invalid objDbkey member value: %J of %s note type (14107)%B%s: Invalid nextRowid member value: %J of %s note type (14108)%B%s: Invalid nextRowid member value: %i of %s note type (14109)%B%s: Invalid prevRowid member value: %J of %s note type (14110)%B%s: Invalid prevRowid member value: %i of %s note type (14111)%B%s: Invalid record manager note type (14112)Invalid version, %s (expected %s) in the r-code header of file %s. (14113)By Table (t/T) - Check indexes in selected tablesValidation (o/O) - Change validation optionsEnter your selection:%r020483You can only use a valid object reference in an UNDO, THROW or RETURN ERROR020484The CATCH statement can only catch an object that implements %s. The specifValidation Options%s 1 - Validate physical consistency of index blocks%s 2 - Validate keys for each record%s 3 - Validate record for each key%s 4 - Validate key order%s L - Lock tables during the check R - Reset error limit, current: %l C - Continue to execute Q - Quit1. Choose active indexes%r2. Choose inactive indexes020486Cannot do NEW for class %s. Encountered an input-blocking statement when e020487Encountered an input-blocking statement while executing a database trigger THROW may be specified only on the ON ERROR phrase. (14131)Target labels may not be used with THROW action in ON ERROR phrase. (14132)Cannot designate a target block for a THROW. (14133)Cannot UNDO to block '%s' from within a CATCH block for block '%s'. (14134)Cannot UNDO to block '%s' from within the FINALLY block for block '%s'. (14135)UNDO, THROW statement must specify something to throw. (14136)020488Cannot RETRY an iteration of a block once we've entered a FINALLY block forIncompatible datatype for RETURN ERROR phrase (14138)020489FINALLY block already associated with this block. CATCH statements must comCATCH block may only be associated with an undoable block. (14140)020490Cannot use variable '%s' for '%s' because it is already defined to be of ty020491Variable '%s' already being used in an enclosing CATCH block above. Cannot Duplicate FINALLY block started on block. (14143)FINALLY block may only be associated with an undoable block. (14144)020492ROUTINE-LEVEL ON ERROR statement must come before all executable or definit%WWARNING: Class '%s' is already being caught for this block. (14146)020493%WWARNING: CATCH class '%s' is derived from '%s', which is already being ca%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type (14148)%B%s: Invalid JTA manager note type (14149)020494%s Released object buffer lock to avoid deadlock. This chain's contents ma%s Block %j with invalid chain type %i on free chain (14151)Dbkey %j is not owned by this object. Expected %j. Got %j (14152)CTRL-C pressed - exit free chain analysis%s %J actual number of free block(s) found in %s object %i (14154)%J block(s) found in the free chain of %s object %i%r%s next block(%j) in chain is not on a cluster boundary. (14156) LIST OF FREE CLUSTER CHAIN BLOCKS020495SYSTEM ERROR: %s prev cluster rowid in %j expected %j prevCluster received CTRL-C pressed - exit free cluster chain analysisSYSTEM ERROR: %s Last rowid(%j) in chain inconsistent (%j) (14160)%J cluster(s) found in the free cluster chain.%r%BSYSTEM ERROR: Chain Analysis unable to create temp db: %l (14162)%rFREE CLUSTER CHAIN ANALYSIS%r---------------------------%r%BSYSTEM ERROR: ChainAnalyze couldn't allocate object list (14164)020496%s Unable to acquire lock on object of type %l id %d. Chain analysis conti020497%s Unable to acquire associated table information for index %d. Chain anal020498%s Unable to acquire table lock on object %d. Chain analysis continuing wiSYSTEM ERROR: %s Unexpected object type encountered %l (14168)CTRL-C pressed - exit RM chain analysis020499SYSTEM ERROR: %s The actual number of RM block(s) found in %s object %i is SYSTEM ERROR: %s %J block(s) found in the RM chain of %s object %i%r (14171)%J block(s) found in the RM chain of %s object %i%rCTRL-C pressed - exit index delete chain analysisThe actual number of Index Delete blocks in %s object %i is %J%r020500SYSTEM ERROR: %s %J block(s) found in the Index Delete chain of %s object %%J block(s) found in the Index Delete chain of %s object %i%r%BSYSTEM ERROR: Insufficient memory for chain analysis (14177)RecSpaceSearchDepth: %d020501%rCHAIN ANALYSIS FOR AREA "%s": %l%r---------------------------------------CTRL-C pressed - exit analysisCurrent high water mark: %J%r %J free block(s) found in the area %J record block(s) found in the area %J index block(s) found in the area %J empty block(s) found in the area %J object block(s) found in the area %J cluster list block(s) found in the area %J object list block(s) found in the area %J cluster map block(s) found in the areaSYSTEM ERROR: List entry with rowid %j is an orphan. (14190)%J cluster list block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J cluster allocation block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J object block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J object list block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J object allocation block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J row allocation block(s) found in the storage area.%r%J cluster list block(s) found in the database.%r%J cluster allocation block(s) found in the database.%r%J object block(s) found in the database.%r%J object list block(s) found in the database.%r%J object allocation block(s) found in the database.%r%J row allocation block(s) found in the storage area.%r%BSYSTEM ERROR: %l locked buffers found after completion of analysis. (14203)Unable to get _File record. (14204)SYSTEM ERROR: initStats: WARNING - Invalid file name value in _File (14205)SYSTEM ERROR: initStats: WARNING - Invalid file number value in _File (14206)020502SYSTEM ERROR: initStats: WARNING - Table or Schema record in _File with inv%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %t of %s note type (14208)020503SYSTEM ERROR: initStats: WARNING - Invalid record found in _File.%rFile Num020504SYSTEM ERROR: initStats: WARNING - Invalid record found in _File.%rFile Num%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %l of %s note type (14211)020505%r%rRECORD BLOCK SUMMARY FOR AREA "%s": %l%r-------------------------------%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type (14213)%BError allocating memory in %s (14214)Quit (q/Q) - Do not check%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %J of %s note type. (14216)%B%s: Invalid index manager note type. (14217)%BDatabase activity is stalled until an AI extent becomes available. (14218)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %J of %s note type (14219)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %J of %s note type (14220)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type (14221)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %t of %s note type (14222)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %l of %s note type (14223)%B%s: Invalid Logical Manager note (14224)020506INDEX BLOCK SUMMARY FOR AREA "%s": %l%r------------------------------------Ignore inactive index %d. (14226)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Wrong key in idx %d for record %J. (14227)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to read record %J in table %d, errno %d. (14228)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to upgrade record %J in table %d, errno %d. (14229)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type (14230)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %l of %s note type (14231)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %J of %s note type (14232)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %t of %s note type (14233)%B%s: Invalid Block Manager note (14234)020507Could not resolve class reference for dynamically setting property or varia%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type. (14236)%B%s: Invalid om/fma manager note type. (14237)020508%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to read object list block, idxcheck skipped area %d.Unable to obtain %s lock for %s %d, errno %l. (14239)%BFailed to build bracket for scanning table %s in %s . (14240)%B%s: Invalid %s member value: %i of %s note type. (14241)%B%s: Invalid sequence manager note type. (14242)QUERY %s is already connected to a .NET BindingSource (14243)-- TRACE: %s Procedure '%s' START (14244)-- TRACE: %s User Defined Function '%s' START (14245)020509SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to build bracket for scanning table %d in %s, errno %d-ipver must be set to either IPv4 or IPv6.-ipver [IPv4 | IPv6] TCP/IP version.%LTCP/IP Version (ipver): %s. (14249)020510%LThe specified TCP/IP Version %s specified using property ipver is invalid020511%BThe online backup of this Target database cannot be performed at this tim020512%BThe online backup of this Target database cannot be performed at this tim020514%BThe online backup of this Target database cannot be performed at this tim020515%BThe online backup of this Target database cannot be performed at this tim020516%LAn online backup cannot be performed because the Replication Agent is not020517%LThe Replication Server has been notified that an online backup is about t020518%LThe online backup cannot be performed because Replication Server could no%LThe online backup of this database has completed normally. (14258)020520%BThe online backup of this Target database cannot be performed at this tim020521%LThe online backup of this database is beginning so replication processing020523%LAn exclusive-schema lock is required on the Source database before the on020524%LSuccessfully connected to AdminServer on port %s using TCP/IP %s address Invalid handle or handle type for %s (14263)%s must be followed by a handle expression (14264)-- TRACE: %s Procedure END %s. (14265)-- TRACE: %s Function END %s. (14266)020526%BYour NLS_LANG setting is not compatible with your unicode-enabled schema %LTCP/IP Version (-ipver): %s (14268)Waiting for Broker connection to newly added shared memory segments. (14269)020527%GSYSTEM ERROR: fmget: bad record or unknown value, accessing field %d from020528%BError %l while attempting to %s the Recovery Control File during transiti%s error (14272)020529SAVE-ROW-CHANGES cannot compare CLOB field %s, set 3rd NO-LOBS parameter to020530MARK-ROW-STATE and MARK-NEW may only be used on a dataset member buffer witDataset record for %s required for DATA-SOURCE-ROWID. (14275)020531Must run ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE on buffer %s in order to get DATA-SOURCE-ROWID.Unable to identify DATA-SOURCE buffer %s in DATA-SOURCE-ROWID. (14277)Unable to generate FIND for %s in DATA-SOURCE-ROWID. (14278)020532MARK-ROW-STATE for ROW-DELETED or ROW-MODIFIED requires either a DATA-SOURC020533MARK-ROW-STATE for ROW-MODIFIED or ROW-CREATED must have an AFTER-TABLE recMore than %d levels of recursion in dataset FILL. (14281)Unable to recurse during FILL. (14282)BREAK requires query be defined SCROLLING. (14283)DYNAMIC-NEW could not find class %s. (14284)Cannot use DYNAMIC-NEW on built-in class %s. (14285)DYNAMIC-NEW cannot run non-public constructor for class %s. (14286)Cannot MARK-ROW-STATE on BEFORE-TABLE %s. (14287)Invalid ROW-STATE given to MARK-ROW-STATE. (14288)Invalid handle or handle type for MARK-ROW-STATE. (14289)MAXIMUM-LEVEL may only be given for RECURSIVE data relations. (14290)020534DYNAMIC-NEW cannot instantiate class %s because there are multiple construc020535RECURSIVE relation between %s and %s requires a prior relation to exist whoTOP-NAV-QUERY requires a valid query on top dataset buffer %s. (14293)020536First argument to FIRST-OF or LAST-OF must be the index of which BREAK BY pUnable to understand BREAK BY phrase. (14295)STATIC QUERY '%s' may not be defined on buffer '%s' which is not STATIC. (14296)BREAK BY only allowed if query %s is not INDEXED-REPOSITION. (14297)DATASET may not be defined both STATIC and REFERENCE-ONLY. (14298)020537STATIC DATASET '%s' may not be defined on buffer '%s' which is not STATIC. Not legal to have recursion and nesting on the same relation. (14300)020538STATIC DATA-SOURCE '%s' may not be defined on query '%s' which is not STATI020539STATIC DATA-SOURCE '%s' may not be defined on buffer '%s' which is not STATCannot use REFERENCE-ONLY buffer %s as BUFFER parameter. (14303)Cannot use BEFORE-TABLE buffer %s as BUFFER parameter. (14304)TEMP-TABLE may not be defined both STATIC and REFERENCE-ONLY. (14305)Unable to create WSDL File: %s (14306)Update of DATETIME-TZ field failed (14307)Update of INT64 field failed (14308)Failed to extract DATETIME field. (14309)Failed to extract DATETIME-TZ field. (14310)Failed to extract INT64 field. (14311)Too many 'S' characters in format "%s" (14312)Cannot unfreeze schema for %C File. (14313)_Index._Idx-Num (%d) must be unique for PROGRESS database (14314)_db-option file only applies to PROGRESS databases (14315)_Event-id must be >= 32000 (14316)Fourth parameter must be algorithm-mode-keysize (14317)Handle must be program variable, field or objectRef:publicDataMember (14318)CONVERT SOURCE BASE64 failed during COPY-LOB (14319)CONVERT TARGET BASE64 failed during COPY-LOB (14320)Error getting address information for host %s service %s: %s (14321)Read permission denied (14322)Read permission denied by DB (14323)Create permission denied (14324)Create permission denied by DB (14325)Delete permission denied (14326)Delete permission denied by DB (14327)Update permission denied (14328)Update permission denied by DB (14329)Cannot set CURRENT-WINDOW to the shadow handle of a .NET form (14330)%s invalid for WebSpeed or AppServer (14331)Cannot write message to log, as there is no log open (14332)Cannot clear log because there is no log file open (14333)Too many fields/extents in IMPORT or EXPORT statement. (14334)Cannot THROW an interface '%s'. (14335)Could not find index %s for field %s (14336)020540Unable to create temporary file name for downloading image from internet. HTML Help is not available on Character-mode platforms. (14338)LONGCHAR conversion to UTF-8 for OpenClient failed. (14339)CLOB field conversion from %s to UTF-8 for OpenClient failed. (14340)020541Not enough memory for CLOB field conversion from %s to UTF-8 for OpenClientHexidecimal input greater than 16 digits is not supported. (14342)Invalid UTF-8 collation table (14343)Invalid conversion for OUTPUT TO PRINTER (14344)Error exporting LONGCHAR variable. (14345)Invalid source for IMPORT of LONGCHAR variable. (14346)Usecount of the segment is <= 0 (14347)Cannot invoke a DLL procedure with a CALL object (14348)Name %s of identifier must have less than or equal %d characters. (14349)Left-hand-side of NEW statement may not be an unsubscripted array. (14350)020542CALL-NAME or ORDINAL must be specified before using INVOKE with a CALL obje020543BROWSE with user-supplied TOP-NAV-QUERY requires QUERY-PREPARE to be run on%GSYSTEM ERROR: read 0 filenum from cache during scload (14353)-ttmarshal argument value not valid. (14354)Invalid argument given to -opaque, use 0 or 1. (14355)Platforms with 64-bit pointers do not support -opaque 0. (14356)-lbimod can be set to 0 or 1 only. (14357)Invalid mode given to -ojmode -- use 1 or 2. (14358)THROW must always entail an UNDO. (14359)Record not found due to badly formatted recid/rowid. (14360)Permission to read field denied. (14361)Permission to write field denied. (14362)Error exporting LONGCHAR variable. (14363)Unable to obtain codepage for CONVERT TARGET. (14364)Could not load ICU library %s. (14365)ICU error %d occurred during NORMALIZE function. (14366)Could not obtain memory for NORMALIZE function. (14367)020544NO-CONVERT is not allowed in COPY-LOB when both source and target are CLOB %BError loading ICU collation %s, connection aborted. (14369)020545Attempting to update a fixed-codepage LONGCHAR with characters not found inYou cannot use -cpinternal undefined with the GUI client. (14371)020546Codepage argument of NODE-VALUE-TO-LONGCHAR conflicts with fixed codepage oUser cannot change an existing _Codepage or _Collation record. (14373)No record available for export of LONGCHAR. (14374)Update of DATETIME field failed (14375)SECURITY-POLICY:SET-CLIENT expects client principal handle (14376)SECURITY-POLICY:SET-CLIENT could not allocate memory (14377)Updating %s Virtual System Table is not supported (14378)Offline binary dump does not support threads. (14379)020547%BInvalid value specified for the startup argument %s. Valid values are %l%BBinary dump started %d threads. (14381)Error creating cursor. (14382)020548%BShared memory segment size specified using -shmsegsize is too many characError allocating memory for menu list. (14384)%BCPU number is %d. (14385)%BIndex generate time is %l. (14386)Sorting index group %d. (14387)Initializing the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB using Native Invocation (14388) OpenEdge AppServer operating mode is %s (14389) OpenEdge AppServer URL is %s (14390) Session-Managed header name is %s (14391)%LSYSTEM ERROR: A user died holding the Large Keys Enablement latch. (14392)stRent request for more than 32K. (14393)%BOut of free shared memory. (14394)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Out of memory attempting to create temp table database. (14395)Can't get admin lock %l (14396)Login process pending ADD EXTENT ON-LINE completion. (14397)Invalid login request. (14398)%LLogin usernum %d, federated SQL Agent (14399)%LLogin usernum %d, federated SQL Client (14400)%BUnable to load semaphore table. (14401)%BOnline Backup cannot login during quiet points with nolock. (14402)%BQuiet point already enabled - quiet login request rejected. (14403)*** Only one online prostrct add is allowed. (14404)*** Only one increase parameters online is allowed. (14405)%BQuiet point request already logged in - request rejected. (14406)%BOnline Backup already logged in - cannot enable quiet point nolock. (14407)020549%BOnline Replication Enable already logged in - cannot enable quiet point n%BIgnoring free of picb filename %s filnum %d filflags %d. (14409)020550%LChecksum validation of dbkey %j block type %i in area %i does not match d%gSYSTEM ERROR: Extent %s removed. (14411)SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get lock after undoing a record %s (14412)020551%BIgnoring attempt to add picb to free chain twice, i %d dbkey %j flags %d %BbkObjBlockUpdate: Dbkey %J is not the first dbkey %J on free chain. (14414)XREF-XML file name must be less than %d characters (14415)-numlogfiles cannot be set to a value greater than %l (14416)Could not allocate fixcurtable size %d, use smaller size. (14417)020552%GSYSTEM ERROR: Object delete failed; Object dbkey %D area %i not found in %BError reading from temp file, blockOffset is %J, error is %d. (14419)020553%BAn invalid interval was specified for the -aiarcinterval argument. Valid%BThe %s environment variable exceeds its maximum length of %l bytes. (14421)020554Static methods, property accessors, and constructors may only reference staProblem resolving class static member reference '%s' . (14423)%LAbnormal shutdown is being initiated from DREXIT. (14424)%BIncremental backup cannot be run with the %s argument. (14425)HTML Viewer Error: %s (14426)020555Compile arguments provided to the RUN statement, but could not find proceduSYSTEM ERROR: Failed create index entry for system field _Field-Physpos. (14428)Protocol error: schema for %d table(s) missing. %s (14429)Invalid attempt to update a large object type field through the ABL. (14430)OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB initialization complete (14431)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid UTF-8 character read from keyboard. (14432)Invalid value supplied for -cluster. (14433)Column is not a valid LENGTH option for CLOBs (14434)Large object fields can only be defined in NO-UNDO Temp-Tables (14435)%GSYSTEM ERROR: lbifillicb: bfrread failed ret=%l (14436)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get lock after undoing a record delete. (14437)Attempt to throw or return an error object to the client (14438)020556%B-keybuildtype must be '0' for olkd style keys or '1' for new style keys (%GSYSTEM ERROR: Setting of database savepoint failed (14440)020557Memory allocation failure getting memory needed to perform a BUFFER-COMPARESYSTEM ERROR: fdBlobGet failed rc = %l (14442)SYSTEM ERROR: Index delete operation failed for rowid %j (14443)May only set _Index._Mode when _Index is new. (14444)May not set _Index._Mode to 2 (Prepare to de-activate). (14445)Unable to create large object field '%s'. (14446)TYPE-OF '%s' not allowed. TYPE-OF target must be a user defined type. (14447)Cannot pass an array of table-handles as a parameter. (14448)Cannot pass large objects as runtime parameters. (14449)020558After a CATCH statement for the main procedure block, only additional CATCH020560After a CATCH statement for the main block of a sub-routine, only additionaSpurious END CATCH statement. Not in a CATCH block. (14452)Spurious END FINALLY statement. Not in a FINALLY block. (14453)020561END FINALLY statement for routine level block already encountered. Cannot cMaximum size for large object in field '%s' is %l. Attempted %l. (14455)THROW statement failed. (14456)Could not locate method '%s' with matching signature in class '%s'. (14457)020562May not THROW from the routine level CATCH or FINALLY block of a destructorUTF-8/UCS4 conversion failed: %s in %s with %d (14459)%B Validate physical consistency of index blocks (14460)%B Validate keys for each record (14461)%B Validate record for each key (14462)%B Validate key order (14463)%B Lock tables during the validation (14464)%B Error limit is set to %i. (14465)No record available for export of large object. (14466)Invalid TCP/IP version specified: %s (14467)Invalid server type specified: %s (14468)Unable to get codepage attributes for field %s in codepage %s. (14469)The target codepage differs from codepage of data in the LONGCHAR. (14470)Invalid character data found in MEMPTR for codepage %s. (14471)Cannot convert between CLOB column codepage %s and %s. (14472)%BSYSTEM ERROR: proTxSavepoint: unexpected error from dsmTransaction %l (14473)020563%GSYSTEM ERROR: proTxRollbackSavepoint: unexpected error from dsmTransactioSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create tempdb, return code %l. (14475)020564SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to delete cursor of the index in tempdb, returned %l iRETURN ERROR statement failed with an invalid error object (14477)Unable to get admin lock for idx %l, returned %l. (14478)Processing total of %J blocks in area %d. (14479)Processing approximately %J blocks of %s in area %d. (14480)Processed %J blocks of %s %d.SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to create lob storage object for TEMP-TABLE %s (14482)020565Unable to create a CLOB column without specifying a character set and collaCan't update %s feature (14484)Can only update the _DBFeature_Enabled column (14485)Can only enable the 'LARGE_KEYS' feature (14486)'LARGE_KEYS' feature already enabled for this database (14487)Can't enable large keys for a database with %l byte blocksize (14488)Cannot change _Db-res1[1] column (14489)020566Failed to get record %J in table %d, return code %l.%rThe rowid stored in tCan't use UPDATE or SET to modify a property of a OpenEdge builtin class (14491)Invalid data type for indexing %l (14492)020567The data provided to update a CLOB contained invalid data for the characterABL client can't access BLOBs from a version 9 database (14494)020568Cannot add the CLOB/BLOB locator field to the record without exceeding the Maximum size for CLOB in field '%s' is %l. Attempted %l (14496)Communication error with server, BLOB compare is unknown. (14497)Could not allocate sufficient memory to perform BLOB comparison (14498)BLOB get failed, BLOB compare is unknown (14499)020569Source file does not contain sufficient data starting at %j to copy %j byte%GSYSTEM ERROR: Could not get BLOB locater from record, retcode=%l (14501)%GSYSTEM ERROR: dsmBlobDelete returned error %l (14502)SYSTEM ERROR: dsmRecordGet failed in proBlobDrop with status %l (14503)SYSTEM ERROR: proBlobDrop:dsmRecordDelete failed retcode = %l (14504)BLOB contains invalid character data (14505)Cannot convert between codepage %s and codepage %s (14506)File contains invalid character data (14507)STARTING AT position, %j, is not within the file (14508)Source file starting at %j does not contain %l characters (14509)020570You cannot update the collation tables for database '%s'%rwhile after-imagi%BError allocating the required memory in function %s at line %l. (14511)%BA storage area cannot be truncated while After Imaging is enabled. (14512)020571%BThe after image archiver cannot be started using this command. You must %BAfter Image Management has been enabled for the database. (14514)%BError authenticating user : badly formed user-id (14515)%s complete, estimated time remaining: %s hour(s) %s minute(s) %s second(s).020572%BAn output destination is required when attempting to archive an extent. S 100% complete.%L%s %s (14519)%s %s (14520)020573SYSTEM ERROR: Found _storageObject record %J for index %d, but the index coCould not delete record %J in table %d, return code %l. (14522)Failed to delete key for record %j in table %d, return code %l. (14523)Area %s does not exist in the database. (14524)Area %s is not TypeII area, auditing must be enabled in TypeII area. (14525)SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid function id for error class (14526)You are not allowed to define a class that implements %s (14527)Your LONGCHAR buffer has been overrun. Memory has been corrupted. (14528)020574Registry information for Progress is invalid. Can't find where the Java VM Processing blocks below high water mark %J in area %i.Processed %J %s blocks in area %d.Processing blocks of %s %i in area %i.Verifying keys for index %i in area %i.Verified %J keys for index %i in area %i.%BStarted index check with the following options:%BStart %d threads for the area. (14536)Unable to lock table %d, returned %i. (14537)%LError returned from poll for %s %l. The user is being disconnected. (14538)MAC Encryption could not be completed because %s (14539)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:SEAL failed because %s (14540)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:VALIDATE-SEAL failed because %s (14541)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:VALIDATE-SEAL failed (%d) (14542)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:IMPORT failed because object already sealed (14543)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:IMPORT failed (%d) (14544)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:EXPORT failed because object is not sealed (14545)020575CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:EXPORT failed because object is in the wrong login state (Cannot set attributes or properties in LOGIN-STATE: %s (14547)Cannot set attributes or properties for a sealed CLIENT-PRINCIPAL (14548)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:AUTHENTICATION-FAILED error because object is sealed (14549)020576CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:AUTHENTICATION-FAILED error because object in wrong login CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:LOGOUT failed because object is not sealed (14551)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:LOGOUT failed because object is in wrong login state (14552)Required attribute can not be set to the %s (14553)AUDIT-CONTROL:LOG-AUDIT-EVENT failed (%d) (14554)020577The EVENT-ID for AUDIT-CONTROL:LOG-AUDIT-EVENT must be greater or equal to The EVENT-DETAIL can not be greater than 10,000 characters (14556)The EVENT-CONTEXT can not be greater than 200 characters (14557)AUDIT-CONTROL:BEGIN-EVENT-GROUP failed (%d) (14558)AUDIT-CONTROL:SET-APPL-CONTEXT failed (%d) (14559)SECURITY-POLICY:REGISTER-DOMAIN failed because %s (14560)SECURITY-POLICY:REGISTER-DOMAIN failed (%d) (14561)020578SECURITY-POLICY:LOCK-REGISTRATION failed because registry is already lockedSECURITY-POLICY:LOCK-REGISTRATION failed (%d) (14563)Invalid parameter for SECURITY-POLICY:LOAD-DOMAINS (14564)020579SECURITY-POLICY:LOAD-DOMAINS warning - no domain access code provided for d020580SECURITY-POLICY:LOAD-DOMAINS failed because SECURITY-POLICY:REGISTER-DOMAINSECURITY-POLICY:LOAD-DOMAINS failed because registry is already locked (14567)SECURITY-POLICY:LOAD-DOMAINS failed (%d) (14568)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:SEAL failed (%d) (14569)020581%LUnable to add socket %l to socket mapping table. This connection is bein%LUnable to remove session-user %l from the socket mapping table. (14571)020582%LUnable to locate the socket-user mapping for socket %l. Communications w020583After a CATCH, the enclosing block must end before any other statements mayRUN ... SET specified but no SERVER handle was provided. (14574)020584Could not resolve the event handler argument passed to Subscribe or UnsubscERROR: Unable to restore LD_LIBRARY_PATH (14576)%s complete.020585Unicode string '%s' has been truncated. To fit string, increase value of -u020586%WWARNING: Form input of length %l exceeds current DITEM size limit of %l. RUN statement may not include both IN and SET options. (14580)020587Internal compiler error while processing Subscribe or Unsubscribe for a typIncorrect number of arguments for an operation on a typed event. (14582)020588Subscribe operation needs procedure handle argument or must specify a metho020589No accessible overload of %s in class %s has the signature required for the020590Internal error while compiling a property -- accessor method has no functioSAX parser error: %s, %s. (14586)020591'RUN ... ON server-handle' with the [SET handle] option is not valid withouClass event '%s' has been referenced as though it were a data member. (14588)020592Subscribe or Unsubscribe method failed: unable to find internal procedure %020593Subscribe or Unsubscribe method failed: invalid procedure handle or object Multicast enabled : group address= %s (14591)Invalid multicast group address = %s (14592)The STATIC and SERIALIZABLE qualifiers are only valid in a class file. (14593)020594STATIC BUFFER '%s' may only be defined on a database table or STATIC TEMP-TCannot use %s within a STATIC method, constructor, or property accessor. (14595)Problem resolving static class member reference '%s'. (14596)Field '%s' is ambiguous with '%s.%s.%s' and '%s'. (14597)Field '%s' is ambiguous with '%s.%s' and '%s'. (14598)020595Type name syntax can only be used to reference static members of a class. (The STATIC constructor may not have parameters. (14600)020596Methods in an interface cannot be declared STATIC. Interface %s, method %s.An instance method cannot override the static method '%s' in class '%s'. (14602)A static method cannot hide the instance method '%s' in class '%s'. (14603)Not enough memory for class type information of '%s'. (14604)020597Attempt to OVERRIDE method '%s' but did not find a method with matching sigSTART-DOCUMENT could not open stream '%s'. (14606)020598Argument for SET-OUTPUT-DESTINATION must be a 'file', 'stream', 'stream-hanSAX-WRITER was unable to write the X-NODEREF. (14608)%s method invalid while WRITE-STATUS is %s. (14609)020599START-DOCUMENT was unable to open the output destination. No output destinaCodepage of XML document and fixed codepage of LONGCHAR must match. (14611)Unable to set codepage of LONGCHAR to '%s'. (14612)020600START-DOCUMENT encountered an error with the output destination or encodingSTRICT error: %s method passed invalid XML name '%s'. (14614)020601STRICT error: %s method attempted to create a namespace prefix '%s' with no020602STRICT error: namespace prefix '%s' resolved to an empty URI at the complet020603STRICT error: %s method attempted to create a second instance of the namesp020604STRICT error: %s method attempted to create a second instance of the attrib020605STRICT error: attribute '%s' resolved to more than one instance at the compSTRICT error: unresolved namespace '%s'. (14620)020606STRICT error: %s attempted to close the tag '%s' when the current tag to cl020607STRICT error: %s attempted to close the document before the root tag was cl020608STRICT error: %s attempted to write character data outside of the root tag.%BInternal error in %s, return %l, inst %d. (14624)STRICT error: %s created a root tag that does not match the DTD value. (14625)020609STRICT error: %s attempted to create an external DTD reference in a documen020610STRICT error: %s attempted to create a document with version '%s'. Only val%s method failed: %s (14628)SAX-WRITER encountered an error and is unable to continue: %i (14629)Error: setting attribute %s invalid while WRITE-STATUS is %s. (14630)Static instance failed to load. Cannot reference class %s. (14631)020611Non-modal input blocking statement stacked over a .NET WAIT-FOR is invalid 020612Non-static member '%s' must be accessed via an object instance, not via a c020613Static member '%s' must be accessed via a class name, not via an object ins020614Static member '%s' cannot be used to implement the member in abstract class%LEnabling table locks. (14636)%LDisabling table locks. (14637)STATIC qualifier is not supported for destructors. (14638)%B%d threads start for the area. (14639)Merging of group %d failed. (14640)%BERROR - getting index activation flag from _Index record. (14641)%BERROR - getting _Index record. (14642) (14643)%BAuditing is not enabled. (14644)Database GUID of record %D is invalid. (14645)%BAuditing is not enabled. (14646)Error reading audit archive header from file %s, errno = %d. (14647)Database GUID of record %D is invalid. (14648) (14649) (14650) (14651)020616%BWhen using specified binary dump AND, input range values cannot cause an %BPerforming table scan for dump of table %s. (14653)%BOperator EQ cannot be used in combination with AND. (14654)020617%BWhen using the AND parameter, the operator before the AND must be either %BWhen using AND, the second operator must be LT or LE. (14656)-ipver must be either IPv4 or IPv6. (14657)020618%LPrevious message sent on behalf of user %d, server pid %l, broker pid %l.mb_dbvers %d %d (14659)mb_dbstate %d %d (14660)mb_cfilnum %d %d (14661)mb_tainted %d %d (14662)mb_flags %d %d (14663)mb_lasttask %l %l (14664)mb_ai.aibegin %l %l (14665)mb_ai.ainew %l %l (14666)mb_ai.aigennbr %l %l (14667)mb_ai.aiopen %l %l (14668)mb_lstmod %l %l (14669)mb_aiwrtloc %l %l (14670)mb_aiwrtloc64 %l %l (14671)mb_aictr %l %l (14672)mb_aiflgs %l %l (14673)mb_biopen %l %l (14674)020619%GSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to define too many indexes for area %i database %s.020620%L%s:Unknown O/S error during %s, errno %d, fd %d, len %s, offset %s, file mb_biprev %l %l (14677)mb_rltime %l %l (14678)mb_rlclsize %l %l (14679)mb_aisync %l %l (14680)mb_chgd %l %l (14681)mb_bistate %x %x (14682)br_language %l %l (14683)020621%GSYSTEM ERROR: Attempt to read block %J which does not exist in area %i, dmb_aiseq %i %i (14685)mb_langok %l %l (14686)mb_buseq %l %l (14687)mb_shutdown %l %l (14688)%BIndex specified but not needed. (14689)020622The argument to UNBOX must be a class of type System.Object or be a .NET arThis form of the WAIT-FOR statement is not supported on this platform. (14691)020623Invalid use of stacked input-blocking statements. Session is being terminaYou can only use .NET objects on a Windows platform. (14693)Invalid options were specified on the WAIT-FOR statement (14694)Invalid syntax when referencing an indexed property (14695)%B%s.%s (14696)%B%s (14697)%BERROR - creating cursor while looking up index number. (14698)%BERROR - finding cursor while looking up index number. (14699)%BERROR - getting _file record while looking up the index number. (14700)%BERROR - getting file name looking up index number. (14701)%BERROR - getting the index name. (14702)%BERROR - getting index number. (14703)Invalid time format found during bulkload. (14704)020624The string read during a datetime or datetime-tz bulkload could not be procInvalid datetime or datetime-tz format %s found during bulkload. (14706)Attempting to connect to AppServer... (14707)Connection successful (14708)Unable to connect to OpenEdge AppServer: %s (14709)Retrieving AppObject with connection-id %s (14710)Unable to locate AppObject with connection-id %s (14711)Disconnecting SESSION-MANAGED AppServer with connection-id %s (14712)Releasing persistent procedure with proc-id %s (14713)Unable to locate persistent procedure with proc-id %s (14714)020625%BUnable to set rlimit file size to %J, errno=%d, rlimit file size remains Unable to locate SESSION-MANAGED header '%s' in incoming message (14716)Invoking %s persistently (14717)Invocation completed successfuly - _procid %s (14718)Invoking %s (14719)Invocation completed successfully (14720)Unable to invoke procedure %s: %s (14721)Mapping output parameters - Name = %s , ordinal = %d (14722)Unable to map output parameter %s: %s (14723)Created output parameter %s with value %s (14724)Mapping return-value (14725)Created return-value with value %s (14726)%BThe FIELD parameter is missing. (14727)Mapping persistent procedure proc-id (14728)%BThe OPERATOR parameter is missing. (14729)Created persistent procedure proc-id with value %s (14730)%BThe VALUE to be compared against is missing. (14731)Invoking internal procedure or UDF %s with proc-id %s (14732)%BThe DIRECTORY parameter is missing from the command line. (14733)Unable to invoke internal procedure or UDF %s: %s (14734)020627%BThe correct syntax for binary dumpspecified is: proutil db-name -C dumpspAdding output parameter - Name %s, ordinal %d, type %s, extent %d (14736)%BThe first OPERATOR parameter is missing. (14737)020628Adding input parameter - Name %s, ordinal %d, type %s, extent %d, value '%s%BThe low VALUE parameter is missing. (14739)Unable to generate Temptable metadata: %s (14740)%BThe high VALUE parameter is missing. (14741)%BThe second OPERATOR parameter (operator after the AND) is missing. (14742)%BError allocating the required memory in dbusBinaryDumpSpecified. (14743)%LJTA Prepared Transactions: (14744)Unable to allocate memory for XCODE-DEFAULT attribute storage. (14745)The LISTING and XREF options can not be used when XCODE-DEFAULT is set. (14746)The ABL does not support accessing static indexed properties. (14747)Invalid inner element name '%s' for Temp-Table definition. (14748)020629Error processing field definition for '%s'. Parent element '%s' does not maCould not allocate space for the encryption cache. (14750)Could not allocate space for encryption cache entries. (14751)020630%LThe online backup of this database has teminated abnormally. The Replica020631The data type of property '%s' does not match the same-named property in ab020632Read/Write capability for property '%s' does not match the property descrip020633Interface '%s' requires property or event '%s' to be implemented by class '%BProstrct repair of database %s using structure file %s cancelled. (14756)%BThe structure file does not contain any extent path changes. (14757)020634DYNAMIC-NEW cannot instantiate class %s because the wrong number of paramet020635%LReplication Agent %s is now ready for normal processing. Replication pro020636%LAn online backup is being performed on the target database %s. Replicati020637%BSYSTEM ERROR: Record %j in area %l has table number %l which doesn't exis020638simpleContent definition for element '%s' has no 'extension' or 'restrictio020639SYSTEM ERROR: Found key entry in index %d for record %j but the record coul020640%LThe transition utility could not return its TCP/IP listener port to the R020641%LThe Replication transition utility cannot communicate with the Replicatio020642%LFailover transition failed for the %s database. See the database log for020643Expressions involving .NET objects are not supported as CALL object paramet020644%LToo many cursors have been created for user number %d at %d in %s. This 020646%LAn online backup of the Target database has just finished, but the Target020647%LAn invalid TCP/IP message has been received. This message is being ignor020648%LOS Error %d : '%s' while attempting to bind a TCP/IP connection to an IP 020649A UDF return value's extent in the proxy mismatches the return value's exte%BDumplist file %s does not exist. (14773)020650%BThreads number is not specified. Maximum number of threads running is %d.020651%BThreads number specified exceeds 2 times CPU. Maximum number of threads r%BBinary dump started %d threads. (14776)%BThe index tree only contains one level. Run non-thread mode. (14777)%BError creating cursor. (14778)%BThread %d has connected. (14779)%B%J records from bracket %d dumped by thread %j. (14780)%BThread %d dumped %J records for bracket %d. (14781)%BOffline binary dump does not support threads. (14782)020652A property declared in an interface must be PUBLIC. Interface '%s', propert020653A property declaration in an interface cannot include a PROTECTED or PRIVAT020654A property declaration in an interface cannot include the INITIAL option. (020655Abstract class or interface '%s' requires property '%s' in class '%s' to be020656Property '%s' is declared as an array in abstract class or interface '%s', 020657Abstract class or interface '%s' requires property '%s' to be scalar, but c020658Abstract class or interface '%s' requires property '%s' in class %s to be PInterface '%s' requires property '%s' to have a PUBLIC GET method. (14790)020659A .NET object is attempting to access a method or property of an ABL/.NET hSyntax error: this option does not accept the "-a" parameter. (14792)020660%s Unable to acquire associated table information for LOB %d. Chain analys020662%BThis operation is unable to allocate the memory required to log AI Archiv020663To use -preloadCLR or -assemblies, you must have the minimum required versiSyntax error: this option does not accept the "-a" parameter. (14796)020664%s Unable to acquire associated table information for LOB %d. Chain analys020665The OpenEdge GUI for .NET is disabled for this session; the required .NET FThe target database does not have a matching Encryption Policy Area. (14799)Invalid value %d for SESSION:TIMEZONE attribute. (14800)Encryption Policy Area must be a Type II area. (14801)020666The first type e extent must define the area name, number and cluster size.MVRDSTR - error deleting temporary area info during add -validate. (14803)020667A structure file line must start with a, b, d, e, t or be a comment line. (Type "e" areas must be named "Encryption Policy Area". (14805)Invalid use of reserved area name "Encryption Policy Area". (14806)Only one Encryption Policy Area may be defined for a database. (14807)Encryption Policy Area number must be greater than 6. (14808)020668%BSYSTEM ERROR: Could not locate object block %j in area %d, object Id %d, Failure reading response from Application Server. (14810)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Could not locate object list block %j in area %d. (14811)%BThe %d audit event records for %s were loaded successfully. (14812)%BFailed to load the audit event records for encryption. (14813)%BFailed to load audit event records. (14814)%B%s: Primary index in use for building keys. (14815)%B%s: Useindex %s in use for building keys. (14816)FOREIGN-KEY-HIDDEN on Data-Relation not allowed without NESTED. (14817)Could not generate connection event for database %s, error %i (14818)%BCan not create the object in encryption area. (14819)%BCan not move the index into encryption area! (14820)%BCan not move the table into encryption area! (14821)020669%BFailed to abort a transaction in %s at error number %d with returncode %l020670Extent of array parameter to method or function %s does not match what is e%B%s: %s canceled Idxactivate operation - index not activated. (14824)020671The Encryption Policy Area cannot be truncated while encryption is enabled.020672%BSYSTEM ERROR: Routine lklocky detected invalid inservice %l. Producing sInterface '%s' requires property '%s' in class '%s' to be NO-UNDO. (14827)Interface '%s' requires property '%s' in class '%s' to be UNDO. (14828)020673%LSYSTEM ERROR: An invalid key length was encountered from user %d at %l inYou cannot assign a scalar value into a .NET array object. (14830)020674You specify an arg for the CURRENT-QUERY attribute when the DATA-RELATION iAn Encryption Policy Area is defined with area number %d (14832)020675%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected record size <= 0 in rmGenDif oldLen %d newLen %d020676%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid update request. Old record should have size >= 0 rThe handle of an embedded window must be of type WINDOW. (14835)020677The embedded window cannot be removed because the window has been realized.The window may not be embedded because it has already been realized. (14837)020678The window cannot be embedded because it is already embedded in a differentDump file %s is encrypted. (14839)Cannot specify -cipher argument on unencrypted dump file. (14840)cryptRANDBytes failed with error %d. (14841)cryptPBEKeyGenerate() failed with error %d. (14842)cryptDigestBlock() failed with error %d. (14843)cryptCipherBlockEx() failed with the error %d. (14844)dskpSessionBegin() failed with the error %d. (14845)dskpPPhrPolicyOpen() failed with the error %d. (14846)upPassPhraseGet() failed with error %d. (14847)cryptCipherCtxCleanup() failed with the error %d. (14848)cryptServiceNew() failed with the error %d. (14849)Unsupported cipher, %d, for operation %s. (14850)WSA_ShutDown: Web Services Adapter shut down. Adapter: %s. (14851)020679AIA_BrokerAbnormalShutDown: AppServer Internet Adapter broker shut down abnOR_BrokerStartUp: Oracle DataServer broker started up. Broker: %s. (14853)020680OR_BrokerNormalShutDown: Oracle DataServer broker shut down normally. Broke020681OR_BrokerAbnormalShutDown: Oracle DataServer broker shut down abnormally. BOD_BrokerStartUp: ODBC DataServer broker started up. Broker: %s. (14856)020682OD_BrokerNormalShutDown: ODBC DataServer broker shut down normally. Broker:020683OD_BrokerAbnormalShutDown: ODBC DataServer broker shut down abnormally. BroMS_BrokerStartUp: MSS DataServer broker started up. Broker: %s. (14859)020684MS_BrokerNormalShutDown: MSS DataServer broker shut down normally. Broker: 020685MS_BrokerAbnormalShutDown: MSS DataServer broker shut down abnormally. BrokMQA_BrokerStartUp: SonicMQ Adapter broker started up. Broker: %s. (14862)020686MQA_BrokerNormalShutDown: SonicMQ Adapter broker shut down normally. Broker020687MQA_BrokerAbnormalShutDown: SonicMQ Adapter broker shut down abnormally. Br020688MSNGR_BrokerAbnormalShutDown: Messenger broker shut down abnormally. BrokerLogFileNameChanged: %s log file monitor name has changed to %s. (14866)%BProcopy -newinstance Created a new database GUID. (14867)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Replication buffer stack overflow. (14868)-zod supressed ORDER BY unique_id_0 may cause inconsistent ordering (14869)%L%s - bad lob locator (%d) for %s col %d (14870)%L%s - bad lob locator (%d) for %s col %d (14871)%LBad lob locator %X, ordinal %d (14872)%LBad filenumber for lob locator %X (14873)%LUsing shared library %s (oci %d.%d) (14874)%LORACLE_HOME set to '%s' (14875)%LORACLE_HOME not set or NULL (14876)%LORACLE_SID set to '%s' (14877)%LORACLE_SID not set or NULL (14878)%LLogin failure: %s (14879)%Loradbnxt cursid %d (%d) mode %d (%s) readloop %d (14880)%Logetccno called from oradbnxt (14881)%Logetccno called from oradbfnd (14882)020689%LSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid update request. New record should have size > 0 ro%LSYSTEM ERROR: rmGenDif returned %d (14884)%s object is invalid (14885)%s object number %l is not stored in an appropriate type area (14886)Cipher name is invalid (14887)Database %s must be connected to NEW %s (14888)Database encryption must be enabled to NEW %s (14889)Database must be locally connected to NEW %s (14890)Failure creating new key in the key store (14891)You do not have privileges to use %s (14892)Security Administrator privilege is required to NEW %s (14893)Unable to allocate memory for %s (14894)Unable to allocate memory for policies (14895)020690Unable to create new policy until previous policy retired for %s object numUnable to locate %s object number %l (14897)Unable to obtain schema read lock (14898)Unable to start transaction in %s:%s (14899)Unexpected error from %s: %d regarding %s object number %l (14900)020691Only indeterminate array variables (defined with no numeral after EXTENT) aIndeterminate extent error. (14902)Invalid cast to '%s'. (14903)Unable to get right-hand-side array for assignment. (14904)020692Whole-array assignment target and source must have the same extent unless tUninitialized array used as source of assignment. (14906)Could not convert data for array assignment. (14907)Could not update indeterminate array in assignment. (14908)Unable to extract array %s. (14909)020693Dynamic BUFFER-VALUE array assignment for field %s requires that extents maOnly 1 RECURSIVE relation allowed in dataset %s. (14911)Function %s has different extents on prototype and definition. (14912)020694RETURN statement expression must have the same extent as method or functionInvalid use of deprecated word-indexed array. (14914)Invalid EXTENT phrase in definition of VOID class method %s. (14915)Invalid array index expression for public element %s. (14916)020695NEW or DYNAMIC-NEW statements require a subscripted element if the left-hanNEW or DYNAMIC-NEW statements require a class object datatype. (14918)020697Inferred INPUT/OUTPUT modifiers for parameter %d of method %s do not agree 020698-listclients List AppServer Connections (summary)020699-clientdetail (connHdl) or 'all' List AppServer Connections (detail) 020700Cannot run debugger: Failed to extract JREHOME from registry, value too lonCannot run debugger: Failed to extract JREHOME from registry, error %d (14923)Invalid data type for ADD-LIKE-COLUMN (14924)Directory %s does not contain an assemblies.xml file. (14925)%s is not a directory or does not exist. (14926)Internal security system buffer overflow error - %s-%d (14927)020701%BEncryption Policy Area number mismatch, backup has %d, database has %d. (%B%s: Internal libcrypt error {%d} %s (14929)%B%s: Internal crypt service error %d {%d} %s (14930)No clients are currently connected. (14931)The specified connection was not found. (14932)Invalid status data returned= %s (14933)Function is not valid for the specified command. (14934)Invalid argument given to -clientdetail command. (14935)%Lorxrecid: file %d id %s ct %d cr %d innermost %d (14936)orskp1shot: Skip %l (lvl %d) (14937)orxrow: file %d id %s ct %d cr %d innermost %d (14938)%Lorx1row: file %d id %s ct %d cr %d innermost %d (14939)recursive call to oclscurs (14940)Bulk delete file %d not open (14941)Bulk delete file %s native/int recid mismatch recid %d (14942)Lookup for %s failed (14943)error text: %s ---- (14944)Unable to load shared library (14945)Unable to lookup all needed symbols (14946)Run with -Dsrv qt_debug,extended for more information (14947)_orasrv user: %l%s sys: %l%s (14948)children user: %l%s sys: %l%s (14949)020702Incompatible message received from pre v7.3 Client associated with non-ProgMessage sent by client for illegal table number 0 (14951)The remote DataServer does not support CLOB operations (14952)Cannot convert between codepage %s and codepage %s (14953)ORACLE DataServer does not support extents > 28000 (14954)Datatype is not supported (14955)Not a proper datetime value. Specify value up to second level (14956)datetime value should be numeric (14957)020703Stored Procedure failed execution. See previous errors for more informatioDisconnecting database %s due to server communication failure (14959)No results for buffer %s due to failed Stored Procedure execution (14960)020704Lock failure trying to obtain value for sequence %s. Consider increasing PR%Lfunction odbPTOpenQry (14962)The remote DataServer does not support %s method (14963)%LDatabase field name %s (14964)%LField %s schema mismatch. Schema type = %d, ODBC type = %d (14965)Field %s schema mismatch. No matching field name in database (14966)%GSYSTEM ERROR: No unique find in v7. (14967)%L%W Failed to extract dictionary version. Schema may be invalid. (14968)Failed to extract dictionary version. Schema may be invalid. (14969)%LConnection %p: transaction rolled back (cleanup) (14970)%LStandard secondary connection: (14971)%LStored Procedure secondary connection: (14972)%LFirehose cursor secondary connection: (14973)%LConnection chain %X: num_conns %d (14974)%LConnection chain %X: peak_conns %d (14975)%LConnection chain %X: high_conns %d (14976)%LConnection chain %X: low_conns %d (14977)%LConnection chain %X: num_off_conns %d (14978)%LConnection chain %X: num_on_conns %d (14979)%LConnection chain %X: sum_active %d (14980)020705%LConnection chain %X: Needed Connections: %d, (Needed %d more than request020706%LConnection chain %X: Needed Connections: %d, (Needed %d less than request020707%LConnection chain %X: Needed Connections: %d, (Needed same as requested) (020708%LConnection chain %X: Peak Connections: %d, (Peaked at %d more than reques020709%LConnection chain %X: Peak Connections: %d, (Peaked at %d less than reques020710%LConnection chain %X: Peak Connections: %d, (Peaked at same as requested) %LNeeded Connections: %d, (Needed %d more than requested) (14987)%LNeeded Connections: %d, (Needed %d less than requested) (14988)%LNeeded Connections: %d, (Needed same as requested) (14989)%LPeak Connections: %d, (Peaked at %d more than requested) (14990)%LPeak Connections: %d, (Peaked at %d less than requested) (14991)%LPeak Connections: %d, (Peaked at same as requested) (14992)%LRequested ASYNC_ENABLE is 0 so changed no_async_enable from 0 to 1 (14993)%LConnection reported as DEAD. (14994)%L%s connection %X started to plname %s; target db: %s%r (14995)%LConnection %X to %s terminated%r (14996)%LSecondary connection problem, reverting to main connection. (14997)%Lodbc_conn_dealloc(%X): p_dbctl=%X, phenv=%X, flags=%X, next=%X (14998)020711%LCache Created, Logfilename= %s, Filename= %s,%r Pcurs= %X, Recs= %i, Totr%BError writing to dump file, wrote %l, expected %l, errno %l, line %l. (15000)Database must not be READ-ONLY (15001)020712%BFMA_FEATURE_ENCRYPTION is not enabled to decrypt the encrypted file %s. (%BmoveByteCount is negative %l. (15003)020713%BAn encryption EOF record was found, but encryption is not enabled. Recor%BEncryption EOF found unexpectedly in upFindPrev, reclen=%i. (15005)%BInvalid environment variable %s contents. (15006)020714%BUnknown data type %i, table %i, number records %i, record length %i at liYou may not add before-table buffer %s to a DATASET. (15008)020715Property '%s' is an array, so its GET and SET methods must include an indexThe GET method for a scalar property cannot have a parameter. (15010)The index parameter of an array property accessor must be INPUT mode. (15011)020716The index parameter of an array property accessor method must be an INTEGERError initiating use of Winsock. WSAStartup returned %d. (15013)%B%s: Internal security service error {%d} %s %s (15014)020717%LPRGRS_NATIVE_LOCKWAIT was set to %i but the native database does not qual%LRecord resized; oldlen = %d, newlen= %d (15016)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Tried to vacate an unclosed cursor (15017)ORACLE DataServer does not support extents > 28000, table %s (15018)%LInvalid cache deleted, Pcurs= %X, Reccount= %i%r (15019)%LBlock Utilization: Empty Logfilename=%s, Pcurs=%X, Pstmt=%X, Phstmt=%X (15020)%LUnexpected AF cursor options change to %d. (15021)%LUnexpected AF cursor autofetch off. (15022)%LAttempting to repos JBSS query for cursid %d (15023)%LNull cursid attempting to repos query for file %s (15024)%LNull cursor for cursid %d, table %s (15025)020718%LCursor Deleted, Logfilename= %s, Filename= %s, Cursor= %d, Pcurs= %X, Tot%LConnection %X: transaction %s (15027)%LBuffer for client version is too small (15028)%LCatalog Query: SQLColumns %s, %s, %s, %s (15029)%LConnection %X: isolation level changed to %i (15030)%LDowngrade of %d firehose cursors was done. (15031)%LStatement cache (-Dsrv PRGRS_PREPCACHE setting) reuse ratio is %d. (15032)%LConnection pooling is enabled (15033)%LFailed to allocate firehose startup connection. (15034)020719%LCompleted connection startup; %d secondary connections requested all good020720%LCompleted connection startup; %d secondary connections requested %d good %LFailed to allocate stored procedure startup connection. (15037)020721%LCompleted connection startup; %d stored procedure connections requested a020722%LCompleted connection startup; %d stored procedure connections requested %%L-Dsrv qt_debug: %d (%X) %s (15040)%L-Dsrv qt_debug: %d (%X) no query tuning (15041)%L-Dsrv block_curs=%X, fh_cursor=%X, sc_ctrl=%X (15042)%LType Name %s, DataType = %d, ColSize = %l (15043)%LSQLState: %s%rNative Error Code: %d%rError Message: %s (15044)020723%LCould not access buffer table %s. Employing unoptimized definition from %LCatalog Query: SQLTables %s, %s, %s, %s (15046)%LCatalog Query: SQLColumns %s, %s, %s, %s (15047)%LCatalog Query: SQLStatistics %s, %s, %s (15048)020724%LConnect: %X %s Stmt: %X Handle: %X Crc: %d Proprty: %s %s %s %s %s %LNot enough memory to process result-set %d (15050)%LCould not retrieve schema from result-set %d (15051)%LCould not get row (%d) from result-set (%d) (15052)020725%L Max reco020726%L Scrollin%LBlock Utilization: Empty Logfilename=%s, Pcurs=%X, Pstmt=%X, Phstmt=%X (15055)%LUnexpected FFO cursor type change to %d. (15056)%LUnexpected FFO cursor concurrency change to %d (15057)%LUnexpected FFO cursor options change to %d. (15058)%LUnexpected FFO cursor autofetch on. (15059)%LUnexpected FFO cursor autofetch off. (15060)%LCache adjusted to reflect rnfind (15061)%Lrnfind adjusted to reflect cursor (15062)020727%LConnect: %X %s Stmt: %X Handle: %X Crc: %d Proprty: %s %s %s %s %s %L%sFOUND on chain, %s (15064)%L%sSearching for crc: %d Substitutions: %d (15065)020730%LBlock Utilization: Logfilename=%s, Pcurs=%X, Pstmt=%X, Phstmt=%X Blocksiz020731%LBlock Area Utilization: Current_Table_FillRate = %l of %l bytes or %s%% C%LPrepare on %X %s: %s (15068)%LExecute on %X %s %s %s (15069)%B%s Use index %s is inactive -- primary index in use. (15070)Cannot reference THIS-OBJECT or SUPER from a static member. (15071)Static qualifier is not supported for destructors. (15072)%s: Internal security service error %s %s (15073)020732Error attempting to run '%s'. A web Service operation cannot use a REFERENC%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbecFindEntry spinning with objectType %d objectId %d (15075)020733%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbecFindByMarker error: requested pending entry trid %l id020734%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbecFindByMarker error: requested pending entry trid %l id020735%LSYSTEM ERROR: dbecFindByMarker found 2 policies but neither matched id %d%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to start dskp policy session %l (15079)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to access security policies %l (15080)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: insert error rc %l (15081)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to load security policy %l (15082)Invalid use of function %s that returns an array. (15083)020736The bracket syntax cannot be used to access an element of a .NET array objeYou cannot implement interface %s because it contains an event. (15085)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Could not find information of index %d, errno %d. (15086)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to delete index %d in area %d, error %l. (15087)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to recreate index %d in area %d, errno %d. (15088)Failure in key store load (15089)020737%WWARNING: Executable statement at line %d of file %s will not be reached. 020738%gSYSTEM ERROR: Error: In routine rlredo, the call to rlIndexLockManage fai020739%GSYSTEM ERROR: Error: rlReplFix: rlIndexLockManage failed, sequence = %l. 020741%LSYSTEM ERROR: This server has too many open cursors so the cursor creatio020742%gSYSTEM ERROR: Error: There is insufficient storage to allocate the index %LError: rlIndexLockManage error from AddEntry on TBGN: trid %l. (15095)020743%LError: rlIndexLockManage error from AddEntry on TMSAVE: trid %l, seq is %020744%LError: rlIndexLockManage error: Unable to add lock info to idx table trid%LRetry point located at index logical op %l note type %i trid %l. (15098)020745ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE must be called before any QUERY-PREPARE for the data-sou020746Reference to event %s must be followed by Subscribe, Unsubscribe, or Publis020747%LThe online backup is unable to inform the Replication Agent that the %s cSET is not allowed in WAIT-FOR on a VOID method. (15102)020748Datatype of SET target in WAIT-FOR does not match the datatype of the methoUnable to update SET target of WAIT-FOR. (15104)020749The ABL will not automatically convert a .NET array to a native array and a020750The ABL will not automatically convert an ABL array from/to a .NET array orYou cannot create an instance of %s because it is an abstract class. (15107)020751%LThe online backup has finished backing up the BI. The Replication Agent %LAt Database close the number of live transactions is %l. (15109)%LUser %d, process %l is not responding to the shutdown request. (15110)020753%LOne or more processes connected to the database have not responded to the020754The BI must be truncated for procopy of an encrypted database with -newinstYou can only BOX an array of objects if the objects are .NET objects. (15113)%BThe user is not authorized to perform the %s operation (15114)020755You must truncate the BI before copying an encrypted database with -newinstBlock was encrypted, but policy was not loaded for area:%l, dbk:%j. (15116)020756Block was encrypted, but policy was not loaded for area:%l, dbk:%j, objTypeFailed to decrypt DB block, area:%l, dbk:%j, rc:%l. (15118)Failed to decrypt backup block, area:%l, dbk:%j, rc:%l. (15119)This database has a new GUID. Please run Keystore Rebind. (15120)%BProrest -newinstance created a new GUID for the database. (15121)%BProrest -newinstance failed to create a new GUID for the database. (15122)%BRestore -newinstance is invalid for a replication-enabled database. (15123)020757Unable to access property or field value for class %s; Try deleting r-code %BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to start dskp session in %s, error %l/%d. (15125)020758%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to delete encryption policy for object %l%d in %s, e020759%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to open scan for encryption policy look up in %s/%l/020760%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to retrieve cipher name in the encryption policy forSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get name of object %l/%d in %s, error %l/%d. (15129)%BUser aborted the operation. (15130)Do you want to proceed? (y/n)020761Attempted to override property or event '%s' but did not find it in super c020762Attempted to override property or event '%s'. Only abstract properties and020763Attempted to override abstract property or event '%s' but OVERRIDE was not 020764The extent of the return type for method '%s' in interface '%s' does not ma%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get description of %l/%d in %s, errno %l. (15136)020765%B%s %s in area %d is encrypted using cipher %s.%rIt will be decrypted if y020766%B%s %s in area %d is encrypted using cipher %s.%rIt will be encrypted usin020767WAIT-FOR SET target must be program variable, field or objectRef:publicData%B%s to %s character set conversion failed.Reason code: %d (15140)%BIt will be encrypted using cipher %s after the move. (15141)%BIt will be decrypted after the move. (15142)%B%s %s in area %d is encrypted using cipher %s. (15143)Abstract element '%s' is not implemented in class '%s' (15144)020768Abstract class or interface '%s' requires property '%s' in class '%s' to ha020769Access mode for %s of property '%s' in class '%s' is more restrictive than %B%s %s is not encrypted. (15147)%s number %l is out of range (15148)Insufficient memory to allocate array of policy objects (15149)020770Property '%s' is not an indexed property so it does not match the property 020771Encryption not yet supported for schema tables, except for auditing tables.%B%s: Index %d about to copy too much!(%c) Dumping block dbkey: %i/%J (15152)%BThe user is not authorized to access %s tables. (15153)Property %s changed from "%s" to "%s" (15154)Updated properties from property file (15155)Change to property %s is deferred (15156)020772%s failed since the object does not have the required type library informatUnable to look up %s %s.%s%s%s (15158)020773The extracted after-image file %s is incomplete due to the emergency shutdoWSA_StartUp: Web Services Adapter started up. Adapter: %s. (15160)Unable to memory map procedure library %s. Not enough memory. (15161)Error updating property %s (15162)Memory allocation failure for property %s (15163)020774%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error creating record %j to table %d. Record size %d, errno%j records processed. (15165)Bad record CRC record %j, expected %l got %l. (15166)Loaded %j records. (15167)SYSTEM ERROR: Bad header, record = %j, table = %d, reclen = %d. (15168)%s object number %l is a schema object (15169)Unable to initialize cryptography service for UUID generation. (15170)SYSTEM ERROR: System user account lookup failed in %s . errno = %i . (15171)Unable to generate UUID value. (15172)020775SYSTEM ERROR: Record size exceeds maximum size after updated table number fOld table number %l, new table number %l, record size %l. (15174)020776Invalid width specified for %s. It cannot be less than MIN-COLUMN-WIDTH forAbstract members can only be defined in an abstract class. (15176)Abstract members cannot be designated as FINAL. (15177)Abstract members cannot be PRIVATE. (15178)An abstract property cannot include the INITIAL option. (15179)020777%LSYSTEM ERROR: Could not get _file-num from _file row - retcode: %l rowid:Posted EUbrokerLogFileNameChanged for %s (%s) (15181)Property %s changed from "%s" to "%s" (15182)Error updating property %s - %s (15183)Updated properties from property file %s (15184)Property file %s cannot be reloaded - %s (15185)Unknown ipver (%s) specified. (15186)Error updating property %s - %s (15187)Property %s has been updated from %s to %s (15188)Updated properties from property file (15189)Property file %s cannot be reloaded - %s (15190)020778The shutdown of the database may continue for up to 24 hours if required. (The database will complete shutdown within approximately 60 seconds. (15192)The normal shutdown of the database will continue for %s if required. (15193)020779Database activity did not finish before the shutdown timeout expired so theProperty %s for %s changed from %d to %d (15195)SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get shared table lock on _Db in %s, errno %l. (15196)SYSTEM ERROR: Error releasing shared table lock on _Db in %s, errno %l. (15197)020780%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get encryption configuration of the database in %020781Get-Current cannot compare LOB field %s. Set ProBindingSource:NoLOBs properdata lost from server during open file in ncofilck (15200)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failure deleting security policies for %l %l %s %l (15201)%BSYSTEM ERROR: dsmObjectDelete ret %l, indexNumber %l (15202)Cannot enable encryption on %s because it has already been enabled. (15203)%B%s encryption enabled successfully. (15204)Record %j in area %d does not exist. (15205)020782You must select "Strongnamed Signed" or "Strongnamed" for Runtime combobox %B%s / %d : Internal error, unexpected error returned from %s ret: %i (15207)%B%s / %d : Memory allocation of %d bytes failed (15208)%B%s / %d : Unable to obtain lock on _Db table ret: %i (15209)%L%s / %d : DSKP %s failure ret: %i (15210)%B%s / %d : Failure to get %s object information, ret: %i (15211)%B%s / %d : Failure to release _Db lock, ret: %i (15212)%B%s / %d : Failure to print encryption policy information, ret: %i (15213)020783Invalid substitution type '%s' supplied for a type parameter of Generic cla%B%s / %d : Invalid %s specification entered : %s (15215)020784Substitution parameters do not conform to the type parameter constraints of020785%B%s / %d : Unable to retrieve cipher name for %s object : %d , encryption %LEncryption cache size (-ecsize): %l (15218)%LEncryption enabled: %l (15219)%B%s / %d : No encryption policies found for %s %s (15220)020786Empty substitution type supplied for a type parameter of Generic class %s.-listallprops List active property values (15222)%LABL statement reference: %s line %l (15223)020787%BThe maxrpos in target database does not match the value from dump file. (020788Only a Generic type can contain angle brackets and they are mismatched or u%B%s / %d : User canceled encryption policy viewing with CTL-C (15226)One of the DATETIME/TZ fields contain trailing zeroes in WHERE clause. (15227)020789WARNING: Fractional portion of DATETIME/TZ value will be rounded up to %d dThe format should be: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.[FFFFFFF]{+/-}hh:mm (15229)The format should be: YYYY-MM-DD (15230)The format should be HH:MM:SS.[FFFFFFF] (15231)Encryption is not enabled on the database. (15232)%B%s encryption disabled succussfully. (15233)020790BI encryption is not disabled.%rYou need to shutdown the database and run tOnly one enable or disable encryption is allowed. (15235)BI encryption can not be disabled online. (15236)020791Protected element '%s' must be accessed unqualified or via THIS-OBJECT with020792Private element '%s' must be accessed unqualified or via THIS-OBJECT within020793Property %s has a PROTECTED GET accessor, so references that retrieve its v020794Property %s has a PRIVATE GET accessor, so references that retrieve its val020795Property %s has a PROTECTED SET accessor, so references that set its value 020796Property %s has a PRIVATE SET accessor, so references that set its value mu%B%s / %d : Passphrase validation failed. (15243)%B%s / %d : The database must be in single-user mode. (15244)020797ERROR: Verify 'fathomInstallDir' entry in the fathom.init.params file is coInvalid value specified for %s:%s (15246)Cannot set %s:%s (15247)Database was disconnected (15248)Cannot NEW %s. %s has incorrect database type (15249)Unable to %s object attribute(s), ret = %d (15250)020798SYSTEM ERROR: Could not find information of object %d/%l in %s, errno %l. (020799SYSTEM ERROR: Could not find epolicy information of object %d/%l in %s, errSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to release %s lock on object %d/%l, errno %l. (15253)Cannot %s if DB-CONTEXT is not set. (15254)Cannot set DB-CONTEXT to database of type %s (15255)020800The negotiated ASK version= %s capabilities= %s. ASK protocol is disabled%s does not support the %s phrase of COPY-LOB (15257)020801COPY-LOB with offset expression is not supported for the corresponding %s dSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to update block %j of object %d/%l in %s, errno %l. (15259)020802SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to release the lock on encryption policy for object %dSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to obtain %s lock on _Db record. (15261)%BRequested schema change not allowed on-line, aborting the change (15262)Current user has no SA privilege to specify encryption. (15263)Encryption is not enabled for current database. (15264)Invalid encryption specification. (15265)020803Cannot change the object encryption policy until its encrypted data has bee020804Encryption not supported in Type-I storage areas or encryption policy area.Encryption specification not yet supported for non-lob columns. (15268)Buffer pool specification not yet supported for non-lob columns. (15269)Buffer pool specification not yet supported in Type-I storage areas. (15270)Invalid key store passphrase provided (15271)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Can't open AI system for enabling encryption. (15272)%BEnabling or disabling AI encryption needs at least two AI extents. (15273)Failed to start transaction in rlaiEncEnable. (15274)SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to generate UUID, error:%l, function:%s. (15275)Failed to enable AI encryption, error:%l. (15276)020805%BAI enabled successfully but enabling encryption on AI failed with error:%A primary key constraint cannot specify a nullable column. (15278)The statement exceeds the maximum statement size (131K). (15279)SYSTEM ERROR: Error releasing record lock on %d/%j. (15280)No value supplied to %s (15281)Warning codes for %s exceeding %d is ignored. (15282)Dynamic invocation may not be used on built-in methods. (15283)Cannot use ParameterList:SetParameter until numParameters set. (15284)020806A valid class instance or static class name is required for dynamically invUnable to get valid ParameterList for the Class:NEW method. (15286)Could not dynamically find class '%s'. (15287)Dynamic output parameters may not be columns in a database table. (15288)020807Cannot set NAME for table %s while a data-source or binding source is attacInvalid ParameterList method or property referenced. (15290)020808To invoke static method '%s' you should use the Invoke() overload that doesInvalid Reflect.Method method or property referenced. (15292)SetParameter position must be 1-based and less than or equal to %d.` (15293)020809The SetParameter overload with 2 parameters is not allowed unless the ParamUnusable datatype for SetParameter method. (15295)020810BUFFER parameter type not allowed for dynamic parameters--use TABLE-HANLDLE020811SetParameter IOmode parameter is required in the overload being used, and s020812Cannot use Progress.Lang.Class method such as New or Invoke etc. on built-iCannot use Class:NEW on a private constructor for class '%s'. (15299)Could not evaluate method name parameter for Invoke. (15300)Could not evaluate parameter for Invoke. (15301)020813A valid element name must be passed to the GetMethod(), GetProperty(), GetV020814An invalid or incomplete parameter list was specified when using reflectionInvalid use of dynamic invoke of VOID method '%s' in an expression. (15304)020815Cannot choose method '%s' in class '%s'to invoke; it is ambiguous based on Invoke method used on inappropriate object. (15306)Unknown or empty method name was passed to Invoke. (15307)020816SetParameter requires that the EXTENT keyword must FOLLOW the datatype when020817In SetParameter, the BIND or BY-REFERENCE keywords are part of the 3rd para020818Dynamic NEW cannot NEW class '%s' because an unambiguous appropriate constr020819SetParameter value for OUTPUT parameters may not be a function or any expre020820Could not dynamically find method '%s' in class '%s' with %d matching param020821All parameters in a ParameterList object must be initialized before using iClass object datatype used with non object type in a dynamic parameter. (15314)SetParameter found incompatible data types used in dynamic parameter. (15315)020822A valid instance object is required, on which to do dynamic invoke of metho020823Dynamic invoke of method '%s' from class '%s' requires that it be a PUBLIC 020824Object type '%s' passed to dynamic invoke of method '%s' must match class tStatic method '%s' may not be invoked via an instance of class '%s' (15319)020825Non-static method '%s' of class '%s' may not be invoked as if it were stati%LBefore Image Log Initialization at block %J offset %l. (15321)Attempt to connect to a secure database in an insecure configuration. (15322)%BERROR - Epolicy %s of a Type II storage area is not valid. (15323)Invalid signature for Event %s. (15324)020826%BERROR - Epolicy %s is not valid for a %s assigned to a Type I storage are%BERROR - Area %s does not exist. (15326)020827Unable to resolve handler when subscribing to or unsubscribing from event %%BERROR - No encryption policy exists for %s %s. (15328)Subscribe operation failed. %s has already subscribed to the %s event. (15329)020828Publish of event %s returns VOID and so may not be invoked from an expressi%BCluster header size %l master block cluster header size %d . (15331)%B%s Internal Error - Area does not exist for Restricted Load. (15332)%B%s Internal Error - failure to load the encryption cache ret %l. (15333)%BERROR - Failed to lock encryption policy for Epolicy %s of %s %s. (15334)%BERROR - Epolicy %s %s name not specified. (15335)020829%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed to create Audit event for Epolicy %s of%BERROR - Epolicy %s - unable to lock %s %s. rtc: %d (15337)%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed to start DSKP session. rtc: %d (15338)020830%B%s / %d : Failed to find current epolicy information for %s %s. rtc: %d (Missing one or more required arguments to %s (15340)020831Unexpected encoding '%s' argument for %s. Contact Progress Technical SupporInvalid encoding '%s' argument for %s. (15342)WRITE-JSON( ) could not find open stream "%s". (15343)Invalid mode '%s' for %s. (15344)WRITE-JSON( ) indentation level corrupted. (15345)%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed to get lob number for lob %s. rtc: %d (15346)020833%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Epolicy data is inconsistent for %s %s. Found 020834%B%s / %d - Internal Error - Failed to start a transaction for Encrypt Upda020835%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed to retire encryption policy for %s %s. 020836%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed to commit transaction for update of encWRITE-JSON( ) could not find the specified stream-handle. (15351)No data in WEB-CONTEXT JSON string. (15352)Unexpected UTF-8 bit pattern %X in WRITE-JSON( ). (15353)Unexpected character width '%d'. Contact Progress technical support. (15354)020837Unexpected data type for column %s (internal id %d). Contact Progress TechnHandle type not valid as JSON input source. (15356)Invalid source-type for READ-JSON: %s. (15357)Error parsing JSON: expected %s, but found %s. (15358)Out of memory for READ-JSON! (15359)Error parsing JSON: unexpected token: %s. (15360)Error parsing JSON: unknown token: %s. (15361)READ-JSON source is not a valid LONGCHAR or MEMPTR. (15362)020838Unable to convert JSON to native data type for field '%s' in temp-table '%sArray token encountered, but %s is not an array field. (15364)Unable to update field '%s' in table '%s'. (15365)Unable to update indexes for table '%s'. (15366)Create/Update of table '%s' from JSON failed. (15367)More than one Temp-Table inferred from JSON Data. (15368)Too many temp-table definitions inferred from JSON Data. (15369)Unable to create table '%s' from JSON Data. (15370)Mismatch of field %s extent during READ-JSON. (15371)Unable to add table '%s' inferred from JSON to dataset. (15372)The table to convert from %s to %s was not found for READ-JSON. (15373)Unable to infer Temp-Table or dataset schema from JSON Data. (15374)Dataset name '%s' in JSON does not match '%s'. (15375)Temp-table name '%s' in JSON does not match '%s'. (15376)JSON methods on a buffer object require a pre-defined schema. (15377)JSON methods only allowed on TEMP-TABLE buffers. (15378)Dynamic temp-table must be in CLEAR or PREPARED state for READ-JSON. (15379)Dynamic temp-table must be in PREPARED state for WRITE-JSON. (15380)SERIALIZE-NAME option not allowed in DEFINE VARIABLE statement. (15381)SERIALIZE-HIDDEN option not allowed in DEFINE VARIABLE statement. (15382)Only one -AreaCheck may be specified. (15383)Only one -TableCheck may be specified. (15384)Only one -IndexCheck may be specified. (15385)Already specified index '%s' as primary. (15386)RAW-TRANSFER target must be a %s database record. (15387)%WPassPhrase ignored for remote connection. (15388)Connection to an encrypted database is not permitted with -t. (15389)Invalid class object or static class name given to DYNAMIC-INVOKE. (15390)Unsupported data type for JSON serialization: %s. (15391)%LBegin Area %l Redo at %j. (15392)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %sInternal Error: Area %l at %j. (15393)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %sInternal Error %l. (15394)%LCompleted Area %l Redo at %j update count %d. (15395)%L%s: Failure to load encryption cache. (15396)%BThe -a parameter is only valid with rfutil -C roll forward. (15397)%LAfter Image has been disabled because backup online failed. (15398)020839%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlclfix: Unable to allocate JTA global transaction table - %LLogical Undo: %d Live JTA transactions detected. (15400)%LPhysical Undo: %d Live JTA transactions detected. (15401)%LBegin JTA Lock Application at Block %j Offset %l. (15402)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s / %d : Internal Error - Memory Allocation Failure (15403)%B %s : Internal Error - Transaction failed to start. rtc: %d (15404)020840%B%s : Internal Error - Failed to obtain table lock on _db record ret: %l (020841%B%s : Internal Error - Unable to obtain record lock on _db record ret: %l.ERROR - Encryption is already enabled for this database, %s (15407)020842%BERROR - Enabling manual startup encryption on a database participating in020843%B%s : Internal Error - Failed to Load Encryption Schema - Cannot Enable En%LERROR - Encryption Schema already part of the database schema. (15410)Rekey failed on non-encrypted database object. (15411)An ABL class cannot inherit from a .NET Generic class. (15412)An ABL class cannot implement a .NET Generic interface. (15413)Unable to update BLOB or CLOB with JSON Data. (15414)%BERROR - Populating audit events records for encryption failed (15415)%L%s : Internal Error - Unable to start dskp policy session %l (15416)020844%L%s : Internal Error - Unable to create new dskp pass phrase policy record%B%s : Internal Error - Null cipher invalid for database master key. (15418)%L%s : Internal Error - Invalid cipher selected %l. (15419)%L%s Internal Error - Unknown cipher selected %l (15420)%L%s Internal Error - Unable to set cipher for DMK %l. (15421)%BCipher specification being set to %s (15422)%BCipher specification being set to default %s (15423)%BAutostart option has been selected. (15424)%BManual startup option has been selected. (15425)%BKey store Passphrase was incorrect, please try again (15426)%BUser Passphrase was invalid, ignoring command line input (15427)020845%BERROR - Failure creating passphrase structure, ignoring command line inpu020846%BERROR - Unable to set passphrase in shared memory, ignoring command line %L%s : Internal Error - Unable to write PPhr for DMK %l (15430)%L%s : Internal Error - Unable to close PPhr for DMK %l (15431)ERROR - PBE Passphrase was invalid, please try again. (15432)%L%s : Internal Error - Unable to create dskp key store %l (15433)%B%s : Internal Error - Unable to end dskp policy session %l (15434)%B%s : Internal Error - Failed to end transaction %l (15435)%BWARNING - BI encryption can not be disabled online. (15436)%BYou can continue to disable encryption on other objects. (15437)%BERROR - AI encryption can not be disabled if After Imaging is on. (15438)%BYou can continue to disable encryption on other objects. (15439)%B%s Internal Error - Error getting table lock info on _db, errno %l. (15440)%BWARNING - BI encryption is not disabled. (15441)%BWARNING - AI encryption is not disabled. (15442)%BWARNING - Encryption on the database is not disabled. (15443)%B%s : Internal Error - Transaction failed to abort %l. (15444)%B%s : Internal Error - Transaction failed to end %l. (15445)%B%s : Internal Error - Error deleting key store of the database. (15446)%BERROR - Epolicy menu system is not available yet. (15447)%BERROR - %s: Master Manage option not available at this time. (15448)%BERROR - %s: Master View option not available at this time. (15449)%B-----------DMK Cipher Selection-------------%B----------Object Cipher Selection-----------%L%s : Internal Error - cannot obtain valid ciphers list size %l. (15452)%L%s : Internal Error - cannot obtain list of valid ciphers%l. (15453)%L%s : Internal Error - cannot obtain cipher info for %s (%l) (15454)%BEnabling Bi encryption was unsuccessful %l. (15455)%BRun Truncate Bi command to Enable Bi Encryption. (15456)%BRecovery Logging has been enabled without Encryption support. (15457)020847%BRun Truncate Bi or enableencryption -biencryption enable commands to Enab%BWARNING - Recovery Logging has NOT been Encrypted. (15459)020848%BThe database has After Imaging enabled without Ai Encryption support %l (%BRun Aimage Begin command to enable Ai Encryption. (15461)%BThis Database supports Replication and Bi encryption. (15462)020849%BThe Database must be backed up and applied to the Target Replication Data%B%sINTERAL ERROR - failed to generate uuid. retcode = (15464)%B%s:Internal Error - Failed to create Ai Uuid. (15465)%BUpdating blocks of object %d/%l. (15466)%BDecrypting blocks of object %d/%l. (15467)%B%s Internal Error - Error fetching encryption policy, errno %l (15468)%B%s : Internal Error - Failed to delete table %d, errno %l (15469)020850%BERROR - Encryption area contains user defined object objecttype:%d/object%BERROR - You must move user defined objects to other areas. (15471)020851Routine %s passed a non-array parameter to an array parameter of routine %s%BERROR - %s: Decrypt option not available yet (15473)%BERROR - %s: Invalid option specified. (15474)%B%s : Internal Error - Internal error dskp ret %l. (15475)%BERROR - Invalid Cipher specified - operation failed. (15476)%BERROR - The NULL cipher is not valid with the encrypt option. (15477)020852%B%s/%d Internal Error - Failed to start dskp session for Encrypt scan. retERROR - The object's current policy already uses cipher %s. (15479)%BFailure initializing passphrase structure, ignoring command line input (15480)020853SET-PARAMETER datatype %s is not supported for WINDOWS DLL or UNIX library Unable to set %s CALL attribute (15482)Unable to set CALL object RETURN-VALUE-DLL-TYPE attribute to %s. (15483)020854%BERROR - A policy already exists for the object of this encrypt command. (020855%BUse the cipher command to change the existing policy's cipher or the reke%BERROR - Encryption policy %s invalid when policy in transition. (15486)%BUse epolicy update to complete transition before re-attempting. (15487)020856%BERROR - Invalid attempt to perform an epolicy rekey with a different ciph%BUse the cipher option if trying to change the policy's cipher. (15489)%BCipher specification %s rekeyed. (15490)%BCipher specification %s to %s completed. (15491)%BCipher specification change to %s completed. (15492)020857%BERROR - Cannot change the object encryption policy until its encrypted da%B%s : Internal Error - Unable to create new dskp object policy. ret:%l (15494)%B%s : Internal Error - Unable to set cipher for dskp object policy %l (15495)%B%s : Internal Error - Unable to write dskp object policy. ret: %l (15496)%B %s : Internal Error - Failed to release record lock on _Db ret: %l. (15497)020858Please use "enableencryption -aiencryption enable" utility to enable AI enc020859%BERROR - Area Policy creation must be done in single user mode, operation 020860AI extent %s is encrypted, but there is no encryption policy loaded to decr%B%s : Internal Error - Invalid prevOption %d. (15501)%BERROR - Area/Object name not specified. (15502)%BERROR - Encryption actions only valid in user data areas. (15503)%BEncryption policy %s for Area %s in Area %l (15504)020861%BERROR - Area level encryption actions are only valid for Type I storage a020862%BERROR - Objects in the encryption policy area cannot be specified by this020863%BERROR - Key store rebind must be used in single user mode, operation fail020864%BERROR - In order to complete a Key store rebind the database BI file must%B%s: Key store Scan option not available at this time. (15509)%B %s: Key store view option not available at this time. (15510)%B%s : Internal Error - Internal Error from upDbGuidSet. ret: %l (15511)%BKey store rebind: new database guid successfully created. (15512)%B%s/%d : Internal Error - Error from dskp rebind, error %l. (15513)%BKey store rebind operations have completed successfully. (15514)%B%s: Internal Error - ret:%l. (15515)%BKey store Reconstruct Completed. (15516)%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Key store Reconstruct Failed. ret: %i (15517)020866%BThis command modifies encryption access control in the Key store file. Af020867%BAfter successful completion of the command, the Key store file must be ba020869%BThis database supports Replication. After successful completion of the co020870%BAfter successful completion of the command, the Key store file must be coERROR - No policy exists for the object of this %s policy command. (15522)%BManage autostart %s has been selected. (15523)020871%BERROR - Object level encryption actions only valid for Type II storage ar020872%BYour database backup is not complete until you have made an OS backup or 020873'%s' is a .NET method and cannot be used as an event handler in an ABL SubsCouldn't process owner of handler for event '%s'. (15527)Unable to compile Subscribe operation for event '%s'. (15528)020874Cannot change the encryption policy for %s '%s' until its encrypted data ha%s %s is not stored in an appropriate type storage area (15530)Unable to locate %s %s (15531)%s %s is a schema object and is not encryptable (15532)Publish: Unable to locate event handler '%s', (15533)020875Connection for the %s utility is disallowed when there is an %s utility run%BProcopy run with -newinstance, please run keystore rebind on %s (15535)Unable to locate event handler '%s'. (15536)srvrExecutionTimeLimit= %d (15537)STOP-AFTER timeout exceeded ... raising STOP. (15538)CANCEL-REQUESTS-AFTER(%d) timeout set on handle:%J. (15539)020876CANCEL-REQUESTS-AFTER(%d) timed out on handle:%J ... cancelling all requestCannot disable encryption on BI because it is not enabled. (15541)%BDumped files will be encrypted. (15542)%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Invalid cipher selected. (15543)%BERROR - The database is not encryption enabled. (15544)%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed to allocate memory. (15545)%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Failed with retcode: %d (15546)%B%s : Internal Error - Passphrase failed policy validation. ret: %l (15547)%B%s : Internal Error - BupPassPhraseGet failed with returnCode = %d. (15548)%B %s : Internal Error - Error in upEncryptBuffer, returncode: %d. (15549)%BLoading encrypted files. (15550)%BERROR - Regular binary load can not load encrypted dump file. (15551)%BERROR - Encrypted binary load can not load non-encrypted dump file. (15552)%BERROR - Cipher in the dump file is not supported. (15553)020877%B%s / %d : Internal Error - Error reading security header from file %s, er%B%s : Internal Error - cryptIVInit() failed with error %d. (15555)020878%B%s : Internal Error - Error in upEncryptHeaderValid, return code is %d. (%BERROR - Passphrase does not match. (15557)%B%s Internal Error - Error in upDecryptBuffer, return code is %d. (15558)%BERROR - Invalid Pass-phrase, please try again. (15559)020879SetParameter and the related Invoke must be in the same routine when using Attempt to use a .NET object that has been freed. (15561)%L: Unable to allocate memory for , error:. (15562)020880If either the 2nd or 4th parameters to SetParameter are TABLE or DATASET ty%s encoding argument '%s' is invalid for fixed codepage LONGCHAR. (15564)Invalid fixed codepage '%s' for LONGCHAR target of %s. (15565)Cannot set CALL-NAME and ORDINAL attributes at the same time. (15566)Assembly not found: %s (15567)%BKey store validation error %l: %s (15568)%BPassphrase validation error %l: %s (15569)Cannot create threads (15570)Enumerated type argument is not integral (15571)020881The class [%s] needs to be recompiled because it uses a reference to the clUnable to load ABL part of hybrid: %s (15573)You can only call ShowDialog as part of a WAIT-FOR statement. (15574)You can only call Application:Run as part of a WAIT-FOR statement. (15575)Use PROCESS EVENTS instead of Application:DoEvents (15576)Subscribe operation failed. %s has already subscribed to the %s event. (15577)SINGLE-CHARACTER values must be a single character (15578)Argument to UNBOX is of type %s which cannot be unboxed (15579)020883.NET is attempting to call a method in an ABL object that inherits from .NEInvalid argument type (15581)Parameter list length mismatch (15582)Passed array extent (%d) does not match output extent (%d). (15583)Problem finalizing type entry. (15584)Assembly qualified name for %s is too long. (15585)GCHandle (%d) has already been freed. (15586)Value was either too large or too small for a decimal. (15587)%BEncryption policy cipher change for %s %s in Area %l. (15588)Cannot map field %s to .NET datatype (15589)TableDesc must have at least one column. (15590)020884%BERROR - Key store rebind must be run after a procopy/prorest -newinstance020885ColumnPropDesc[] array is missing a column when setting columns for TableDeException in DataSource constructor. (15593)020886Field list is empty. You must specify a valid field list when creating a Bi020887Column %s's datatype specified at design time (%s) must match the correspon020888Cannot access RecursiveBufferHdl. This is not part of a recursive data-relaCannot create child query for %s Row %s. (15597)Exception in SetTableSchema. (15598)ASSERT - Trying to update row outside a transaction. (15599)020889%s is not a child table in Progress.Data.BindingSource object. You probablyInvalid field name %s used with InputValue property. (15601)You must use DataSet handle for this BindingSource constructor. (15602)020890A ProDataset can only have one recursive data-relation when bound to a ProgError in GetChildTableInfo: Child table not yet created. (15604)020891You must specify display fields for table %s or specify "*" to display all 020892Invalid HANDLE specified for Progress.Data.BindingSource constructor or Han020893You must set the BindingSource's Handle property to a ProDataSet if the par020894Invalid ProDataSet HANDLE specified for BindingSource Handle property. ProD020895You cannot set both MaxDataGuess and Batching properties to true. Only one 020896Invalid parameter to Refresh(), rowIndex can only be 1 for BindingSource bo020898You cannot use SetFields() if the BindingSource is already bound to the ABL020899Query %s must be defined as SCROLLING when binding to a Progress.Data.Bindi%s is not a field related to this query or buffer. (15613)Schema information for query or buffer %s is unavailable. (15614)Unable to convert query %s to PRESELECT. (15615)Invalid buffer name %s specified. (15616)Parent Buffer %s not found in ProDataSet. (15617)Query %s is already connected to an ABL Browser. (15618)Query or Buffer %s is already bound to another BindingSource. (15619)Invalid buffer %s specified for %s. (15620)%BAI encryption disabled. (15621)Failed to disable AI encryption, error:%l. (15622)Cannot enable or disable AI encryption on replication target database. (15623)Failed to start transaction in function:%s, error:%l. (15624)020900%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: cannot find encryption policy for object:%l, type:%l,maAbstract methods and properties cannot contain executable statements. (15626)The ABL does not support calling Generic methods. (15627)020901This version of the ABL does not support runtime resolution of generic type%BEncryption policy %s for %s %s in Area %l. (15629)Event Handler '%s' returns type '%s', but must be VOID for Subscribe. (15630)UNUSED (15631)Can not disable AI encryption with this utility. (15632)Could not allocate memory to perform concatenate operation (15633)Agent failed to receive data. Error %d %s (15634)020902%B** The FORCE option was given, data object policies will be loaded to the020903%B** The FORCE option was given and the key store is missing, data object pOnly a class or interface file may define an event. (15637)020904Access mode for event '%s' in class '%s' is more restrictive than that of tParameter count mismatch for %s. Event being implemented has %d, not %d. (15639)Parameter %d type mismatch for overriding event %s. (15640)** DEFINE PROPERTY requires AS phrase. (15641)Unable to add subscriber to subscriber list of class event %s. (15642)020905Event '%s' cannot be published in this context. An event can be published o020906Parameter %d for the Publish method of event %s is not type compatible with020907An event declared in an interface must be PUBLIC. Interface '%s', event '%s020908Delegate type name supplied for event '%s' where signature description expe020909Signature description supplied for event '%s' where delegate type name expeInvalid return type for event '%s'. Currently only VOID is supported. (15648)020911Delegate '%s' used to implement event '%s' does not match '%s', which is thThe type '%s' is not a valid delegate type. (15650)020912You cannot use an event handler, '%s', that has the same name as another me020913Unable to process %s, which is parameter %d of the delegate '%s' for event Updating blocks of %s %s / %d ... (15653)Decrypting blocks of %s %s / %d ... (15654)Cannot add %s to procedure library. Library offset exceeds 4 gigabytes. (15655)020914%BUnable to convert data from Codepage '%s' to Codepage '%s' during a RAW-TYou can't reference a lob column in the old buffer of a database trigger (15657)Invalid character found in character variable (15658)Setting database savepoint failed (15659)SYSTEM ERROR: Couldn't get a connection context ret = %l (15660)SYSTEM ERROR: Couldn't get a connection context ret = %l (15661)SYSTEM ERROR: Couldn't set pass phrase ret = %l (15662)Invalid area %s entered. (15663)SYSTEM ERROR: Couldn't set connect context ret = %l (15664)Area %s is already assigned to the %s buffer pool. No action taken. (15665)Can't copy to to target lob without a transaction (15666)Area %s is not assigned to the %s buffer pool. No action taken. (15667)Error evaluating first parameter to appError constructor or method (15668)Error evaluating second parameter to appError constructor or method (15669)Invalid class name, the first component of the name cannot be '%s' (15670)Invalid interface name, the first component of the name cannot be '%s' (15671)020915The argument to the ParameterList Constructor, and the value for ParameterLEnter the key store passphrase for database %s :Enter Key Store PassphraseKey store passphrase:SYSTEM ERROR: Couldn't create pass phrase structure ret = %l (15676)Can't connect without passphrase to database '%s' (15677)This database was created with the -newinstance option. (15678)Keystore rebind must be run before accessing the database. (15679)020916** Unable to recognize %s after -Autostart.%r** It should be either "admin"Restore is extending Storage Area %d by %j blocks (15681)Passphrase option is not allowed on the CONNECT statement (15682)Processing of the source-database after-image extent %s is beginning. (15683)020917The source-database after-image extent %s has been successfully applied to 020918Processing for the source-database after-image extent %s has ended in error020919The Replication Agent is connected to a Replication Server so it cannot entThe Replication Agent has been instructed to enter pre-transition state. (15687)020920The transition of the database has failed because the Replication Agent can020921The transition of the database has failed because the transition utility ca020922The transition of the database has failed because the transition utility pr020923The transition of the database has failed because the response from the traFailure reading passphrase from user input. (15692)020924The database licenses on the source and target machine must be identical be020925The OpenEdge Replication Server and Replication Agent appear to be differen020926The transition of the database has failed because error %l occurred when at020927The transition of the database has failed because an online backup of the d020928Local BUFFER '%s' in STATIC method '%s' may only be defined on a database t%GSYSTEM ERROR: Class Assembly failure, marker alignment: %i (15698)Invalid passphrase entered (15699)Method 'SUPER:%s' is abstract. You cannot call an abstract method. (15700)%BDisabling AI encryption needs an empty AI extent. (15701)020929The transition of the database has failed because the startup of the transi020931The Replication Agent is waiting until the required Transparent Data Encryp020932Transparent Data Encryption has been successfully enabled for this database020933Unable to allocate the resource required to continue the Transparent Data E020934The after-image entry under construction is about to grow beyond its maximu020937The Replication Agent has waited for the TDE objects for approximately %l m020938The TDE objects for this database now exist so the Replication Agent will Unable to connect to Replication Agent %s on host/address %s on port %l. (15709)020939The OpenEdge Replication Agent %s on host/address %s and this Replication S020940An error %l occurred when attempting to connect to agent %s on host/addressUnable to connect to agent %s on host/address %s. (15712)020941This database has not been properly backed up using the OpenEdge probkup to020942The Replication Server will not attempt to connect to the Replication AgentThe Replication Server could not acknowledge the transition request. (15715)020943The Replication recovery control information is being updated because the a020944Cannot transition an online source database without performing 'transition 020945The transition-to-agents property must be specified for the Replication proUser account is disabled. (15719)020946%B*** The FORCE option was given on a database without a keystore and which%BUse the truncate bi command with -F to properly truncate the bi file. (15721)Invalid Progress.Lang.Class object or class name given to IsA function. (15722)020947Unable to allocate memory for the overriden passphrase for this connection.Can not switch to next AI extent. (15724)020948You cannot change a DATA-RELATION's WHERE-STRING attribute if the ProDataSe%BPROCOPY -F with missing key store is not allowed. (15726)Cannot create account with a blank userid (15727)Invalid -aiencryption option for this utility. (15728)020950You must set the BindingSource's Handle property to an AVM DataSource with %B%s: Encryption is already enabled for this database, %s (15730)020951You cannot specify 2 child tables with same name when setting the BindingSo020952The extent of the return type for overriden method '%s' does not match its %B%s: Failure from connect context create. (15733)020953%LThe OpenEdge Replication Server is not active so the FULL after-image ext020954%LResending shutdown request to all active processes that haven't disconnec020956Assembly Version must be in format: major.minor.build.revision. You can sp020957Parameter %d mode mismatch in implementation of abstract or interface event020958Parameter %d type mismatch in implementation of abstract or interface eventA passphrase is required to start database %s. (15739)020960You are trying to use a multi-threaded .NET object in a way that is not sup%B%s: Error [C%l detected setting connec context fields. (15741)%GSYSTEM ERROR: rlflsh: Internal Error mblk %j off %l. (15742)%LBefore Image Log Completion at Block %j Offset %l. (15743)020962When you set the BindingSource's TableSchema property, its DataSource is de%BInternal Error: Key Store Access Failure ret %l - %s. (15745)%BKey Store Admin Privileges are required for this operation, %d, %s. (15746)Value %j too large to fit in INTEGER. Line %d in %s. (15747)Epolicy requires more arguments. (15748)020963%BThe database was opened with -F and the key store is missing, operation %020964%GSYSTEM ERROR: Statement caching unlock operation performed without a prioYou cannot pass an indeterminate array to a .NET method. (15751)%B%s: Unable to deobfuscate passphrase. (15752)Passphrase length is not valid. (15753)A passphrase is not needed for this operation. (15754)Decryption failed on the object. (15755)GLOBAL shared is not supported for this type of DEFINE statement. (15756)Database schema has been updated. (15757)020965Table %l is locked by another user.%rFailed to load record %j to the table.020966%LThe -shutdownTimeout argument has been adjusted to allow for proper signaAimage begin utility failed because replication target is not truncated. (15760)020968%BThis database cannot be started because the before-image file is in an un020969%BReplication target database TDE disable activity %s ended with error %l i020970An %s client connection was refused. Permissible number of %l connections eAssembly Path is too long. (15764)%s is busy, no free ports available between min/max range (%d - %d) (15765)Invalid "-ai" parameter, use "-a" for After Image. (15766)%LSYSTEM ERROR: User %l died holding the %s latch. (15767)r-code version for %s is invalid for this version of ProxyGen. (15768)NEXTVAL not permitted in the Read Uncommitted isolation level. (15769)%BHit end of record before finding field %d. (15770)020971The value for the database startup argument %s must be greater than or equaClassCastException occured in trigger execution. (15772)%B%s not recognized following -C %s %s (15773)%BNot a recognized epolicy command selection. (15774)%s (15775)%s (15776)%s (15777)%s (15778)%s (15779)%s (15780)%s (15781)%s (15782)%s (15783)Error setting WHERE-STRING, data-relation query is no longer prepared. (15784)020972Error in TableDesc constructor. You can only set recursive info for one TabError in TableDesc constructor, recursive child name is invalid. (15786)020973%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d, partition %d: index block %j has the wrong partitTenant already exists (15788)020974Character set for auxiliary db (%s) must be same as character set for prima020975Collation for auxiliary db (%s) must be same as collation for primary db (%Database storage area "%s" cannot be found in db schema. (15791)020976Database storage area "%s" is required to be a Type II storage area, but itInvalid hash-algorithm %s for MESSAGE-DIGEST function. (15793)Could not convert %s in %s to UTF-8. (15794)Out of memory for %s. (15795)020977AREA phrase cannot be used on the Create Table (Index) statement when defin020978An input blocking statement cannot be executed in a constructor at design t020979A value type (%s) returned from a property or method is in the middle of a Total of %llu bytes in %d files, %llu bytes (%d%) unusedCannot memory map procedure library %s. Size exceeds 4 gigabytes. (15801)%LUser %s on %s initiated shutdown type %l with reason-code %l. (15802)Invalid argument to -agentdetail command (15803)Invalid argument to -agentstop command (15804)Invalid argument to -agentkill command (15805)-agentdetail (pid) List agent details (15806)-agentstop (pid) Shutdown agent gracefully (15807)-agentkill (pid) Kill agent forcefully (15808)You can only use the .NET event loop in a GUI application. (15809)%BCould not allocate the %s cache. (15810)%LPartition manager cache size (-mtpmsize): %l (15811)Table %s must be a multi-tenant table but it is not. (15812)Table %s cannot be found in database schema. (15813)Table/view/synonynm %s cannot be found. (15814)RMI unavailable - lost contact with AdminServer (15815)RMI available - re-registered with AdminServer (15816)RMI unavailable - lost contact with AdminServer (15817)RMI available - re-registered with AdminServer (15818)Tenant "%s" cannot be found in database schema. (15819)020980A CREATE TABLE (INDEX) statement with "default tenant" db space allocation AdminServer is starting. (15821)020981The FOR phrase cannot be used on Create Index for a table which is not mult020982The database space of table partition for tenant "%s" conflicts with databa%L%s enabled: %l (15824)%WWARNING: Attempt to find %s record with out-of-date tenant-id. (15825)%s "%s" specified multiple times on FOR phrase. (15826)Incorrect utility to use for %s (15827)Error executing an ABL statement. (15828)020983Cannot Insert to, Delete from, or Update rows in table configured with no dSuper-tenant already exists (15830)All (a/A) - Choose all the indexesSome (s/S) - Choose only some of the indexesSelect one of the following:By Area (r/R) - Choose indexes in selected areasBy Schema (c/C) - Choose indexes by schema ownersBy Table (t/T) - Choose indexes in selected tablesTenants (n/N) - Choose tenantsBy Activation (v/V) - Choose active or inactive indexesTable is already multi-tenant. (15839)Table data storage for %s "%s" is not in Type 2 area. (15840)-all Perform action on all %s (15841)020984ALTER TABLE SET MULTI_TENANT cannot specify default tenant area, or "no spDatabase space for table "%s" already exists. (15843)%s cannot be enabled because %s is already enabled. (15844)%BError - Tenant and Group keywords cannot be used at the same time. (15845)%BError - Tenant keyword specified without a tenant name. (15846)%BError - Group keyword specified without a group name. (15847)%BError - Not enough arguments specified to continue! (15848)ALTER TENANT for default tenant requires area specification. (15849)Multi-tenancy is not enabled for primary database. (15850)Attempt to use a tenancy-related function in a non-MT-enabled database. (15851)020985Tenant functions tenantId_tbl() and tenantName_tbl() must reference tables Index %d (%s.%s, %s): Partition %d: %j keys.020986%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d %s (%s.%s, %s): %j index block pointers and %j bl020987%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d %s (%s.%s, %s) contains %j entries, but %j recordsIndex %d partition %l (%s.%s, %s): %l place holders. (15857)Domain already exists (15858)Domain "%s" cannot be found in database schema. (15859)Referenced tenant is not indicated type of tenant. (15860)Domain name is reserved and may not be used. (15861)%BIndex %d partition %d ( %s.%s, %s ): activated (15862)%BIndex %d partition %d ( %s.%s, %s ): de-activated (15863)-war location of WAR file%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Cannot find block:%j, %j , handle:%j, %j . (15865)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unexpected block type for block:%j, %j, type:%l, %l. (15866)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s: expect trid:%l, found:%l, %l for block:%j, %j. (15867)Domain name contains invalid character(s). (15868)Database operation not allowed on reserved domain. (15869)Domain cannot be dropped when users defined for domain. (15870)REST_StartUp: OE Web Server started up. Adapter: %s (15871)REST_ShutDown: OE Web Server shut down. Adapter: %s (15872)Tenant cannot be dropped when domains defined for tenant. (15873)Cannot drop default tenant. (15874)Invalid or missing database identifier for GET-DB-CLIENT() (15875)%BIndex Activate: %s %s. (15876)%B%s: Index %s for %s %s has been activated. (15877)%s: Index %s has been activated. (15878)%B%s: Failed to write auditing event record for event %D. (15879)%B%s: This operation is not permitted when %s is a super tenant. (15880)%B%s: Error - failed to get default index name %s . (15881)%B%s: Cannot activate an index by using an inactive index %l %s. (15882)%B%s: index %s in use for building keys. (15883)%B%s: Internal Error - Unexpected key build failure ret: %l %d. (15884)%B%s: Internal Error occurred while creating cursor for _Index ret:%l. (15885)%s: Internal Error Find cursor failure on inactive index %d ret:%l. (15886)%s: Failure getting _file record looking up index %d ret: %l. (15887)%s: Internal Error failed to wait for lock. (15888)%B%s: Internal Error Failed to get DB timestamp operation ret: %l. (15889)%B%s: Internal Error Failed %s field operation %d ret: %l. (15890)%B%s: Internal Error Failed to update _Index record ret: %l. (15891)%B%s: Internal Error %s, inst ret:%l. (15892)An invalid value as been specified for -SQLAutoStats (15893)Value specified for -SQLAutoStatsThold is invalid. (15894)020988ROWID may not be used by a super-tenant to specify a row in a multi-tenant TENANT clause may not be provided when inserting into a shared table. (15896)Cannot insert into partition owned by another tenant. (15897)020989TENANT clause must be provided by super-tenant or DBA when inserting into a020990"CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ..." not allowed when creating multi-tenant tab%BMulti-tenant Tables has been successfully %s. (15900)Multi-tenancy is not enabled on the database. (15901)Table %s is not multi-tenancy enabled. (15902)Error getting tenant or group infomation. (15903)Table name is not specified. (15904)Tenant or tenant group name is not specified. (15905)020991This utility will deallocate all partitions of table %s and its indexes andDeallocate table %s is canceled. (15907)%BDeallocate table %s failed with error %l. (15908)%BTable %s for tenant %s has been deallocated. (15909)%BTable %s for tenant group %s has been deallocated. (15910)020992You cannot access or modify data for a disabled tenant unless you are a supIndex %d (%s.%s, %s): %j keys.020993%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s) contains %j entries, but %j records fo%LUsr %l set tenant-id to %d, tenant-name to %s (15914)Multi-Tenancy (m/M) - Choose tenants or groups(t/T) - Choose tenants%r(g/G) - Choose groupsTo retrieve tenant information, the CLIENT-PRINCIPAL must be sealed. (15917)Required parameter for %s was passed the Unknown value. (15918)020994%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s): %j index block pointers and %j blockRecord scan of %j to %j in area %d complete: %j keys read, %j total.Source index %d (%s.%s, %s): %j keys. (15921)%B%i indexes, %j keys checked.%B%i indexes, %j blocks, %j keys checked.Phase 1 complete: %j keys read.%B%s: %s canceled Idxactivate operation - index was not activated. (15925)020995DB_LocksInUseHigh: The record locks in use for the specified database haveIncrease -s, out of space when finding tenant or group name. (15927)%BAn index entry was unable to be added for rowid %j, ret %l. (15928)020996%BDatabase %s cannot be enabled for Multi-tenancy unless the OpenEdge Multi%BDatabase %s cannot be enabled for Multi-tenancy. (15930)%BAn index entry was unable to be found (FIND) for rowid %j, ret %l. (15931)020997%LUnable to allocate shared memory for this user's database request stateme020998%s %s %d cannot be deallocated by tenant or tenant group %s, access denied.%s: Internal Error failed to get tenant/group record ret:%l. (15934)%s: Failed to obtain lock on table %l partition %l, error %l. (15935)%s: Failed to release lock, table %s, partition %l, error %l. (15936)%s: Unable to release Index Admin Locks, error %l. (15937)%s: Failed to unlock %s record, error %l. (15938)%BTable %s is not allocated for the specified tenant or group. (15939)Can not update object state for object %d, type %d, error %d. (15940)Role to be granted does not exist in set of defined roles. (15941)Cannot Grant auditing role when auditing is not enabled. (15942)%BFailed to load the audit event records for multi-tenancy. (15943)Failed %s client princpal %s because: %s (15944)SECURITY-POLICY:SET-CLIENT failed because: %s (15945)SET-DB-CLIENT failed because: %s (15946)%LMulti-tenant Table %s Governor settings (%s) : %s (15947)%LMulti-tenant Governor Cache Size (-govCacheSize) : %d. (15948)%LAn error occurred while attempting to start a SQL AutoStats server. (15949)%LMulti-tenant Table Governor Cache is not active. (15950)020999Could not get share lock on _Tenant record during TENANT-WHERE processing fFOR TENANT only allowed on multi-tenant tables. (15952)021000Table %s, TENANT-WHERE may only be used by a Super-Tenant user on a multi-tDatabase does not support multi-tenant tables. (15954)Not allowed to use a super-tenant id in a sequence function. (15955)021001Only super-tenants may use a tenant-id other than their own in a sequence fMust give a valid tenant-id to sequence functions. (15957)021002BIND/BY-REFERENCE STATIC parameter '%s' only legal if method '%s' is STATICFOR TENANT expression in CREATE must be either integer or character. (15959)Only one TENANT-WHERE phrase allowed in a join. (15960)TENANT-WHERE requires EACH or FIRST mode after FOR. (15961)FOR TENANT phrase requires either a character or an integer expression. (15962)NEW function not allowed in dynamic prepare-string. (15963)021003ROWID FOR EACH is not compatible with TENANT-WHERE phrase. Use SET-EFFECTIV021004TENANT-WHERE phrase not allowed with FIND statement. Use SET-EFFECTIVE-TENTENANT-WHERE used for an inappropriate database or table. (15966)021005Inappropriate use of TENANT name and Id functions in a normal WHERE phrase.021006References to fields in base table '%s' are not allowed in a TENANT-WHERE p021007Inappropriate use of BUFFER-GROUP-NAME or BUFFER-GROUP-ID functions in a no021008TENANT-NAME-TO-ID and GET-EFFECTIVE-TENANT-NAME/ID not allowed in a TENANT-021009In a TENANT-WHERE, the TENANT-ID and TENANT-NAME functions may not have the021011In a TENANT-WHERE, the BUFFER-GROUP-ID and BUFFER-GROUP-NAME functions may 021012The left-hand-side of :New() must either be defined as a Progress.Lang.Obje021013Second argument to dynamic sequence function must be a database name charac021014Third argument to dynamic sequence function must be an integer tenant-id exDatabase '%s' must be connected for tenant function %s. (15976)Must supply a connected database name for tenant function %s. (15977)TENANT-NAME-TO-ID requires a valid tenant name argument. (15978)021015Only super-tenants may execute TENANT-NAME-TO-ID if the name is not their oError looking up tenant name; Error code is %d. (15980)Must give a valid tenant-name or tenant-id in SET-EFFECTIVE-TENANT. (15981)021016Cannot SET-EFFECTIVE-TENANT to a tenant name or id that is exclusively lockNot allowed to SET-EFFECTIVE-TENANT to a super-tenant. (15983)021017Only super-tenant users may SET-EFFECTIVE-TENANT to a tenant other than theCannot get _tenant row for %s because it is exclusively locked. (15985)Invalid tenant found in FOR TENANT phrase or BUFFER-CREATE method. (15986)Cannot look up tenant %l because _tenant row is exclusively locked. (15987)021018Must be super-tenant to use FOR TENANT or BUFFER-CREATE with a tenant id orInvalid tenant built-in ABL function referenced. (15989)Must have a valid group name in multi-tenant function. (15990)021019Attempt to create in multi-tenant table '%s' where the partition (usually dCannot change user tenant identity from within a transaction. (15992)Unable to evaluate TENANT-WHERE expressions. (15993)A multi-tenant table must use a type II storage area. (15994)021020SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error updating schema; File: %s Line#: %l Error coMulti-tenant table %l must use a type II storage area. (15996)%s %l of multi-tenant table %l must use a type II storage area. (15997)021021Allocating a default tenant data segment for an existing multi-tenant table%s cannot be set to the Unknown value. (15999)Cannot find %s '%s' in table %s. (16000)'%s' is not a valid value for %s. (16001)You cannot delete a built-in %s record. (16002)021022You cannot delete a %s record if there are %s records associated with it. (021023You can't create a multi-tenant sequence unless the database is enabled forDisabling a super tenant is not allowed. (16005)021024Deallocating the default tenant data segment when enabling an existing tabl%BMulti-tenancy has failed to be successfully %s. (16007)You can only delete a %s row once you have deleted any related %s rows. (16008)021025You can't add a tenant to a group if the tenant's storage objects have alreArea %l does not support multi-tenant tables. (16010)%s is a system field and its value cannot be updated. (16011)You cannot delete or disable your login domain. (16012)You can only set %s to true. (16013)You must assign %s before assigning %s. (16014)Found routine %s in WHERE when startup -noroutineinwhere given. (16015)%BWaiting for %d user(s) to exit from object cache... (16016)%BNo record in buffer for SERIALIZE-ROW. (16017)021026%WA value type (%s) returned from a field is in the middle of a chained refInvalid target-format '%s' for SERIALIZE-ROW. (16019)omit-outer-object argument not allowed in SERIALIZE-ROW for XML (16020)Field %s from PARENT-FIELDS-BEFORE is not in parent buffer. (16021)Field %s from PARENT-FIELDS-AFTER is not in parent buffer. (16022)PARENT-ID-FIELD %s not found in child buffer. (16023)PARENT-ID-FIELD %s must be of type RECID. (16024)021027The argument to Dataset-handle:ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION method was invalid. (021028ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION method requires buffer objects and not table objectsBuffers in ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION must be members of the dataset. (16027)ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION parent-id-field %s is not valid. (16028)ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION parent-fields-before entry %s is not valid. (16029)ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION parent-fields-after entry %s is not valid. (16030)Invalid XML-NODE-TYPE %s for Dataset %s. (16031)Object is not enabled for multi-tenancy (16032)Object is enabled for multi-tenancy but tenancy was not specified (16033)Could not find object for group specified (16034)021029Changes are not allowed if the table was created without a default partitioCannot change allocation state if current state is %s (16036)Cannot change allocation state to %s if the area is not set (16037)Failed to update attribute for tenant or partition-set, ret=%d (16038)Failed to acquire lock on tenant/partition record (16039)Blank and Unknown are not valid tenant names (16040)Could not find tenant %s (16041)Error looking up tenant name %s; Error code is %d (16042)Super tenant is not valid in this context (16043)Invalid value for 'type' parameter (16044)Cannot change allocation area if current state is %s (16045)You need to supply %s name. (16046)Select one of the following for %s %s:021030%WWARNING: Index %s has too many components. Unable to add index to %s tem%BUsing index %d for dump of table %s for %s %s. (16049)%rYOU SHOULD REBUILD THE FOLLOWING INDEXES IN TABLE %s.%s for %s %s:021031Each AppObject and SubAppObject name within a project must be unique. The nCannot change allocation state to %s for a group partition (16052)%sNot a valid JSON number. (16053)Invalid %s parameter to %s:%s( ). %M%sCan not be UNKNOWN (?) or empty string. (16055)%sAttempted to add duplicate property '%s'. (16056)Call to %s:%s( ) failed. %M%sProperty '%s' was not found. (16058)%sJSON String value is too long for a CHARACTER. (16059)%sExpected a JSON %s value, found a JSON %s value. (16060)%sCan not transform JSON %s value to ABL %s value, %s. (16061)%sCould not find open stream "%s". (16062)%s'%s' is not a valid UTF encoding. (16063)%s'%s' does not match fixed codepage '%s' in LONGCHAR argument. (16064)%sNo record in buffer. (16065)%sLONGCHAR codepage does not match encoding of JSON it contains. (16066)%sJSON property name is too long for a CHARACTER value. (16067)Json Parser Error at offset %d: %s. (16068)Write of JsonConstruct failed because the object reference is invalid. (16069)%sNot initialized or not a handle to a %s. (16070)%sMust be a WEB-CONTEXT handle. (16071)%sCan not add a construct to its ancestor. (16072)021032%sCan not be less than %d, UNKNOWN (?) or larger than the size of the array%sCan not be less than %d or UNKNOWN (?). (16074)%sInvalid character data found for codepage %s. (16075)%sCode page conversion table for %s to %s was not found. (16076)021033%BWARNING: For %s %s, index %d partition %d (%s.%s, %s): place holder left 021034%BSYSTEM ERROR: For %s %s, Index %d partition %d (%s.%s, %s): key %s recid 021035%BSYSTEM ERROR: For %s %s, Index %d partition %d (%s.%s, %s): couldn't findMust supply a valid tenant name or id in IS-SUPER-TENANT. (16080)%sCan not be an indeterminate array. (16081)All indexes.%BError: %s keyword specified with an object which is not Multi-tenant. (16083)Partition of %s %s for %s %s has not been allocated. (16084)021036%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d partition %d, block %j: entry count mismatch: nmen021037%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d partition %d, block %j: block end mismatch: p = %p021038%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d partition %d: block %j marked as root, but anchor %BError: failed to parse index name to be deactivated - does not exist. (16088)%BError: failed to parse table name to be deactivated - does not exist. (16089)%B%s deactivation for %s %s. (16090)%B%s deactivation of index(s) belonging to %s. (16091)%B%s deactivation for %s:%d:%d. (16092)%B%s Error: Invalid tenant name parameter specified: %s. (16093)%B%s Error: Invalid group name parameter specified: %s. (16094)%BCOMPLETE Indexes of %s for %s %s has been deactivated. (16095)%BCOMPLETE Index %s:%d:%d for %s %s has been deactivated. (16096)%BERROR: index or table argument has not been specified. (16097)%BERROR: tenant or group argument has not been specified. (16098)%BERROR: Table %s is not an multi-tenant table. (16099)%BERROR: %s was cancelled. (16100)%BERROR: can't deactivate indexes belonging to VST tables. (16101)%BERROR: Index %s is not associated with a multi-tenant table. (16102)BERROR: failed because tenant %s belongs to a group. (16103)ERROR: Audit Index %s No. %d cannot be deactivated. (16104)ERROR: can't deactivate indexes belonging to the Schema. (16105)Index %s:%d will not be deactivated as it is a default or primary index. (16106)%BERROR: can't deactivate inactive indexes. (16107)ERROR - Index %s:%d:%d has %s. (16108)021039%BERROR: Deactivation of %s:%d:%d is invalid because it is the last active 021040%BERROR: Deactivation of indexes belonging to %s:%d:%d is invalid because a021041%BERROR: Index %s:%d:%d cannot be deactivated as it is a default or primary021042Cannot GRANT DBA privileges or RESOURCE privileges to ordinary tenant user.Operation not yet supported on multi-tenant tables containing groups. (16113)Only DBAs super-tenants may create, alter, or drop multi-tenant objects. (16114)021043When adding a LOB column to a multi-tenant table, the FOR phrase may not in021044When adding a non-LOB column to a multi-tenant table, the FOR phrase may no021045When defining a LOB column to a multi-tenant table, the AREA phrase may not021046DBAs and super-tenants must specify a tenant with a FOR TENANT clause when 021047DBAs and super-tenants must provide a tenant name when using CURRVAL or NEX021048Multi-tenancy cannot be disabled because one or more user-defined %s still 021049Multi-tenancy cannot be disabled because the Default Tenant does not exist 021050Cannot GRANT privileges to users who are outside of current user's domain. 021051A disabled tenant's data cannot be accessed or modified by a regular tenantTenant already enabled. (16124)Tenant already disabled. (16125)A Default tenant cannot be enabled/disabled. (16126)%Lerror text: %s ---- (16127)021052%BIndex partition for tenant %s has not been allocated, only the object's a021053%BIndex partition for group %s has not been allocated, only the object's ar%BIndex partition for tenant %s is inactive. (16130)%BIndex partition for group %s is inactive. (16131)%BIndex partition state for tenant %s is invalid. %d (16132)%BIndex partition state for group %s is invalid. (16133)%L%s: Internal Error rec service Error ret %l int %d (16134)%L%s: Internal Error key service Error ret %l int %d (16135)%L%s: Internal error failed index key deletion 1. (16136)%L%s: Internal error failed index key addition 1. (16137)%LdbObjectLockInfo: parameter %s unsupported (16138)%LdbObjectLockInfo: unknown Object (16139)%BYou do not have permission to access data owned by %s %s. (16140)%BTMB value is %d, TM value is %d, SG value is %d, packing factor is %d. (16141)Merge block size %l cannot be less than sort block size %l. (16142)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s ) for %s: activated. (16143)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s) for %s: deactivated. (16144)Error: Both table and index numbers are required. (16145)Error - Multi tenant tables must have tenant argument specified. (16146)021054Error - MT feature is not enabled, cannot process tenant or group argument.Error getting tenant or group information. (16148)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get tenant record ret: %l. (16149)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get group record ret: %l. (16150)021055%BError: Tenant argument specified with a Table which is not multi-tenant e021056%BError: Group argument specified with a Table which is not multi-tenant en%BCan not remove inactive state for index %d. (16153)Index %s was activated. (16154)%BFailed to update _Index record for %s, ret = %D. (16155)Internal Error in upParametersSet. (16156)Internal Error in upInfoSet. (16157)%BIndex rebuild complete. %l error(s) encountered. Elapsed time: %s%BIndex rebuild is cancelled. (16159)The table name is ambiguous. (16160)The table is not a MT table. (16161)Table %s is not allocated. (16162)021057Cannot GRANT privileges to users who are outside of current user's domain. Index %d has a component with a not yet supported SQL92 datatype. (16164)Cannot build indexes in control area. (16165)Cannot build VST indexes. (16166)%BArea %d: Index scan (Type II) complete. Elapsed time: %s (16167)021058%BInternal error: Delete index object failed, index number is %d, partition021059%BInternal error: Create index object failed, index number is %d, partition%BArea %d: Table Scan complete for tenant %s. Elapsed time: %s (16170)%B%j indexes were rebuilt in area %d. Total elapsed time: %s (16171)Decryption not required for blocks of %s %s / %d:%d ... (16172)Decrypting blocks of %s %s / %d:%d ...Updating blocks of %s %s / %d:%d ...%s %s / %i %s %s V:%l %J of %J blocks encrypted%s %s / %i:%d %s %s V:%l %J of %J blocks encrypted021060%BSYSTEM ERROR: Internal Error: scan init failed for object %i with ret %l,%BIndex compaction failed - object not allocated (16178)%BIndex compaction failed - object state invalid (16179)%BIndex compaction successfully completed (16180)%BIndex compaction failed - invalid index, error = %l (16181)%BIndex compaction failed - invalid cursor, error = %l (16182)%BIndex compaction failed, error = %l (16183)Internal error:upMTObjectAccess2 takes a table object. (16184)Login tenant does not belong to group %s. (16185)%s Error: Invalid groupname parameter specified. (16186)Group %s is disabled. (16187)Super tenant %s has no partition. (16188)Login tenant is not tenant %s. (16189)Tenant %s is disabled. (16190)%L%s: Internal Error - Failed to unlock %s record, ret %l. (16191)%B%s failed because tenant %s belongs to a group. (16192)%BError - Multi tenant index must have tenant argument specified. (16193)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get tenant record ret: %l. (16194)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get group record ret: %l. (16195)%BError - Multi tenant index must have tenant argument specified. (16196)%B%s index %s:%d:%d is in use for building keys. (16197)%BIndex Activate: BEGIN activation for %s %s. (16198)%LInternal Error: Unable to access _mod-Sequence field for index %d. (16199)%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s lklocky could not upgrade to EXCL ret: %l. (16200)%BInternalError: creating cursor in %s, return code = %l. (16201)%BUnable to scan table %d using index/partition %d/%d. (16202)%B%s: Internal Error - index %d:%d (%s): find next returned %l. (16203)%BInternal Error: deleting cursor %d of index %d in %s, ret %l. (16204)%B%s: Internal Error - No table partition allocated. (16205)%B%s Internal Error - found template record on index number %d area %d. (16206)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to find index number %d. (16207)%B%s: Internal Error - failed in rcUpgradeRecord ret %l. (16208)%B%s: Internal Error - failed in upwinit. (16209)%B%s ERROR - creating cursor while looking up index name. (16210)%B%s: Internal Error - keybuild failure on %s key. (16211)%B %s: Internal Error - finding cursor while looking up index number. (16212)021061%B%s: Internal Error - getting _file record looking up index number, inst %%B%s: Internal Error - getting index name, ret %l. (16214)%s: Internal Error - getting active status for index %l, ret %l. (16215)%B%s: ERROR Cannot Activate an Index that has not been allocated. (16216)%B%s Index %s %d:%d has been disabled. (16217)%B%s %s %d cannot be activated by tenant %s. (16218)%B%s %s %d index access denied to tenant %s due to errno %l . (16219)021062ERROR: Tenant argument specified with an Index which is not multi-tenant en%BERROR: %s %s %d cannot be activated by group %s. (16221)%BERROR: %s %s %d index access denied to group %s due to errno %l. (16222)021063%BERROR: Group argument specified with an Index that is not multi-tenant enInternal Error: unable to fetch object %d:%d index %s. (16224)%B%s Internal Error - failed update of storage object %l ret %l. (16225)%B%s Internal Error - failed to commit transaction ret %l. (16226)%s Internal Error from upCheckPartitions %l. (16227)%BInternal Error failed to lock table %d partition %d ret %l. (16228)%BInternal Error - failed on update of object state - ret %l. (16229)%BInternal Error: failed to update _Index._active - ret %l. (16230)%BInternal Error %s: Failed to release %s for table %s:%d. (16231)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to commit transaction ret %l. (16232)%B%s: Internal Error failed to lock table %d partition %d ret %l. (16233)%B%s: Internal Error - failed on update of object state - ret %l. (16234)%B%s: Internal Error called upCheckPartitions %l. (16235)%BInternal Error: failed to update _Index._active - ret %l. (16236)021064%BInternal Error: Failed to release share _Index lock for index %s:%d:%d. (%BInternal Error %s: Failed to release %s for %d:%d. (16238)%B%s: Internal Error failed to commit transaction ret %l. (16239)%B%s: Internal Error: failed to abort transaction ret %l. (16240)%B%s: Internal Error - Unable to release index admin locks. (16241)%B%s: Internal Error - Failed to unlock %s record, ret %l. (16242)%BFailed to release Shared Schema lock. (16243)%B%s: failed to parse table name to a fully qualified name, ret %l. (16244)%BERROR: failed to parse index name to a fully qualified name, ret %l. (16245)%BInternal Error: Index %s%d cannot be used to deactivate an index. (16246)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get tenant record ret: %l. (16247)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get group record ret: %l. (16248)%B%s: Internal Error - omFetch failure %l. (16249)%BupValidateArgs: Internal Error - failure on build index list, ret %l. (16250)%BERROR - Index %s:%d:%d has not been allocated. (16251)%BERROR - Cannot deactivate an Index %s:%d:%d has been disabled. (16252)%B%s: Internal Error inst %l. (16253)%BError: upGetAndValidateBlobId failed to get blob number in %s. (16254)021065Tenant name specified in the TENANT clause of an INSERT statement must not 021066%LThe SKIP_SCHEMA_CHECK -Dsrv option is active but forcibly disabled for ta021067%BMulti-tenancy cannot be disabled because table %d-%s does not have a shar%BIndexes belonging to %s:%d:%d have already been deactivated. (16258)More than 255 boolean operators in WHERE clause. (16259)021068View cannot be referenced in tenant functions tenantId_tbl() and tenantName%BERROR: index and table arguments are mutually exclusive. (16261)Tenant and group names may not be specified together. (16262)The shared argument is invalid for this command. (16263)The operation is not applicable to super tenants. (16264)SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get %s information. (16265)This option not allowed when running with -NL. (16266)Invalid option. (16267)%s is a multi-tenant table, please choose a tenant or a group first.For the following tenants or groups:Failed to get information of %s %s. (16270)The keyword applies to shared objects only. (16271)The keyword applies to multi-tenant objects only. (16272)Tenant name exceeds maximum length allowed. (16273)No index was found. (16274)Group name exceeds maximum length allowed. (16275)Tenant, Group and Shared options may not be specified together. (16276)%BError - Multi tenant table must have tenant argument specified. (16277)%BError - %s failed because tenant %s belongs to a group. (16278)%BInternal Error - Unable to get Schema Lock shared, ret %l. (16279)%BInternal Error failed to get tenant record ret: %l. (16280)%BError - %s %s [%d] cannot be moved. (16281)021069%BError: Tenant argument specified with a Table which is not multi tenant e%B%s: Internal Error - failed to get group record ret: %l. (16283)021070%BError: Group argument specified with a Table which is not multi-tenant en%B%s: Internal Error acquiring lock on template record, ret %l. (16285)%B%s:Internal Error - Unable to release template record lock, ret %l. (16286)%B%s: Internal Error - Unable to release Index locks, ret %l. (16287)%B%s: Internal Error - Unable to release template record lock, ret %l. (16288)%B%sInternal Error - Unable to release Index locks, ret %l. (16289)%B%s: Internal Error - Failed to unlock %s record, ret %l. (16290)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to release shared schema lock. (16291)%B%s: Internal Error - creating cursor while looking up index number %d. (16292)%BUsing index %d for dump of table %s for %s %s. (16293)021071%B%s: Internal Error - finding cursor while looking up index number %i, blo%B%s: Internal Error: omFetch failure %l. (16295)Use group keyword to perform the operation. (16296)%BIndex %l is not empty.%BInternal Error - getting object description of index %l in %s, ret %l. (16298)%BInternal Error: Unable to delete epolicy on %d. (16299) %s : inactive.%BUnable to get partition for table %s with tenant ID %d. (16301)Index %d (%s.%s, %s): inactive. %s: not allocated. %s : %j keys.%BError - Multi-tenant index must have tenant argument specified. (16305)%B%s: Internal Error failed to get tenant record ret: %l. (16306)%BError - %s %s %d index access denied due to errno %l. (16307)021072%BError: Tenant argument specified with an Index which is not Multi-tenant 021073%BError: Group argument specified with an Index that is not Multi-tenant en%BFailed to acquire Index Admin lock. (16310)%BInternal Error: cannot move MT objects from type II to type I. (16311)%BInternal Error - Failed to release Index Admin Lock. (16312)Source index %d (%s.%s, %s) of %s: %j keys. (16313)021074%BInternal Error: idxmove found object partition with no space allocation %%BInternal Error: idxmove found inactive index object. %s (16315)You do not have permission to delete record %J owned by %s %s. (16316)021075%BInternal Error: Internal Error: idxmove encountered an invalid object sta%BInternal Error: Failed to %s key for index %d. (16318)Index %d (%s.%s, %s) of %s: %j keys.%BError - getting _file record looking up index number %d. (16320)%BError - getting file name looking up index number %d. (16321)Index %d (%s.%s, %s) of %s: %j keys.%BError - getting index name. (16323)%BError - getting index number. (16324)%BIndex %s in table %s of %s is inactive. (16325)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s ) of %s: activated. (16326)%BInternal Error - Index specified but not needed. (16327)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s ) of %s: de-activated (16328)For tenant %s, index %s of table %s is associated with a group.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Wrong key in idx %d of %s for record %J. (16330)021076%LCould not satisfy case-insensitivity on query column %d due to disabled UTable %s with Tenant ID %d is a member of a multi-tenant group. (16332)Invalid value supplied for %s. (16333)Conflicting values supplied for %s. (16334)Conflicting values supplied for -biencryption. (16335)The Group option must be used to change this limit. (16336)Lob %s with Tenant ID %d is a member of a multi-tenant group. (16337)021077%BError: Tenant name specified for a Table that is not multi-tenanant enabl021078%BError: Group name specified for a Table that is not multi-tenanant enableTable %s is not enabled for Multi Tenant operations. (16340)Partition for table %s of tenant %s has not been allocated (16341)Access is denied for %s object %s:%d. (16342)Error building list of instances for %s %s. (16343)No object instances found for %s %s. (16344)%BSet Table Toss Limit operation cancelled. (16345)%BToss limit set to %d for tables and lobs in area %d (16346)%BSetTableTossLimit command failed for table %s, limit %s. (16347)Area %s is invalid for this command. (16348)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:SEAL failed because - %MCLIENT-PRINCIPAL:VALIDATE-SEAL failed because - %MCLIENT-PRINCIPAL validation failed in %s because - %MCLIENT-PRINCIPAL %s failed in %s because - %MCLIENT-PRINCIPAL:IMPORT failed because - %MCLIENT-PRINCIPAL set attribute failed because - %MSECURITY-POLICY:REGISTER-DOMAIN failed because - %MSECURITY-POLICY:LOAD-DOMAINS failed because - %M%sAuthentication System library open failure (16357)%sCannot resolve Authentication System library symbol (16358)%sInternal error in Authentication System library (16359)Multi-tenant operations are not enabled for this database. (16360)Multi-tenant operations are not allowed for Type I areas. (16361)%BSet Toss Limit to %d for objects in Area %s:%d, Tenant %s:%d (16362)%BSet Toss Limit to %d for objects in Area %s:%d, Group %s:%d. (16363)%BSet Toss Limit to %d for shared objects in Area %s:%d. (16364)%BSet Toss Limit to %d for all table and lob objects in Area %s:%d. (16365)%sInternal Authentication subsystem error [%d] (16366)%sInsufficient privileges (16367)%sExceeded user authentication retry limit (16368)%sFailed account authentication (16369)%sUser account password expired (16370)No storage objects found in area %s:%d. (16371)"%sInsufficient authentication information (16372)%sCannot access user account information (16373)%sUser account does not exist (16374)%sCannot access user authentication information (16375)%sUser authentication expired (16376)%sError setting user account information (16377)%sUser account expired (16378)%sUser account password expired (16379)"%sError managing user login session (16380)%sError setting user account password (16381)%sError resetting user account password (16382)%sCannot lock user's account (16383)%sUser password expiration not set (16384)%sThe client-principal was corrupt (16385)%sError reading Domain configuration (16386)%sInvalid Domain configuration (16387)%sCannot find Domain configuration (16388)%sNonexistent Domain (16389)%sError decoding Domain access code (16390)%sDomain is disabled (16391)%sDomain authentication action not supported (16392)%sDomain system type not supported (16393)%sDomain registry expired (16394)** -P and -U startup parameters require an authentication enabled domain (16395)SYSTEM ERROR: Error purging buffers on tenant switch (16396)database: %s: level: %d : %s (16397)database: %s, domain '%s': userid: '%s': %s (16398)database: %s: domain '%s': userid: '%s': %s (16399)database %s: domain '%s': userid: '%s': %s [%d] (16400)Authenticating to wrong database: s/b %s, was %s (16401)Cannot change tenant identity from within a transaction (16402)021079Tenant name specified when using CURRVAL or NEXTVAL with multi-tenant sequedatabase %s: loading database default domain (16404)"database %s: register default builtin domain '%s' with %s actions %s (16405)database %s: error registering default builtin domain [%d] (16406)021080database %s: error creating key for default builtin domain '%s' with %s actdatabase %s: cannot register UNKNOWN domain name (16408)"database %s: skip registering domain '%s' with missing access code (16409)021081database %s: warning, default blank domain does not have a secure access codatabase %s: skip registering domain %s with missing/invalid domain type (16411)%BUnable to fetch descriptor for %s object number %d in partition %d. (16412)%BToss limit set to %d for tenant %s tables and lobs in area %s:%l. (16413)%BToss limit set to %d for group %s tables and lobs in area %s:%l. (16414)%BToss limit set to %d for shared tables and lobs in area %s:%d. (16415)%BToss limit set to %d for tables and lobs in area %s:%l. (16416)Unable to access object descriptor for lob %d. (16417)Unable to access object descriptor of associated table for lob %s. (16418)%B%si Internal Error: Invalid tenant or group to partition id. (16419)Multi-tenant operations are not enabled. (16420)Memory for lob %d in partition %d has not been allocated. (16421)Error building list of instances for lob %d. (16422)%BSet Table Create Limit operation cancelled. (16423)%BCreate limit set to %d for tables and lobs in area %d. (16424)%BSet Create Limit to %d for objects in Area %s:%d, Tenant %s:%d. (16425)%BSet Create Limit to %d for objects in Area %s:%d, Group %s:%d. (16426)%BSet Create Limit to %d for shared objects in Area %s:%d. (16427)%BSet Create Limit to %d for all table and lob objects in Area %s:%d. (16428)021082database %s: skip registering domain %s due to multi-tenant status change (database %s: skip registering domain %s with blank tenant name (16430)database %s: skip registering domain %s with large tenant name (16431)database %s: skip registering domain %s with invalid tenant name %s (16432)database %s: register built-in domain '%s' with %s actions %s (16433)database %s: register user domain '%s' with %s actions %s (16434)database %s: cannot load domain name %s (16435)database %s: asked for domain '%s', database retunred domain '%s' (16436)database %s: loaded user domain '%s' (16437)database %s: error %d loading domain name %s (16438)database %s: missing domain record '%s' (16439)database %s: reset database registry (16440)database %s: creating new database registry (16441)database %s: failed creating new database registry (16442)database %s: set registry expiration in %s seconds (16443)database %s: loading database registry cache (16444)database %s: tenant '%s' is disabled in authentication domain %s (16445)database %s: cannot get tenant ID for '%s' in authentication domain %s (16446)%BCreate limit set to %d for tenant %s tables and lobs in area %s:%l. (16447)%BCreate limit set to %d for group %s:%d tables and lobs in area %s:%l. (16448)%BCreate limit set to %d for shared tables and lobs in area %s:%d. (16449)%BCreate limit set to %d for tables and lobs in area %s:%l. (16450)Disconnecting user %d of tenant %d. (16451)%s (16452)021083AREA phrase cannot be used on the ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT statement for Error in SET-SERIALIZE: %s (16454)READ-JSON failed to find UTF-8 codepage (16455)READ-JSON railed to transcode source to UTF-8 (16456)%B%s Internal error: Invalid Invalid %s id to partition id conversion. (16457)%B%s operation cancelled by user. (16458)Waiting to obtain a %s lock on %s %s...%s Error: Invalid %s name parameter specified: %s (16460)... requested lock has been obtained. %s operation continuing.021084%B%s Error: Invalid %s operation on %s for tenant %s. %s name specified is CLEAR method may not be called on a temp-table VST (16463)CLEAR method may not be called on %s while archiving is enabled (16464)TRACKING-CHANGES may not be turned on for a VST (16465)Cannot delete temp-table %s%s (16466)%s source not valid for %s (16467)021085You are not allowed to define an interface that inherits from interface %s.Could not compile '%s', which is a super interface of '%s'. (16469)021086Could not find or generate interface %s, which is a super interface of %s. Cannot inherit from '%s'. It is a class. (16471)Unrecoverable trigger condition: See Microsoft Case: SRX081222601363 (16472)Unrecoverable trigger condition: Trigger erros were detected and logged (16473)Warning: Input for PRGRS_NATIVE_LOCKWAIT is %s (> max 32767) (16474)PRGRS_MAPFIXEDCHAR Dsrv startup parameter is valid only for ODBC (16475)021087Instance type %s used for dynamic access to property %s must be compatible Couldn't open supress warning list file %s (16477)The entry %s in the warning list is invalid (16478)TABLE-SCAN option can only be used on FOR EACH statement (16479)TABLE-SCAN option cannot be used on FOR EACH with OPEN QUERY statement (16480)021088%W** WARNING: USING TABLE-SCAN option on table %s with 'BY expression' that021089%W** WARNING: USING TABLE-SCAN option on table %s with a none WHOLE-INDEX qA cycle in interface hierarchy path was detected through %s interface (16483)Duplicate field %s found in PARENT-FIELDS-BEFORE / PARENT-FIELDS-AFTER. (16484)021090All fields must be specified when using PARENT-FIELDS-BEFORE / PARENT-FIELD021091PARENT-FIELDS-BEFORE can only be specified in the first PARENT-ID-RELATION SYSTEM ERROR: An unidentified index is inactive. (16487)Index '%s' of table '%s' is not active. (16488)Index '%s' of table '%s' for tenant '%s' is not active. (16489)Cannot pass more than %d tables by-reference to STATIC targets. (16490) (16491)Cannot modify any of the built in _sec-authentication-system records. (16492)Can't get area attributes for area %l (16493)Invalid area number %l (16494)table number %l is not a valid table number (16495)Cannot change _Object-Number after its initial assignment (16496)You cannot delete the default tenant (16497)_domain-name exceeds maximum domain name length of %l (16498)Can't modify the built in domains except to disable them (16499)A leading underscore is not allowed for a _domain-type (16500)Database does not contain area %l (16501)021092%BSYSTEM ERROR: failure updating table number in template record - fmu retuCan't export a longchar through a pipe (16503)Can't import a longchar through a pipe (16504)Index %s on table %s is not allocated (16505)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected database version in conflags %l (16506)%gSYSTEM ERROR: invalid protocol version %l (16508)%L%l Failed to get template for %s %j rc = %l (16509)Storage object for blob is not allocated (16510)Tenant %l is already in a group for table %l (16511)Must assign file recid before assigning area number (16512)Area 0 is invalid area for a multi-tenant table (16513)Can't change the name of the Default tenant (16514)Cannot update _Tenant rows when -nosavepoint startup parameter is used (16515)You can only set _tenant-type when creating a new _tenant row (16516)021093Only values 1 and 2 for regular or super tenant are valid for _Tenant-Type 021094%L%s is an invalid cursor type for the first parameter of DS-Close-Cursor (%LDS-Close-Cursor requested to close %s inactive %s cursors. (16519)%LDS-Close-Cursor removed %d of %d %s cursors from the inactive cache. (16520)Can't update _Tenant-Attributes for the default tenant or super tenants (16521)_Tenant-Attributes[2] is already true (16522)_Tenant-Attribute elements 3 - 64 are reserved for future use (16523)Can only assign tenant storage allocation default for regular tenants (16524)The only valid values for _Tenant-Allocation-default are %s, %s, or %s (16525)Default Area columns only apply to regular tenants (16526)file number %l is not a multi-tenant table (16527)The only valid setting for _Object-Type or _Pset-Type is one (16528)Area %l does not support partition sets (16529)_PSet-Allocation-default cannot be unknown (16530)Valid values for _PSet-Allocation-default are %s, %s and %s (16531)_PSet-Attributes is a mandatory column and can't be unknown (16532)_Pset-Attributes elements 2 thru 64 are reserved for future use (16533)Can only set _PSet-Attributes[1] to true (16534)You must assign _PSetID after assigning _Object-type and _Object-Number (16535)021095_Object-Type %l, _Object-Number %l, and _PSetID %l do not identify a valid Tenant id %l is not a valid tenant id (16537)Can't modify an existing _Partition-Set-Detail row (16538)Can't modify an _Partition-Set-Detail row after it has been validated (16539)The only valid setting for _Object-Type is one (16540)Couldn't find _File with file number %l (16541)021096Only a regular tenant can participate in a group. The tenant id must be grThe only valid value for _Permissions is zero (16543)%s domain is not enabled (16544)Domain type of domain '%s' must be _oeusertable (16545)Can't create an _Tenant row unless database is enabled for multitenancy (16546)%BLock wait was cancelled by lock manager, errno. (16547)Could not find property '%s' in class '%s'. (16548)Cannot create _Tenant rows when -nosavepoint startup parameter is used (16549)Could not find dynamically-specified element in class %s. (16550)Database must be multi-tenant enabled to create a multi-tenant sequence (16551)021097You cannot update a sequence to enable/disable multi-tenancy. You must delAttempted to set %1 dynamically, but it is not a property. (16553)021098%s is an enum and cannot be used as a procedure name for RUN or the type na (16555) (16556) (16557) (16558) (16559) (16560)021099Can't set multi-tenant file attribute unless the database is enabled for muElements 3 to 64 of _File-Attributes are reserved and can't be modified (16562)_File-Attributes[2] can only be set to true (16563) (16564)_File-Attributes[2] only applies to existing tables (16565)021100Can't set _File-Attributes[2] to true unless _File-Attributes[1] is also tr'_' Cannot be used as first character of a _File._Category name (16567)UserSession object is not connected to server. (16568)Error from SBM server while executing %s. (16569)Error from SBM server: %s (16570)database %s: skip registering domain %s with missing/invalid domain id (16571)database: %s: PAM module: %d : %s (16572)021101%rNumber of Object Object Blocks Type021102---------------------------------------------------------------------------%rNumber of Object Object%BERROR:Unable to get admin lock for index object %l, returned %l. (16577)%BERROR:IndexRebuild: Failed to release Index Admin lock. (16578)%r%s BLOCK ANALYSIS:Invalid object reference passed to %s (16580)Invalid property name passed to %s (16581)Invalid array index passed to %s (16582)User does not exists. (16583)Super tenant should not be specified in FOR phrase (16584)FOR phrase cannot be used to ALTER a table which is not multi-tenant. (16585)Cannot create %s rows when -nosavepoint startup parameter is used (16586)Cannot update %s rows when -nosavepoint startup parameter is used (16587)Cannot delete %s rows when -nosavepoint startup parameter is used (16588)Could not get %s record lock for the object in area %l, error code:%l. (16589)Failed to allocate storage for tenant id %l (16590)Table %s cannot be found in the table list specified in FROM clause. (16591)Error: [%s] releasing memory [%p: %d Bytes] (16592)Error: [%s] releasing memory [%p: %d Bytes] (16593)021103%BLoading table %s for %s %s, table number %l%rstarting with record %l, sec%BIndex %s [%d] of %s %s has been moved to area %s [%d]. (16595)%BTable %s [%d] of %s %s has been moved to area %s [%d]. (16596)021104%LIndex compaction of index %s with degree of compaction of %d for %s %s ha%LTable %s of %s %s has been loaded. (16598)Non DBA user must supply old password. (16599)Unable to set allocation state for %s (object number: %d), Error = %d (16600)CLIENT-PRINCIPAL:SET-PROPERTY failed because property was already set. (16601)The database OM cache is too small to perform this operation. (16602)Incompatible AppServer versions: Client version %d, Server version %d. (16603)The maximum number of %s tenants has been reached (16604)Cannot add any more partitions for this table (16605)Tenant name contains invalid character(s). (16606)Warning: Licence limitation prevents adding more agents.Warning: number of agents limited to %d due to license limitation. (16608)Warning: License limitation prevents adding more than %s agent (16609)%LCatalog Query:SQLSpecialColumns %s, %s, %s (16610)021105All fields must be specified when using PARENT-FIELDS-BEFORE / PARENT-FIELDSET-DB-CLIENT failed because: %s (16612)%LWarning: The Force Access (-F) options has been specified. (16613)021106Cannot create in multi-tenant table %s if the partition was created in the Cannot change allocation state for index/lob partitions (16615)Failed to allocate storage for partition id %l (16616)%s is not a %s attribute for %s. (16617)021107Invalid Table Category. _ as First Character is not allowed in Table Catego021108User cannot be created in this domain. Sql users should be created in domaiInternal error in OpenEdge runtime, please contact Technical Support: %s (16620)Cannot use %s %s.%s%s%s because it has not been committed yet (16621)Unhandled member call %d to %s.%M (16622)021109Invalid connection string for Progress.BPM.UserSession %s. %s is required. The Value of DataSlot or DataSlotTemplate %s cannot be set. (16624)Unable to evaluate %s parameter for %s:%s(). (16625)Failed to convert Double value %s from SBM server to OpenEdge DECIMAL. (16626)Unable to connect to SBM server. (16627)Error while disconnecting from SBM server. (16628)Invalid dataslot type from SBM server: %s. (16629)Unspecified dataslot type from SBM server. (16630)UserSession object is missing its private data. (16631)Unable to create or obtain a %s object. (16632)Unable to create an array of %s objects. (16633)%s constructor failed. (16634)Invalid Progress.BPM type %d. (16635)Error creating %s parameter to pass to SBM server. (16636)Binary dataslot %s has null value pointer. (16637)Unable to copy value of dataslot %s. (16638)021110Cannot NEW or load static instance of '%s' in an ASSIGN statement after an 021111%GSYSTEM ERROR: %s Internal error - unable to allocate memory for backout bIndexed property %s can only be accessed with a key value. (16641)021112Unable to convert value sent from server for a %s DataSlot or DataSlotTemplSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to find template for %s dbkey %j, error = %l (16643)021113Cannot modify the _domain-name, _domain-category or _domain-description col021114Cannot change _domain-type from _oeusertable to '%s' because domain '%s' haCannot assign _tenant-type after VALIDATE of _tenant row (16646)Only the idxbuild or idxactivate utilities may activate an index (16647)Cannot find storage object for tenant %l and table %l (16648)Cannot delete tenant because its partition is currently in use (16649)You can only have one default tenant row. (16650)021115[Warning] Running with multi-tenant option -- database wide statistics are 021116Block %l/%j is not owned by this object/partition. Expected %j/%l, got %j/% %s The actual number of RM block(s) found in %s object %i, partition %i is %J.Failed to initEntry for table %s. (16654)Record %j in block %J has table %d, partition %l which doesn't exist. (16655)Summary for AREA "%s": %lINDEX BLOCK SUMMARY FOR SHARED OBJECTS:INDEX BLOCK SUMMARY FOR %s: %sSUMMARY FOR %s:SUMMARY FOR %s: %s%s %J actual number of free block(s) found in %s object %i, partition %i.021117SYSTEM ERROR: %s %J block(s) found in the RM chain of %s object %i, partitiThe actual number of Index Delete blocks in %s object %i, partition %i is %J%r021118SYSTEM ERROR: %s %J block(s) found in the Index Delete chain of %s object %Subtotals: %sSUMMARY FOR AREA "%s": %lRECORD BLOCK SUMMARY FOR SHARED TABLESRECORD BLOCK SUMMARY FOR %s %s: %lSubtotals: %sFailed to get tenant's sequence blocks (16670)Failed to get info for object type:%l, id:%l. (16671)021120Stack overflow is detected. This will happen when the given query has lot oNegative buffer length received (16673)Group already exists (16674)Group not found (16675)021121Group specified in JOIN GROUP clause is not defined on the table specified Tenant is already member of a group for the table. (16677)Index cannot be created on CLOB/BLOB columns. (16678)021123%WWidgets have been unrealized because the form which contained them was clClone of %s failed. Invalid handle. (16680)%s%s (16681)%B%s: Control-c received, operation cancelled. (16682)Failure in large object operation, error = %i (16683)021124RUN STORED-PROC failed due to unsupported data type used as an output param%rArea Name: %s%r Size: %j, Records/Block: %s, Area Number: %dInvalid value %l for startup parameter %s. Valid values are 1-100. (16686)Cannot drop a group which contain tenants. (16687)%LLock Governor (-LGovernor): %d% (16688)%LLogin Governor (-nGovernor): %d of %d (16689)%s is not permitted during user authentication (16690)%BVersion number mismatch, backup has %d, database has %d. (16691)021125Invalid value for startup parameter %s. Valid values are 1-32000 inclusiveUnable to unescape unicode escape character in string %s. (16693)Tenant is not part of group (16694)%LThere are no more -n resources available for tenant %d. (16695)%LUnable to release -n resource for tenant %d. (16696)Unable to evaluate %s parameter for %s Constructor. (16697)Invalid type %s used for ITaskFilter." (16698)021126Invalid operator used for RelationshipOperator: "%s" used in %s method of c021127Invalid use of subscript on property Value of class %s. Subscripts can only021128DB_SchemaProcessingError: Error processing schema for database %s, you migh021129%BAttempt to exceed tenant lock governor for tenant %d. Increase -L or -LG%LUnexpected resource governor error: %d. (16703)021130Attempt to display a whole array value. Only display of single element valu%BBackup terminated due to errors. (16705)021131%BSYSTEM ERROR: Incremented %s count beyond %l in govEntryInc for tenant %d%BSYSTEM ERROR: Invalid attempt to decrement %s below 0 by tenant %d. (16707)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error %l from %s in %s for tenant %d. (16708)021132Maximum number of menu items allocated (%i). Increase the MaxMenuIDs settinDatabase space for tenant for table already exists (16710) Tenant is already part of a group for table. (16711)%s exceeds maximum length of %l (16712)%BError ending After-image archiver. errcode = %d (16713)%BAfter-image archiver has been disabled because backup online failed. (16714)There are no more database connections available for tenant %l (16715)%BError disabling After-image archiver feature. errcode = %d (16716)The specified recursive data-relation is not supported. (16717)%BOverflow detected at column %s in %s record. (16718)021133%BOverflow detected at or beyond column %s in the physical structure for reInvalid multi-valued datatype column references. (16720)%LProperty %s must be >= %i %s. (16721)%BAfter-image archiver has been disabled because backup online failed. (16722)%s object is missing its private data. (16723)Invalid operator argument '%s' for %s:%s. (16724)021134Invalid List entry returned from server. Unable to populate DataSlot '%s' w%LUnexpected -n governor resource error %d for tenant %d. (16726)Tenant specified multiple times. (16727)%BThe GUIDs are different, as expected, in the _Db Table. (16728)%BSomething other than the GUIDs are different in the _Db Table. (16729)021135%BThe GUIDs and _Db-description are different, as expected, in the _Db-Deta021136%BSomething other than the GUIDs and _Db-description are different in the _021137%BThe _Db and _Db-Detail tables have been skipped.The records will be diffe021139Incompatible server data type in WHERE clause for the field %s.The comparis%LStart secondary broker after transition (start-secondary-broker) : %s. (16734)021140%L\"?\" ignored. Can only disable client-side defaults as the first entry 021141%BWe have exceeded the max number of split records in the _Db or _Db-detail%Bscdbg failed to create a new GUID. (16737)Pausing %s second(s). Press space bar to continue.Record %j has different value. (16739)021142An invalid or extra option '%s' was specified on the RUN statement of a perGroup cannot be found in database schema. (16741)021143The parameter value for the PROVERSION function, if specified, can only be 021144BLOCK-LEVEL ON ERROR statement must come before all executable or definitio021145%LProperty %s must be set if transition is configured to start secondary br021146%LProperty %s-secondary-broker-startup-arguments must be specified if trans021148%LProperty normal-secondary-broker-startup-arguments must be specified if tProDataGraph %s failed. %s is not a directory. (16747)ProDataGraph writeXML() method requires a valid StringBuilder parameter. (16748)ProDataGraph readXML() failed. Unable to read %s. (16749)ProDataGraph readXML() requires valid schema element in %s. (16750)021149Cannot use SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETON if the main procedure takes parameters. %Bmtidxbuild does not support threads. (16752)%BAttempting to obtain an exclusive lock on %s(%s). (16753)ERROR - failed to lock %s. (16754)%BLock on %s(%s) has been obtained, MT index rebuild in process. (16755)%BBuilding index %d (%s) for %s of group %d (16756)%BBuilding index %d (%s) of group %d (16757)021150Idxbuild is running with %d data scan threads and %d merge threads per concUnable to run with %d data scan threads due to limited file handles (16759)%LEnabling %s locks. (16760)%BSorting index group %d complete. Elapsed time: %s (16761)%BBuilding of indexes in group %d completed. Elapsed time: %s (16762)%BBuilding index %d (%s) for %s of group %d in area %d (16763)OFFSET-FETCH clause used in an unsupported context (16764)Could not convert output parameter for caller routine %s. (16765)Unable to unlock shared schema lock, ret is %d (16766)Index state update failed in %s, ret is %d (16767)Transaction cannot be aborted in %s (16768)Transaction cannot be committed in %s, instance is %d (16769)Partition lock can not be released, ret is %d (16770)Index admin lock cannot be released, ret is %d (16771)%BThe 2 tables CRCs do not match. (16772)021152%BThe target table version number: %d is not greater than or equal to the s021153%BThe tables are different, can not perform data recovery through data move021154%BThe indexes on the table are different, can not perform data recovery thr%BThe source and target CRC values on index %s do not match. (16776)021155%BThe index %s was not in the source database. Can not perform data recover021156%BThe number of indexes on the source and target tables do not match, can n021157%BThe table does not exist in the target database, can not perform data rec021158%BThe table does not exist in the source database, can not perform data rec%LInvalid AI note sized %l, invalid value. (16781)%LrlaiDump: BEGIN AI Control Structure Dump (16782)%LIO Data for Area: %l blksize %l log %l mask: %j lastwrite %l (16783)aiSize: %j ailoc: %j aiOfst: %d upctr: %l written: %l (16784)%LRing has %l buffers of %l size aiqcurb: %J aiqwrtb: %J (16785)%LDumping the ring starting with aiqbufs %J (16786)%LAi buf: %d qself: %J aiqnxtb: %J aisctr: %l ailctr %l (16787)bt_dbkey: %j bt_busy: %l bt_flags.changed: %l, bt_bidpn %l (16788)%LrlaiDump: END AI Control Structure Dump (16789)%LSTART RL Bi Buffers %d (16790)%LBi Buffer: %d state %d dpend: %J sdpend: %J dbkey: %j (16791)%LEND RL Bi Buffers (16792)%LBEGIN RL Control Structure Dump (16793)%LCluster Data | Bi Blocksize: %l (16794)%Lrlcurr: %j rlclused: %l curBlk: %j curOfst: %l nxtBlk: %j nxtOfst: %l (16795)021159%Lrlctr: %l rlsize: %j left: %j right: %j rlcap: %l bytes: %l lastblk: %j l%LRecovery Data (16797)%LTranTableSize: %l XIDTableSize: %l (16798)021160%LRedoBlk: %j RedoOfst: %i ReadBlk: %j ReadOfst: %i PrevBlk: %j blkLog: %i %LCluster Timing (16800)%LSys: %i base: %i clst: %i (16801)%LDependency Control (16802)%Ldepend: %j written: %j (16803)%LBuffer Count: %d Dirty: %d next: %l waiters %l (16804)%LEND RL Control Structure Dump (16805)%LDump AI INPUT Block (16806)%LDump END AI INPUT Block (16807)%LSTART RL Cluster Structure (16808)%BInternal Error: Cannot allocate the connect context %d. (16809)%BInternal Error: dsmContextCreate() failed with error %d. (16810)%BInternal Error: Failure during connection %i. (16811)%BInternal Error: Failure setting user name %i. (16812)%BBY list is truncated at the size of MAX r-code BY limit (16813)021161Cannot instantiate class %s because the wrong number of parameters were pasCannot load class '%s' (16815)Cannot instantiate class '%s' in this context (16816)Ambiguous invoke of method '%s' class '%s'. (16817)021162Could not locate method '%s'. The handle to the object context is invalid. %s %s object instantiation ended with %s condition. (16819)-- TRACE: %s %s Method '%s' START (16820)-- TRACE: %s %s Method END %s (16821)021163%BThe Codepages are different: source %s, target %s, can not perform data r021165%BThe tables %d are in different areas. Target Object area number:%d. Sourc021167%BThe tables must be in the allocated state. Table number:%d. Target state:021169%BThe tables must have the same object blocks. Table number:%d. Target obje021171%BThe indexes must have the same objectRoots. The target Index number is:%d%BThe file %s does not contain AI extents (16827)%BUnable to allocate memory for AI extent list. (16828)021173%BThe indexes are in different areas. Can not perform data recovery through021175%BBoth the indexes must be in the allocated state. Target Index number: %d 021177%BThe indexes must have the same object blocks. Target Index number: %d obj021178%BThe sequence %s was not in the source database. The operation cannot be p021179%BThe sequence %s was not in the target database. The operation cannot be p021180%BThe sequences have different sequence numbers. Target Seq Num: %d , Sourc021182%BThe target sequence init number and the source sequence init number do no021184%BThe target sequence increment number and the source sequence increment nu021185%BThe target and source sequence minimum numbers do not match. Target min: 021187%BThe target and source sequence maximum numbers do not match. Target max: 021189%BThe target sequence Cycle-Ok value and the source sequence Cycle-Ok do no021190%BThe target sequence owner and the source owner do not match. Target Owner021192%BBoth the target sequence Attribute value and the source sequence Attribut021193%BSYSTEM ERROR: Root block of index %d partition %d has wrong active flag %The -a parameter cannot be used with the -ailist parameter. (16843)The -ailist parameter cannot be used when using the -a parameter. (16844)At the end of AI file processing, the number of live transactions is %l (16845)%BMT Index Rebuild Feature already enabled for database %s. (16846)021195If you enable MT Index Rebuild support for this database, it may cause runt%BMT Index Rebuild Feature enabled for database %s. (16848)%BUnexpected error during MT Index Rebuild enablement: %d. (16849)Database is not MT enabled. (16850)Can not provide index name and area name at the same time. (16851)Table name is required. (16852)Tenant or group is required. (16853)MT Index Rebuild is not enabled. (16854)%LMT Index Rebuild enabled. (16855)%BMT Index Rebuild has been successfully disabled. (16856)%BMT Index Rebuild has failed to be successfully disabled. (16857)Before-image Block Size: %lBefore-Image Cluster Size: %l kb (%l bytes).Before-image File size: %l kb %LBefore-image File size: %l kb %s RBlk:%j Blk:%j Ctr:%l Ver:%l hlen:%d Used:%d New:%l%L RBlk:%j Blk:%j Ctr:%l Ver:%l hlen:%d Used:%d New:%l%LRestoring a version %x backup. (16865)%LDumped %J active BI blocks. (16866)%LDestroy user failed: %s failed on pid: %i error: %l (16867)%LSYSTEM ERROR: %s shared memory with segment_id: %J errno = %l (16868)%LRemoved shared memory with segment_id: %J (16869)%BWarning: Root block of index %d partition %d has wrong state value %d. (16870)%BAiverify Full In Progress (16871)%j% of aimage file processed (%l notes applied)...Aimage Blockdump In Progress (16873) Eof %J Lstmod: %l Blksize: %l Extstate: %l Extflag: %d Buseq: %d Aieof %j Total %j021198%LThe OpenEdge Replication Agent has transitioned the Target database as di%BFailed to move value for sequence:%s, error:%l. (16877)Group has no multi-tenant sequences to move. (16878)Must provide tenant name to move multi-tenant sequence. (16879)%BFailed to deallocate table and associated objects, error:%l. (16880)%BFailed to allocate table and associated objects, error:%l. (16881)%BThe value of sequence %s for tenant %s has been moved successfully. (16882)021199Could not load DLL procedure %s due to mismatch between 32-bit and 64-bit i%B%sInternal Error - Failed to commit transaction, ret %l inst %d. (16884)%B%sInternal Error - Failed to start transaction, ret %l inst %d. (16885)%BReplication (%s) enable on %s failed with return code %l. (16886)%BReplication (%s) disable on %s failed with return code %l. (16887)021200%BJTA disable failed because there are live JTA transactions, please resolv%BSYSTEM ERROR: Fatal system error while reading backup volume. (16889)%BTarget database is not MT enabled. (16890)%BUnable to open Source database, open failure %l. (16891)%BSource database is not MT enabled. (16892)%B%sInternal Error - Unable to get Schema Lock shared, ret %l. (16893)%BWARNING - data move not allowed with inactive indexes. (16894)%B...lock on %s [%d] has been obtained, %s in progress.%L %s: Internal Error from dbRecordGetTemplateId, ret %l. (16896)%L%s: Internal Error - setting data move object state for table %s [%d]. (16897)%BMoving Table instance object failure, ret %l. (16898)%B%s: Internal Error - setting data move object state for table %s [%d]. (16899)%BDatamove completed successfully. (16900)%B%s:Internal Error - failed to omFetch, ret %l. (16901)Error - The %s and %s keywords cannot be used at the same time. (16902)Error - Duplicate keyword %s is not allowed. (16903)Error - Value %s is not a legal value for keyword %s. (16904)Error finding index %s (16905)Error getting index number of %s in %s. Error code: %l. (16906)Error getting index information of %s in %s. Error code: %l. (16907)Error finding area %s (16908)Error - You must also specify a %s. (16909)Error - You must also specify a %s or %s. (16910)%B%s: Internal Error: Unable to allocate memory. (16911)021201%BTable partition for tenant %s has not been allocated only the object's ar021202%BIndex partitions for tenant %s have not been allocated only the object's %B%s: Internal Error - Failed to create tempdb. (16914)%B%s: Internal Error - failure to create temp index in tempdb. (16915)%B%s: Internal Error - failure to get indexname, ret %l. (16916)%B%s: Internal Error - Failed Array Realloc. (16917)%B%s: Internal Error - creating new index object. rtc: %i. (16918)%B%s: Internal Error - Failed to obtain object admin lock, %l. (16919)%B%s: Internal Error failed to find primary. (16920)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to start a transaction, ret %l. (16921)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to commit a transaction, ret %l. (16922)021203%B%s: Internal Error - Failed to commit or abort transaction, ret %l inst %%BNumber of Records for table %s [%d] moved: %l. (16924)%B%s: Internal failure of cxGetCursor for index %l. (16925)%BNumber of key entries for index %s:%d [%d] moved: %l. (16926)%B%s: Internal Error in upTempDbInitialize: %l. (16927)%B%s: Internal Error - cxGetIndexInfo failure. (16928)021204Application Server version must be 11.2 or greater to run SINGLE-RUN or SIN%B%s: Internal Error - failed to insert into dbkey index. (16930)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to insert into dbkey index. (16931)%B%s: Internal Error - failed to commit trans, count %d. (16932)%B%s: Internal Error creating new index object. rtc: %i. (16933)021205Disconnection failure with Rest Manager at %s during %s request, exception:021206Connection failure with Rest Manager at %s during %s request, exception: %s%s request failed because the Rest Manager at %s was not admin enabled (16936)%s request to the Rest Manager at %s failed, exception: %s (16937)021207%s request to the Rest Manager at %s produced a JSON Parsing fault, fault: Built-in class %s, property %s is not settable. (16939)021208-appname friendly name of a REST Application 021209-query or -q query named REST Manager or REST App-deploy deploy a REST Application (16942)-undeploy undeploy a named REST Application (16943)021210-list lists all REST Applications managed -enable enables a named REST Application (16945)-disable disables a named REST Application (16946)021211Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint %s. Cannot insert duplicate key in obje021212Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint %s. Cannot insert duplicate key in objecCannot insert duplicate key row in object %s.%s with unique index %s. (16949)List of deployed REST applications at %s: %s021213%GData integrity re-establishment failed when extending the bi file. fileFUnable to load imaging library in %s. Session is being terminated. (16952)%LUse pollset mechanism for client/server (-pollset): %s (16953)%LServer network message wait time (-Nmsgwait): %d (16954)%LDelay first prefetch message (-prefetchDelay): %s (16955)%LPrefetch message fill percentage (-prefetchFactor): %d (16956)%LMinimum records in prefetch msg (-prefetchNumRecs): %d (16957)%LSuspension queue poll priority (-prefetchPriority): %d (16958)%LForce synchronous (unbuffered) I/O during extend (-zextendSyncIO): %d (16959)%BExecuting to clear all objects. (16960)%BClear all objects %s has not completed successfully. (16961)%BClear all objects completed successfully. (16962)%LData Move Feature enabled for the database. (16963)%BUnexpected error during Data Move enablement: %l. (16964)%BThe feature Data Move has been successfully disabled. (16965)%BThe feature Data Move has failed to be successfully disabled. (16966)%BInternal Error - failed to build %s key in %s. (16967)%B%s:Internal Error - Unable to allocate memory for %s. (16968)%B%s:Internal Error - failed to get _StorageObject record %J, ret %l. (16969)%B%s:Internal Error - %s Name Get failure, ret %l. (16970)%B%s:Internal Error - %s Lock failure, ret %l. (16971)%B%s: Internal Error - removing Data Move state failure, ret %l. (16972)%BAuditreconfig started. (16973)%BAuditreconfig failed. (16974)%BAuditreconfig completed. (16975)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to reconfigure audit index %l, return code %l. (16976)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to reconfigure audit table %l, return code %l. (16977)Reconfiguring indexes ... (16978)Reconfiguring tables ... (16979)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find auditing tables, return code %l. (16980)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find auditing indexes, return code %l. (16981)021214%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get name of auditing table area %l, return code %021215%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get name of auditing index area %l, return code %%BUnable to find area %s, return code %l. (16984)021216New area for auditing tables or auditing indexes cannot be encryption area.021217Area %s is not Type II area.%rPlease choose a Type II area for auditing tab021219The operation will delete all auditing data records.%rYou must archive audiAuditing indexes are already defined in area %s. (16988)Syntax Error - keyword %s specified without a value. (16989)Syntax Error - You did not specify any keyword for the command. (16990)ERROR - Auditing must be enabled to perform the operation. (16991)021220Error attempting to run '%s'. JSON value of ProDataset or temp-table parame021221REST_AdminDisabled: OE Web Server administration has been disabled. AdapterReconfiguring tables and indexes ... (16994)%B%s: Internal Error - failed associate index removal, ret %l. (16995)%B%s: Internal Error - failed associate blob removal, ret %l. (16996)%B%s: Internal Error - object Update failure, ret %l. (16997)%BFailed to move LOB data to record:%j, error:%l. (16998)Failed to upgrade record:%j, error:%l. (16999)%B%s: Internal Error - unable to obtain _File rec for object %d, rec %l. (17000)%B%s: Failed to table partition lock %d, ret %l. (17001)%B%s: Internal Error unlocking table %d, ret %l. (17002)Failed to %s LOB data, object:%l, partition:%l, ID:%j, row:%j, error:%l. (17003)Failed to get or validate LOB information, errno:%l. (17004)Number of LOB fields mismatch. (17005)Unable to disconnect from source database. (17006)021222Cannot execute Progress.Lang.ParameterList SetParameter method through Prog021223Dynamic access to certain built-in methods and properties is not permitted %BERROR - Inactive indexes in the source database - operation cancelled. (17009)021224An array was returned from an expression when no array was appropriate or e%BNumber of LOB fields for table %s [%d] moved: %j. (17011)021225%s Error: Invalid %s operation for %s %s. Previous Data Move operation on tNumber of policies does not match output parameter extent. (17013)ParameterList constructor requires 1 parameter. (17014)Inappropriate use of Builtin property %s. (17015)Array extent mismatch for Builtin output array parameter. (17016)021226Method or procedure %s with static output temp-table or dataset parameters 021227Access to the database during the Data Move process is not allowed because 021229Please wait until the Data Move restricted accessed mode has been disabled.Index '%s' of table '%s' is currently rebuilding. (17020)Index '%s' of table '%s' for tenant '%s' is currently rebuilding. (17021)Failed to get audit event record for event %d, ret = %d. (17022)Sequence validation failed on: %s. The operation cannot be performed. (17023)021230%BUpdated in Area %d %s:%d is no longer considered in the process of being %BMTIDXBUILD: %s cancelled MT index rebuild operation. (17025)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to update auditing system event list. (17026)LogFileMonitoringFailed: The log file cannot be monitored. %s (17027)Conv910 is for converting V9 database to V10 only, use conv1011 instead. (17028)Auditing system events have been updated. (17029)DataMove for %s %d of partition %d is incomplete. (17030)021231Index "%s" for table "%s" can no longer be accessed due to db maintenance o%BMtIndexRebuild: Failed to release share _Index lock (17032)Internal Error : idxmove found incomplete index object. %s (17033)021232Table "%s" cannot be accessed for some tenant due to incomplete db maintena%BBroker %s at end of emergency shutdown. (17035)021233Cannot Select rows from partition for table "%s" configured with no db spac%BDatabase Restrict Access has been enabled for %s (17037)%BDatabase Restrict Access has already been disabled for %s (17038)%BDatabase Restricted Access mode has been disabled for %s (17039)%BDatabase Restrict Access has already been enabled for %s (17040)021234%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error %l in omChangeDoUndo %d ot %l oid %d pId %021235%WWarning: Failed to find a conversion between %s and UTF-8. Non-ASCII char %s: rebuilding.%BNumber of key entries for index %s:%d [%d] moved: %j. (17044)%BNumber of Records for table %s [%d] moved: %j. (17045)The source database must be in Data Move Restricted Access mode. (17046)%B***Beginning processing of After-image extent %s (17047)***Finished processing of After-image extent %s (17048)%B%s: Error - Index %s is rebuilding and can not be activated. (17049)%B%s: Error - Index %s is rebuilding and can not be deactivated. (17050)021236%BTable move cannot move %s [%d] because it is in the process of rebuilding021237%BIndex partition for %s %s is in the process of rebuilding and cannot be mRestore of storage object containing the LOB is incomplete (17053)Index '%s' of table '%s' for tenant '%s' is currently being restored (17054)%BIndex compaction failed - object is rebuilding (17055)Partition of %s %s for %s %s is rebuilding. (17056)021238%BObject %d can not be deallocated because it is in the process of rebuildi%BDatamove of %s[%d] completed with %s. (17058)**Warning: file %s will not be processed. (17059)%s: %j% of aimage file processed (%l notes processed)... (17060)Error: File %s is a duplicate of another file on the list (17061)Storage manager open of db object %s in directory %s failed. (17062)%LEnd JTA Lock Application at Block %j Offset %l. (17063)021239Error: rfutil -C dbrestrict %s requires an enable, disable, or status paramError: rfutil -C dbrestrict requires a restriction type (17065)DataMove target and source databases cannot be the same database. (17066)constraint name can not be specified for NOT NULL constraints. (17067)Singleton and Single-Run procedures cannot have parameters. (17068)GC handle has been truncated (17069)021240Table %s is not a valid multi-tenant table for %s %s . Can not perform dataTable %s is rebuilding. (17071)021241%BThe database is in restricted mode for %s. Restricted mode cannot be ena%BRestricted Access Mode is %s for %s. (17073)Table %s is not accessible as it is being dropped. (17074)021242%BAccess to the database during the %s process is not allowed because it ma021244%BPlease wait until the %s Restricted Access Mode has been disabled. You ma%BInternal Error: Invalid Restricted Mode restriction type. (17077)%BERROR:Unable to get lock for object %d type %d, returned %l. (17078)%BFailed to release lock on object %d type %d, return %l. (17079)%B%s: Failed to obtain IS table lock for %d. (17080)%B%s: Error Failed to table lock in area %d, ret %l . (17081)%B%s: Error - Unable to obtain lock on _db table, ret %l. (17082)%B%s: failed to release _Db lock, returned %l. (17083)%B%s: Error - failed to obtain IS table lock on %l ret. (17084)Invalid Restricted Mode type. (17085)%BSYSTEM ERROR: ERROR - Epolicy %s - unable to unlock %s %s rtc: %d (17086)-defaultscrolling and -noautoreslist are mutually exclusive. (17087)Inappropriate use of :: syntax. (17088)021245The target of a pseudo function such as SUBSTR, LENGTH or ENTRY, must be a 021246The target of a pseudo function such as SUBSTR, LENGTH or ENTRY, may not beUnable to use VIEW-AS phrase in LIKE variable or parameter. (17091)Cannot set the DECIMALS attribute for a database field. (17092)DECIMALS attribute only allowed on DECIMAL datatypes. (17093)021247Attempt to create/set a value for a data partition column in partitioned ta%BUnknown ICU version for collation %s (17095)%BFailed to release _Db lock in %s, error: %i. (17096)Plugin class %s could not be found. (17097)Block encrypted, but encryption cache for %s not loaded. (17098)Failed to decrypt %s block, area:%l, dbkey: %j, error: %l. (17099)%s mismatch: %j, %j.Compare 2 db has fewer user areas than the Compare 1 db. (17101)"Compare 2 db has no area number %d. (17102)Compare 2 db has different area type than Compare 1 db for area %d. (17103)021248Compare 1 db blocksize %l does not equal Compare 2 db blocksize %l for areaCompare 2 db has different area version than Compare 1 db for area %d. (17105)021249Compare 2 db has different area cluster size than Compare 1 db for area %d.%g%s: fail to get encryption buffer for db %s, error:%l. (17107)021250block %j Object List partitionId mismatch for entry %d %r db1 %l, db2dbkeys differ %j %jblock %j %s differ %j %j (17110)%Bwrong utility option: %l%BInstallation is not licensed for transparent data encryption. (17112)AdminServerAccessDenied: Remote adminserver has denied access. %s (17113)AdminServerAccessDenied: Remote adminserver has denied access. %s (17114)%B%s: Failed to %s IS table lock, ret %l. (17115)%BError: Schema operation may have removed %s %d, operation cancelled. (17116)%BIncremental backup cannot be run with %s option. (17117)Endianess conversion is enabled (if needed). (17118)021251These connections may abort adding extent online later. %rDo you want to co%BThe bibackup command must be specified before its parameter. (17120)%BOnly one parameter may be provided to the bibackup command. (17121)%BRemoved file %s. (17122)%B%s: chown on file: %s failed with error: %d errno: %d. (17123)%B%s: chmod on file: %s failed with error: %d errno: %d. (17124)2pc must disabled to remove TL extents. (17125)This database does not have an e type area. (17126)ai, bi, tl, d or e must be specified for remove function. (17127)%BbkDataBlockDecrypt failed for block: %j, area: %l, error:%l. (17128)rlaiopn: AI file length is zero - disable after imaging. (17129)initStatEntry: statBlk %i, statTable %i already exists. (17130)upRecordLoad: cannot get ppos from rpos=%d, dataType=%l. (17131)%BloadLobField: can not get LobLocator, error:%l. (17132)Failed to put %s field of the db record, errno :%D (17133)Failed to create db record, errno :%D (17134)Failed to create key for db record, errno :%D. (17135)Failed to create %s record for file %D, err %D (17136)%Bscdbget:Unable to find primary index for _Db file. (17137)%Bscdbget:Invalid primary index for _Db file. (17138)Truncating storage area "%s"%BUser aborted truncation of storage area "%s"%s failed because tenant %s belongs to a group. (17141)%BA non-unique index has been selected as the useindex index.%BAdditional locking is required with the use of this index %s.%B%s: Internal Error - failed to %s lock %s. (17144)%B%s: Internal Error returned ret %l. (17145)Stored procedure %s is not accessible as it is being dropped. (17146)%s:Internal Error: failed to %s %s on %d, ret %l. (17147)%s mismatch: %d, %d.%s mismatch: %l, %l.block %j %s differ %d %d (17150)block %j %s differ %l %l (17151)021252This file was not closed properly. Progress of aimage file processing can %BSYSTEM ERROR: Can not put the record fragment to the block. (17153)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get _Db record %j in %s, errno %l. (17154)021253%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to save database collation tables in %s, errno %l. (%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to process collation tables in %s, errno %l. (17156)%s(q/Q) - QuitEnter error limit:All indexes.Input tenant or group name: (tenant tenant-name or group group-name)Index %s has a component with a not yet supported SQL92 datatype. (17162)%BMissing parameter to %s command. (17163)%s: %s021254%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get infomation of object %l, type %d, error %l. (SYSTEM ERROR: Invocation of method not supported - '%s' class '%s' (17166)Quit (q/Q)%s%BSYSTEM ERROR: The operation will skip area %l. (17169)%BSYSTEM ERROR: ERROR unlocking record %j/%l/%l in %s, ret = %l. (17170)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error getting name of %s %d in %s, error %l. (17171)%BCannot build indexes for a foreign table. (17172)021255%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to update object record for index %l/%l in %s, error%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unsupported datatype %d encountered. (17174)021256SYSTEM ERROR: Could not find information of object %d/%l, partition %l in %%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to activate index %s (%d), error %l. (17176)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to deactivate index %s (%d), error %l. (17177)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error getting name of %s of %s %d/%l in %s, error %l. (17178)SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to release %s record lock on %j/%l/%l, error %l. (17179)Scanning records %j to %j in area %d for missing keys:021257%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to find multi-tenant owner of the record %j/%d/%d. (021258SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to delete record %j of table %l partition %d owned by 021259%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to release admin lock for index %l, partition %l, erScanning free cluster list in area %d...Scanning free cluster list backward in area %d...Scanning clusters of table %d, partition %d in area %d...Scanning clusters of index %d, partition %d in area %d...Scanning clusters of object %d, object type %d, partition %d in area %d...021260Scanning clusters of object %d, object type %d, partition %d backward in arSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to process cluster %j. (17190)Failed to scan cluster links in area %d.Scanning the whole area for orphan clusters in area %d...SYSTEM ERROR: Error processing block %j. Got %l bytes, errno %l. (17193)%LError %i instructing user %d of tenant %d to disconnect. (17194)%BInvalid %s %s parameter specified. (17195)%BMulti-tenant operations are not enabled for this database. (17196)%B%s Internal Error: Invalid tenant or group to partition id. (17197)%Lschema check is disabled for table %s due to schema size restriction (17198)Setting AdminServer %s to Online. (17199)AdminServer %s is now Online. (17200)AdminServer %s properties: (17201) Host name: %s (17202) Operating System: %s (17203) IP Address: %s (17204)Successfully retrieved system information from remote AdminServer %s. (17205)Creating remote AdminServer resource for %s. (17206)Starting Tomcat webserver. (17207)Cleaning Tomcat webserver. (17208)Stopping Tomcat webserver. (17209)Index %s on table %s is currently being restored (17210)021261Failed to read default ActiveMQ configuration file %s. Default configurati021262The optional ActiveMQ broker configuration file %s does not exist. DefaultNo data segment found for tenant %l. Record create failed (17213)%s plugin context was not loaded. %s cannot be loaded. (17214)021263The SINGLETON keyword is invalid when used with a SERVER handle whose SUBTY%s plugin was not loaded. %s cannot be loaded. (17216)021264The SINGLE-RUN keyword is invalid when used with a SERVER handle whose SUBTCreating plugin resources for AdminServer %s. (17218)Binding resource to surrogate. AdminServer name: %s. Resource name: %s (17219)Creating plugin resources for AdminServer %s. (17220)ASYNCHRONOUS does not apply to RUN ... SINGLE-RUN or RUN ... SINGLETON (17221)Opening OpenEdge Management cache database: %s. (17222)Creating OpenEdge Management cache database: %s. (17223)OpenEdge Management cache database created. (17224)OpenEdge Management cache database opened. (17225)Closing OpenEdge Management cache database: %s. (17226)OpenEdge Management cache database closed. (17227)Opening OpenEdge Management configuration database: %s. (17228)The value specified for -shutdownTimeout is too long. (17229)OpenEdge Management configuration database opened. (17230)Creating OpenEdge Management configuration database: %s. (17231)OpenEdge Management configuration database created. (17232)021265OpenEdge Management configuration database lock file %s is locked. The data021266-shutdownTimeout must have a value in the range of %l through %l seconds. (021267OpenEdge Management cache database lock file %s is locked. The database is %rPrepare volume %l on %s or enter next device or file name.Press enter when ready or type 'quit' to exit:%rPlease prepare volume %l on %s, press enter when ready or type 'quit'.Please enter next device or file name or type 'quit' to exit:AdminServer %s is alive. (17240)AdminServer %s is not alive. (17241)Status provider for AdminServer %s was not found in project structure. (17242)JMX enabled for ActiveMQ broker: %s (17243)Persistence enabled for ActiveMQ broker: %s (17244)Advisory support enabled for ActiveMQ broker: %s (17245)Statistics enabled for ActiveMQ broker: %s (17246)021268Remote monitoring is disabled; the ActiveMQ broker transport connector will021269Remote monitoring is enabled; the ActiveMQ broker transport connector has b-unpublish unpublish a named REST Service (17249)021270-republish republish change-set to a deployed a Java version: %s (17251) OpenEdge version: %s (17252)Conversion error getting Process:Id. (17253)021271Cannot set PROCEDURE-TYPE attribute to %s when PERSISTENT attribute has alr021272Cannot set PERSISTENT attribute to TRUE when PROCEDURE-TYPE attribute has a021273Aborting execution in order to protect database and application integrity. SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid index number %l was found in table %l. (17257)%BBefore Image Threshold must be at least 3MB. (17258)%BSYSTEM ERROR: The AI Management daemon is terminating due to error %l. (17259)SYSTEM ERROR: Block %j of index %d in area %d. (17260)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error occurred in %s. (17261)%BResource usage: CPU %s%rResource usage: DISK %s%BIndex rebuild for data area %d complete. Total elapsed time: %s%BTMB value is %d, TM value is %d, SG value is %d.%BArea %d: All scan (Type I) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BArea %d: All scan (Type II) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BArea %d: Index scan (Type I) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BArea %d: Index scan (Type II) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BArea %d: Record scan (Type I) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BArea %d: Record scan (Type II) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BArea %d: Multi-threaded record scan (Type II) complete. Elapsed time: %s%BMutex %s%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create thread #%d. error code %d (17273)%BBuilding of indexes in group %d completed. Elapsed time: %s%BMulti-threaded index sorting and building complete. Elapsed time: %s%BIndex Block Report completed successfully.%BIndex Block Report failed - invalid index, error = %l%BIndex Block Report failed - invalid cursor, error = %l%BIndex Block Report failed, error = %l%BSorting index group %d complete. Elapsed time: %s%BSorting index group %d%BSYSTEM ERROR: Merging of group %d failed (17282)021274SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to insert %s field to create _File record for table %sSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create %s record for file %l, err %l (17284)%BArea name is required to %s (17285)%s must be enabled in Type II area. (17286)Area %s/%l contains Encryption Schema (17287)%BFailed to create key for index %l, errno %l (17288)021275SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to insert %s field to create _Field record %s for tabl%BFailed to create key on component %s for index %l, errno %l (17290)SYSTEM ERROR: Failed to find template record of table %s (%l) (17291)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create SQL DBA due to transaction error %l (17292)021276procopy: Encrypted databases must be truncated before procopy can proceed. %B'build indexes' option is valid only for empty tables.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to calculate file crc, error %l. (17295)%BUnable to scan table %d using index/partition %d/%d (17296)021277%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to get record %j of table/partition %d/%d in %s, err%BSYSTEM ERROR: Data scan thread dsmContextCreate() failed with error %d (17298)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot allocate the connect context %d (17299)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failure during connection %i (17300)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failure setting user name %i (17301)%BSYSTEM ERROR: DB Connect for thread #%d failed with error %d (17302)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create data scan thread #%d. error code %d (17303)%BCan't build indexes with ai enabled.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Seek to begining of file %s failed. (17305)%BInvalid record found in the buffer (17306)021278Dumplist file %s contains load requests that do not match original load tab%BFailed to verify code page information in the dump file. (17308)021279%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to delete LOB object %l of auditng table %l, error %021280%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create LOB object %l of auditng table %l, error %021281Singleton and Single-Run Procedure Objects are only allowed for .NET and JaRemoving r-code file %s from the AppObject. (17312)Index %d:%d (%s.%s, %s): %j keys.Partition name is expected from this command. (17314)Object of class type `%s` is not allowed to be marshaled remotely. (17315)Table Partitioning is not enabled for this database. (17316)%BCannot find the partition name:%s. (17317)Parameter exceeded maximum length allowed: %s. (17318)021282%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d:%d (%s.%s, %s): %j index block pointers and %j bl021283%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d:%d (%s.%s, %s) contains %j entries, but %j recordsMust provide table name and partition name. (17321)Table %s is multi-tenant table. (17322)Cannot find partition %s in table %s. (17323)No target partition found to split. (17324)%B%rEND: Split Operation For Table %s[%d]%B Source partition: %s[%d], records remaining: %j.%B Target partition: %s[%d], records moved: %j.%BFailed to update object state: %l for table partition: %s. (17328)By Partition (p/P) - Choose indexes in selected table partitions%BThe operation %s requires a target range partition name. (17330)%BThe source partition %s[%d] is not a partition object. (17331)%BSource partition %s[%d] is not a range partition and cannot be merged. (17332)%BInternal Error %s: Unable to retrieve SO for table %s, ret %l. (17333)%BInternal Error %s: Unable to retrieve _Index for table %s, ret %l. (17334)021284%BThe index %s[%d] is INACTIVE and therefore can not be used by the %s oper021285%BThe index partition %s[%d] selected is a global index and cannot be used %BPartition %s[%d] does not belong to table %s, %s operation cancelled. (17337)%BPartition %s[%d] must be allocated for the %s to continue. (17338)%BInvalid source partition %s[%d], operation cancelled. (17339)021286%BSource partition %s[%d] in area %d is the same as end partition %s[%d] inFOR UPDATE is not allowed for this query expression. (17341)021287%BCurrent partition %s[%d] does not equal end partition %s[%d], operation c021288%BSource partition %s[%d] in area %d is the same as target partition %s[%d]%B%s:Internal Error - Table object %s[%d] not found. (17344)021289%BERROR: The table %s[%d] is not a partitioned table, operation cancelled. 021290%BEnd partition %s[%d] is not adjacent to source partition %s[%d], operatio%BInvalid partition names specified, operation cancelled, ret %l. (17347)021291%BEnd partition %s[%d] is not adjacent to target partition %s[%d], operatio%BFailed to update object state: %l for table partition: %s[%d]. (17349)%BFailed to %s key for record %j, index %l, partition %l, table %l. (17350)%L%s dsmObjectInfo failure for table %s ret %l. (17351)%B%s: Error - failed to get default index name for index %d . (17352)%BInternal Error: %s failed to load schema cache. (17353)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s:%s:%d ): de-activated (17354)%BBuilding index %d (%s) partition %s:%d of group %d (17355)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s:%s:%d ): activated (17356)021292%BInternal Error: %s Failed to %s record. Table: %l, rowid: %j, partition: %B Total records processed: %j.%BSplit Operation finished successfully. (17359)%BEND: %s Operation For Table %s was %s.%BInternal Error %s: Failed in %s operation, ret %l. (17361)%BServer shutdown cancelled %s operation. (17362)%BInternal Error %s: Failed to fetch storageObject for %d[%d]. (17363)%BERROR: The useIndex %s can not be used in the %s operation. (17364)021293%BERROR: The useIndex %s can not be used in the %s operation because it is write-before-image not allowed for TEMP-TABLE or BUFFER object. (17366)%BBuilding index %d (%s%s%s:%d) of group %d (17367)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s%s%s:%d ): de-activated (17368)%BIndex %d ( %s.%s, %s%s%s:%d ): activated (17369)%BBEGIN: Merge Operation For Table %s%B Source Partition %s[%d]%B Target Partition %s[%d]%BIndex %s has been identified as the scanning index %s.%BNumber of Records per Transaction (recs): %l%BSYSTEM ERROR: Wrong key in index %d partition %d for record %J. (17375)021294%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): key %s recid %j is out of sequ%BYou can only use one partition keyword to choose a partition. (17377)%BPartition keyword can only be specified with table keyword. (17378)%BMultitenant options are not currently supported with table partitions. (17379)021295%BWARNING: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): place holder left for key %s recid 021296%BTable Partitioning feature is not enabled for this database, cannot proce021297%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): couldn't find key %s recid %j.%BThe table %s is not a partitioned table, operation cancelled. (17383)%BBEGIN: Split Operation For Table %s (17384)%B%rPartition name:Unexpected object state:%l for partition: %s. (17386)021298Partition %s:%d is not allocated, it cannot be specified as a source partit021299Failed to update _partition-policy-detail record for partition: %s:%d, rowi%BPartition is empty for table:%l, partitionId: %l using index :%l. (17389)%LFailed to get key for index: %l, partitionId:%l, error: %l. (17390)%BFailed to read record. Table: %l, rowid: %j, partition:%l, error:%l. (17391)%B%s operation failed with error: %l. (17392)021300%BUnable to add an index entry for rowid %j in index %d, partition %d, tabl021301%BUnexpected error searching for index entry for rowid %j in index %d, part%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d:%d (%s.%s, %s): find first returned %i. (17395)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d:%d (%s.%s, %s): find next returned %i. (17396)021302%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s: %j index block pointers and %j021303%BDeletion of key for recid %j in index %d of table %d, partition %d, area 021304%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): couldn't find key %s recid %j.%BIndex %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): Added key %s recid %j. (17400)021305%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): key %s recid %j is out of sequ%BIndex %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): Deleted key %s recid %j. (17402)%BIndex %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): Found invalid key %s recid %j. (17403)021306%BError - Tenant, Group and Partition keywords cannot be used at the same t%BSkipped %j records that do not belong to the specified partition. (17405)%rYOU SHOULD REBUILD THE FOLLOWING INDEXES FOR ALL PARTITIONS OF TABLE %s.%s:%rYOU SHOULD REBUILD THE FOLLOWING INDEXES IN PARTITION %s:%d OF TABLE %s.%s:ERROR - The table is not partitioned. (17408)ERROR - Could not find partition %s of the table. (17409)021307%BError: Partition argument specified with a table which is not partitionedPartition %s of table %s has not been allocated. (17411)Partition %s of table %s is rebuilding. (17412)Cannot use keywords "%s" and "%s" at the same time. (17413)Partition %s does not belong to table %s. (17414)Null value supplied for a mandatory (not null) column %s (17415)%BInternal Error: cannot move TP objects from type II to type I. (17416)Cannot split a list partition. (17417)Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): Added key %s recid %j. (17418)%BFailed to get partition policy information for table %s. (17419)Partition aligned index can not be word index. (17420)021308AREA phrase cannot be used on Create Table (Index) when defining partitione%BIndex %l partition %l is not empty.%B%s failed - %s%LIndex Block Report of index %s for %s %s has begun. (17424)%LIndex Block Report of index %s has begun. (17425)021309%BIndex partition for %s has not been allocated, only the object's area wil%BIndex partition for %s is inactive. (17427)%BIndex partition state for %s is invalid. %d (17428)Table partitioning is not allowed in multitenant database (17429)Table partitioning is not allowed in multitenant database (17430)Table partitioning is not enabled (17431)%BError: %s cannot %s a %s partition. (17432)Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): %j keysIndex %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s: %j keys%BPartition: %sPartition name %s already exists (17436)Type 2 Area must be specified for partition (17437)021310%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d) contains %j entries, but %j rec021311%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): %j index block pointers and %jIndex %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): inactive.Index %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s: inactive.Index %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s: rebuilding.Index %d (%s.%s, %s): not allocated.Index %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s: not allocated.Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): not allocated.021312%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s contains %j entries, but %j recIndex %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): partition split pending.Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): partition merge pending.Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): partition truncate pending.021314"%s.%s" is a local partition aligned index, please specify partition name. Invalid partition name specified. (17451)%GSYSTEM ERROR: Internal Error in %s, location: %d %s (17452)Loading data contents for table %s. (17453)021315There is at least one partition for table %s that cannot be written to.%rRe021316Could not create record because it belongs to a partition that is not alloc%BUsing index %d for dump of partition %s of table %s. (17456)Source index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): %j keys. (17457)%BRecord rowid %j, partition %d no longer valid for index %d. (17458)%BSYSTEM ERROR: mvAreaRowidFind failed for area %s:%d. Returned %d. (17459)Range partition key values must be in ascending order (17460)Processing partition %s %dPartition %s %d021317SYSTEM ERROR: Memory allocation failure. Not enough memory available to fr021318%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error from mvAreaCleanup. Returned error status%BError:Found a duplicate delete holder entry(64bit). (17465)%BError:The error entry is for transaction %D, index %d, dbkey is %J (17466)%BError:Found a duplicate delete holder entry(32bit) (17467)%LTP Index Rebuild enabled. (17468)%s is not enabled. (17469)%B%s Feature already enabled for database %s. (17470)%BUnexpected error during %s enablement: %l. (17471)%B%s does not support threads. (17472)%BArea %d: Table scan complete for %s. Elapsed time: %s (17473)%BTPIDXBUILD: %s cancelled TP index rebuild operation. (17474)021319Unable to update temp-table field %s from JSON string. Unexpected token: %021320%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to get a lock for rowid %j of table %d, partition %dCannot build global indexes. (17477)021321%B%s: Internal Error - Transaction type %d failure, rtc = %d. Instance %d. 021322%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Delete failed on rowid %j of table %d, partition %d. Er021323%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Record fetch failed on rowid %j of table %d, partition 021324%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Failed to get object descriptor for object type %d, numInvalid %s DELIMITER character specified for codepage %s (17482)GLOBAL phrase should be used only for partitioned tables. (17483)%BCannot specify %s for a global index. (17484)021326%LSYSTEM ERROR: rlRecordGetLockManage error: unexpected start for a trid %l021327%LSYSTEM ERROR: rlRecordGetLockManage error: unexpected end for trid %l, no%LrlRecordGetLockManage error from AddEntry #%d: trid %l. (17487)%B Partition %s[%d]: records removed: %j.%B Partition %s[%d]: has been deleted.%BYou must supply a positive integer for %s option. (17490)%BTruncation of Table Partition %s[%d] %s. (17491)%BEND: Truncate Operation for Table %s. (17492)All indexes will be built in partition:%s of table%s. (17493)%BKeyword %s specified more than once. (17494)default table area specification is required for partitioned table. (17495)%BBEGIN: Truncate Operation for Table %s. (17496)%B Table Partition %s[%d] (17497)Skipped %j records of undefined partitions. (17498)%BPartition %s[%d] is altered to offline. (17499)%BPartition %s[%d] is already offline. (17500)%B%s of Table Partition %s [%d] is pending. Unable to %s partition. (17501)%BThis is a Resumed Merge Process.%BResuming Partition Truncate operation (17503)021328%BERROR: The target partition %s[%d] specified is part of another merge opeIndex %d (%s.%s, %s): partition split pending.Index %d (%s.%s, %s): partition merge pending.Index %d (%s.%s, %s): partition truncate pending.%s - Internal Error - find failure %d at %d. (17508)Object is not enabled for table partitioning (17509)Cannot access partition %s while it is under maintenance. (17510)021329Object is enabled for table partitioning but a partition was not specified Blank and Unknown are not valid partition names (17512)Could not find partition %s (17513)Error looking up partition name %s; Error code is %d (17514)%BPartition %s of table %s has not been allocated, operation cancelled. (17515)021330%BComposite partitions %s are ineligible for use with the partition merge o%LNumber of records per transaction is %l. (17517)Cannot Get global index %s on a named partition. (17518)%B Source partition: %s[%d], %s.Multiple occurrence of column %s in column name list. (17520)Row being inserted does not belong to any partition. (17521)Multiple Occurrence of column %s in column name list. (17522)Table is already partitioned (17523)Index components of index %s are not partition aligned (17524)021331%BPartition %s[%d] is not in the correct object state for %s, found: %d, op%BExceeded maximum allowed partition name arguments, at partition %s. (17526)Partition schema verification failed for rowid %s (17527)Composite partition name must be %s. (17528)Error: can't find a partition aligned index to use. (17529)Error: index %s is not partition aligned. (17530)Error: keyword %s should be used for a composite partition: %s. (17531)021332Login refused: The connecting client cannot support a database that is ena%BInvalid specification of range end %s[%d] and range target %s[%d]. (17533)Partition %s does not belong to table %s. (17534)021333Class is marked as serializable but member of class type %s is not serializCannot use SERIALIZABLE because super class '%s' is not serializable (17536)021334Cannot set %s on Partition %s while partition is marked as a split target. Composite partition %s %dProcessing composite partition %s %dOperation not permitted on non partitioned table (17540)Split operation of initial partition is already done (17541)More than one range partition is not allowed during data migration. (17542)%B%s keyword can only be specified with table keyword. (17543)Area %l does not support partitioned tables. (17544)Partition "%s" was provided but there is no composite partition. (17545)Cannot use 'P' IDType for %s on a composite partition. (17546)Partition %s is defined but its records are located in the %s partition. (17547)Index %d (%s.%s, %s%s%s:%d): rebuilding.Index %d (%s.%s, %s): rebuilding.021335FOR PARTITION phrase cannot be specified for global indexes on partitioned FOR PARTITION phrase cannot be specified for non-partitioned table. (17551)Cannot get Partition row for %s because it is exclusively locked. (17552)Composite partition %s:%d is not allocated. (17553)%LStarting table number for statistics range (-basetable): %l (17554)%LStarting index number for statistics range (-baseindex): %l (17555)021336%LNumber of tables included in statistics collection (-tablerangesize): %l 021337%LNumber of indexes included in statistics collection (-indexrangesize): %lPartition key values must be in source partition boundaries. (17558)Duplicate index %s specified in USING INDEX clause. (17559)%LNumber of LRU force skips (-lruskips): %i (17560)%LNumber of LRU2 force skips (-lru2skips): %i (17561)%LNumber of Alternate Database Buffers (-B2): %l (17562)%LRecord free chain search depth factor (-recspacesearchdepth): %d (17563)%LMulti-tenancy partition cache size (-mtpmsize): %l (17564)%LMaximum time to nap at -spin exhaustion (-napmax): %d (17565)%LMinimum time to nap at first -spin exhaustion (-nap): %d (17566)021338%LNumber of seconds for a SQL client to wait for a record lock(-SQLLockWait%LAPW queue scan cycle time in milliseconds (-pwqdelay): %d (17568)%LAPW minimum queue length before write (-pwqmin): %d (17569)%LAPW buffer scan cycle time in seconds (-pwsdelay): %d (17570)%LAPW maximum number of buffers to scan per cycle (-pwscan): %d (17571)%LAPW maximum number of buffers to write per cycle (-pwwmax): %d (17572)021339Too many outer references from sub-query or expressions in MINUS/INTERSECT021340%gSYSTEM ERROR: Replication Agent shutting down; database should be checked021341To enable an existing table for partitioning you must define a _Partition-P021342To enable an existing table for partitioning you must define a set of _PartCould not find _Partition-Policy record for table %s (17577)Could not find _Partition-Policy-Detail record for table %s (17578)Cannot change tenancy while in a transaction. (17579)Cannot change tenancy to super-tenant or to default tenant. (17580)021343%BIndex %d (%s.%s, %s) for %s:Found %j empty blocks on index delete chain. %BThese blocks might be cleaned up by internal operations later. (17582)%BIndex %d(%s.%s,%s%s%s:%d):Found %j empty blocks on index delete chain. (17583)%BIndex %d (%s.%s, %s):Found %j empty blocks on index delete chain. (17584)TARGET PARTITION(S) phrase cannot be specified for RANGE partitions. (17585)Cannot serialize object of unsupported type '%s' (17586)Cannot serialize object of unsupported type referenced by '%s' in '%s' (17587)%s index %s cannot be local index. (17588)Partition %s not found for table %s. (17589)Partition values specified for partition %s already exists. (17590)At least one active index must be specified. (17591)%BThread %i created file %s%s, dirIndex: %d, fd: %i%BGroup %d, Thread %i created file %s%s, dirIndex: %d, fd: %i%BSort pool exhausted memory at %i entries, expected %i.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Internal error looking for block offset: %l (17595)%LProcess memory %j of %j in use (17596)%LMax merge pool entries estimated at: %i w/memory usage: %j (17597)%BError releasing %s records, ret %l. (17598)%BThis is a Resumed %s Process.%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error locking %s records, ret %l. (17600)%BUsing index %d for dump of composite partition %s of table %s. (17601)You cannot use a CONTAINS clause with TABLE-SCAN. (17602)021345Error %l returned from %s in %s. Information about blocks belonging to %s 021346A partition of table '%s' cannot be accessed pending completion of databaseWaiting to obtain %s %s lock on object %d, partition %d, row %j... (17605)Failed to obtain %s %s lock on object %d, partition %d, row %j (17606)%BOperation timeout or cancelled by user. (17607)... requested lock has been obtained. Operation continuing.021347%BPartition %s leading list components do not match the previous partition.021348%BThe list components of the source partition %s are incompatible with the 021349Only 'initial' allowed as partition name for Get* on a composite partition.021350Cannot create _Partition-Policy row without at least one partition-aligned 021351Cannot delete _Partition-Policy if there are related _Partition-Policy-DetaCannot modify %s of an existing %s row (17614)021352Cannot update any field of the _Partition-Policy-Detail until the _Object-N021353Cannot delete the last partition-aligned local index if a _Partition-PolicyCannot delete _Partition-Policy-Detail if partition has been allocated (17617)021354Cannot update a _Partition-Policy-Detail row when under maintenance by a da021355Cannot delete a _Partition-Policy-Detail row when under maintenance by a daCannot set _Column-Name[%i] to '' (17620)Index %s with descending partition columns cannot be local index. (17621)Cannot use 'C' IDType for Get* on a non-composite partition. (17622)Error converting to %s, uerror %d (17623)Error in creating converter for %s, uerror %d (17624)Cannot load ICU version %s for NORMALIZE (17625)Area %l does not support partitioned tables (17626)%BSkipped %j records of partitions that have not been allocated. (17627)Cannot set IndexActive on a composite partition. (17628)021356%BLeading list components of the partitions specified are not within the sa021357%BSYSTEM ERROR: Index %s in %s for recid %j partition %d could not be delet%BFailed to evaluate partition key in partitioned index. (17631)%s %l of partitioned table %l must use a type II storage area (17632)Partitioned table %l must use a type II storage area (17633)%B Partition %s[%d]: Total records merged: %j.%B Partition %s[%d] completed resumed merge.Partitioning of a multi-tenant table is not supported. (17636)021358Cannot enable table for partitioning unless the database has been enabled f021359Field Name '%s' is not aligned at position %l of _Partition-Policy for this%s[%l] cannot be updated. Elements %l through %l are reserved. (17639)021360Cannot set _Index-Attributes[1] because file %s is not a partitioned table.A word index cannot be a local index. (17641)You cannot change _Index-Attributes[1] on an existing index. (17642)Cannot change _Index-Attributes[1] if table has a _Partition-Policy. (17643)_Column-Name '%s' is not lead component in local index '%s'. (17644)Must have at least one local index on a partitioned table. (17645)You must assign _Column-Name elements in order by array element number (17646)021361Column types of BLOB, CLOB, RAW, RECID or ROWID are not valid types for a pCannot update %s buffer after it has been validated. (17648)021362Valid values for _Partition-Policy._Allocation-default are '%s' and '%s'. (021363Cannot modify _Partition-Policy._Has-Range because _Partition-Policy-DetailTaking a partition off-line is not yet supported. (17651)021364Cannot set _Attributes[2] for an existing _Partition-Policy-Detail row, unl021365Can only set _Attributes[2] to true for an existing composite _Partition-PoFailed to get partition id for _Partition-Policy-Detail row. (17654)Cannot set _Attributes[2] when migrating table. (17655)Cannot set _Attributes[2] for a new list partition. (17656)Could not find field '%s' in index '%s' (17657)File number %l is not a partitioned table. (17658)Partitioning columns must be ascending components in a local index (17659)You cannot enable a partitioned table for multi-tenancy. (17660)Cannot set _File-Attributes[3] to false. (17661)%BPartition %s of table %s is being rebuilt by %s. (17662)021366%BThe partition %s of table %s is not a valid partition to use when restartOperation not allowed on table without partition policy. (17664)021367%BERROR: Invalid objectState detected by merge utility, check your partitio021368The Partition-Internal-Value index is a special index, not meant to be used021369Local index '%s' cannot have a descending component for a partitioning coluWrong number of bytes received during %s (17668)Failed to remotely marshal object of class type (17669)Failed to serialize object of class type (17670)Failure detected while handling error thrown by server. (17671)Failed to set value for data member %s (17672)Cannot serialize class type '%s' (%s in '%s') (17673)Could not deserialize object referenced by %s in '%s' (17674)021370Cannot pass temp-table as parameter with a circular reference to its owning021371Cannot deserialize object because the hierarchy for class '%s' is different021372Cannot deserialize object because class '%s' (or a class in the hierarchy) 021373Range key value of new partition %s being added is not greater than the ran%BSYSTEM ERROR: A duplicate key in index %d for recid %j was found. (17679)Cannot instantiate class '%s' (17680)%L%s: Internal failure while %s key %l. (17681)Cannot drop partition %s which is %s. (17682)After UPDATE the new row does not belong to any partition. (17683)021374Partition '%s' cannot be marked as a split target because it has the highes021375Partition '%s' must be marked as a split target because it splits an existi%BPlugin %s failed to start; status = %d (17686)%BCannot enable database logins, shutting down (17687)021376%BTable partition for partition %s has not been allocated only the object's021377%BIndex partitions for partition %s have not been allocated only the object%BThe BROKER could not enable database logins, ret = %d, shutting down (17690)021378%BERROR: The source partition %s[%d] specified is not part of a resumed mer021379%BTable and index partitions for %s %s are in the process of rebuilding and%BTable partition state: %l is invalid for %s %s. (17693)021380_Index-recid column must be assigned in _Index-Field before any other columCannot find field %s in table %s (17695)Cannot delete a _Partition-Policy-Detail for the initial partition (17696)021381%BSYSTEM ERROR: unexpected return from proixgen for index %s on table %s re021382Attempt to create in partitioned table '%s' where the partition has not bee021383Cannot create _Partition-Policy row without specifying at least one _ColumnSYSTEM ERROR: scnxt rc = %l (17700)021384Cannot add multiple ranges with the same lead column values when converting021385Local index has fewer components that there are columns defined in _Partiti021386Index component '%s' sequence '%l' is not correct lead component for partit_Index._ianum must be specifed for global indexes (17704)Can't use FOR phrase unless file's codepage is single-byte (17705)Cannot use STARTING AT phrase unless file's codepage is single-byte (17706)021387You must have at least one active, local index in order to change a populatPartition details did not validate for table '%s' non-covered values: %s (17708)021388%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to obtain IS partition lock on table %l, partition 021389When adding a LOB column to a partitioned table, the FOR phrase may not inc021390When adding a non-LOB column to a partitioned table, the FOR phrase may notFOR TENANT phrase cannot be used on table which is not multi-tenant. (17712)Cannot drop partition column %s. (17713)021391%BThe unknown value ("?") can only disable client-side logging defaults if 021392Running of main block SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETON procedure did not return a vaCould not convert network message key to local. (17716)%LTXE Lock retry limit (-TXERetryLimit): %l (17717)You cannot define a partition for the unknown value (17718)021393Partition-Column-Value does not contain valid data for the column's data tyError in generating partition name (17720)021394number of values specified for partition definition should be equal to numbNumber of partition levels should not exceed 15. (17722)Duplicate partition key is specified. (17723)Only last partition can be RANGE. (17724)021395Partition definitions with similar list values must be specified in sequent021396%BWARNING - Table %s [%d] cannot be moved because index area %s [%d] is notTable does not have the %s partition. (17727)Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint on reference table %s.%s. (17728)Split operation of partition %s is already done. (17729)Partition "%s" specified multiple times. (17730)021397Only one range partition key should be specified for each set of leading li%B%s increasing object mapping cache (-omsize) from %l to %l. (17732)A table can be either multitenant table or partition table. (17733)021398Table "%s" cannot be accessed due to incomplete db maintenance operation. (021399Table "%s" cannot be accessed for some partition due to incomplete db maint021400Table "%s" cannot be accessed for a partition (partition id=%d) due to inco021401Cannot set _Partition-Policy-Details._Attributes[2] to false after row has %B%s does not support table partitioning in this release. (17738)021402Cannot add range value that splits a partition that is currently being spli021403%BSchema operation or utility may have removed %s[%d], operation cancelled.%LEnabling %s locks. (17741)Cannot set %s for a partitioned table. (17742)021404ClientConnect functionality is not supported in this platform. Use BrokerCo021406The table %s contains DOUBLE fields that may have incompatible byte order (021408 0 - The endianness of the source machine is unknown, abort the operation.021410 2 - The endianness of the source machine is different from this one.%r 021411%BError: The %s partition %s[%d] specified is part of another merge operati021412You cannot use the BindingSource when the query it is bound to is closed. (021413%s partition %s specified does not match resume %s partition %s, operation 021414Partition '%s' of table '%s' is pending completion of database utility operCannot add or drop schema component to table '%s' (17751)Can't drop the last/only local index. (17752)%BError validating the partition %s for table %s. Error %i. (17753)021415SYSPROGRESS user cannot be associated to any tenant except default tenant. 021416%BTarget partitions %s is in the no alloc state which is not valid for mergCannot split a partition which is already a split target. (17756)021417%BSYSTEM ERROR: Cannot find partition information for table:%l, record:%j, 021418TrapNotSent: Unable to fire trap because the SNMP trap sender returned an e"Snmp trap fired. Trap name: %s. Trap resource: %s. Trap reason: %s" (17759)'prods:errors' or 'prods:before' section missing from JSON string. (17760)The SNMP agent failed to start: %s (17761)The SNMP agent started on UDP port %s. (17762)The SNMP agent was stopped. (17763)Starting the SNMP agent. (17764)Stopping the SNMP agent. (17765)%BActivation of a global index is not supported in this release. (17766)Partition state value is not specified. (17767)021419%BError: The state of partition %s[%d] is already %s, operation cancelled. 021420%BYou cannot supply a partition name for index %s because it is a global in%BYou cannot activate all partitions of a local index. (17770)%BERROR - getting local index attribute. (17771)%BThe partition name %s specified does not exist, operation cancelled. (17772)021421%BThe target partition name specified %s has already been used in this data021422%BThe source and target partition names cannot be the same, operation cance%BThe state of partition %s[%d] has been altered to %s successfully. (17775)%BThe %s utility requires that %s is enabled, operation cancelled. (17776)021423%LIndex block consistency check in index "%s": Enabled (-indexCheck), index021424%LRecord block consistency check in table "%s": Enabled (-TableCheck), tabl%B%s: Error - Index %s is rebuilding and cannot be %s. (17779)%B%s: Error - Index %s is not allocated and cannot be %s. (17780)%B%s: Error - Index %s is inactive and cannot be the useindex. (17781)%BERROR - Failed to find partition %s in table %s. (17782)%BAll partitions will be checked for global index %s. (17783)%Binitial should be used for a composite partition. (17784)021425%B%s The provided index %s cannot be used as the use index. Primary index i%BRead-only Partitions has failed to be successfully %s. (17786)%BRead-only Partitions has been successfully %s. (17787)%BRead-only Partitions is already %s for this database. (17788)%BRead-only Partitions requires an Enterprise Database License. (17789)%B%s: Failed to update auditing event, error:%l. (17790)%BError: enable Read-only Partitions failed, error:%l. (17791)%B%s cannot be enabled for database %s, error:%l. (17792)%s must be enabled for this database. (17793)%BBEGIN: Rename partition %s to partition %s. (17794)%BEND: Rename partition %s to partition %s was %s. (17795)%B%s: Failed to write event record, error:%l. (17796)%B%s: Error - Table %s is rebuilding. (17797)%B%s: Error - %s failed for object %d:%d, ret %l, inst %l. (17798)Partition of %s %s for %s %s is read-only. (17799)Partition %s of table %s is read-only. (17800)%B%s cannot be disabled because %s still exist. (17801)%LShared memory segments locked (-pinshm): %s (17802)%LSSL Encryption for TCP/IP connections (-ssl): %s (17803)Broker server group support (-ServerType): %s (17804)%LOriginal Lock Release Algorithm (-lkrela): %s (17805)Partition %s of table %s.%s is in %s state. (17806)%LDisable LRU mechanism (-nolru): %s (17807)021426%BIndex %d partition %d block validation error data: nment is %d, nlength i021427%BERROR: object block %J in area %l is not marked correctly for table %s, p%BUsing index %s (%d) for dump of table %s for %s %s. (17810)%BUsing index %s (%d) for dump of partition %s of table %s. (17811)%BUsing index %s (%d) for dump of composite partition %s of table %s. (17812)%BUsing index %s (%d) for dump of table %s. (17813)Dumping partition %s:%d (17814)Dumped %j records in partition %s:%d. (17815)%BThread %j dumped %J records for bracket %d. (17816)021428Could not create record because it belongs to a partition that is read-only%BError - You cannot specify %s keyword for this index. (17818)021429AREA phrase should be specified for GLOBAL index on null-partition table. (AREA phrase cannot be used for local index on null-partition table. (17820)021430FOR PARTITION phrase cannot be specified for indexes on null-partition tabl021431Local index being created is not aligned with existing local indexes on nul%BSkipped %j records of partitions that are in read-only partitions. (17823)Cannot delete lob from read-only partition %l of table '%s' (17824)021432Cannot move row to or from read-only partition %l or partition %l of table Cannot update a LOB in a read-only partition of a partitioned table (17826)Cannot add a row to read-only partition %l of table '%s' (17827)Cannot delete row from read-only partition %l of table '%s' (17828)Cannot update a row in read-only partition %l of table '%s' (17829)021433%BSYSTEM ERROR: Delete failed on rowid %j of table %d, partition %d. Partit021434Cannot SET or UNSET tenancy during a transaction. Tenancy can be SET or UNSPartition key column name cannot be renamed (17832)Partition key column cannot be dropped. (17833)%BWarning: There is at least one partition that is %s.%B Partition %s[%d] is read-only.021435%BCannot move data from read-only partition(s) into read-write partition(s)021436%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to acquire %s table lock on table %l, partition %d, 021437%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unable to release lock on table %l, partition %d, ret %l. (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations on READ_ONLY partitions are not allowed. (17839)%B Partition %s[%d] is read-only.%LCannot %s record in read-only partition %d. (17841)%LCannot %s lob in a read-only partition. (17842)Feature %s must be disabled for this database. (17843)Database does not support %s (17844)Cannot set '%s' if partition is not allocated. (17845)Unable to obtain partition lock (17846)USING INDEX cannot be specified while altering null partition table. (17847)Partition definitions must be specified. (17848)All local indexes must have common prefix key. (17849)Table with data cannot be marked as null partitioned. (17850)Updating entry %s of Virtual System Table %s is not supported. (17851)%BThe partition %s cannot be the initial partition, operation cancelled. (17852)021438%LrmBlockValid error: sum of block parts %d != blocksize %d for dbkey %i/%Cannot set '%s' on the composite initial partition. (17854)USING INDEX must be specified during migration. (17855)The SNMP agent failed to start: %s (17856)Cannot delete %s because partition '%s' is read-only. (17857)%BError - %s and %s keywords cannot be used at the same time. (17858)%BError - %s keyword provided without a %s name. (17859)%BERROR: %s %s is not a multi-tenant or partitioned %s. (17860)021439%BERROR: Partition or composite argument cannot be specified for this %s. (021440%BERROR: Partition or composite argument has not been specified for this %s%BERROR: Cannot specify %s keyword for %s object. (17863)%B%s of %s[%d] completed with %s (17864)%BThe feature %s has been successfully %s. (17865)%BUnexpected error during Partition Move enablement: %l. (17866)%BCOMPLETE Index %s:%d has been deactivated. (17867)021441%LLogin refused. The connecting client cannot support a database that is en%B%s: Error - Table %s is not allocated. (17869)%BDuplicate key encountered for partition %s, operation cancelled. (17870)Can not drop a column on a table which has READ-ONLY partitions. (17871)Can not drop a column on a table which has READ_ONLY partitions. (17872)Cannot drop a column on a table which has READ_ONLY partitions. (17873)021442During initial migration all partitions must be either READ_ONLY or READ_WRNO-SPACE partition cannot be marked as READ_ONLY. (17875)021443%BRename utility requires a partition specified for the %s partition, opera021444%BArea cannot be truncated because it contains object(s) in the %s state. (%BCan't truncate %s area. (17878)%BNumber of Records for table %s.%s:%d[%d] copied: %j. (17879)%BNumber of key entries for index %s.%s.%s:%d[%d] copied: %j. (17880)%BThe Source Database must be in Partition Move restricted access mode. (17881)%B%s database is not enabled for Table Partitioning. (17882)%BNumber of LOB fields for table %s.%s:%d[%d] copied: %j. (17883)Partition already marked as READ_ONLY. (17884)Partition already marked as READ_WRITE. (17885)Creating OpenEdge Management activity database: %s. (17886)OpenEdge Management activity database created. (17887)Closing OpenEdge Management activity database: %s. (17888)Opening OpenEdge Management activity database: %s (17889)OpenEdge Management activity database opened. (17890)OpenEdge Management activity database closed. (17891)021445OpenEdge Management activity database lock file %s is locked. The databaseRead_only partitions feature is not enabled. (17893)Duplicate column %s is not allowed in index. (17894)021446Cannot update READ_ONLY/READ_WRITE status of a partition which is pointing 021447%BError: The state of partition %s[%d] is %s which is invalid to be altered%BThe state of partition %s[%d] has failed to be successfully altered. (17897)%BPartition %s of table %s is rebuilding, operation cancelled. (17898)021448OEManagerNotAccessible: The oemanager web application is not accessible: %Operation is invalid for %s %s for %s %s[%d] because it is read-only. (17900)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Error getting name of partition %d of table %s. (17901)%rPROGRESS Partition View%r021449Cannot drop a table with initial composite partition marked as READ_ONLY. (Minimum column size for SHOW PARTITION is 4. (17904)021450%BPartition View utility requires a table specified for the %s partition, o021451%BPartition View utility requires a list, state, or status option, operatio021452%BSchema change has occurred while processing index partitions, %s operatio021453%BCould not find information of object %d/%l, partition %l in %s, errno %l.021454CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... for creating a partitioned table is not yet Partition key value cannot be NULL. (17910)021455ROWID may not be used to specify a row in a partitioned table, because it i%BRemoving index %d:%d from the selection. (17912)The limit of %i key components per table exceeded (17913)%BPartition %s is currently being rebuild and cannot be renamed. (17914)021456%LThe database contains auditing data that cannot be converted.%rYou must aColumn "%s" of type "%s" cannot be specified as partition key column. (17916)%B%s deactivation for %s:%d. (17917)%BThe database does not contain partitioned tables (17918)%BCannot delete the template record for table %s. (17919)%BError getting schema lock info - %l (17920)%BError acquiring shared schema lock - %l (17921)%BError releasing shared schema lock - %l (17922)021457%BRoll Forward to %s has been located, further roll forward operations are 021458%BRoll Forward to %d has been located, further roll forward operations are 021459%BPartition Copy Source and Target databases cannot be the same database. (021460BEFORE UPDATE trigger %s does setValue on partition key column %s of table 021461%BPartition Copy is attempting to clear "partition copy in process" object 021462%BPartition Copy failed to clear "in process partition copy" object state f%BPartition Copy Failed to disable feature. (17929)021463%BPartition Copy has successfully cleared "in process partition copy" 021464Partition names (%s and %s) should be matched when partition key values are021465Cannot UPDATE because the row with pro_partn_rowid value %s does not belong%L%s feature %s for the database. (17933)%BUnexpected error during %s %s: %l. (17934)%BThe Source Database must be in Partition Copy restricted access mode. (17935)021466%B%s %d of table %d partition %d in area %d is no longer in the process of 021467%BPartition %d of table %d in area %d is longer in the process of being copSSL protocol(s): %s (17938)SSL cipher suite(s): %s (17939)%BSource index %s is %s and cannot be used in this operation. (17940)021468procopy: Before image file of encrypted databases must be truncated before 021469Unable to save trend data. Verify the trend database is running at %s . Re%gSYSTEM ERROR: lklocky: Upgrade to Index Admin Lock (17943)021470%BPartition schema for partition %s do not match in source and target DBs,%B%s %s in %s DB is %s and cannot be copied. (17945)%BAccess to %s %s is denied in %s DB. (17946)021471CREATE INDEX failed as the SQLTruncateTooLarge flag is ON and a column in t021472%BPartition component values or object Id do not match for partition %s in 021473%B%s for partition %s do not match in source and target DB, partition cannoEnum statement may only be used in files with '%s' extension. (17950)021474Name of the enum in the ENUM statement '%s' must match the pattern of the n%BTarget index %s cannot be used in this operation. (17952)%BIndex %s%s%s in table %s is inactive. (17953)Value specified for -SQLTruncateTooLarge is invalid. (17954)Authorized data truncation (-SQLTruncateTooLarge): %s (17955)Unable to create reader for READ-JSON (17956)Cannot find the partition name:%s in source database. (17957)021475%BLower range value of partition do not match in source and target DB, par021476Columns used in ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT are partition aligned. AREA phra%BTable %s is %s. Operation not permitted. (17960)%LUser %l set tty to %s. (17961)021477Already defining an INTERFACE. Cannot compile an ENUM statement nested withAlready defining a CLASS. Cannot compile an ENUM statement. (17963)Already defining a CLASS. Cannot compile another CLASS statement. (17964)021478Already defining an ENUM. Cannot compile a CLASS, INTERFACE or another ENU021479The ENUM statement must come before all other compilable statements other tInvalid enum name, the first component of the name cannot be '%s' (17967)Cannot inherit from '%s'. It is an enum. (17968)Class %s implements interface %s, but %s is an enum. (17969)Cannot use NEW statement with '%s' because it is an enum. (17970)Cannot NEW class %s because it is an interface or enum. (17971)Missing END ENUM statement for '%s'. (17972)Spurious END ENUM statement. Enum not being defined. (17973)END ENUM statement already encountered. Cannot compile more statements. (17974)Enum files may not have executable statements. (17975)Only an enum type may define enum members. (17976)Only specific types of members may be defined in an enum file. (17977)The operation is not supported if BI Delay Write (-Mf) is set to 0. (17978)Cannot update %s because it is read-only. (17979)%s statement is not allowed in an interface or enum file. (17980)Could not evaluate recid during REPOSITION. (17981)%BLock wait on index admin lock cancelled. (17982)021480Rule %s evaluation for resource %s failed because %s activity value was nul%rNo Partitions being copied. (17984)021481%BComposite:initial partition schema in source and target DB do not match, 021482%GSYSTEM ERROR: lkIntentLockUpdate: Can't find table lock for table number 021483%BSYSTEM ERROR: lklocky: illegal record lock request table %l partition %d021484%BThe Codepages are different in source %s, target %s DBs, %s %s cannot be 021485%BThe target database table version number: %d is not greater than or equal%BThe number of indexes in the source and target tables do not match. (17990)021486%BThe %s %d is in different area. Target Object area number %d, Source Obje021487The table schema of the partition does not match in source and target DB, %021488%BIndexes of table partition do not match in source and target DB, %s %s ca%LStarted index fix with the following options: (17994)%L 1) Record scan with index block validation (17995)%L 2) Index scan (17996)%L 4) Cross-reference check of multiple indexes (17997)%L 5) Build indexes from source (17998)%L 6) Delete record and its index entries (17999)%L Fix indexes on scan? %s (18000)%L Validate recids for index entries? %s (18001)%L Record scan range: all (18002)%L Record scan range: %j to %j in area %d (18003)%BInvalid area provided to index fix. (18004)021489%BThere must be an active local index for partition %s of table %s to be tr%L 8) Record scan (18006)Could not evaluate '%s' parameter for DYNAMIC-ENUM. (18007)Could not find '%s' in enum '%s'. (18008)wminutesecondStale cursor on table %s index %s (18012)%BSYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error on table %s index %s error number %l (18013)%BRestarting OpenEdge Replication Agent. (18014)021490%BFailed to notify user %d about schema change on %s record. Error code is %BAn OpenEdge Replication Agent is already running for database %s. (18016)Comma separated list of names '%s' not valid for non-flag enum '%s'. (18017)%BArchived to %s. (18018)%BFile %s already exists, data will be dumped to %s. (18019)021491%r%rLOB SUMMARY FOR SHARED TABLES: %r---021492%r%rLOB SUMMARY FOR %s %s: %l%r--------------------------------------------021493Table LOBs Size Min MaxCannot access enum member '%s' as a property from enum '%s'. (18023) LOB SUMMARY021494%BPartition %s with partitionId %d for table %s cannot be found in %s datab%BFailed to parse table name %s in %s database. (18026)021495%BTable %s is not a partitioned table in %s database, operation cancelled. Could not apply necessary qualifier to procedure call %s (18028)ORDER BY clause is not supported in queries having set operators. (18029)%BBINARYLOAD: %s cancelled binary load with index rebuild operation. (18030)%BChange Tracking Table area must be specified, operation cancelled. (18031)%BChange Tracking Index area must be specified, operation cancelled. (18032)021496%B%s area %s is not a valid data area or not a Type II area, operation canc%BError: Enable CDC failed, ret %l. (18034)%BInternal Error: Failed to commit transaction, ret %l. (18035)%B%s: %s CDC for Database %s has %s. (18036)%BCDC requires an Enterprise Database License. (18037)%BCDC is already enabled for this database. (18038)%BCDC feature has been successfully enabled. (18039)%BCDC feature failed to be successfully enabled (18040)%B%s: Failed to release %s %l. (18041)You cannot get static constructors using reflection. (18042)%BChange Table area in use: %s. (18043)%BChange Table index area in use: %s. (18044)ERROR: Configuration %s not found (DBMan007)ERROR: Unable to locate database %s (DBMan005)Database %s is not running (DBMan024)Database %s, configuration %s is not running (DBMan026)021497Warning! A problem occurred while starting the database. Please check the Database %s, configuration %s is already running (DBMan016)Error Processing Database. Database: %s (18051)Database %s, configuration %s started (DBMan028)ERROR: Database %s failed to start (DBMan022)Database %s, configuration %s starting... (18054)Database %s, configuration %s startup timed out (DBMan018)Database %s, configuration %s failed to stop (DBMan008)Database %s, configuration %s stopped (DBMan021)Database %s, configuration %s stopping... (18058)Database %s, configuration %s stop timed out (DBMan002)Waiting for requested action to complete (DBMan012)Enter user name:Error reading standard input: %s (DBMan015)021498Unknown or invalid option: "-%s" Type "dbman -help" for a summary of dbman 021499Unknown or invalid port: "%s": Port must be a number between %s and %s or aValue %s is not a valid number of seconds for "-timeout" (DBMan032)021500ERROR: Multiple operations (start/stop/query) specified: only one operationERROR: Must specify a database name (-database dbname) or all (-all) (DBMan017)ERROR: Unable to obtain database information from database %s (DBMan020)ERROR: default configuration not defined (DBMan001)ERROR: Unable to obtain current host name: %s (DBMan027)021501ERROR: Must specify an operation to perform (-start, -stop, or -query) (DBM021502ERROR: Unable to locate database plugin: ensure AdminServer is running and Not runningEnter password for user %s:021503ERROR: Unable to connect to AdminServer. User authentication failed for useDatabase %s auxiliary processes: AI Writer: %s APW: %s BI Writer: %s Watchdog: %sDatabase Name: %s database is running: %s default configuration: %s running configuration: %s valid configurations: %sDatabase agent %s is already running (18086)Database must be running before agent can be started (18087)Database agent %s is starting... (18088)Database agent %s start timed out (18089)Database agent %s failed to start (18090)Database agent %s is not running (18091)Database agent %s is stopping... (18092)Database agent %s is stopped (18093)Database agent %s stop timed out (18094)Database agent %s is started (18095) database path: %sDatabase %s agent: %sCannot query vst table %s: Unknown database. (18098)Cannot query vst table %s: Unknown database agent. (18099)Cannot query vst table %s: Database broker and agent must be running. (18100)Cannot query vst table %s: Database agent must be running. (18101)%BAdding CDC files %s (18102)%BFailed to build %s elements of CDC schema. (18103)%BFailed to build _StorageObject for %s, element %d. (18104)%BFailed to build %s for CDC schema. (18105)%BEnable CDC was successful. (18106)ERROR: Unable to locate database with status %s (18107)%BRestarting OpenEdge Replication Agent. (18108)Failed to find enum type '%s'. (18109)Class '%s' is not an enum type. (18110)021504Cannot operate on objects of type '%s' and '%s' because they are not compat021505Cannot operate on enum of type '%s' when the other operand is not an enum. Cannot check flags if the value for the specified enum instance is zero. (18113)021506%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to extract field %d of record %J/%d, return code %d,%LUser %d died holding the Object Number Latch. (18115)021507%BRecovery of agent %s has failed and the agent cannot be reconnected. The LOB SUMMARY%LUser Notification Time (-userNotifyTime): %i seconds (18118)021508%LAuto transition is not allowed if agent-shutdown-action is RECOVERY. Age021509%BFailed to read master block in %s. bkioRead read %i blocks. Errno is %i. Could not set syserr when creating ServiceManager (18121)Could not create a new PscServiceManager, using default. (18122)Error setting properties in openedge.properties file. (18123)Error reading openedge.properties file. (18124)Error building response envelope (18125)Cleared SOAP Metrics for Application [ %s ] (18126)Registering SOAP Transport for Application [ %s ] (18127)Unregistering SOAP Transport for Application [ %s ] (18128)Registering Service with JNDI namespace (18129)Error encountered during querying registry for OEABL Application %s (18130)Error during registering SOAP Transport for WebApp [ %s ] (18131)021510Error reading Application Name from openedge.properties file. SOAP TransporError encountered disabling SOAP Transport %s (18133)Error encountered querying registry for OEABL Application %s (18134)Error encountered performing registration %s (18135)%s is stopping (18136)Error in SOAP engine shutdown (18137)The HTTP request was not of type text/xml (18138)The HTTP request was missing the SOAPAction header (18139)Initializing web transport session pool (18140)The %s request is denied (18141)Web transport session pool not yet initialized (18142)%s parameter not specified. Using default value %s (18143)Missing default web handler property (18144)Invalid default web handler name %s (18145)Empty web handler %d entry (18146)Invalid web handler %d entry: %s (18147)Error setting properties in openedge.properties file (18148)Error reading openedge.properties file (18149)Stopping session for application: %s (18150)SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected mtType %d for table %s in %s (18151)021511SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error %l from recGet*lobLocator table %d ptn %d ppLOB SUMMARY FOR AREA %s: %d021513Analysis of LOB data for LOB field %s could not be performed because the re021515The calculation for LOB size could not be performed because the associated SQL Autonomous Schema Update (-SQLWidthUpdate): %s (18156)Area %s is for encryption, Auditing cannot be enabled in the area. (18157)Transaction %l by user %d at %s. Counter: %l%s%s%s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds.%LCluster Scan Phase %s at block %j. %j cluster blocks processed in %l seconds.021516%GSYSTEM ERROR: Trying to overwrite uncommitted update of cdc cache entry fPhysical Redo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds.Physical Redo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds. Counter: %lLogical Undo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds.Logical Undo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds. Counter: %lReplication Redo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds.Replication Redo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds. Counter: %lPhysical Undo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds.Physical Undo %s at block %j. %j blocks processed in %l seconds. Counter: %l021517%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to build sort key for index %d in %s, errno %d, inst021518%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to create cursor for index %d in %s, errno %d, insta021519%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Failed to extract field %d of record %J/%d, return code021520%BSYSTEM ERROR: Failed to sort key string for index %d in %s, string length%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to find table information of %s.%s. (18174)021521%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to find _field record for field %d/%j,errno %d, %BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to find _file record of table %d, errno %d. (18176)%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Failed to get cdc policy %s for table %d, errno %d. (18177)021522%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Unable to find _field record for field %d/%j, errno %d.021523%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Failed to create cdc cache entry for source table %d, c021524%BSYSTEM ERROR: %s: Failed to find next table policy record of %j, errno %dOFFSET-FETCH clause is not supported in queries having set operators. (18181)021525%BError initializing status indicator for crash recovery. Error code %d, in021526WorkQueueFull: The %s queue is full and can no longer accept additional worThe %s queue is no longer full and will begin accepting new work items. (18184)021527%BWarning: The current BI cluster size may not be able to support %d concur%LCrash Recovery Status Interval (-crStatus): %i seconds (18186)%LCrash Recovery Transaction Display (-crTXDisplay): %s (18187)021528You cannot execute code or access data through this reflection object since021529To Get/Set static Variable/Property %s, you should use the overload that do021530To Get/Set instance Variable/Property %s, you should use the overload that 021531The class instance for executing code via a reflection object must be the sCannot invoke %s method in '%s' because it is not implemented (18192)Invalid value specified for parameter '%s' of method '%s'. (18193)Failed to read stream data (18194)Invalid file name specified for '%s' (18195)Cannot invoke method '%s' after stream has been closed (18196)Invalid 'ABLHandlerClass' name specified (18197)021532Unable to invoke 'HandleRequest' method from 'OpenEdge.Web.InternalWebRoute021533%BError %i trying to spawn status thread for a phase of crash recovery. Tur021534%BError %i trying to create mutex for status thread for a phase of crash re021535%BWARNING: The ROWID translation between client and server components of th%BDatabase is in a Bistall Quiet point - request rejected. (18202)%BBistall Quiet point active. (18203)%BQuiet point request rejected - quiet point state %s. (18204)Could not check flags because the specified enum instance is invalid. (18205)Class '%s' is not an ABL enum type. (18206)Could not get enum of type '%s' for value %j. (18207)Invalid value found while performing a bitwise operation. (18208)Operation not allowed for instance of enumeration type. (18209)Cannot perform bitwise operation with the unknown value. (18210)'%s' is not a flags enum type. (18211)You must use an enum type instead of super class '%s' in this context. (18212)021536%GSYSTEM ERROR: CDC cache has ran out of memory. You need to increase -cdcs'%s' is not an enum type and cannot be used in this context. (18214)Invalid value specified for enum member '%s'. (18215)Can only specify multiple values when the enum has the FLAGS option. (18216)Could not find enum member '%s'. (18217)The value for enum member '%s' is too large. (18218)021537%BConnection is serverless: -ssl ignored when -s service/port is unspecifie%BUpgraded Client to ssl Connection (18220)%BSSL Handshake successful. Connection established. (18221)Adding Table Partitioning file %sIndex record(s) updated at timestamp %l. (18223)Table partitioning deletion has begun.A member of a class cannot be both STATIC and SERIALIZABLE. (18225)A member of a class cannot be both ABSTRACT and SERIALIZABLE. (18226)021538A member of a class cannot be SERIALIZABLE if the defining class is not marAlias %s could not be created. (18228)Error instantiating new TcpAgent = %s (18229)startAgent(%s,%s) : initial connection failed (18230)startAgent(%s,%s) : initial connection failed : %s (18231)stopAgent(%s,%s) failed : %s (18232)reserveABLSession(%s) failed : invalid session count = %d (18233)releaseABLSession(%s) failed : invalid session count = %d (18234)reserveConnection(%s,%s) failed : connection pool is invalid (18235)terminateABLSession(%s,%s,%s) failed : OpenAPI exception occurred : %s (18236)terminateFreeABLSessions(%s,%d) failed : OpenAPI exception occurred : %s (18237)TcpAgent(%s) : error starting agent process : %s : commandline= %s (18238)021539TcpAgent(%s) : error starting agent process : %s : commandline= %s : workdi021540Error launching agent process : specified workdir %s does not exist ... usiTcpAgent(%s,%s) : error creating initial connection = %s (18241)TcpAgent(%s,%s) : error joining listener thread = %s (18242)initListenerSocket(%s,%s) : error creating private listening socket = %s (18243)021541TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Timeout while listening for connect from agent process = 021542TcpAgent(%s,%s) : an error occurred while listening for connect from agent TcpAgent(%s) : an error occurred while closing the listener socket = %s (18246)021543TcpAgent(%s,%s) : an error occurred while creating TcpClientProtocol object021544TcpAgent(%s,%s) : an error initializing tcpClient occurred while listening 021545TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Error reading initial connection message from agent proce021546TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Error closing initial connection from agent process = %s TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Error closing input stream from agent process = %s (18251)TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Error closing output stream to agent process = %s (18252)TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Error closing error stream to agent process = %s (18253)021547TcpAgent(%s,%s) : Invalid security token received from agent process : expeTcpAgent(%s,%s) : Error sending shutown request to agent process = %s (18255)021548Error in getting metric bean. Metrics information will not be collected : "TcpAgentConnection(%s,%s) : Error initializing msgInputStream = %s (18257)TcpAgentConnection(%s,%s) : Error initializing msgOutputStream = %s (18258)TcpAgentConnection(%s,%s) : Error closing protocol handler = %s (18259)TcpAgentConnection(%s) : Error parsing url (%s) = %s (18260)021549TcpAgentConnection(%s) : Error creating protocol handler for URL (%s) = %s 021550TcpAgentConnection(%s) : Error initializing protocol handler for URL (%s) =TcpAgentConnection(%s) : Error opening connection for URL (%s) = %s (18263)TcpAgentConnection(%s) : Error setting socket timeout for URL (%s) = %s (18264)TcpAgentConnection(%s) : Error setting tcpNoDelay for URL (%s) = %s (18265)021551TcpAgentConnectionPool(%s,%s) : releaseConnection() failed : unable to enquTcpAgentConnectionPool(%s,%s) : error in closing connection = %s (18267)Class '%s' is not serializable. (18268)021552Cannot assign '%s' in class '%s' because types '%s' and '%s' are not compat021553Could not find instance member '%s' in class '%s' during deserialization. (Array for '%s' in class '%s' has too many elements. (18271)021554TcpAgentConnectionPool(%s) : stopInactiveConnections() failed to stop conne021555TcpAgentConnectionPool(%s) : addAgentConnection() failed because connection021556TcpAgentConnectionPool(%s) : removeAgentConnection() failed to remove conne021557TcpAgentConnectionPool(%s) : removeAllAgentConnections() failed to close coTcpAgentConnectionPool(%s = %s (18276)TcpAgentConnectionPool(%s = %s (18277)TcpAgentManager(%s = %s (18278)TcpAgentPool(%s (18279)021558TcpAgentPool(%s] -help019328ent is running. %rFor further information type: %rfathom [-httpport %shttp019329se make sure the%r correct httpport was specified and that OpenEdge Managem-help %r The list of valid commands is: %r%s019331n any of the valid commands type: %r fathom [-httpport %sport>] %scommand> t threshold is %s%. Exclusive=%s%. Share=%s%. Upgrade=%s%. (9522)The current threshold is %s. (9523)eshold is %i. (9524) sample. The threshold is %s. (9525)urrent threshold is %s. (9526)rent threshold is %s. (9527)rent threshold is %s. (9528)s %s%. The current threshold is %s%. (9529)eshold is %i. (9530)d is %s%. (9531)abase %s. (9533)rrent threshold is %s. (9534)hreshold is %d%. Sample number=%i. (9535)urrent threshold is %s. (9536)is %s. (9537) threshold is %i. (9538)The current threshold is %s. (9539)sion. (9540)s and the file is writable. File: %s (9541)g on %s . Reason : %s: %s Argument: %s(9574) Resource type: %s (9585) %s, Threshold %s (9616) %s (9617)ld %s (9618)alue: %s, Threshold %s (9619) Value: %s, Threshold %s (9620)hom database. Host: (9639)ptions. (9650), Failure Reason: %s. (9656) (9657)upport. (9658) Default is 20931.ponse.ess%r resides.rd in clear%r text.019369ified.%r%r* Note: use of this parameter may allow others to see your passwo threshold. Response: %d ms, Threshold: %d ms (9686)eout threshold. Response: %d ms, Threshold: %d ms (9687) non-numeric values are not allowed. (9692)ytes): %d, Specified Size (bytes): %d (9702)tes): %d, Specified Size (bytes): %d (9703)ytes): %d, Specified Size (bytes): %d (9704)ize (bytes): %d, Specified Size (bytes): %d (9705)bytes): %d, Specified Size (bytes): %d (9706) the previous one. (9726)s (9735)mber. (9747)me for the Search Criteria. (9749)s are currently in use (%s cache). (9799) the Search Text field. (9800)i (9823)i (9824)(9825) (9826) (9828) (9838)%s. The current threshold is %s. (9839)m backup. (9844) rtc: %i, area %l (9847). rtc: %i (9848)sociated with it. (9853)named and new project created. Old project file: %s. (9857)mmands:%r%s%r [-httpport %sportno>] -restype %sresource type> %r -Fathom019398rt %sportno>] %sresource> %r [-httpport %sportno>] -resource %sresource> Keyword defining one of these types: %r%s individual resources.019401 Use of -Fathom option will not change the status of %r an invalid search method. Handle = %l, ID = %l, name = %s. (9872). (9879)r field was truncated. (9891)heck the log file for more information. (9892)hitems.xml to load in the default Search Criteria. (9895) to load in the default Search Criteria. (9896) equal to 255. (9911)ress. (9912)ression syntax given in one of its Search Criteria.%rMessage: %s (9913)specified. Invalid address: %s (9915) list of valid e-mail addresses. (9920)019413o\" field may contain either one valid e-mail address, or a comma-delimited\"Less than\" is specified for the size comparison. (9927)if possible. (9928) be written to. (9940)arch Text field. (9949)t run correctly without Client Networking. (9951)le. (9952) (9953)SE. (9956)H (%d) for BROWSE %s. (9960)LSE. (9962)th this name already exists. (9967)tabase schema. (9968)gress Recid area max is %d and min is %d. (9969) the directory exists and the file is writable. File: %s (9976)does not support the VRFY command. User: %s, Server: %s (9978)olumns. (9981)te access to the database. (9985)n or equal to the starting IP address. Invalid Address:%s (10002)nding addresses must be identical. (10003)e is: %s. %r-help Print this message.019434sfilename> File to validate. %r Default filver is running. (10023) %i (10029)Disk): %i (10030)eSize): %i (10031). (10036) user to realm %s. (10038) %s. (10044)ot occur inside an expression or on either side of an equal sign. (10050)(10051)tor" "value to be compared against" "directory". (10056)019445fied is: %r _proutil "database name" -C dumpspecified "table.column" "opera OUTPUT-APPEND, enclosed in quotes or in an expression.. (10057)or SetParameter. (10058)field (subscript expressions are ok). (10060) system handle name like SESSION, FILE-INFO, etc.). (10064)LE or a user-defined type and valid (not UNKNOWN). (10068)-POOL. (10079)(10085) must be a valid 4gl OBJECT HANDLE. (10091) must be a valid 4gl widget attribute or method. (10092)ue to be set. (10094)t Fathom version. Old version: %s, New version: %s (10128) (10136)ed and new project created. Old project file: %s. (10138)019459Fathom version. Project version: %s, Fathom version: %s. Project file renam) failed. Backup file name: %s. (10139) file due to %d %r (10166)l not be available. (10167)(10213)stage %i. (10216)art the executable %s. (10217) (10226) protocols are not supported. (10228)d URL: %s (10229)%s, HTTP Response Code: %s (10230)retrieved. (10238)%s, URL: %s (10239)ttern: %s, URL: %s (10240) rule is malformed. Pattern: %s (10241)d for the URL. URL: %s (10242)10251) %i (10252): %i (10255)id %j. rtc: %i, area %l (10257) %j. rtc: %i, area %l (10258)d. rtc: %i (10261). rtc: %i (10266)c: %i (10267)d reports. (10284) not enabled. (10288) (10292)sion or Patch Level: %s. (10294)019487or patch level. Current Progress Version: %s, Minimum Required Progress Ver(10302)(10303) (10307)e. File version: %s, Fathom version: %s (10308)ces. Filename: %s (10313)s (10320)%s (10322)ersion: %s, Fathom version %s (10339)-F startup argument. (10340)etailed information on the import actions which were attempted. (10341)019498 Not all default resources have been created. See the Fathom log file for dlocks in %s (10344)Commit. (10349)se %s. Do you wish to continue [n]?eady enabled. (10354)ized to open a replication enabled database. (10356)019504cation but either replication is not running, or this process is not author been enabled for source replication. (10370)10385) (10390)sers. (10391) at the port %d. (10396)tarted for transaction %l (10401)ogicalOpId %d logicalOpId in table %d (10402)icalOpId %d logicalOpId in table %d (10403)gical operation for trid %l recid %j logicalOpId %d (10404) Record creation aborted. rtc: %i (10407)d unexpectedly with status %l . (10411)d unexpectedly with status %l. (10412)ation Agent %s. (10417) %s. (10418)Agent %s. (10419)id %l, area %d, dbkey %j, updctr %l. (10420)omplete. (10422) complete. (10423)ice Manager in %s. (10426)gent in area %i at block %i, offset %i. (10427) (10430)ntinue. (10431). (10433)the agent %s. (10434)ized. (10436)onized. (10437). (10438)et database %s has been properly sourced. (10439) the target database %s has been improperly sourced. (10440) The data will be ignored. (10472)ock table. (10473)ol pointer is invalid. (10474) (10477)te database. (10478)r the table. (10481)s. (10488) %J. (10489)10490)ge. (10492)ver's listener on host %s. (10493)gent is not the same as the block sent by the Fathom Replication Server. (10494) cannot continue. (10495)r on host %s, port %i. (10496) Normal database activity can now occur. (10497) (10498)tinue. (10499)plication Agent %s on host %s. (10507)gent %s. (10508)he Fathom Replication Agent %s. (10509)athom Replication Agents. Fathom Replication cannot continue. (10510)backs. (10513)occur inside an expression or on either side of an equal sign. (10514) disabled. (10518) not enabled for site replication has failed. (10519)onfigured. (10524)cid %j area %l trid %l logical op id %d until transaction end. (10528) (10534)le it for source site replication. (10536)nconditional forced (-F) shutdown.do a forced (-F) shutdown.-F) to shutdown. Database corruption could result. (10541)is invalid within the current runtime context. (10543)s started have completed their startup and initialization. (10545)f there is not an active index. (10546)%d errno=%d. (10547)%s. (10551)e %s. (10555)he Search Text field. (10556)hoose Criteria Category' menu. (10557)Choose Search Criteria' menu. (10558)tion has not been installed. (10559)ess Software Corp. for investigation. (10561)e %i (10564)(10565)j and return code %i. (10566)e schema lock. (10568) from a backup in the event of a failure! (10577)10602)t line %i. (10603)smatch. (10612)019585%l %r pTranEntry transnum %l rlcounter %l %r rlmemchk: transaction table miead in task %s, exception message %s (10622)ption message %s (10623)ption message %s (10624)s: %s (10625) %s: %s (10626)ption message %s (10629)he threshold. Threshold: %s User Count: %s (10644)t with no spaces before or after the colon. (10647)ver and the proxy port. (10648)-65535. (10649)separated by spaces, newlines, or ampersand (&). (10650)alue separated by newlines. (10651)re are no Database Adapter licenses available. (10653) Adminserver was started. (10654)ced by %s. (10659)lication Agent %s. The recovery process for this agent is ending. (10663)ablish communication. (10664)assuming it is active. (10665)continue. (10669)esuming. (10670)t block %i. (10671) continue. (10672)(10692)s. (10696)ery for this agent will not be performed. (10697)remain active. (10698) disconnect. (10703): %s. Exception message: %s. (10709) method. (10710) method. (10711)being changed to NON-CRITICAL. (10714)area (area-number>%i, sequence number %i is not available. (10716)rmed but manual can be performed as required. (10719)019619ed to perform automatic transition. Automatic transition will not be perfon. (10723)019621 from the total number of keys and non-keys specified at sort initializatioing null. (10743)vice. (10755) method. (10776)ion (10777)e method. (10802) and located Dbkey %j. (10809)024 and 32765 on NT for agent %s. (10822) agent %s. (10823)cified for Listener-minport. (10827)d. (10831)n to reset it. (10844)-free operating mode. (10849)perating mode. (10850)s then enter Y to continue. (10853) valuesported. (10952)g changed to Session Managed. (10973)denied." (10974). (10985) directory before attempting to run the Debugger. (11000)%s. (11007), Port: %s. (11008)found. Application Service: %s. Client host: %s, Port: %s. (11009)not be registered. Broker: %s. (11010)dary Broker: %s, Host: %s, Port: %s. UUID: %s. (11011)019647UID is already registered. Registered Broker: %s, Host: %s, Port: %s. Seconner. NameServer: %s. (11012)(11013)nt host: %s, port: %s. (11015)019651ct message header, or wrong version information in the client message. ClieApplication Service: %s. Broker: %s, Host: %s, Port: %s, UUID: %s. (11016)019653ication Service already has a Broker, and Load Balancing is not installed. meServer for consistency. Broker: %s, Host: %s, Port: %s, UUID: %s. (11017)11031)019656 lock file exists delete the lock file and restart Fathom. Lock file: %s (019657already running. If it is not running and the Fathom configuration databaserom statement cache. %s statements are currently in use (%s cache). (11049)eded the threshold. Current Value: %s Threshold: %s the threshold. Current Value: %s, Threshold:%s, Broker: %s.: %s, Threshold %s (11053)d Exceeded! Value: %s, Threshold %s (11054)old Exceeded! Value: %s, Threshold %s (11055)mat. (11058)le: %s (11060)ile: %s (11061)property in the properties file instead. (11064)ing disabled at startup. (11068)019669arameters will be ignored. Specify -logginglevel 0 if you want to keep logges by using -logginglevel. (11072)tup. (11078)r Size %d. (11085) (11086)rvers added: %s (11087)s added: %s (11088)f servers trimmed: %s (11089)gents trimmed: %s (11090)11093) Broker: %s, NameServer: %s (11095)Broker: %s, NameServer: %s (11096)ected %l in txn %l updctr %l (11098)d: %j area %l updctr %l in txn %l note updctr %l (11099)fs=%d, i=%d, oldLen=%d, oldoff=%d, newoff=%d, way=%d (11100)fs=%d, i=%l, oldLen=%d, oldoff=%d, newoff=%d, way=%d (11102)n %l has size %d expected %d (11103) note updctr %l size %d expected %d (11104)tchRecord returns %d expected %d (11105)Dif returns %d expected %d (11106)t is currently only supported from a .NET or Java open client. (11108)d DATABASE !!! (11115)e Replication first. (11117)l table %l dbkey %j,dbkey> logOpId %l (11125)ceeded the threshold. Threshold: %s Current Value: %s Procedure: %s (11127)(11140) %rthis database. (11155)019697 %rthe 'retry' option before any subsequent ai files can be applied to 019698 %rThe complete extent must be located/recovered and rolled forward with . (11156)d. (11160)ceeded the threshold. Threshold: %s Current Value: %s Procedure: %s (11166)eded the threshold. Current Value: %s Threshold: %s the threshold. Current Value: %s, Threshold:%s, Broker: %s. license. (11169)atabase. (11172) it being enabled. (11173) it being active. (11174)r .pxg files and -xpxgfile for .xpxg files. (11178)%s. (11179)%s. (11180)ntent. (11183)atabase operations. (11208)(11213)019714file (.pxg) to convert and optionally a valid output project file (.xpxg). cs data. (11215)ed number of polls. Threshold: %s Number of polls: %s PID: %s (11216) number of polls. Threshold: %s Number of polls: %s PID: %s (11217)e codepage %s in the target. (11220)e collation %s in the target. (11225)endian %d in the target. (11229)%r does not match the target database (%d). (11230)d: %s (11232)s (11233)or -zMmc. (11238)itional %s. (11240)s. (11241)ion Name: %s (11242)Resource name: %s (11246)019729 not supported by Fathom. No Fathom monitor was created for this resource. ase. (11250)019731ion Server cannot continue and Replication is being disabled for this databts. (11251)ure (11262)file. (11271) a Blob. (11272) (11289). (11305). (11330) OpenEdge Debugger. (11352) of table %s (129) (11353)11363) or LONGCHAR type variables. (11382)ension. (11387) dimension of %d. (11388)ER-TABLE (11401)11405)ling procedure %s has a fixed size extent. (11407)sub-procedure %s parameter is a fixed size extent. (11421) argument (11426)er in procedure %s with extent %d. (11428)d. (11429)frames. (11433)he limit or reduce SG value. (11437)d. (11441)ly, not attempted again. (11442)t initialize it. (11444)line and any line after this line will be skipped. (11448) technical support. %s (11461)11471)11478)YPE is 'WEBSERVICE'. (11481)fset is %l, errno is %d, instance id is %d. (11482)ameters string, neither -Binding nor -SOAPEndpoint is valid. (11499)ng, '-SOAPEndPoint' must also be specified. (11501)dure. (11502)tion. (11504) is too large for CHAR, use LONGCHAR instead. (11509)oo large for a CHAR variable, use a LONGCHAR instead. (11510) errorStatus is %d, instance id is %d. (11530)ase. (11558) to start.019772rk directory when remote monitoring is enabled or the adminserver will fail raw, blob, clob, datetime, or datetime-tz. (11564)isable remote monitoring. %s %stypes are: %s (11576)n. (11599) directory.ugger; Error code is: %d. (11628) have interrupted the wait. (11632). (11638) (11640) database %s. (11644)nabled for remote monitoring.. (11651)erver is %d. (11654)s. (11656)r code is: %d. (11671)ger. Could not recreate socket to accept Debugger connections. (11680)f LONGCHAR. (11686) get control at the next executable statement. (11690)s ending as instructed. (11692)r is terminating. (11694)%i rowid %j owner %i, chain %i (11697) ended. (11698)aiting for connection from the Replication Server. (11699) The Agent is ending so the Target databse can be shutdown normally. (11700)RANSITION. This Agent is ending. (11701)eplication was run. Replication to this Agent %s cannot continue. (11703)n with this database. (11704)019801eplication Version 2. Do not attempt to use prior version(s) of Replicatio(11707)(11711)ormat for this version of Fathom Replication. (11720)lication property file. (11722)is Server and the Agent %s cannot communicate. (11723)ebug. (11724)019808d set the debuggerEnabled property to 1 for any services that you want to d019809hin a proenv session on Windows or from a UNIX shell to enable debugging an%d, peer version %d. (11726)019811%s attempting connection due to a protocol version mismatch. This version ure list. (11727)ure list. (11728)d. (11747)(11784)ect to this Agent. (11803)nning with file %l. (11805)t recognized by this codebase. (11806)ot recognized by this codebase. (11807)t recognized by this codebase (11810) recognized by this codebase (11811)k. (11814)11815)019824ck. All currently active user(s) will be disconnected from the database. (ts. The Replication Server is ending. (11816)019826e waiting for a Schema Lock acknowledgement from one of its configured Agenady will be ignored. (11818)ue and will shutdown. (11820)r's connection attempt. The Replication Server is shutting down. (11821)(11822)019831ansaction ID applied is %d and is as of %s with a time difference of %s%s. 019832cted, but it may NOT be synchronized with its Source database. The last tr11823)OpenEdge Debugger while you are already debugging. (11825) Debugger. (11826)bugger. (11827)re features enabled in the backed up database. (11829)re features active in the backed up database. (11830)backed up database. (11831)019840 RDBMS because the features required by this product are not active in the . (11832)11833)y this version of the OpenEdge product. (11834)by this version of the OpenEdge product. (11835)roduct. (11836)countered in parameter %d (11839)11842)%l (11843)db2 %l (11844) %l, db2 %l (11845)ll callback procedure. (11874)for this type of buffer. (11875)-PREPARED. (11876)ame table %s. (11877)he data-relation. (11881). (11882)not mapped. (11883)de COPY/GET/MERGE/FILL type of operation on a dataset table. (11885)019859 is mapped to some source field, in order to do a replace-mode or parent-moW-CHANGES. (11889)RCE for data-source buffer %s. (11892) one or use TRACKING-CHANGES. (11893)s mapped to the rowid during ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE. (11894) definition and no unique index found in %s. (11895) (11896)11913)ES. (11915)11921)E in the GET-CHANGES table %s. (11923) not match exactly. (11924)(11932)R dataset member buffer %s be attached to only one DATA-SOURCE. (11941)R dataset member buffer %s be attached to a DATA-SOURCE. (11942)E. (11946), from which changes are coming, as the first argument. (11947). (11950)set. (11951) (11952)he first argument. (11953)ave matching schema. (11954)019881ginal dataset with the same number of members and the member buffers must hnt. (11957)d to the DATA-SOURCE. (11958)cust-num,cust-num'. (11963)019885 field names with no embedded blanks, in parent-fld,child-fld order, e.g. 'e". (11968)(11982)iguration of the Log File Monitor. (11983)SubAppObject or ProcObject name. (11986)mat or contains restricted characters and/or reserved words. (11987)d-Only mode. (11988) (11989) (11990)ode. (11991)y have been deleted by another user. (11992)ay have been deleted by another user. (11993)y corrupt files or databases. (11994) aimage empty [extnum|extname] (11995)le %s. (12001)le %s. (12002)s (12009)e (%s cache). (12013)019903ly used statement from statement cache. %s statements are currently in usMMNS parameters or decrease -n. (12015).setColumnProType() method. (12017) %s. (12023)12025) invalid within the current runtime context. (12030)ocedure. (12038)/Load Utility instead. (12043)lled in a path containing spaces.t referenced (12062)he parameter signature in the proxy. (12078)the client. (12089) process or WebSpeed agent. (12090) (12091) been started in Enhanced Read-Only mode. (12094) user %l list (12096)> list (12097)nother user. (12098)c %d, task %d (12099)eger values when determining which records to dump. (12102)datetime-tz format (12104) is a result of a COM-HANDLE expression. (12111)%s of table %s). The index may be damaged. (12112) a constant. (12115)him or in %s (12120)(12121)tion-IV or in %s (12122)a schema (c/C)019931he indexes in an area (r/R) %rBy Schema - Rebuild all the indexes owned by 019932me - Rebuild only some of the indexes (s/S)%rBy Area - Rebuild all to not rebuild (q/Q)%r%rEnter your selection:exes in an area (r/R)%rBy Schema - Check all the indexes owned by a schema (c/C)019935 - Check only some of the indexes (s/S)%rBy Area - Check all the indnot Check (q/Q)%r%rEnter your selection:(12156)(12157) The operation cannot continue. (12159)me. (12160)019941icting operation being performed. Please attempt the command at a later tied. (12161) extract operation cannot continue. (12162) aimage extract operation. Please specify another filename. (12163)he operation cannot continue. (12164) The operation cannot continue. (12165)at report run time. (12174). (12183)tents' states with rfutil utilities. (12186)od or report format. (12194)019951 number of columns or rows in the report output by changing the report periload data of this datatype. (12195)019953ields with the CLOB datatype.%rHowever, you may use the data dictionary to FLOAT, DOUBLE, LONGCHAR, or MEMPTR. (12199)tead. (12200)bject (12201)ble (12208)se this temp-table to load result-set (12211) (12212) (12214)me.%rDo you want to continue? (y/n) (12235)ch_option search_value (12248)edure. (12261)se. (12262) %s, instance id is %d. (12267) a DLL cannot contain the Unknown value. (12272)exes by schema owners019968r/R) - Rebuild indexes in selected areas%rBy Schema (c/C) - Rebuild ind019969 %rSome (s/S) - Rebuild only some of the indexes %rBy Area ( do not rebuild %r%rEnter your selection:019971/V) - Rebuild selected active or inactive indexes%r%rQuit (q/Q) - Quit,schema owners019973 - Check indexes in selected areas%rBy Schema (c/C) - Check indexes by 019974rSome (s/S) - Check only some of the indexes %rBy Area (r/R) Quit, do not Check %r%rEnter your selection:til an AI extent becomes available. (12288)ub-procedure %s parameter is a non-array parameter. (12290)roker cannot be started. (12293)for the same table. (12298)12301)records. (12302)019982ABLE records, but both target and source cannot have existing BEFORE-TABLE 019983ust have no BEFORE-TABLE records, or the target table must have no BEFORE-Tth loose-mode parameter is passed as TRUE. (12303)AL or DEFAULT-STRING. (12305), then both must. (12306)eive one. (12307)es that do not match. (12312) handles. (12313) run persistently. (12316) an UNKNOWN handle from the caller. (12317)e matching BEFORE-TABLE attributes. (12319) side does not have a pre-prepared schema. (12323)ble parameter or dataset member parameter. (12324)et first. (12326)dure. (12327) BY-REFERENCE parameter. (12331)he buffers must match. (12338) (12339)-- see FILL() instead. (12340) half-defined. (12341)12343) a BEFORE-TABLE phrase. (12344)RE-TABLE. (12346)as OFF-END. (12352)sed. (12354)table is deleted. (12356)s TRUE. (12364)020009ber of member tables unless the fourth non-exact-match argument is passed ae a reposition parent. (12365)ve a normal non-reposition parent. (12366)AVE-WHERE-STRING. (12367) bytes. (12372) (12374)ment. (12377)er. (12379)ield, child-field, parent-field, child-field etc. (12385)th. (12391)(12392)BY enabled. (12393)led. (12394)lling. (12395) startup if -keyalias is specified. (12409)tinue. (12412)r cannot contain the Unknown value. (12413)sible directory. (12415)mpressed directories are not allowed. (12422). (12431)l. (12439)XNUM is %d(should be %d). (12442)se %s. (12448)not be the Unknown value or be uninitialized. (12450) check the port. (12451) any OpenEdge server for this database. (12452) (12454)12457)Server. Transition cannot be triggered as instructed. (12460)se %s. (12462)12464)sters operations can be performed. (12467)rrectly. (12468)nabled for Failover Clusters can be started. (12469)o error %i. (12470)nt connections. (12472) must have DIFFERENT names, not the same name %s. (12474)n being performed. Please attempt the command at a later time. (12532)ewly added extents. (y/n) by running builddb. (12546).%rRecovery is performed by restarting the database. (12547)t process ROWID field, result-set #%d (12549) the RECID/ROWID definition in your schema holder (12550)t been run. (12562)lusters. (12566)020055, remote shutdown is not allowed, or the database is enabled for Failover C12568)(12569)A enabled database. (12570)ser process (12573)are enabled %s. (12574) (12575) not set. (12577)column indexes are not valid. (12578)ataObject is not the %s table in the specified ProDataRelationMetaData. (12580)med. (12581)are enabled %s. (12583)ed to start the database after it is transitioned. (12585)y add AI Areas if they are needed. (12586)y begin AI. (12587)t be found. (12588)12596)ion. (12600)%l (12608) name of the file '%s'. (12629)ave you done this (y/n) ?. (12636)nly mode. (12641)ck error. (12642)= %d. (12649)t. (12652) %s. (12653)g : %s. (12655)te" or "Prepare to deactivate" mode. (12672)er the "Prepare to activate" or "Prepare to deactivate" mode. (12673)database. (12674)ctive. (12676)named. (12680)te'. (12686)n from the Replication Server. (12688)020090n shutdown. The Agents will enter PRE-TRANSITION, waiting for re-connection %s. Error message is %s. (12690)12692)next %l prev %l. (12696)free. (12697)tabase. (12701)ng. (12711)ED nor inherited. (12714)CTED nor inherited. (12718)member of a dataset with REFERENCE-ONLY. (12719)OTECTED nor inherited. (12722)ROTECTED nor inherited. (12723)e that is PROTECTED or inherited. (12730)ou cannot shadow data or events. (12731)(12736)fter-table. (12741)uilt-in functions in a WHERE clause. (12742) (12743)able-index %d. (12746)ons. (12747) tables have the same buffer name %s. (12750)BEFORE-TABLE if the source table has any BEFORE-TABLE records. (12753)rs. (12760)-table is REFERENCE-ONLY. (12761)und to %s cannot be bound again to %s. (12763)types, positions, extents and indexes match for tables %s and %s. (12766)used as a parameter. (12771)020117Y, it must be bound individually to a real table before its dataset can be lass or interface. (12773)T-PARAMETER is buffer-field-hdl:BUFFER-VALUE. (12777). (12781)some dataset buffer by a prior ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE. (12786)aset. (12788)e startup parameter -omsize. (12848)n of the name of the file '%s'. (12855)used in an index. (12857)R-COMPARE methods must match for fields %s and %s. (12860)datasets in an interface. (12863)of a specific class type '%s' which is not supported. (12864)ass. (12873)than USING. (12874)ected %s. (12877)pe name for a NEW statement. (12879)t to instantiate it. (12880)ler compilation is out of sync with class compilation. (12882)ONSTRUCTOR statement. (12888)tor. (12889)(12890)020138re not valid inside the body of a METHOD, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE or PROPERTY. e-reference a super class's element. (12896)ust be a stand-alone statement. (12897)12903)r methods of external objects, like COM or .NET. (12904)020143ABL methods that do not override or implement a .NET method. It is only foConstructor for '%s' has %d parameters. (12908)ace or enum file. (12910)ment. (12913)in an INTERFACE statement. (12916)(12922). (12926)t of a NEW(). (12931)s %s. (12935)enerate type information for the interface. (12938)ent. (12940)thod is either missing or has mismatched parameters. (12942)12947). (12948)mentation returns '%s'. (12951) implementation has %d. (12953)UTPUT, or BUFFER must match. (12954) INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT-OUTPUT, or BUFFER must match the parameter mode. (12955) (12957)or. (12958)member of a class. (12964)ember of a class. (12965)n. (12975)12978). (12981)ents. (12982)me, '%s'. (12987)12994) whose final component is '%s'. (12997)ed. (13000)13001)13005)ters. Therefore you must supply a constructor for '%s'. (13006)er caller nor called parameter is a TABLE-HANDLE or DATASET-HANDLE. (13009)020177led TABLE or DATASET parameter %s has been defined REFERENCE-ONLY and neith and called parameter %s is REFERENCE-ONLY and not bound yet. (13010)me instance. (13011)020180parameter %s is also bound, the caller and called parameters must be the saand is still not bound. (13012)020182tion parameter when called TABLE or DATASET parameter %s is REFERENCE-ONLY d instead of BY-REFERENCE. (13013)d. (13015)s'. (13016)ected %s. (13020)e field definition. (13089)rent NAMESPACE-URI. (13095)(13111)13112)%s'. (13130)(13146)(13149)taData() was not called for each field. (13150)020195SetMetaDataImpl constructor was called specifying %d fields, but setFieldMeg performed. (13155) (13159) on both the caller invocation and on the called parameter definition. (13161)020199ts opposite as a result of the call, then the BIND keyword must be suppliednical Support (13162) Technical Support. (13163)that the called table or dataset %s be defined REFERENCE-ONLY. (13164) area: %l. (13166)th is %d blocks. (13168)(13171)e Extent Management daemon. (13191)ge manager. (13192)s for the reason. (13193)object: %s. (13195)t list with enough space to continue archiving extents. (13198)e. (13202)(13203)for the database. (13204)for after-image management. (13205)his time. (13206) archive directory list was not changed. (13207) directory. (13208)me. (13209)ve interval was not changed. (13210) interval. (13211)tory list specified. (13212) %l. (13215)is enabled for After-image Management. (13216)aled -- '%s'. (13222)g remotely marshaled -- '%s'. (13223)field. (13225)(13227)ement. (13230)13231)ging is not started for the database. (13242)-image archiver feature is not enabled for the database. (13243) in use. (13250)on the Target machine. (13257) (13265) : %s. (13266)cally add (ai-structure-file) : %s. (13267) transition. (13271)(13272)eference. (13273)er is not available. (13274)very. (13275)sed to restart redo. (13277)db);serviceName=(svc) (13278)020244t);databaseName=(db) or jdbc:datadirect:openedge://(host):-1;databaseName=( instead. (13279) not active. (13280)cation database. (13281)erformed. (13282)or Replication. (13283)n online transition of a Replication Source database. (13284)ified in the transition-to-agents property. (13285)f a Replication Source database can be performed. (13286) reason %d. (13287)E-TRANSITION. (13288)ent manager is active. (13289)archival operation cannot continue. (13291)(13294)ze BLOB or CLOB field type. (13295)ents are not permitted inside a destructor. (13297)pen registry %d. (13300)y (13302)ock registry %d (13303) %d (13317)s %d (13329)d (13330)13338)(13342)- %d (13343)in record- %d (13344)n - %d (13359) %d (13360)n - %d (13361)13421)%s (13422)ion (13423)n %s (13424)13426) - %d (13427)f blocks per area - extend: %J maximum %J. (13434)or block usage - current block hiwater %J. (13435)%d (13436)(13439)- %d" (13440)(13441)%s'. (13453)UTPUT parameter. (13458)d method whose name is '%s'. (13470)d base data type. (13472)nerate its type information. (13473)ready active. (13486)txn's %d (13494) (13497)balTxnReserveNew call (13501)Restart call (13502)art call (13503)art call (13504)are call (13505)quiet point is active. (13508)ase. (13510)naged operating mode (%s). (13511)on 10.1A client. (13516)mber of user-available blocks per area - Max: %J Current: %J Extend: %l (13517) has not been configured to be started during Transition. (13518) -maxxids and/or BI cluster size. (13519) inherited class '%s'. (13520)e. (13528)e for this database. (13549)rget databases are not synchronized. (13554)ase. (13587)s %j in table %d. (13596)r proutil "dbname" -C auditload "audit archive file name" (13598) %s - %d (13604)in record %s - %d (13605)nagement daemon has re-created it. (13620)t. (13621)020316nagement will switch to the next directory specified in the destination lisj and return code %i. (13624)13632)T DISTINCT is specified. (13637) (13643)e specified list %s. (13645)120 and 86400. (13646) (13647)ded. (13649)feature has not been enabled for the database. (13660)(13664) a qualified class name or .*. (13681) You must move this %s to another area first before truncating. (13683)ent %s. (13684)frame. (13695)frame. (13696)es of 4K or 8K. (13702)ase. (13705)020334y to fail unless the corresponding areas are also added to the target datab (13709)020336atabase, then use the roll forward retry utility to continue the operation.e added first. (13710)runcated. (13711)led. (13713)enabled. (13714)enabled. (13715)form this action. (13716)ase. (13722)ate. (13726)t be restored by the 64-bit DBKEY codebase. (13732), 8, 16, or 32. (13740) and %l. (13741)(13746)rent %l. (13752)tocol is disabled for this connection. (13765)epalive protocol is disabled for this connection. (13766)eepalive protocol is disabled for this connection. (13767)pServer Keepalive protocol is disabled for this connection. (13768)ion. (13770)020355nvalid (%s). The AppServer Keepalive protocol is disabled for this connectThe AppServer Keepalive protocol is disabled for this connection. (13771)for this connection. (13772)y Timeout period ... issuing an ASKPing request to the client. (13774)eout interval. The connection to the client has been terminated. (13775) of 4K or 8K. (13785)13786) DLL/SL cannot be utilized by the OpenEdge RDBMS. (13789) cannot be utilized by the OpenEdge RDBMS. (13790)L/SO cannot be utilized by the OpenEdge RDBMS. (13791)SO cannot be utilized by the OpenEdge RDBMS. (13792)SO cannot be utilized by the OpenEdge RDBMS. (13793)number %l (13795)ed back. (13797)020369ion enabling the 64-bit Sequence feature has not yet been committed or rolldures, functions and methods. (13806)od declaration. (13808)is not valid. (13809) (13811)e, make sure there is no '.' before it.) (13819) of the PROPERTY. (13826), so the other accessor must be present also. (13829)ntheses or provide a body. (13830)of property. Value parameter must have same data type as property. (13831)y itself. (13832)class where it's defined. (13833)e class hierarchy where it's defined. (13834)lass where it's defined. (13835) class hierarchy where it's defined. (13836)s. (13837) matching signature. (13840). (13849)No constructor defined for '%s' that takes no parameters. (13850) '%s'. (13856)for both the compiler and xsd generator. (13857)020390u selected the .NET Advanced button, so now you must specify the full path lient. (13858)object is out of range for a 32-bit client. (13863)he WHERE clause or in an ON clause. (13864)d). (13866)match (%s). (13867)%d, data type (%s) does not match (%s). (13868) (13874)specified as either a URL or URN. (13876)%d. (13882)d. (13899)bled. (13901) key field '%s'. (13903)020403 such a way that an accessor method would be invoked after an assignment toe %s that is defined SHARED. (13904) is active. (13905) inuse %l (13909)database startup parameter to use the alternate lock release algorithm. (13910)%l (13912)v pointer (13913)t pointer (13914)prev pointer (13915)next pointer (13916)n ASSIGN statement after an indexing error. (13917)tionality is currently not supported. (13923)a %d (13926) lockcount %l inuse %l (13928)lly want to enable large keys support? (y/n) (13929)020418time issues to pre-10.1B clients that connect to this database.%rDo you reaas found after its SET accessor. The GET needs to come before the SET.) (13930). (13936)t. Reason code %l was returned. (13937)k of space in the current block, fragment rowid %j area %l. (13938)acters in length. (13941)ds is %d. (13942)owners020426ix indexes in selected areas%rBy Schema (c/C) - Fix indexes by schema 020427ome (s/S) - Fix only some of the indexes %rBy Area (r/R) - Ffix %r%rEnter your selection:020429- Fix selected active or inactive indexes%r%rQuit (q/Q) - Quit, do not ss. See dataserv.lg for more detailed errors. (13951)ode is %d. (13960)t use the syntax objRef[]. (13965) any .NET forms are shown (other than to wait for an ABL dialog box). (13967)put-blocking method of a .NET object. (13968) newly added shared memory segments.online? (y/n)emory segments.e %s at line %d. (13987)ror. (13989)at is configured for AUTO TRANSITION. (13990)nt is in a PRE-TRANSITION state. (13991)xtent %s. (13992)owed SQL string is 16 Megabytes. (13994)020444ed procedure with the LONGCHAR data type has been exceeded. The maximum allT stored procedure with LONGCHAR. (13995) determined by RLIMIT_NOFILE (%d). (13996)E (at least -Ma + 2) or decrease -Ma. (13997)database. (13998)pt to apply the after-image extent with sequence-number %l. (13999)020450get database because it is being applied out of sequence. You should atteme attempt the applyExtent request at a later time. (14000)to the database. (14001)the database. (14002)om the after-image extent %s. (14003)ION because it is not in the correct state. (14004)ION because it is actively communicating with a Replication Server. (14005)onnection. (14007)up. (14008)s. (14009)h promon. (14011) %l. (14012)e number: %l. (14020)ber: %l. (14021) number: %l (14027). (14028)s %d, current key is %d, offset is %d, func is %s (14037)/%J (14040)i/%J (14042)ck dbkey: %i/%J (14048)%i/%J (14057) BOX. (14065)d .NET objects (14067).NET Interface. (14068). (14071)020475L such as in a DEFINE statement. Instead, use the mapped Progress data typerations have completed. (14073)orward process. (14075)t will modify the database. (14076)uted after this. (14077)nd service %s. (14080)stroyed. (14082) statement and it must be a class that implements %s. (14117)ied type (%s) does not implement this interface. (14118) (14129)020485xecuting a NEW expression that is invalid with the current runtime context.that is invalid within the current runtime context. (14130) that block. (14137)e before FINALLY. (14139)pe '%s'. (14141)nest uses. (14142)ional statements. (14145)ught for this block. (14147)y change during processing and appear incomplete or inconsistent. (14150)%j. (14158)nuing with -scan option. (14165)ysis continuing with -scan option. (14166)th -scan option. (14167)%J (14170)i%r (14175)-------------------alid rowid%rFile Number: %d, Name %s, Type %c (14207)ber: %d, Name %s, Rowid: INVALID, Type: INVALID (14209)ber: %d, Name %s, Rowid: INVALID (14210)-------------------------------------------ble value. (14235) (14238). (14246). (14250)e because communications to the Replication Agent cannot be performed. (14251)e because the backup utility cannot inform the Replication Agent. (14252) Agent. (14253)020513e because an error ocurred while waiting for a reponse from the Replicatione because the Replication Agent is not running. (14254) in NORMAL processing. (14255)o be performed. (14256)t be informed that an online backup is about to occur. (14257) log for additional details. (14259)020519e because an error occurred within the Replication Agent. See the database is suspended until the backup finishes. (14260)uest at a later time. (14261)020522line backup of this database can begin. Please retry the online backup req%s. (14262)_LANG setting that is compatible with your schema holder. (14267)020525holder code page. You may experience data loss if you do not select an NLS %s, recid %j (13) (14270)on operation %s. (14271) true. (14273)h an existing BEFORE-TABLE. (14274) (14276)E attached to %s or a valid 2nd parameter to use as a BI source. (14279)ord available in table %s. (14280)tors with the same number of parameters. (14291)se parent is %s. (14292)hrase is relevant. (14294)(14299)C. (14301)IC. (14302)Error code = %d (14337). (14341)ct. (14351) the query. (14352)or LONGCHAR fields. (14368) its codepage. (14370)f LONGCHAR. (14372) through %l. (14380)ters long. (14383)olock. (14408)ata. Expected: %i received %i. (14410)xflags %d typeflags %d flags1 %d createar %j. (14413)object list. (14418) values for this argument are %l through %l. (14420)tic members of the class. '%s' is an instance member. (14422)re '%s'. (14427)14439) operation (14441) statements or FINALLY statements are allowed. (14450)ub-routine. (14451)020559l CATCH statements or FINALLY statements are allowed until the end of the sompile more. (14454). (14458)n %l (14474)n %s. (14476)tion. (14483)he key might be invalid. (14490) set of the CLOB (14493)maximum record size (14495)s (14500)ng is enabled. (14510)use "_mprshut db -C aimgt". (14513)pecify the output destination after the name of the after image extent. (14517)uld not be found, the record will be deleted. (14521)executable is to run debugger. (14529)LOGIN-STATE: %s) (14546)state (LOGIN-STATE: %s) (14550)32000 (14555) (14562)omain: %s (14565) has already been called (14566)g ignored. (14570)ith this socket cannot continue. (14572) be used. (14573)ribe. (14575)layout. (14578)Input truncated. (14579)ed event. (14581)d name (unquoted). (14583) %s event. (14584)n ID information. (14585)t the PERSISTENT keyword unless the server is a Web service. (14587)s. (14589)reference provided for event handler %s. (14590)ABLE. (14594)14599) (14601)nature in super class. (14605)dle', 'memptr', or 'longchar'. (14607)tion was specified. (14610). (14613) URI. (14615)ion of the ELEMENT tag. (14616)ace prefix '%s'. (14617)ute '%s'. (14618)letion of the ELEMENT tag. (14619)ose was '%s'. (14621)osed. (14622) (14623)t fragment. (14626)id version is '1.0'. (14627)from within a static constructor. (14632)lass name. (14633)tance. (14634) or interface '%s'. (14635)(if the field is ascending). (14652)020615unbounded range. Check that the first value is less than the second value GT or GE. (14655) (5512) (14658) (40) (14675)%s database %s. (9451) (14676)atabase %s. (210) (14684)ray object. (14690)ted. (14692)essed due to an invalid date format. (14705)at %J. (14715)-preferidx index-name] (14735)020626ecified [owner].table.field operator value [AND operator value] directory [' (14738)p to a Temp-Table definition. (14749)tion Server is being notified. (14752)stract class or interface '%s'. (14753)tion in interface '%s' (14754)%s'. (14755)ers were passed to the constructor, or the constructor was not PUBLIC. (14758)cessing will continue once all Agents are available for processing. (14759)on processing will continue when the online backup finishes (14760)t. (14761)n' elements. (14762)d not be found. (14763)eplication Agent. (14764)n Agent. (14765) previous errors. (14766)ers in this version of the ABL. (14767)client/server connection will be disconnected. (14768)action ID applied is %d and is as of %s with a time difference of %s%s. (14769)020645 database may NOT be synchronized with its Source database. The last transed and the TCP/IP connection is being RESET. (14770)address or hostname %s. (14771)nt in the ABL UDF. Please regenerate the proxy. (14772) (14774)unning is %d. (14775)y '%s'. (14783)E access modifier on a GET or SET method. (14784)14785) PUBLIC and to have a PUBLIC %s. (14786)but in class '%s' it does not have a matching EXTENT option. (14787)lass '%s' defines it as an array. (14788)UBLIC and to have a PUBLIC GET and a PUBLIC SET. (14789)ybrid class that has already been DELETEd (14791)is continuing with -scan option. (14793) archival log file. (14794)020661al activities. The operation has completed, but it cannot be logged to theon of the .NET Framework installed on your machine. (14795)is continuing with -scan option. (14797)ramework version is not installed. (14798) (14802)14804)object type %d. (14809). (14822)xpected. (14823) (14825)tacktrace. (14826) %s, msgcode=%d, rowid=%j, fileno=%d, msglen=%l. (14829)s recursive, but you do not specify an arg when it is not recursive. (14831) (14833)owid %J area %l rmctl.recsize %d. (14834) (14836) container. (14838)ormally. Broker: %s. (14852)r: %s. (14854)roker: %s. (14855) %s. (14857)ker: %s. (14858)%s. (14860)er: %s. (14861): %s. (14863)oker: %s. (14864): %s. (14865)wid %J area %l size %d. (14883)ber %l (14896)re allowed as parameters for the EXTENT statement. (14901)he target is indeterminate. (14905)tch. (14910) return definition unless one of them is indeterminate. (14913)d-side is an array. (14917) caller parameter. (14919)020696in a group of overloaded functions -- use explicit INPUT/OUTPUT modifier on (14920)(14921)g (size = %d) (14922)14928)ress DB (14950)n (14958)GRS_NATIVE_LOCKWAIT to better service lock requests (14961)ed) (14981)ed) (14982)14983)ted) (14984)ted) (14985)(14986)eclen= %l, Numflds= %d, Avgicblen= %i,%r Estdatalen= %d%r (14999)15002)d = %i, table = %i, reclen = %i. (15004)ne %i. (15007) parameter. (15009) or INT64. (15012)ify for this setting. Native lock wait not set. (15015)al records returned= %l, Avgicblen= %l Cursor Type= %s (15026). (15035)%d failed. (15036)ll good. (15038)d good %d failed. (15039)cached schema (15045)%s (15049)rd size %l (15053)g cursor %s (15054)%s (15063)ck=%i (15066)020728l_LastBlockFillRate=%s%%, Total_RcdsFilledtoBlock=%l, Total_RcdsReadfromBlo020729e=%l, MaxRcdsize=%l, Possible_RcdsPerBlock=%l, Actual_BlocksFilled=%l,Actuaurrent_Max_FillRate = %l of %l bytes or %s%% (15067)E-ONLY ProDataset or temp-table as a parameter. (15074) %d type %d (15076) %d type %d (15077) type %d marker %d (15078)ct. (15084)(15090)led unexpectedly with status %l. (15091)(15092)x %d. (15093)020740n attempt by user %d at line %l in %s, msgcode %d, ROWID %j, table %d, indelock table. (15094)d. (15096): %l, logOpId: %l, seq is %d. (15097)rce's query %s, if buffer %s is the top of a FILL recursion. (15099)h. (15100)ompleted normally. (15101)d return value. (15103)lso box the elements (to System.Object). (15105) System.Object when calling an ABL method. (15106)will now begin recovery synchronization followed by normal processing. (15108)e broker or watchdog. (15111)020752 shutdown request. An emergency shutdown is being initiated by the databasance (15112)ance. (15115):%l, objID:%l. (15117)and re-loading class (15124)rror %l/%d. (15126)%d, error %l/%d. (15127) object %l/%d, error %l/%d. (15128)lass. (15132) events can be overridden. (15133)specified. (15134)tch its implementation. (15135)ou move it to area %d. (15137)g cipher %s after the move. (15138)Member (15139)ve a %s. (15145)that of the matching property in abstract class or interface '%s'. (15146)in abstract class or interface '%s'. (15150) (15151)ion. %r%s. (15157)wn so it is being deleted. (15159) %l. (15164)or record %j. (15173) %s. (15175) %j (15180)15191) database is performing an immediate shutdown. (15194)s, errno %l. (15198)ty to true so LOBs are ignored. (15199)if you've selected the "Delay Sign" check box. (15206)ss %s. (15214) Generic class %s (15216)policy V:%d ret: %i (15217) (15221)15224)sed improperly. (15225)ecimal places. (15228)he utility again to disable encryption completely. (15234)in the class hierarchy. (15237) the defining class. (15238)alue must be unqualified or use THIS-OBJECT within the classhierarchy. (15239)ue must be unqualified or use THIS-OBJECT within the defining class. (15240)must be unqualified or use THIS-OBJECT within the class hierarchy. (15241)st be or use THIS-OBJECT within the defining class. (15242)rrect: %s15251)no %l. (15252) for this connection. (15256)ata type (15258)/%l. (15260)n updated using the epolicy utility. (15266) (15267)l. (15277)oking a method or accessing a property. (15285)hed to it. (15289) not take an object instance parameter. (15291)eterList has been initialized previously for parameter %d. (15294) or DATASET-HANDLE or HANDLE types instead. (15296)hould be 'INPUT', 'OUTPUT', 'INPUT-OUTPUT' and so on. (15297)n class '%s'. (15298)ariable() or GetEvent() reflection method. (15302). (15303)the parameters passed. (15305) the value is an array, but not when the value is a scalar. (15308)meter (iomode), and not part of the last parameter (value). (15309)uctor could not be found. (15310)ssion unsuitable for output, nor a database field. (15311)eter(s). (15312)t in a NEW or Invoke method. (15313)d '%s'. (15316)method unless invoked within an appropriate context. (15317)ype '%s'. (15318)c. (15320)a. (15325)s . (15327)on. It must be a standalone statement. (15330) %s %s. rtc: %d. (15336)15339)t. (15341)ort. (15347)020832marker %d, expected %d. Please report this error to Progress Technical Suppte of %s %s. rtc: %d (15348)rtc: %d (15349)ryption for %s %s. rtc: %d (15350)ical Support. (15355)'. (15363)out of memory. (15399)15405) (15406) replication, requires the target database to be rebased. (15408)cryption. rtc: %d. (15409) %l (15417)t. (15428)input. (15429)le Bi Encryption. (15458)15460)base. (15463)number:%l. (15470). (15472):%l (15478)CALL object. (15481)15484)y command to change the existing policy's key. (15485)er. (15488)ta has been updated using the epolicy utility. (15493)ryption. (15498)failed. (15499)ypt it. (15500)reas. (15505) utility. (15506)ed. (15507) first be truncated - operation failed. (15508)up. (15518)020865ter successful completion of the command, the Keystore file must be backed-cked-up. (15519)n database. (15520)020868mmand, the Keystore file must be copied as Keystore file for the Replicatiopied as the Key store file for the Replication database. (15521)eas. (15524)copy of your key store. (15525)cribe. (15526)s been updated using the e-policy utility. (15529)ning. (15534)s. (15540)rno = %d (15554)15556)TABLE or DATASET parameters. (15560)pes, then they both must be. (15563)ass [%s] that has been modified. (15572)bject that has been explicitly deleted from the ABL. (15580)020882T. The object is either a form that has already been disposed or another o session, operation failed. (15591)sc object (15592)ndingSource. (15594)ding column's datatype from the ABL DataSource (%s). (15595)tion. (15596) specified an invalid DataMember property on the bound control. (15600)ress.Data.BindingSource object. (15603)fields. (15605)dle property. (15606)ent table was specified with SetFields() or the TableSchema property. (15607)ataSet must contain same number of tables specified at design time. (15608)can be turned on. (15609)und to a Buffer. (15610)y. (15611)020897 DataSource or the schema has already been set with the TableSchema propertngSource object. (15612)rker:%l, area:%l, dbk:%j, ret:%l. (15625) names. (15628) encryption cache without crash recovery. (15635)olicies will not be loaded to the encryption cache. (15636)he matching event in abstract class or interface '%s'. (15638)nly in the class where it is defined (and is not abstract). (15643) the signature of the event. (15644)'. (15645)cted. (15646)cted. (15647) (15649)020910e delegate used in the interface or abstract class that declares the event.mber of the class where it is defined. (15651)'%s'. (15652)RANSFER operation. Aborting. (15656)ist:NumParameters, must be a valid non-negative integer. (15672) or "user". (15680)this database. (15684) and has not been applied to this database. (15685)er into pre-transition state. (15686)not access the resources required. (15688)nnot be started. (15689)ocess never responded to the Replication Agent. (15690)nsition utility indicated an error %l. (15691)fore OpenEdge Replication can be started. (15693)t OpenEdge releases. (15694)tempting to flush the recovery subsystem. (15695)atabase is active. (15696)able or STATIC TEMP-TABLE. (15697)tion utility process ended with error %l. (15702) blocks. (15703)020930tion objects exist before it resumes processing source database after-image based upon the enablement on the source database. (15704)ncryption for this database. (15705)m allowed length. Replication cannot continue. (15706)tabase. (15707)020935t continue until the key store and Encryption Policy Area exist for this da020936inutes, but the object(s) still don't exist. The replication process cannoresume normal processing. (15708)erver appear to be different OpenEdge releases. (15710) %s. (15711)ol. (15713) %s. (15714)fter-image extents have been re-ordered and re-numbered. (15716)failover" from the target database. (15717)perty file for this database. (15718) does not have a truncated Bi File. (15720) (15723)t is bound to a .NET BindingSource. (15725). (15729)020949the same schema you specified at design time using the TableSchema propertyurce's TableSchema property (15731)super class signature. (15732)ents are not being replicated and then UNLOCKED. (15734)ted from the database. (15735)(asterisk). Valid Examples: 1, 1.2, 1.2.* or 1.2.*.4 (15736)020955ecify all version values or accept default by leaving blank or using the * %s. INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT-OUTPUT, or BUFFER must match. (15737) %s. (15738)15740)020959ported. The ABL cannot be called on a thread other than the main thread. (aSource that matches the new schema. (15744)020961tached. You must now reset the BindingSource's Handle property to a new Dats failed. (15749)r lock operation. (15750) (15758)ling of all active database processes. (15759)15761)020967known state resulting from a database crash while TDE was being disabled. (n %s. (15762)xceeded. (15763)l to the argument's value on the Source database. (15771)leDesc in dataset. (15785)ion Id: %d. (15787)ry db (%s). (15789)s). (15790) is not. (15792)ing a multi-tenant table (index). (15796)ime. (15797)chained reference. Doing an assignment will have no effect. (15798)requires table (index) area. (15820)i-tenant. (15822)se space of index/LOB partition %s. (15823)b space. (15829)ace", allocation. (15842)which appear in the current statement. (15852)ocks found. (15855) found. (15856)table, because it is ambiguous. Please use PRO_PARTN_ROWID instead. (15895) multi-tenant table. (15898)le unless query produces zero rows. (15899) LOBs, for the specified tenant or group. (15906)er-tenant. (15911)und. (15913)s found. (15919) exceeded the threshold. Threshold: %s Locks in use: %s (15926)-tenant Tables product is installed. (15929)nt cache. Statement caching for user %d is being deactivated. (15932) (15933)or table %s. (15951)enant table. (15953)unction. (15956). (15958)E-TENANT instead. (15964)ANT instead. (15965) Use TENANT-WHERE or SET-EFFECTIVE-TENANT instead. (15967)hrase. (15968)rmal WHERE phrase. (15969)WHERE phrase. Use TENANT-ID() or TENANT-NAME() instead. (15970) database name parameter. (15971)15972)021010not have the same base buffer name (e.g.Cust) as the record being sought. (ct or you can use CAST for other types. (15973)ter expression. (15974)pression. (15975)wn tenant. (15979)ed by another user. (15982)ir own tenant. (15984) tenant name different from your own. (15988)efault) has not been allocated. (15991)de: %l. (15995) is not supported. (15998)16003) multi-tenancy. (16004)e for multi-tenancy is not supported. (16006)ady been allocated. (16009)erence. Doing an assignment will have no effect. (16018)16025). (16026)n (16035)p-table definition. (16048)ame %s was used multiple times. (16051). (16073)for key %s recid %J. (16077)%j is out of sequence. (16078) key %s recid %j. (16079)t = %d, found %i. (16085), pend = %p. (16086)is block %j. (16087)index. (16109)ll indexes would become inactive. (16110) index. (16111) (16112)clude table or index areas. (16115)t be used. (16116) be used in column defination. (16117)altering the current value of a multi-tenant sequence. (16118)TVAL with multi-tenant sequences. (16119)exist. (16120)(16121)(16122) user. (16123)rea will be updated. (16128)ea will be updated. (16129) (16147)nabled. (16151)abled. (16152)(16163)Id is %d. (16168)Id is %d. (16169) %s (16177)d. (16213)abled. (16220)abled. (16223)16237)be the name of a super-tenant. (16255)ble %s due to schema restriction. (16256)ed data partition. (16257)_tbl(). (16260)nabled. (16282)abled. (16284)ck: %i. (16294)enabled. (16308)abled. (16309)s. (16314)te: %d. %s (16317)PPER on MSS Driver (16331)ed. (16338)d. (16339)nces must not be the name of a super-tenant. (16403)ions %s (16407)de (16410)16429)a multi-tenant table. (16453)disabled. (16462) (16468)(16470)with Progress.Lang.Class type %s. (16476) match an index (16481)uery (16482)S-AFTER. (16485)for buffer %s. (16486)rnCode is: %l (16502)(16517)16518)_Partition-Set (16536)eater that zero (16542)ete the sequence and recreate it (16552)me for a NEW statement. (16554)lti-tenancy (16561)ue (16566) Partition/Tenant/Group-------------------------------------tion %l. (16594)s begun. (16597)S-AFTER. Field %s not found for parent buffer %s (16611)same transaction. (16614)ry. (16618)n of type "_oeusertable" (16619)(16623)indexing error. (16639)uffer. (16640)ate named '%s': %s. (16642)umns of the blank domain (16644)s related _user rows (16645)approximations. (16651)l. (16652)on %i%ri, partition %i%r16672)021119f joins. Please increase sql server stack size or reduce number of joins. (in its corresponding FOR TABLE clause. (16676). (16679)021122osed before the widgets were destroyed. The AVM may be in an unstable stateeter (16684). (16692)lass %s. (16699) be used with arrays. (16700)t want to update virtual system tables (VSTs). (16701)overnor. (16702)es of an array is supported. (16704). (16706)g. (16709)cord %s. (16719)ith List value. (16725)il Table. (16730)Db-Detail Table. (16731)rent. (16732), or image data types. (16733)021138on operators cannot be used for character expressions mapped to text, ntextin the -Dsrv logentrytype parameter. (16735) tables. (16736)sistent trigger. (16740)0 or 1. (16742)nal statements. (16743)oker. (16744)ition is configured to start secondary broker. (16745). (16746)021147ransition is configured to start secondary broker with normal database-role(16751)urrent sort group (16758)a move operation. (16773)021151ource table version number: %d , can not perform data recovery through dat operation. (16774)ough data move operation. (16775)y through data move operation. (16777)ot perform data recovery through data move operation. (16778)overy through data move operation. (16779)overy through data move operation. (16780)astOfst: %l (16796)(16799)sed to the constructor, or the constructor was not PUBLIC. (16814)(16818)ecovery through data move operation. (16822)eration. (16823)021164e Object area number:%d. Can not perform data recovery through data move opion. (16824)021166%d, Source state:%d. Can not perform data recovery through data move operatta move operation. (16825)021168ctBlock:%d, Source objectBlock:%d. Can not perform data recovery through da. Can not perform data recovery through data move operation. (16826)021170. Target objectRoot:%d. The source Index number is:%d. Source objectRoot:%dd. (16829)021172 data move operation. Target indexnum %d area %d. Source indexnum %d area %ata recovery through data move operation. (16830)021174allocaton is %d. Source Index number: %d allocaton is %d. Can not perform ddata recovery through data move operation. (16831)021176ectblock is %d. Source Index number: %d objectblock is %d. Can not perform erformed. (16832)erformed. (16833)e Seq Num: %d . The operation cannot be performed. (16834)med. (16835)021181t match. Target init: %s , Source init: %s . The operation cannot be perfor be performed. (16836)021183mber do not match. Target incr: %s , Source incr: %s . The operation cannot%s , Source min: %s . The operation cannot be performed. (16837)tion. (16838)021186%s , Source max: %s . Can not perform data recovery through data move operaperformed. (16839)021188t match. Target Cycle-Ok: %d, Source Cycle-Ok: %d. The operation cannot be : %s, Source Owner: %s. The operation cannot be performed. (16840)tion cannot be performed. (16841)021191e value must be true. Target Attribute: %d, Source Attribute: %d. The operad. (16842)lly want to enable MT Index Rebuild support? (y/n) (16847)021194ime issues to pre-11.3 clients that connect to this database. %rDo you rea. (16876)021196transaction ID applied is %j and is as of %s with a time difference of %s%s021197rected, but it may NOT be synchronized with its Source database. The last mages. (16883)e them before disabling JTA. (16888)ea will be updated. (16912)area will be updated. (16913)d. (16923)GLETON procedures (16929) %s (16934) (16935)%s (16938)(16940)lication (16941)by named REST Manager (16944)ct %s.%s. (16947)t %s.%s. (16948)lags: %i (16951)l. (16982)l. (16983) (16985)les or indexes. (16986)tinue? (Y/N) (16987)021218ting data first.%rHave you archived the data already and do you want to conter is invalid or empty. (16992): %s (16993)ress.Lang.Class:Invoke. (17007)(17008)xpected. (17010)able %s is incomplete. (17012)cannot delete its own class or procedure. (17017)it may modify the database. (17018)the protection. (17019)021228 You may use the proutil -C dbrestrict datamove disable command to disable moved by datamove. (17024)peration. (17031)nce operation. (17034)e. (17036)d (17041)acters might not convert correctly. (17042). (17051)oved. (17052)ng. (17057)eter. (17064) recovery through data move operation. (17070)bled for %s. (17072)y modify the database. (17075)n. (17076)021243y use the proutil -C dbrestrict %s disable command to disable the protectiofield, a class variable or property, or a buffer-field attribute. (17089) a dynamic-property expression. (17090)ble %s where the value is not in one of the defined partitions. (17094) %d. (17104) (17106) %l (17108)ntinue adding extents online? (y/n)not be reported. (17152)17155)17165) %l. (17173)s, errno %l. (17175)17181)tenant %s. (17182)ror %l. (17183)ea %d...on will be used. (17211) configuration will be used. (17212)PE is 'WEBSERVICE'. (17215)YPE is 'WEBSERVICE'. (17217)base is in use by another process. (17233)17234)in use by another process. (17235) not be created. (17247)een created for: %s (17248)pp (17250)eady been set to TRUE (17254)lready been set to %s (17255)(17256) (17283)e %s (17289)(17293)or %l (17297)le %d request (17307)l. (17309)l. (17310)va clients. (17311)ocks found. (17319) found. (17320)ation. (17335)in the %s operation. (17336) area %d, they cannot be merged. (17340)ancelled. (17342) in area %d, they cannot be merged. (17343)(17345)n cancelled. (17346)n cancelled. (17348)%l. (17357)inactive. (17365)ence. (17376)%j. (17380)ss partition or composite arguments. (17381) (17382)ion to be split. (17387)d:%j, error:%l. (17388)e %d, area %d. Error code is %l. (17393)ition %d, table %d, area %d. Error code is %l. (17394) blocks found. (17397)%d failed. Error %i. (17398) (17399)ence. (17401)ime. (17404). (17410)d table (index). (17421)l be updated. (17426)ords found. (17438) blocks found. (17439)ords found. (17446)ld you like to specify partition name (y/n)021313If you do not specify partition name, all partitions will be processed. Woucords that belong to those partitions will not be loaded. (17454)ated or does not exist. (17455)ee unused area descriptors. (17463) %d. (17464)s. (17475). Return code = %i. (17476)(17478)ror code is %d, instance %d. (17479)%d. Return code is %d. Instance %d. (17480)ber %d, partition %d. Return code is %d. Instance %d. (17481) (17485)021325, note logicalOpId %d, note logicalOpType %d, RG lock table logicalOpId %d.te logicalOpId %d, note logicalOpType %d, RG lock table logicalOpId %d. (17486)ration, merge cancelled. (17504)(17511)peration. (17516)eration cancelled. (17525)bled for table partitioning. (17532)able (17535)(17537)table. (17550)(17556) (17557)Timeout): %l. (17567) select list. (17573) for corruption before restarting. (17574)olicy for the table. (17575)ition-Policy-Details for the table (17576)(17581)activity from a database utility. Re-run analysis. (17603)021344 %d partition %d may not be displayed. This may be caused by concurrent utility operation (17604) (17609)target partition's components. (17610) (17611)local index. (17612)il rows (17613)umber has been set (17615) exists (17616)tabase utility (17618)tabase utility (17619)me list. (17629)ed. (17630)or table partitioning. (17637) table. (17638) (17640)artition column. (17647)17649) rows already exist with the same _Object-number. (17650)ess it is a composite partition. (17652)licy-Detail row. (17653)ing a failed merge operation. (17663)n specifications. (17665) by the ABL. Perhaps use the Partition-Obj-IValue index instead. (17666)mn (17667) object (17675) (17676)is different (17677)ge key value of existing partition %s. (17678)t range (17684)ng range (17685) area will be updated. (17688)'s area will be updated. (17689)ge operation. (17691) cannot be moved. (17692)ns (17694)t = %l (17697)n allocated (17698)-Name (17699) a table to a partitioned table (17701)on-Policy table (17702)ioning (17703)ed table to be partitioned. (17707)%d in %s ret. (17709)lude table or index areas. (17710) be used. (17711)it is the first entry in the -Dsrv logentrytype value (17714)lid procedure handle (17715)pe (17719)er of partition keys. (17721)ial order. (17725) a valid data storage area. (17726)st key values. Partitions %s have same leading list key values. (17731)17734)enance operation. (17735)mplete db maintenance operation. (17736)been validated. (17737)t, partition '%s' (17739) (17740)nnect instead. (17743)b file%rwas generated from so the data can be loaded accordingly. (17744)021405Endianness).%rPlease tell the endianness of the source machine where the .d.%r (Both are big or little endianness machines) (17745)021407%r 1 - The endianness of the source machine is the same as the current one input you choice: (17746)021409 (One is big endian machine and the other is little endian machine)%rPleaseon, merge cancelled. (17747)17748)cancelled. (17749)ation (17750)(17754)e, operation cancelled. (17755)error:%l. (17757)rror: %s. Action Name: %s (17758)(17768)dex. (17769)base, operation cancelled. (17773)lled. (17774) number: %l, partition Id: %d. (17777)e number: %l, partition Id: %d. (17778)n use. (17785)s %d, level is %d, current key is %d, offset is %d, function is %s (17808)artition:%s, expected:%l, found:%l. (17809). (17817)17819)e. (17821)l-partition table. (17822)'%s' (17825)ion is read-only. (17830)ET only at beginning of a transaction. (17831). (17836)ret %l. (17837)17838)J (17853)17861). (17862)abled for read-only partitions. (17868)ITE. (17874)tion cancelled. (17876)17877) is in use by another process. (17892)to COMPOSITE INITIAL. (17895), operation cancelled. (17896)s (17899)17903)peration cancelled. (17905)n cancelled. (17906)n cancelled. (17907) (17908)implemented. (17909)s ambiguous. Please use PRO_PARTN_ROWID instead. (17911)rchive the data and empty auditing data tables before the conversion. (17915)invalid. (17923)invalid. (17924)17925)%s.%s, which is not allowed. (17926)state from all partitioned objects: (17927)rom partitioned objects. (17928) object state and has disabled the feature. (17930) equal to source partition boundaries. (17931) to any partition after new value is assigned. (17932)being copied by Partition Copy. (17936)ied by partition copy. (17937)procopy can proceed. (17941)ason : %s partition cannot be copied. (17944)he table has value exceeding its max length or precision. (17947)source and target DB, partition copy cancelled. (17948)t be copied. (17949)ame of the file '%s'. (17951)tition cannot be copied. (17958)se cannot be used. Please use FOR PARTITION clause instead. (17959)in an INTERFACE statement. (17962)M statement. (17965)han USING. (17966)l (17983)partition cannot be copied. (17985)%i partition %d rowid %j (17986) rowid %j (17987)copied. (17988) to the source database table version number: %d (17989)ct area number %d. %s %s cannot be copied. (17991)s %s cannot be copied. (17992)nnot be copied. (17993)uncated. (18005)%i. (18015)------------------------------------------------- Meanase. (18025)(18027)elled. (18033)database log file. (DBMan038)options. (DBMan030) valid service name. (DBMan036) permitted. (DBMan006)an009)is properly configured (DBMan023)r: %s (DBMan014)ible. (18111)(18112) indicator %d. (18114) connect process for this agent will now stop. (18116)nt reconfigured for Manual Transition (18119)Instance %i. (18120)t will not be registered. (18132)os %d lobObjId %l (18152)ccurate LOB statistics. (18154)021512cords are in area %d. Perform analysis without specifying an area to see aea to see accurate LOB statistics. (18155)021514records are in a different area. Perform analysis without specifying an aror table %d. (18161)ance %d. (18170)nce %d. (18171) %d, indicator %d. (18172) %d errno %d, instance %d. (18173)instance %d. (18175) (18178)hange table %d, errno %d, instance %d. (18179). (18180)st %d. (18182)k items at this moment. Work item %s has been dropped. (18183)rent users. Transaction table size is set to %d. (18185) it represents a non-public class element. (18188)es not take an object instance parameter. (18189)takes an object instance parameter. (18190)ame type as either the Originating or the Declaring class. (18191)r Class' (18198)ning off %s. (18199)covery. Turning off %s. (18200)e DataServer is incompatible. (18201)ize value. (18213)d (18219)ked serializable. (18227)r= %s (18239)ng current directory. (18240)%s (18244)process = %s (18245) = %s (18247)for agent process = %s (18248)ss = %s (18249)(18250)cting (%s) : got (%s) (18254) + %s (18256)(18261) %s (18262)eue to %s = %s (18266)ible. (18269)18270)ction = %s (18272) already exists (18273)ction : size= %d max= %d (18274)nnection = %s (18275)= agent is invalid (18280)ent to the pool. An existing agent with the same agentID was found. (18282)ric value. (18284)ean value. (18285)s not exist. (18287)r (%s) = %s. (18288) (18289)hile stopping inactive sessions = %s (18290)own : rqState= %s. (18291)shutdown : sessionState= %s. (18292)18296). (18298)ge %s = %s. (18301) bound= %s : %s. (18304)s (18305)18306) this session. (18327)uest. (18329)%s. (18336)rties. WebApp will not be registered. %s. (18338)%s. (18339)s. (18340)LY. (18343)ails. (18344)021581 of %s. Message details: %s. Check AdminServer log file for additional detase or AppServer Development. (18357)se nor AppServer Development. (18358)it fires when ABL code has subscribed to it. (18359)021585vention for event signatures. There may be a program crash or exception if m an input stream. (18365)18366)(18368)18369)(18376)DC identifying index. (18383)lled. (18384)range of valid UTF-8 code points. (18387)