[Startup] V6Display=no ;ImmediateDisplay=yes ;MultitaskingInterval=100 DefaultFont=MS Sans Serif, size=8 DefaultFixedFont=Courier New, size=8 [Colors] ;****************************************************************************** ; THE DEFINITION OF COLOR 0 THROUGH 15 IS PRIVATE TO THE PROGRESS ADE. ; MODIFYING COLORS 0 THROUGH 15 MAY PREVENT THE PROGRESS ADE FROM RUNNING. ; The following color definitions correspond to the ADE standards. ; 0 to 15 - reserved color0=0,0,0 color1=0,0,128 color2=0,128,0 color3=0,128,128 color4=128,0,0 color5=128,0,128 color6=128,128,0 color7=128,128,128 color8=192,192,192 color9=0,0,255 color10=0,255,0 color11=0,255,255 color12=255,0,0 color13=255,0,255 color14=255,255,0 color15=255,255,255 NORMAL=0,15 INPUT=15,0 MESSAGES=15,1 [Default Window] ;x= ;y= ;rows= ;columns= [fonts] ;****************************************************************************** ; THE DEFINITION OF FONT 0 THROUGH 7 IS PRIVATE TO THE PROGRESS ADE. ; MODIFYING FONTS 0 THROUGH 7 MAY PREVENT THE PROGRESS ADE FROM RUNNING. ; The following fonts definitions correspond to the ADE standards. ; ? - DefaultFont from Startup Section ; 0 - DefaultFixedFont from Startup Section (1 char per PPU) ; 1 - Proportional System Font ; 2 - Editor Font for 4GL program entry ; 3 - TTY Simulator (should be fixed) ; 4 - Dynamically-sized widgets, eg status-line, selection-list ; 5 - Static widgets, eg. combo-boxes ; 6 - Dynamic, bold (TranMan2) ; 7 - Reserved font0=Courier New, size=8 font1=MS Sans Serif, size=8 font2=Courier New, size=8 font3=Courier New, size=8 font4=MS Sans Serif, size=8 font5=MS Sans Serif, size=10 font6=MS Sans Serif, size=8, bold font7=MS Sans Serif, size=8 [WinChar Startup] ;DLC= ;PROCFG= ;PROMSGS= ;PROPATH= ;****************************************************************************** ; The "SingleLineBorder" setting allows you to define the characters used to ; draw all borders or "boxes" in character mode. ; The right side of the equals sign "=" must be a comma-delimited list of ; eight numbers, corresponding to the values of the characters in your ; -cpstream character set. The order of values MUST BE the following: ; ; top, bottom, left, right, top left corner, top right corner, ; bottom right corner, bottom left corner ; ;SingleLineBorder=45,45,124,124,43,43,43,43 ;****************************************************************************** ; The "SysCheckmark" setting allows you to define the character used to mark ; a selection in various widgets, e.g., browser, selection list. The right ; side of the equals sign "=" must be a single numeric character value. ; SysCheckmark=251 ;****************************************************************************** ; The "BrowseRowMarker" setting allows you to define the character used for ; the browse widget's row marker. The right side of the equals sign "=" must ; be a single numeric character value. ; ;BrowseRowMarker=42 [WinChar Colors] color0=WHITE/BLUE "NORMAL" color1=BLACK/GRAY "INPUT, UNDERLINE" color2=BLACK/GRAY "MESSAGES, REVERSE" color3=BLUE/WHITE "HIGHLITE, HELP" color4=BLINK-RED/WHITE "URGENT" ;NORMAL=WHITE/BLUE ;INPUT=BLACK/GRAY ;MESSAGES=BLACK/GRAY [WinChar Default Window] ;rows=25 ;rows=50 [WinChar Keys] ;GO=F1,CTRL-X [ProADE] ;DividerFgColor=15 ;DividerBgColor=1 ;OKBoxFgColor=1 ;OKBoxBgColor=8 ;FillinFgColor=0 ;FillinBgColor=8 ;Editor4GLFgColor=DEFAULT ;Editor4GLBgColor=DEFAULT ;Editor4GLFgSmallColor=0 ;Editor4GLBgSmallColor=8 ;FixedFont=0 ;StandardFont=1 ;Editor4GLFont=2 ;EditorTabStop=4 [Proedit] SaveSettings=no BufList= [RBStartup] ;RBSTARTUP= [ReportBuilderSaveList] ActionBar=1 FormatBar=1 FieldNames=0 SortFieldNames=0 ShowHiddenTables=0 PasteArgs=1 ShHzRul=1 ShVtRul=1 ShGrd=1 Maximize=0 NotFirstTime=0 Library= Report= [ReportBuilderPreferences] InstantRep=2 PromptFields=1 ScrBarHz=1 ScrBarVt=1 PromptConnection=0 [ReportBuilderDefaults] DefMeas=1 PgLM=1 BotM=50 LeftM=50 RightM=50 TopM=50 RulPit=10 VRulPit=10 Pts=120 SnapTo=1 Color=0 WidthRep=1 WidthColor=8 FaceName=Arial LogF=No LogT=Yes LibDir= DatabaseDir= ImgDir= UDFDirectory= MemExt=TXT ImgExt=BMP ImageQuality=0 ; This section defines the Java environment. [JAVA] JDKHOME=[[install-dir]]\jdk JREHOME=[[install-dir]]\jre JVMEXE=java